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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 18. 1906. ASKS YELLOW SLIP MADE PUBLIC oasis stlussd .Sat. All Haas Sbae Lease, special. aawe Is a , , . . i . . 4e ) Slisiai. see- la ae Art asepAsaes, Seroaa near, lie Dollies st .....lea Jc faae rare Basef rests la ia teas apt cm t Watts Sea serial lapertea Teem aaekage soman efases, aerial ... f7i - () sJiffj nT aUsY i Ujrn ojji m usxn asi inn ism tnor a Sudden Termination of Will Con test for Weightman Millions Create Sensation. Sec ease draws. M bask, all Ms Mas s Paper Drama m it 'IS. Writing SV pair aula white DraSS saieios. an araet, aaaetoi. .iae The Store's 181st Grand Friday Economy Sale Friday, October 19, 1906 Bargain Friday Specials tfc assise sac aaaertss wtj Halralss. agertal MYSTERY SURROUNDS MILLIONAIRE'S NOTE Mrs. Jones Witter, Annoyed by Scan dal Gossip, Confer With Attorney About Publishing Contents of the Paper That Ended Proceedings. (Joeroal SsseUl Sarvtee.) Philadelphia, Oct. 18. In the devel opments of the Wtster-Welghtman will contest, Philadelphia's fashionable set finds Itself confronted with one of the greatest pussies In Its history. Mr. and Mrs. Jones Wis tar, leaders In the most conservative circles, today de clared that they had promised their lawyers to remain silent in the face of a series of moat astounding- rumors growing- out of the eellapee of ths will eonteet because of s slip of yellow pa per upon whloh the lets William weightman had written something af fecting Mrs Wlster. When the prominent lawyers engaged by Mrs. Wlster to contest Mrs. Walk er's right to the $0. 000,000 left by Weightman were asked If something could not be done to stop the amaslng rumors tHelr only response was that they had agreed with the counsel for the other side to say nothing regarding the yellow slip of paper. Two of Mrs Wlster lawyers held a conference with her daring the morn ing. They found Mrs Wlster greatly agitated by the gossip caused by the mystery of the writing upon the yellow paper and anxious to have the docu ment made public together with her statement regarding the paper. The lawyers finally persuaded Mrs Wlster to remanl silent a little while longer. On sensational report today wss that the revelations In the paper were of such a aesndalous nature that they are unfit to be published. They are said to reflect seriously on Mr. Wlster. BRYAN COMPLIMENTS SENATOR LA F0LLETTE (Jesxaal erial Ssrriee.) Madison. Wis. Oct. II. W. J. Bryan concluded his visit to Wisconsin Mat night by s speech here to 6,000 parsons. Mr. Bryan urged the election of Demo cratic candidates In Wisconsin and paid a tribute to the Republican senator, R. M. La Follette. saying: 1 the fight of the future for reform measures X want the respect of your senator. La Follette. He stand for popular rights, and for this reason hs is called a Democrat by hie Republican colleagues In the senats If President Roosevelt had the moral courage of Hen tor Ls Follette, hi would not have allowed a group of railroad senators to dictate th railroad rat bill." At Milwaukee Mr. Bryan IT'lf t .11 Immense crowd and was given a most enthualaatla reoestlon. BR0UWER ACQUITTED OF MURDERING WIFE (Jearaal Special Carrie.) Toms River, N. J., Oct It. After a trial lasting about 10 day, Dr. Frank L. Brou war, Indicted for the murder of his wife by poison, was acquitted last night by the Jury, after being out leas than an hour. The courtroom was crowded when the verdict was returned. Men and women cheered and applauded. In spite of the rapping for order and the court officers had difficulty In suppressing the noise Finally, when quiet waa restored. Dr. Brouwer was formally discharged: He wsa so overcome that be could scarcely apeak. HURST AUTOMATIC SWITCH PROVES A GREAT SUCCESS alt Lake City. Oct la, A practical test of the Hurst automatic switch on th Oregon Short Lin and the flan Padre tracks was made October It, be fore a large crowd of railroad officials and member of th various commercial bodlee. The Hurst Invention make railroad casualties from open switches Impossible and prove all claims mad by the Inventor. Commendation of th Invention ware profusely showered on Mr. C. M. Hurst by Vice-President Clark of the San Pedro road and other witnesses of th ahlbltlon. MANY ACRES IN OREGON WITHDRAWN FROM ENTRY (serial Msaate to The Jearaal. slam. Or., Oct. It. Governor Cham berlain ha received a proclamation dated October 5. ordering the lands In what I commonly known as th Rogue river reserve withdrawn from entry, and that th Siskiyou forest reserve be created. Th new reserve, whloh 1 lo cated In Josephine and Curry counties contains something like BO township, or nearly 1,250,000 aore. Th reserve la on th headwaters and tributaries of the Rogue river and embraces a fin belt of timber and some fertile lend. Greater East Portland. It ha It. tt has whatT Why, a greater population, of course; and some thing else WhatT Why, s housefur nlshlng store on East Morrison street that cover a whole quarter block, with s rent only about one tenth that of any housefurnlshlng store In the city. And that Is not all. for Calef Bros give the eame easy payments a all others and do not charge exorbitant prices Their method le the correct one. everything marked In plain figure, on price to all snd that price a low a housefurnlsh lng goods can be handled for, and give reasonable terms with 10 per oent off to all wishing to pay osah. Bvery par son should trad In the low-rent dis trict where low prloea prevail, tt 1 time enough to trad In th high-rent district and pay high price whan you cannot get what you want In th low rent district. Calef Bros will give away on Xmas eve a large leather-aeat -arid-back Mission Rocker, worth $16.76, to the first person arriving their card pus ale. (Jet cards with directions st their r hi Ottawa. Out,, Oct. 11. Thanksgiving day was generally observed throughout Canada today. It wss th first time In recant yeare thai th date designated for th holiday did not colnolde with lb holiday la th United State. Interesting Happenings Tomorrow at Portland's Greatest Store "The power of words is immense. A well-chosen word hss often sufficed to stop s flying army ; to change defeat in to victory, and to save an empire." EMILE DE 0IRARCIN Would that we might use such words on this page today as would adequate ly express the real values told of the ACTUAL bargain worths would that we might fasten a sample of each article to the paragraph which tells of it I Would but, Laws Sakes! What's the use of more? Could we but; do as above we'd flood the store with such an eager' army of shoppers tomorrow as would fairly bury us all under an avalanche of business. Better come and see for yourself how the matchless values appeal! Perhaps you haven't seen that wonderful exposition of Hood River apples from the ABeulah Land" orchards of M r. Oscar Vanderbilt that's in a Washing ton street window of the store President Roosevelfs Box of Apples Is There Also the box that was to be sent to WI LLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN. Mr. Vanderbilt says the Roosevelt box conta ins the FINEST APPLES EVER GROWN ON EARTH. Don't miss seeing this great show! All Oregon is proud of HOOD RIVER and her amazing productions! And OREGON is the shiniest jewel in America's diadem of states. Another Remarkable Sale of Women's This Time You Get Waists Worth to $3 lor 98c Grand Salons of Dress Second Floor It's a ''round-up." We've been thru the stocks "w lots, some of them the best sellers shown for 1906, sales-counter near the .Washington Street elevator, in the collection up to $8. Mind you not ALL are Not a waist but what's worth more than the special and $8.00 figures. It's a case of EARLY PICKER The waists are all in wash materials, white and col fabrics, plain colorings in pinks, blues, helios, tavend beautifully trimmed in dainty laces, embroideries, in number are in figured effects in colors, dots, stripes "College Blouse' styles adds verve to the great con above stated values to $3.00. Special Friday, at ith a fine-tooth comb," centralized a lot of ends of and tomorrow we're going to place 'em all on a big all bearing one price mark 98c and there's values $3.00 Waists it's a sort of lottery without blanks, price for the day, and many worth the $2.00, $2.fi0 S GET THE PLUMS. Better plan to come early. ored lawns, percales, cheviots, crepons and mercerized ers, reds, white, etc. Plain tailored models and waists eertions, lace medallions, plaits and tucks. A large and convention schemes. A group of the vention of beauty and bargains. As i. .-v laigc 9.5c A GARRISON FINISH TO A WONDERFUL WEEK'S BUSINESS IN Silk and Dress Goods Stores Annex, 5th St, 1st Floor. 59c We're had extraordinary business accorded us ah week in the sections devoted to selling fabric for women's robing. The values have been re markable and response generous. In order to wind up the week in s "blase of bargain glory" (as the pyrotechnieal "afj writer" often put it) we're Soing to reinforce the bargain for the closing ays of the week Friday and Saturday, and shall offer the following stirring inducements to thrifty buyer and correct dressers: IN THE SILK SECTION 2800 Ysrd of new Suit Silks in all the late color and patterns; also, a full color assortment of two-toned reau de ygnes, splendid wearing silks. Regular $1.00 and 85c grades; special for Friday and Saturday, only, the yard SMART COLORED SUITINGS At Dreae Oooda Counter. t Hundred of yards of Fashion's Newest Fall Dress Fabric, in checks, plaids, overplaids, stripes and the wanted mixtures all the wanted shades of grays in the lot 1.00 grade for.... 794 $1.25 grade for. 98 1.50 grade for.. f 1.1 $1.75 grade for f 1.39 THE BLACK GOODS OPPORTUNITY Continued Two Ddy Longer. Rich, Handsome Black Dress Goods at Half Price! No mere words can tell you of the fineness of the weaves, the exquisite lusters snd designings, the charm of many of the patterns. "Good style" that's the phrase which best describes the dis play Refined and exclusive-looking stuffs that food dressers will appreciate. And think of it I Ikra-fashionsble fabrics Today and balance of week in s sweeping sale of colossal values at HALF PRICE. Read the detail: SILK AND WOOL NOVELTY BLACK DRESS GOODS Imported French Oooda; the Best Fabric for uressy wear Money t-an tray. : 12.00 regular grade for, yard : 12.50 regular grade for, yard.. 113.00 regular grade for, yard 13.50 regular grade for, yard 14.00 regular grade for, yard HALF PRICE! HALF PRICEI ; The Flannel You Need BEARS A SPECIAL SALE TICKET TOMOR ROW. Domestic Aisle, 1st Floor. Tricot Flannels 21c A full line of Tricot Flannels. all color for shirtwaists and children's dresses. Special at. yard - 81 Galatea Cloth 12 Wo Good quality Galatea Cloth in light and dark colors, stripe snd dots. Special st, yard 13 1-34 Wee Woolen Sweaters for Little Folk THE 81-59 SORT FOR $1.19. Special Friday, 2nd Floor, Near Annex. Children's all-wool Sweater, fancy stitching, open at shoulder, plain white or white with blue or pink trimming at neck, cuffs snd bottom; ages from 1 to 6 year. Regular price $1.50. Special ,,....81.18 Would a Woman Save $1.50 WHEN BUYING A HANDBAG? We're going to put about 200 of 'em to the test and seel Here's th. way we go about it. Special for Friday Annex, 1st floor. Women $4.00 Leather Handbag $2.50 An as sortment of genuine leather Handbags, medium site, leather covered frame, best spring catches, solid stitched leather, lined throughout, filled with inside cardcase and coin purse; our regular $4.00 value. Special . ... 2.59 Underwear Underpriced 1st Floor. Women's $1.75 Union Suit $1.39 White and silver gray Union Suits, merino, medium weight, fine ribbed, hslf open front; regular value $175. Special $1.39 Woman' $1.50 Union Suit $1.19 White "Merode" Union Suits light weight, 50 per cent wool, long and short sleeves, half open front; regular value, 1.50. Special ....$1.19 Women's 65c Vests or Tight SOc Cream tinted, winter weight cotton Vests or Tights, long sleeves vests, ankle length tights; regular value. 65c. Special, each SOf HOSIERY SPECIALS 1st Floor. Women' 35c Hosiery 25c Winter weight, black, fleece-lined cotton Hoie, the "Onyx,' finished foot; regular value 35c. Special, pair 354 Children's 25c Hosiery 19c Children's Winter weight black cotton Hose, double knee, heel and toe; regular value 25c. Special, pair 194 Women's SOc Hosiery 35c Imported black, fine cotton Hose, white soles, full finished; regular vslue 50c. Special, pair 34 Warm Gowns of Flannelette FOR WOMEN'S WINTER NIOHT GARB. Special Friday Annex, 2nd Floor. Ladies' Flannelette Gowns in dainty blue or pink and white stripes, or plain white, trimmed in fancy stitching braid and ribbons. All high neck wita Regular price, a&uu; special turned collar at $1.27 Pretty "Two-Bit" Doilies 14c AN ANNEX ART-NEEDLECRAFT SHOP AT TRACTION. . 2nd Floor. All Lace Round Doilies with verv pretty centers and Tenneriffe wheel border, 9-inch diameter. Regular price, 25c. Special at 14V SPARKLING SPECIALS AND WORTH WHILE VALUES IN THE Jewelry Aisle Tomorrow Annex, 1st Floor. Pretty Photo Frames, Value to 35c for 19c An assortment of pretty metal Photo Frames, in French gold plate, various shapes and sizes; our .regular 30c and 35c values. Special at 194 15c Gold-Plated and Enameled Beauty Pin 8c pair The ever-handy little Beauty Pins, a great variety of designs in gold plate and various colors of enamel; our regular 15c values. Special at, pair 84 $5c Sterling Silver Napkin Ring for SOc Each Sterling silver Napkin Rings, small sizes for chil ' dren's use; our regulsr 85c values. Special.. 594 $3.50 Plain Gold Filled Bracelets for $2.50 Fine quality gold filled Bracelet, plain Nethersole style, in rich Roman and old English finish, every one guaranteed for long wear; our regular $3.50 values for 33.59 81.99 111. 25 1I1.BO 1 11.75 112.00 Hundreds of Hou wive Will Read This Good Blanket and Curtain News With Esgemeaat yds) Friday On Fourth Floor. Sa on Wnnl Rlanlreta B2.05 Fine all wnnl Rtan- kets in gray, only; Urge rise and heavy weight Oregon made. Our $4.00 values Special Economy Sale Price, the pair . $3.95 $2.50 Nottingham Lace Curtains $1.95 Handsome Nottingham Lace Curtains, with medallion in sertion and plain Isee center; in white only. These curtains are extra strong snd durable, 3H yards long and 50 inchea wide. Our $2.50 value. Special Economy Sale Price, the pair 81.85 MEN AND WOMEN SHOULD BE ON TIME TODAY FOR THE REGULAR FRIDAY "HOURLY SALE" OF GOOD SHOES The bargains are more than usually good that are selected for tomorrow. Shoe values advertised by this house have become notable for being under estimated in our announcements We're glad to have our patron hap pily surprised when they come and com par the goods with th printed word that broTt them the patron to the store. Better a little under-d- vertised than overdrawn, we think. Customers will bear in mind that advertisad specials arc tor tnc nour only ae printed. Annex Shoe Store, otb St. entrance, 1st floor. $ TO 9 AM. Women's 60c Rubbers for 484 Women's Storm Rubbers, either strap or storm front, In very best grade with shank which will not leak. Our 60c vslue; special for one hour at, the pair 43) 9 TO 10 A M. Women's $1.50 Juliets for 98 Women's Felt Slip pers and Juliets, made of best grade of felt, with hand-turned very flexible soles, and low heels; trimmed with black fur. Our $1.50 vslue; spe cial for one hour at, the pair 984 10 TO 11 A M. Women's Shoes, Values to $5.00 for $3.4 Wo men's patent kid and colt 7 and 10-button Shoes, with dull tons, and medium weight extension soles; in six good styles. These shoes were all made hi special 11 TO 12 M. Women's $5.00 Shoes for $3.69 Women's man nish Shoes in college and regular height: made of patent snd kid stock, with broad and medium round style tee; very nicest shoes in the house snd of the newest fall shapes. Our $5.00 value; special for one hour at, the pair 33.99 12 TO 1 P. M Men's Shoes, Vain to 3100, for $8.49 Men's Shoes, made by Florshiem k Co., in all leathers; regular and Blucher lace. Values to $6.00: spe cial for one hour at, the pair $33.49 1 TO 2 P. M. Infants' Shoo in patent and kid leathers, with cloth, velvet and dull leather top; some also with blue, white or pink kid tops A large assortment of good shoes; value to $1.50; sizes 2 to 6 no heel. loies; in six good styles, incse nos were aii nade by Lalrd-Schober & Co., and several other tigh class shoemakers. Values in the lot to $5.00; ipecial for one hour at, the plr 83.49 Special for one hour at. the pair Sizes up to 8 spring heel. Special for one hour at, the pair 794 2 TO 3 P. M Women' Dress Shoe of patent kid sad bright kid leather, with hand-turned soles, military, Cuban snd French heels; dull kid tops; plain and tip to. Values to $5.00; specisl for one hour st, th . psir $3.89 3 xo 4 P, M. Women's Slipper. Vslue to $2.50. for $1.49 - Twelve styles of Women's fine evening slippers in patent and kid leathers, with strap snd bow; in Values to A MILLINERY EVENT Important to Women With $5 to Pay for a Hat SHE GETS CHANGE BACK TOMORROW. Annex Salons, ted Floor. 15.00 & $6.00 Trimmed Hats " wtS SaaSSB $3.95 oretty styles 11 down-to-dte special for one hour at. the pair 4 TO 5 P. M. Girls' Shoes of kid or box calf leather; with heavy extension soles, patent or stock tip: strongly sewed and lined with heavy twill. For school wear these shoes hsve few equals Sizes 5 to 8; our $175 vslue specisl st. the pair $1.34 Sizes 8tt to 11; our $2.00 value special at, the pair fl.33 Sizes 11 tt to 2; our $2.50 value special at. the pair $1.83 5 TO 6 P. M. Boys' Shoes in heavy kid or box calf stock, with good heavy soles, well lined and constructed for good service Sizes 9 to 13; our $175 value ipecial at, the pir $-3 Sizes 1 to 2; our $2.00 value Ifzes 2tt to' 5tt; ew $250 vsl These Hats are sll hand-made shapes of silk velvet and silk braid, very smart styles in large, ii i ft -y -. tl mar mcuium auu email cnccis. i ucy brown, myrtle green and black, with trimminss of ribbon, fancv feathers and ornaments. Actual $5.00 and $6.00 values. Specisl Economy Sale price, each. 83.95 See Display in Window. In the Man's Shop Annex. 1st Floor. An interesting group of special values prepared for tomorrow lor the fellows who like to dress better and pay less. i Men' 20c Hosiery 10c Men's sesmless cotton Hose in Hack and gray effects; regular value. 20c. Special, pair 19) Men's 65c Night Robe 47c Outing flannel Night Gowns, long and well made; regular value 65c. Special 474 Men' $1.00 Underwear 83c A line of men's heavy weight, Derby ribbed Underwear, best make and finish, in ecru; regular value, $1.00; Special, gar-. ment 83 FANCY "FIXTURES" IN WOMEN'S WEAR, AT SPECIAL PRICES FRIDAY. Gloves Bands Neckdress Laces AIL FOR LESS 1st Floor Shops. , Ladies' Long Silk and Lisle Glove. Worth $1.50 for 79c Ladies' long, suede, finest lisle thread Gloves, 12 button length; in gray, cream, mode and tan; our regular $1.25 value. Also Ladies' all-silk Gloves, 12 button length; in black and white; our r $1.50 value. Special for Friday Economy Sale also for Saturday, at, the pair 794 Handsome Persian Bands in one-sided effects; some beautifully embroidered in colors, 1, and ltt inches in width, and worth from 35c to $1.50 the yard. Also Embroidered Linen Bands, 1 inch to 2tt inches in width; in red, navy, light blue, pink and brown; our 35c to $1.00 values: Some Festoons snd Medallion effects in brown, green, red snd white; worth to $1.50 the vard. Specisl for Economy Ssle your choice at,, the yara sse omen s Neckwear for 48c A lot of Ksvaer's hlark stock Bows and our 75c to $2.50 values Also tailored stocks in blsck taffeta, white taffeta, black pan velvet, etc.; some made with front tabs. Special Economy Ssle price, each 484 Allovcr Laces, Values 60c to $1.50 for 37c A lot of fine cotton allover Laces; also Veniae Laces In white and cream and in pretty patterns; are worth from 60c to $1.50. Special Economy Sale Price, yard S7 "' ' 1 Here's a SPECIAL SALE of BATHROOM SUPPLIES at UNUSUAL PRICES Take a Trip on Any Elevator to Third Floor. Sale of High-Grade Bathroom Fixtures Solid Brass Best Nickel Plate Tumbler Holders. plain and strong; regular SOc; special 337 Tumbler Holders, regular value 75c; special.. 33 Tumbler and Brash Holder, regulsr vslue 90c: specisl 394 Tumbler and Brush Holder, regular $1.60; special Tooth Brush Holder, regular 40c; special... 39 Hanging Bath Tub Soap Holder, isgular 75c; D Wall Soap Holder, regular value 63c; special swsj ecial . . regular 394 Woi Sponge Holders, regulsr value 90c; speci Combination Soap aad Sponge Holder value $1.25: special Toilet Psper Holder, cial regulsr owel Bar, regulsr value 35c; r value ac: 1 Towi ' at 'Sac- el Bars, reeular 4 Bass, regular vshte $1 OX specie! prices Hundred? of (ft! articles for wash stead Baawa9BBaSswaSsw3ssSSBaw