I 10 NEW TODAY. Acreage WEST SIDE ALL LEVEL CLOSE TO CAR Abundance of Running Wattr; Excellent Onion Land; No Better in Oregon We personally own four Urge tracts covering several hundred acres which we have divided into small tracts ranging from one (1) to ten (10) acres. Abstracts showing per fect title wiU be fur nished with every tract regardless of size $150 to $175 Per Acre TERMS SCHUYLEMAN & CO. Rooms 34-35 2274 Washington Street SPECIAL If You Want Choice Lots on Portland Heights AT $400 Each on Terms Call During the Nest 1 0 DAYS ON White & McLennan 804-205 OREGONIAN BLDG. Phones: Office, Pacific 307; Resi dence. Main 4586 Tabor Heights Beenttfnl City Parka fee the World WIU Be There. Consult with Mr. Oilman. 415 Waah lngton street about the lata. 60x116. 100x138, and 23x136 feet (260 feet from East Morrison street car); situated on Tabor Heights, tbjp undisputed queen of ail residence property. Eaay terms. Mala 2473. S. L. N. GILMAN 418 Wl 91.10O For a wall paying Grocery store, Morrison street; rent $25.00. 2.600 r a wall established cash Orooery buslneea; $40 rent. Including barn, warehouse and six living rooms Wo have several good general mer chandise stores for aale on a discount JORDAN 4 G ARB AD E BBtH Wi I CATE HAS MOVED KROM 111 SECOND BT. TO 226 SUrk Between First ami Second Real Estate, Loans and Insurance PHOTCat EXCHANGE Ta Nob Hill House a msiilens g-rtvsen house . good base eaent. furnao and cement walka, fine lawn with roses and shrubbery, lot R. lea 10. on Hoyt at: easy terms .TOalSA H4B2AOB. Room I J, StS Washl ns-tan 0L THE NEW TODAY. ACREAGE BUYERS BEWARE ! Schuyleman C& Co. Of thU city are offering- for sale, end we are told, have sold some land near Tlgnrrrvlllc over whlob. these ia a learnl Thoaa who have bought audi landa had beat recall their money, and other before buying had batter await the final declaton In thA suit now pending. It will b well for all Intending buy era from any dealer and thelrat torneya to aaa aoatiwota bafora aaraj tag o bay. BO correct dealer will ob ject to Bhowtog aaa famishing Ah atravaa. Our lntereat In thla la that, having owned and dealt In Tualatin landa for over la year, and having di vided more large place Into amull tracta. ana turned them Into homes, than any other person or company In Oregon, and .given good titlea to them all. we are anxious that the same pro tection shall be given by all especially new and atrlctly speculative dealers, so th&t th, titlea like toe lands In that valley may be known aa first olaae. We have always taken great pleasure In furnishing perfect titles, and In case they are not so we perfect them before offering the landa for ale. W now own some fifteen hundred aares In the Tualatin valley, and they are among the choicest in the valley, and are buying and selling continually. Our knowledge of the country and oar ssqualBlsait with lands gaaissany have taugnt us that the Tualatin eeji.jr. in location and quality, Is the rlchsst valley on the coast. V are selling- oar lands foe aso Bar acre end awwarda, adjacent to the new Our terms will be found reasonable. We convey buyers to the tracts several times a week, t in ana arrange. Investment Company E. QUACKENBUSH. 871. Bargains in Real Estate S80.000 Quarter block in business district, wun j-siury uiiip, uuiiu- ing; rental pays 8 per cent on in vestment. 5S.OOO Three-story brick with 50 feet dockage; rents tor per month. fS.SOO 20'a acres inside city lim- - its 44, 500 8-room new modern home, large lot. close to Hawthorne aVe. f 2,000 6-room new bungalow, cor ner East Twenty-eigntn ana di vision 3,300 Three choice business Jots well located. SI, 200 6-room house and two lots at St. Johns. We have a number of fine residence tots on East Thirty-seventh, near Hawthorne avenue, on monthly pay- merits. Stevenson-Brown Co. 110 SECOND STREET. Other Advantages another advantage la dealing with or la that sua are not too email for ua. nor we too Urge for yea. Ws are Just is attentive to oar dealings with tb email depositor as with the urge one. The Oldest Trmt Company in Orejion im.es Rneelat Certificate of Depoalt. whl.Mi are the Ideal snort. time Investment for the merchant, business msn or capitalist i has rands idle for short periods. Pless oall oa as or writs for free booklet of -'ILLUSTRATIONS" iv BTarNEas ss years. BEeoTjBCES orx ai.TW.oaa. Portland Trust Company of Oregon 8. B. cor. 8d asd Osk eta. rnone ex 72. BEN J I. COHEN. . jfl. L. PITTOCK.. B. LEE PAGET J. O. QOLTBA President Vlee-Preeldrnt Secretary Assistant Secretary Northwestern Guarantee & Trust Company mher Exchange Bldg. (Bd Floor) B. B. OOT. Bad and Stark Bta. WANTED! To buy for caah. direct from owner, an income business property, ranging from 2Si000 to 1200,000. Tou are Invited to call at our ofltce for further details. BiMlneM Proertie at Attractive Prices f We cannot advertise there proper ties, bat If ) "ti will call we will be glad to furnish you with the particulars and ahow the properties. SPHINX AOKNCT, I06H Stark atreet. CLASSIFIED NAMES Correct list of Oregon and Washing ton farms, fruit. Brain, hope, potato and stock growers, number In family, ages, etc. Call or write us for prices. Rural Directory Co.. tt Fourth street. UREBNWAY "(PORTLAND HEIGHTS) The most beautiful locations In this addition remain unsold. Bull Run wa ter, electric llgutr, gag ana araaea streets Superb view of Mt. Hood, Esst Portland and Willamette river. Cholc- t lots Jboo eaten. -lerraa ttaa each. Terras. WKITB ft V'LBggAg. 204-806 Orsgonlan Building Choice Acres One to five-acre tracts, cloaa In, on O W. P. R) . choice black soil, im proved; $200 per acre; aaay terms. Jordan & Garbade Room 22. 2S2H Washington Street LOST AND FOUND. rm M' A place to have heir mattresses reno vates aso rersrssa eaaie nsy. xas r resit t. sin 474. Portland Curiae Hair rectory. M. OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. WE..THER REPORT. A moderately Mraot high pieaenre area over lie the north I'arlfft state and t .. Mlesoarl valley; It has reused generally fair weetaer In thla district, with as marked change UgbTfrsNKe occurred thla naming Is tb Interior of wtern Oregon and western vraao Ington. and freealsg temperature are reported everywhere hi the later-mountain aertton ef thla district. The barometer la relatively low over Arlaona and New , Mexico, and heavy eaows have oerurred la consequence thereof Is north ern New Mexico. Gelorsdo and Wyoming. Local ratna are reported at seattered plaeea la Kan ess. Nebraska, the upper Mlaalaalppi valley, the Lake region 'and the middle and south Atlantic atatea. The Indication are far fair sad warmer weather In thla dlatrlet Tuesday east of fjfte Csecsde mountain!, and for Incresalsg cloodl aess. followed or showers. In weaUrn Oregon and western Washington, with lower tempera . rt ..I -- tjservanone taxeu at o a. m . raen ZJk. P ttlasss Kker Cttg. Oregon itoa, Maeeachuaer ta . Chicago. Illinela Dearer. Colorado Kansas City, Mleeoeri. Los A use lee, California. New Orleans, Loulslsns. Near York, New York Mai. . 60 . M . H . 22 . 74 . Ti . so , 88 :S . as . at . at . 62 . 66 . a Mtn. Praelp. as .0 60 88 18 64 63 TO 64 41 31 62 . .0 .63 .0 .0 .0 J .0 ' I .0 .0 .10 Portland Oregon lloaetiurg. St. -UnV Rait Lake ( tar, San Francisco. California. Spokane. Washington Taeoma. Washington Walls Walla. Washington Waahlngton. D. C 84 S3 60 MARRIAGB LICENSES. W. P. Prophet, Haruasan, Oregon. 46; lailu "".ferrtV Bldgeneld. Oregea. i Msnde Dstst. 24. M Albert Hsrt. 80: Bertha Belneeke, JS. Ben Vflllger. 353 Twelfth street, St; Sarah Jane Strain, 28. Wedding Cards, lagtoa blag., cor W. O. Smltk A Co.. Waah Fourtb and Washington ate. Wedding end railing card engraved or printed. T. Ruebtoo. 822 Waahlngton at. Miss Bertha Martin room 812 Allahy bldg. Stamping and One en-orb; Masons gisen. Pall dress salts foe rant, all alaaa Unique Tailoring Co.. 80S Stsrh at. DEATHS. DOVE Lsst night, at his late home. 24 East Eleventh street North, laaae Dove, aged 72 res re g months. Kunersl notion later. PEDKR80N At St. Vincent s hospital Octo ber 21. 1S06. Isaac Pederaon, aged 2S yeara. Funeral notice later. BABCOCh October IS, Ellsa S. Ha boors, age 78 rears. 648 Taylor, angina pectoris. TtBCOMBaV-October 18. Nellie F. Ttdcombe. 28 ieara. 186 Torb. pulmonsry tuoerculoala. Sis October it. Franklin arose, age T years. 507 Twenty-fourth sad s hslf street, dlnhjtherla, . mimai FUNERAL NOTICES. Rl S8ELI. At Woodatoeb. October 21, Dla drmma B. Russell, age 80 years. Fnaersl servieee 2 p. m. Tuesday, October 28, at Woodstock residence. RUS8EIX At Woodstock. October 21 frts demma B Russell, age 80 yeara. FBaersl serelcea 2 p. .. Tuesday, October 23, at the Woodatoeb residence UNDERTAKERS. McXatee a OUbsngh. undertaker . I. A-tmtl IUM.O and sabs Main 430. Lady assistant.' nd Pine. A. B. Hemstock. undertaker and aarbalmer. East Thirteenth and Umatilla ST. Phone Sell wood 7i. ; Erlrkson 1 ndertaklnr Co sad embalming. 409 Alder t. Phone Mala 8133 i.sdy sssarcant. J. P. Plsley a Sora. Third and Madison eta. Office of county coroner. Phone Mela 9. Clarke Bros.. Florists Has Sora I designs. 289 Morrison at. Edward Holman. undertaker, 220 Third at. RlTERTirw CZM2TEBY. Slnal grsvss. 810 Family lots 878 to 81.000, The only cemetery la Portland which per petusllr mslnuins su ana tor iota, rer ra Information snply to W. B. Mackensle. Wor- caster block city. W. M. Lsdd. prssldsaL REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Joseph Hlckey sad wife to Delay Kate Blaster, westerly V of block 88. Carter's addition $ C. A. Coolldge and wife to J. J. Beed. west H of lota 1 and 2, block S80, Hawthorne Parb A. J. Preeaasn and wife to L D. Boon, lot I. block 88. Central Alhlna William M. Ladd and wife to Fidelity Traat cotnpany. lota 6. 8, T sad 8. block 4, w llaui a addition J. N. Campbell and wife to Mary S. Campbell, lot 8. block 76. Sell wood afary rhelps alontgomery to Alfred W. Pottage, lota 10. 11. block 42, original townvlte of Alhlna ., v Maleelm and Mary McDoageU to Ralph Swltser. lota T, 8. block 208. city... Wsltrr V. Smith and wife te Dolly Ms goon, ports of tot 4. 5, block 83, Carter's addition - Willis m nntchlnaon and wife to fieorge W. Hutchlnaos, 11.4006 aqtiare feet, be ginning at point feet went and 760 feet north of enutbeaat corner of Perry Prettyman donation land claim If. A. sad O. Helthemper to Anna M McNeelai.il. lot 1. 2. 8, block 18. Haw I borne Flrat addition to East Portland. Mellada E. Merges te J. Teuacber Jr., lota 21, 22, block 2. Willamette..... James Boeles and wife to Cslire B. Camobell. weat '4 of lots 7, 8. block 860 6.000 880 060 6.000 1.800 N. csrrlaon s anbdlvialoa to Best Port- a. Bernsrd Orlmm to Prank Orlmm. lot 8. blie-k 12. ( entral Albtss. 1.200 M L. Holbronk and wife to John E. Illller. kit It, hloek 7: at 1, moew 8. St Jobn'a i'ark addition to St. Johns Oeerge D. Hsrt. ,11 et si. to Melvln K. Million, lot 4. block t. Dexingion Heights Plrland company to EHsabsth D. Van Mors lot 7 block 2. I Irland TOO 840 E. J. Cowliahaw Jo Western Oregon Truet company, east 60 rret or rot o, diocs A. Market Street addition Julia A. Jaroba to Thomaa Pitt Jeroos. lot 10. block It), amnn a auoaiTisiun and addition to East Portlsnd Edna Rachel Oate to John Gste, lot B. block 28. Willamette towaslt Charles 0. strube and wira to Alex B. Lyneh. lota 1, 1 block S. Strobe s adintton ji . , , George W. Cone et al. to J. ti. Br am hall, property In TrooUal. . ... .... . B. B. Mallory and wife to William IteMt. lot 8. block 28. Bolladay'a ad dition to Eaat Portland A. 1. Richardson at a I. to Union Logging a Lumber company, west H of north west U section 22. township 1 Berth, rang l west . . . 2.000 1,780 4,000 WJ madler ana wire ss-e. . Priestly, kits 1. 2. 8. 4, 8. a 8, 9, block 1. Pexrhaee s. Id It ton to r.aat rwtiano; also lot 6. block 3. Lochlnear addition L. . Llden and wife to Martha Brandt. nOxlOO -feet of lota 1. 2 block 6, tM,M' anilltlnn 1.400 Oaorfilinna B. Present t to Edwin w. Morse, lot 8. block 88. Irvlngton. Edwin W. Morse to John H. M. clung lot 8. block 88. Irvlngton ............ Isaac Hill and wife to Bertha L. Kay. west H of lot 4. and east U of lot 8 block 14. John Irvlng'a addition . . Thomas Mnrnane asd wlf to A. H. Bnrsga. lot 1. block su. BnlUvan's addition to Beat Portlaad. ....... ... too 8,600 1.012 Albert Cleveland and wife to n. B. Kesaee all that neiiss o. mi i v. block "K." Geeenws.r, north Of right of way which Ilea of Portland Railway comuany . Berths 7ox st al. t oCbsrlea Albright and wife, lot 15. block 8. Midway Anx- nex addition 1.400 Shsr and wife, lot 4. block 8, Bungalow Glade eddltloa i- Joseph Day to Kate Ward, south IS feet of lot J the north 88 feet of lot 1 and aerth 10 feet of lot 2, all In block 8. Strongs addition (Urate r A Knsms Elppel te Naacy H. Packard, lot 4. Moek 6, DoBa's sddl tloe te Eat Portia od .......... . Manae M. Moore te 0. 0. HsrViw. lota 6. 7. block 16, Plrat Addition to Treat at. B. Werleln, ' 'tvwata' 'to 'if'i fcott. west 10 feet of lot 4. Meek 141. Bast Portlsnd is Mary sad William Hols to Catherine Wsadel. eaat 28 feet of lata T, S. block too. Carutbera' addition William I. Miller and wife to Joba He Ilk. parcel of land commencing at point where section Use between aec ttona 28, 88, township 2 north, raege 1 west, la Intersected br a canyon at center of stream running through eueb canton , Arteta Land company to Cordelia Bra den, i"t 8. block 2. Inn Park M. M. and Sarah J. Owen to Plel A. West anbdlvialoa ft ha lot 10. Nw harst Park Peace .ea S..100 8.000 8.400 600 60 PORTLAND. MONDAY REAL ESTATE TBANSTRRaV ZT. W "S.V.XSeTf. A. sVd Bees' A.' Ellla'te AitrsV'i.' sad Bess Collins, west 17 fast of south 100 feet of hit 6, block a esist 17 fwet of south 100 feet of tot J. block 2, Williams Avenue addition ho. 2. . B. p. Cannon and wife to B. A. lianas and wife, lots T. S. block 2. Cannons addition to Beat Portland "i"' A. Bdgar Beard to Blbrldgo 0. Harden, iota 6. 10, Multnomah Berry Baaeh. . . 1.700 1.1 For ahatrsets Utto. fneersneeor mortgage loans call on raeinc mis as srss. ""-e--' nssas.ili PsclSc Coast Abstract uuarsa.j Tmat compaay. y 6 S-7 Falling bldg. Oat roar Inaurance and a oa tracts to aetata from the Title Ouarsatee A Trust reel paay. ' wasguupon airaos. NOTICE. NOTICB OP 8 A LB OP BONDS. ' Notice Is hereby given that the board of directors of the Hood Blear Irrigation district in Wasoo county. Oregea, will aeU the bono or aald district la the sum of 140,000 ea Thoraday. the into dsy of October, ISO, at the hoar of 2 o"etock . m.. st the office of the board of directors, at the residence of J H. Shoemaker in ssid district, and that aealed proposals for ssid bonds will be ra re i red by ssid hoard at aald place for .She ........ A. mmiA nnrit is, ds, and boor above mentioned; at which time the board ahall open the propga ehaaa of the bonds to sals aso awara mm rtbto bidder, the hoard reserving the right to reject any and all bids. Bids to he atcompaaied by a certified check for 6 per cent of the amount of tbs heads for which the bid la submitted. Bald hoods ahall be payable In United States gold cola la ten series, as follows, towlt: At the aspiration of 11 years. 6 per cent of tbs whole number of aald bends; 12 rears, 6 per cent: 13 years, 7 per cent; 14 years, 8 par cent; 16 years, per cent; Id years, 10 per cent; 17 years, 11 per cent; 18 years, 18 par cent; 19 years, 16 pet cent; 20 years, 16 per cent, and shall beer Interest at the rats of (1 per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, on tbs f trar day of January ami July of aeon year. Tbs principle and lntereat ahall be payable at the place designs ted In the bonds, and bidders are given the option of hsvlag said hoods payable at Portland. Oregon, or Nsw York City. N. T and ssid beads wUI be Issued Is accordance with the election of the successful blddsra: said bonds shall be each of the denomination of not less than f 100 and not more than $S00. and ahall he negotiable In form, and coupons for the In terest ahall be attached to each and signed by the secretary. Dated st Hood River, Oregon, thla 17th day or September, 1908. 1. H. SHOEMAKER. Secretary. PORTLAND. OB., Oct. 19, 1908 It Is hereby ordered that the name of the atero wheel steamboat "Fannie" (official number 1208831 be changed to "Diamond O." I. L. PATTERSON, Collector of Customs. SEWING-MACHINES repaired 11 kind, at your bona: gasraati iteed. Phone Pacific 2730 no agena. I onsen Hewing-staeaiae Repair lag Co.. S. Bams, adjuster. 881 Third st. 160 REWARD Stolen October 8; s bay bore. S years old: well built: good condition, gentle, weight 1.300. P. P. Oonley, Brooks, Oregon. HEATERS repaired on abort notice at Air Tight Store Oa.. 371 Flrit. Phone Pacific 1112. MEETINQ NOTICKS. " HABJfONT LODGE, 10. 11. A P. i ft A. M. Stated communication this (Monday) evening. 7.10 o'clock. Maaonlc temple. Third and Alder atreet. Work la the E. A. degree. All M. M. wel welcorae. By order of W. M. Kl'Fl'S R. BALL, Secretary. . W. A. EVERGREEN" Camp. 6.408. meets Wednesday evening, Allsky bldg-. Third and Morrison sta. CIRCULAR LETTER CO. Facsimile typewrit ten letters; addressing, mailing. 201 H stark. PORTLAND ORCHESTRA -Music for' all oc casions; reasonable. Main 8603, or 48 Lucretl. H. W. A. CS. I... Cl.au Cmn ST a QTR SSnn daya. 17th aid Marshall: vlaltort' welcome. HELP WANTED MALE. Wanted at Once BT THE GOLDEN EAGLE DEPARTMENT STORE. Sneer for notions, hoaierr and underwear man or woman, saleems or women for cloak sad suit department, sad firat-claaa notion woman aa clerk in tale department. Apply uperlntensunt. GOLDEN EAGLE. YOCNO MBN Bright, good nhjelqu. fair ed ucation, for railway mall clerks, depart mental clerka and atenograpnrr- govern ment service, with rood beginning salaries, deserving promotion, thorough preparation by mall: textbooks furnished See or write Immediately. E. 0. Heynea. 816 Columbia bldg. Open day and night. WANTED 2 well-dressed, educated sen to ell Charles Dudley Warner ' library, worm s beet literature; call only oa .persons who have written for psrtlculsrs; new proposition; liberal commission Apply between B and 12 Globe Publishing Co., Columbia bldg. Union Hotel 81 NORTH SIXTH ST. a-eae .Rinlntm.st to nslr osteon. Weekly rates: Room, II 50 op; room sad board. S4.B0 up. Anderson, proprietor. WANTED Salesmen, many make $100 to $150 per montn: some even more; eroca cases grown on reservation, far from old orchards cah advanced weekly: choice of territory. Address Washington Nursery company. ep- pemab. Waahlngton. MEN AND WOMEN to learn barger trad in eignt weeks; graduates earn rrom sin t- xo weekly; expert lnatrnrtors; catalogue free. Meier Statera of CoUeges. 36 North Fourth St., Portland. WB get work for our members; aaeclal me 1 Tsmhlll. hers. $2. Y. M. C. A . Fourth end AGENTS TO INTBODUCB THE OBBATBST aorticultnral wonder Bnrbank'a new atoeelee plum; miracle; big pay; permanent position wiro rurserj ton naiem. tons. YOUNG man attending hnslnees college wants place to work for board sad room, r so. care Journal. AGENTS Wanted to sell nurscrv stock! emnrflAta uperlor. high-grade comsiett outnt rnraisnre tree; est weekly; write today for cbolcs of ter a touay ror cnoic oi ier City Nnrssry company ritory. apltal Salem, or. WANTED Mnat have B5 more yotrog man to prepare tbemeelvea (or railway teiegrapn erelce: hlr demaad for graduate, can nay hr ereiiiiis Kitnert Colleae of Teiegrapny Commonwealth bldg.. Sixth snd Askeny su. nted et once. voismm Woolen Mills, Co., AleveBth and Stark BXI'EHIENCEl) $24 per week. ladle' taller: ate.ldr Work J. K Stars, 432 Washington. BOYS about 18 or IT ream of with a office. wheel. Apply at eupertntendan Dins. Hon ms ii a King. WANTED -Good all around furniture man wffo understand laylag earpete. Address Y 71). care Journsi. WANTED Two or three first-class, all around macnlne men; permanent poeltlon. good wages. Oregon Purnltare Mfg. C., Mstadam road. WANTED- Experienced bookkeewee far poettloa ta BMrrantll of Bee: mast writ good hand aad be accurate et flgursa Address L 27, oar Journal. s. WANTED experienced weed turner. Apply Portland Sssb ft Door Fsctory, B. Taylor and Union ava. w a sited Drreonda man: mast have knowledge of winoow si nig ena o e gooa ealesmsn Address, glvtac experience n ences. etc., 0. Leek Box 588, La Grand. retee- Or WANTED Tinsmith at once: wagee $2.60 to ' $8: steady Job. S. O. Miller ft Son. Aurora. Or. WAN'TED-Errand boy; Brgstohav blcrcle; good wage. Apply st Rosenthal's, 140 Third. WANTED Stave bolt nittara; good pay. Ap- ply Western Coopersge Co.. Stearna bldg. city, or noniioai, ier. aOLDKRBKS WANTED-- Apply te Paclfl Cosst Blecalt Co 12tb and Davie. EVENING. OCTOttgR M 1 HELP W ANTED PEMALB. CAPABLB WOIIBN WANTS n roa woes, eras asa seen mora uas trvtagi Be IndepeoaVnt; ds good. The Vlavl Co. already smeaoys lg.ua) women: tee wars IB countries eg use woria: we w satsrtala application trees capable i sot CSS' raaalne. net aaaarul. d STnin.-o work bldg Address by mail eniy. viavi uo.. Lerwm HO UK LA 1)1X8' AQBMQX. ltWH Fourth St.. corner Morrison apstabs. Alongside the X. M. O. A. bldg. QIRL8 WANTBD Operators to work ea shirts and ore rail, l.sssos gives to lBcxperiencm. apply at Standard ( sad Saaa Tayleeiyst. lard factory Mo. a, urasa see. WANTED 4Hrla to make of All" over- alia st 76 Plrat st. HANSBN'S LADIES' AOBNCT, 848H Wssk lagtoa at., cor. Bevaatb. upstair. Phoies Mala 292. rams Is belp wanted. WAMTST) Olrl for geaeral housework; smsll fatally. Call st once 800 Pask at. PBW ladle wanted to asslat making aaay fancy work saare time et home; good stesdy pay; as ajalrlliiii requUa bldg., 407 Washington at. LADIES I prtoc m Plel to do fancy work st boss; so x- reejaired: rspia, eaay worn. t-au . i . . A. . OlOg . SUt eMUinswn n. WANTED Exp rlen ploymeat. Oregon rlencrd bodj Irensr; steady am- L unary us. r-non atae. WANTED Lady canvssslng agent, for lwt. lend and vicinity, to sell Mmj. McC.be e ea nendlng back and flealbla side corset, cos side red most satisfactory corset nvade; eaally sold; Urge profit. St. Loola Const Co., 8t. Loels. Mo. OIBLg Chaeolste dipper and packers Candy Co., 10th sod Ollsan. WANTBC Young lady, genera J fcwork typewriter; apply In nsndwrltang. rsfsreneea. B IS. cars Journal. YUNO girl to assist with housework one log each week. Apply 17 B. 16th. WAJfTED Lady to hsby cleaning boose oas half dsy every Frldsy. afsln 228. OIBL for second work; good wages Main ISM. OIBL wanted; stesdy work, oar Davii. 66 Front St., cor- W ANTED Young artel for Ught sadl care of baby; may live at own T78 Marshall' at. Apply WANTBD Competent hoossgtrl: lo assist ear ing for boy in montns ow; no shuu a. The Hill. WANTED Olrl for general housework to small family; heavy washtag seat out; gooo Apply 778 Hoyt st- WANTED "immediately, neat, egnertsei woman under su as souaeaeeuor " " - oa fruit ranch. 280H Yamhill. Main 64ia . w wean s .ttnsHs out of city ' 2cksS neatlc, 820 room: far paid: 4 In city a no hM-m.lA. S'"S msn nd board : doi to S86. Home Ladles' Agency, 106 H St., cor. Morrtaoa. Main 6828. GIBLS wanted to work in factory; seed wage! steady employment, racmc coast oiscuu jo. WANTED At one, experienced salesladies closk sad son department, noosne Third and Morrison. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. MBN and women who are employed aa atenographer. to know mat oiciauoe maj be received at Holme Business College, Washington and 10th ate., every Monday. Wednesday sad Friday evening, from 7:80 to 8 30 p. m. WANTED First class lady nd gntlmn csa- Tsssers; aasary sua toujuiimkiq. , . Agency Buresu, S3 Fourth at., Portlaad. Or. WANTED Young people to la writing and lettering, day aad not overcrowded; Individual li leant aboweard bag: field Instruction by practical sxpert skoweard writer. Oater'a En pert College, fifth floor Commonwealth bldg. SOLICITORS Mala snd female, en salary! good pay to bustlers. Apply at eeermaa bouse. 12th and Washington, between 6 snd 7 p. m., room 1. ' HELP wanted aad supplied, male or female, ft. o. Drake. auoH waaaiagxon si. raoxic ism. WANTED la conn try home, two children to rare fur goon ecnooi. auuress m as. et., p.ntofflce box 88. Bcsirpoose, Or. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. RELIABLE married man want position part time: couio arrange ror row nour oar or iew daya per week; bend If required. L 69, ears Journal. EXPERIENCED Scandinavian Soviet and land scape gardener wants position, is bo, journsi. SET of books to keep by accountant who haa several bouts s aay spar urn, is ss, journal. GOOD Japaneee cook wishes situation; speaks geoa axagnxn. can main iu, moooay, FIRST -CI, ASS second cook wants emphryu Boom 58 Pleaaanton. TOl'NO man attending business college de sires employment evening artar 4 p. m. ana Saturdays. Student, 203ft Stanton. YOUNG man wanta work before and after erhool boors; not afraid or wort; experi ence ss waiter. Addreas X 87, care Journal. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS, peddlers, csavssatn and street work era, get your supplies from ft. M. Plummer, aao inira at. new goods, bottom price. AGENT for Portland for the only rel. low priced typewriters made.' Addxess Ban Visible Tyneerrltera Co., Oregon hotel. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMBBT OFFICE , FOR MBN. 28 North Second at. Phone Mala 16 THE POBTLANI) EMPLOYMENT CO.. 206ft Morrison st. Phone Pacific 280. ALPINE Employment Co., Male sad female help.' 206ft Morrison at Phone Main 1017 WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT Houses, cottages, flats. stores, offices, rooming bosses, etc. Lena lords will do well to call on . PORTLAND TRU8T COMPANY OF OREGON Phone Ex.' 72. S. E. Cor. 64 cd Osk. WANTED Housekeeping with alnk. In qnlet place, by single mae, V 76, Journal. WANTED REAL ESTATE To The Portland Canttaltst We make s SPECIALTY ef COLLBCTIN.I RENTS of LARGE BUILDINGS, placing FIRE INSURANCE, payment of TAXES and GENEBAL CAKE OF PKOPERTY. Ws have th beet of fecllltl.a for carrying out y wlabee es aa agent. We solicit your patronage. Out reference: Lsdd ft Tlltea, bask are, aad Merchants' National bank, ft. H BLOSSOM. $18 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. I WANT modern 6-room cottage hsresin fn caah: mall me it muat b psrtlculsrs will be la Poetised October 86. M. Mercer 781 South Third St.. Bin Jose, California WANTED Hi in weat aide: most be cheap Maui 6110. 617 Commercial for block WANTED House In Irvlngton: meat be cheep; not over $8,600. Phone 6120 Main, or 617 Commercial block. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. Mala 6666. FTjBNlTUltB WANTBD ram SPOT CASH am mm t . vo . ITTIHW annul 211 Pint st. Mala aajl WANTED Every tTalhi puysr to k that eon east imarnve fee ton ef your Inetrumei ever 100 per eeat; make Jt sound Ilka an old Italian vlnlhx; handsome booklet free. We ley Lord. 404 Bag bldg.. Loe Angelas HIOHBJBT price paid for ing. Phone Pacific 48. awe's cast-off cloth Uncle Joe. 61 Third. 1 WIU. BUY, SELL 0B TRADE ANY OLD ING. WBBTgK RAl.VAiin to, Xt WASHINGTON. PACIXIC 1. VB WILL BUY your farnltar snv nld ttat Western Bsivage CO., exi naaaiugieu st. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. about It W0 waat ydar trade). "TJM FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT "OTFAisMft.. vis vsr, slectr' 8jfsT7iriv 3 aware, s v . . g free b log at $260 u.t with M rMWM; mm swtic. pr w up. THB BICHBLIEl', S$H North Wxth atgaev gaatly fursUhed; ateem best tod hatha. rue nun " as Elassstth St.. atarfck rooms with steam heat and bath. vies A 247H Fifths-Hooaekeeplng LINDA rlth bay wtndowa, and sleeping room w ELEGANTLY famished room, furnace heahtd and bath. 474 Salman st. 1 FURNISHED room and furelaewd wawksplAsX room for rent t 762 Vaocouree av. THE GRAND. 4544 North Third at. gasjtlsmen 11.26 per wh and up. for .,. nwoii . V 11 Mli.es nt mod ecu furnlabe ., $1 pe osima in beautiful priest reeldence day . 886. Sixth at. Madison. THB KING 800 Jefferson, psoas with svsry convenience, fl pet week snd P- - THE WOODLAND Elegant nsodern forabdssd room to bsantlful peltate residence 119 l nwnth and up. filxth st.. corner Madison. 1 FURNISHED room In mierricsxe reason able; private residence; best WesVoeacs sse tkm; srslklng dlatanoa. 847 Cellsgs st. Pa- etfie 2806. ROOMS AND BOARD. FIRST CLASS room and board, one or two; modern, rsseoosoie, ..i "v.. tance. 814 Esst Morrtaoa st. iticnr furnished room snd board, private ror two. auin iwo. " -- FOR RENT HOU8EKEEPIN0. a. wss rip clesn. furnlahed tag rooms : parlor, bath, laundry. beat, yard. 1DSV. Stantoa. u er. $1.80 WEEK ag. large clen, farnl.hd keeping rooms, laundry and bath. 184 man strath. Portland. TBI hnTCHBLI-HoosekaepIng s rooms, rssaonable. Seventh and asd transient or 4 PlikNIBHBD HOI SBKEBPIBO BOOMS Orennd floor; gas and bath. Tel. last 8419. warner v enmlshed honaekeenlnx setVsS: on ear line: hot and cold water; bath; Its neon. 674 H Fust at.. If. B. ear. Grant lis per' month. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. Offices-Most Central Locattoo ha Bee city northwest, corner Sixth new a leva ton hot and snd waahlngton sta cold water, iignr best snd lanltor est tlus. TUB -OaiOOPAjJA $0 Seventh ntbb a TBUbT OFFICE ROOMS, nnfurnlehed rooms ar sie-rooma leg rent. . Good Dough bldg. nvater. apply DESIRABLE ofacea. Including electric lights, not and cold water, janitor aad elevator aaretee In the new. airy Coaamonwealth bids., old potofnce alt. Sixth and Bares! ds sta. Ageot room 411. plumber. Fourth at. store at Stewart station. Mount Scott thing In snap for eocapaaey; coon tare. shelving, etc.; less si ressonaoi rent, n Patriae. 2108. DESIRABLE ator near Third aad Stark: three year" lease, rnone Main 77. FOR RENT HOUSES. 7-ROOM SUITES fat the modern . brand-new brick boue. Morruoe aaa isawnsaaie; uuica walk down town: surroundings Al. Al PORTLAND TBCBTCOMPANT OP 01 8. B. cor. 8d and Oak. Phon Brcnsr FOB RENT 8 handsome, modern 7-room hemes. mnssstsst s located on xnira-at. canine siu, 811 snd 814 Corbet t St.: rent reaaonahla to desirsble tenant. David 8. Stearns, 148 wagningtoa sc. Borni modern bouse, choice locstlon. Tag ( Heskle ft Bsrrlson. 217 Ablngtoa bldg. Main. FOB RENT 7-room house, newl: wly painted and papered, bath and patent Cable et. Inquire 480 Mill touet, is; FOR RENT Tli. 12i men i.iniwe, av. Strong. Ne. 181, . .. 1ST Weat Park St. jnqulra ef I HOUSE with 8 rooms. 788 Johnson at.. $2$ inquire uowengarat, ss rsrs si. MBW 5 sad 7-room modern flats, sightly. quire 818 Kelly St. fbone Mam saia. HOUSE for rent reasonable, with gas stove 682 Third at. FOB BBNT 7 room houss. oorner Oentenbeln are. and Monroe St., $14; 5 room cottage. sam street, ao. Mart man a mom peon. Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT 2-room nice $6 nor month Call No. 'OS Hawtborna av., near E. Wats. COTTAGE. 6 rooms. 600 Market at. Inquire 260 Chapman at. Phon 6177. FOR RENT FLATS. PLAT FOR BBNT, FURNITURE FOR SAME Centrally located, modern convenience raay for occupancy. Apply saisa gixte at can rrom a to TWO 8 room furnished flats; bath, phase: close in. fine view, onx neventn st. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. 8 PLEASANT unfurnished rooms st 860 Meat gomery st. rnone rsciiic xtdv. THREE unfurnished room. 486 Bsst Morri ion. Phone Beat loio. HOUSES FOR rent; FURNI TURK PUK BALft FURNITURE ef a moat desirable 0 room fist most he aold at a aacriflee: pnrcbaeer ce mm rtat me XSA a month: this la worth In veatlgstlog, ss owner must leave for tbe esst fat a fsw days. Corns snd msk your own price. 604 Perk at. vnn aai.F. Furniture ef room modern honse. nearly all -sew; rant reasonable; tiro blocks from poetofflee; good transient house; will all st a bargain If tsksn by th tint of November. 208 Fifth st. , M), , FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. ft ALB and ballroom-, separata or together; new asd with all eooeeelsstaa. Phon Mala lag. SPOT caah paid for your furniture, stoves, orompt attention. Phon Bt 1067. BUSINESS CHANCES. BO yes want to mrast $6,000 that win say yoe tio.000 each rear! an laswtaaaseary is met hMt nmnositiosi that .eeer cutis te rou; experience sot nseassary. Jnat good baalneea aenee If so. answer thla st once snd yon will not regret It; reference required, and I will glre In return ; bnalneaa stand on it own merit. T 87, car Journsi. PHENOMENAL rlae in price of Hurst Switch expected say day; this may bs your test opportunity te bay betoee eaWrlntlon hooka enclosed, i. P. Hurst ft Co., 200 McKay bldg. FOR SALE Aparl aewly furnlahed; t -hoses of 16 all assy terms If necessary; In come $100; real $00; lecxayd ee Maeo at. Apply Conn Bras. rural tnr v., us ires- WANTBD Sora on moner Into decelop pronumag rats; stock pro position ; atrlctly t legitimate; would-be nsrtaerahtp deel. 0 10. Journal. STOCK companies Incorporated. It yoe have stocks or ponds far asj. art me try to sell them for yen. Oeorge M. KeOogg, broker. 640 Elliott Bqasre. Buffalo. P0B SALE 12-room lodgisg house modern; good fm-nlture; electricity: naaonabl at $040. Addrves v $. cafe Joarwsl. INAP-lO-roses lodgiag house , low reel: (Bed ewxlstay uwgwr, gitft ran su "I 1 1 1 I1 1 BUSINESS CHANCES. 8AVB MONEY Anything In printing see Mid aaa. ueax geiaaw Tampie, iirst ssat lw at. I unsfMtra. NICE farm, near Portlaad. Improved. $2 aa nay. raone vraeoMwa sub. SALOON MBN1 InvMtlgst thla old-stsh)lhed 4Fnwr, vaaavshf gessajg, Ww-x,aU. fftA lUBW 1 wall Address L 48. ears Journal. FOB SALE A M, ream roomlng-houaa. all nawlr ruruisoao, ootng s near cuaas nssjisaaa. O $8, car Journal BARGAIN-East saga, ft) rooms, cooxdty far. profit bov glSf raonthi?! $1,600 caah: no agsaU. T 61, car Journal. SMALL restaaraai uraat aad lunch eeagtsr, ta Ith lean, for salt. N 46. 'tosanon Journal. WANTED Man with $600: seat Co iocs do: XV 00(1 la It. Address F 00. ears Journal. 14 BOOM modern, well furnlahed and sjsga nrae; 10th; corner $675 HTJYH 17 -room boose, clos In, with tarn I tore and lea. Btl Madison. 80-RO0M rooming boose tor sals la best central mention, income above rent 8260 a month: $6 to $10 Oar transient. If you wsnt s "iiv ens and the beat bouse la th cjty fur $8.000. addreas X 100. ear Journal, FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 260 BUYS fine 8 room residence ea 16tb, nar eimaati, run ones ocaement, nn lawn. cement walks, modern; this M worth looking up; part esse. $2.260 5 room modern cottage asd Id-room cottog, at 28th gad Clinton its. These cottage are new and up to date; nothing nicer In Baat Portland; easy terms. $1.800 6-room new cottage sn good street st Midway; Sell wood ear; part cash. $160 sch foe 1 lots 60x100 an B, 21 at lad Hawthorne: term. $460 cash. 1 lot 60x100. 83d. new B. Stark. $20, ojoo -60x100, letory frame, income 8186 par month; Bsst Morrtaoa aad near Third; loos BEAD, , AND CON8IDBB WELL. w can aen you wna isne in western Oregon from 14 to $10 oer t Isnd Is aefond to none van pet Sa tloa. It will oaf the Invest a has to Investigate thla propoaltioa. We aleo base good improved farm, ctty property and acre age, sawmill and timber landa. Cams ig aad as oa TURNER ft WALKER. J. aogft waahlngton st, Portland. Oregon. A SPECI ALTY OP EABT I VW EA BUSINESS PROPERTY BUCHTBL ft KERNS. MB Eaat Morrison at. BARGAINS POP SOMEONE. modern e-room bom.' full brick haee- I Urge aad HOLLADAY'S ADDITION ft block. I modern Sower a. cement sidewalk ; cheap fag caah. 876 Baat Third st, north. Send One Dollar And wa will list yoe property with 1.000 real estate iealar who are aa anxious to ra commission a yon are to sell; snr plsn ealdom faUa; seed description; we are helping as sy others, why not yoe T Address The In vsstor'a Guide. 811 Mar quern bldg.. Portland. Oregon. NEW Broom honse. S4. 1.000; hones. $8,000; small payment down, balance m a rent. Owner. Phone Bsst 676. Id ACRES. 1 sail wast of. Clackamas railroad atatlaa ; price sg.aw; ouimmgs on placet oom aaa see. l. ssonr, muwauxie. 500 Homes For Sale Farms snd ate Property. THE INVEST!) KB UUIUS ,X., Ill Harquam bldg Portlaad, Oregon. REAL ESTATE for sale. Hew la thla for bargain T Two mm, gaoo case, worth soon; 1 lot $116 cash, worth doobl that amount, graded a treat. 20-foot alleys, lots 48xl2fl; mast ssu. ase Jo nssb. owner, at Ngsnvuie atatloo. Mt. Boon una. i ONB 2-alory bona, ground 88x100, aad amble t; eioss in. apply aso nat i lay su sat 1606. BARGAIN Fin comer lot In Irvlngton, TUIn- "two" box 100-foot lots la Leeter Park, asar V Two" nice' tonear EaM Mth'sBd Division sta.. -1007 ay by5.U.Aw 402 Commercial blk. Plume Pacific SIS. FOR SALE $116 Let 100x100, chase carlln. graasg street, city wstsr minutes' ride from center ef city; yo beat Jt at thla price; $10 monthy if : PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OP (1 8. ft. Oer. Third and Oak eta. EXTRA BARGAIN 7 lata eox loo, cissrse, an tegetaer in ess tract, lor $$00: class to laVroom echool at Lenta; las locattoo; water free; Be fate to any pert of Portland; terms. 0. ft. Addlton. owner. Lenta. Oregon. $800 BUYS Bft seres garden land with modern -room asam. xag muss runs aiessm anas aaa $2,280 6-room house, lot 60x100, ia Sonayalde, sx, auw ts nssi o room noose ana eerwer lot fat Sunnyalde. . $1.000--4-room bouss and 2 lots oa ft. Hd) atreet $660 Oiiarter block neer Uslsa Sve-I bseo tlfnl hulldlfla site. gl.ane 5 acres T muss out; setae set; HBO caah. 8800 - 4 serss near Or sous ate. ream noes ana Darn. $800 ftslosB en North 8d st. RBGISTBTt ft CO., lOTft Third st . FOR SALB One 6-room cottage en Bellwod gtT, $1,600: oa 4 room cottage on Albtss av . near ahopsi both nice houses and cheap. Par $1,060 w hers a comfortabh) 6-room he sea, fall lot, most all eonveaieweee ; small essh payment, balence $10 monthly. B. B. COOK ft CO., Sl Alder st. BEST BARGAIN IN PORTLAND Larg brick house, 0 rooms, splendid location; tbt 80x100, lawn, fruit, good esr service: $2,100; easy psynvant; no agent! T 08, ear Journsi. Sellwood ibenss French. 1870 B, Phone Sellwood T4. rite wssr Park lota. 8S7 snd Addition lets, $100 snd Bp; $8 down sad I nvtr Homes from 8000 to 85.000. Lots sad US, In all parte of Sellwood. List four party with as; we wui sen it. Willamette Tract On WnUmett nnnleeard. overlooking city and river. 6 cent fare, lets 60B100 feet; price $260 snd Bp; $28 cash. $5 fr month. See C. A. Zygowskl. Wlllsmette station. If. John ear. B BAND-NEW boose select neighborhood, near car; price advancing all around ; terms; pay rent to yourself ; see thla. TUB CONTINENTAL. CO., 148 Stark at. 5 1KMIM ad let In North Irvlngton: price 11.4001 rasn, nsmncs gie per moatn. Jenn. Trimbl ft nimbi til aiarqnam. WB HAYB just completed two new modern re Idences at Archer Place; oa a tevea-rnom boas l $1,100). and tb other a six rosm hsase ($1,850). One-third reah and blaoee ee aaay month 1 paymenta, both bargains. ft. P. CANNON CO.. $08 McKay bldg. Third and Stark sts. 10 ACRES choice farm land, good nsw room creasing. Mount Scott carltne. Oeerge MODERN HOME. honse. gaa. electric light. fnrsac fine lawa, rose bushes asd abed treat. Bftat Main. Tel. Beat 3278. ABB (yen looking for bom or ss investment! Good real eatate I eaf. We bsv It. Be fore you hoy are what we have to offer. M. E. THOMPSON, H Mlsslstppl are Phon Wodlawn 101. COZY little home A I condition, seer esr; high. fruit; a htrgain; ss it today. THB CONTINENTAL OO, NT AL OO, ag gajggB as. My aieat. big rot esxi4i. su kladi small fruit, two bleeka to best carlln In city, mall b.rn. $2,700. bslf cash. No. 1229 414 and Bast Taylor. Owner; phon But 8888. saM