The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 20, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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Patrolmsn Hold Review In th
Armory and Don Their
t Winter Uniforms.
Striking Grainhandlers and Exporters May
Come to Terms This Evening and Men
Return to Their Work on Monday
California Man Secures Work In
Reclamation Service Under
Assumed Nam.
Th dove of peace ta hovering orer
th waterfront thia afternoon, and tha
chances that it may alight are loom
ing larger. It ia quite puaalbla that
the gralnhandlera may return to work
Monday morning and that tha atrlke,
Which baa now been In exlatanoe for
Juat SO day, may be declared Off.
The third meeting between tha at
torncya of the gralnhandlera and the
committee representing tha Exporters'
aaaoclatlon, which waa held yesterday
afternoon, resulted In no agreement ta
to a basis for arbitration. Nevertheless,
the plan waa not wholly abandoned It
waa determined fo try once more to
avoid a general battle on tha water
front and to effect a eettleracnt by
peaceful mean. To tbia and It waa
- thought that a conference between the
union committee and Its attorney on
the one, hand and the varloua managers
f the docks on tha other mlfht be pro
ductive of some result.
The exporters' committee and the
Union, attorneya found It absolutely
impossible to agree; tha matter waa
therefore paaaed up to the managers of
the docks and the union committee.
These parties mat at 1:10 thia morning
and remained In session until lata thia
afternoon. While there were dlfferancea
which were atubbornly debated by both
Idea, reports from the meeting room
Indicate that tha gralnhandlera and
their employera are nearer to an agree
ment than ever before and that tha
ohancea are about even that they may
arrive at a aettlemant before adjourn
ment. Though the proceedings of the oon
fereea are aecret, it la rumored that a
Were It not for the serious nature of
the criminal charge Involved the case
ef two red-haired Portland men of the
sun name who dined dally In the same
restaurant and had an appointment at
the same hour at the People'a Institute
yesterday, which reached a sensational
climax at police headquarters late yes
terday afternoon, would furnish ex
cellent material for a' fare from th
pen of a De Souchet
J. C. Walker, a contractor of 126
East Twenty-eighth atreet. visited po
lio headquarter yesterday afternoon
with bis daughter. Edna Walker, a
waitress employed In a restaurant at
Third and Ankeny streets, and Informed
Captain Brain that a man named lie
Can 11 had entered hla daughter's apart
ment and made an attack on her.
Tha young woman aald that the man
had red hair, his name waa McDanlel.
and had stated In th presence of on
of her friend that he had an appoint
ment at the Men' resort at Fourth and
Burnslde street at 2; to p. m. Walker.
in passing th restaurant where
McDanlel usually dined, saw a man
with a shock of red hair sitting at a
table. Whoa the man left the plaoa ha
followed him to the People'a Institute
reading-rooms and than ruhd off to
police headquarter.
Th steamer Mascot of tba Lewi
River Navigation company was locked
up In the Lewis river and bar pas
sengers, officers and crew practically
marooned nearly all of thia week by
a leg Jam that lodged at a point where
the Northern Pacific Railroad com
pany' drawbridge crosses th river,
he was caught In ths Jam lsst Mon
day morning, and did not reach Port
land until laat night
Representative of tha Lewi River
Transportation company complained to
Colonel g. W. Roessler. United flutes
White Girl Who Would Be Bride
of Mongolian Must Get
Court Order.
Vancouver. Wash., Oct. 10. Conster
natlon reigns In Vancouver Chinatown.
Tears Is deep mourning and It is said
every Chinese her threatens to leave
tha city because of an alleged wrong
don on of thsr number by County
Auditor Burnham yeaterday.
It happened aomethlng Ilk this
yesterday forenoon a Chinese named
jar Mln, along with three other c.
tlaatUla. appeared at th auditor's of
fasa and requested a license to wed
Tha auditor Inquired who tha lady to
tne srrair wan and her name was given
gat Blla Spense. a white girl. Her age
, wee as km and it was given at 12 yaara,
far the meantime th Chine jabbered
away lo themselves snd whan It came
to signing th application a a wltneaa
Ah Oe. commonly known around town
aa "Peanuts." signed it In natlv char
acters This was too much for ths auditor,
who refused to go further with th af
fair. Hs told the would-be bridal couple
that any on as old as they wars should
ksjow batter than to endeavor to do what
they war trying to do and that If
they wanted a license they would have
to get nn order from the court This
angered cn memoer or the party, who
said he know the law and that a white
parson and, a Chinese ware permitted
ts marry in this stat.
On account of ta law In thia etat
allowing tha marriage of person of dif
ferent race numerous couple thus de
siring to be husband and wife come here
MB SStrroundlng places.
F. P. Baumgartner chartered the
Asgsrissn ship fltsr of Bengal today to
load 1.6M.O00 feet of railroad tics st
Stella for Redondo The bark la now on
-th way from Han Francisco ta the
Columbia rived.
rt Smith, banker and lumberman
I hrk ffbm s six Week' recreation In
southern California, having spent most
bt the time in and around Lo Angel,
seates., s ereensens wodfl city.
propoaltlon haa been mad by the union
committee to accept the condltlona as
laid down by tha exporters Immediately
be for the walkout a month ago. That
la that tha unionist go book to work
In a body and sign an acreement with
the exportera to work for it cent an
hour for the next year. If tha atrlke
la aettled on thia bast it will mean
that tba union haa lost out on the
atrlke. The exportera, however, aro
aald to be loath to even come to these
terms, aa they would antall the dla
oharg of too 100 odd strike-breaker
now at work on tha docks
The condition on the waterfront are
exactly tha same as they have been for
the paat three daya. There la atagna
tlon of bualneaa In the ahlpplng line and
all along tha wharves, Tha rfual of
the longshoremen to load or unload
deep aaa veaaele or any vessels In
which Brown MoCabe, boaa steve
dores, are Interested, ha been strictly
adhered to and the majority of the
ahlDDlne? haa been tied up. The rig-
gera and itner have now added their
strength and are now refusing to work
on veeaela classed as "unfair." The
toametere ar now not only refusing
fo haul grain away from tha ware
houses, but have extended tha labor
boycott to the cement dock and all
other docks In which the exporter ar
No new moves ar being made on
any hand, however, as all lntereated are
awaiting the decision of the conferees
now in session. Though there la no
certainty of an agreement, th pros
pects of an agreement ar brighter than
ver before. If there I no agreement.
both sides will at one begin to prepare
for a mora extenalve fight than over.
Chief a clerk, John Maloney, waa the
only available plain clothe man In the
atatlon, and be waa detailed to make the
arreat. Hia prlaoner characterised hla
arrest ss an outrage and gave hi name
aa Newton M. McDanlel.. Upon ordeia
of District Attdrnsy Manning ball was
fixed at 11,00, which the accused man
Immediately furnished. The Irate father
reflated to believe McDanlal's statement
that. It waa a case of mistaken Identity,
until his daughter arrived. Th young
woman immediately declared that the
man under arrest was not her assailant,
and then Walker wilted.
Us was profus In his apologia, but
McDanlel refused to accept them, and
threaten to bring a damage suit for
falsa arrt.
Newton N. McDanlel I wall and fa
vorably known In thia. city. Ha formerly
conducted a grocery at til Seventeenth
street but at present he 1 engaged In
th real estate business and reside
with his family at 318 North Twenty
second atreet.
The man wanted for th assault, ac
cording to Miss Walker, was considera
bly younger than McDanlel, and tba po
lio acting on tha theory that he baa
fled to Seattle bar wired th authorl
tlea there to be on th watch for th
engineer, this morning, saying that ths
mlllmen and loggers are practically
blockading the atream. which la claaaed
as among tha navigable one on th
coast They is Id that logs ara drift
ing so thickly in th waterway that
it is with great difficulty that steam
era can navigate there at all. and often
thy ar delayed for hours and days.
Colonel Roelr Instructed Assist
ant Engineer Gerard Bagnall to In
vestigate th matter next week and
he will prepare rules' that will prov
ss nearly satisfactory to all
aa possible.
Nelson Abrahamsen May Loss
Use of Leg as Result
of Accident.
(Special Dlepstek to The Journal )
Vancouver, Wash., Oct 20. While
employed at chopping a log at th High
land Lumber company's plant near La
Cntr yesterday afternoon. Nelson
Abrahamaen raoelved a sever cut In
th right ankle thai may result m ths
loss of tba use of the ankle Joint.
In some manner ths aa used bv
Abrahamsn llp9d and, going through
th edge of the log, entered his limb, st
th angle, almost sverlnr the bone !
Felloe-workmen toeing the sccidsnt ran
to in injured man a aealgtanc snd
carried him to the bunkhouss. The in
Jury, however, provd too serious to he
attended by thoa at hand, and th In
jured man waa hurriedly brought to
St. Joseph's hospital, this city. Dr.
Hlxon i was called and did everything
possible to save tba use of the injured
limb, but this morning he stated that
It was doubtful !f this could be done.
Wots Wot identified at Oregon Ol ty sad
May B Batoned to Albany.
(twclal OaaMua ss Tht JearaaLi
Oregon City, Or., Oct. 10 John D
Word, the negro wh was arrested In I
Albany by th sheriff of Linn copnty. ; ' ' "-
charged with holding up young orley '
Hayes nesr Clackamas atatlon Wed- j Berlin. Oct. 16. Sailors of ths Bus
neday night was yeaterday afternoon : slan ship Alamo murdered tbe captain
examined lefore Deputy District At
torney c. Schuebel. Utterly failing to
identify the negro as the man who
committed the crime, the charge against
him was dismissed, but he Is being
held st the request of the authoritlea
of Linn county, where he Is auapected
of complicity in a similar crime
"Cuban Intervention ' will be the
topic dlscuaaed tomorow evening at the
People Forum, Selling Hlrech hall.
Washington and Park streets. Wallace
MoCammant will onaa tha .ti..,
in puoii is invited.
Domestic Attacked Last Night
on Clay Street Between
tenth and Eleventh.
Policeman J. J. Maloney today re
ported an aaaault on m young girl which
occurred an Clay atreet between 10 and
11 o'clock laat night. Ths girl, who Is
employed aa a domeatlc on Clay street
somewhere between Tenth and Eleventh,
stepped from a Thirteenth-street car
and started to walk down Clay. Aa she
was passing an apartment hous in that
vicinity a man Jumped out from a Jani
tors door in the house and grabbed her
by the throat.
Hot assailant placed on of his basis
on her breast and cried, "I've got you
at laat." but on getting a closer look
st the girl's features he released her
aaying. "Beg pardon, I got th wrong
woman." Th gin waa vary badly
cared and bad some black marks
around her throat where the ruffian
clutched bar.
James Flanagan Haa All Sorts of
Hard Luck in Ons After
noon, v Ftannagan, a crippled vendor
of shoestrings, waa knocked down by a
atreetcar at Third and Pine street
thl afternoon. Patrolman Anderon.
who waa passing, dispersed the crowd
that gathered and assisted Flanagan to
hla feat r
Hanagan's trousers had been torn
by the fall, and the police officer sug
gested that they ought to be repaired.
Flanagan took exception to thia, and
vented hi resentment by. striking the
patrolman with on of hi crutch.
Anderson arrested the cripple and took
him to the police station, but not with
out an energetic fight. Flanagan was
booked on a charge of assaulting an
C. F. Van ds Water, a guest at th
Hotel Perkins, has notified tbe police
that Robert Burns, a traveling man. Is
numbered among the missing. Burns
left Walla Walla last Monday evening
aifd was seen at th Portland hotel
Tuesday afternoon. Sine then no trace
of him haa bean found. He I 41 years
of age.
BiTOawe Suit Withdrawn.
Though shs alleges that her husband
frountlv knocked her down snd
dragged her out of the house, th suit
for divorce begun In the circuit court
by Bdlth M. Msy Against Charles D.
May has been withdrawn. Mra. May's
ault was flld Thursday. She stated
that her husband cam horn drunk reg
ularly very two week and knocked
her down and dragged her out of th
hous. One, shs said, he dragged her
out of bed whan h waa sick and boat
and kicked her. She ssksd the custody
of their two son. Chtr, aged I yaara.
sno Edgar, ago yaara. They war
married at Vancouver, Washington, In
February, lit. No reason waa given
for tne withdrawal or the suit.
ana two mates orr tne coast or enies
wlg Holatein. and alesed the ship and
are now on the high seas. The ship
carried a strong box filled with treas
ure. Cambridge Flret half, Harvard, IT;
Springfield. 0. Final, Harvard, it;
Springfield, 0 '
Philadelphia Flrat "half, Pennsyl
vania, 9; Brown, 0
Went Point Flrat halt Army, t;
Williams, 0.
New Haven Final. Tale, 10; Psnnayl-
i vaaia sum. a.
Loaa Company Made Survey for
Railroad Along Abernethy
T wo Months Ago.
(Special Dispatea to Tbe Journal.)
Oregon City, Or., Oct JO. J. B. Ryan
of Portland, who for th past three
montha haa been at work securing a
right of way for an electric railway be
tween Canemah and Salem and for an
extension of this line from Canby to
Wllholt Springs, waa in the city yea
terday. Mr. Ryan, In company with of
ficials of th C. B. Loss Construction
company, will go over tha right of way
to Molaua early next week.
It was learned today that the aurvey
made about two montha ago along the
Abernethy was done under the direction
of th Loss Construction company. This
msy be construed to mean that ths
proposed road to Mola.Ua and Wllholt
Springs msy start from the north end
of this city and go over th hill ex
tending out In th neighborhood of
Beaver Creek or possibly running south
to Nsw Bra and thane to Molalla.
While authentic Information la not
at hand It Is generally understood that
the Oregon .Water Power Railway
company and Its allied Interests, In
cluding th Portland Railway and tba
Portland General Blectrlc compani,
Is behind the project. Mr. Rysn. wboi
Is obtaining right of way agreement
In the name of Alex Sweek, trust
Is extremely reticent concerning t
matter, but It I believed that th
early construction of th Molalla tin
Is a reasonable certainty.
Juat what the intention of th com
pany ar In relation to th aurvey up
the Abernethy cannot b asuriBHasn
It Is whispered, however, that before
many montha ths Oregon Water Power
S Railway company will announce It
plana and at th asm time endeavor
to secure additional privilege to what
It already ha for transporting freight
cars over Main afreet In this city. Th
company mads a strong effort last win
ter to secure a freight franchise bare
and after considerable III feeling had
been created the franchise ordinance.
which waa passed by the city council
in the face of violent opposition, was
vetoed by Mayor B. A. Soto mar. The
railway oomoany baa changed hands
alnoe that time and ths present ofSclals
of the road are not at swords points
with the present municipal government
and it Is nosslble that a second effort
to obtain a freight f ran obis might be
favorably considered.
Upon complaint of Building Inspector
Spencer warrants were issued thas aft
ernoon for the arreat of John Da Mary,
Beat Forty-third and Market streetoj
John Doe Buck, 26 Beat Thirty-seventh
street: Otto Heohencul. 47 Morris
street; Hans Johnson, Pat ton
Ravsnsvlew drive, and Louis
bare. Russell avenue, near
atreet, on charges of erecting building
without flrst securing the necary
permit . Ball haa been fixed at tit in
each ease and the warrant win o
served by the pollc this afternoon
(pedal DaVaetek te Ta Jraraal.)
Syracuse. N T.. Oct. 10. Dur
ing the Syracuse-Colgate game
the bleacher collapsed Injuring
40. Including many young society
people. Father Donlgan of St.
John's church Is probably fatally
Qhlaeae Ban Raided.
Detectives Kienlen and Mallet still
continue their activity In the Cblneae
quarter. Leet night they conducted a
successful raid on aa alleged gambling
resort st 14H Second street Three
Chinese n the place Chick Be, Ah
Bong and Ah CI urn war arrested on of visiting a lottery place.
lu whose possession waa found a
quantity of lottery ticket, was com
pelled th furnish 1100 ball and his com
panions wsre released on deposit of 110
sssssa. as r
Will Be Allowed to Plead Mon
day and Have an Imme
diate Trial.
If th plan Of District Attorney Man
ning ar followed the administration of
Justice la the oasa of Henry Hoae, who
murdered Madge Wilson, alias Doyle,
yesterday morning, will be th speediest
In the history of tbe courts of Oregon.
Hose was arralgnsd before Judge Sears
In the circuit court this afternoon and
formally charged with th crlm of
murder In tbe first degree.
District Attorney Manning asked.
Judge Sear to hold a Jury, aa h de
sires that Hose's trial begin next Tues
day. Hose waa asked If he had a law-
He said he had not, and bad no
meana to employ one. Judge Sears thsn
appointed W. Set on and J. Sullivan to
defend th accuaed murderer.
Hoae wa brought Into court hand
cuffed. Tba handcuff war removed
from hi wrists before Judge Sears en
tered the courtroom. While waiting for
(the Judge to appear. Hoae sat In a chair
between. Sheriff Stevens and Deputy
trembling like a leaf.
nervousness became pro
controlled hlmaelf with tru
th reading of the
stood beside DUtriet At-
wtth bent head and
utlng attorney from
eye. He was taken
taxmedlaUly after the ar
il was arranged that he
end Monday.
Jury Acquits Him of Burning
Residence in Order to
Get Insurance.
When th clerk of th court read tha
verdict returned by the Jury declaring
that he waa not guilty, Allls Cramer,
who was accused of burning his home,
at lit 7 Albtna avenue, flrst shook hands
with his attorney. John Dltchburn. then
rushed "over to th jury and shook each
of them by tbe hand and thanked them
a they filed frog th Jury box. Cra
mer's trial has occupied Judge Cleland
and a Jury In the circuit court for three
days. It was shown during th trial
that he had taken a policy of lnaurance
on his furniture on May tl of thl year
and that the house was burned on
June 9. Cramer put la a claim to the
fire insurance company for sev
eral art tales that ware not sin
th building whan It waa burned. A
number of witnesses testified that he
was not at th hous when th fir wa
(Jour sal Special Sarrkr.)
New York, Oct 10. Wall street waa
advised today that an English holding
company I being organised to take over
all the packing laUrests In the country.
It is said the Armours win dominate. J.
Ogtlon Armour being at the head. The
financiers give no Information. The
capital of such a concern will be easily
4M00 000.
fjrl Spctl srrts.i
New Orleans, Oct. 10. Th aum of
M.700 in cash prlaae was distributed
among the drill teams of the Knights
of Pythlss today. Seattle company No.
1 won the first prise of $1,100. and th
commander of this company, Captain
Case, won a medal aa the moat ef
ficient officer.
Washington, Oct tO. It Is snnouneed
that General Psrshllg will command the
department of California until early
next year, and thnV relieve Oeneral Lee,
In command of the department of the
SherifSsal Beatty
When Wn
-M aVh
aa i
W. P. Hall Jumped Thousand-Dollar
Bond Pot Up by Friends in Placor
ville end Took Refuse in Southern
0I1 Dtaseta
to th Jooxsal.)
Klamath Falls, Or.. Oct 10 W. P.
Hall. Silas W. P. Parka, waatad at
Placervllle, California, for aaaault to
commit murder, waa arrested by Sheriff
Obencbaln and Marshal Smith at ths
First National bank Thursday, while
presenting a caeok to be cashed. Hla
friends at Plaoarvllle. to aecure hla re
lea from ouatody on th above named
charge, put up bonds for 11,000, whleh
be Jumped, writing back to hla friends
to know If any reward waa offsred for
hla capture, promising to refund the
assount of hia bonds, and requesting
them to address him her as W. F
Parka. This letter was forwardd to
Sheriff Obencbaln.
Hall, who had been working for the
reclamation Berries and gtvn his name
to Disbursing Agent C. C. HOgue as
Parka, had received a cheek for the
mount doe, and when he endorsed
th check he forgot and signed his real
nana, W. p. Hall, and at this Juncture
the officer stepped in and, having been
warned that ho was a dangerous man,
put him In Irons and led him to Jsll.
where he await th California officers
and requisition papers.
The new American Bank Trust
company opened for bualneaa, as con
templated, Monday morning, and de
posits hava run much higher than waa
expected, and with ths Increase of bual
neaa along all line th three bank
will doubtleas do ss well as the two
have since tbe second waa started
aa well aa the old Klamath County bank
Old when it was alone In the field.
Wednesday night waa tha ooldest of
tne season, the thermometer registering
degrees below freeatng. and the few
people who have apple orchard are
rushing th picking, and ar gathering
a fine quality of fruit which In great
demand. Thousands of acres In this
county are edapted to apte and pear
growing, and this very profitable Indus
try will be greatly xtndd In th near
On hundred and twenty aerea of re
claimed Uile or marsh land, on tbe
Bran Reamea ranch near the city pro
duoed 16.000 bushel of barley ibis
season, an average eg no bushel to
the acre, yat some of this land can be
had for 111 par aero. It may be three
years before the government will have
the larg marshes drained, hut when tt
ta ready th flrat crop will pay for
the land and a high rate of Interest
to thoa who can afford to wait for a
return on their Investment.
Big Pneawuis.
i """7; wfm,C"
I ?.?f,"'rU "f "fl1: h! "
Henry Jensen, whose garden back of
exhibition at J..F. Croft' of fie, four
potatoes grown on on via, th four
weighing eight pound a, th largest
measuring 10 Inches In length and 11
inches in circumference. They ere of
tbe Early Boss variety and without a
blemish of any kind. A denatured al
cohol factory would be a profitable In
dustry and would have no trouble to
secure potato in any quantity, and of
a quality not to b surpassed In the
United stats.
Telephone communication with Laka-
vlew U now possible. Hitherto It haa
cost more to reach LakevUw than New
York city, a massages went to Ashland
by phone, thence to Sacramento, Call
fomla; Reno, Nevada, and Term a. Call
fornla. by Ulagraph, and then on to
Lakeviaw by phone. Tbe completion of
the line direct lie mile In length, will
greatly facilitate communication with
the land office there.
(i artel Dtapateb to Th Joaraal.)
Salem, Or., Oct 10. Boy Saunders,
who 1 now serving a on month sen
tence In the county Jail for theft from
a fellow hopplcker in the Tom Walling
hopyard, near Lincoln, is wanted at
Dufur, Waaco county, for th serving of
a (0-day sentonoe for larceny.
He was convicted end while being
taken to Th Dalle he eluaively got
away from the guard who bad him In
oustody. Sheriff Chrisman while In ths
olty yesterday called at th county Jail
and recognlssd the young fellow, who
U about 10 years old. Hs Is said to be
wanted by th Washington oounty au
thoritlea, and Sheriff Culver la In com
munication with the offloers there.
(pechil Dispatea to Tk 1m
Salem. Or., Oct 10. Ths quarterly
report of the sUts prison wa submitted
ytrday by Superintendent C W.
June. The total earning are given as
IS.17C.rj and the total expensee ar
Sl,ttl ft.
Th number of convict at tha do
of th quarter is 141; tl were received
during the quarter and 40 were dU
chargd, and 4 MosgoS from th road
gang and 1 was transferred to tbe
asylum. .
(SpsaUl mpteb t Ta laws! y
Salem. . Or., Oct. 20. Th annual
teachers' Instituts for Washington coun
ty will be held In Hllleboro nest Wed
nesday aad will continue until Friday.
Stat School Superintendent Ackerman.
I. A. Manning of Portland and Charles
H. Jonea of this city are among the in
structors i Special DtspsUfe to Ths Jrel.)
Salem. Or., dot 1.0 The assessor of
Josephine oounty he forwarded to th
eecretary of etaie a eummary of th as
sessment for that oounty. The total
valuation of the property is f4.TI0.tl0.
a against f4,lM,IU laat year.
ber From Wore
The amount of lumber sent from
Nova SeoUa to American porta thia
year 1s very large, reports Conaul-Oen-eral
Holloway of Halifax. Ths cut In
Annapolis and Cornwsllls exceeds any
out known there for many, years. Th
lumbar ahlped from Cornwslll Is
largsly supplied by ths New York Lum
ber company, which owns 46,000 ars
Commends tne Men on Their Neet
Aprjaarance end Discipline end Igws
He Will Recommend More Pay In
Hie Budget,
Portland's finest are now ready for
the wlnUr. They have donned their
long blue coats with the 10 button
In front and th four behind, hav pol
Uhed up their offloal revolver east
have been Inspected. They have ale
been promised by his honor. Mayor
Lane, that h will roommnd a sub
stantial raise In wage when he sand
In hia yeasty budget and are therefore
This morning 71 Portland Policeman
gathered in tha armory In honor of the
Chief dress oocaatoa of th year, the
time when the force change lu sum
mer uniform for th long frock coat
Captain Moor had command of th
fore In th field while Chief of Po
lice Orltaineeher escorted Mayor Lane
along the line and showed him that
the man and thlr equipment were
in the boat of training and order.
R. L 8a bin was the lone repreaen
utive of the board of polio commla
sloners to appear upon the scene and
represent that organisation. Captain
of Detectlvee Patrick Bruin also ac
companied tha official party In lta
rounds and noted that th revolvers
were clean, taut there waa no dust on
th new uniforms and that the shoe
of the army were polished according to
Bollee are xnspct a.
At 11 o'clock th men were formed
In line to await th arrival of tbe chief
and th mayor, who reached the armory
a hort tint afterward. Mayor Lane
and Pollc Commissioner Sabln. accom
panied by Chief Oritsmacher and Police
Captain Moor mad th round of the
line Inspecting the uniform and general
appearance, jpn the aecond round Cap
tain Bruin lolhed the party and assisted
in ths Inspection of arms
Following the Inspection the men
passed In review before the official par
ty, saiuting ins mayor aa they passed
in front of him. At the conclusion of
the review the men were again formed
in line and were addressed briefly by
Mayor Lane.
Ths mayor ta' hla ad drees eomnil-
monted tbe men upon their appearance
and neatness and also for ths profic
iency which tnr had sained in tha
knowledge of military tactic. Ha said
tney were as wsll organised and a well
drilled a body of men as guarded th
peace of any city In hi knowledge and
that ths peaceful conditions of ths city
was du In great measure to their vlal-
Seeerve Mere Money. Sag Mayor.
Continuing the mayor aUted that he
considered th men to be of great value
to in city end that knowinc all mem
bers of the fore aa a rule were sealous
in th discharge of their dutv he con
sidered them to be deaarvlng of more
money than was now paid by the olty.
He would, therefore, he said, recom
mend to tbe olty council In hi next an
nual 'budget that a sweeping Increase
In wages be mads te affect th whole
force. Personally, he said, he con
sidered the men to be deserving of 1100
a month and while he would recommend
or suggest no specific amount h would
ask for a substantial Inereaae. Tbe
mayor concluded by saying that In view
f this course he would expeot every
man to give to the city as aroefe In
servUe a he rcoelved to wages He
relied on them to do their duty and ful
fill their office well.
At the conclusion of the review hi the
armory the mayor and his party held a .
short review of the mounted squad In 1
the street outside, after which th en
tire company was marched back to the
central station. The mapectlon waa the
eeml-snnual dress pared and Inspec
tion, th other one occurring In the
spring when th men changed their
heavy winter uniform for th lighter
one tor umm
(special Dhmateb to Tt. Journal.)
Tecoma, Wash., Oct 10. Superinten
dent Calhoun, of tha state Insane asy
lum at Stellaooom. hae-earned th rep
utation of resurrecting and bringing
the dead to Ufa A few daya ago he
discharged two person as cured whom
the record of the Institution show to
have died nearly 10 year ago.
When he had aeoompllahed thl ft
tt sot th unrlntndnt thinking and
h ordered an Investigation of the reo
ord. Brror wer at once found la the
book of eo gross a character aS to
be almost criminal- Th record shows
that people have been admitted to the
asylum, who were neyer In the Institu
tion, that patienta have died who are
still alive, that others are alive who
died many years ago. and taken In alt
they present auch a Tumble that Dr.
Calhoun ear It will take montha be
fore they osn be atraighUsed out and
tha real truth found out relative to
many of th patient
(Soaetal fMseatek ta Th J tarsal.)
Salem, Or., Oct 10 Edward Boa and
Robert Gardner, two Inmatee Of th
state prison, hav been examined and
transferred to the etate insane asylum.
Ross waa sent up from Josephine coun
ty for five year for larceny la a store
and baa been Insane for some time.
He la reported violent and dangerous.
He Is said to hav attempted to stab
a fellow prlsonsr with a table knlf
and he has been watched constantly
ver alnoe.
Gardner is from Oregon City and we
convicted for th crime of mayhem. He
gouged the eve out of an old Molalla,
Indian woman.
Be etot the Money.
T. W. Harris, alUa Dr. Aahbr.
arrested yesterday aftarncon by De
tective Alden upon Inatnmtlon from
Sheriff A. T. Lucas of Topeka, Kan
sas. Harris Is chsrged with having
a- Ann , . j hh. . . . .
" ' ii,,uu uvni mtrm. iaai artltcn-
j nor of Topeka. It Is claimed that while
masquerading aa Dr. Asuy be induoed
th w .man te elope with him and after
ecu ring th money, deserted her. Ha
I will be held pending the arrival eg aa
Vlaavaa la th
jeouar with ts