THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENINO, OCTOBER to, WM. Town Topks aroTioa to worn Tha Journal agoncy at Buitn kM been tranaferred to Harper Jamlaon. with headquartera at Schwarsachlld'a book store, whero all changes, com plain ti and new, aubaorlptloaa will re ceive prompt attention. TOsTIQKT'S AMVKXUXm. Hellif "Farelfal;" prelude at T:80 p. a. Bh.r "lady Huntworths Bxperimeot" iptre . "'ete Ktareesr Star.. "The Two Orphan." tyrls "A Mothers Secret'' Oraod r.Tll. Fastagea vsndevliu The program of the T. "W. C. A. "at home" tomorrow afternoon will be at fnllowa: Addreae. Dr. E. U House; vocal aolo. Mlaa Laura Cleland; violin duet. Mlaa Mary McConnell and Mlaa Dorothy Fraaer; vocal aolo. Mr. Aok ler; recitation, Mlaa Alloa Hanson; "First Half Hour," Mlaa Adelaide Rog ers. Tha place of recaption -la tha Y. W. C A. headquarters. Sixth and Oak atreeta; the time. 4 to I o'clock. A general Invitation la extended to woman and glria. If you want a perfect fit have your clothes made to your measure. Then your suit will hold Its shape and give you value received for your money. We make any ault In the house to order for 22S no more, no leaa. Over 1,000 pat tern! to select from. Unique Tailoring Company, 109 Stark St., near Sixth. Tha following cltll service examina tions were announced today: Assistant In the Philippine service, November 10; architectural draftsman In the bureau of animal Industry, November SO, II, 22. For complete Information regard ing the examinations, applicants ahould see Z. A. Leigh at the poulofflce. Mary Blocker was granted a divorce from Louis Stocaer In the circuit court y eater Jay afternoon on tha ground of desertion. They were married In Janu ary, law. Mra. mocker waa given the custody of their 0-year-old daughter and 3-year-old son. Charles J. Schnabel ap peared as her attorney. Charging cruelty and Inhuman treat ment. Alice 8. Tibbetta baa begun ault In tha state circuit court lor a divorce from Thomas A. Tibbetta. They were married "at Kale ma, Washington, In October. 1828. Mra Tibbetta asks that her maiden name. Waist, be restored to her. Professor Jamas F Swing, just re turned from a visit to Europe, will lecture at tha Men's Resort and People's Institute tonight at 2 o'clock upon "Lon don." The lecture will be Illustrated with stereopticon views. Admlaaton la free. To union men and women and their sympathisers: Tha Homer Telephone 'atrlke and boycott are attll on; anything to the contrary la not the truth. W. ll Trulllnger. business agent. Local No. 118, I. B. E. WT Tour Eyes Exa mined Free. We are atlll selling eyeglaseea at fl.00. A per fect At guaranteed. Metrger Co.. jewelers and opticians, 111 Sixth street. Vulcanite Rubber Roofing, tha beat quality ready roofing manufactured. F. E. Beach A Co., the Pioneer Paint com pany, agents. 122 First street. Watchea, diamonds and Jewelry on easy payments: 21 down,- 20c a week. Don't go without a good, tlmapleoo. Metiger A Co., Ill Sixth street. Steamer Jessie Harklns for Camas, Waahougal and way landings daily ex cept Sunday. Leavee Alder street dock at I p. m. Six memorial windows will be dedicated at First Congregational church Sunday morning. "Things That Matter,' lng topic. Acme Oil Co. sella the beat safety coal oil and fine gasoline. Phone East 722. Woman's Exchange. 122 Tenth street, lunch 11:20 to t; business men's lunch. Wllholt Mineral Water. Elmer J. Wal lace. Agt., 122 2d St. Tel. Pacific 12(0. TORONTO BANKER IS GUEST AT LUNCHEON B. K. Walker, a noted banker of To ronto. Ontario, waa the gueat of honor at an informal luncheon given yester day at tha Arlington club by Erneet a. Wyld, manager of the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Among those present were: Bishop Be adding, James Lald law. Dr. K. A. J. Mackenaie, A. L. Mills, R. Lea Barnes, J. Frank Wateon, W. M. Ladd. C. E. Ladd. W. H. Moors, H. L, Pittock, Dr. Andrew C. Smith, George W. Batea. Robert Mcintosh. William A. Macrae and Cyrus A. Dolph. aakera Vew OHIsbib. t. Louis, Oct. 10. Tha National Bankers' sseoclatlon adjourned after electing tha following officers: Presi dent, Q. S Whltson, vlce-praaldant, of tha National City bank. New York; first vtoe-prasldent, J. C. Powers, vloe-preaf-dent Cltlaana' State bank, ktiddlesboro. Kentucky. Among the othsr vice-presidents sre tha following: California, Oeorge W. Peltier. Sacramento; Mon tana, John B. Arnold. Billings; Oregon. John C. Alnsworth. Portland; Washing- . w wr .., sx.,.il. ts,..l T. P. Rickey. Carson City. More young people of this community now have bank accounts than ever before. Every day they come in to take advantage of our offer of a First Deposit Free. This is the offer: y Bring $4.50 TO deposit to the credit of any child. of any age from one day to twelve years. We will add it to our Free First Deposit of 50 cents, making $5.00 to begin with, and this money will immediately begin to earn interest Start now, while this offer is open. Bring this ad it will to the credit of 50 cents as a part of the first deposit We Pay 4 Fer Cent on Savings Accounts Fire and Burglars May visit your house and your valuable papers and jewels may be lost. The only safeguard against these is our Safe Deposit Vault, which cannot be -robbed or burned. Boxes $4 and up per year. Come in arid see how securely we protect your valuables Oregon Trust & Savings Bank Sixth ft Washington Sts. Portland, Oregon CHURCH SERVICES BAPTIST. First The White Temple Twelfth and Tay lor streets; eBev. J. vVhlicoutb Brouguer, D. U. At D a. a.. Bib hi school at Havter-street branch; 10 a. a., one-accord prayer meting: 11 a. B-, worship with ernton, "Peter's Seven Steps Back to Christ"; lilt) p. a., tanple Bible school; 0:20 p. a., B. X. P. L. meeting! 7:43 p. m.. popular service, preaching. "The Steep and the iloata," with prelude on "Bam Jones ; special tnuale. BiBcad Seventh aad Bast Auk any atreeta; Bav. Stanton v. Laphaa. services .at 10:80 a St.. with sermon; sermon at 7:80 p. m.; Bible school at nods. Otsca aloe tavllle; Kev. Oilman Parker, 'reaching at 11 a. m. aad 2 p. a.; special antic. lmmaanel Second aad Meade streets; Bev. 0. W. Urtrfta. Bandar school. 10 a. a.; B Y. P. V.. 2:42 p. a.; presetting. 11 a. a.. "Fish lng (or Men. end 7:30 p. m. 1 Park kev. John Bentilen. Son day aehool, 10 a. ut. . preaching. II a. m. and 7 .30 p. a. by Bav. D. W. Tuuratou Central Beat Twelfth and Ankeay streets; T. Jordan. Preaching, 10:80 a. a., "What Meaner of 1-oveT"; Sunday school, 12 a.; serv ices at t:bu p. a., "Unaer tint Huaaow Arata Hsv. John Bentewa. ."anday school, to a. m. ; preaching. II a. a. moa, "A Sensible Woman." Mount OUv seventh and ; 1:40 p. u.. ear-1 Bverett strsets. Preach reaeklns at 11 m. sad 2 p. m. E. A. Leoosxd. Bundsy , St. John'e-Rsv. aehool, 10 a a.; preaching. U m.; T:30 p. ., svoacoing. Third Vsucoover avenue sad Knott street; Bev. B. M. Bliss. At 10 a. a., Sunday school; 11 a a., preaching; sermon. , 7:Bu p, a. Swedish Hoy t end Fifteenth streets; Bev. Brie Scherstrom. Preachiag. 10:02 a as. aad 7:20 p. a.; Sunday school, 12 a. Highland Alharta and Sixth atreeta. Breech ing. 2:20 p. m.. by Bev. A. U Johneton; Boa day school. 2:20 p. a. Meant Oar nasi Posh toasts and ruaders treets; Bev. A. J. Bhephard. Sanday school. 12 a.; preacllag. U a. a. aad 2 a, a. Bellwood Eleventh aad TJaatttU .treeta; Bev. George A. Learn. Sunday school. 10 a. a.; preachiag. 11 a a. sad 7:48 p. m. First German Fourth and MUf (treets; Rev. J. Krstt. preaching at itt:48 a sv aad T:20 p. m.; a. x. r. v., i:as p. m.; to a. Second ... - . u I strset; Bev. P. Boeermaa. Preach ins. 11 a. a. and 7:80 p. a.: Sunday acbool. S:48 a. a., B. T. P. V.. 48 n. Calvary Beat Bbrhth aad Giant atreeta. Bev. A Lewreaee Black. Bible aehool. 10 a.: aermon, 11 a. ax.; 0:20 p. a.. Young Peo ple's aeettag; 7:80 p. a., sermon. Mispah Mary and PoweU streets; Bev. le me K. McGlase, u. o. At a. Rev. W. 8. Holt ft U.; 7:20 p. ni., "Christ's Masaaaa to the Inner Ufe"; T:au p. a., sermon; special music. Calvary Eleventh and Clay atreeta; Rev. Ben Kara Stiles Kly. Jr., D. D. Service., ip so . m.. wnu sermon. unr miner ; nunjav school, ig m. : sermon st 7:80 p . on -fie nero oi toe tx toau. Third Bast Thirteenth snd Pine streets; Bev. Andrew J. Moataomcry. Preaching at 10:20 a. a.. "Peal's View of Ufe": H p. a., ser mon The latins Maa." Fourth -First and i.ttus streets: Bev. John K Welch. Preachl- at 10:8o a. a.; Sun day school. 12 a.; Y. P. g. C. K., 0:30 p. a.: at T:80 p. Hawthorne I'srk Twentieth and East TsyVw streets; iter. a., nelson nan. Sunday school, 10 a a.; presetting, 11 a m.. "The Poet King of Israel"; eernioii st 7:20 p. a., "True Aris tocracy"; V. I. S. C. K . 8:80 p. a. Pledawnt tlevelsnd aveaae and Jamil strset; Bev. L. Myron Booscr. I'reachlug at 11 a. a : Baaday school, 12:12 p. a.; preach- lng, 7:20 p Westminst ter- Beat Teath and Wledler streets; ' Bev. Beary Marootte Morning sermon, il o'clock; evening sermon. A. B. Griggs; Sundsy 7:46 o'ehx'k, br Bev. 1 chwd, 12:38-p a.; m. I x. r. a. c. b., s:48 p. a. Plrst -Twelfth and Alder streets i . a. a., services: 7:46 p. m. preacuing ny k-v. W, B. Hubert ot Astoria Bellwood Seventeenth street and Spokane ave sue; Bev. D. A. Thompson. Saaday school. 10 a. a.: sermon at ll a. nt . "The K (Ingdom of Heaven"; larleasi Kudos tot. 7 p B n m "Tt. 1 1 -,.1 1.. yni-i, r. Pnlton-Kev A. H. Burkbolder. Sermon at 7:42 p. a. MerehaU-atreet Marshall aad North Seven teenth gtreats; Rev. C. w. Hays. Sunday eehonl. 10 a. a.; preaching, II a. a., ' Kepre sen ling Ood" at 7:so p. a. try Bev. m. M. Shsrp; Y. P. S. C. L . 6:43 p. m. Mount Tsbor Belmont and I re My man atree'.; Bev. Edward M. Shsrp. Ssrmsa at U g. a.; service at 7:80 e, tn. with address on "The ny nee, u. w, nays. METHODIST h.Mo"UT"tarH,J. Hsmid tiherg. PrescMng. 1" aad 7:80 p. m ; Sund.y school, lo . Vmwnptl, I It Til n Central 11 aad Kerby streets ; Bev. J. entitle you T.,Aheett. Class aeetlna. Bias a. at. 10:30 a. at; Snaday school. 12 at.; Uagae, ! s, .; sanaoa, 7:80 p. m. Trlultj Teats snd Grant treats: r. U r. Smith. JtmUj school, 10 s. at.: preach fag. II aC; fcpwortk Leagae. 0:00 p. y. TrsytUiaet--5)r."' rrsads Bargette Short. CT sells. 0:O a. a).: sermon. 10:10 a m. ; Sun day school, 11:11 p. m , Bp worth Lesgee, 0:20 p. a.; sermon, can p. at. Orsce Twelfth tad Taylor streets; Trne Wilton. D. D.. pastor. s. a.; ouaaay eeseei, 1J1B p. at.; l Leases. 8 0 o. St.: sermon. 7:20 a. m. Pattee Michigan and Carpenter treats; Bev. Melville T. Wire Sermon, 11 a. a. aad at T:M p. a.; Saaday Mhool, 10 a. a.; swwsetB Leasee. 0:20 b. m. . Bellwnral Plfteeath aad Ti I). Wiener. Saaday aehool. 10 a. a.; ear- moa. tf s. a-, "Cooperation ua easting. 2:20 p. a.; 1213 p. a.; enlldrea'e meeting cpwurio ir, o:au p. "laaac at Eventide." 7 :30 p. ru.. EPISCOPAL. Trinity Nineteenth and Everett atreeta; Bar. lr. A. A. Morrison Holy communion. 2 a. a.; moralui service, II o'elork: evening service. 7:80 o'elork; Baaday aehool. 2:80 a. m. It David's Beat Twelfth snd Belsaont treeta; kev. J. B. Van Waters. gaaday, 9 :46 a. to.: morning prayer and seraon t 11 o'clock; evening prayer aad sermon at 7:20 o'clock; holy communion, 2 a. a. St. Andrew's fcnlverelly Park; Kev. W. B. Powell. Service aad sermon, II a. a.; Sua day school, 10 a. a. St. John s Meowrtxl Sellwoodt Bee. W. B. Powell. Bandar School. 11 a. a.; ssrvlcs and sermon. 7:48 p. a. Wood Shepherd Bellwood street and Tea coarer avruue: Her. John Dawson. Holy com munion, 2 a. a.: morning service. 11 o'clock; Sunday school, 2:41 a. a.; prayer and esrtuoa, 7:20 p. a. t. Sdstthew' First aad I'aniihers streets: Kev. W. A: at. Break. Holy communion. 7:20 a a. t Sunday school 0:45 a. m. ; sermon, 11 a. a.; service and aerawm. 7:20 p. hi. St. Mark's Nineteenth and Qslmby atresia; Rev. J. K. Simpson. Holy communion, H a. a.: Sunday school, 10 a. a.; morn inn prayer end litany. 11 o'clock; evensong and sermon, 7:22 o'clock. Be Haul's -Woo oaa era; o. L. Parker, Uy read-' r la enarge. uoniag service ana sermon at 11 a, a. LTTTHXBAH. St. James' English West Park and Jefferson treeta; J. A. Isaa Berrien at 11 a. m. with sernnu by Bev. M, L. Boa I ton of The Dalles on "The Never-Paillng Christ"; Sunday school. 10 a. a.; sermon. 8 p. m. ; l.uther Lesgue, 7 p. a. Betinls DaukuVs-Unlou avenue and Morris street; Bar. Uudaaad Orlll. Sunday services. U s. m. aad 2 p. a. Norwegian Synod Bast Tenth aad Grant ittieota; Bar. u. Uagoea. Sunday school, 2:20 a. a.; sarvlcea. 11 a. a. aad It. a. St. Panl'a Oerman East Twelfth and Clinton streeU; BSr. A. Kranse, Service, 10:20 a. a.; service, 7:20 n. a.; Sunday school, 2:80 p. m. ; Bible school, 8p.m. Norwegian & North Poorteenth street: Bev. J. M. Nrrfig. Sarvlcea at 11 a. a. and 7:20 p. a. - Swedish Immanuel -Nineteenth and Irving treeta; Iter. C. J. Baahard. Services at 11 a. to. and 8 p. at.; Saaaay aehool. 0:42 a a. Swedish (toeuey avenue aad Stanton street. Sunday school. 0:20 s. a.; services, 10:20 a. m.; services. 7:42 p. a. Keformed Ueraan Tenth and Stark atreeta;. Rev. J. Hefner. Preaching at 10:42 a. m., our Talents aad Mow to Use Them'1; sermon, 8s. a., "The Heavenly Hosts"; Sunday school, 0:20 a, a.; Y. p. g. C. B., 7 p. m. oommMAnosrAx,. Vnlrarstty Park Artisans' temple: Bev. D. B. Gray. At 11 a. a., preaching; Baaday school, 10 a. a. Plrst Madlaon and Park streets; Bev. B. L. Hoaoe, D. D. Sermon. 10:30 a. a., aad dedica tion of memorial windows; sermon, "Things That Matter": J:42 p. m.. Christian Endeavor sarvlcea; Sunday school, 12 a. Sunnyalde East Taylor and East Thirty fourth streets; Bev. J. J. Stash. Morning serv ice, II o'clock, with sermon, "The Wants of senior Christian Endeavor. 7 p. a.:' ear 7:20 p. a.. "Reno Hutchinson, or the Type a Type of Ljre Tnaf I'nra sllsslsoliiiil I Ulul..lnnl ....n. rremont street; Bev. William L. U pshaw. Bun day school. 10 a. m.: sermon. 11 s. m. bv Bee. H. W. Boyd; Chrutlan Endeavor, T p. a.; ser men 7:30; a., or Rev. Mr. Boyd. Highland tsot Sixth aad Prescott atreeta. Baadey school. 10 s. a.; sermon. 10:20 am., "A Great Disciple'1; Christian Endeavor. 2:42 p. a.: service at 7:48 p. a., sermon, "Radla lions of Moral Influence " Leorslwood Arleta kaO; Bev. D. B Gray. Basdsy aehool, 10 a a.; T. P. S. 0. B., 7:20 p. sa. Perk sad Columbia streets: Rev. SL Pstterooo. At 10:20 a. a., sermon. "Anorovtn the BxeeUeat": 7:20 p. at., sermon. "The Vic tor Ions Life"; Chris tUa Endeavor, 8:42 p. a.; Bible school, 12:12 p. a. Central Beet Twelfth sag East Salmon streets; Bav. J. H. Ghormley, O. D. At 10:48 The Cross and Crews"; Baaday school. lO-IR n , . ; Senior Endesvor. 8:42 p ; !" T! P a.. ' Modern Gateways to HeU. masirsteu speoist nodaer-Aveaoa Rodney ave ind Kno't street; Rev. F. Elmo Robinson. At 0:42 a at. UlBalaa aaluw.1 . f . Modern Idolatry"'; 8:20 p. a.. 7:20 p. ax., ted talk to Wooeiawn Sunday school. 10 s tug. ii a. ax.; cnrisuan End services 8 p. ax., with .pedsl UNITED First Ksst Teath aad Shsr. A. A Winter At 10 a. at pees 8Elw: Bowrrnu iwersox. At 11 s m.. TtttSBSp bn t f"' STK" LLLf. 0 JZ 1 7 SO p. bl, gr bearing a. a.; K. L. C. E.. T n. m!9 indie 8t John's Ivsuboe snd Jdha E. B. McVlcker. Sunday ! presrhlng, 1 1 s. m . J. K L. C. C. s. a. u c. a. TP. a.: ualoa ser' K L. C. B.. T m. m.: ualoo Ockley t.rr-rn- Humlsy school nrautc-hlnsr he D. t BP to si., preaching by Bev. 0. P. Weight; Toung reuww s nieeuns- ' p. pMCblnf . 8 i. ui .1 EVANGELICAL ASSOCIATION Plrst KtiglLh Ksst Sixth and Msrket street.; Bee. S. A. Slewert. Preaching at 11 a. a, "The Palse and the Tree"; Saaday aehool, 10 a. a.; 7:46 p. a., sermon. "A Msn Under the Mlcioscope": Young People's Alliance. 8:4i a- af C3r.CC LM-tSL It.V H O !lndp-n Preach. lng. it s. w. end 8 p. a.; Toang People's Al- Banco. T SL Saaday aehool, lo a. as. Plrst tlersssn Tsnth soa l is. Bev. Then. Scbaaer. Saaday school; S:S0 a. sermon 10:48 s. m.: nreartiln T:Xfl a i. r. a.. i v. Memorial I It. and Eighteenth street.. I aev. i.. c. noover. nunesy school, in a. preaching. 11 a. a. and 7:80 p. Y. P A. nev.ittnnat services. e:av p. CMISTLAN SCIENCE. I flrtt Church of Christ Selentl.t -scotti.h , Rite cslhedr.l Morrison snd Lownadsle stre... Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.: aahiect of sermim. "Pmbatlon After Death": Bandit v I aritooi at emee or morning service; vredne.dat evening meeting at 8 p, a. Second Church of Christ. Scientist Elks' tea-, pie Stark and Beventb atreeta. Sunday services at 11 a. to and 8 p. a . .object, -'Probation After Death' : Sunday school, ll g. a. UBTrBD BBETKKEM m CHRIST First Bast Plfteeath aad llorrlson streets; Bev. H. C. Sheffer. Bible school at 18 a a.; serasoo at II a. a.; set Bin at 7:20 p. m.; T. P. S. C. K.. 7 p. at. Becond -Slitb and Mechanic streets: Bev C. P. Blanrhard. Sanday asheil. IS a. a.; sermon. II a. a. spd 7:20 p. a. BJI28IOK8. nesron Light Mission-11 ' roorth north. Preschisg every sight sad st 8 p a. - street. Bundsy Olive Branch Mission -3S0 rirsl street near Colaahla. Preaching every ntsht at 7 .to. Sundays. 8 p. a.; Buadsy school. 1 .20 a a. St. John's Bnlliiees Mission S2S Second street near hfsls: Bev. John r Olaaee. Services every night ana Sunday at aad 7.80 p. a. Ssrvle Chinese Baptlsl-XaS Second strset. I St 7:30 p. a. BPIBftJALISTS. First Bplritnal Society I0BS Third street. Services at 11 a. a. aad 7:iS p. m.. lertttre by n. J. Moore oa "Baptbra"; lyeena at 12:20 p. a. rrrABiAB. Chnrch of Our Father Sevesth and Ysmhlll r: Bev. streets: Sev. TV, a. Bllot Jr.. minister: T. It, Bllot. D. P.. minister eaerltus Service at ti s. a., sanject r sermon. "Middle Ass : Sunday school. 8:40 s. la.: cawaas, n g. a. aad 12:20 p. m MBTMOSIST. 20UTM, rirsl 17IU Second street, foresters' hall: Bev. B. H. ifewre At 10 a m Bnndar school; 11 s. a., seraon on "khrv. Msrtsln Howserl' , 2:20 p. a., tnwortb I Waa, 7:20 p. a.. Breech lng U liat las the I'eopft Think of Christ r" C AMD M. A. Chrlstlga sad Missionary Alliance. Sixth and Main streeta; ; rtev. i D. Sawtelle Preoehlee 10 SO a. a.: Basdsy school. 12:18 , Peoples aeetlng 8:S2 p aa est' Ices. 7:22 p. a. ay school. 12:12 p. a. I Young T M. 0 A. Association Auditorium. 187 lohrtli street. i enndsy. B:B0 p. m., special memorial serv I -e lit honor of tne iste aeno Htttrninsne; special niuslr All men wel r isxet . OHBISTIAV ADVEST (ArUtlaa Advent -Sssoad street oetweea Ball tHrU; a- "J Conservative Cttttodla' HIBERNIA SAVINGS BANK Pays 4 par cent Interest on savings accounts, compounded semi-annually. Paya 4 per cent interest on yearly and 3 per cent on six months' time da--' posits. . Call and see us at our new banking rooms in the Labbc building, corner of Second and Washington streets, (or further particulars. orncaai awd diksotom i ANDREW" C SMITH. President DAVID it. DUNNE, Vloe-Prealdent LANBINO STOUT. Cashier. C. B. 2BWALL, AsslsUnt Cashier. JOHN DRIBCOL.L, AMD . C OOaODAKD. HOUSEHOLD WASHING We save this week established a department in which we Is under family linen each things aa the housewife usually wastes ser strength upon on Monday aad wa do . the work at the lnalgalflcant prices named below: IB01TED. Sheets Slips . ..... So x Skirts ....... ... Bete teres da Tab tbleeleths .... 8c to Welste Rollers 2c Corset Covers. Towels le raaashas Napkins lo "u Handkerchiefs .... le Drawers Handkerchiefs, silk 3c Nightdresses . Rasa 1c Wrappers Stsnd Covers NOT IRONED. Overshh-ta ...... Nightshirts , Undershirts Drawers , Aprons . . Ptllowshsg tu ' 6c Child's .. le s. 2e EXTRAS. muskets, wool, pr .soe lOe Blankets, Cot tea, pr.tSo Hone Pa Union Chlldren's Overslls 2c Qollt. SSe No aktrts, eellars, oaffs, vesta, overalls se lumpers dons in this departaeat. Me bundle Use than 20a UNION LAUNDRY CO. Second and Columbia Bta. HAVE YOU A FEW DOLLARS TO SPARE? Then read today i advertisement of tha 82. W. Xasmoks Co. on page 1. IT WILL INTEREST YOU. snd Lincoln; Bev. school, 10:20 a. i praise service. T Charles Hsffeadea. Sua a.; prsscblng. 11:80 V p. n..; sermon, 8 p. SXDX. Chrlsttao CetheUe ChaBsh-A) hall, secoLd Boor, Third snd Morrison streeM: Be. Charles A. Boy, elder In charge. At 2 p. m., Bible study; 2 p. a., services. LATTER DAT SAINTS. Church of Jeans Christ of Latter Day Balati Hall 400. Allsky building. Third and Morri son streets. Services at 11:20 a. a. and T p. a.; Sunday school st 10 s. a. First Bsst Eighth aad Couch streets. At 11 a a., ssruana. The Mdl Church," by Bev. i . w. Bauer; nanaay scnooi, tu s. a. BWEDENB0BOIAN. New Church Society Eleventh and Alder atreeta; Bev. Hiram Vroomaa. At 11 a. i services; Sunday school, 10 a. a. ADVENTI8TB. Seventh Day Adventlsts 20SH Third street, between Taylor aad Salmon: Bev. Oeorge A. Snyder. Sanday school, 10 s. a.; preaching, 11 a. a.; ssrmsa at 7:80 p. a.. Prophetic I'anorama of Berth's History." MILLENNIAL DAWN. Millennial Dawn O. A. K. hall. Second and Marisua streets. Services at 2:20 p. a., with sermon br J. A. Bohnett on "The Wise and Foolish Virgins." UNITED PRESBYTERIAN Chnrch of ttis stranger. Wasco street and Orand avenue; Kev. S. Barl DuBols. Morning service, 10:48 o'clock, with sermon, "The Bath bath and Sabbath Laws"; Sunday school. 12 in.; sermon st 7:20 p. a., "Secrets of Men." VaUB METHODIST Pree MetbodUt Eaat Math had Mill atreeta Preaching, 11 a. a.; Sanday school, 10 x a NAXABjrjrB, Church of the N. serene 2H Burn. Ids street; Bev. U. O. Henrlrks. Sermoos at 10:20 a. a., 8 p. a. aad 7:80 p. a. Mea'a Resort and nd Born.lde streets People's Institute Ponrth rttereop ptlcon Bible study hour, 8 p a. ; men's meet lag with sddross l.v Kev. W. H. Meppe oa "The Handicapped Mas, ' 4 p. a. ; people gospel service with special music, t:so p. REORGANIZED SAINTS Reorganised Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Rainta Broad freet and Holladay avenue; Rev. W. A. Goodwin, presiding elder in charge. I'resehtng st 11 s. a. and, 7:80 p. a.; Sunday nn . .,n r-iri i.aie s-lrnx .i n . . GRAND F SH NG EXCURS ON iwillllti kAVUnOIUII ' Ivy Vewport aad Beturn, en the Oor vallla ft East am aVaflriiail. Sunday, Oct. SI, 1S0S (Stain or Sates). Salmon are running freely In Taqulna Bay, bta catches reported dally, and In nrter to give all an opportunity to enjoy thla royal sport, a low round trip rata of 21 will be made from Albany, Cor vallls or Philomath to Newport and re turn on the Shove date. Trains leave Albany at 7:20, Car valllaaat 2 a. m . Philomath 2:16 a. m.. and rnlriR leaves Newport at 5 p. m. PlvTSSr of boats to gent at low rates. Milwaukee Country Club. Ka stern snd California rscee Take Bellwood and Oregon city eara at FlraL snd Alder. frefsrrsd Stock Csuned floods. Allen ft Lewis' Pst Brand. DR. BROUGHER At that White Temple TweUth aad aylor Btreete. S7JBTD AY 10:30 A. 2a. "PeUr's Seven Steps Back to Christ" BAB. WALT-EM BHD. the Noted Contralto, Sing POPT7LAB BEBVTOB 7tSO V. BL "The Sheep and Goats" With a Prelude on "SAM JOBIBS ' TBXXK Miss I n wrier and Messrs Robin ton and Belcher. Speotal Oraan Selectlona, Miss Kemp. Ureal Chorus and Conererntlonal 8 in gin a. Does Tn almnat a encnai ether at o fssrh. fho " weather" aide, connection. -It msv be tar in what part of tha house whether room or" hallway it can soon be made snuK and coiy wiB a PERFECTION Oil Heater rT..iiv., eciin.rv nil heaters tha si wars. First and foremost it is absolutely safe you cannot turn the wick too high or too low. Gives intense heat without smoke or smell because equipped with smokeless device. Can be easily carried from room to loom. As easy to operate as a lamp. Ornamental sa well as vaseful. Made in two finishes nickel and japan. Brass oil fount beautifully embossed. Holds 4 quarts of oil and bums 9 hone. There's real aatiafaction in a Perfection Oil Heater Every heater warranted. If not at nearest agency for descriptive circular. The tax pissed burner. Made of brass throughout aad nickel plated. Mte.kf f.. . IIKrecv fllnlnS rWOSB. very tasnw parlor or been If art at your dealer OAKS RINK Last Opportunily ACT Rink Open All Day Sunday dobj t ansa r. New Skates, New floor, Safe. Clean. Comfortable. No dust. Ten-minute csr service. Beginning Monday the price Of skating will be 26c. Including sdmls lon, or 25 skate tickets for 16. I I ' SBftssssssL'K mLw9om Lbb i IMPORTANT NOTICE TO GAS CONSUMERS All our gas bills are no w being de livered. Kindly bring or send gas bill to this office when making payment Discount will be allowed on all bills for a period of ten days from date of bill AT YOUR SERVICE PORTLAND GAS CO. FIFTH aad YAMHILL STREJLT8 Other Stoves MltoDo even honae I tiara la that the heat f ram tha Tea or furnace falls to It ttnv Kb a fa Baa an or one having bo best a cola naiiway. no i Perfection gives satisfaction your dealer's write our aakes the home bright. 1 tae so test sso dcot inr or all-round household ea Gives a dear, steady 11. ht Pitted with latest s write to acaraat agency rasas. HAVE YOU A FEW DOLLARS TO SPARE? Then read today i advertisement of the at. W. lesmoke Co. on page T. IT WILL INTEREST YOU. AMoaiingTa. P4NT4Gr ro-TSwi "OABICA HTJMAinrS" A Vsudovilla Innovation. Osalle do Ooerrero, Preston Bisters. Leo Whits, lis rt sad O'Dell. Bemsey sad Btltaa, IVrforrnVnce. dally at 2:80. 7:80 and 2 p. a. Admission 10 aad SO cents. Boxes 28 cents. l.auiee anil rniioreo um u mm w . . mm Bsunrn. iw " STAR THEATRE of Ootoher 12. Fhoas Main MM. THI TWO ORPHANS" B SB4BW Mstineee Toeedsya. Thursday. Batordsya and Snndsys st 2:80. rYsees 10c aad 20c; Bvery Bvenlng at 2:12 . sa.. aeleee. 10c. 20c and 80c. Bast Wash "The Ka LILY DENTAL CO. net PAIBLKBS BSJTTISTS. - - an TBJBD OFT BXeUXAVB FBJCTB we sea eaiy first risss saaaarala de the work cooarhmtieasly snd prleo It withla your ret tion and Solid Sold Orcwa .St He IS Tears. I Ail whwk Sim ToiNiairr Tomorrow (Sanday) Night Heilig Theatre 14th Richard Wauz-er-B Mystic Drama PARSIFAL REMEMBER TrSS s'Oleoh, e'Cueoa. Henry W. Bavaga Offers Oeere aasTS Olaity The College Widow EVSTNIXO PBIOBS Battro tower Sear. tt-BOl balesay, Bret Sa rows. 21. asart tea rears 75c; entire gallery oOe (no reserve). tTtirBB rows 21 80; laat six ws 21; Jhasnv Srat e rows Ttw. lawi aafee ary SSe (aa mavaj. 21 80c: ant'ire gallery Baker Theatre OBOBOa U BAJKBB. Hons of the fa Tonlsht All Weeh Matinee Sat -XAST atlSTWOBTsTS MMrXMlMMMt 12 and eenta Mk. "UP 7011 EMPIRE THEATRE. Dill and Wmlm Main 117 MTltoeWsxaaa MtxarBT. P Vo'te Bedoetlon la Pikss atveedags "Si, teat 80c; Matinee 10e and 20a. Mstlnsse Wednesday sd Sstnrday. This week the greet Swedish Chwody. TBTB PgTBaSOBT" Don't anas it; fall ot newsy aad saOVsa. oae or e goow tin. xae say uixy. The Grand Week ef Oak. IS. i-B-o-T h-B-a-B h-B-w I IT rs. Margarst Mlaa s&iTett five ha Vnaher LYRIC TMEATRB WBJnt BBOISNIrfO OCTOBSm 18, TVs amotloDsl Miliaraaa "A IWier's Secret" in roca acts. FREE I Meving Plcturee "FIREBUG" Interesting from beginning to eaaf. Other Mlacollsneotie Suhsiita Every evening 7 20 o'rtoek. rtMf child rea. CORN KB MORRISON AHVjMMX Chanare of Hrogram vTeekly . HARRT SHindAN. Oaneral Ad vert las. HAVE YOU A FEW TO SPARE Then read ISswU BdvervAl m w. I. she Oa oa pa IT WILL INTEREi Oi it lias tvelala. oartaia Blase at TMW PRICES Tret10 raws, lower rhaar, 2200: last a ewe, fLm Balcony, first fear rows, TI 80: asxt flrsrowa. 21.00; last Ova. TBc. Satire 'sa, 22, st!' m-fTei MattaMe) Wwstessvawte . Theatre Ox. Laaase