The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 18, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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Town Topics
to roamwm nruoixnu.
The Journal agoncy ait Eugene ha
been lrnaferrd to Harper Jamlaon,
with headquarter at Schwarsscblld's
book atora, whero all changes, com
plalnta and new subscriptions will re
ceive prompt attention.
Empire. .
PllttfH . .
"The Two Orphan"
"A Mother's ref
Howard Palmar, a 17-yr-old negro,
waa declared guilty of larceny by a Jury
In Judge Seara' department of the cir
cuit court yeatarday afternoon after a
few mlnutea' deliberation. Palmer waa
accuaed of stealing a coat valued at 124
from Btetnbach's atora on September 1.
Hoy Wllaon, charged aa accomplice
with Palmar. la being triad today. Pal
mer a defense waa that be had pur
chased the eoat from Wllaon for tt.
At the completion of Palmer'a trial
yeatarday afternoon, a jury waa secured
to hear the evidence against Wilson.
The Introduction of testimony was be
gun at t o'clock this afternoon. Wil
son and Palmer wars arrested together,
and ware charged with larceny by tba
same Information, but asked for
rate trials.
When Mrs. S. Kafka arrived at her
husband's dry goods store. Bast Burn
aide and Grand avenue, this morning,
her heart waa light and bar face auf
f uaed with smiles. After selling a waist
to a lady customer Mrs. Kafka dis
covered that the valuable diamond stone
had been lost from her linger ring, and
Immediately her happiness departed.
She believes the ''gem was lost on tba'
wsy from her residence to hsr hus
band's place of business.
The fire department will buy two
horses of any one who baa the right
kind. One horse weighing about 1,460
pounds is wanted, and also one weigh
ing 1,604 pounds. Soon after the first
- of the year a number of horses must
, . be bought for this department, bat tba
! supply is now so short that these two
' animals must be purchased without de
lay A horse for such work must be
sound, quick and sure-footed and will
Carl Amons. a longshoreman, was
awarded 116,000 damages from Brown
McCabe, stevedores, by a Jury In
Judge Cleland's department of tha cir
cuit court yesterday afternoon, for tba
loss of hla right lag. Tba accident by
which Amons leg waa crushed so badly
that it waa neosssary to amputate it
between the knee and ankle was al
leged to have occurred on tha ship Tot
tenham walla she was being loaded with
lumber at Inman. Poulaea Co.'s mill.
We never lose patience and never lose
customers. Ability in every trade is al
ways in demand. And there la no trade
In which tba people are mora exacting
than our. W make any suit in the
store' to order for 116. No mora, no
less. Compare our goods and work
with other tailors' and see what wa are
.fable to save you. Over 1,000 patterns
to select from. Unique Tailoring Co.,
I Stark, between Fifth and Sixth.
Tba Portland somen's league bald a
highly successful smoker last night at
the board of trad quarters. Takes on
advertising were made by W. P. Olds,
C. a Jackson. John P. Carroll. H. O.
Wblttlsr, C. C. Chapman. F. C. Little
and J. A. Osbora Four applicants were
admitted to membership Hereafter the
regulsr meetings of tba league will be
bald every first and third Wednesday
at the board of trade.
Men who have been working in tha
country during the summer are now
swarming into town, and many of them
are applying for city Jobs. For some
reason nearly every man who makes
application for work as laborer wants
tOpget Into the water or engineering de
partments. Ths street cleaning depart
ment la in need of man, and as soon aa
any are on the eligible Hat appointments
will be made.
Paper White Qrandlflora. Do you
know what they are? Portland florists
force them by the thousands for flow
ers for tha holidays. You can be just
as successful, as their culture la eaay.
Our Illustrated and descriptive bulb
catalogue tells all. Call or pbone Main
4 73. Portland Seed Co., Front nasi
Yamhill streets.
J. Q. Schroedsr, living at 416 East
Davis street, fall from an east-bound
O. W. P. ear near Flrat strsst last
night and waa painfully brulaed about
the head. He waa taken to the polloe
atatlon in an ambulance, whero Dr.
Spencer dressed his Injuries.
If looking for a "cheap" caricature of
yourself It Is useless to come to our
studio. We do not make that kind
The excellence of our work Is to welf
known to admit of Inferiority. B. W.
Moore. Rika' building.
J. Adrian Epplng will give a program
tomorrow evening at the Irvlngton duo
with the assistance of his -pupils from
the Western academy. The evening ia
open to members of the club and their
O. C. R. Bills and W. E. Kahler have
begun ault in the circuit court to re
cover 100 from F. C. Norrls, alleged to
be due aa commission on the sale of the
furniture and tease of ths Csrlaton
rooming-house at Thirteenth and Alder
street. Ellis and Kahler state that
Tata is eai "H0D8EHOU) LIST" is ear
"HaaaekoM Desarttseat." and oossjat of
rasulr Waaklss. lead tke prtsas and eae If
14 Is sot cheaper ta bate as Mooter year
Haas the to s tkel work at
Spread ...
da tkel 1
Stand Oavere
bob no
Geraet Cover. Sc
la le
Naskias Is " .
Haatteroblefs .... la Drawera aa
f. aim so Nlgbtdr oe
i Wrapper oc
mlTbftarsVahssssi liU
Kg ::::::; S
::::::::: 5; .
fSurri 10 kkurtata, Wesl. nr.. 60a
&-- Y'it.":":'::,6. " Mum-
Children'! Overall 3c Quilt. S8e
B shirt, cellars, saffa, vesta. everaUa r
ta tala dertmat. a saasM
saver less I
lass than Ms.
on August 4. Norrla gavs than the x
clualve right to U the property and
lease, and then aold It himself to C. B.
Brown, on August II, for 110.000. Th
real estate man ask for Judgment for
their commission as if th sal had
been negotiated by them.
Deputy Sheriff H. Bulger found a
tobacco sack full of eng-shs on John
Johnson yeatarday afternoon when
arching him before he wa confined
In tba county Jail. Johnson had been
convicted In the municipal court of
having opium on hi parson. Whan
Johnson was aearohed at the police ata
tlon the ens-she waa apparently over
looked. Bulger found the sack sewed to
Johnson's underclothes.
Penney Bros.' Friday Special. Five
big bargain In win: 11.50 grade White
or Rod Port, Sherry. Muscat and Sau
terne at fl per gallon. J. W. Harper
Bourbon Whiskey, regular 14.60, at 11.60
Friday only. Pre delivery. Phone
Easf287. 176-111 East Morrison.
Captain J. B. Neilaon of th tug
Star, who wa arrested for dumping
refuse In th Willamette river, waa held
over to th grand Jury at his hearing
this morning before United State Com
missioner Edward licKee. HI bond
war fixed at 11.000.
Article of incorporation of the Alblna
Hall association have been filed in the
office of the county clerk by J. M.
Farmer, P. A. Re and John Van
Zante. They intend to construct and
operate buildings and ha 11 a. Capital
stock. 15.000.
Councilman Sharkey Says They
Do Good Work in Killing
Off the Hobos.
Thursday Afternoon
After Considerable Discussion, the
License Are Not Revoked and the
Celestial "Poison" Joints Are Given
Another Lease of Life.
Jack Gananeder. who for eight years
ha been th chef at the Louvre cafe,
ha resigned and will start a restau
rant with his brother Frank in ths new
Smith building, on Morrison street.
Tour Eyes Examined Pre. We are
UU selling eyeglasses at 11.00. A par
fact fit guarantssd. Metsger ft Co..
Jewelers and opticians. Ill Sixth street
Vulcanite Rubber-Roofing, the boat
quality ready roofing manufactured. F.
E. Beach ft Co., tbe Pioneer Paint com
pany, agents, 116 First street. V
Watches, diamond and Jewelry on
easy payments;. 11 down, 60c a week.
Don't go without a good timepiece
Metsger ft Co.. Hi Sixth street.
C. L. Bra has filed a petition In
bankruptcy in th United State court.
His liabilities are placed at 14.176.61
and hla assets at 176.
Steamer Jessie Hsrklns for Camas.
Washougal and way landings dally ex
cept Sunday. Leave Alder strsst dock
it 1 p. in.
November magasines. Leading dal
lies. Load up for Sunday. Carl Jones,
Fourth and Washington.
"I recommend a free license for every
Second street saloon If they'd kill off
men of that class.'
"I know he wa on of God's
creatures, but It looks aa If God or
somebody else hadn't taken very good
oars of him."
Thsse statement were mad on th
floor of th council chamber by John P.
Sharkey, council aian-at-large, yester
day afternoon. Th man he referred
to was John Glendennlng, who dropped
dead at Second and Yamhill streets sev
eral weak ago after taking a drink of
Chinas gin in gin shop a few feet
"All this agitation waa brought about
becaue some hobo dropped dead after
drinking soms gin," said Sharkey in
prefacing hia defense of the glnmllla.
"Now, if this had been some reputable
cltlsen it would be different, but this
man wa a hobo. If the Second street
suloon-keepers would guarantee to kill
off people of that class it would be a
good thing for the city and they ought
to have free licenses."
Ths council showed no signs of sur
prise at hla utterance. Sharkey waa
simply on of several members who
rallied to th support of th glnmllla.
Shepherd wanted a distinction drawn
between the saloon where Glendennlng
bought hla drink and tha other estab
lishments of th Chines quarter.
Wills declared no Chinaman la fit to
run a saloon.
Balding said: "The matter of people
dropping dead happen right along."
Thia appllea to gfn Hand, the miserable
wrecks of th poison "rectified" in the
back rooms of the liquor house and
sold under th name of liquor. Beldirig
thought the license of the five saloons
named by the liquor license committee
should not be revoked. . -
teas of life OramsVd.
Mark O'Neill and C V. Dolph. who
say they are representing the Chinese,
were successful in getting a lease of
life for to glnmllla. at any rata, A
motion Was made to re-refer the matter
to tbe liquor license committee. This
wa loot. Than Q ray objected to the
revoking ordinance being placed on Ita
final . passage, and the whole case 1
now on tbe table of th council, where
it cannot be touched for two weeks, and
probably will not be disposed of for
many other weeks. Meanwhile th gin
is being sold
Dr. L. Victoria Hampton, the chemist
who mads ths analysis of Glendennlng
stomach for Coroner Flnley. testified
that the man had not bee tat the-habit
lot drinking aloohee. Attorney O'Nell
tried to convince ths council that the
fact that Dr. Hampton found fusel oil
In ber analyst meant nothing that
fusel oil la contained in all liquors. Dr.
Hampton, however, flatly contradicted
this and stuck to hsr statement. Sh
also held her own against Attorney
Acme OH Co. sells ths best safaty on
oil and fin gasoline. Phone Esst 786.
Woman's Exchange. Ill Tenth street,
lunch 11:10 to 1; business man' lunch.
WUbolt Mineral Wtr.EImsr J. Wal
lace. Agt.. 168 Id St Tel Pacific 1644
(Joarnal Specie gervtea.t
Denver. Oct. It. Th mint here Is
working overtime turning out half dol
lar and there la a cry from th coun
try for more. This mint bought 1.100.
000 ounoes of silver last month. Silver
bullion ha reached 76 cents and It Is
predicted that It will reach 76. Su
perintendent Leach of the San Fran
cisco mint 1 her Inspecting the local
f Jearaal special SsrvKa.l
Birmingham, Ala., Oct 18. Fir In
the business district this morning de
stroyed th Powell Hardware and th
Birmingham Dry Good com pan lee'
stores. The loss Is about $100,000.
Two firemen were probably fatally hurt
VaI, rV, IS A nn.rt.rlv Hfvt-
dand of Its per rent and an extra divi
dend or 1 per cent waa aeciarau wear
by tba Amalgamated Copper company.
More young people of this community now have
bank accounts than ever before.
Every day they come in to take
advantage of our offer of a First
Deposit Free This is the
offer t
Bring $4 50 to deposit to the
credit of any child of any age
from one day to twelve years.
We win add it to our Free
First Deposit of 50 cents,
making $5.00 to begin with, and
thia money will immediately
begin to earn interest. Start
now while thia offer ia open.
Bring this ad it will entitle you
to the credit of 50 cents as a part of the flrat deposit
We Pay 4 Per Cent on Savings Accounts
Gray sprung a small sensation later
In ths session by asking that tha Mc
Cusker gas franchise be taken from tha
table and put on final paaaags. Without
word of discussion th following vote
waa recorded : Yea RaMine- Q..n.n
Gray. Kellsher. Masters. Rushlight
vaugnn, TV ail ace, Wills 9. No
Menefce. Sharkey, Shepherd 8. Absent
Annand. Dunnlner. Praatnn 1 T ,
more votes were necessary to pass such
vnunwKi, wo on account or the slim
attendance th ordinance failed to paaa
Mr. McCusker anno need after tbe
meetlnc that he will follow th. .i..
th Rom Telephone company by try
ing io ooiain a rrancnis ror his gas
plant. The Question of granting ths
franchise will be placed upon tbe bal
lot next June, be says.
Shspherd Introduced a resolution pro
hibiting smoking during council ses
sion. This wa adopted despite the
votes of Gray, Menefce, Sharkey and
Wallac. Most of the members were
smoking at th time. war a num
ber of spectators. Tha .m- u
council chamber are becoming blackened
miiu uiucu uccause or me clouda which
arlae for hour at aaoh session
Sacks Being? Delivered TaH.v
From Irving Dock to Exhibit
Rooms for Exhibition.
Th world' grain standard for th
nsutng year have been fixed by th
grain standard commute of th Pert
land chamber of commerce. Th sam
ples are being delivered today fro
Irving dock to th chamber's exhibit
room, and will be ready for distribu
tion on and after tomorrow.
Th sample grain I put up In four
pound aaoka. sad goes to 'grain buyers
and commission men all over the world
Th chamber a fVe on -
per sack, to cover sctual coot of prep
aration. The grain represents th aver
age quality ror tne year crop of all
th commercial varieties Af ku ,
other grains grown In ths Pacific
northwest. Tha Portland standard Is
accepted oy ine ruling associations In
sll ths ports of Europe end th orient
Valued additions tn the Ah.i. .
commerce fruit exhibit war received
tooay. Richard Scott of Milwaukee
aent In wonderful lot of Beurre de
rlarlaeau Man K ulkhinl
r ... - v., .MJ iur
th Hood River Pratt (1 rowers' union.
m ooxea or BpirenDrg, yellow New
town nd OTtlsys apple. Colonel Mil
ler, the chamber curator, la processing
tha fruit. mnA will nl.u it w
raanent exhibit, p ropery labeled with
me names ana location of tn grower.
(J ! peeial srvt.)
Parte, Oct, IS. A dispatch from Ad
miral Rellue. who Is trying to rescue
the crew of the snbmarln boat Lutln,
'ay that thia morning he caught too
I hull at a depth of i feet Ths boat 6
, lying area and he hop to raise hsr
'soon. Th mtalaty of .marine hold out
loop that lb mn Inalde are alive,
A Professional .Advertising Nan Doesn't Like the
way the Reed-French advertise Schubert Pianos.
... He objects to their quoting $315 for so good a piano.
For the Balance of the Week Reed-French Piano Co. Will Sell
Schubert Pianos for $318.00 $8.00 Per Month Greatest
Hlgh-Qrade Piano Offer Ever Made in Portland
Yesterday we met a very experienced advertising man he's a professional
adrertiser these men get very large salaries and are hired by big houses to do
all their advertising for them.
They know all about the niceties of advertising.
They know how to say the right thing at the right time. This gentleman
ays: 1
"Boys, I wish you well, but you are not advertising the Schu
bert piano in the right way."
We asked him what was the matter.
He said: "First, you do not advertise it strong enough to
the person that KNOWS a Schubert piano $316.00 is too little, and
to the person that doesn't know it it's too much as a matter of
advertising you should not quote the price of a piano at all ; in
fact, it is bad business to quote the price of a high grade 'anything.'
Induce the customer to see tbe article and then let the elegance
of the article sell itself. If you want to advertise a price at all,
LESS THAN HALF PRICE.' By doing this you get your $325
customer is more than delighted because he gets it at fifty cents
on the dollar.
What do you think of this reasoning?
It may work in some lines and in some piano houses, but it "don't go
The facts are. regardless of our ability to) advertise the Schubert piano or any
other pianos right, we are going to do the thing differently in this town.
We are going to advertise in our own way, win or lose, and while we ap
preciate the advice the only rule our advertising text-book knows, is, "Keep faith
with the public."
This is the last week of our Schubert offer. The Schubert piano is the great
eat piano ever sold in this town for so little money as $315.00. It retails all
over America for $450.00 and over. Our special arrangements with the Schubert
factory makes it possible for us to sell you their piano at factory coat plus actual
freight and a small ware room charge. It means a saving of more than ONE
HUNDRED DOLLARS to you. Pay w.iat you can as a first payment down ; then
$8.00 per month. $315.00 is the price for this week only.
We are open nights.
Yesterday we sold three Schubert pianos on th abovs basis, and our
customers are not only delighted with th piano, but consider themselves
fortunate in getting; so good a piano at the price.
Reed-French Piano Mfg. Co.
Saturday-Sunday Nights
Heilig Theatre
14th and Washington St.
Richard Wagner s
Mystic Drama
REMEMBER. Praia, 7:60 'Clock.
Cartels ate at 7:4 o'Cloog.
First 10 row, lower floor. 6300: ls 6
WM. f VI D. 1mm w fH . . , a a. .
aezt At. mwa i nn' t..t , ' ii,n
gatlerj, SOe.
sta ajUteg at a theatre far th astir.
agsgaBt. yam Mats 1.
nciuo thbatkk.
Btoetttflce rarteBta led Waeblsgtoa Hirer.
Hnrj W. Savage' Production Oeorg Ada's
The College Widow
aiooaij, Tneaaajr. weanear narat. Oct
22. 88, M,
Special Price Matin. Wadsaadar-
VKN1NO PRICES Kntlr. lower door. gl.RO)
Mi con . ant roar row, si. next tea row
TSc: entire gall-ry 60c (no reerv).
at AT I NEK PKICE Lwer door, tr.t tea
row gl. 50; lt lx raw 81; balcony. Brt
(our row 81. next Ave row 76c. laat Bve
row 50c; entire gellery 25c (no reserve,. -
Our Phonograph Depart mnt Open Saturday.
Says He WIN Bend His Energies
to Securing Favorable Legis
lation for th. Coast.
With Western Repreenttiona Band
ed Together Much Can Be Accom
plished in Behalf of Rivers and
Harbors, He Thinks.
ra-saas u. H.nator Charlea W. Ful-
ton in discussing his plana for th
....inn nt congress said this
cumin. m
irlornlns that h would bnd all h s n
etgie to sacurlns favoimbl legislation
for tha improvement of th rtvr and
harbor of Oregon. Ha said:
"Tou understand that all of th rep
resentative, and Mttator on th PaclSo
" . m to-eth.r in ecu ring
legislation for th ooaat and w will
. m a. aldual warn n CCT -
first attempt to crww -cress
for a rivers and harbors bill.
One w t oongrss Int.rsstsd In that,
which I think la on of th most tm-
nortant measure to d orouam up,
i-M-ei. in tha bill appro
priation for th ooaat. I
urnce from many coast member, that
thev will wora ror uregon m -l.r
and whsn w. get back to Washing-
. .. ui n-nKatklv form a Pacific
ooaat association for th ferthranc of
measure vltl to oar mierw.
-It will onlv be Wltn ucn an orgnni
.. .w. .in he able to accom-
p,i.h .nvthlna-for our .tataa . Our dele-
aations are " "'
Jan accomplish little In eomparUon to
T. . ..,1M Ke Aon. bv a large
body qul Influence nd sis a th
entire Pscinc coi
""rilj. ...... .rmronrlatlon la on. of ths
striking needs of the ooast. That Is
qni vr asm -
nnar from U , S .
8oo of
Ss'-toilbnt yjy,; jT 5 J
Ssofehteks MM) oa TMt JO
rork Spar Mbs with Kraut H
Brsaat ot la attwSdsa, with
rwewt VMM -v JO)
Bssisa mou. shjsasjk 15)
Sssf Btow with Tagiaakle IS
Kugmrtaa Ooalaak SO
Baau FilWasa wtth Braady
Banc. 15
gfgVsUava tvvnbTbI 5f
wtth Bresalaa; 957
iff, ktread and . aa
Bf la. 8ork law, !.
Is. nrad and
wrta an .
PAivLisa ozamtn.
rloed O8B0S, Ze3asd at
all Wsfh
W as oalr
elas material, de ta
w r k coca t looalj
ssd prlea ft wlrala
roar rm
ts ad
Sslfel SU Crew...
Brla. W.rk, ww
tSRk ...:..vl,6
Oold nnta), 81 sy
Sflvar rilling. a
Bt kubbar
Ksn no
ssd Ml. TfS
P.rf.ot rttttag aaa
natural TsatSSJ.
erai for 18 Tears,
rssltsed by all. Favorable legislation
that will secure appropriation for tha
completion of the jetty work at th
mouth of th Columbia will be th
greatest blessing to commerce la th
northwest. But we will not work
solely for th bar proposition. Our
interests sre too great and varied for
that. W. will endeavor to aecure legis
lation for tbe Coo bay and Cellio
project as wall. They have as great
a claim as any, although I 'think th
bar improvement ahould be th flrat.
One that la oat of th way wa can use
all our efforts for th other schemes.
"She Columbia river project ha been
before congress so long and I o wsll
known that, together with th fact that
much of the work has been performed,
an aproprlatlon for the completion of
th work should be th flrat point to be
gained. Everything depend upon ae
on ring a rlvera and harbor bill. Lt
US get favors bis action on that meaeure,
then we will have an oportunlty to se
cure something for ths state."
Senator Fulton came up from Astoria
laat night and Joined Mr. Pulton at
the Imperial hotel. They wii remain In
Portland today and return to their home
thia evening.
At Risk of Life Pulls Companion
From Trestle in Front of'
flushing Train.
Weston, Or., ct. 18 Mlsa Qlene Mer
rlt. of th Weston normal schol, has
proved hereelf a heroine. Plvs girls
from th normal war out walking Just
prior to th arrival of tb. 4:86 paasan
ger train in Wton, nV war cross
ing ths long and dangerous trwatl. lead
ing front th city, when th train waa
pulling hi
It appears th girl did not hesr th
train until It waa very near them. Threa
of th girls, who were In sdvsncs of
Mis.. Merrlt and Richard, crossed the
trsetl tn safely, but Miss Richards ba
rs me panic stricken and shs stood help
less In the middle of th track. Miss
Msrrlt, who was a few feet in sdvsn.
of th terror-atrlcken girl, returned and
half dragged her companion to Safety at
th and of th traatl. where the other
companion stood frightened beyond ac
tion. When th heroine reached a plan of
safaty with her hlp1e victim ths train
was but a few ft away from th.m.
and It waa through h.r bravery and
quick action that Mlaa Richard, who i
a atud.nt from Cova, waa saved.,. Tk Pboo "?
lean v I 1 mail Oregon Tbeatr Co..
Home of tb. faaaon Bake Stock Compear.
Tonight All Week Matin. 8tardr.
By pccll arrangeswDt with Daniel Frobman.
ETCnWg rlKTi ec, k mm - " -
18 and 25 cent.
EMPIRE THEATRE, 12th and Morr son
Mate 117. Milton W. Smaa. Minager.
Plajlug tbe beat Ktern Koad attractliai. in price Kvenlna lOc. 30eJk.
80c; Manse 10c nnd SOr.
Matinee Weoaeuar na naiuraor.
Xbt weak the greet 8wedtb Comedy.
ve rrTrsanH"
Don't atka It; fall of comedy and pat boa.
OUT 1 111 twi arm ,
"Bsst Wk "Tk Holy Pity."
Wk of Oot. 15.
Tin ia Vuaker
Mia laOUas ChleL. par
forming Tm Eak'a
OMitrlgbt S Im
J-B-o-y-b-B-n k h-E-w
Margarat Hawtoa O.
Mlaa atari LKOsIr
MasUr Harold Hoff
"A Mother's Secret"
Removed In 7 to 10 day without kntf
tr paJivNo. par until cured. Address
hox l, Portland. Oregon.
PREE ! Moving Pictures
Interesting from beginning to end.
Other Miscellaneous Subjects.
Evsry evening 7:80 o'clock. Bring th
Change of Program Weekly.
HARRY 8HUMAN. General Advartleer.
Week of October 16. Pkooe Mala MS.
Matte Ttieadaya, Tbsnday. Saturdays sad
en; at 8:80.
Price 10 and 80e: Every Evealng at 8:11
s. .. pcle, 10c. 80c and 80c.
Bast WMk "Tk. Ms
Prof. Franks and Baby Lillian
Ov.r th Mew Board Walks Oar Bsrviee BvST 9m 9m