The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 18, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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Ciptnan, Oldfe $ Co
Good Merchandise Only Quality Conaidered. Our Prices Are Alwaya the Lowest.
Mail Order Promtply
Filled New Fall
Catalog Sent on Request
Buttcrick Pattern
Window Shades Mad to
Order at Lowest Prices
Picture Framing Headquarters
and Jewelry
Fifty-Seven $18-$20 Black Ostrich Trimmed Picture Hats $12.50
The Reason Why
The stOrekeeping which in this
community has come to be known
as peculiarly characteristic of Lip
man, Wolfe & Co. is the result of
certain simple, straightforward
principles carried out in an earnest
and thorough way. The foundation
is our determination to give to
DO and do better constantly.
Every merchant will tell you his
goods are best and his prices low
est. Naturally that does not make
them so. It is THE PUBLIC that
always decides; and the increasing
volume of our sales and growing
reputation of this store for FAIR,
ING prove eloquently that these
methods most characteristic of
this store meet with your ap
s proval. '
Sale Monogram Dies and Stamping
The drat sale of las Mad eve keM is
Portland. A matokless opportunity to
sve roomy .
Steel Die to order, with two or three
letters; regularly 12.50 For this c 7C
ale. t
Stamping stationary from your die In
any color, regularly 40c a quire;
for the first quire iC
Each susceeding quire 18e
11.18 FkH Stc
Keren t I m port an t Fiction, many new
titles; reduced to only 60c a volume.
For Friday Bargain Day only we offer 57 smart Dregs Hats,
worth regularly $18 and $20. These hats arebeautiful in
themselves artistic in line, rich and harmonious In coloring.
But put them on the head and they leap into even greater
beauty. Variety is infinite. French milliners have dreamed
beautiful dreams and the result is refinement, distinction,
smartness without bizarre effects. Each hat is made in a dif
ferent effect, of silk panne velvet, trimmed with
feathers, in some cases fairly encircling
trimmed with ostrich tips, ribbon,
ornaments, etc. Reg. $18 and $20
vals. Very special for Friday Sale
t, trimmed with ostrich
cling the hats. Others
Only 51 of these beautiful Hats. No mail orders filled. None sent on approv
al. Early shopping is recommended, if you wish the best selection.
Women's 50-Inch Coals, $12.50 Values, $8.50
$25.00 Long Plaid and Stripe Coats $16.50
Women's 50-inch Coats jjjcyjraxed cloaking, in various effects, made with full
loose back stied straps, fly front, four ppcketsvelvet collar, new coat sleeves.
with turned cuffs, edged with velvet. The yoke and sleeves are lined d O mZ(
with satin. Regular $12.50 value. For, our great Friday Bargain Day wPOscFx
Women's 50-inch all wool fancy plaid and striped Coats, in newest effects, made
double breasted, with full loodPback; collarless, with fancy velvet piping and braid
trimming; new sleeves with fancy trimmed cuffs, and satin lined, dj mZ(
Regular $25.00 value for only P VJ.aJVF
The Greatest Genuine Waist Bargains otl&e Fall
$1.75 Nun's Veiling Waists, Friday at $2 45
$1.75 and $2 Mercerized Madras Waists $1.20
For Friday Bargain Day 880 Waist
of Nun's Veiling some have white
grounds, with" light blue, green and
red polka dots; others have navy,
black: and white gitniuds, with" hair-'
line stripes; all are daintily made, with
pin tucking front and back, long
sleeves with tucking on sleeves and
cuffs and button front. Actually sell
ing regularlyat $3.75.
Special for Friday sale . .
Just 89 Women's Waists, made of fine mercerised madras and Union linen; some have
elaborate and quaintly embroidered fronts and tucking; others pleated and embroid
ered; long sleeves, collar and cuffs trimmed with fine tucks, button front. 04 AA
Actual $L7 and $8.00 values. For Friday only, at clegs'"
Sale Silk Umbrellas
Rcgmlar 7M H JS
Women's $7.50 Fins Pore Silk Umbrellas, Just 100
in the lot. Mad with tape edge. In black, red,
brown, navy, and green. The handles are pearl
with solid silver trimming, boxwood, princess with
solid stiver trimming, ivory and horn.
Actual $7 SO values for
Pre-HoiMay Handkerchiel Sale
Dainty Initial Itotf kerchiefs si January Sale Prices
A great sale of Initial Handkerchiefs, such as
will be in great demand for Holiday Present,
at prices not usual before the great January
Ladies' Hand Embroidered Initial Handker
chiefs, 34 -inch hemstitched;- value 12'ic.
Friday and Saturday only, 70c dozen,
each DC
Ladies' all-linen hand-embroidered Initial
Handkerchiefs; some plain, others with
wreath around initial;' $1.25 dozen, JJ
Ladies' all-linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, with
hand-embroidered initials, 4-inch hem
stitched; values 20c each; for $1.65 l
dozen, or, each 14C
Ladies' checked and cross-bar linen hand-embroidered
Handkerchiefs; very neat initial;
25cs value. Sale price, dozen, $2.00, J
Ladies' all pure linen Handkerchiefs, very,
sheer, with heavy hand-embroidered initials
script and block letters; J-inch hem-
stitched; all letters; extra value at 7C-
$1.40 per box of six, or each awOC
Ladies' all pure linen Handkerchiefs, with extra fine hand-embroidered initials,
surrounded by neat wreaths. Sale pric es are : Three in box, for $1.00 ; 6 f
in box, for $2.00. Each only ODL
Finer quality, exquisite and sheer for 50e
Children's Initial Handkerchiefs, colored borders, all initials; box of three, A
regularly 25c box in this sale, for y
37c ISwwM lie Yard
6-inch Failletine Ribbon, used for mil
linery purposes; comes in black,
white and colors; always sells for
87c a yard; while this lot e"
lasts, yard, only awtV
it Yarts llfcwt. lfc-AU SBfc, tct
lar 7k BsM
Heavy all-silk, double-face, satin cord
edge Ribbon, Nos. V2, 2 and 3; ex
tra heavy quality and can be used
for dress trimmings as well as nu
merous other purposes. Values 50c
to 75c a borr--to be closed out at
10 Yard Piece lor 10c
7Sc Vdltasj 48c YaH
For Friday and Saturday all of our
60c, 65c and 75c Tuxedo Veiling,
plain and dotted, and also Chiffon
Veiling, in a large and beautiful as
sortment in black, white and all
colors. Sale price, 48c
8-yard Auto Veils, with 2-inch hem
stitched borders, in black, white and
colors. Values 85c each; tZTfrt
sale price HC
Long Kid Gloves, All Sizes,
Black and All Colors
In spite of the great shortage of
16-button lengths in stores all over the
United States, we have a full stock in
ALL SIZES, including the following:
16-button length Glace Gloves in
mousquetaire style; black, white and
all colors.
16-button length Suede Gloves in
mousquetaire style; black white and
all colors.
16-button lenpth Heavv Silk Gloves.
j , .
1 It . .A gl . i
aouoie-uppea lingers, mousquetaire
style; all sizes from 54 to 7J4 in
Women's Neckwear 60c,
65c Values 48c
Women's Neckwear in all the latest
tailored effects, as well as lace, rib
bon, and hand-made beaded Stock
Collars and Turnovers; 60c and 65c
values. Special in this sale,
Manufacturers' Rug Sale
Al 14 Value
5,000 Rug Carpet samples of
the best quality of velvet,
tapestry and body Brussels.
They are In full rug sixes;
all bound ready for use. This
Is the greatest Rug value
ever offered and a splendid
opportunity for every home
and office
'Tapestry Rug Samples, 27x27 inches, special 29c
Tapestry Rug Samples, 27x36 inches, special; . . . .59c
Tapestry Rug Samples, 27x54 inches, special. . . .&9c
Velvet Rug Samples, 27x54 inches, special. . J1.19
65c to $1.35 Hosiery 29c
A New York hosiery importer closed out to
us the entire sample line, used in demonstrat
ing the very best product of Europe's leading
hosiery manufacturers. Hundreds of styles of
Plain and fancy weaves In silk, lisle thread and
cotton. t Black, tan, champagne, biscuit, sage,
Alice blue, gray, navy, brown, Dresden, green,
bronse, fancy stripes, plaids, lace boots, lace
all overs, drop stitch, polka dots, embroidered
figures, solid colors, etc, in greatest variety.
The more you know about hosiery, the more
you will appreciate this tremendous epoch
making hosiery bargain 66c, 76c,
85c, $1.00 and $1.86 Hosiery
Extra salespeople to wait on you. No phone orders filled. None sent on memorandum. Early
comers get the best selection.
M BaeBB ant-
USS Lace Cnrtalns 59c Pair
f Iff Lace Cm-tains 78c Pair
Great sale of Man
ufacturers' Lace
Curtain Samples, ,
that would retail
as high as $2.50 to
$7.50. They are 6
feet long, 46 to 54
inches wide. Just
the curtain for the
flat, office or mod
ern cottage. White
or Arabian color.
In cable nets, Hah
nets and Scotch
laces. Remember
actual HJO to
$7.60 values. Pair,
price 68e, T8j
Single Curtain Samples 29c and 39c Each
Shonts Denies That Cooliss Are
Employed or Will Be on
Panama Canal.
(.oernsl Special Service.)
Chicago. Oct. II Chinees labor la
not bains an) ploy ad in the Panama easel
son, nor will It be, according- to Tfieo
dftre Shonts, president of tba Panama
canal commission, sir. Shonte arrived
In i lilcago today ts visit his parents.
Dr. snd Mr. H. D. Shonts. sad to at
tend lbs celebratiuu of Us mother's
eighty-third birthday today at Beverley
Hills. He said the sanitary conditions
lit Panama were excellent and work on
the canal showed steady pragrese.
"I cannot Imagine how the report
started." ha eald, "that Chinese wars
being employed aa laborers on the canal.
I have never hired Chinese snd never
contracted for Chinese lsbor, bat simply
Invited bids. There sre no Chinese em
ployed In Psnsms to my knowledge es-
J. S. Dover. Ml N. Main St.. Ottawa.
Kan., writes: "livery fsll It has been
my wife's trouble to catch a severe
oold. and therefore to cough sll winter
long. Leat fall I got her a bottle of
Ballard s HoronoiiBd Syrup. She used It
snd hae been ab! to sleep soundly sll
jilshf long. -wnnter tns coiren trou
bles Iter two or tnree doses stops the
cough, and aha Is' abls to be up snd
well . ni. Sold by
Woodard. Clarke ft Co.
cept perhaps as Isundrymen. and none
will be. The statement that 6,000 Celes
tlala are at work In the canal sone Is
sbeurd. The health of the man Is good
and the sanitary conditions there sro
being steadily improved. As a result
the work Is making splendid progress
and the output la Increasing every
Blood Poleoniag
results from chronic constipation,
which Is quickly cured by Or. King's
Hew Life Pills Thay remove all poi
sonous germs from the system and In
fuse nsw life and vigor; ours sour
stomach, nausea, headache, dlsslnesa
and colic, without grfolng or discom
fort, etc. Guaranteed by Bed Cross
Pharmacy. .
Drastic Measures Taken by Board
of folios Commissioners In
California Town.
(Jearasl Special Berries.)
Oakland, Oct. II. Draatle measures
were taken by the board of police oom
mlsloners to put an and to the reign
of crime which la terrorising the com
munity, and aa soon ss arrangement!
sen be oompleted for a proper guard,
overy able-bodied prisoner In the Oak-
city prison will be put to work la
the chain gang, breaking rock for re
pairing the streets. In a resolution
adopted by the polios commission the
chief of police was Instructed to form
a chain gang and put all vagrant a and
persons convicted of petty crimes to
The commission also sdopted a reso
lution ordering that the supplies of food
snd bedding for the oity prison be re
duced to a minimum, that the prisoners
may learn that the Jail la not intended
as a plans of entertainment or leisure.
Several eastern detectives have bean se
cured to ssslst In ending the reign of
crime la this olty.
(Saaewl Dwaeteh la Ike JearaaM
Porest Grove, Or.. Oct. II. Yester
day was Founder r day at Paclflo uni
versity. This day has been sat sslde
by the students ss a holiday for the
last IS years snd a few years ago the
faculty agreed to mske It a holiday and
gave It the nJme of Foundera" day. la
honor of the founders of the Institu
tion. From that time the day la the)
biggest event of the year at Padtfla.
for sll classes take part la the pro
gram All the college organisations ware
represented this yoar. Tba climax
earns when tba sophomores took charge
of the platform and called the roll. The
members responded in the character of
one of their fresWmen brethren The
feeling bet a sen the two elaasea ran
strong. The Juniors, by making ansae
good takeaffe- on tba aselsra, brought
out some vary strong persons! Ill
feeling. It Is said the friction among
the students la due to tea coming elec
tion se tomorrow for sfneera of the
student body. Tba upper elaeaassa are
trying to is awaj with ike vasas el
the Urge majority of the "cade"
the result Is bringing about a
Tickets far tba election are
being printed The strongest foreej
the 9a mm Sigma snd the Alpha
societies, which ape bitter fsaa a ad
rivals In all student body affaire.
ballot to be used at the rise ties
row Is: For president. R A. Imtar.
the Boosters, better known ss
Oamma Sigma, snd Claude sis eon,
ths Progressive, batter knows Ss
Alpha Zets: vtcs-pi islsSSS.
Chandler on the Boosters snd
Clapp on the Progressiva
H. P. Humphrey oa mm
Martha 11
treasurer. Frances Asm an thy an W
BlIfMsi saw JMMfe'
If you want to mat a as use rose ai
euaainee ssismas ussier "Manses lei
Bast,- ;uppg