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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1906)
DID YOV NOTICE THAT THE JOURNAL'S CIRCULATION IS STEADILY GROWING THESE DAYS, AND THERE WAS NO SLUMP DURING THE GOOD OLD SUMMER TIME? rJaP , - ,' BSBE?-JL -apnaa Sua ' - . - --gw GOOD EVEWIM6 . THE WEATHER. Fair tonight; Wednesday ahowers; southwest winds. VOL. V. NO. 198. PORTLAND. OREGON. TJUESDAY,. JEVENING, OCTOBER M, 1806. SIXTEEN PAGES. PRICE TWO CENTS. JSSWHF SSSt HILL PLANS SILENCE OF NEW SCHEME MRS. SNYDER EOR COASI Two Blows Aimed at Harriman System in California and Ore gon Field Impression It Gaining Strength That Oregon Coast & Eastern Will Become Coast Line of Great Northern and Northern Pacific Systems. The Impression Is rapidly gaining strength that the Oregon Coast it East ern railroad Hill become the coast line of the Great Northsrn aad Northern Pacific, and that It will be on of the two sr eat transportation Javelin a that Jim Hill Is sending Into the. heart of Harrlman's cherished Pacific coaat ter ritory. The other Is the projected Dea ehutee river line, which reaches through central Oregon, serosa the atato line to the Pitt river, and south Indefinitely supposedly to San Francisco. No official aonownoomant. - nor the slightest admission, can be secured. All mouths are sealed on the subject of the backing of the Oregon Coast a Eastern, as well as the Oregon Trunk Line, both of which are being silently pushed along by the men who hare been placed In the forefront of these projects. Thejr pay their bills.- Ignore newspaper as saults, am lie at charges of being the promoters of " paper railroads." aad saw Urn tiro", la not far Off thu public may know more aboot their plana but hot now. When the lines of their re spective surveys are followed. It la aeen that They form a gigantic loop, taking In the coast and the two states of Oregon and California west of a line drawn from the mouth of the Deschutes river to San Francisco, with a connecting link through the middle from the mouth of the Blualaw river to a point near Prlnevllle, and effectually tapping the traffic of the Willamette valley, the ooaat counties, the regions of Croak. Klamath and' Lake counties, and the rich territory of the Pitf river whleh extends through the heart of the north ern half of California. Bnmors Fly Thick. Rurritors have been flying thick for months that Jim Hill hsa planned a sweeping Invasion of the Harriman ter ritory on the Pacific coast. No definite statement nas oaen wrung irora any one on the Inside, and all that hsa been printed was based on the nature of known affiliations of the men openly connected with these projects. But any nns who studies conditions can' see that, If Hill -enters the Pacific coast traffic arena, he would naturally hare selected the very routes and plana that are being followed by the Wllssy aad Nelson rail road projects. (Continued on Psge Two.) APPROVAL STANDS ON RECORD Port of Portland Refuses to Reconsider Its Sanction of Harbor Line Extension Re port by Engineer Lockwood A motion to reconsider the motion passed a ooupls of weeks ago by th Port of Portland spprovlng the recom mendations of Consulting Engineer J. B. C. Lookwood as to the proposed ex tension of the hsrbor lines, on the west side of ths river between the Burnslds and steel bridges wss lost yesterday afternoon and the matter will go before the war department as originally In tendsd, through the ofSoes of Colonel 8. W. Roessler, United Htatee engineer. The motion to reconsider the board's former action was 'preaented at a apo dal meeting held by the commission BENNETT IS INDICTED FOR SENDING LEWD MATTER lit MAILS (tarsal Speflal farrW.) New York, Oct. 11 Jamea Gordon Bennett. Proprietor and editor of the New. York Herald, with afaly 11 Oil Mm. his advertising counsel, and the Herald corporation of which Bennett control practically all the shares, have been Indicted toy the United g tales grand Jury for sending "lewd, lascivious and eharene" printed matter through the malls. ' This lascivious matter for years has constituted the Herald's red-light per sonal column Rach of tha three In dictments contains eight counts and un der taw United abates statutes Bennett and oiilam mar he sentenced to. par a Una of I. (100 or serve Ave years at IS' EXPLAINED Officials Learn Why She Would Not Throw Light on Murder of Her Husband Father of Murdered ran Warned Her That Financial Assistance Would Be Cut Off if She Re Snyder's Complicity in Bank Robbery. - Persistent, unrelenting efforts on the part of Waahlngton couaty officials and detectives have at last forced from the obstinate widow of the late Carey M. Bnvder. who waa murdered 10 months ago, the motive for her strange silence with reference to the Forest urove nana robbery and the killing of her husband. Sudden anger caused her to forget her usual caution and to Involve R. at Snyder, father of the murdered man. In a plot to balk the officials. In a fit of violent wrath sne roia now n. m Snyder had always sent two letters to her Instead of one one in tended ror tne or ficlals and the public the other In tended only for herself. The private letter which accom panied tha one she showed ths officials. she said, warned her to give no Infor mation that might Implicate Carey at Snyder, son of the Kansas City broker. tat the robbery of the Forest Oreve bank. ACsoornaaylrtg ths warning she said, was s threat that IT She an) ten she knew of the robbery, her allowance aad maintenance would cease at ones and aha could expect no further con sideration from her father-in-law. Keeps Iiilsei From Official. She triumphantly held the private letter to the view of her Inqulaltora. but withdrew It quickly before they could read. It was only for a brief moment that she lost control of herself and re lated such startling evidence of her mo tive for silence Realising what she had done she folded the letter carefully and waa Hi the. act of hiding It on her person -when District Attorney Allen at tempted to tak tt from her poenssslon forcibly and failed. As another result of her confessions officials claim to have proof that Carey Snyder took no part in the bank rob bery, but planned It and knew of the crime. They also say that R M. Snyder knows that hi a son planned ths robbery. They claim, to have learned further that, according to carer amyoera pians. the plunder was to have been cached In sn eld log but near the lonely thicket where he waa murdered Since her arrival In Oregon Mrs. Madgs Snyder, widow of the wild young man who was murdered, baa observed a strange and perplexing alienee with t Continued On Psge Two.) 1 yesterday afternoon, ostensibly for the purpose of considering a-petition from Charles P. DM for a reduction on the bill against ths ateamer George W. Rider. The harbor line motion was seconded by Commissioner Thomss. but commis sioners Drlsooll and Willis voted against It. Commissioner Adams de- dined to vote, on tha ground that he was directly interested n the matter by reason of the Portland Oas company owning soma of the property, that would (Continued on Page Two.) hard labor in prison or both on each count, while the Herald corporation may be fined SI. See on each count. If the maximum penalties were Imposed Ben nett, In addition to paying a fine of ln. f0, might be sent to prison for 40 years, the same penalty might be dSalt out to Oil lam and the corporation would toe fined ieo.ono The Indictments are the direct result of a crusade against "red-light (arsenals.' made by the Antl Vlre aociety aided by ths Has rat news papers. The grand Jury decided that the ac ouaetlaei against t he Herald was true aad that Bennett and the Herald should be beesse to trial for one of Use great est newspaper crimes ever oasrlaSttos. e gHriFS fai- aT a aTri Hrasni & A OS- t d -Sl l.H aid nsaaaansa MSm I aaHB fm ma a gal gal jgaaral gsv anal BeraeeBeBsssBBBaBBBaaaaan sawaaw-aanv rtrfci'Wvf' - - Showing Chinese Gods, San EM Law CHINESE READY FOR BIG FEASI OF THE SPIRITS Higfh Priests Working to Prepare for Oriental Ceremonies Which Begin Tonight and Conclude With the Burning of the Devil Friday Evening. Chinatown la busy today preparing for the big roast of the spirits which commences this evening. For four days and nights thsrs will be things doing In the Oriental quarters of Portland and the music peculiar to the Chinee will be heard continually until the curtain of darkness falls over Second street early Saturday morning after the guard watching the evti spirits has been de voured' by the flames. The burning of the devil, as the cere mony Is usually but erroneously re ferred to by idle white people. Is sched uled to occur seme time after midnight between Friday and Saturday. With thie the feast will reach-Its climax. The high priest arc Working like beavers today In the big Joes house at 64 Second street getting things In shape for the ceremonies which begin there this evening. The big peper guards are being given their positions on the alcove in front of the building while less Important guards are being placed along the walls on the lnelde to oatch what spirits thsy can. Tomorrow morning ths prleata will parade from one place to another and sing their ehanta and say thslr prayers, while a Chinese orchestra will play until Its members fsll from their seats from sheer exbsustlon. By permission of the high priests The Journal thta morning succeeded th se curing photographs of the guards of the spirits, as showp herewith. Ooavtct Killed. (Jonrsal (Metal Irkutsk. Oct. IS. Convicts breaking from Jail engaged In a battle with the guards and the governor of the prison. Nine convicts were killed and 17 ee- SIMPLE LIFE PROVES TOO MUCH FOR COLONY German Authors, Artists and Philosophers Forced to Give Up Primeval Life on Island. (Joeraal Special servtm.) Haw Tork. Oct. 23. A cable to the Sun from Berlin says: Ths simple life has proved too complex for the growth Of Oerman authors, painters and phil osophers, who tried to follow it on the Island of Ksbsmon, Bismarck archipel ago Thsy were eager to start life afresh under physical conditions approximat ing those of primitive roan, aad they formed s colony under the name of the Run Brothers. Thslr food was to be limited to nuta aad fruit, and their la bor waa to consist of tilling the Isnd and ths tending of herds. Kerr Lutaor, the author and HerT nsjslhart, the philosopher, died tram he combined result of exposure from not wearing clothes aad exhaustion from Inadeqnsts diet. Nativsa killed Herr Bettman, ths philosopher. The others returned, la despair, to eivUtaa-Uofs. INTERIOR OF CHINESE JOSS and San Oi Gin, and Horse Upon Which They Will Ride to Paradise After NVESIORS GOING II BLIND Have No Knowledge of Larry Sullivan's Min ing Properties or of His Motives m Supplying Public With Good Thing Within the past fortnight a large number of people In this city have been Induced to Invest In the mining pros pects In Nevada controlled and adver tised by tha I,. M. Sullivan Trust com pany. Only one of the three properties advertised the Lou Dillon Is in or near Ooldfleld. The only development work that has been done on this claim is the sinking of a shaft some SO feet. The Eagle's Nest Felt-view property is some 20 miles from Ooldfleld. The As You Like It Is In ths Manhattan dis trict, about SO miles distant. Grave doubta have been expressed by many people of Portland as to the ac tual value of these properties. Here In Portland practically nothing ia known of them savs what is contained In the letters, telegrams and advance ments of the Sullivan Trust company. In a ward. Investors have placed their reliance on the veracity of the ownera of the property, who aeem to be making extraordinary efforte to Induce the pub lic to buy stock. The president of the Sullivan Trust company Is a man named Rice, an ex-oonvlct who has served time in Elmlra, Auburn and Sing Sing for forgery. Larry Sullivan is well known in thta city, where lie waa formerly one of the owners of ths notorious Portland club, one of the biggest gambling houses In the northwest. Sulllvsn was also one of the proprietors of the sailor board ing-house in tbe north end which bore the reputation of being one of the worst crlrnplng-houses In the world. In politics, Sullivan's record Is too well known to need comment, innumer able election frauds have been laid at hla door and be waa regarded. In the days of his political activity, as a past master In the arts of colonising voters, stuffing ballot boxss and working gangs of repeaters. These two men. Rice and Sullivan, are engineering the Sullivan Trust company and are now Inviting the public, on the strength of their representations, to in vest in their "mines." Those who con template so doing must gambls notonly on the value of the mining prospects Into which they are putting their money, but also on the good faith of Larry Sullivan and hla ex-convict partner. Stock In the three Sullivan properties was first offered to the public some two weeks ago at an average price of SO rente a share To every one of ordi nary common sense It waa apparent that after deduotlng the expenses of adver tising and marketing the stock the re turns to the Sullivan Trust company must be small. Liberal commissions were offered to agents, large sums ware HAVE YOU A FARM FOR SALE? Taere M no war In wblea you ran 1fiian of s feral as qulcalr and profitably regard teas tt tte location, as with a farm LAN P AD In tbe ekwatsed eohnsaa tt THE JOURNAL "EVERYBODY READS JOURNAL CLASSIFIEDS" HOW TO DO IT: Write rear ad aad address la IS lees aad mail It to BMssger elasMaed !,. rtt. tag. Uteres Dally Journal, tnsetker wits soc te say for sane T ears, ssd Tbe Jesrnal will da the reat. Write today- Thirty eeata tor each lAdtttoatl wore. HOT If roa ena't waat roar nam mm tat to In rm Toe Journal Will forward .yea in sua HOUSE ON SECOND STREET spent and are being spent in advertis ing and telegraphing, and 14 stenogra phers are required in Sullivan's office at Ooldfleld to carry on the correspond ence with prospective Investors. Nat urally the question arose. Why, if the properties are so good as represented. Is the Sullivan Trust company spending such large sums of money to induce the public to bay whan tbe net returns to the company must be -far below tbe al leged market value of the stock? Sullivan and. hla associates are cred ited with ample means. Hs Is supposed to have made a fortuno from hit In terest In the Portland, club, and the sailor boardlng-nouse paid large profits. No doubt he could readily command the capital necessary for tbe development of his mining property. Whether, there fore, in Inviting the public to Invest In his properties he Is actuated by pure philanthropy or by a secret distrust of tbslr value, the Investor must deter mine for himself. The following dispatch wsa received by The Journal and Is published In fslr nsss to the Sulllvsn Trust company: '-Ooldfleld, Nov., Oct. SS. Managing Editor, Portland Evening Journal, Port land. Oregon Tour attack on this trust company and Its promotions has been read by us. Lou Dillon stock .waa sold by us In Portland at SO cents snd Ragle's Nest Fair-view at SS cents. Eagle's Neat Is now selling In Ooldfleld at 42. Lou Dillon is so bid and no stock offered. If anybody In Portland Is dissatisfied with his purchases we will be glad to redeem the Eagle's Nest at 41 and Lou Dillon at 32 H. At this time both the Eagle's Nest snd Lou Dillon are standard stocks here in Ne vada and represent properties of great merit. Thsy will bear tbe fullest In veatlgstlon. "L. M. SULLIVAN TRUST CO." Chance to Sail Out. Opportunity Is thus offered to those who have Invested In two of the three prospects to sell out at s profit. It Is noticeable that the offer does not In- (Continued on Page Two.) RAILWAYS BLACKLIST BEAL ' FOR IHBEPEHDEHGE Member of Board Posted by Company Before Rates Were Raised. (Journal Special Serrleo.l Kansas City. Oct. SS. B. R. Seal of the National Grain A Elevator company today testified that because he . be longed to no board of trade and because he bought grain direct from the farm ers, his elevator was blacklisted toy the railroads, snd "regular-- dealers re fused to trade with him. He declared the "regulars" formed a combine to lower prices P. W. Shields said his firm waa al lowed the free rase of grain tanks by the Milwaukee rhtlroad. but protested It wss of no service to him. He sd mltted he received a notice from the road "at the low rate would be abol ished, and bought advantageously. He testified that when he learned the rates had been raised he went onto the floor of the . Chicago exchange and sold 400,000 hnshels of wheat to Armour. An hour -later th notice waa posted of tha raise of rateai , vTafauatt-a .toaf.ASa Defeating Gum Ji, the Evil Spirit. CURES ALL ILLS BY CERTAIN KIND OF VACCINATION Blood Is Inoculated With Dead Germs of Disease Which Gives It Power to Destroy Living Germs Can Regulate Treat ment With Great Accuracy. (Journal Special Berries.) Philadelphia, t-t. 2S. Sir Almroth E. Wright, -a famous pathologist In c harge of St. Mary's hospital, London, and dis coverer of the Opsonic. Index, lectured last night at Philadelphia College of Physicians before mora than 140 of the most prominent physloians-and sur geons of the city. Wright clstms to have discovered a method bfj which not only tuberculosis, but all germ dis eases can be curjd by a kind of vaccin ation. The lecture he delivered last night wan upon thw subject of his dis covery, "Opsonic Index," snd while ex ceedingly technical. It aroussd great en thusiasm among his audience. In the language of laymen, "Opsonic (Continued on Page Seven.) DEPUTY CLERKS TALK STRIKE County Officials Want More Pay and Decide to Make Formal Demand for it Without Delay Strlks talk wss hesrd In every cor ner of County Clerk Fields' office this morning. Twenty-four deputy county clerks, with a rankling sense of In Jnstloe, gathered In groups at Intervals and discussed plans to secure a raise of wages. A strike wss advocated by sev eral, but less hasty action was roua saled by others, snd the only thing agreed upon this morning wss that an Increase should be naked. The Immediate cause of the dissatis faction among tbe deputies wss an order msde by Judge Sears Of the cir cuit court late yesterday afternoon. In creasing the salaries of the four HENEY ASKS SCHMITZ TO RETURN HOME TO FACE INVESTIGATION fJoeraal Special Berrfea.) San Francisco, Oct. 33. Mayor Schmltx. will be asked to return from EuropeV Thla has been decided upon by the prosecutors of municipal graft In this city aad .they have left it to be Inferred that the most pe ran serve meas ures will be used to Induce htm to come beck, provided he declines a simple In vitation. The only thing that atsnds In the way of cabling this request to the mayor ia the lack of knowledge of hla present aft wheraboutSf and men with whom has maintained the oloaveet business and political relations claim they can throw no light oa Use matt UNION MEN WILL FORM NEW PARTY Organized Labor of Oregon Lays Plans to Enter State and City Political Arena Union Labor Party to Bs Formed to Combat Republicans and Democrats at Municipal Elec tion Neat June and in Subse quent Elections in Oregon. If the plan's of the union labor lead era in Oregon do not go awry, a formi dable rival of the Republican and Dem ocratic parties will soon be launched in the political arena. It will be known as the Union Labor party and will nominate separate tickets and make Independent campaigns in municipal and I state elections beginning with the Porte I land municipal election next June. The movement whleh is likely to up set the calculations of both Republicans and Democrats la already well under way. At Its last regular meeting the) PorUand Federated Trades and Labor Council unanimously adopted resolu tions calling a political convention to meet on November SO, while the state movsment has been launched by the state executive committee, which, a few days ago. mailed letters to every union in the stats setting forth Its plan The convention of tha Oregori State Feder ation of Labor will bo held next Jan uary in Portland, and at that time final action, aa far as the state party Is con cerned, will be taken, la the letters Just mailed every union In called upon to instruct Its delegates on whether to vote for or against a union labor party. "It all means that we will undoubt edly havo an Independent labor party in tbe field in this olty next June, and that we will probably have a state labor party in the field In the next state cam paign." said P. McDonald, secretary of, the state federation aad editor of tha Labor Prase, today. "The object of the local central body taking action now was to prepare early for tha municipal campaign." Believe They Oaa Wis. Ths union labor party convention at this city will mset In Union, hall. Sec ond and Stark streets, on the evening of November So. Each union In the city will be represented by three delegates and the wort of the convention will ha to effect a permanent organisation and adopt a working baals. Union man be lieve that the wage workers as a whole) will stand behind their political move ment and that If wisely carried on thai campaign will result in victory. If that state party is organised, aa la likely, the unionists will probably attempt to form an alliance with ths farmers oa (Continued on Page Seven.) bailiffs of the circuit court from IT a month to SS0 a month. The salaries paid ths deputy county clerks is ITS. They assert thafrtwa difference In tha amount of work snd responsibility be tween their dbtten snd those of tha bailiffs should 'fhtltls them to roa alderably larger salarlea thsn tha bailiffs receive. "We coma to work at S o'clock m tha morning while the bailiffs do not. come until S o'clock or later," said one of tha darks. "We have to dig all day Ions? on the court records, while the bailiffs (Continued on Pag Sevan.) R la wall known that. Ab Rnef and) ths mayor have been in almost dally cable communication elnce eVhml'B landed in Europe and that they have used a secret rede In th tranemtasieei of mesas gss. Notwithstanding this Must says bs does not know Schmits eagle sddrssa and has aa know ledge of his) present whereabouts. Hut Dwtaotlve Burns Intends to have Mayor Hraaat In San FranctaeM aad If the reat of th to divulge hla t of ths mayerVeeso. la a abiding t' absolutely su fa Portland iters ia gage.