TB' Jgro PORTLAND, tATUSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER K 1908. ARCH POISONEl IS NEAR DEATH WOMAN CROSSES LABRADOR CABINET GOES TO HELP HUSHES "FROM MAKER TO PLAYER "Release me from my bond, my time is up." Rccd-Frenck Piano Mfg. Co. SIXTH AND BURN SIDE STREETS. Jan Toppan, the Lowell Nurse Who Killed Htr Patlenta. la Extremely Weak. Secretaries Root and Shaw and Speaker Cannon to Stump New York State. Lf9 W IT UNABLE TO LEAVE BED IN ASYLUM FOR YEAR Crimea Planned With Fiendlah Sub tlety and Executed With Surenees, Patience and Without Shadow of Remorse. lea.) Taunton, Mass., Oct. 10. Jane Top- pan, tba Lowall nuraa, woo killed a doaen or mora parsons at various times, ta m an extremely weak condition t the Inaane hospital here and her death la believed to be a question of a very short time. For a year and a half ahe has refused to eat, and her weight haa been reduced from lit pounds to M. It waa early In 190J that the caaa of Jane Toppan attracted the attention of the entire country. In November of the preceding- year aha had been arrested at Barnstable on a charge of murder lac one of her women patlenta. Boon, however,, the Investigation of the au thorise led them to believe her guilty of other murders. If the woman waa guilty of half the murders of which ahe waa strongly suspected ahe waa en titled to a place In criminal annate rivaling- that of H. H. Holmes, the Chicago man who waa executed for hla numerous crimes. The specific crime for which Was Toppan waa arrested was the poisoning of lira. Mary Oibbs at Calumet. Maaa schusetta. In August, 1901. Indirectly ahe waa held responsible for the deaths of three ether residents of Calumet at about the same time. She also waa suspected of the murders of some of her patlenta In Lowell. Chicago and other places. All of the crimes were aaid ta have bean committed by the uae of poison. They were evidently planned with fiendish subtlety and ex ecuted with surenees, patience and without the shadow of remorse. Sus picion waa finally awakened and bits of evidence came out by degreea. It waa shown tbatt all the victims had passed away auddenly and with the Hume symptoms of poisoning. The re mains of Mrs. Qlbba were exhumed and t races of arsenic found in the atomach. Suspicion finally pointed so atrongly to Miss Toppan that ahe waa arrested and held for trial. At first she took the situation qulstly, but soon after being confined in Jail she broke down and be came a mental and physical wreck. A medical commission appointed to ex amine the woman declared her lnaana and couaeauantly ahe escaped being tried for any of the 11 deatha alleged against her. During the four years ahe haa been confined In the Taunton asylum her condition haa grown stead ily worse, and for more than a year aha haa been unable W leave her bed. PORTLAND HOST (Continued from Pace One.) portent one to the Mssons of Portland. For the third time ta the olty, a build ing haa been In part, at laaat, designed for Masonic occupation. Tba square and compasses carved In atone marks one at First and Burnalde streets, the other Is the old Masonic tempi at Third and Alder streets. It seems un fortunate some memorial of each build ing cannot be Incorporated Into this temple, aa a token that the craft re member and appreciate the labors of the pioneer brethren. Local bodies of Maater Masons, Royal Arch Masons, Knights Templar and the Order of the Kastern Star will And In the completed temple suitable and convenient accom modations for Masonic work and frater nal association. Here they will enjoy the advantage and privilege afforded by the opportunity theae apartments will supply for social intercourse and friend ly companionship "This temple hag become a possi bility through the labors of earnest brethren who patiently and faithfully supported the caaaa of Masonry through .the trying days of frontier life, un daunted by the disadvantages and hard chips they encountered. They were de termined to eatablleh their beloved order upon a aubatantlal foundation. They may have mlaaad a measure of the fame to which their aeslous service waa en titled, hut they did not fall to win auo- Mra. Stephen P. M. Taaker, who, with her hnaband. appears to have crossed the Labrador wilderness at I point farther north then ever bee been reached by any other whit person. "Many of these "Brethren are dead, and it la Impossible to make up a roll of honor without Incurring the danger of It Stands for He Finest Cocoa In ttie World Made by a scientific blending of trie best Cocoa beam grown in the tropica--the result of 126 jean of successful en deavor. A PERFECT POOD ift Highest Award, la A new and handaomoty lllua- tra tad Racine I WALTER BAKER &C0. LM. omitting name of some equally worthy of distinction. On this day of congrat ulation, Masona of Oregon wUl offer the tribute of sincere praise and brother ly commendation to the memory of these unselfish and devoted men. Gratitude la also due to the Uvlng. It la fortunate some of the loyal, devoted band of early Masons are still able to go up and down among the brethren. To them the craft offers assurance of appreciation and fraternal commendation of their valu able labors. "Templar, Maaona of the Royal Arch. Maater Maaona and lodges and chapter of the Eastern Star have given the enterprise enthusiastic support, and made generous subscriptions to the stock of the building association. The importance of th eervlce may b bet ter understood when It 'is known that none but Maaona have been solicited or permitted to subscribe for the stock. This gsaletanoe and support was timely and valuable and contributed materially to ultimate success. STaStiai of Orand XrfXlge. The grand lodge wsa organised In 1889. and being then strong neither nu merically nor financially; now there ar nearly S.000 Maater Maaona who owe It obedience, and It waa a majority of the stock of the buUdlng aaaoclatlon. It is a source of Just pride that the" grand lodge of Oregon now comes with dignity to occupy Its own temple, and thua assume It proper position among -he grand Jurisdictions of the world. There are more than 1,000.000 Maater Maaona reeident in th United States and these are subject to the grand lodges of the several states. With theae grand lodges and those of foreign coun tries, whithersoever Maaons are dla persed. over land and sas, fraternal cor respondence will be maintained In the future, a In th past, messages of en couragement and fraternal counsel will be exchanged snd vigilant brethren keep guard that th landmarks be not re moved or the tradlUone of Maaonry violated. It ta exceedingly gratifying ta kno that a capita of, Maaonry haa been established in thla grand Juris diction. Th craft will assemble an nually in thla temple to transact th business of the stated communications. Within its walls Masonic hoapltallty will b constantly practiced In the re ception and entertainment of visiting brethren from other grand Jurisdictions. The" grand chapter of Royal Arch Ma aona. the grand oommandery Knights Templar, the grand chapter of the Order of the Eastern star will use and enjoy the temple. Theae bodies will In the exercise of their power and privileges set in motion wholesome Influences that will be felt throughout the Masonic world. Aueploeo Are Fa I email. "Situated in a prosperous and-Important city, protected by the policy and lawa of a great state. Masona believe that th , undertaking of building a temple haa begun under the moat fa vorable auspices. About it will arise the beautiful proportions of a powerful and prosperous city. The old temple was a Masonic home 40 years. Long before thla one shall be occupied a simi lar length of time, the city will count Its Inhabitants by the hundreds of thousands. It Is cause for congratula tion that the craft is to occupy a beau tiful, symmetrical building, appropri ate to the character of the institution. Masons are loyal citizens, and confi dently believe the state ia entering upon an era of wonderful development which will increase Its wealth and population rapidly. "Masonry hss grown with th strength of the state and never waa more prosperous than It la now. It will gain numbers rapidly In the future; its fortunes are Inseparably bound up with the fata' of city and state; Its principles are eound and true to th beat standards of human association and by It tradition we know the craft haa always exerted a wise and salutary Influence upon ita members and so ciety. Fervent Maaona would commit temple, city and state to th future, with the invocation: " "Peace be within thy walla and pros perity within thy palacea For my brethren and companion's snk I will now say peace be within thee.' " The cleverest of lawyers occasionally find their match when engaged In their favorite occupation of breaking down an opponents witness; and this fre quently occurs In the case of "horsy" individuals. The following wordy contest between a hostler and a counsel ia one bf the moat amusing specimens of the kind: t "Now, I aak you, sir. under what authority you ar prepared ta ewear to the mere's age?" "tinder whet authority!"' aaid the hoetler, Interrogatively "Tou are ts reply and not repeat the question put tOWou." "I don't eonelder a man's bound ta an -ewer a question afore ha'a time to turn it in hia mind." "Nothing can be more simple, air, than the question put, dad I repeat It. Under what authority do yon swear to the animal's agsT" The beat authority," said th wit ness, gruffly. "Then why such an evasion T Why not stats at oncer' "Well. then. If you must have It" "Must! t will have It!" thunllered the counsel. Interrupting the witness. 'Well. If you muet end will have It," rejoined the hoetler, with Imperturba ble gravity, "why. then. I had it myself frees ta sear' awn mouth.' db. m. a. FUaveeai. DontYouDolt SOSt you po.nl sh that poor stomach with a lot of patent medicine poison. DOrt get It into your thoughtless head that you muat drench that atom ach with drugs or die. If you really desire to die, die decently without the nostrums only you will not die so soon. DOVT imagine that 1 muat take a tonic to build mo up." If you MUST, drink; buy your liquor by the gallon and "doctor" yourself. It will cost you a heap less money. hi It Into vour head that Bal ance went to sleep when medical col leges opened their doors, and that "we're all dummies" If we have not an M. V. appendix to our names, I NEVER GIVE A DBOP OF MEDICINE TO ANY OF MY PATIENTS And if you are sick and wUl come to me before you are half wsy In the grave, I will eure you so quickly that you wUl wonder how It happened. And I have taken men and women that aeemed to be half wpy into the ground sad have cured them soundly without a drug at all. Especially rheumatism, neuralgia, stiff ened taints, weak stomachs. Insomnia. nervousness, women' diseases, etc. TOot "reliefs'' that last for a few daya ana return to torment the sufferer. Dr. N. J. Fulton HATVROrATH. 315 TWELFTH STREET Comer dsy, eae Meek from M O. ear. eas ft IttS sweet ear. 1 turn Jtffersos ear. MUST 60 TO TRIAL (Continued from Pag one ) 11 Justice and not upon th wrongs done any individuals. Theee Indictment I think ar good, and the demurrers will be overruled in each of these cas-je." At th request of Attorney Oeorge F. Martin, representing a number of In dicted man. they were allowed until next Tuesday to plead. Th eats of th trial will probably be aet at tba time the pleas of the indicted man are entered. This I th third date that has been set In the oireult court for hearing th pleas of th 11 men. Th Indict ments war returned by the grand Jury la June and the men were arraigned ahortly afterward. At th time of their arraignment they war allowed until July 11 to plead. Before the time for pleading came they avoided It by filing motions to quash the lndlctmenta. In these motions the validity of the grand Jury waa attacked. After Judge Fraasr ruled that the grand Jury was s legal body and de nted the motions to quaah, he named September 1 aa the day on which the accused men should appear to aay whether they were guilty or not guilty of the offenses charged. Again th neceaatty of pleading waa avoided by filing demurrers attacking th validity of the lndlctmenta. Theee queatlona were argued before Judge Sears at great length, and volumlnoue briefs cit ing court decision In favor of their contentions were filed by the attor neya for the defeadanta and the district attorney. By the declelon of Judge Bears this morning the last technicality available to delay the trtala waa disposed of, snd it Is believed th pleas will b entered next Tuesday. Attorneys for the ac cused men stated that they would not stand on the demurrer to appeal to the supreme oourt The men under indictment are: b. f. Boynton, Q. Pisa. A. B. French, F. C. Holland. A R. Dtmlck. H. F. LeBrecqu. T. R. Baldwin. W. P. Jacks, J. W. Reed. John Schneider. Morton Ball, Alfred Drill and O. W. Olson In an average game of baseball the pitcher throws ths ball at least log times. Thst means aa average of three tlmee for every man who comes to bat. Some go out or get to first base on the first ball pitched. Others ere not dis posed of until three balls and two strikes have been called aad three or four foule have been made. Experimenting with new and untried Dentifrices it danger ous. Keep to SOZODONT, a standard for sixty years. Called The Honest Denti frice" because, in all that time no effort has been spared to produce a Dentifrice the teeth require. It purifies while it cleanses. FRANTIC EFFORT TO OVERWHELM HEARST Fairbanks Trying to Overcome Bryan's Visit in Southwet ComT monsr to Speak in Middle West Forecast of Week's New. (Joarul Special gerrtoe.) Waahlngton. D. C, Oct. 10. Th alt uatlon in Cuba probably wtl oontinue In hold public attention for some time to BPS, though ths progress of the move ment far the restoration of peace and order In the Island haa been so sstls factory that no new developments Of s startling character are looked for. With the general election but two week off politico naturally will absorb maeh Interest during the coming week. In New York the campaign for governor and other state oflfcers will reach the "white-beat" stage. Mr. Hearst, the saadlrtata nf th. nm nrm 1 1 f p-iT snd the Independence league, will oonlnue his whirlwind campaign, speaking ana night In Greater New Tork and the next day Jumping away up the atate to fill a speaking engagement. Mr. Hughes, th candidate of the Republican party for governor, le scheduled to epend the entire week up the state Elmlra, Oa wego. Corning, Blnghemton and numer- oua other cities and towns are on the I I 'mams on tvinv piece" I I ( jylcwXEYsy Chocolate Bonbons! Always Delicious Pure W Wholesome Digeetible k One Box will make 1 A Hippy Home! F I Every 1 salad Package guaranteed I W I Fresh snd mil Weight I L Makers efCecos and Checolatss M 1 boston, Maaa. M Wl Hat. ta Speak. Th feature Of the Republican cam paign in New Tork city during the week will be the meeting In Carnegie hall Monday night, at which the prin cipal speaker will be Secretary Root. Interest In Secretary Root's address Is increaasd by ths general belief that ha will apeak aa the personal repreaenta tlv of the president Secretary Root is not the only "big gun" that th Republicans are sending into the Empire state to combat Hearst Ism. Speaker Cannon ia billed for sev eral New Tork addressee during the week. Secretary Shaw will be heard In Utlca, Buffalo, Klngaton aad other placee, and on or two other prominent spell-binders probably will be preeaed Into service Meanwhile the campaign la other sec tions wil not be neglected. Massachu setts, where the situation is vary mud dled, but none the lea interesting. 1 being left by both partlea to take care of her own trouble. Mr. Bryan will be heard In the middle west, and Vice-President Fairbanks will oush Into ths southwest to offset the Influence of th recent Bryan tour In that section. Stockholders of the Wabash railroad will hold a special meeting at Toledo Monday to vote on the financial plan which tncludea as one of Ita feature th retirement of the debenture bonds. Thirty er more go rem ass ate will be represented st sa International congress, relative to th "whote slave" traffic, which ia to assemble In Paris Monday. The annual meeting r th Alton rail road, scheduled for Monday, may develop a fight for control between the Harrtman and antl-Harrlman factions. The American Mission association will hold Its 60th annual meeting during the week at Oberlln, Ohio, beginning Its ses sions Tuesday. The Mth annual convention of the Na- HAVE YOU A FEW DOLLARS TO SPARE? Then read today' advertisement of the X. W. Lemcke Oo. on page T. IT WILL INTEREST YOU. Honal Aaaoclatlon of Carriage Builders Is expected to attract a large attendance to Atlanta during the week. Tick. bury Monument. The preliminary trial of the battleship Minnesota, built by the Newport News Shipbuilding company, will take place In New England waters Wsdnssday. , In honor of ths aj,e Illinois soldiers who participated in the campaign snd siege of Vicksburg s 800.000 temple monument will be dedicated In ths na tional park at Vicksburg the latter part of the week, the exercises extending over three daya The governors of Illinois, Mississippi and Louisiana will partici pate. The formal opening of the new St Paul'a cathedral in Pittsburg nest Wednesday will be attended by Cardinal Gibbons and many other high prelates of the Roman Catholic church. Seaaida Sunday Exeuraions. 11.50 round trip $1.60 Until further notice th Astoria a Columbia River Railroad company will run an excuralon to Seaside and return each Sunday at the eaeepttoaaUr low rata eg tt.iO for ths round trip. This Is the season of the year when a visit to ths ocean ta a source -of pleasure snd a Joy never to be forgotten. No smoke, duet or cin ders, and plenty of room for all, giving ons a delightful trip slang ths shores of the mstohlsss Columbia river. Train leaves union dspat at I a. m.. returning leavee Seaeide at 6 p. m.. giving i boura at th beach. Tickete at 141 Alder street and at union depot. Phone Main I0. Lass than two weeks ago we promised to sell three cars of SCHUBERT PIANOS for ths account of the SCHUBERT COMPANY these pianos were intended for the regular agent here, but a change was unexpectedly made in the plana. They were obliged to look to some one else to handle the pisnos there waa no time to lose the cars were on the way. Ths Schubert Company arranged with our eastern office to handle these instruments. We accepted on one condition that we might sell them in our own way our way it FACTORY COST PLUS FREIGHT, PLU8 A REASON ABLE WAREROOM SELLING EXPENSE. We have just seven Schubert pianos left of ths three cara received twelve days ago. Will you pay a very low pries for one of America's fsmous nine? This Is tke Last Day a Schubert Piano May Be Had f-or $315 h-RHOgbAW MM STTfaB NO "DOWN PAYMENTS." JUST $8.00 A MONTH. (WE HAVE SEVEN LEFT) This is the last day th Schubert piano will be sold for this money and on these terms our instruc tions with the Schubert people do not allow us to go further. You may select a piano, however, and it will be all right to make your first payment in November. But the contract must be dated today. Reed-French Piano Mfg. Co. SIXTH AND BURNSIDE STREETS. PENALTIES OF GENIUS Sometime the World Loses More by Them Than the Genius Doss. No great genius, certainly aa great Inventor, ever lived who. was not sup posed to be a little queer by com of hla fellow men. Three hundred years before Stephen -son perfected his locomotive, says the Rosary Magazine, a Frenchman. Salo mon d Caua, waa Immured in the liv ing tomb of the Blcetre for having al lowed hla mind to outstrip ths aa ta which he lived. Marlon de Lorme. in a letter dated Parts, 1(41. talis of a visit to thla Institution. "We were crossing the court," aha writes, "and I, mora dead than alive With fright, kept close to my compan ion's side, whan a frightful face ap peared behind some Immense bars, aad a hoars voice exclaimed : 1 am not mad! I am not mad I I have mad 4 discovery that would enrich the coun try that adopted it' ' What haa he discovered?' asked our guide. ' 'Oh!' answered the keeper, shrug ging hi shoulders, 'something trifling enough; you would never guess it; it ia the use of the steam or boiling water.' "I began to laugh. " Thla man,' ooatlnued th keeper, 'came from Normandy four years aga to present to the king a statement of the wonderful effects to be produced from hi Invention. To listen to him you would Imagine that with steafn you oguld navigate ships, move carriage: la fact, there I no end to th miracles which, bs Insists upon It, could he per formed. Th king seat Ska sjadmaa away without listening to him. Fin ally, finding the poor wretch forever in hla path, snd annoyed by hla folly, the cardinal had Mm shut up in th Bteetra' " WMs Bo They Weadt Ia Zululand when th moon Is st ths full objects are distinctly visible st as great a distance as seven mi lea, while even by starlight on osa see to read print with Sparc? Have You a Few Dollars to Then let us co-operate and share with you in the profits of Real Estate Investments. An unprecedented rise in values is abso lutely assured by an ever increasing population. (250,000 in 1910) To the f age Earner--To the One of Small Means Our plan will appeal, for only in co-operation can the person in. moderate circumstances find opportunity for investment with a certainty of safety and profit ft . J Lay the Foundation for a Future Income Fill out the attached coupon ; it will bring to you, without cost, full particulars. WE BACK OUR CONFIDENCE IN OUR PLAN BY INVEST ING OUR MONEY WITH YOURS, AND BACK OF OUR MONEY IS OUR NAME, OUR HONOR AND OUR CREDIT II. W. Lemcke Company Sixth and Washington Streets f Lntcke Cs. Gentlemen : Please mail to me full particulars of your co-operative plan. Name Address .