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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER IS, 1906. DR. HENRY DIXON JONES DIES SUDDENLY OF HEART DISEASE ERROR ffl CORSMIM Of 50o Girdle Corsets 39o Girdle Corsets, la colors pink, blue aad white; all sixes; lace trimmed, boned with genuine ateel; perfect fitting; best Mo grade. On sale, for one day only. Bargain Friday, at SB STATE F Feather Pillows If by if hackee, covered wtta . bfcsa and whits striae ( Attorneys Arguing Cass Discover Mistake Has Been Mads in All Printed Codes of Oregon. filled with nice clean feathers. never before soN for lean Tic oa sele for one day only. Bargain Friday, at SB .ft yiTniWiVLr. yiiwMR saw as mxjmm SMMrsmrmlm WSMfBlfamm. " " with stress If WJKr&WWmrWrrWWMt I bee. aad white striven tssasB Dr. Henry Dixon Jones. Death earn suddenly and unan nounced this morning to Dr. Henry Dixon Jones, rector of the Church of the Redeemer at Pendleton. With hie wife he had come to Portland on a little pleasure trip and to attend the reception given for Bishop Scaddlng, and they were guests at . the hone of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Jackson ot B7 Everett street. About t.SO o'clock this morning Mrs. Jackson was awakened by Mrs. Jones, who came to bar with a troubled face. "Oh. Ufa, Jackson," she said, "do come sad see what la the matter with Dr. Jones. I don't know what Is wrens." Mrs. Jackson hurried in and Imme diately saw that be was dead. Dr. A. XL Rockey was summoned and pronounced the cause of . death syncope of the heart. The body was cared for by Funeral Di rector Flaley, and Will be placed In Trinity chapel tin It Is removed to Pen dleton for buTlal. The death came as a great shook to the members of the household. Mrs. Jones boars It with Christian fortitude, though she saya that she can hardly realise its finality. A message was sent to Pendleton this morning; and .there was great sorrow m that town, whore Dr. Jones has secured the friendship and admiration of every one. Besides his wife he leaves a stepdaughter. Miss Edna Zimmerman, who Is attending Bt. Helen's Hall, and was extremely fond of her stepfather; a brother and his mother, both In New York. Hie mother, Dr. Mary JDlxon Jones, Is pronounced by the medical profession to be the moot distinguished woman physician In the country. His brother is Dr. Charles DUon Jones of New York. Dr. Jones would have passed his fif tieth birthday March at. He was a man of brilliant attainments and splendid ed ucation. In 1IS1 he was graduated from Harvard and the next year took his master's degree. He was also a gradu ate of Delaware college. Por seven years he taught at Harvard and later lectured at the Theological Seminary of Virginia, ana of the most prominent Episcopal schools of the country, for It years. His first charge was in Rhode Island, and he has had churches since In New York City; Media, Penn sylvania; St. Paul, and St. Joseph. Mich igan. The past two years ha has been in Pendleton, where he was greatly loved. He stood high In diocesan affairs and took a prominent part as a man ot learning In the annual conventions. His loss will be greatly mourned throughout the state. Charcoal Kills uau ui cam Bad Odor of Indigestion, Smoking, Drinking or Eating Can Be Instantly Stopped. ft Other people notice your bad breath where you would not notice It at all. It Is nauseating to other people to stand before them and while you are talking, give them a whiff or two of your bad breath. It usually comes from food fermenting on your stomach. Sometimes you have It In the morning, that awful sour, bilious, bad breath. You can stop that at once by swallow ing one or two Stuart Charcoal Lozen ges, the most powerful gas and odor absorbers ever prepared. Sometimes your meals will reveal themselves la your breath to those who talk with you. "You've had onions,'' or You've bean eating cabbage," and all of a sudden you belch In the face of your friend. Charcoal la a wonderful absorber of odors, as every one knows. That la why Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges are so quick to stop all gases and odors of odorous foods, or gas from Indiges tion. Doa't uae breath perfumes. They never conceal the odor, and never ab sorb the gas that oausas the odor. Be . aldea, the very fact of using them re veals the reason for their use. Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges In the first place stop for good all sour brash and belch ing of gaa, and make your breath pure, fresh and sweet. Just after you've eaten. Then no one will turn bis face away from - you When you breathe or talk; your breath will be pure and freah, and besides your food will taste so much better to you at your next meal. Just try it Charcoal does other wonderful things, too. It oasrlea away from your atomach and intestines, all the impurities there messed together and which causae) the bad breath. Charcoal la a purifier as well as an absorber. Charcoal la now by far the beat, most easy and mild laxative known. A whale boxful win de no harm; la fact, the more you tske the better. Stuart's Char coal Lose n gaa are made of pure willow charcoal and mixed with Just a taint flavor of honey to make them palatable for you. but not too sweet. You just chew them like eandy. They are abso lutely harmless. Oet a new, purs, sweet breath, fresh en your stomach for your next meal, and keep the Inteatlnee In good work ing order. These two things sra the secret of good health aad long life. You oan get all the charcoal necessary to do theee wonderful but simple things by getting Stuart's Charcoal Lossngea We want you to test these little wonder workers yourself before you buy them. So send us your full name end address for a free ssmpls of Stuart's Charcoal Insengee. Then after you have triad the sample, and been convinced, go to your drugaist and get a tie box of them. You'll feel better all over, more comfort able, and "cleaner'' lhalde. end us your name and address to day and we will at once send you by mall a sample package, free. Add rasa P. A. Stuart Co, M Stuart Blag., Marshall, Mich, Allan 4 Lewis' Peat Brand. mm-HILL COITEST RAGES AT CHEHALIS Union Pacific Secures Tempo rary Injunction Against Hill Una. (Jearaal Special gsrvtee) Chehalls. Oct. 18. The contest be tween the Harrlman and Hill railroad Interests goes on apace, with this Imme diate section as a storm canter. The latest move baa been made by the Unfon Pacific interests in the way of a re quest for an Injunction against the Hill Una to restrain it from proceeding to secure certain lands owned by the Wey erhaeuser Timber company southwest of Chehalla The Union Pacific alleges that about June SO It located Its per manent right of way over tbe land de scribed, and tht tbe agents of the Hill concern knew this fact; that alnoe that time the Union Pacific has been negotiating with the owners of the prop erty for right of way over 'the said lands; that recently the Hill company began condemnation proceedings In the superior court here to aaeura right of way through the particular land in dis pute, ever the same ground which the Vntou Pacific had originally located as Ita i ermanent right of way. Judge Rice issued a temporary re etreiiuua order aad the case will be heard on Its merits November i. On that same date the court will hear the Joint .njunction case In which both rival companies were some time ago enjoined from going onto tbe Richard Conrad landa southwest of here, and the loss of which property to either the one com i any or the other will mean sn added expense of from $60,000 to 1100, 000, owing to the nature of the topo graph of the count ry MITCHELL ON STUMP TO AID LABOR TICKET (Jearnal Special Service.) Scranton. Pa.. Oot. II. John Mitchell, president of the United Mlneworkere, and Samuel Compere, president of the American Federation of Labor, ad dressed a meeting nfre last night In the Interest of the candidacy of District President T. D. Nteholls- of tbs United Mlneworkere for congress, and the eight labor union men who have been nominated for the legislature In the Lackawanna district Mitchell said It was the first time in his career that he had spoken publicly In the Interest of any candidate or any political party. "There are now," aeld Mr. Mitchell, "to, ooo mlneworkera and about 80 coal operators in the Lackawanna district. A osal operator represents the district In congress. M conditions were reversed do you think a miner would stand any show of being elected to congress?" an Tell (gseetal DtsMteh to The Jesiual.) Salem. Or., Oct. It. J. Arthur Elliot of Vancouver, Washington, a ssnlor In the College of Liberal Arts In Willam ette university, has been chosen yell leader and will Jead the demonstration of the rooters during tbe Intercollegiate contests. This honor generally goes to a sophomore or a junior. Billot Is an active member of the student body and takes a keen Interest in all student en- dsavora He is business manager of the Collegian, tbs weekly student publication. (gseeUl Masetek t Txa Salem, Or., Oct. 18. If was discov ered In the supreme court yesterday that all the published codes of Oregon -Daady's, Hill's and Bellinger' a have contained a typographical error that may have had important has ring sn litigation and one that has probably In fluenced several decisions. Not only does the error appear In the published codes, but also In the printed copy ot the constitution as it was originally adopted at Salem la lleT. The error is In article IV, section 10 of the constitution, which, in the printed codes, reads: "Every act shall embrace but one sub ject, and matters properly nrmaenten1 therewith, which aubjeota shall be ex pressed in the title." The matter oame up In the argument of the suit of J. E. Murphy against Charles Lembcke, John W. Culver, the city of Salem aad others, which was brought to teat tha constitutionality of tbe act of the legislature which granted a new charter to the city and enlarged tha boundaries. Murphy la tha appel lant and the chief contention wjea that tha constitution intended that all mat ters treated In a bill should be men tioned In the title, and pointed to the plural word "subjects" In tha section quoted. John McNary. attorney for the re spondents, believed that the word must be an error and afaar looking at the three published codas examined the original draft of tha state constitution and found thaj tbe word is "subject" la tha singular number. Mr. McNary is sans ota ted with Tilman Ford. w. T. Slater and William Kiaer, while W. H Holmes and M. 71 Pogue are attorneys for the appellant. PIANOS "The lone ol Quality The most remarkable line of quality pianos ever carried by one firm, on the Pacific Coast, le shown below. Read the names of these old well-known standard makes. It matters not where you are from East. South, North or West you will recognise names aa familiar a a the namea or old -friends. First of aU on the list nappears the names of the two pianos everywhere recognised as the two greatest pianos in ail me world. STEINWAY KNABE Everett ' Mason & Hamlin A. B. Chase Fischer Packard Hardman Conover Ludwig Sterling , Estey Kingsbury Emerson Cable Mendelssohn Huntington WiUard And others PLAYER PIANOS Knabs Angelus Emerson Angelus A. B. Chase Player Harrington Autotone Kingsbury Inner We invito yon to call and in spect our pianos and player pianos. In dealing with us you have a decided advantage. First, yon know the price is right, and second, that "The House- of Quality" has an established repu tation for giving yon a frangand truthful atatement about tha en tire transaction. If not convenient to par all cash, you should Investigate our unique payment plan. We rent pianos. "The House of Quality" SHERMAN, CLAY&C0. Successors to Allen & Gilbert Ramaker Co. Still Greater Grow Bargains Right at the beginning of the season, when stocks are at their beat, is a good time to lay in your supply of winter merchandise. We urge you to visit our store tomorrow, because we know positively that we are pre pared to offer you' greater money-savings than at any previous sale prices are dropped to the lowest notch. You can't afford to miss this opportunity. Every expenditure you make here will prove a splendid invest ment. - The following list gives you an idea of what to expect throughout the entire store tomorrow: Our Annual Ootober Sale . of : Women's and Children's Knit Underwear STARTS TOMORROW HERE ARE INDUCEMENTS FOR YOU TO COME TOMORROW'S SALE MEANS AN OC CASION WHERE ONE DOkLAR DOES THE WORK OF TWO. Tomorrow we will be ready to show you the grandest stock of Knitwear we have ever had, and despite Ute constant upward tendency of prices, we will quote prices during this sale that are absolutely without precedent. Below we quote some of the special values com prised in this ANNUAL OCTOBER OF FERING take note of every item and remember that this list is but an index to hundreds of values equally good. Tables filled with extra special values. Read the following items: Women's Best $2 Quality Wool Union Suits $1.00 All styles, open down front or button across bust, natural gray or white, several leading brands and makes, all sizes, and offered 4or tomorrow only at this price ; only 50 H A A sJJleVV dozen in the lot, a big Friday leader at. Women's All-Wool Vests and Pants A Great Clearance of Small Lots $1.00, $1AS and $1.60 Qualities Tomorrow . 69c The selling of the past thirty days has broken up sizes in several of our leading numbers. In order to effect a rapid clearance we have marked these at a ridiculously low price. All sizes in the different lots, all wool ribbed Vests and Pants in white or gray, natural flat garments in gray, camelshair'or all wool scarlet vests and pants, marked at less than .Qsv half price. Choice at, the garment OVC Women's Black Tights Black Worsted Tights for Women, fast black, in open or closed styles, ankle length ; best $1.00 quality, on sale A MAMMOTH SALE OP Union Suits Women S00 Dozen Best 71c Quality Tomorrow 38c We placed these on sale early this morning and a busy throng purchased incessantly during the entire dsy. A special lot received for tomorrow ; garments are the best 75c quel- It) . ity, all sizes OOC Women's Best 40c Quality Vests and Pants 25c All sizes, ordinary or extra large, in gray or peeler color, BOO dozen of a splendid weight garment. A leader for to- 7Cw morrow at .t awtsv Children's Union Suits AU sizes in Union Suits for boys or girls, silver gray color, lightly fleeced; not the cheap trash generally offered at this price, but a superior garment that sells regularly at Cw double the money, all sizes tomorrow, the entire suit.awOw 3,769 Pairs Women's Fine ShoeS or Bargain Friday They sre direct from a big Lynn, Mass., factory." It is our first big attempt for this fall and will without doubt startle the shoe kingdom of Portland. There is every good style in the lot end all sizes snd widths. They were purchased st a great reduction and are worth $2.50 and $8.00. The price will be for Bargain Friday : We've Shoes that are tough enough for any boy, AA .only.., 0aaUU Women's Patent Leather Blucher 1.60 Women' Kid Blucher : il.SJO Women's Box Calf Blucher 1.60 Women's Kid Lace 61.60 Women's Box Calf Lace 61.60 Women's Kid Low Heel Lace 61.60 Girls' Shoes that are entirely solid; they have stood AA. by us and will you Jrjr Friday Bargains in Muslin Underwear Throngs of women weekly benefit by the offerings of this unusual bargain event. It is evident that dependable qualities, competent workmanship and daintily trimmed garments at such decided reduc tions are eppreciated. Tomorrow' offerings are unusually good, for instance: ( New Muslin Skirts, Be. $1.50 Val. at 98c Extraordinary Values) Muslin Skirts, made of best quality mus lin, cut extra full; finished with 15-inch flounce; handsomely trimmed with four rows of torchon insertion, edged with deeo lace, underlay dust ruffle; excellent value at $1.50. Extra special, Bar gain Friday only v 6f New Muslin Gowns, Real $1 Values at 68c Extraordinary Vslueal Women's Nightgowns, made of superior duality cambric, in one of the prettiest styles we have ever shown; square yoke with wide lapel; yoke and cuffs' neatly trimmed with lace insertion, edging and ribbons; cut full length and width; splendid values at $1.00. Extra special, Bargain Friday only, at. 66 Muslin Drawers. Best 45o Values, 25c Women's Muslin Drawers, made of excellent quality material; wide umbrella style; deep flounce, trimmed with torchon lace and in sertion; best 45c grade. Special, Bargain Friday only -.5 Muslin Chemises, Real 65c Values, 42c Chemise, made of good quality muslin and nainsook; cut fall width, ankle length; neatly trimmed with embroidery and ribbons; splendid values at 65c. Special, Bargain Friday only Bf Scott Bustles, Best 25c Kind at 18c A special offering for Bargain Friday. Best 25c Scott Bustles, made of n-ood oualitv nainsook, filled with sanitary hair; reversible and ventilated; well worth regular pries. Special, Bargain Friday.. 16e) Worn en's, Children' s Fall and Winter Hosiery WOMEN'S ALL-WOOL CASHMERE STOCKIN08. Plain Mark or black with natural merino soles; best German manu facture; the 75c quality, in ordinary or extra-large sines. Tomorrow at, the pair SSs) WOMEN'S ALL-WOOL RIBBED STOCKIN08. 100 dozen, in fine lxl or 2x1 ribs; splendid quality wool; fast colors and excellent tor wear; best sue graae. tomorrow WOMEN'S SILK FLEECE-LINED STOCKINGS. We will place on sale tomorrow, 80 dozen of a fell regular made silk fleece-lined Stocking for women. The price regularly is 40c a pair. A big one day's offering at, the pair SS CHILDREN'S ALL-WOOL CASHMERE STOCKINGS All sizes In boys' and girls' fast black Wool Hose, a great stocking for wear; made with gray heels and toes; best 40c quality, all sizes The "Princess" Stocking- for Girls PLAIN COTTON OR FLEECE-LINED, 25c GRADE AT ISf We have sold thousands of dozens of "Princess" Stockings this season and have yet to hear a single complaint Yoe sav 10c a pair. We have them in plain lisle or fleece-lined cotton; resEBBB 25c quality Women's Indestructible SwOoUnaj , A Guarantee Ticket With Every Pair. We are Portland's sole agents for this favorite brand of Woman s Hosiery; 'til the only stocking on the aenrket that "Satiaiaction-or-money-back guarantee mck wnwaw. fasmoned with double soles, very elastic ano TaS&sSS wis: m& 'Jw-sass; Stocking. Tfcc prim i P"