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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1906)
EaBaRa THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING! OCTOBER ti. WW. FOR SALEREAL E8TATE. Another Hew Tract Just Platted, Sale Opened Today This la to greatest nap la see tags tbe people of Portland bare ma for many a 47; U torsi; edjolnlng carllne; la alfb gists of eeltlrstloa; aoma bearerdam I ad; prise ul creak. ACREAGE Worm MOO par acta sow sffsrsd pat $150 and tip Monthly payments or 2 to I yaarg' tlms at 7 par cant 'at, ... West Side Acreage Schuyleman & Co. BOOMS $4 AND 8k, m4 WASHINGTON ST. (1,260 BUYS ftos Aroem reelgeao. oa 16tb. near Balmoat; pall brick baaamant. flaa lawa, cainaat walks, modsn: this is worts loot lot up , part cash. $3.850 A-room molars cottage; A room mnibm cottsss. at 26th 1,600. oni I OUataaj; thtaa an now and ap to data; nothing nicer U cast Portland; easy tans. 1 1 300 Broom sow eotttgs as good at Mldwey; SaPwood ear; part cask. $850 each for I Ma 60x100 on Boat Slat, naar eartlBs; sssy tanas. $460 cash Obs tot 80x106, ltd, aaar last tars. SO.00O SOtlOO. 2-etory frama. par month; East Morrlaoa and look tlila ap. I1U naar iBiru; BBVBB A MILLBB. GOOD Suanyatda lots, araaad Mth aad Morrl aon. from U0 to 1000. Borer Millar. 404 East Aldar at. WO BA-BGAINS Quarter block lith aad asset Stark, ft, (00; aad Xi arms oa the 0. W. P. carltad and Baas Lisa road. aoree etear, silenced sad ruostag water; O a Ban Sellwood too riTS-rooea hooae lea are.. block, from carllne; email cellar, flaa yard ana lewn. Owe lot 1st on the rleer front orertooktnx the (lake, m City View Park; this Is COM ef the cboica tots on the bosler.rd. tl.soo -rootn hoses In Ota View Park; fine rard: neat little home. We hero saasa email acre tracts neer Sell wood; waa or two cMekea reaches: alao saaxe aood hot sitae to terme. Hossstm Jreca WOO to (5,000; tots ta sB parte of City V lew I'erk. If 70a hare property to sell Hot It with Ba for galea ret area. Moorhouse and French Pluses. Sellwood Ta. 1670 Baat 13th St. 7.000 A B-roaat reeldeace oa Nob Hill. Ik the ceate of ale fwtttoashto community, with 60x100 fart of groaad for (7.000; this Is a bargain for Bocae one who wanta to more direct I7 into a finished borne, or it can be rented ta advantage. BEAVKH BAt,TI LU Phoao Mate KWU 424 Lumber Bx Change. BOB 8 A LB Some rood baraakea to lota, right est the earn no. oa easy terms; srreage from 1 to 175 acres. Largest ll.t of property sod beet berg aloe in the county Mi. scon swat Batata uev, treats, vs. tei SOO PABMS, email tracts aad tots: bargain. 00 o. w. p. electric use. u. at. aoxnnoi Oregon. Take Mount Scott ear. Sc. (8,000 PI NB auborban term end chicken rench. SB acree. aaar city. Sea parttmlarr sndrr "Par SalePrama." West. 107 Bkerieek bmg IP you are looking for a bargain In boo 00 end lot. or recant lota, don't fall to ass as. Metropolitan. SIM Alder. Psoas If. 7-BOOM modem bouse. Holladay Park; lateet I taiga; erery thing con Ten lest asd cosaplete. Pause Bast 242S. gaae GOOD 5-room hooae end 2 tots In Moata rtlla: part Cash. (2.000 7-room hooae, 48th end Bast Yam hill, part cash. AND (5.S00 for as exceedingly fine boy on Broad way, la Irrl BaTton. AI.BBB BBNHAM COMPANY, Mais 8004. Concord bids. For Sale If takes within s week ONB THOUSAND dollar lees then actual eatae will bur e otcs modern home, eleae la; tot 260x7 ft feet. 2 beautiful lots oa Portland Heights; fall view of the city; l.Boo. Bualneaa oaraar. etaaa la. 100X100 feet; ogees balldlngs; Income $178 per saonth. Pour new 6-roem modern Seta, corner lot. S2xi00 fast. Income SOO par month. JT.OfiO. THB MOBTGABB ODABANTBB TBU8T COMPANY. SB le Tenth at. Owner's Loss YOU GAIN. Mica IS room hoaae. tot 75x100 feet. 1 fruit, alee lawn, feared, aaar St. lohns line; bargain at $1,250 for a few oars; tar Schuyleman & Co. Way Below Cost Owser wast ga east st once: ta etogaat saw modern 5-room cottage, tot 100x100 feat. 100 feet from eerllne BABOAIN1 00MB QUICK. Schuyleman & Co. BBB IB SOMETHING GOOD S alee lerel acres aa carllne, good liaatate ments. 4 cnltlated; oa good gra rated road ta city; rick garden lead; Saa water; turn DAT 00.. IStVa Pwarth st. WBST SIDB corner lot. orer H Monk, for (10 000. ft-room cot Ufa In Alblna for $1,200. SOS COMMERCIAL, BLK., BA BO AIMS POM SOMBONB. My sugars 0-roem bagti. fail brick bee. meat, big tot 68x141. sll kinds large sad mell fruit, two Mock a to heat carllne $1 city, mall barn. eT7007Varl etas. N 18MF 41st sod Baat Tar lor. Owner; pboae Bast SMS. Send One Dollar Bad we will Hat 70a property with 1.000 real estate dealers who are as a ax leas ta can e ceaualsalon a a you are to sell; ear plan seldom fella; aaad dasarrpttoa; wa ere helping WUiTUSi. totsTVxttU or -goo. BEAD, AND CONSIDSB WBLL. Ws yea wfld Itada to westers oregoa from (4 to (10 per fbto toad to sseaaa ta when Bat la cult It. It wtn pay the Mrestat 01 hamaaaekar to laeastagate this proposition. Ws asm hare ajessj toraraesd farms, city property and ere .,. as wm ilia aad timber lasda. Cease ta U "tIIBKIM. WALK BR. Pwre&gVr- FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Another Tract Of excellent toast has Just base parrbaaad Say Spot Cash SB Schuyleman & Co. 'IrsSeaf i ' ' This la probably the moat deelrabto of any toad saw ewsed by us. 44 Acres AH lerel. In high state af rultlrnttuo. reach beavardaa Und; s SO-foot creek oa eaeh tot. Abundance af water far Irrigating purpose.. Close to town sad Urge nlath-frsds school. Crossed by the Portland-Salem Inter-urban sad Oswe&o-Hillsboro Car Lines $140 to $150 Per Acre Easy Terms - Proas 1 to 8 'ears' time; longer If desired. What The Journal ears a boot the Portland-Salem-Interurban crossing tbls tract; "The motor ssaakas will be handsomely finished sad will ba pro aaad with bsggaxe room, amoker and cbslr a part meat a. with waabrsoaas am conrenlencss prorided la fire t claaa .team equipment, while the Pullmss sleepere. svsa to the SSXSS typs of windows. "IBs care wiU be (6 feet Is length, and Seared so ar to asks SO ml lee aa hour.' This to poeltlTely the greatest " the market. Tea will be within 20 suaates' rids of the hesrt of tit city. This acreage to start (M00 per sera. New said In competition for the low price of (140 and apT Schuylemai & Co. 227 1-2 Washington Street Rooms 34-35 TOO AH COBDIAIXY INVITED TO CALL AND INVESTIGATE THESE BARGAINS. ST, OOP ak block, rest soo month, close us. fe.WiO f hooees aa Union are., rent 840. (2,8004 cottagee aa wast side; ansa. p.000 8 hearsss sa carllne, rente (28. tern room eeaaa. trss. etc. a bams oa W.-W. carllne (2,300 New modern cottage la Sunnyaide. C.250 B room cottage, Sooth Portland. il.oOO 5 room cottage near Bancroft at 1.100 S room cottage on TtlTlelnn at. (1.0S0 Cottege, barn, lot 100x100. 11,100 room hooae aa W.-B. carllne. (1.000 Neat cottage la Sellwood. a, barn, looxiiw; cows, as house to Tremont. tsstoTcsT BaarMtdaS; iT" snott Lot aa seat xsaaaeoe si. (soo Lot to, St. Joaae, oa j. oocwor set aa ttsstx Lot on Multnomah are. 14 block oa Bast Eighth tad Tealao. (000 A flaa corner lot In Otty Vtow Park (too A lot sb aaat arcs, aaar lot In Hlshlsnd. (SO A lot ta Arista No. B (50010 seres la orchard la Cellfornle. -pOO SO acres In Oowltta eoaaty; ensp. 12.000 so seres near nils moos (50040 acree tat Ctoekamss oounty; BBS p. (20040 seres to Lsne county; snap. 1100 to aeon creese close In. We can mske ttrtss ta aalt nnrcbsm say of shore barge las. STATE LAND CO.. lSSVi Fire St. X.25cV8-roopi boaas. lot 00x100. la Sunnyaide. 82. 40O The 6 room bones tad earner let to Sonnyalda. M to Bonnyalde. (1.000 4 room hooae and 2 Iota on E. d treat. etreet. (660 Quarter block aaar Union are. ; bean- ttfal building alt.. (1.250- 6 acree 7 mUes oat; (6004 acres near Oregoa City. With 4 room house and barn. ion oa Norm M st. RBOIRTER d) CO.. 107H Third et. Sellwood A French. 1670 B. 18th. Phone Sellwood 74. cite View Park lot.. 8878 sad as; Addtttoa lots, $100 snd up; $5 down and 88 a mentk. Hamas rroaa genu to sa.000. uora gsou apd up. property 1b sll Bsrts cat Sellweod. with us; we will sail It. Willamette Tract On Willamette boowrard. ore r loot Ins cttr aad rlrer, B-eentfare.lotBSOxluo feet; price C35. ?gwstrL WlUsmette s t?t tooTs ?" Jobas ear. BRAND-NEW baaas. select setgSorbood. Bear csr; price, st rase lag ail around; taraa; gay rent to yoBTislft see this. THB CONTINENTAL CO.. 248 Stark St. 6-ROOM ei ao sad lot la North Irrlnrton: nrloe $1,400; $400 esah, balanos $10 per assath. Lone.' Trimble A Trimble 1, Sll Maramam. bO ACRES choice farm land, sand new 6-room boaas, bars, t curtersa, fruit, berries; eery deelrable for home; H mile Berth Gray'a eroeslns. Men at Scott canine. George Clark. WB HATB yast temple tod two new modern rse Itaacaa st Archer Place; one a ssvaa team boaas ($2,150), and the other s Mx-roaas boa. ($1,850). One-third esah snd be Uses aa secy aaltlj payments, both hsrgalsa. B. P. CANNON CO.. SOB McKay bldg. Third tad Stark eta. 1 BBT Ana - - Ualahla aaaall with Saa slew: tents; (4.500. Rutherford A Co.. 817 Commercial blk. Pboaa Mala 610. ONE af the finest borne, oa the east side mast be oold tble week, 8 nles large rooms, tot 80x120, high up. with Sbs slew; brick foundation, cement baeeaetat, faraaee. Bu tton, ry tabs, gsa aad electric light, hot snd coed weter: only (4,500) (3.800 down, bal ance on time to ealt. sTuTHEBFOBD A CO.. 817 Commercial blk. Phase Main 6120. SB Down TBBMONT PLACE (8 pertfoath Lata (SO to (too in tbto rhatcs sad oVeotl fnl aabarbaa addition ; price, will sasa dsabto; eeer 88 said la last tew days: get ta before they are e gone; tot 40x120 feet. 20 foot alley.; Woodstock or Moaat Scott eai- FBANK POBTBB Vaabtof tea sc. v ast eoraer lot. ear; mast aaU. Union 6218. I t hsrs aaa 8H. one 38, oae 16. eae 5. oae 14 ACBBS 1 mile wast eg Ctackssaaa rs thread ststroa; pries (8.200. beUdtag. 1 a steca: ceate aad are. J. Msbr. Mllwsekle. Oregoa. B. P. D. S4 ' SB. 700 HolUAay Park addtttoa. quarter block, aaa black ta car. TOWN SEND A DBLA8HMUT. (OS Aider at- rases A. 500 Homes For Sale Fsrxss 1 1 tea City PlsSMtf. THB IKTBSTOBS OVIDsT CO, 111 B FINE tots, I Stack fmaa esrllae. la Kera &? vjaasr. (SOO 6-BOOM bowse, fall tot. (326 gown. Bad a ace StS sar saaatk. inquire 1884 Bsst Utk at., SeOwaed. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. (800 HANDLBS M sc gssr 114 muss rsaas (800 DOWN, win a tea your rest sad Place Tea in t fine 6 room bungalow on 8 fine wall lmprod tola. 80x100 each, right on esrllns. PINB saw Braces boose. (4,000; 87! fhlw as. n aai aM all txuy. uwBsr. PbaSa Bast FOR SALE FARMS. 4 ROOM cottage. 4 tots 80x100 each wsil tax. n ; nrlc pro red. North Mesat Tabs atatlon (l.B (1.008 cash. 10 acres. 1U miles from Otaeksaana ata tlon; sll lmprpred. 8 seres beererdam. fair building., price ($.800; would .irhaags for Southern Oregon -or Canfoaxda acreage. 8 room boose, S Iota 5Uxl2B each; property sll wsll lmprsred sad a bargtto st the price, 88.000. $1,000 will handle 480 seres of gnod grata land: 100 acres la crop, one third goes ta purchsssr. Bolt t la 6-room stoats (8 mors rooms eaa he Snlsasd as) tat exchanse tor good eases of 10 to 10 rooms; Ineretlgate. TURNER WALKER, 806 Vk Washington St.. Boom 4. FARM FOB SALE. 12 miles west at Portland. Wsshlrartoa county, for cash only; 58 acree, S clear. well cultlTstsd. ta ereek; good well, SftiBg. fine fruit, new wire fence., good 6 room house, barn, household gooda. chickens, bees. toola. etc. ; c: 1M miles irons rauroaa. aeaooi and church. Telephone line, milk ioute. ax. ana csaxvu. irM.pu. im, - P. D. (4,500. Mrs. A. B. Luetecher. Bearer Ion, oregoa. S ACRES 12 cultlssted; (800 timber; stock crop; 1.500 fast from ears. (1.050. (04 Gold smith st. SMALL PABM rOB SALE 7B acree, 60 la ealtlrattoa, IS seta saga sad 16 saw. all wsll polled wired, send hoc boose, sll fenced, fair snd sad barn, family orchard, lfc mites ta aaad town, soma pasters sad timber, til good land, writ toes ted: beta to a b.rgain; ! crop, of hops st the present price will say for the place; this Is a bsrgsln at (6,000. la oalrs of WARREN A STATBR, McMlaarUto. Oregon. $8,000 -FINS lit tie suburban farm. 82 acres. ob Cornell road, aaar city; nen sou. most under cultleatue: a utua timber, saot corciwofwt roe a life: nssrtos orchard, oear tree.; sow tiwi. , n fruit and cSlcken-haaata; good well end prints; sit fenced; new electric lias sar 'iorfiartoe, KZ PABM FOB SALE Iranrored farm, IBS Sorea, 7 miles ssst af Habaard; S acres la hops; $88 sa acre; half esah, balance tlasa, salt purchaser. James Baa, Route 2, Hubbsrd. Or. 814 ACBBS, half tslto seats of O. W? P. Bae, Is miles from city; sll down timber: sssUy cleared; $80 per scr. MtOsr, 404 B. Aider. good terms. Barer A FOB SALE Choice 200-aere term at DUlay, waabtngtoa county; au scrss ooiiom una, good building., close to town LltttohatosTFoTSStOTWTS, Or, d bwlldlBgs. close to town ana ran. 1. a HOMESTEADS I bare sheet It bom sets, da tor mtvwwui wtmm . uu, hw ' "t miles from Columbia rlrer and north bank mad. Inquire st BIT Chamber af Commerce, city. Lifts tract., s miles from center of dty 1 mils ta railroad atatlon; fine soil, a rack or era eel : water Breed to sseb tract under ; $100 to $200 ner Baser Miller. 40-foot presence; water free acre, aa rery sssg 404 East Alder St. GOOD farm, aaar1 Portland. 8$ acree: ZB CBltlTatsa. s n. none. m orcnaro. large trees; 7 room hard Hnlshsd house, haras. er; near eiecinc 11ns; man uuwnn early possssslon: price to Tow ea this. . Ban Lead 60.. 14SH First st. rant: ear (S.800 BA lit! OR RENT 2 raBchss Ol eaSy terms. Inquire st 408 Bgiaeir at. MonUTllla. Oregon. en a ran at Head Hirer IU mile, frc roana orchard aad soaae; (4A00. J. H Pray. SSS WIlBaaxs se. T8-CBBr. besutlfsl toeattoa. aa Cetom- opposlts Lstoersll Fslh; besttasd- toe. acbooL I, tsiapasas D. claaa. SlBrtss V 77. TIMBER. Yellow Hr 7.000.000 teat ta section 62. towssblp SI south, range S wast; splendid logging; stream; $2,500 If sold st once. X 60. car. Journal CERTIFIED scrip, say alas ptoses; 1 prlcss. W. O. Howell, SSS Chamber of Timber Wt bore parebssers for large aad email tracta af timber; oat patron abase has placed (40.000 at oar disposal. What bars 7 eat Owners only. Schuyleman and Co. 84 35. 227 U Waahlngton St. Yellow Hr and Sugar Pine ISO acree In eectloo 14. township BX sontb. range S west; 82.000 If sold id stoncs. T. 88, esrs journal. Yellow Pine XXair aectlon relkrw nine, nit 8.800.000 feet township 17 south, range IS east; (2.500 If song st once, av am MINES AND INVESTMENTS. THB i. C. I EK COMPANY HIGH-CLASS STOCKS AND BONDS. ' Wo art slways In tee market either to buy ar aell an7 acttre mining or Industrial stock.. It will ps7 70B to get ear price.. W. H. DONAHUE. Ur. Brokerage Dept. COBUR D'ALENE MINING STOCKS. I am In the Store, et to bay or ssll sny fl rel et ... Coeur d Alcoe or Ns.ada mining stacks; see me fur l.teet tafnrmstlon regard! dj Baats. T. P7 BROWN. 401 McKay Blk CP Inclined to kinase late rested la geld snd copper mining stocks and mining, fall In termatwn and particular, concerning tbe beat properties In tbst line In tbe atatea of Ore gen sad Waahlngton etjb he obtelned by ta ealry st room BW lwF , , ir- FOR SALE LIVE8TOCK. ONE milch asw, part Jersey, trsto e tew months .go; est be sees at Bast 28th snd Hawthorne sea. Price (40. COW. cheap. 703 North Edison, St. HORSES. VEHICLES. HARNESS HORSES and buggtee for rent by day. week aad month; special rate, to heslnsea-baBSta Sixth and H.wtberaa. Bast 71 BOB SALE Pine dapple sr. r team, 6 years old. weight 2.800, eoend and ten tie. Pboae Scott NICB saddle pony, $S. or haras. Can 380 Water at rill trade for work GOOD black horse, weight 1.(00. SB, Journal. WANTED- Del ring aarse for keep, la eeantry ; lHtBt worx: nsst rererencc, yuivu- .. laaalrs 634 Klngaua tt.. Wsedtoera. BARTER AND EXCHANGE. 10 ACRES, 1 scrss orchard 1 acre ahrsobery M$tv la 111 trsds Bar beast sad tot tajytortlaad of eqasl rstae a; TBB A MILLBB. Bast A tear as. IMPROVED kaasestead rellneyitehjaeBtt (JSS to 8280. next trade or work. Oae elsim KB scree, BSwd bouse, feaclag sad kwrs; SS .L.k.7 IO .laaaad OB COUBtr rood. per f-r Atoa SO scree .''"vrc.'T.rdtT 'AT Lsne Oncost,-, Oregon. PLSTNDID In HMIsdsy's swelled district: wilt trsds for goad a iwiliiv.exi w. eeaal or tost rslae. n or teU for (4BO. land tad On.. ,145V First st sis.. aocUk altr. 7 room noue- and fain. ..rr invoi ... - od mllkho.,.,. his nk aJin. -nglne water biped ta lrrTgate: gad bara.. fan af sa: Mptassssa: 100 elletoraa. brcse. S rmm immmw. bb irosei BARTER AND EXCHANGE. ieatlsUr for earaaatsrlng snd CaH Dr Cartsr. salts ft. 823 et. Isssssl FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. CARLOAD sew colonial wall 804,000 fast galvaalsed ssd bit eft pi all glass, aa so s men. in sny qusntHy. 10.060 test d Inch steel rlreted aUala Carload trao c bains. Six targe dynamos, all stokes, a BSW. All kind, seennd-hsnd mschlaary. 1. SIMON A BHO. 844 246 Front St. GREAT barge Is ml. bousebold feral tart, coo lie ting bedstead, spring. . Buttress, pillows. Plans era, comroru, spresoa. sbsbxb, .of. carprta. Iluoleam, matting, tsbtos. chair., rockere, loungea, plllowa. kitchen luaaacu, cook gad beating atorea, saa ranges aad heat era, tamps, cooking, wsrdrobss. fold ing bed; sll Is good order. Call Taeedsr. Tburaday, Ssturday. from 10:80 ta (:0. 156 BneaeF st WB bay. eeil or trsde snr old thing. The ree fs rurnltnrs House, ztJH rottl sr., earner Imoa. TsL Mala 4200. BOOKS bought, sold and txehtnfed at the Old msec Beore. xea xamum ex. BILLIARD AMD POOL tables for rent or (or ssis aa assy peystcBis THB bbunswick-baLke COLLBNDEB IX). 40 Third at., Portiaad. SEWING-MACHINES bought, sold, exebsnged, So ana as; sxse renien. WESTEBN SALVAGE CO.. 627 Waahlngton at. WB print your name on 60 calling cards, proper alae Bad style, (8c; 260 bnaluss cards, (1. . a . . i . n m ll . bvtl.wl lip WE aced furniture snd will par foil eels.. Phone Pacific 7et. wsstsra aairaga ia, osi Waahlngton St. CHKRRY TBKES nf the only ortgaal pareBt tree, the sew cherry, the Giant; first claaa trass. Jallaa KaUlch, wosaiawn. urea on t BAB FIXTURES, pooltable. as fa, tsblee. WESTERN SALVAGE CO (27 Waahlngton at. 60 SLIGHTLY damaged wxawlng macb I nea at rsry low prlcss: aingar. wnsewr .'. Domestic. Wbllts. Houaehoid. Da Tie and otter. ; to msk. room for now "bx .Wheeler A Wltaon aad lagers. B. S. Slgsl. SSS Mor rison st. Marquam bldg. ARTISTS r mstertala. pictures sad framing. E .rboosa ACo.. 812 Alder st. H FRESH oyster. deUrered ta aay part of elty. Ming 10, u ssysw m. SHOWCASES, cosntera, flxtarea. bought, sold or sxebsngso. western aairag. vo.. ' Waahlngton at. Pacific 78$. s SHOWCASES aad fix to res, asw sad seoond- hsad. Carlson aaiiatrom. aaa wwa HOLDBN'S RHEUMATIC CURE Sore i for rheumatiam. aata oy au urnggm.. FOB SALB at year own price, upright Hardman no. Singer sewing machine, refrigerator, . 804 Park at. piano etc. CHICKBSINO bUbo. $128; Stose, $00; Ftobee, $28; organ, fc 24H4 First St.. corner Mala, HMII. FOB SALB 16-foot combination row aad eall- boat. Phone Main bub. FULL. BLOOD Plymouth Bock cocks for sale, or will sxebsnge for pullets, rasas union susm THE DOLLAR baa last opened; hla atock of house fnrntokisgs art fresh. SB First at. BOMB furniture for ssls cheap; ranges, folding beds, chair., ste. 200 Msla at. ( ( ( ( ( SAVE YOU CASH. Trade at "The Doltor" Ji farm-tare, stores, nrx squarw, j First. Main 6874. $ $ $ $ ( I ( ( I S THK (, 232 ttnU Hoaaef ifrnl.hcra. $ ((((((( FOR SALE A trSTsllnf ealeeman offer, bis poultry ranch cheap, with nearly 400 graded chickens, aa 6 scree rentes grouno: nn. orchard. Iaqulre W. WolfiteU. 8B7 Fraat st. PERSONAL. thrlr charaefer. rasponslMllty. etc.; asd debts col 1 acted: missing retain ret located: I'bsrgat tanetteg. Oregon Detectlre ' Barries, .oOeees 206 204 Fl! bldg.. 10th and Wsahlngton ats. I Main 5615. lied ner Pboaa seteetlsc treat meet; dandruff gad eessma poal tl rely cored; gri 17 or faded hslr restored to natural color with out the nee of lead or dye; Preach fsss trsat- at manicurlnx. Ixndoo Sanitary Parlors salts 28-24 Selling-HI racb Btk Waahlngton. Phone Pacific BBXINB PILLS cure all forms of nerrona or maseaur wessne. ". Price (1 a box. S boxes SS, with foU gosr aatee. Addreea or call J. 0. Clemcnson. arug atet. Second tad Yamhill ats.. Porttand. Or. A. BEINEB. PBACTICAL FURRIER. Sort fitter, fart tataedilsd. rsaalrcd sad red: 88 year.' experience in.nrea eat re fiction. Pboae Pacific 2407. Lewie bide. mm I va r w -- - . . Baat Belmont. I Ik ne Ksst 4064 DR. 0. T. XBTCHUM eorcs promptly prints diseases, kidney, nerrona, akin and special female troubles. Call er write. Office ITdU Third St.. cor. Ysmhlll. Pboae Pacific 2228. AMY max or woman eaa be strong sad happy by using Sexlne Pills, tbe frsst tonic; price fil a box. 6 boxce (6. with full gnsrsntee. Addiees or call J- ClsmeBsoa.a toaggtat. cor.' Second aad Yamhill ata.. Peritonei. Or. TBS. Pslmo Tablets make roe sleep perfectly: they cure nerrousneea sad awes ywa streets; arlcs 00c s sea. f boxes $2.50; gn.renteed. All drnggl.ts. or sddreaa Brn Ae Drag Co., (7 North Third St., PorttaBd. Or. HOLD ON There to eaa tbtrg that will cae . u .... L.mI.1 Bn KlA menmsasm. 1 , tonic or aaerees or i . e. v druggist. Porttand, Or. HOLDEN 8 RHEUMATIC CUBA Bars care for rbrumsttom. Bald by all droggxts. TUBKISH BATHS, 800 Oregonlsn bMg dare, xentlemen nights. Main IBM. DISEASES OF WOMEN-Prlrate maternity bos- woo.-. Z1!TZ. 55- p.r-.76.: DB RING CHOONO. Importer Chinee, not medicine.: sells Cblnsse tea. certain cure for Jn dleelles 101 2d. bst. Ysatbill aad Taytor. REFINED young lady, last arrived from the ea.t. glree msssaga. trsstmsats. Room 6. ' f . A SSI Ider at. DOLL'S HOSPITAL . Rspsn-mg ssm amia- a-. "THE ADTBNTTJBBBK." ''Swetlnger." "A BtarrlBge In High Ltfs.1' Twe.ty Years Hua'UBg." "Prtaoasr af Bends. "'A Social E& 00 ceets etcb. A. W. Scbmais Co., welt. SOe. tie die.' SUITS pressed while yoa wslt. BOe. Ulrt. "preweedL SOcOlIbert IO6J4 sett to Quelle. Pboae Mala 2088. Sixth at.. PHYSICAL eairare, au oi.aiaia, aaa mag.; lndirldoai asd claaa Instruction; pries ta home treilm.nt If drtlred The RlBgler School. 80S Alder st. -Phone Mala 1861. TOUB shoes ahlnad free of cbsrge et tbe Model Berber Shop; sharing 18c. afaUrr cEftTX Dl?$. BEST Bugaalae ehibs ew offered; aaad for prices; agests wanted. JcaaT Book BtorS, 881 Aldax St., Portland, or. wrinkle.. eapsrSaeos arga to taix SSO ritoSaar talk It orer, M D. HI r Bldg. PsetSc 138. BBCBNTT.Y easisd.Bxaaleartnt Id ft In si om IX and gantlimta a TIAVI CO.. Lew ta bldg. hesHh tslks ta womt WBBFOOT Ol! Rl.cfclsg sarea eolntely waterproof. BVEBT arsther ah Inst oa bar Says aa Webfoat Oft Black- watsr- proof asd they wear MABBIAOB PAPBB PebMebsa aware psrseaato, iBBsammares more marriages, bss bsst etoss sseaaber. best rsftreacc; cstsMtobed 10 years; toxar aerated: paper 10c sealed. L. U Lara. ton 1600. DsBTer, CoAoraaa, OPERATOR glree tre at meats for '.ae-'-r - - .; telto. at, ear. Taytor. rheua 201 to 'TftTri YOl NO lady, chiropody, ms steering tad seato trestawrt.: t.dle. rd gaatlCBMB. SS4H Wsahtagtoa at.. Bear First. PERSONAL. MISS BAYMOND first msssaga -XBBH msiimns ex., room is. LAD I bsst. attest;- srwsys reliable; bay of year r.i LADIES Dr. xnisa rw fumUniM'i riwssaii Saadsrsoa'a Cemnoand Sarin aad Cntnaa assat Pius Pllis; eaa Bsst saa only rename detaysd periods; cures th most at la ( to 10 day; prlee per remedy far detaysd gartada obstinate cases In a bax. aatilag Ptorce. D. Portland. Oregoa A8SAYERS. GARVIN CTANIDB aTXTBACTlOf CO.. ARCHITECTS. SEE llkainn A Stsrra. srckltscts aad bsDSsrs, shoot roar tssaarn etare xroam. w w Morrison st. Phone 4S7S. H. H. MENGES, Architect. 118 Second at. ART. FREB new LESSONS In embroidery erery day; stamped shirtwaists, eorset-coeers, he l.ckets. katt, umbrellas, etc. The Isro Jacket., Needlecrsft Shop, MB Wsshlsgtoa St., tween West Psrk sad Tenth ata. Portrait tandsctp. artist aad Uwcasc, ATTORNBYS. J. s. WINCHESTER, sttorsey-at-taw. sua sa wssBua-ioa meg. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. BUTCHER SUPPLIES S. Blrkenwsld Co. 804 806 B.erctt St.; targest butcher auppl7 hooae as ths taggti irriTr tor csmnsae. BUTCHERS' iUPPLIBS -Adolph A. Dekeaa. 181-188 First St., earrlsa s full line aad com plete aaaortmant at lowest market prtoas. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. BBBBaSxaaw.eaB-.aBaw-e aa sa aa. saj w HOWE, DAVIS A KILHAM, 100-111 Second at. Bleak books msnntsctnred; agents far Jonas t . --' ImImh saw the saw UnreS. tea., m vmm v CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. I. A. MELTON, the csmenter, 804 Foarth at. a. CARPET CLEANING. STANDARD Carpet Cleaning Co.. largest plant on the coaat. Un-lns snd Harding au tele phone Esat 260. Carpet, cleaned, refitted, sewed and laid; both steam aad lateet com pressed sir process: renor.tlsg statute am aad feathers a specialty. Baeiiasi epe. m . . without rsmorsl. Mala lai... Main (BOO. CHIROPODISTS. CHIROPODY tad Pedicuring. Mra. M. D. HUI. wee aaa smsobst wwig. COAL AND WOOD. THB PORTLAND FUEL CO.. C. B. DAToTfUEL CO.. Beat 26. 267 Beat M ALBINA FUEL CO. Deslsrs la cordwooo, coal snd green ted dry .l.bwood. B. B. aad AlUns are., S btoeks saat af ferry. Beat 874. STEEL BRIDGE FUEL CO. Dee tare to cosl. oordwood tad dry .l.bwood. Phone Baat 424. OBBOOB FUEL 00 - AU kinds of eo 8S4 Aider at. Mela 66. VESTBRN FEED bl.rk.mlth aaato. A FURL CO. House PhoBS ktata 1016. STAB BOXWOOD CO. Pboae Msta 2148 box, blacky sad etoberaaA CLEANING AND DYEING Portland Steam Cleaning A Djretssr Werfta: araa tlcal hatter la taaatrrlas. 231 4th. Pacific (07 OtOTHBS cleaned aad nreeeed (I par Unique Tailoring Oa., 80S Stark St. H. W. TURN drer sad 605 Jeff. Mate 2818. COLLECTION AGENCY. DOBS ANTBOOY 0WBYOU MONEY WS COLLECT BAD DEBTS OB NO CHABOE. crnzENr law a collecting 00., citi zens' bank BUILDING. BOOM IS, lBBw OR AN 0 AVE. rsuaa uex CAFES. THB OFFICE -285 Wstblagton St., 771. asmeai rtgeeax. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST FOB A FEW DAYS ONLY. A SPECIAL $6 READING FOB $1. ALWAYS CONSULT THB BEST. PBOF. B. KHTMO. Greatest tlrlag astral deed trance Stalr ToyTnt of the age: ADVISER ON BUSINESS AND ALL AFFAIRS OP LIFE; whoa yoa will marry, hew to control tbe oae yoa tore, eeea t bough miles awty; reunite. Ota asp are ted; glree secret powers to control. I will da all others sdrerttoe to do, snd a great deal Bars. THB BNTIBE WOBLD HAS BBBN STARTLED WITH THB POW EBS OF THB UNSEEN FORCES I HATB AT MY COMMAND, snd I prore It to yea with- ", tatei?-FB(r. By harlnf 70m- NAME TOLD (IN PULL), JUST WriAT YOU CAMS FOR, sad fir. 70a adrlce sbtetately FEES before yoa decide to hsrs s reading. WHO CAN OB WILL DO MOBB TO CONVINCE TBB SKEPTIC 1 DO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY. AS IT WILL NOT RE OFTBBBO TO TOO AGAIN. PROF. E. KHIMO, Permanetly Located In Hto Owa Horns. HOURS. 10 TO 8. DAILY AND SUNDAY. Ne. 2S6 Fifth at., eoraer Madtaea at. Read! Read! Read! THIS 18 FOB TOOI. BEAD CABEFULLT THB FOLLOWING WORDS: Madam Barth Is permanently toasted In her owa bom.. 426 STARK ST. TBB) wonderful i.n Id to the S'ostsat without you writing a aata. tion ar nttertna saa word. aaa tew yoe jot what yon caass far, hew many lie am all about tbem. Telle la year nat end facts. Tana you of ure, marriages. ana iti. im r . . ' -. w deaths. tsalalTl apeculattana. Inreetmests. rou how to control tbe eaa yoatora. aaltea tbe eepe rated aad eaaeet apeedy aad eon- s4r,s; itAiSS-BTBrwia: A FRBB TBSTT AS A TEST I WILL 'IX YOVB NAME FRBB OP CHABOB. rtur. kixhat 808H W ASHI: HOtOH. OWING to atony requests JrP'r,'u' J tags Mrs. Ktobatb baa decided ta stee limited nnmber dally by .ppnlBtmaaf ea only SSS Bersath et. Phase Mai Beware. Ceemne, SS8H ernssa ax. DANCING Kg saeTMetriBBB. PactSc 1SS6. irawas atrwetto. dally. SSS AtoW. 184. 66. 1SSV. Scad. Btogtar, dancing Arioa ball. Pbaaa aasx aeua. "JrV U DmS J FINANCIAL AOS A TTLTOB, BABTBBBS (BttaM stSS( to MSA) . a Swsarsl Baahtog Bwttassa. Drafts AB Pacts et the Wertd. B TBITKD STATES RAT10BAX BABX OF POBTLAsTB. Btose'latoat! ..J. a AINSWORTH I .a. lb a BAart aa i (T AJfBXBf b X, UVBEBMEB ' 8 BABX Pee totters of eredlt leaned a Tellable In altasrto or Capita! paid ap (4.000.006 I Basusas qaaatal Baaklna snd Exeksnae Baslaass SAVINGS DBPABTMBNT Accoaats ma Porttoad Braach Cbsmbar WM. A. MACBAB. BUastger I FIRST RATIONAL BABX ST P0BTXABD. OBBOOB. Dmtgnsted Depository and Plnanctal Atent af the Pnftsd Bt.tes. WKIw Aiatollmt'csMBStor! '. '. '. '. '.' '.W. . 'aLVORD tWcood ABatotaat 'OsaAtoV.V. . P."i?TBJll -ff2 L2S?!LS i KJttJ-Xl Br. tawsto arewa In eat Clayiastasa. TRUST COMPANIES. araaORTLAwn Tartar rwnrssxrr or oaaavoB teres keedrads) as dairy belsaess of $600 oe orer Letters of credit sad sxebaxsrs ea sP. parte of the world. Sartatt seeaeate. Time eartiftostee. $ to 4 per csntl sScrt-4SS ageatal .a3LU tt nLt tF-SZSSW m::::::::::::::::B I f: qu m:Bg S8UUBJTI SATTBOS TBTfST OOMPAJTT 866 Meaitoes Sfsst, Bm ttoal. Bssg. Traaascts a Sewers! Ban kin, Be 011.. SATIS! OS DBPABTsTJPfT. BStaiwat ABtBssdj ss Time asd Ssetage Aeeewata Acta as Trastss fee, Mb sad Lsttsrs sf - Credit Amiable la An Parts eg ths wsrxa. 1. 1 wtttu&Bvs T"fX XOBTBAOB aUARARTXS A TB0BT I Trasaects a General Bsaklng Baslasss. rBJiaitmaall d pee cent 1st erect .Hewed, . mraw--w """-'illiTk-S)' Jj SreVbA ricam uSTJZ. 0ttrAsy RlBSVSBTgRST OOAXAsTTEE A TBTJST '-rAoAVrrr: oo s poxa tto nV - TITLB VABAJPrXB A TBBBT OOMPABT MOBTOAOB LOANS ea Pgttoad 2. TTtORBTJBI .v..vwg.VBxM: 0 BO BOB HILL BONDS AND M 0BBDJ ataatolBBi, rsllrwsd sad TOCU. MOST. asftdUM BOM" Wwvm m voAmBm mi inr It rmxcriXT is-to UfantU 1 - ho nzsrrjxzrsztm wmjrx KOMB TXLXPKOBX BOBTJS BAJTX STOOXB. s k. - Dnwt1mwaet BBAii afa V a esBt m ea aaas Osraer Sixth sad Wasblngtoa tHreeta. PerCsaA O verbeck, Starr & Cooke Co. 0BAIB, PRO O VISIONS. COT WB r twtgyHSttotr BstTttoT DRESSMAKING TRY Aratetas Diaaamaktog tad Msta. Pactflc SSS. DENTISTS. CHICAGO car. Sixth. ne.TTSrS 881 Osarantee sll work. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. PB-reJrwcTlto ftoTt. cT 'rrk.Tato fS 5 KsU, ahw. rBBTBBN ELECTRIC WO a. at ia motors tad 1B tractors, sisctrie drasstss; we Install sad power pl.nts. EDUCATIONAL. M-ABY DA VIS blAOINNIS. tosusbsr FURNACES. BOTNTON farm-sir fnrnaess aare feaL J- C. Bayer Famsee Co.. 286 ttoeoad. Msta aai. 1 FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. HAT FACTORIES. i.JL TE2L"ir7S JSrt Eta""p: Cleans Ha rzsrswawaxwaamma HOTELS. THB BELLBVUB, Foarth tBdfclxtaB BtBc- nnamt enw ep. e w" cToTtewa trtde eollclted. PsctSe 2106. 60s ap: raiee.oy GOLDEN WEST HOTEL Buropesa flaa; rsome from (0 ento Bp, meal. 28 oeats. Btrsataatb sod Bratatt sts. HOTEL Portiaad. American plan. $6. IB per day. BELVBDEBB: plan: 4th and Al. HARDWARE. INSURANCE. ISAAC 8..: J AS. Mcl. WOOD, amptoysra; Mabllttj r aa4 Ita dlridaal tceldent aecurlty bpada of aB blade. Phone 4ff. . (OB McXay ttdg. bMCHTNERY. llJIUSln-vn 1 . i-ir. i-aBT-L -1 toii-to-'U-T, M i ' " aaaaaatb B. TBXNKMAN A CO -Mining, sawxetn. tea- kjat'ired" snSkr9z'tl'", AtrrouORlLB machine ererba. gssaHat " aaa. 288 Oraad are, UNB a mtSuomj cSltVtU w r at aaa ro btaary, aawtsttto. ate. Sag Oread are. A. J. PAUL, 1SB (first t-. SSMjtoSsS. MBM ; Wtohs Broe.' gang MUSICAL. THE WEBBER STl DIO-MandoBa. baajn got- LBTY S MU810 HOUSE. 171 Poartb st-Fal! llaas usatwy, siase-. PIANO. Pra- rK.'v:r rto.T-M- OPTICIANS. Artlnvial Eyes Pitted. Bttsaim allr OaainUA MS Briewth (bit it Mil IS BANKS . , . ssVastTaBB and Letters crests Osltotttoaa t SBISBf OtsBtor. Cast lac sx, w. hhw tlasd. Orsaaa. I eMsaT tlWBBs af the world. 188$. Xaad Otfise. Barptoa tad undlrtded proSts. (lO.OtB.402.1 Transacted. latsrsat On Time Deposits. y he tptatS ar at 1, T. tTPBTCtsASBMe. AaasWtaat The OlASat Treat OOMPARY BABX. Istarsst Paid ea ( OOMPABT - S40 WABBTBOTOhT Jg INVESTMENTS pabsto sarrtts scrwarstloB bsady. snd Sold for Oufe tm Pboaa stall (f , bb stb tswsaxBBBasBs. etaA Deaskae. Managae. Oaa Always sarp Tea fis- M TuTrZ l. TON. STOCKS ABB BONDS. MONEY .TO LOAM. Money to Loan OB an blade et eecartty. S far eeat aad T per cent; notes aad mortgage, bought; daa't nay 8 par seat a astatb at You Don't Hare TO Schuyleman & Co. Booms 84-88, 227 Wssglngtoa tt MONET TO LOAN On lmprored elty property or far balMtog parpaast, for from I to 10 yeere' Haw. with Klrllrfe to repay all ar part of lean after a year. Loans approred frees plana aad money sdrancad aa building progreeses; mortgagee taken as tad replaced. FRED B. STRONG. FlnsaeUl Agwnt. . 842 Stark at. THB STAB LOAN CO -Aay salaried smploys. sa his note, without mortgagK-- $00.00 Repay to as fia.BS - $18 M gg $6 60 ar 88.(5 ag $ AS ar 1MB ar SIM Mc K vbl dg. (28 00 Repay to $18.00 Bepay be 210 CONFIDENTIAL LOANS ea poUriee. ptanee. fnrBltnre, wsrshewse te r'BbwradrajK." remlytag' 'h'ajy WwskVy NBWbKA1"lOa5""a TBUST COMPANY. 6 Per Cent and 7 Per Cent Hare tsrtrtl fsrta sad atty Saa from $800 ta (1.600 aad ap. beswfc eeat aad T par aaat; will sail tar feee Schuyleman ft Co. hwmiM. 84 89, SSfto Washlngtw. at MONEY LOANED TO SALABIBD I Just ta year ears assta .aa other -mwrrtaejTec Abtngtoo bldg- MONET ADVANCED BATBTBP PBOPLB Aad othere eawa tbetr owa ssmea wTtbeat aecority: ahigpsat rates, easiest pa offices In SO principal ctttoe: asra TOLMAN. &tAa4t5-l0S, Ttord st HEADQUABTEBB POM SALABY LOANS- ptor-kUSf JTz-'-zua CRBSCBNT LOAN CO.. dfll Mohawk bldg.. oar. Third aad DON'T barrow aanaey sa salary aattl Hutton Credit Co. US ONBT to toaa ea tatprored real aa ...HtoTaTjt 222 Waablagtoa tt. Oastatog WANTED Nertse. rest i MONEY TO LOAN Oa elty Ssxiaaeeey alU!1 real setate at a sad T per eeat. yssrs. Sj Bueaay. got MONXT loaned oa farattars ptoaaa aad etftar securities, w. A. xtaoawar. ream te, Wellington Bbtg. Pbaae PsctSe tSSB PSrVATE . reasonable; A SSS ta toaa by pries te tarty aa rtty real saxsts at a eaa r per gaac. "Wmrwss. V" jfLtmrS- TO LOAN rb.ttoJ sssBBtty. R. A. MONUMENTS. NBU A KINOALXT. 80S PJbag .A I beadlag met baa Mel paarto weets. OSTEOPATHIC DB. ABNVAUB 1 pMwjwty- ' a4rrl'as W1 SI HSiil eeeartty; SsKsBsSeBBTfi A. Newtoa, 4S4 who tt t epectol sad sB restate 1 iiiiiiramssmsssssMjaTM i lBilisBBllaBlriitoif BBBBSSSSSSSlMBSSSSSBl