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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1906)
NEW TODAY. Acreage Tracts Near the Portland-Salem Electric Car Line Nine: to 11 miles from Port land. Small and large tracts in the REAL TUALATIN VALLEY, lying on the Tualatin River, the choicest lands in the state. Call and see us. We can suit you in Size Shape, Quality and Price. Terms $50 Per Acre AND UPWARD Reasonable Terms, Month ly Payments Investment Co. 244 STARK ST. The Pioneer Small Tract Home Builders SPECIAL If You Want Choice Lots on Portland Heights AT $400 Each on Terms Call During the Next 6 DAYS ON White & McLennan 804-205 OREGONIAN BLDG. Phones: Office, Pacific 887; Resi dence, Main 4686 BEACH 9300 One of the best corner lots on North Beach (Sea view). 1 1,100 Snap price for 5 lota on corner of Cottage avenue. Gear hart, Oregon. ALBEE BENHAM COMPANY Main 3004 Concord Bldg. We offer a proposition requiring 970,000 for enlarging a very profitable manufacturing business near Portland; no opposition and impossible supply demand under present conditions; fullest inves tigation E S. Jackson & Co. Phone Main 848 846 Stark St. Irvington M East I2t at.. North A 0 new mod art) 6-rnss heo; 4 large bedrooms, closet ff MCh room, beside larga pantry anil china closet; burg bath and Matt; Ml carrels bseemaat; stottonsry wsshtsbs; hedge of Faaaa. beet selection: Baa Iswn, ceaaent walka m (root and around the bona; Wirt steps I tract wall t sensor cd; food ewrgl naw Sianlta rsrpeta on tko Soon a ad atatra; saw akadaa to wlndowa; faa stove, gaa beater; hot -bleat coal atorra; 1.800 puller, rnna 1 'ft. Prleo $6,000; $3,000 daws, Dslaaee aaaathlr payateot.. lap par month. par coat. Berideeeo Eaat gOTB. Office Pacific IMS. On Rtoearaon place, on Oregon City car line. 14 acres, near Meldrum station; all cleared; nice 6-room cottage; fruit trees, grapes and berries; barn and woodshed. A lovely little country home. without furniture, BUCHTEL & KEARNS CLASSIFIED NAMES Correct list of Oregon and Washing ton farms, fruit, grain, hops, potato and stock growers, number In family, sges, ate. Call or write us for prloea. Rural Directory Co.. 02 fourth street. Own a Home We buy or build you a home on easy monthly payments Have aeverai new houses now, 11.000 UD. Come In and tV Over our plan. xo Wm .Id, o. av m ass, 34 MILLION PEET OF LOOOING TIMBER Osr the new railroad, northwest of Hllls boro. OOOD (J HOUND. PRICK 76c; 10 TEARS TO T'.KMOVK TIMBER. Ad dreea W P SI-M HHTKR 617 Chamber mt Ceaasaeraa, PorUaad. Tal. Main Jltl THE NEW TODAY. YOU WILL HAVE TO HURRY If )rou want to get in on this New Tract To be offered for sale for the first time today, beginning at 8 o'clock Two other large West Side tracts sold like "Hot Cakes" Batter be sure to get a finger in the pie this time. Long time at 7 per cent or monthly payments. Schuyleman&Co. Rooms 84 and 86 227 Washington Street CHOICE HOME SITES L I lots 100x100, 10 ft. from . Portland boulevard UN Arbor Lodge. lota $600 Arbor Lodge. 10 lota.... fl.TSO East Pine St . 100x100 Sl.SOO Eaat Pine St.. 10x100 f 750 Eaat ZTth St.. 100x110 SJl.SOO Eaat Portland Heights. 80x100 ... fSOO Prancla addition. 75x100 S)2fOU Excelsior. 60x100 S2SO East Madison, near 26th. 100x100 2,300 Eaat Salmon and lth. ooxioo 91,5TB Eaat 10th and Weldler, cor.. 60x100 81,-J.OO Bast 18th and Weldler, inside. toxi oo f 1,200 Baat Bth and Weldler. 100x100 SS.OOO Baat 17th and Weldler, 60x100 1,250 Holladay Park, 100x100 $1,525 Holladay Park. 10x100 f 950 Irvington. 60x100 Sl.lOO Irvington Park, t lots SjSOO Logan's addition, t lots. . . . . ...f 1 800 Richmond 400 Riverside, I Ipts f 1,000 St. Johns, 7 lota S2.100 St. Johns, 1 block $8,000 Sara togs. 1 cor. lota, each S2O0 Sell wood. lots 750 South Sunnyalde. 60x100.. $676 Tabor Side, 10 lots, each 10x100 63,006 Woodlawn Heights, 10x100 6406 HfflHjMTHOHM aSTC. SPLENDID HOMES 6 10,60010 -room colonial house in Goldsmith's Addition, modern beauti ful hoase In perfect condition; built three years. Rara opportunity to get the beat in Portland. 6T.OOO Handsome home on Marshall St. No. 770, between Mrd end 24th; well built, convenient and artistic. 63,76 Artistic new bungalow on Willamette boulevard; three full lota; beautiful surroundings. Morgan, .Sweet Sfc - Chapman 313 Ablagtou WMt. Thorn stain SMS. R. -U GATE HAS MOVED FROM lit SECOND ST. TO 226 Stark Between First and Second Real Estate, Loans and Insurance PHONE EXCHANGE 70. Acreage Snap lou acres on Portland-Halam electric ear line. 0 miles from Portland, front ing on county road, near graded school snd ohurches. Una bottom land and un der cultivation; good bearing orchard bouse, barn an i ou outbuildings Plica 11,500 Investment Co. 844 ST J IT8 GOOD . We Issue 0 per cent certificates for one or mora years, secured by first mortgage, deposited in tragi. Interest semi-annually. Northwestern Guarantee I Trust Co. s!a. "toVad 'Start4 wTX) OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY NEW TODAY. Absolutely the Best Buy IN HOOD RIVER Aa Far as We Can Learn 70 Acres of the Valley's best land; 50 acres cleared; 20 acres partly so. Of this there is about 35 A in Apples Pays large returns on investment. Easy Terms Will pay for itself. ALBEE 3ENHAM COMPANY Main 9004 Concord Bldg. WEATHER REPORT. Tba barometer la low a Ions the astlra Inter national Dounoar; line, witn one cental inter ef sesrnsloa aortheeat of Lake Huron and an other one. evidently of decided character, off tba Waahlngton coast. Storm warning are continued at an statlona la this dlatrlct tor a a trass eoutbarly gala at see and for e moderate southerly gala on Inland nsrlgsbls water. Light rains bare fallen In Washington, north ern Idaho and In the northern atatea eaat of the Mississippi rlrer. It la mscb warmer In the north Pacific atatea. I'tah, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, the Dakotaa. northern Naw Mexico, the Tezea panhandle and In New Eng land and the middle Atlantic atatea, sad cor reapoudluglr cooler In the Mlsalaelppl and Ohio valleys. The tndlcatlona are (or rain la this dlatrlct tonight and Friday. Observations takes at 5 a. m Pacific time: Temp Stations Mai Mln. Preeis, 4t .0 60 .04 4t .01 84 .0 as .0 ea .0 58 .0 Bg 48 eg t 40 .0 IS :8 64 .0 64 .0 Of .68 68 T 62 80 Baker City. Oregoa go notion, usssscnuesim ea Chicago, Iinaol Bg Denver. Colorado 68 Kasses City. Missouri 48 Lee Angela, California ... So New Orlskns. Louisiana 72 New York, Naw York ag Portland. Oregon eg Roseburg. Oregon 64 St. Louts. Missouri 64 gelt Lake. Utah 68 gas Francisco, California.. T8 Spokane, Washington (g Taeoma, Washington go Walla Walla, Waahlngton . . 64 Washington, D. C eg MARRIAGE LICENSES. W. Pool. Seattle Washington, 23; Lillian 8. HecksiSB. 24. V. a Fenkhouasr, 864 Morrison a treat 61; Margaret A. Pelleter, 38. Henry Usee. 201 Wheeler street. 40; Butb Musgrovs, 28. FT . Johnson. 24; Lnla ft. Rtttenonr. 20. Frank Qnlmm, 67 North Tenth street, 25; Ella May. 28. E. Raymond Bore. Talent, Oregon, 22: Retta McCVsllsn. 21. Henry W, Oners. East Seventh atreet, 86; Amanda C. Johnson. 20. Wadding Cares. W. O. Smith a Co.. Waeh I n(tn bldg.. cor. Fourth and Waahtngton ata. Wedding sad calling card or printed. E. T. Roahton. 322V4 Washington at. Mlaa Bertha Martin, room SIX AUaky bldg. Stamping snd fine needlework; lessons given. run area eolta foe rest, ell ilsss, Union Tailoring Co.. 808 Stark at. BIRTHS. WILDS October 22. to Mr. sad Mrs. Lenta J, Wilde Portland Maternity hosnltaL a dot. NAYLOR October 22. to Mr. and Mra. Arthur . W. Baylor, 811 Fourth, s hoy. PALMER October IT, to Mr. end Mrs. Harry P. Palmer. Til shut Couch, s girl. CAMPBELL October 21. to Mr. snd Mrs. Frank M. Campbell. 618 Umatilla arena, s girl. WOODRUFF October 11. to Mr. sad Mrs. I. T. Woodruff, 1008 Vaughn, s hoy. WALKER October 21. to Mr. and Mrs. Asgnat Walker. 488 last Elsveath. north, a hey. STI LBS October 18, to Mr. sad Mrs. Horace J. Stllea. s girt. NEESON October 18. to Mr. sad Mrs. Thomas Nsesea. 84 California, a boy. DOUTY October 14. to Mr. ead Mrs. Frederic A. Deaty. 122 Abernathy. girl. DEATHS. STRAYER October 28, Chester B. Strayer, 8 month, Good Samaritan hoapltal, spina bifida. HESS October 28. Barbara Hess. 71 year., 98 Tenth, hemorrhage ef laags. FUNERAL NOTICES. LABBE Is this city, at the family residence. No. 582 Myrtle St., October 24, 1806. Lsnlss Lsbbe, aged Tl years. Friend and ac quaintance are raepeetfully lsvlted to at tend the funeral eerrte. which will be held at the First Presbyterian church Friday, October 26, at 8 p m. Interment at Rlrer Tlew cemetery. Pleese omit gewers. AUTHORS The funeral services of Raymond George Author will be held st Srleson'a chapel, en. and 411 Alder at., at 3 p. m. Friday. October 88; friends lsvlted. Inter ment Lone Fir cemetery. UNDERTAKERS. Dunning. McEatee a Ollbssgh. undertaken! and embalmera; modern In every detail. Say-nth and Pine. Main 480. Lady aaalstant. A. B Ueanatork, usdertsker snd embalmer. est Thirteenth end Usastuis svs. Phone gall wood Tl. Erlekssa Undertaking Co.. and embalming, 408 Aider at. Phone Main 6188. Lady saafitset. J. P Flnley at goss. Third sad Madlaon ata. Office ef county coroner. Phone Main 8. Clarke Brss., Florists Fine fiewera sad go rat daalgna. 888 Morrison st. Edward Holmes, undertaker. 220 Third at. RITEBVIEW CEMETERY. Single gravee. 610. Family lota T8 to 11,000. The only cemetery la Portland whlcb per- Ctsally malntalna and cares for lota. For full formation apaiy to W. R. Mackeaalr, Wor- block. city. W. M. Lead, preaidest REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Elisabeth McClure to Victor Land com pasy, lou IS sad 14, block 8, Ports mouth Villa E tended I 10 Joseph M. La Herman to K. It. Steen and D. W.'TufU, lota if and 14. block a Alblna Heights addition 481 1. H Oilman to A. L. Ksssler. lot a block 100. sellwood 1 Wastsrn Oregon Trust company to S. J. CowUshaW. lots 1. 8. .t. 4. block 4. Ceestoa 100 Sssrgi B. Shlaa sad wife to Joes W. Campbell, lot 8, block T. City View Part addition e Baat Portlasd tag Elmer g. Bibb snd wife to John W. Campbell, east Vj of lot 14. block S, Sklna'i addttloe 180 Frank F. Irseatsa and wlfs to Carl Merdhorst. lot 10, block 54, SeUwood. 108 Whitney L. Bwtse at aX to LouUa A. Tldrnmh. weal 4 of lota 6 ssd g, bhwk tag, Hawthorne Part 1.480 James H. Williams to Arrntoaia m Wil liam, undivided H Sf 1st 1. block 1 f'llfford addition to Alblna Commercial Trust ooi t company to Oregon 1, 2, 1. 4, block 120. company, lots I elty 1 Oregon company to John Matthteern. tat 1. S. 3. 4. block 120. city 16,000 Grand Arsay Cemetery company to Oeors Wright Pest. No. 1. lot T8. asctien Orasd Army cereeUry gg Oesrge W. Brown to Joseph A. Oarner. lot 8. Mssk T. Evetvn Ta JasSe M. Willi. i Wllllama. lot 2, tloa to AIMns . Willi. mi to Herbert H H. block 2, t II f ford Seal- Fred B. Hungerford and wlfs Is Robert J. O'Neii. parrel of land begtnslng at polst os north line of Holladay are nee, 880 feet weat from weet use st East Twenty eighth atreet Pert land Treat Compeer of Oragvs to J. A. Leas, 1st 16, Mock gg, TrsBuaf Place ...... ,.,. ........... REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. 'h sssss. Portlssd Truat ef a so Walter I Kch. 1st 16. block Tre- moat Plxe Walter Eck to v .. . ' . tee. cast H t lot 18, 18, block 68. 1 Xrsgnoat Plasa Title Ouar.ntss a Truat oempaay to let 18, block , Uaeola Clara B. Ktt Psrk Auuax W. P. Old. and wlfs to U. A. Asschuts. 110x60 feet ef Mock 110, Grocer 'a addition O. M. Settlemlet to Mra. M. A. Settle mler, east 88 1-8 feet of lot 8. and seat 36 1-8 feet ef north 14 feet of let T, blech tea, Alkeo's sddlUoa to Bast Portland Title Guarantee a Truat cosnpsnr to XI A. Zollinger et si , let T; block B. Ftrat additloa to HolUdey Psrk addi tion George W. Brown to Nats Peterson lot 18, block 8, Lsuralweed Psrk Newton L. Oilbaa sad Wife to w. n. Bobs, lot 13. block 2. Gllham'a Second addition gcott-McClare Land company to John W. Reynolda, lota 3 snd 4. block T. Krnll worth W. B. Amss snd wlfs to Christian God skeaen and wlfs. lots 13, 14. block SS. Mslthnnuh Arnold Myers snd wlfs to William C. Van Glahn, lot a block 4. City View Psrk Frank J. Mulhrron to A. T. Pools sad wlfs. lota 16 and 18, block 3, City View Part additloa to Sellwood .... Nela Peterson snd wife to Dsvld W. Strsrhas. lot IS, block a Laurel wood Park Loula snd Hannah Goldamlth to Oetarla J. Schwab, lot 11, block 11. Gold smith's addition Earl C. Bronaush ssjd wlfs to Jam Anderson, aooffi of north Vj of seat ' 20 scree of 2-8 of aoutheaat H of ssctlea 23, township 1 south, rsags 5 eaat France J. Dunbar to Loula and Ma thilda Wetthar. lot 4, block IS, Al blna Arlcta Land company to Elds B. Young, lota 8 and 4. block 3, Arleta Park No. 4 Cord snd Albertln Bsngstsk to Msz & Hlrseh. ssst H of let 1. block 40, Couch', addition Rlrerrlew Cemetery aaaoclatlon to Fred erick W. Leadbettcr, tot 86, section 1, Rlrerrlew Cemetery Columbia Cemetery aaaoclatlon to Ansa McMUIea. south U sf aoutheaat of block 108. Columbia Cemetery ground.. Danlsl B- Buchanan and wife to Annie Newman and husband, lota 18, 19. 20, 21. 22. S3, block TT. University Park - Noah 8. Long sad wife to J. R. Coopey, northwest of sootbesst hi, and eaat of aourhweat 14. sad soathwest 14 of aonthweat of aectlon 14, town ship 1 Berth, rssge 6 esst W. R. sad Alice B. Nnnn to L. B. Bailey, weet 40 feet of east BO feet of lots 18 snd 14. block 6. subdivision of Preebatel'a addition to Alblna John .od Annie Johnson to Guy Hssasksr, kit T, block IS. Multnomah Hugo B. Goldsmith to Louis P. Bono et St. lot 8. block IT, Goldsmith's addi tion Richard and M. B. Clinton to W. L. Wallace, block 6. Mlstletos addition ts Bsat Portland Best am Inreetment Company, Ltd., to Doretts K. Smith, lot 16, block TT, West Irving ton Samuel Stratton to Lacy M. Fosa. undi vided Vs ef esst Vs of lot 1. Eaat wood. Edwin B. Gordon to George Wstherby. .lot 1 sad nottheaat U ef ncrthwest i section 18. towsshlp 1 north, rang 6 esst r William F. sad Maggie Stadleman to Mary J. SulUvsa, lot 14. block 10, Lsurelwood 1.188 8.008 115 ioo 4T6 800 STB 760 too 860 10 8.000 730 2,000 60 1.160 Per shstrsets title, insurance or mortgage loans, call on Pacific Title Trust company, formerly Pacific Coast Abstract Guaranty A Truat company, 204 5 0-7 Falling bldg. Sst your Insurance snd abstract, to real estate from tba Title Guarantee Trust eom psny. 240 Wsshlagtoa street, corner Second. NOTICE. NOTICE OF SALE OF BONDS. Notice la hereby given that the beard of directors of the Hood Rlrer Irrigation district In Wasco county, .Oregoa, win sail the bonds of said district la the sum of 840,000 on Thursday, the 28th day of October, 1008, st the bear of 2 o'clock p. m., at the office of the heard of directors, st the residence at i. H. Shoemaker la said district, sad that aealsd proposal tor said heads will be re ceived by ssld heard st aaid plsss for the purchase of aald beads until the dsy snd hear above mentioned; at which time the board shall sassa-ths asigmila and award the sar ehess eg th bond, to the highest rssnonsible bidder, the heard reserving the right to reject any and all bids. Bids to be accompanied by s certified check for 6 per cent of the mount of the beads tar which the hid ts submitted. Ssld bonds aball be payable In United States gold coin in tea series, aa fellows, towlt: At the expiration of 11 yeare, 5 per cent of the whole number of said bonds: 13 yesra, 8 per reat; 18 years, T per cent; 14 years, 8 per cent; 16 years,' 8 per cent; 16 yeare. 10 per cent; IT years, 11 per reat; 18 years, 18 per cent; 18 jeers, IB per cent; 20 years, 16 per cent, sod shsll bear Interest st the rats of 6 per cent per annum, payable aeml annually, on the first dsy of January and July of each yssr. The principle sad latsrast shall be payable at the place designated In ths bonds, sad bidders are given the option of having ssld bonds payable at Portland. Oregoa. or New York City. N. T, snd ssld bonds wtU be Issued In accordance with the election of the uc easeful bidders: aald bonds shsll he each of the denomination of not leas thss 6100 snd not more than $500. snd shsll be negotiable In form, sad coupons for the In terest shall be etuched to each and signed by the secretary. Dated st Hood Rlrer. Oregon, this lTth dsy ef September, 1806. J. H. SHOEMAKER. Sscretsry. 880 REWARD Stolen October S; s bay horse, 8 years old: well built; good condition, gentle, weight 1,300. P. P. Oonley, Brooke. Oregon. BEATERS repaired on short notice st Air-Tight Store Co.. 2T1 First. Phone Pacific Ilia MEETING NOTICES. WEBFOOT CAMP. NO. 68, Woodmen ef the World Meets every Friday night at W O. w. ball. Tenth sad Washington at.. Re freshments will be served. All visiting neighbors wel come. R. G. MORROW. C. O. L. BABBTJR, Clerk, 261 Third at. WASHINGTON Chapter. N. lg, R. A. M. Special convocation this (Thursday) svsnlng. October 25, 1900. st T:80 rTcloCk, Mssonlc hall. Burkhsrd bldg. P. M. snd M. S. M. degrees. Visitors wel- By order B. H. P. S. E. SHARON. Secretary. COLUMBIA Lodge. No. 114, A. F. a A. M. Special communication this (Thursday) evening at T:80 o'clock. Work In W. C. eagres. An F. 0. Masons Invited. B. S. PAOUB, Secretary. MACCABEES- Portland Division, No. 1 win gtv a wslat party and dance Thursday even ing. October 26. In at. of P. hall, lftb and Alder sts. Refreabmenta. Admlssloa 16 cents. Friends ars tnelted. S. M. LANCE, R. K. MACCABEES Portland Tsnt, No. 1, meets every Tnursasy ntgnt in n or r. nan. nts ssd Alder st. Visitors are welcome B. M at. W. A. EVERGREEN Camp. 5,486, meet. Wedaesdsy svsnlng, Allshy bldg., Third snd Morrison sts. CIRCULAR LETTER CO. Facsimile typewrit tea letters; addrsssmg. mailing 281 st gtsrk. PORTLAND ORCHESTRA Music for sll oc casion.; reasonable. Msln 6608, 48 Lucretla. M. W. A.. Oregoa Grape Camp. No. (1.975 Mon days. 17th snd Marshall; visitors welcome. LOST AND FOUND. FOUNtZCa' place lo bare hair reno vated snd returned earns dsy- 228 Front at. Msln 474. Portlssd Curled Hlr Factory. H. M stager, propria tor. LOST Embroidered enahlon ton ef wild rnoee. Return 287 Stark recelv liberal reward. POUND A tares cow: no boras; srtth bell. Fentallng MI1WSB snkle see. LOST From Mana station, Woodstock csrllne. Shorthorn red sad white row, aesr calving. Please cell ap phone Eaat 4788. Reward. FLOWN AW AT. o October 18, aad last aa near Eaat mth and Division sts.. en African blue crane. Notify garner. er st Bast sets Phone Esst 880. and Hawthorne svs. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Two or three first !... el aronnd mscolns men; permsaeat position, good wag. Or nag raygltsus aUg. 0o., Mssagagi reed. EVENING, OCTOBER IS. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED At osoer, aUrsbolt eettara; good pay. itesay work. Apply western iwpv.ii .v, 308 Stearns oldg , Portland, or Houlton. WANTED 8 wsll-dressed. educated sua to ssll Charles Dudley Warner library, world's beet literature; call only ea gsrsoss who hsvs written far partlcoUrs; new proposition: liberal commlasloo. Apply between 8 snd 12, Globe Publishing Co., Columbls blag. Union Hotel 81 NORTH SIXTH ST. tYsa employment to our patrons. Weekly rats: Boom. 81.26 tip: root hosrd, 84.60 up. Andaraou, proprietor. WANTED Salesmen; many make 8100 to 8160 per month; asms svsa mere; stock ctoani grows oa reservation, far from old orchards; cssh advanced weekly ; ' choice ef territory. Address Washington Nursery company. Tup penlsh. WaahlagnhsB. MEN to know that mechanical drawing Is tsughl st Holmes Business college. Wasbtng toa sad Tenth sts., svery htedday. Taasday, Wedassday aad Friday, from T;80 t 8:80 p. m , aad ea Saturday afternouna. WANTED Young people to prepare throieslres ss bookkeeper snd stonogrspasrs; have had 648 calls since September 1; placed 264 In positions. We 'a 111 plsce you wbsu comps tent. Day or night. Catalogue. Behnge Walker Buslnsss collsge. MSN AND WOMEN to learn bsrger trade la sight weeks; gradual earn from 816 to 123 weekly; expert Instructors; catalogue free. Motor System of Colleges, 86 North fourth WE get wort for our members; special msm bers. gg. T. M. C. A., Fourth aad Yamhill. AGENTS TO INTRODUCE THE GREATEST hortlcultursl wonder Bnrbank a naw atonetos Plum; miracle; big pay; permanent post tloa. voice nur.ery uo.. ssiem, wve. COATFINI8HER wanted st oar. Columbia Woolen Mills Co., Screnth sod Stork. EXPERIENCED Isdlrs' tailor; ata-tdr wort; 334 per week. J. K. Stem. 482 Washington. WANTED Elperlenced bookkeeper for position la mercantile orate; must writs s aood bsad snd be seearate st figures. L 87, csre Journal. WANTED Tinsmith, st ones; wages 32.50 to 88; steady job. S. 0. Miller a Sea. Aurora. Or WANTED Dentist. Call Dr. Carter, 828 Wash ington St., salts 8. WANTED Young man with asms experience ss stenographer; good sslsry to right msn. Addrsss V 41, csre Journal. TWO solicitor., household geeds. Call Third st. BOY who can set type end feed prim, Johns Review. Phone Baat 6186. St. ANY BOY thst want s position with a good future; wage. $6 per wash at start. Address, with refsrenres, H 110, Journal. WANTBD Boy to learn printer's trad Is- quire u. B. m 204 Stark at. A Co., Quality Printers," THREE coal miners to derelop cost properties. V Tl, car Journal. AGENTS wanted to eeU superior, high-grade nursery stock; complete outfit furnished free; cssh weekly; write today for choice of ter ritory. Cspltol City Ntusery company, Salem, Or. TWO thoroughly capable qnarta miners to de relop s prospect. X 84, ear Journal. TRAVELING salesman to sell staple article ef hardware .. aide line: s good seller to tba trade. V 64, cere Journal. WANTED Boy with wheel; permanent. 200 Yamhill st. WANTED SteamStter helper and shoe hoy for plumbing-shop. J. . Lynda a Co.. 11 First at. WANTED An ednested boy sheet IB yesra ot ags. Addrsss V 84, rare Journal WANTED A hustling young man 88 yesra ef ag who baa the nerve, ability and integrity lo fill a responsible position with s large corporation. Addfess y OS. cafe Jeumsl. WIWn.eUl. , Cm a... 4. tmmk no heavy work; suitable wages. Inquire 034 Kingman at., Woodlawn. WANTBD Bushslmen whole. le clothing 1 than. T8 Front st. WANTED 20 high -class clothing salsssoen for T days; retell ssls of Nsthan a Wsrthetmer Co.'s fine slock. Apply at once Mr. Nsthsn, T3 Front at. WANTED Elperlenced aalealadle for big T days' ssls of Nathan fit Warth aimer', fine children', clothing. Apaiy st room 487. Lumber Exchange, Second aad Stark sts. MAN with 8260 for good paying proposition. Alrord A Alvord, 183 Morrison st. 1260 WILL buy s splendid little cigar and confectionary stand 181 H Morrison st. A COMPETENT typewriter snd office sasn; dress la year owa handwriting, V gg, Journal. HELP WANTED FEMALE. CAPABLE WOMEN WANTED If you work, why not earn more then s living? Bs Independent; do good. The Vtsvl Os. already employ. 12.000 woman; ths work covers 23 countries of the world: we will entertain appllcatlona from cspsbls women; not csnraasing. bat helpful, dignified work. Address by null only. Vlsvl Co., Lewis bldg. HOMB LADIES AGENCY. 185V4 Fourth St., corner Morrison, Phone Msla Bern. Alongside ths Y. M. C. A. bldg. GIRLS WANTED Operators to work on shirts aad overs 1st. Lessens gtvsa to Inexperienced. Apply at Standard factory No. X Grand svs. - sad Esst Taylor st. WANTED Girls to 'make alt st 75 First at. 'Basa of All" ever- HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 84816 Wash Ingtoa at., our. Seventh, s patsies. Phone Main 2862. Female help wasted. raw iaaie wenreo to assist maaisg ea.y - fancy work spars time art homo; good steady psr ; no experience required. 838 Fleldnsr bldg.. 407 We.hlngrnn at. WANTED Experienced hody-lroner; steady em ployment. Oregon Laundry Oo. Phone Bast la OIRL8 Chocolate dippers snd packers. Lsndy. On., 10th snd GUsaa. Aldon WANTED -Competent houssglrl; ahm assist ear tog for boy 16 mouths old; no wsshlng. Room 330. The Bin. WANTED At once, experienced ssleslsdlss cloak and suit department. Behests Bros., Third snd Morrison. WANTED A girl to do wsgee 128 486 14th St. general bona work; WANTED A respectsbls lady ae honsekeeper for 3; no objection to 1 or 2 children. 0. Hewlett, 263 Front st., corner Msdtsoa. WANTED Maid of all work for family ot adults- Call 184 North 17th, or phone Msln 6680. WANTED Girl for general honsswork; small family. Apply TBI Rssrnsy st. WB want 10 ladles to write shorthand after the first lssson; we win ptace you in posi tions ts s fsw wseks' time; oar Decern Pisa gets results; had 13 calls last week Ec lectic Business University. 68 Third st. WANTED Teachers far Chinese mission. Ap ply 208H Baeaod at., st T o'clock p. n. WANTED An apersstlea; pay while learning. New York Mllliaery, 83 Third St. City aaarsex swhw. WANTED Girls to work In packing department. Modern Confectkmery Co., 16th and Hoyt. WANTED By ladles' toiler, sslss girl with experience, can at J. K. Stsrn's. 483 Waahlngton st. ANY Isdy wlth.s fsw boors' lelaurs tlms, dsy or svsalag, csn make from 113 to 316 per week showing our goods. Dr. Ptorea. 181 First it., ear. YsmbTll, Portland. Oregon. WANTED Good girl tor general ho a Sloth. Call at once 300 Park st. WANTED Stenographer, aosaa eipertsnee: principal work answering phone ralle. 804 A hi ng ton bldg. A MIDDJjS-AGBD woman to aaal.t with heues work is country ; good home for right gser aon Addreaa Box S3, S. W. D. Me. 1, Buh bard. Oregon. . M-igigg'siSi 'd ii.iTi'i it 1908. HELP WANTED FEMALE. J. BNKELIS. 381 Alder sL-Olrls to ladles' aklrts. STENOGRAPHERS sad bookkeeper drilled by oar Decern Plan see placed' In posltlou. la s few week, tlms; had 43 Calls tost month; spsclsl offer for classes to begin October 26; full eours 836; dsy or olght, clssws. ictostle Business University. 08 Third t. WANTBD r(r.t claa Isdy and gsnUssssa es rssssrs; selery and eemmlsatV Call st Agency Bureau. 83 Foarth st.. Portlssd, Or. WANTED Thousands to work far socmllem. For informsthm ran Sandsys. 8 p. m.. st Alhtky hall. Third and Morrlaon. QUICK-SELLING norltls for Udy msn agent 164 North 14th t fit Co. geatts HsksNI HELP wsntsd and enpplled. seals or fejsals. B. O. Drake, 386 Washington Psdfle 13T0. AGENTS Men snd women mske big money. 'See B. M. Ptumraer, 200 Third st. WANTBD Ladles aad gentlemen to sttsnd j masquerade dance ..Friday night at IBrt snd Bslslgh; 4 prises; admlssloa 38 cents. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE RELIABLE married man want, position sum tlms; could arrange for few boors dsyor few days per week; bond If required. L BS. care Journal. ( YOUNG men. willing snd obliging, .would Uks position ss clerk; experienced. V 84. Journal. YOUNG msn (tending business college wants place to work for hoard aad room- P as, cars Journal. . YOUNO man from eaat wishes position as elevstor operator; experienced. Address V T3. csre Journal. ..amggsgw SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE WOMAN wanta plain sewing, medlsg, skirts nude over, coats retlned. knitting. Mrs, Grader. 131 North Sixth at. EXPERIENCED woman wish chamberwork half a day erory dsy. X 86. car Joan WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS, peddlers, canvssser sad street work er, get year supplies rrom n. a., ruaum, SOU 1 niru St. ; nw gouaa, uo.vowi yiww. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. . HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE run man. 28 North Second at. Phone Mala 1638. THE PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT CO. SOB VI Morrison St. Phone Pacific 288. ALPINE Employment Co.. 3061 Morrlaon at. Mala snd female help. Phone Mala 1017. WANTED TO RENT, WANTBD TO RENT Houses, cottages, fists, store, offices, rooming-houses, etc. Lend lords will do weU to call ea PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. Phon Ex. T3. 8. E. Cor. 3d snd Osk. WANTED By a young couple, s gat or apart ments of 8 or 4 rooms: furnished or un furnished. Addreaa r. ioo, car journal. WANTED REAL ESTATE. To The Portland Capitalist We make a SPECIALTY of COLLECTING RENTS of LARGS BUILDINGS, niacins FIRE INSURANCE, payment of TAXES sad GENERAL CARE or.PROPSBTT. Ws bars th beet of facilities for carrying out yon wishes ss sa agent. ws seiun your Ktronags. Oar references: Lsdd a Ttltoo, skats, sad Merchants' National bank. R. H. BLOSSOM. 816 CHAMBER OB" COMMERCE. WANTED Lot ta trvtagtoe. between Broad way sad Thompson snd 17th sad 24th ata.; sast front preferred. Also 6-room cottage, dose In. on west side. C. L. PARRISH a CO.. 438 .saagW.JlSrtlgwS , Phone Msla, 0815. WANTED To buy for soma customers, houaea ranging from 8 to 8 rooms, centrally located and alao aoms that arc located In tbe suburbs; will psy cssh for same. Can on J. L. Wells Company, 84 Grand svs. FROM OWNER 8 to 6 acres aesr csrllne; must bs s bargain for cash. RUTHERFORD CO.. BIT Commercial blk. Phone Msln 6120. FOB quirk ssle of rooming-house or real estate call 343 Madison. Phone Msln 6202. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED Every violin player to know thst you can Improve the. tone ef your luatrument over 100 per cent; mske It soaad like sa old Italian violin; handsome booklet free. J. Wesley Lord, 404 Ray bldg.. Los Angeles. WANTBD. Furniture Furniture I For 82. AUCTIO Purnli nlture PORTLAND MICTION BOOMS. 311 Flrat at Phone Msln Bono. HIGHEST price paid for men's cast-off cloth ing. Phone Pacific 48. Uncle Joe. 63 Third. WS WILL BUY, SELL OR TRADE ANY OLD THING. WESTERN SALVAGE CO., 887 838 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC TBS. WB WILL BUY your furniture any old time. We tern Sslrsgs Co.. 637 Waahtngton St. AN Al driving bores, city broke, young; good tog baggy sad harass. S68H Union av. rtn, city. SPOT cask psld for your furniture, atoves, ... . nrnmnt attention Pbeana Eaat 1087 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT HOTEL PALMER. 380 U Alder at Steam best, electric electric light., hot sod cold water, free baths, porcelain tuba; a few housekeep ing .site, wits) gas ranges; staid serrlce; 82.50 per week up. THE RICHELIEU. 88V. North Sixth at --Elegantly furnished; steam heat and baths. "THE HUB." 88 Eleventh st Stark i rooms with .tram best snd hath. LINDA VISTA. 34TH riftb Housekeeping rooms wltk bay windows, snd sleeping room. FURNISHED moras snd furnished hnusekseplug rooms for rent st 763 Vsncourer sve. THE GRAND. 46H North Third a f Rooms for gentlemen 31.25 per week snd ap. THB WOODLAND Ehagant modern fumlaued rooms In besntlfsl nrlrate residence, 310 a month and ap. 208 Sixth at., corner Madison. DESIRABLE front rooms to 1st. or phone Pacific 2830. 108 12th at.. BRIGHT pleaaant room for one or two; central location, reasonable rent: bath, best, etc. 364 12th st. Phon Msln Toa. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. I at 4 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Ground floor; gas snd bsth. Tel. Bsst 8416. 81.26 WEEK UP, clsan, furnished! houaek-ep- Ing. room.; parlor, beta, laundry, turner f-'iSs't. yard. 308 H fttsntoa. rj ear. gl.60 WBBTS up. Urge, etoea. tarnished bamss keeplng rooms, lsaadry sad bsth. 184 Sasr aua south. Port bind. THB MITCHELL Housekeeping snd transient rooms, reseooable. aslssrra one nanqers. TWO furnished honse keening rooms, bath snd 881 SIXTH ST. S furnished housekeeping rooms: very rsssonabls; within wslktng dla- tsnee. . FOR RENT-FLATS. TWO 3 room furnished in. fine slew; 88 i fists; bsth. phon; smth. 883 Seventh st. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. MODSBN 5 rearm 4 stagt sad gas ranges, win dow ahades, large rstnent bsaement. 2081, Hstosyf near seeol hCldgs. UNFURNISHED ROOMS, THREE smfssshmed rooms. 486 last Morrt soa, Phons Bsst 1016. FOR RENT. S8T Yamhill, enfurnlahed goroom hsasM, surrsuuded bg a g-nreef stoas wsll. HsstisY'aBWsftaA,ir.A ROOMS AND BOARD. WANTBO 2 yssnagt sasn fur room and1 heard, nice front mom. BS seises: best sccogsmoda. good location, zw nna sx. van Pacific 3188. NICELY fa-isfialiad raasa aad hoard! nrirats home, las fere. Main 1838. 886 14th at. NICBLY fhrntohad re ems with board; strictly home evoking: rate, reasonable Call at 888 Bverett St., or phons Main 5808. FOR RENT HOUSES. FOR BENT 3 hand aosaa. modern 7 room kouaea. cusvealenttar lees tod oa Thlrd-st. ear line ; 610, 813 sad 814 Oorbstt St. ; reat ressoaabls to deslrsbls tenauta. David 8. gtesrns, 248 'Waahlsgton St. FOR RENT Hut 13- -room bean, '167 Strong. No. 188- West fsrk st. uqulre HOUSE with 8 rooms. T38 Johnson St., I month. Inquire Lowengsrdt, 83 Park st. NEW 8 aad 7-room modern flats, sightly. In quire (13 Kelly st. Phons Mala alia. HOUSE for rant rasa S3 Third at. with gsa stove. B ROOM cottage. 430 11th St., 614 month. Bla ford Bros.. 14T Front. FUBNISHED cottage. 310 Esst SevaaoY. T-ROOM bouse fur reat; bot sad cold water. 400 Bast Eighth snd Bowman ata., south from Brooklyn csr. FOR RENT 7-room house on Esst Waahlngton, between 11th and 13th; No. 620. TWO aew 6-room houses; strictly snd 610 Northrup st. NICELY furnlabed home, all modern eeuyeel eocee, gas piano, good location. Phon. Eaat 3T86. SMALL house In South Portland. 88. Apply 830 Chamber ot Commerce. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. Offices-Most Central Location la the city, northwsst corner Sixth sad Washington sts.; new elevator; hat snd com water, iignt, nssc ana janitor serv rice. TMU MUKTUAGK ) ti AHANTEH gj TRUST COMPANY. 80 Seventh ag. OFFICE-ROOMS, unfurnished rooms sad aam- IFFICB-RO' ellratw. for rent. Goodnosgh bldg. Appiy DK8IBABLE office. Including electric lights. bat and cold water. Janitor snd elevator servtee, in tn new airy Commonwealth bldg.. old old pes toffies site Agent room 411. with sua Burnsias sts. STORE st Stewart ata tloa, Moaat Scott; svery. thing la shsps for occupancy: counters, abalrlng, stc; less at raaaouabla rant. Phon Pacific 2106. DESK 'room, or half of well furnl. had office for rent, seventh floor Chamber of Commerce. Address W 87, ear Journal. PART ot shop to reat, soluble far painter or plumber. SOS Fourth at. DESIRABLE store riser Third sad Stark; three year' loess. Phone Msla TT. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI TURE FOR SALE FOR SALE Furniture of groom modern house, nearly sll hew; rant reasonable; two Hecks from neetefflee: goad transient house; will ssll st a bargain if taken by ths first of November. 208 i Fifth St. FOR SALE Furniture of S-room assrly sll aew; rent ressonsbls; two blocks rr..m rOTatnfrW: aood tranalent house: will sell at a bargain If taken by ths first of November. 308 Firth at. COMPLETE furniture for 8 Including fine new piano; srerythlng la splsndld condi tion; leas than nan pries; leaving city; asm. quick; hoase modern; terms if desired. Call st itis East tit" .i-. FURNITURE of s room modern cottage for sale, account owner leaving city; very reason able. Call st 33 Bast Adams at. FURNITURE All new, room cottsgs, sell cnt-ap; panic, moo. civ. wwi wwmim e.-e. lnaarsnce paid. 188 j a tin .i. sast. 7-room flat chesrj .this wash! s best. CsU evenings 250 Sixth st. FURNITURE of 11 -room house; fine location ; house full et roomer. Phone Mala 4848. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. HALL and ballroom, aeparata or aa wirn su ro.rt.i..ui.. BUSINESS CHANCES. no con want to Invest 86.000 that will 810,000 esch year? An Independency for The bsst proposition that star cams to you: ee not necesssry. jusi goou u iibi If sa, anawer this st ouce snd rod will not regret It; reference required, and I will glrc In return : business stands ea Its own merits. T 67. csre Journal. SAWMILL FOR SALE. 87.000 buys good sawmill proposition oa thimble: 830 scrss land. Including timber. Columbia: Big) acres land. Including tit snd timber off 240 seres; new planer ff 340 sens; aew planer sad blschsmlth and logging outfit. eager ; good biscksmitn sua i This mill Is running every day, TAPPER CO., 286 H Wsshli i m good eraer. fasgtoa at. GROCERY snd confectionery store, no deliver Ing, doing alee cssh business, with 8 Uvlag. rooms: rent. Including water, only 811: 300 stock: wttl sell, owing to slekaess to family at Eugene, for 8228. Rave rant snd earn a ltd llrlng. Call or sddrsss 508 H Union svs.. city. a FOR gALB Apsrtment-houss of 16 rooms; sll newly furnished; easy term. If necessary; la corns $100; rant 360: Wasted aa Morrlaon at. Apply Conn Bros' Furniture Co.. ISO First. WANTED Some on to pot amall amount of money into developing promising elahai not s stock proposition; strictly legitimate ; would be partnership deal. G 10. Journal. SNAP 80 room lodging-hos; lew reat; lssssl good bnalneaa. Owner, 81 H4 First St. SAVE MONEY Anything la printing gee M.d daa. Odd Fellow' Tempi, Flrat snd Alder ata ; upstairs. FOB SALE General blacksmith and Ing business: only abop In town of 2,000; good reasons for selUng. Address X 88, Jonrnsl. HOTEL snd lodging-house, furniture snd busi ness: dining room easts 38, kitchen, men's wetting-room; 31 bedrooms, sll furnished; 8400; with 8 bedrooms unfurnished, 3300; bona full, feeding from 35 to 40 at a meal. Inquire 263 Ruessll St. I' hose Bsst 188T. 8875 BUYS 17-roem boose, close In, with new furniture snd Iesss. 342 Madlaon st. CONFECTIONERY, cigar snd fruit atspfl. 3275; good location 543 Washington at. Phone Pacific 618. WELL PAYING restaurant la good location, tsklng la $100 per dsy oa sverage; owner "rTAPFSR '2sV..hta,to St. MUST he sold quick - 83. noo. aswly furnished rooming-house of 23 rooms', light snd slry, none vacant; steam beet; 8 yesrs' Iesss. Room 16. 3BH, Alder St. $880 GI Jrou half Interest la business that per mouia. loe saornson at. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ARB yon looking for a boms or an Investment 1 Good real astato is safe. We bsve It. Re fore you bay see whst we hsvs id offer. U. W. THOMPSON, 848 Hlsstslppl svs. Phone Wodlswh SOS COZY little (mom. Al eoodttton, near car; high, -soot trull; bargain: see It today, t THS CONTlKEfrrAL 0O., iZTjbtark St. BUY a let on th eaat eld: 5 minute ear serv ice, within walking dtotsncs; fins brswet golngsp; price from 8600 to $850; terms If . M. E. THOMPSON, S48 Mlsshalgpl svs. Phone Wedlswa 303. FOR SALS 6-roea bouse, lot 75x100. fruit tress. MontSTllla. only $788. I. i. Oader, I North Grand ars. FOR hai.E 40 scree, bouse j g sera cleared, running wstsr; near Slew berg ; only $1,000. J. J. Oeder. 1 North Oread ars. NICE 5 men hoase. close to good school. Urge lot. for ssls cheap. Kill tllbnra. Lento. IF Y00 bar s farm, chicken, reach, acreage, city or suburban real aetata far sal, sail gpoa. writs or phoie ns for qslkrh rssatu. Jenae. Trimble k Trimble. 411 Msrtjasm bldg. I'hoi,. rsHflc 1T61. ONE 3-story hoase, gvoessd SggtOS, sag sublet "bans ata' MM.'' SmH Clay at. mmmmmi smL mam