THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER SO, 1906. NKW TODAY WE PAY 3 PER. CENT ON CHECK ACCOUNTS AND 4 PER CENT INTEREST ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS -TtfC- SAVINGS BANK OP THE TITLE OUABANTEE & FttlJ&T COMPANY OFFICERS: J. Thoi George Thorburn Ron, President. H. HUl. Vice-x'reeiaeni. T. T. Burkhsrt. Treasurer. Jap. K. Altchisoo, Secretary. B inking hours 9 m. to 4 p. m. Saturdays 9 a. tn. to 1 p. m. Saturday evenings S to 8 o clock MO WASHINGTON STREET. Corner Second, PORTLAND, OREGON. TERWILLIGER TDAPT South IIVlll Portland FOR A LIMITED PERIOD $37,500 CASH A like amount on time WILL BUY 85 Sightly Acres Pen minutes from Third and Washington streets, that will plat about 600 lots, on Boulevard Drive and On Um Sonic Electric Railway Now building:. Will double in value by one year from date, bead of Hamilton Ave. tnd less than half mile TO Ma cadam road, and its factories and industries of over $1,000,000 cap ital, employing nearly 1,000 men. Council Crest Within a mile west. . JOHN R. OATMAN, Attorney, 446 Sherlock Block, Postoffice Box 746. R. .L. CATE HAS MOVED FROM lit SECOND ST. TO 226 Stark Between First and Second Real Estate, Loans and Insurance PRONE EXCHANGE Ta Northwestern Guarantee 6 Trust Company lVaatber Exchange mdg. (Sd Floor) TAKE THIS IN We now offer, subject to Immediate SLooaptanre. $10,000 flrat and refunding meets-age t per cant bonds of the Port land Railway Company. If this Is not what you want sea us at onoe for other grtlt edge investments. Ten-Acre Tracts Oa the Section Line road, 4 miles from the reservoir, 1 mile from streetcar Una; good aoll and lays wall, at 178 per Suora half cash, halanoe oa time. The Shaw-Fear Co. New Home West Side rforth of Washington, lot 80x160; 8 large rooroa, substantially brjllt and first -clans In every particular; part cash, balance easy terms. See thin elegant home before buying or building. FTkBm O. KT9TQ. (08 t'ommerctsU D'k.. 2d A Washington HAVE YOU A FEW DOLLARS TO SPARE? Then read todaur s sdvsrtlaasrnent at the BL W. tsseaeke Oa. on rage I. IT WILL INTEREST YOU. NEW TODAY. Bargains in Real Estate f8,0s0 Quarter block in business district, witn a-story on ouuu ing; rental pays 8 per cent on in- 6,600 Three-story brick with 50 left dockage; rents lor fiw yci stS.BOO acres inside city Un its. 94,500 8-room new modern home, large lot, close to nswinome eve. 2,000 roora new bungalow, cor ner East Twenty-eighth and Di vision. 3,800 Three choice business lots well located. fX.StOO 6-room house and two lots at St. Johns. We have a number of fine residence lots 00. East Thirty-seventh, near Hawthorne avenue, on monthly pay ments. Stevenson-Brown Co. UO SECOND STREET. $350 Per Acre &y2 Acres of fine land on the car ftiner-a fine tce-fer chicken ranch; partly cleared. This will odly be offered at this price for a few days. TOWNE UO Commercial Bids;., 242 Wash ington St. Sunnysidc Property For Bale and Rant Per Income or rental properties! w have soma fine buya. 5 room cottaare BISTB -room oottage. naw S2600 -room hone, bargain .. Soma epeclale la lota. wtwwm m aai 1000 H Balmont Bt. Phone Tabor ISS BoalneM Proertkft at Attractive Prices Wa cannot advertlae there proper Ties, but If you will call we wUl be Clad to furnish you with the partleulara and shew the properties. SPHINX AGENCY. 808 H Stark a treat. CLASSIFIED NAMES I Correct llat of Oregon and Waahlng ton farms, fruit, grain, hops, potato and . stock erowers. number In family, agea. ate. Call or write ua for prlcea. Mural Directory Co., S3 Fourth street- OREENWAY (PORTLAND HEIGHTS) The most beautiful locations in this addition remain unsold. Bull Run wa ter, electric Hants, gas and graded streets. Superb view of aft Hood, East Portland and Willamette river. Choic est lets $608 each.' Term a WkTJTB B BIT, EST HAM. 901 SOS Orsgonlan Building. WEATHER REPORT. The tropical storm Is central this morning aft the South Carolina coast and Its Influence Is being; felt In the Atlantic states ss far north ss New England Heaey rates hare occurred tn New York. PennsylTanla. the Virginias snd the District of Corambls, the bearleat rainfall being at Wsshtagton, District of Cotnmbla. where 8.89 Inches fsU during the Isst 94 hours. Over this rainy ares the winds ss yet have not been seeera. Aa Immense high pressure area overlies the north Pacific atates aad (air sad cold weather Sessile la this district. Light (roars occurred la morning west of the Cascade mountains snd beery f coats are reported la eastern Wash ington snd northern Idaho. The Arlsons dis turbance la muring slowly northesstwsrd aad unsettled weather, with rising temperatures, prevails la the middle west. Local snows have occurred In Wyoming. Mentssa aad southern Idaho. The Indications are for (air weather la this district daring the next two or three Sera, with frosty mornings and with slowly rising temperatures atrnng ue srreraooue. OSaervar done tsken st 8 s. m , PsexSe Temp. Station. Max. Mta. Prscip. Baker City. Oregon 49 89 nj Chicago. Illinois et 88 .8 Denver, Colorado 88 89 .04 Kansas City Ml-aouri T4 89 M Los Angeles. CaUforals 79 64 .0 New Orleana. Louisiana . . 78 SO ,g New York. New York 78 A4 .0 Portland. Oregon 88 8B .08 Bmk erg, Oregon 84 84 M St. Loals, Missouri 89 89 .0 hslt Laks. L'tah 48 80 T San Franclaeo. California 8$ 84 .0 Spokane, Washington 41 Ts corns. Waahlngxsn 80 Walla Walla, Washington 84 Washington D C 78 MARRIAGE LICEN8B3. John W. MrKerrsle. 189 Lownsdsle street, 88; Nanna Dedmsn. SB. Frederick M. Smith. 27; Ml lie Mae Bannlas. 8A Fred Pentecost. 99; Lillian M. Orandls. 90. Edward F. Peterson. 781 Union avenue, 91; Delia Campbell, IB line Ci bldg.. . lngton oar. Fourth sad Washington sts. Wedding snd calling cards sngravad or printed. B T. Rnshton. 892H Washington st. Miss Bertha Martin, room 119 AHaky bldg. Stamping and fine needlework; lessons given. Fun drees suite for rent, all sixes Unions Tailoring Co.. see Stsrk St. BIRTHS. GREEN October 16. te Mr. snd Mrs. Conrad Green. 981 Belmont, e girl. LAWRENCE- October 17, to Mr. Snd Mrs. For rest D. Lawrence. 48 Bast Fifteenth, a girl. OGLE October 18, to Mr. aad Mrs Carl B. Ogle, Seventeenth snd Ysmhlll. a bey. OLlvEB October IS, te Mr. sad Mrs Wtnfleld 9. Olives, 70 Grand avenue, north, a hoy. BBOWN October 9, to Mr. and Mrs Hugh G. Brown, 481 Florence, a key. UNDERTAKER!. Dunning. Missal SI A Qttbnugh. undertakers sad embslmere; mi rtsfa tn essay detail. Seventh and Flae. Mala 480. Lady assistant- A B. Hems tor andertaker aad embalmsr. sat Thirteenth sal Umatilla are. PhoM Sell wood fl. Brickaos Undertaking Oa, snd embalming. 41 Alder st. Phone Mala 8188. saaStsq J. P. Ftntor ft Sons. Third and Madison sts. OfSce of county coroner. Phone Main A Clarke Bros.. Florists Floe torsi designs 989 Morrison St. Bdward Holmaa. undertaker, Third St. ,T. Single graves, tie. Fasslly lota 876 to 91 .000. The only ce meter. In Portland which per- netnally ajslatslaa sad car as for lots. For full la format Ion apply te W. B. Mavrkeasl' ell. W. BL. lavas. 88 T 40 .09 84 .0 89 2.81 DEATHS. FOX October IS. Placus Fox, 64 mn St. Vincent's bospltsl. cerehrul hemorrhage. SOU ABC October IS, Hour. Bogard, ffi tan, Good Samaritan hospital, meningitis. KIN ASIAN Drowned et see. August . 1906. Alfred Harbor Kinsman. iM Ji rlUV be loved eon et Seth M aad Msud Hmsu. FUNERAL NOTICES. LITTLB At kls UU residence. SIS But 10th St., aorta, October It, It Robert A. lit tie, aged 74 years. Funeral will take place Sunday, October 91, at it p. in., at K. a Dunnlnge chapel, corner of Eaet Alder am) But Sixth st. Membera of the O. A. R.. I. O. O. I. sad frlende are reepectfuUy In Tltad to attend, Interment St La Center. waealagtoa. REAL ESTATE TRAN8FER8. Arleta Lead compear J"11" (hand ler, lot SO, block 11, Arleu 1'ark No. 1 ,.,r7! Arleta Lead essaaany to A. H. llllde braad. lot 111, block 1. Ins Psrk Jobs J. Mi ansa! to rTvelen Msnnlon, north 10 feat of lots s sua V. and west 17 feet of eoath 70 fert of lot 8 sod t IS (eat of south 70 feet of wl , In block a. North Portland W. Kwsrl sud wife to C. I.. Hsynts, lots 1 sad 2, block un. llollsilay's addition to Beat 1'orttsnd Security Seringa A Trust company t Fulton United Artlaaua' Building eseo clallon. lots a. 4. u and a, block IS, Southern Portland William M. Ladd sad wife to Uermlae A. Weber at el., part of block 8. Illack- lstoas's addltloa to l'ortlaod William M. Lsdd sad wife to Tbomsa F. Beylle aad wife, part of block 9, Blacklstans's addition to Portland William Teghtmeler aad wife to Rudolph Schneider and wife, loU 17 end 18, block 1. Otlham'a addltloa , Mary J. Connolly to Oeorgs F. Berrlnter, lota B and 8, block IB, Mount Tabor Villa TT.T. B. W. Wilbur aad wife to Oordelle Dun tu, eoath BO feet of eest 100 feet of block S, Johnson's sddltlon T. N. Dunbar and wife to Morris Kuhner, south SO feet of eest 100 feet of block . , fBfTirjt'l P'W"" - Arleta Land company to Isabella Hunter, lot 22, block 8; tot 18, block 6, Arleta 1.800 a i!soo 1,800 700 10 rara ho. 2. too Baal Estate Isreetment sssoclstloa to Albert Groaaack, lota S aad 8, block 108, Sallwood Baal Batata Iarestmaat ssaoclstVoa to Rudolph Wllbslm. lot A block 24, Sell- wood John J. Mansion to Ersleen Mann Ion. toe lota 8 and 4. block A Willamette Heights addltloa 1 John J. Mannlon to Ereleon Mansion, wast 14 fast o south 70 feet of lot 8, block , North Portland 1 Leti S. Bkaaks to Mary L. Shanks et a., lot 8, block 8, aobdfraton of St. Johns Heights addition to St Johns 8,000 WUUam M. Lsdd aad wife to Board at School Trustees, weet 150 feet of north 100 fast or south 200 feet of black 7, Johnson's sddltlon 10,000 George sad Julian Smith to Arthur Ed-' Kaad wife, tots 11 aad 18. block 8. Aland ., 1.000 F. Haas haw and wlfs to R. 0. fenny. lot 8, block 811. city 1 J. F. Kelly aad wife to 0. T. La Tour nans, lots 7 sad 8, block 4, Hansen's addition to Bast Portland 1,900 Oeorxe W. Lows snd wife to fl T. t Tourneau. lot 8, block 81, Central AI 700 M. 8. riahhurn aad wife to tart 0. Stark aad wife, lata S aad 10, block B, Beat Portland Heights E B. Clark and wife ta W. H. Berg, lots 1 and 8, block 7. Logan's addition to East Portland Barman Janlcke aad wlfs ta Security 8s rings A Trust company, 100x100 feet, beginning at a joint oa seat line of Hood strsst, 88 feet sooth from north wsst comer of block P. Caruthers ad dition to Cars then' addition Thomas Con nail aad wife to Security Barings A Trust company, same ss abwre J. D. Kennedy and wife ta Security 8aT. son 1.400 toga A Trust company, wast of lots 4. 8 and 8, aad south 88.7 of wrat H of tot A aU In block P. Portland Homestead a nnn Ernstlne 8c bee land to Security Seringa Trust company. 88x86 feet, beginning at southwest corner of block 1, Cars there- addition to Cam there' addition 8,000 Osksr aad Emma linker to Security Rar ing. B Trust company, undivided u Interest ta block K. Cam there' addition to Caruthers' addition 18 260 onariee inuei ano wile to Security SaV- lags Trust company, saarth SB feet of block P, Caruthers' addition to Caruth ers' addition 8. BOO "jsss oeesione ano wire to security Savings st Trust company, lota A 8 and 7, Kerrigan's eubdivlaion of a part of lots 1 and 2, black A, Portland Homestead l W. X. Smith aad wlfs to Security Sav ings Trust company, tots 9, A 8 and 8. block 104: also beginning at a point on the east Una of block 104, 100 feet as Blh from nor t beast corner, thence east 10 feet, thence south 108 feet 4 Inches, to a point on north line of tract claimed by W. K., W. V., A. T. and P. C. Smith, thence west to ssld point of Intersection, thence north 117 feet to place of beginning 98,800 W. B. Walpols snd wife to Security Sar Inge A Trnst company, sahdlvhrton C of lot 1, block B. Portland Homestead; also sll of lot 9, block B, In Portland Homestead excepting the weet 88 feet. . 1 Ibex Land company to Security Barings A Trust company, lots 8 and A block P. Caruthers' addltloa to Caruthers' sddltlon: also 86x100 feet, beginning at southeast corner of lot A block P. . . Thomas Connell and wife to Ibex Land 1.850 onupsnj, asms aa soots Emms Austin snd husband to Security Savings A Trnst company, imdlrlded W of block K, Caruthers' addition to Carnthera addition 18 "BO Edward Coles snd wife tn Security Sav ings A Trust company, parcel of land beginning at a point 60 feet north snd. 146 feet east of southeast corner of block V carnthera' .rbliMnn r.. t-.r nthers' addition The City of Portland to Ann Coles. 60x100 6.000 isaii commencing st a point SO feet esat and 60 feet north of and parallel with snath line of block A la Caruthers' addltloa Portland Lumber company to ' Security Barings Trust company, parcel of land beginning at a point 60 feet north and 146 feet east of southeast corner of block A. In Csruthers' addition to tJersrtJiers' sddltlon Bomeonsthlc Hospital Dispenser; of Portland to Security Savings A Trnst company, blocks L, M, N aad 0, Car uthers' sddltlon to Carnthera' addition 80,1 WUllam snd Sophie Drnck tn Security Seringa Trust company, all land lying along east aide of block J, la Caruthers' addition to Caruthers' addl Hon John Gsrlyle snd wife to Fidelity Trust rompany Ma L 8, if sad 18. block 821 Raleli'a ,M H Bertha Bern ham to John Oriyle. iota 17 .SM 1A kloek 821. Belch's addition.... Otto 8. Bin, w anger and wife to John Oar jkfa .atta 1 and 9. block 821. Bslrh's sddltlon , 0. W. Taylor snd wife to Charles' don sslee snd wlfs. lot 1A Taylor's sub dlvlaton of section 2. township 1 south, range 1 east William. Dnick aad wife to Security Sav ings A Trust company, all of block J Caruthers Sddltloa to Caruthers' addl- 8.250 6.980! 87B i Fidelity Trust company 'to' ji' ! Stipe, lot 8, First addition to Cherrydale . 8,080 i ion Fur abstracts title, Insurance or mortgage loena. call on PacISc Title A Trust compan". formerly PacISc Cneet Abstract Guaranty a "w wsnmsr, anev-i railing wag. Gst your Insurance sad abstracts to real estate from the Title Guarantee A Treat com naay. 940 Washington street, corner Second. NOTICE. PORTLAND. OR., Oct. 19, 4808 It la hereby ordered that the name of the aternwheel sieamooni r annre loiiiriai nnmner 12UttS6i be chanred to "Diamond O." I. L. PATTERSON. Collector of Outness. SEWING MACHINES repaired, all kinds, at yoer house; guaranteed. Phone Pacific 9798; Bo agents. London Sewlng-Machlne Repair tag Co.. S. Sams, adjuster, 881 Third St. 860 REWARD- Stolen October 9; a bay bores, 8 rears old: well built; good condition, gentle, weight 1,160. P. P. Gonley. Brooks. Oregon. HAVE shooting place for 9 dnckhnatere on column la aiougn, ox 7, city. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Scotch collie dog, sable In color, with white fare and collar, fear white feet and white Hp no tall, reward for return James G. Wilson. 1187 Tburman at Phone Mala 6717. FOUND K place to have hair reno vated sad returned same day- tSS Front at. Main 474. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H Metsger, proprietor. IN ALBINA. yellow female ball farrier. 86 re ward Phone Woodlawa 408 snd ask for Mrs. B. Hartle, 1610 TTsdaalsy BTBATED- A black aad whits heller; reward. J. T. Walsh. B. F. D. Be. L MEETING NOTICES. AL8INA lodge. Ha. Ml. A. P. A A. M. Stated communication this (Saturday I evening at 8 o'clock In hsll of Oregon Oemmandery. Third and Alder eta. Visiting brethren cordially in vised. By older W. at A. J. HA NOLAN. Secretary AXBIMA Lodse. No. tot. a. r. k auntcettsa that at S o'clock. In A. . kf. Stated cumunlce tSaturdarl evenina- st n 0 hsll of Oregon Commander;. Third visiting nrsioren Br order of W. cordially Invited A J. HANI) LAN. See- m. M. W. A. EVSBaKKEN Csmp, B.eJS meets Wedueedey eeealns. AHaky bids.. Third aad Morrison eta. CIRriT.AR LKTTBB OO Pacelmlle tysewrlt. tea letters: sddrssslns. mslllng. 881 H Stark. PORTLAND OBITIKSTBA-Music for all oc eaetone; reesonsblr. Msln Ooug.or eg Uieretls. M W. A.. Oregon Grape Camp. No. 6.075, Mon dsys. 17th and Marshall: rlaltora welcome. HELP WANTED MALE. WK bare an ageacy prdposltlon that will In terest any factory foremen, or any honest man who wants to make e little on thx side without much effort, end who raizes with men that aae tools. Write quick for detalla and aecure exclusive territory. Oct Lockett Hsrdware Co., Dept. "AX, Chicago, III. STRONG young men for Oremeo and brakenien on Oregon and other railroads: experience un necessary; arc men 8100 monthly, become ea glnecrs and rarn $200; brakemen $7S. tMHome conductors snd ssrn 160; nsme position jire (erredi stste age, height snd weight (1m- yortaat). Railway Association, -vara Oregon on real. I WANTKD Young people to prepare themselTea aa uoosKsapers ano atenograpnera; nave nan 048 calle since Beptember 1; placed 88S In positions. We will plsce you wheu compe tent. Dsy or night. Catalogue. Behake Wslksr Business college. WA NTEDt well dressed, educated mea to sail Cbarlee Dudley Werner library, world'e beat literature; call only oa persons who bars written for particulars ; new proposition: liberal commission. Apply between 8 and It. Globe Publishing Co., Columbia bldg. Union Hotel 81 NORTH SIXTH ST Free employment to our patrons. Weekly ratea: Room. $1.98 up; room and board. $4.60 up. Anderson, proprietor. WANTED Sah many mske $100 to 8160 per month; mora: stocx clean grown on reserve t Ion, far from old orchards: . Aoareas was penlsh, Wash ihlngtno lngton . MEN AND WOMEN to learn barger trade In eight weeks; graduates earn from 81B to 825 weekly: expert Instructors; catalogue free. Moler Syatem of Colleges, at North Fourth St., Portland. WE gat work for our members; special mem hers. 2. Y. M. 0. A.. Fourth snd Yamhill. AGENTS TO INTRODUCE THE GBBATB8T horticultural wonder Burbank'a new atonelees plum; miracle; big pay: permanent position. Chlco Nnraery Co., Salem, Ore. YOU NO man attending business college wsnta plsce to work for board and room. P SB, carf Journal. AGENTS wanted to sell superior, high grade nuraery atock; complete outfit furnished free; : caan weexiy, write toosy ror choice or ter ritory. Cestui City Nursery company. Salem. Or. j WANTED Mast have 26 more young men to prepare themselves for railway telsaraoh service: bag demand (or graduates. Csll day Conwne'iltbYhli, SUtS'and Ankeny eta! i WANTED Stave boh splitters; good pay. Ap ply Western Cooperage Co.. mm Stearns bldg., city, or Hon I ton. Or. OOATFINI8HER wanted at once. QotambU Woolen Mills Co., Seventh sod Stark. WANTED 9 boys; steady work; 7.00 per week to begin with. 208 Davis at. WANTED A watchmaker; no tinkers need ap ply. Staplee. the Jeweler. 189 Flrat et. EXPERIENCED J .dies' tailor; steady work: I 894 per week. J. K. Stem, 4X2 Wsshlngton. WANT 9 good boys; exceptional opportunity: fair salary to start Address H 108. Journal. - ; WANTK1 Bright young man, good position; stste salary expected. Address H IOC, care JoarnaL BOY to learn trade; Inside work. Columbia Wire A Iron Works, 888 East Wsshlngton. , WANTED First class boy for s first-class pool ; tton: excellent onnortunltr for s tarleht. sn,r. . getlc, Intelligent boy: aslsry 90 per week to start. Address H 100. care Journal WANTED Tinsmith, at once; wages I2.BO to 88: steady Job. M. 6. Miller A Son. Aurora, Or. WANTED Dry goods man; moat have eome knowledge of window dressing snd be a good sslesmsB. Address, giving experience, refer encea. etc.. Q, Lock Box 688. La Grande. Or. WANTED Two or three first class, all around machine men; permanent position, good traces. Oregon Furniture Mfg. Co., Macadam road. WANTED Msn te take lathmlll contract. Ore gon Wsshlngton Lumber Co., foot of Hamil ton ave. GOOD Jspaneee cook wants sltnatton la family or elsewhere. Main 9410. WANTED Experienced atlckerman. Portland Bash A Door Factory, Bast Taylor aad Union avenue. - WANTED Experienced bookkeeper for poslttoa In mercantile oftcs; must write s good hand and be accurate at figures. Address L ST. csre Journal. VANTEI 10 woodrhoppers, 81 per cord. Call Monday after 8 o'clock, 286 V. Washington St., suite 1. FIBST-CLASS woodturner wanted. Apply Ore goa Planing Mills, 18th and Vaughn eta. BOYS wanted tn -buy 81-26 watch far 98c; free uad.' to Us first to write. Box 841. Port HELP WANTED FEMALE. se .i as.., .mtrnm mmrnm CAPABLE WOMEN WANTED If yon work, why not earn more then s llrlngT Be Independent; do good. Ths Vtavl Oa. already 'employe 19,000 woman; the work covers 28 countries of ths world: we will entertain sppltcatlons from cspsbls women; nor canvsasing, nut nrlprul. aigniase worn. Address by mai an only, Vlevt Co., Lewis bldg. HOME LADIES' AGENCT. 169H Fourth at., corner Morrison, npatalra. I'bone Main 6826. Alongside ths T. M. C. A. bldg. GIRLS WANTED Operators to work on shirts sad overalls Lessons given to Inexperienced. Apply st Htsndsrd factory No. A Grand avs. and Esst Taylor St. WANTKD (ilrls to mske "Boas at All" over alls at 78 First st. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCT. 848 H Wash ington at., cor. Seventh, upstairs. Pbons Msla 3869. Femsle help wanted. WANTED Girl for general housework; small 11 a,w n..k ...... .,, . vum eiv i tn si. FEW ladlss wanted to assist asking easy fancy work epare time at home; good eteady ,pT, no experience required 898 Fleldner Mag , 407 Washington at. LADIES to do fancy work at home; no ex- Klence required: rsnld. essy work. Cell Fleldner bldg.. 407 Washington St. WANTED Experienced body Ironer; steady eav Plorment. Oregon Laundry Co. Pbene East J ' WANTED Girl for second work; small fam ily: good wages; good psy. Apply 180 King street. WANTED Lady canvassing agent, for Port land and vicinity, to sell Mine. MeCabe'e ex panding back and flexible aide corsets, con sidered most sstlsfactory corset msds; easily sold; large profits. St. Louis Corset Co., St. tonta. Me. 1 - - FINISHERS and operators on pants; stesdy week, good nay. 199 Flledner bldg. MIDDLE-AGED lady to take rue of old lady in reeDie nuns, inquire- si 001 nasi ma et. Tsks Woods lock f ar. WANTED---First class coatmsker. Inquire Mrs. A. Dltrbhnrn. 406 Flledner bldg., 1Mb and Washington sts. THOROUGHLY competent girl ta family of two; must know bow tn cook: good wages. 804 North 34th St. AT ONCB, elderly lady tar housekeeper for wsaower; goon noma, email 0 86. ears Journal. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED t cacuueteot girl for second w aad assist In taking .Hire of hahy; (aad waj Inquire 969 Bterett et. GIRLS -Chocolate dippers end peckers. i.ooy w., imu sua uimsa. AN BLDBBLT lady, hard bp. cea aktsra a by atMresslna Bos T, Montaellle MALE AND FEMALE HELP. WANTED first claaa lady aad gentlemen can Tease ret salary sad commission, Call st Ageacy Bureau. 89 fourth at.. Portland, Or. WANTUTaamg people te learn aaoweard writing end toTteriag, day and erenlng; field not or er crowded; Individual lnstruxtlooa by poi.i vapen soowceru writer, iistar a ax ferl College, fifth fl,.r Comuionwe. Irh bldg. HELP wsntsd snd sapntled. male or femsle. R. n iw.fc. onA i . . , v. i .... . . i i ,M,. . mn nwiiuiwu , . i (Olio: iov. AGENTS Mea aad women make big moasy. u u u M l .. . ua m , , WANTED la country home, two children to care fur good echoel. Address B. U. W., nostotftce box OB, Bcsppoese. Or. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. RELIABLE married man wants nosttton oart time; could grrenge for rear hrmre dsy or few daya per week; bond If irdulred. I. 88, rare Ji ui mil. . w EXPERIENCED ScendlnaTlan aortal and land scape gardener wants position. N S3, Journal. Hill SKCLEANINO Phone Colon 2808. EXPERT accountaat wlahes a few hours' work dally: la efficient sud offers the best refer ences. Inquire L 4A care Journal. WANTBIV-AOENTS. AGENTS, peddlers, canesssers snd street work ers, get your supplies from B. M. Plummsr, 200 Third St.; new goods, bottom prlcea. AGE NTS wsjted; $S dally. 82 M N Sixth at. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICS FOB MBN. North Second st. Phono Main 163A E PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT CO., a Morrlaon St. pnone Pueitic vtv. ALPINE Employment Co., BWVj Morrison St. asses ana terns is netp. I'none Msin ibit. WANTED REAL ESTATE. To The Portland Capitalist We make a SPECIALTY ol COLLMCTINO BENTS of LA 110 K BUILDINGS, placing FIRE INSURANCE, payment of TAXES and GENERAL CARE OP PROPERTY. We have the heat of fsclllHea for carrying out your wishes aa an agent. We. solicit your Ktronage. Our references: Lsdd a TUton. nkera. aad Merchants' National bank. B. a. BLOSSOM. 818 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. I WANT a modern fl room cottage ; It must be n bargain for cash; mall me . particulars; will be In Portland October 99. M. Mercer, 781 South Third St., Ban Joae. California. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT Houses, cottages, flats, stores, offices, rooming bouaea, etc. Land lords will oo well to call on PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. Phone Bx. 79. . B. Cor. 8d snd Oak. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. : Main seas. FURNITURE WANTED FOB SPOT CASH . PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS 911 First at. Main 6666. WANTED Brery violin player to know that yoa can Improve ths tons of your Instrument over 100 per cent; make It sound like sn old Italian violin: handsome booklet tree. J. Wesley Lord, 404 Bay bldg., Loa Angeles. HIGHEST price psld for men's cant-off clothing- Phone Psciflc 4A Uncle Jos, 82 Thlra. WE WILL BUY, SELL OR TRADE ANT OLD THING. WESTERN SALVAGE CO.. 897 628 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC 798. WE WILL BUY your furniture any old time. Western Salvage Co., 637 Waah lngton at. "THE DOLLAR" wants 86.000 worth of hsnd furniture, or will trade new for old. We are Just opening a large aew and second-hand store at 232 First St.. aesr Msln. See OS shout It. Ws wsat your trade. "The Dollar." FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT HOTEL PALMER. afjOHAlder at.- -Steam heat, ' electric electric lights, hot sad cold water, 1 free bstba. porcelala tabs; s few honeekeep- ' lug aultee with gas ranges; maid service; 92.60 per week np. THB RICHELIEU, 88H North Sixth at. Ele gently furnished; steam heat snd baths. "THE HUB." 86 Eleventh St.. corner Stark; rooms with steam hsst snd bstb. LINDA VISTA. 947H Fifth Housekeeping rooms with bay window a, sad sleeping rooms. ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, furnace heateti and hath. 474 Salmon et. FUBNISHED rooms snd furnished housekeeping rooms for rent st 762 Vsncouver are. THB GRAND. 46 4 North Third St. gentlemen 81.26 per week and np. for 9 FUBNISHED rooms, with or without light ho.isskeenlng ; gea, water, etc. Phone Msla i 6818. 858 Lincoln at. THB WOODLAND Elegant modern famished lunanS in oeautltui private reaioeoce, et per day. 998 Sixth at, cor. Madison. ROOMS AND BOARD. FIRST CLASS room and board, ana or two; modern, ressonsble. quiet home, walking die Unco. 894 Eaat Morrison St. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. 91.98 WEEK UP. clean, furnished heesekesp tsg rooms: sartor, bsth, laundry, furnscs best, yard 308H Stanton, U car. 81.60 WEBB ap, large clesa. furnished houae keeping rooms, laundry and bsth. 184 Sher man sooth, Portland. B THE MITCHELL Housekeeping and tr a sal eat rooms, reasonable. Heventh and Flanders. 9 or 4 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS fjeouod floor; gas and bath. Tel. Beat 8416 FOB RENT Hosasekesplng rooms. 410 4th st. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. ll puKASANT nnfurnlahed rooms at 800 Mont gomery at. Phone Pacific 9700. THREE unfurnished rooms. 486 son. Phone Bast 1018. FOR RENT 8TORES-OFFICE8. Offices-Most Centra! Iwatton la the city, northwest corner Sixth aad Wash lngton sts.; nsw eleTstor: hot and cold water. light, heat and Janitor service THE MORTGAGE GUARANTEE A TRUST COMPANY. 90 Seventh st. OFFICE-ROOMS, nnfurnlahed rooms aad aam-ple-rooma for rent. Ooodnongh bldg. Apply elevator. DESIRABLE ofteea. Including electric lights, hot and cold water, janitor and elevator ear vice. In the new. airy Commonwealth bldg., old postoffice alte. Sixth and Bumslds Is. Agent roosn 41 L PART Of shop to rent, suitable for painter er plumber 2ns Fourth St. COEY OFFICII IN LUMBF.R EXCHANGE, tels- Ciene, heat snd light; reasonable. Phase sin 8818. 499 Lumber Exchange. STORE at Stewart station. Mount Kcott; every thing In shape for occupancy; counters, shelving etc. : Uese at reeaooahle rent. Phone Pacific 3106. D BRIBABLE store near Third and Stark; three res re' leesn Phone Mala 77. FtyR RENT FLATS. alHHBl flat. osntraUr lanstsd. modern cunvealenc J. ready far occupancy, complets. Apply 891 1 Fifth St. Call frees 6 ta A J FOR RENT HOUSES. A NSW 7 room hoses, teat finished, strictly modem, gas. etoctrte light, pnreelaln hath. furnace eeaeent cellar r kill block from Waah hsgtoa oar, 788 fork: rent 8780. Apply STS rnona axsm asaw. A BOOM aottase oa gea.; sxes towa Apply MO Moo flowers snd fruit la taaa ere. FOB BENT 8 tsadaaan, saodara T room bless; coaTanlently located aa Thlrd-at. cartlaa; 810. 812 aad 814 Oorbttt at.;- rest rnessaahle to tenants. pa rid 8. Stearns, 248 Waahlngtoo st. 8 ROOM modern boose, choice mention. 748 Beat Mala. BTenkle A Harrkaon. 917 Abbigtoa bldg. 4 BOOM cottage, 788 Missouri sts. Psoas Msln FOR RENT SO-room unfurnished h snail beater ana latest inaproreraeu ta inquire oa premises, 887 Yamhill. FOR RENT 7 -room house, newly painted and papered, bath and patent toilet, 918: 888 i ante si. inquire 4S0 M1U at. COTTAGE, S rooms. 509 Market st. Inquire 99S Chapmsa st. Paaae Main Biff. HOUSES FOR tfENT FURNI TURE FOR SALE. FOR SALE- Furniture of 8 room modern bouse, nearly all new; rent ressonsble; two blocks from postoffice: xood transient bouse: will ell at a beraaln If taken by the first of No rem bar. 208 Fifth et. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. HALL sad ballroom, separata or laterals I new aad with all mnvsnhanoss, Phone Mala 899. SPOT caab paid for your furniture, stoves, ate. ; prompt attention. Phone Esat 1087. BUSINES6 CHANCES. WANTED To Invest 82.000 sad services la legitimate Income bearing Portland business enterprise; must stand closest Investigation; "111 bay oat straight or enter partnership If suitable. Give full pertlculsra la first lat ter, stating monthly not earnings sad ex- Cenaes. No saloons, restaurants or rooming oases considered. ' This Is s bona See ad only cere Journal. DO you want to Invest 86.000 that will pay yon 810.000 esch yesrl An Independency for life? Tim best proposition that ever came to yoa: experience not necessary, just good business sense. If so. a newer this at once snd you, will, not regret It. reference required, snd t will give In return ; business stsads on Its own merits. T 67, care Journal IF yon west a confectionery, fruit aad tobacco store In s good Vocation at one half what It le worth, we have It for sale: mat 917. in cluding living -room: must be sold at ones; owner leaving town. STE1NMET7. CO.. 188 Morrison at. A SNAP. Cigar, confectionery atora oa Waah at., do ing good bnalness; sell account business bark east; cheep rent; living room, basement; 8 years' lease; Sxturee. 9180; stock. t280: will sell 8278. e Phone Pse. 816. PHKNOMF.NAL ris ta price of Herat Switch expected any dsy; this msy he rear Isst opportunity to buy before subscription books sre closed. J. F. Hurst A Co.. 108 McKay bids- FOR SALE Apsrtamt-heaae of 16 rooms; sll newly furnished; sssy terms if necessary: In come 8100; rent 860: located oa Mot rial a st. Apply Conn Bros.' Furniture Co., 190 First. DBY goods stock for sets la one of the most prosperous towns In the Willamette TaUey ; atock In excellent condition; will glee pos session ths first of the year. For particulars writs L 80, care Journal. WANTED Soma one to put email s mount of j money Into developing promising claaa; not a stock proposition : atrlctly legitimate; would-be partnership deal. O 10, Journal. GENERAL store at White Salmon, the coming fruit country of the west. Northern Pacific nw building. Invoice 82.000: 10 per cent off If taken now. O 64, Journal STOCK companies incorporated. Tf ran have stocks or bands for sale. let aae try ta sell them tor you, Gsssass M. Kellogg, i Inker. 680 El Mr It Square, Buffalo. MAN or woman with 81.000 to invest ta legit- , I suits business. Refined pissin pis fas led. who wUl devote entire time and attention ta the business for salary. 494 Lumber Exchange. A SNAP Well-paying restaurant, taking in 8100 per day; price 91.900; rest 840 2664 niuinguiB es. ssain ssiv. FOB SALE It-room lodging-bouse; modern: good furniture: electricity: ressonsble st $000. Address V 88, csre Journal SAVE MONEY Anything ta printing aae Mad- ! den. Odd Fellow.' Temple, Flrat and Alder sts. ; npatalra. WANTED Mas with 9908; Beat Colorado; 86.000 in it. Address r no. rare Journal. MIDDLE-AGED man. some experience Is book keeping, will Invest few hundred dollars In reliable paying business: stste particulars. L 11, cars journal. FOR SALE or mat, the furniture of the Wil lamette rooming house; 1-year leaae on build Inc. Inquire of St. Johns Grocery Co., St. Johns. Oregon SNAP 80 room lodging house: tow rent: lease: good business Owner. 21 1H Flrat et. LODG I NO-HOUSE of 98 rooms, well furnished: two entrances: in quiet location: price l,ooo. Inquire of C. B. Kayaer, 981 Aider st. Phone Mate 868. WE wsnt s tot of bnalness Laud Co., ISS Front et Investments. State NICE farm, near Portland Improved. 89989 an acre; splendid hay. Phone Wbodlewn 80A FOB SALE Stock of general merchandise; only store In place; poetoffiee In connection. Ad dress L 98. care Journal. SNAP 81.900 Well-pay tag reataaraat in good location, taking la 1100 per day an average; owner reaving city. Tapfer Co., 286H Waah lngton St., roam 1. j SALOON MEN Investigate this oid-setsbUsbed corner: lease, cheap rent, elegsnt fixtures; peys well. Address 1, 69, care Journal FOB SALE A 92-room reomlng-houea, all newly furnished, doing a first class business. O 89. csre Jonrnsl. no opposition. Address I 82, csre Jonrnsl. FOR SALE REAL EST ATE. BEACH PROPERTY. CLINTON'S ADDITION TO OCEAN PARK. CTJTTTON'R ADDItToiT TO OCEAN PARK OUNTON'S ADDITION TO OCEAN PABB. A aae new Subdivision at the Finest Beach ta the Northwsst lots 9100. Only 910 dawn, balance st 86 per montn, o per sent. SPECIAL FOB 'TUESDAY. OCT. 9A 190A In order to make this the bast advertised sad most talked of tract en the aaarkst aad that ths sarly lnvsstors mayasake moasy on their pnrrbsse. these lota will he oold oa the above date only from 6 to 4, for Only 826.00 per Let. Only 999.00 per Lot. Only 996 00 per Let. Term, gfl 00 OOWO balance 11.00 per weak nntif paid No Interest, Ne Taxes Perfect Title. Only one tot ta a remember this price person st Voids good sn Tnesdaj st this price sad sod only between 8 s. m. snd a p. assay next hand early After Tuesday positively ne tots ' lees than regular pnoe. nnslx located sear the Bast 'Beach on the Coast snd ekes to stores sad all con venleaesa. Rs thread lasses throngs the prop- srt. Maps aad foil Infer ma tton ens be bed by railing se raao a. siswe, 418 MARQUAM BLDG. PHONE MAIN 4 ISA. 8 REX THESE. THEN 9BBX BO MORA Highly lmprovsd 96H sere pleee, 14 miles ant. good roeda; 19 seres tn fruit, apples . ihsrrtii, am nee, peers, grapes and herrlee; nest 6-room cottage, good bam. poultry boose aad other buildings, keareee, bsrnssa. wsaon, 9 cows, chickens, household goods, etc.; all for 63.660 A lovely cottage en Bast Oregon, near 39th at-1 nil tot, naw groom cottage, except 3 rooms o finish; a beautiful situation; caarav , - as ua log BUiur, "M J Drt'llie- inn, e I " Applf st room 8. I49U First St. tSSl DUNN LAW RBNOB COMPAN T, FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. SELL WOOD - - A corner tot an Umatilla gee., 9960; las an Lot on Multnomah see.. 2 blocks from car. eeeoi term.. tUty View Park A flae comer tor '" Blah land A S 1 block from ear, suo; terms. , 87th st. A tot aa Baa 87th at., near Harrl son. 8375: terms 80 scree near Tillamook. 89.000; snap au sears ss user aaaae en 40 acres ha Lane county In Cowllta evssnlv asra.1. SA.'et. unw Farms and school lands. See our sd In onlsn for bonus. STATE LAND CO.. 188H First at. Snap No Not a Snap BUT ABSOLUTELY the best aad cheapest acreage on the west aiue, uving spring wstsr. some good onion sad celery land, first-class fruit aad berry land; splendid for chickens aad handy to the Porttoott markst: sny stand trset to suit pur chaser; saay terms. INVESTMENT CO.. 944 Stark at. BEAUTIFUL LOTS. ' 81.760--Elegant corner on Esat Salmon st. I a bargain. 8780 Fine large tot on Hawthorne; fine 8600 lOOxioo. corner, ta KeaUwortb, oa easy lerma 7SO Elegant lot In Holisdsy's First sddl- inn, ones p. Fred C. Winz 60S Commercial blk.. Sd aad Washington. BEAD, AND CON8IDEB WELL. Ws can sell you wild landa in asst western Oregon from 94 to $10 per acre. This Isnd U second to nana whan put tn cuHIts tton. It will par the Investor or horn sneaker ta Investigate Ible proposition. We alee have good Improved farms, city property and acre age, sawmills and timber lands. Corns ta and see us. TURNER A WALKER. a 4 5. 8081, Wsshlngton at., -ortisnu. BEAUTIFUL CONCORD HEIGHTS Two blocks from Vernon esrltse; graded streets, water mains laid, 16 minutes from the city and In a section rapidly being Im proved: this Is the cheapest property In the city today! a 60-foot lot costs but 9160. and can be bought for 10 per cent cash and bal ance fie monthly. PORTLAND Till ST COMPANY OF OREGON, B B. oar. Third snd Oak sts. REMEMBER BAST SIDE PROPERTY IB IMPROVING IN VALUE RAPIDLY , AND THAT Wl ARE MAKING A SPECIALTY OF EAST SIDE BUSINESS PBOPEBTT. BI'CHTEL A KERN'S, 882 Beat Morrlaon St. BA BO AIMS FOE SOMBONB. My modern 8-room home, fall brick base ment, big M 69x141. all kinds large and small fruit, two blocks to beat carllne h city, small Barn, 82.700. half cash. No. 1298 41st aad Bast Taylor. Owner; phone Beat 8988. HOLLADAY'n ADDITION i block, 9 modern dwellings, cement basements, lawn, fruit. Sowers, cement sidewalk; cheap for csah. 876 Bast Third st. aorta. Send One Dollar And we wlU list yon property with 1.000 reel estate dsalera who are aa anxious to sarn a commission as yon are to sell; our plsn eeldom falls; send description; we sre helping many others, why not yon 7 Address The In vestors Guide. 811 Msrqusm blag., Portland, Oregon. LOT. 18th sad Tillamook, full Imnrov s- nts. Phone Reld. Main 89. NBW modern 8-room bouse. $4,000; 6-room aouss, sa.tsjo: smsii payment oown. naiance earns aa rent. Ownsr. Phone Boat 878. 99,860 9-ROOM modern house, fall cement be se men t. porcelain bath, corner M, nice lawn and raais, near carllne; exceptional bargain; terms. 812 Commercial bldg. Mala 1840. 14 ACRES 1 mile west at Clackamas railroad statton: price sa.aoo: buildings on pis come sad aae. J. Mshr. Mile ankle, Oregon. a. F. D. 84. 500 Homes For Sal Fsrma snd City Property. THE INVESTORS GUIDE 00. 811 Harqnam bldg.. Portland. Oregon. Sellwood Morehouse 4 French. 1670 E. 18th. Phone Sellwood 7A City View Perk lots. 8878 sad np; Base Addition lots. 9100 snd ap: 86 down aad 88 a month. Homes from 8600 to 86.000. Lob StOO snd up. ta all parte of Sellwood Last your property with us; we will eell It. WillamettenFract Oa Willamette boalevard, overlooking city aad rlTsr, 6 cent fere, lots 60x!4 feet: price 8260 aad up; $96 essh, 86 per month, nee c A. Zygowakl. Wlllemette station, St. Johns car. MQDBBN 8 and 6-room bouses, new. $1,600 te $2,400 BOB that 18th, N.. Vernon. Tsks Alberta ear. Phone Wood lawn 187. BT OWNER, modern Broom houae; finely finished lnalde snd out, brick basement, barn, lawn, rosea and shade tress nssr 9 car lines. Call at 91 Russell or 990 Daisy st. BRAND NEW bones, aelsot neighborhood, near cart prices advancing all around: terms; per rent to yourself; see this THE CONTINENTAL CO., Sit Stark St. 28 ACRES af flae agricultural land, 8 miles from valley town on wsst side, shout S3 miles from Portlsnd; 10 acres under cultivation and 6-6 scree reedy for plow. Price 8600 caab. 0. B. Kayanr. 191 Alder et. Phone Main 86U. MONTA VILLA BARGAINS. 6 roc is, corner lot, 81.800. f I sums, corner lot 76x00, 91,800. 9 rooms. M 60x100, 81,000. 10 acres, unimproved, 62.600: smsll essh payment, balance monthly, or will take vacant lot, piano or team. Oefl 8.1 Caeon st. Plwns Best 4188. 8780 ON College at., finest outlook on tbe hlU; k of Portland Academy building alte, 12 minutes' walk of poetoffiee. fa one block with ta quire 381 Alder 6-ROOM house aad let ta North Irvington; price 81.400; 9400 caab. halanoe 910 per month. Jenne, Trimble A Trimble, 411 Msrqnam. WE HAVE Just completed two new modern res idences at Archer Place: one a aa van-room honae (82.160). and the other a a! 1 room house (11,860). One third cash snd balance en aasp tniy payments, twin nargama B F o Art nun a CO.. 90S McKay bldg Third and Stark sts. BEST BARGAIN IN PORTLAND Lsrgs brick bonee, 9 rooms, splendid location: lot BOx 100. lawn, fruit; good car service. 12. ion ; r0 cash, balance easy payments; no sgenta. 69. Journal. 10 ACRES choice farm lead, good new 6-room ', barn. 8 cist erne, fruit, berries; very desirable tor home; H mile north Gray's crossing. Mount Scott carllne. George Clark. MODBBN BOMB. 8-room boose, gaa, electric light, furnace. lawn, rose boshes and shade trees. SOU Bsal at Mala. Tel. Bast 8879. ABB ran looking for a home er en Investment 1 Good real estate le ssts. Ws hsve It. Be fore yon buy see what we have te offer M. B THOMPSON. 848 Mlsalslppl ave. Phone Wodtawn 303. BUT s tot 00 ths sast side; f minute csr sere Ice, within walking distance; fine hotisee going Ul desired. mag np; prices from 8600 10 8S6u; t erase If M. B. THOMPSON. 949 Mississippi see Phone Wodlewn 302 OREATEST CLOSB-IN BUT IN PORTLAND. 14 per cent tares tenant; two beautiful houses, extra fine lot. close la on Unlan ave.. this side of Broedwsy. paying 949.00 per ; girt cheap at 84,000; terras. HALL A' CO., Ceaeord bldg. COST little ansae, At eendltlon, sear car; high. Sae fruit; t bargain; eee it today. TtTB CONTINENTAL CO.. 948 Stark st 83,700 QUARTER BLOCK, HoUs day Park Addition. Oas Block to Oar. TOWNSEND A DEL ASH MUTT, EXTRA BARGAIN 7 tots tract, for 8800: sjnas to 10 room school at Laata; nan toss tton: wstsr free; Be fare te anv nsrx ox roetiano tsrnaa. 0. B. Addltoo, err. Laata, Oregon. OBI of the finest homes on the eee aids. In section, fall lot snd modern n fy rtsWSCt ; 1 nrie is ci sheep at At.600. Sphinx Agsaty, 906H Stark st. IF yon desire to eell, buy er trade rlly. eob- nrnaa or rarm realty can on. write or paeon as. Jsuas. Trimble Trimble, 411 MarqssS Paelae 1781. gbaukkaaxnasasksn