The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 18, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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111 . 1 11 I " ' - ' 11 in
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua McDaniel.
Mr. and Mrs Joehua McDanlel two
of Oregon's oldest pioneers, celebrated
the fifty-eighth anniversary of their
marriage last atbnday at tbe home of
their son, A. J. McDanlel. 106 East
Eleventh street. The Sunday previous
they attended church at tbe White Tera
ple. Both are in good health, consider
ing their advanced years
Joshua McDanlel and Virginia Am
Faulkerson were married October If,
1(41. They were among tbe Brat to
come to Oregon from Missouri, Mr. Mc
Danlel crossing the plains in Ii44, com
ing by wagon to The Dalles and than
paaalng down tbe Columbia river. Mrs.
McDanlel came to Oregon in 1847, that
being the year the drat wagons crossed
the Cascade mountains by way of the
old Barlow road.
Mr. McDanlel located In Polk county
la the spring of 148 and haa resided
there until the present time. Ha en
listed, under the call of Governor Aber
nathy. in what la known aa the Cayuee
war In 1147 and served six months,
shortly after the end of which hla mar
riage took piece.
Mrs. McDentert united with the Lai
Creole Baptlat church In the early daya,
while Mr. McDanlel brought a letter
across . the plains and united with the
same church, where they have beld
membership since.
Healthful cream of tartar, derived solely from
grapes, refined to absolute Durity, is the active
Principle of every pound of Royal Baking
Hence it is that Roval Baking Powder
renders the food remarkable both for its fine
flavor and healthfulness.
No alum, no phosphate which are the
principal elements of the s4aUed cheap
baking powders and which are derived
from bones, rock and sulphuric acid.
President of Potrero Merchants'
Association Makes Sensa
tional Charges.
Pinkerton Gathering Evidence of
Corruption and Alliance Between
Criminals and Police Department
Jesrae1 Bssdal aerviae.)
San Franeieco. Oct: It. Iaador Ja-
. cobs, president of 'the Potrero Mer
chants association, mad a soma strong
-Statements laat night concerning the
conditions of the city. He said:
"Everybody knows that there la graft
and lots of It. Every one knows that
the present grand Jury la weak, snd I
an sure that a new grand Jury, to be
selected by Judge Graham will be no
better than the existing grand Jury.
We now have Pinkerton detectives en
gaged In securing evidence of graft la
the police and other departments.
"A retired officer of the police de
partment told me that a Junkman had
informed him that he had been required
by one of the heada of the police de
partment to put up J6.000. This head
official of the department refused to
take the money personally, insisting
that It be banked tp his account with
the Oakland Trust company. The re
tired policeman Informed rae that the
Junkman had said It was up to Dinan.
We have hot yet conclusive proof
that Chief Dinan received the money,
but we expect In a few days to be sble
to obtain all the proof necessary thst
some prominent official of the police
department Is In possession of the
Jacobs openly charged that vast
quantities of material are stolen with
the full knowledge and consent of po
lice officials.
(RstcUl Dtsnatct to Tbe Journal.)
Salem. Or, Oct. 18 Articles of In
corporation have been filed In the 'office
ef the secretary of state by tbe follow
ing companies:
Wlloox Lumber company of Ln
Grande: Incorporators, I, H. Russell,
H. E Wlloox and H. O. Wilcox, capital
stock. flOO.000.
Alblna Engine A Machine com pan v
of Portland; incorporators. William
Cornfoot, W. J. Zimmerman and B. M.
Brown; capital stock, U.OOO.
Morgan Lodge, Mo. 11, I. O, O. P.,
of Morgan, Morrow county; Incorpo
rators, P. W. Atkinson, F. C. Dilling
ham and H. O. Ely; capital stock. $00.
Agricultural Executive Make a
Vigorous Defense of Standing
of Hie Football Players.
Corvallla, Or.. Oct. II. The 10 foot
ball schedule of the Oregon Agricul
tural college does not Include a date
with Whitman (Washington) college.
although there was a game arranged.
The event waa called off by Whitman,
and In stating tbo reasons for the act
President Penrose of Whitman writes
the O. A. C. athletic management that
the men. or soma of, the men. oa the
O. A. C. team "arc not bona tide stu
dents" of this Institution. President
T. M. Oat oh of a A. C read the state
ment of President. Penrose before the
student body in the college chapel hare
aad on concluding It made the state
ment that he (President Oatch) stood
ready to give to President Penrose of
Whitman college 1100 for each a:
Ovary man on th'.a year's football team
at O. A. C. who is not a bona fide stu
dent of O. A C. the money to be. used
for missionary work or any other pur
pose to ault President Penrose. The
statement of President Oatch was
warmly received, tor the facta are that
a decided reform Uaa taken place Ir.
O. A. C. athlstlcs, and. while the charge
of the Waahlngton president might
have had some foundation In fact In
years past. It la not applicable to this
year'a team at O. A. C. The men on
the '04 eleven are all bona fide students
of the Agricultural college and the
game of football will be played here
thla year with more real college spirit
than has been the esse for a long time
In the past. A vigorous campaign for
clean athletics, with entire elimination
of "ringers" and "bosaism,", has been
Inaugurated, and with Student Mark
Wpatherford and Graduate Manager
Mark McCalllster as leaders there Is
every promise or clean sport and a
team of husky, bona Ode students to de
fend the orange.
American and English Soap
Makers in Big Corporation to
Control Preparations.
1 Bsrvka.)
London. Oct. 11 It la announced that
a number of the biggest soap manufac
turers have combined. An Investiga
tion shows an alliance of the English
and American soap trusts. J. P. Mor
gan Is engineering the American end.
The Proctor A Gambia Co. waa used
aa a wedge for the formation of the
amalgamation of the trust. The con
tinental soap manufacturers were In
vited to Join. The capitalisation of the
English combine la 7,000,000.
j; t
(Jeerael 8selal Berries 1
Auxvaaoe, Mo., Oct. IS. The state
bank of thla city waa robbed this morn
ing by aafeblowera, who escaped with
II. too In cash, overlooking 120.00 In
cash In another drawer of the safe.
Fleischner. Mayer at Co. have re
ceived a permit for the erection of a
four-atory brick warehouse on First.
Corner Couch Its cost Is given as 116
000. ' George Langford Is the builder
Other permits have been laaued as
follows: Catherine O'Parrell, one-story
dwelling, Weidler, between East Sixth
and East Seventh, cost 100; P. Bauer,
one-story dwelling. East Twenty-first,
bstwsen Marlon anu l.lnn, cost 100; C.
C. Mauaer, one-story dwelling. Bast
Twenty-first, between Marlon and Clack
amas, cost ITS0; D. Fisher, one-story
dwelling. Baat Eleventh, between Mult
nomah and Umatilla avenues, cost 1700;
R. I. Olisan. repairs! Fourth, between
Couch and Davis, cost 120; A. Boesl,
repairs, Gladstone avenue, corner East
Thlrty-aixth, coat 600; Herman Braid
er, two one-story dwellings, Williams
avenue, between Going and Preecott,
cost 11,300 each; Mrs. A. Rawson, two
story building. East Yamhill, between
Kant Thirty-fourth and East Thirty
fifth, coat $3,000; c. A. Defries, two
story derailing, Overton, between Twenty-second
and Twenty-third, cost S,
500, A. B. Castor, one-story dwelling.
East Thirty-third, between Clinton end
Division, cost 11.000. Mrs. Campbell,
one-story dwelling, Taooma avenue, be
tween Baat Ninth and Bast Eleventh,
coat 11,0(0; J. H. Oilman, one-story
dwelling, Sherrs't, between Baat Seven
teenth and East Nineteenth, cost f00.
C. B Loss, ths San Francteco railway
magnate, la at the Portland hotel.
Ths rise in Diamonds, ac
cording to recent press dis
patches, does not affect our
present prlcea. Bight now
la tbe opportune time to
buy them for coming holi
day rifts and save monev
Selecting from lots snd not
from the scattering few Is
another advantage.
and waaaiagaon Sea
(Continued from Page One.)
maltoe. of hatred deep and Implacable,
that they are urging 'detectives to run
down every clue that may possibly aid
In a solution of the crime. Of floe ra are
handioapBed, however, in ascertaining a
motive for such a spirit for the reason'
(hat an open enemy of the dead
haa not been found. Few men bad
many friends, and, few Indeed w
there so 0re of enmltv of tealouav.
Though, funeral services were held'
at 1 o'clock this afternoon at the First
Congregational church, the body of the
late Keno Hutchinson will not arrive
in Portland until I o'clock thla evening.
It waa delayed In shipment by a wrack
on the O. B. dt N. However, thoae who
desire to view the body may do so to
morrow morning ' from I o'clock until
:30 at Flnley a chapel.
(Continued from Page Ons.)
waterfront alone, Mr. Burna pointed oat
today, would involve the entire list of
unions affiliated by the Building Trades
Council, aa such unions would refuse
to handle cement, lumber or other
building material unloaded from the
ships by Imported atrtkebreakers. Thla,
be aald, would Ue up the building busi
ness In the city until the open shop
could be fairly established both on the
waterfront and In all sections of the
Secretary Fltsgerald of the Federated
Trade Council estimates the number of
union members at present working In
Portland aa 7,000.
of Arbitration.
"We cannot think of arbitrating un
less a full recognition of the union la
conceded. Our conditions are laid down
In our letter aent to the mayor yester
day . afternoon." Statement of Oscar
Melby, business agent of tbe Grain
handlers' union.
"I do not believe that the exporters
will agree to a basis for arbitration aa
laid down in the gralnhandlera latter."
Statement of W. J. Burna. publicity
agent for the Exporters' association.
Committees representing the Bx-
aaaoclation and the uralnhenrt-
Sjplaa ace holding, a Joint confer
this afternoon at the city hall.
Saves Up Her Meager Wagea and
Grubstakes Prospector Who
Locates Mine.
(Jearaal SseekU Berries
Reno, Nov., Oat. II, Having saved
money aha earned for three years while
working a a waitress In Bodle a
Goldfleld hotels, Mtsa Samoa Guerre
grubstaked a prospector, and the mine
he discovered at Wonder haa Juat bean
sold for 1110.000 Mian Guerre haa ar
rived In Reno with her portion, 10,000,
and already aha has taken atepa to
make her poor parent a and IS brothers
and sisters independent for life.
Mies Uuerra supported the family out
of her meager earnings and attll aha
waa able to aave 1400. Her parents
lived at Independence and ahe aent coin
there every month to help them. Then
she waa offered the grubstake chance
by a Goldfleld prospector and she and
a woman friend accepted. A ranch near
Stockton. California, has been purchaaed
by Mlaa Guerra for bar parents snd
they, with their children, have moved
- . .i ,
The purpose la to decide upon a basis
upon which to arbitrate the differences
of the two contending parties to the
gralnhandlera' strike.
If the conference results In an agree
ment aa to the basis for srbltrat Ion It
will be a surprise to both parties.
Members of both committees have ex
lesson grave doubts aa to- toe
Uty ef reaching an amicable under
standing. Both are willing to arbitrate
the queatlon of wagea, but the grain-
handlers want It understood that all
other conditions will be resumed aa
they existed before the beginning of the
strike, while tbe exporters are loath to
discharge the strikebreakers now at
work aad to mploy only union men aa
formerly. While the exporters have
recognised the anion for years, and
have allowed the union ah op to prevail
upon the docks, they now are opposed
to a resumption of these conditions.
The issue la practically tbe unton ahop
versus the open ahop. It Is a queatlon
on which the union will certainly not
yield a hair's breadth. If the exporters
do not yield at this afternoon's meet
ing, there will be no further confer
ences and the arbitration plan will be
abandoned aa a failure.
The hour of the Joint conference wan
t for I o'clock this afternoon. Peter
Kerr, C B Curry. T. B. Wlloox, J.
Couch Flanders and W. J. Burns com
prise the committee of exporters, while
Oscar Melby. A. C. Lewis and H. R.
Blue, executive board of the Grain-
handlers' union, constitute the commu
te acting In behalf of the strikers.
Tbe letter ox the grainnanaiera and
the exporters accepting the arbitration
plan In a general sense were received
by Mayor Lane yesterday afternoon
The exporters simply replied that they
were willing to arbitrate the question
of wagea with their employee, while
the letter of the gralnhandlera set forth
a long history of the controversy aa
well as arguments calculated to show
that they are entitled to 4 cents aa
Prior to 115, the later said. Portland
gralnhandlera received 4 eenta an hour.
That year, on acount of the hard times,
the union did not resist a reduction to
30 cants, aa the employers promised
that whan better times cams tbe old
The great success of this store is due to the
individual style of CHESTERFIELD
CLOTHES their never equaled fit and the
service they give. A perfect combination
of these has never before been obtainable in
ready-to-wear clothes. The standards of ex
cellence we have set compel nearly every
man to declare that our clothes are the finest
in the city.
If a Chesterfield COAT BREAKS BACK
YEAR'S TIME we give you A NEW SUIT
Chesterfield Suits
or Overcoats
$20 to $50
369-371 Morrison
wage would be resumed- The employers
did not keep their word and in l0l It
became necessary for the men ta
threaten to strike before they could
even get a compromise of tt cents an
hour. The later pointed out the fact
that the labor la very hard. Moreover,
it la very unsteady, so mueh so that
-man the year ends 4 sense an hour
means only ths same to a gralnhandler
aa the ordinary wage means to the Or
dinary worklngman. Closing, the grain
handlers promised to regard the award
of an arbitration board aa conclusive
provided they be reemployed at once
under exactly the previous conditions
and that the board consist of five in
stead of three members.
Bnttta Folic. Department and Two De
tect vs Agencies a Work.
i Spokane. Oct. II. The wbole police
force Is working on the Hutchinson
murdey case, besides the Thiol and
Pinkerton detective agencies. The Thiol
agency ventured to guuee this morning
that an arreat would be made Inside of
24 hoars. Chief Waller and the de
tectives are harboring the theory that
a former sweetheart of Mrs. Hutchin
son la the years preceding her msrriage
became erased and had committed the
horrible crime.
Captain Swain, head of the Thlel
agency, admitted that hla original theory
that the murder was the work of hold
up men bad been shattered. It was said
by sn official working on the ease that
tbe former sweetheart had never com
pletely recovered from regret that Mra.
Hutchinson had married her husband.
It Is said that the man had been heard
to remark that she would never live sny-j
length of time with any other man.
Detectives have given up the theory
that a man Jealous of Hutchinson's
proapeota for upbuilding ths Spokane
T. M. C. A. may have Saae the murder.
The subject of reward haa been talked
of, but none has yet been decided upon.
Mayor Daggett has ordered the chief
of police and his aubordlnatea to clean
up the city, and says that he will dis
charge them If they fall. The city
council denounced the police department
laat night and provided 10 additional
V Vewyort aad Beturn, oa the Cor
al, 10 (Bala or Shine).
Salmon are running freely In Taqulna
Bay, big catches reported dally, and la
order to give all an opportunity to enjoy
this royal tport, a low round trip rat
of II will be made from Albany, Cor
vaiiis or Philomath to Newport and re
turn on the above date.
Train leave Albany at 7.10, Cor
vallls at S a. m . Philomath 1:11 a. m.,
and returning leaves Newport at I p. m.
Plenty of boats to rent at low rates.
R. E. Allen, superintendent of the
electric system at Walla Walla, Waah
lngton, la aa the Portland.
J. B. Knapp. prc feasor at Oregon uni
versity, la at the Oregon hotel.
Senator and Mra. C W. Pulton of
Aatorla are at the Imperial hotel. Mra.
Fulton baa beta In Portland several
days on n shopping tour.
Miss Josephine Hlrscb and Miss Mai
HI recti left this morning for a six
weeks' visit In New York.
W. M. Lndd has returned from an ex
tended visit In the eastern portion of
the United Htatce. where he haa been
visiting friends and transacting busi
ness in- connection with his many Inter
eeta In Portland.
Mr. aad Mra. J. William Kirk left
todsy for San Francisco, where Mr.
Kirk, who has been with Tull 4V nibbe
stare the earthquake, returns to tske s
position with his aid Una the John
Brueuer company. ,
A thnaaand stoves pllsd up In our basement. A
mss for. And the prices ws have put on
hem welooms. A Una of Stoves, If placed etas by side, nearly
a mile kens. Meters and Oook Soaisa, Malleable Steel Bsagia
Sal Cast Steel manges, aU kinds. SM all awing, from a little Airtight
eater at SJ-SS, up to Ska king of all ranges, the Monarch. Ton ate
cordially la vital ts VtS4 our store and ana the kasiflsnsnst lines of
Stoves ia the city 74 different saMnsaj la on sample line await
your Inspection.
$1 a Week Buys a Monarch Range
Tbe Monarch Range
Bangs That Will Ban Bvenly and
Tou know from sad experience that
you can't do good baking if one part of
your oven is hotter than another. And
In most caat steal ranges, ths ovsn i
not heated uniformly. The caat steal
frames must be bolted, because they are from rolled ateel
! .Fift'."""'. HamUom. Bureau
; s i .69,1;;. r.": $15.00
m Hh mm
h m m
M . in
Early Meal Range $37.00
x 10-lech
12x16 Inch
he Better than the 16.00 ranges and
equal to the average I4S.00 range you'll
find around town. Four-hols top, heavy
snd durable body, made of the beet
rolled ateel, sectional firebox lining,
guaranteed not to warp: will bairn either
coal or wood; asbestos lining, warming
e closet snd tsa shelves; all fp27 00
too brittle to stand riveting.
Has A strong, well-made
Then the top draft and an extra Bureau, nicely finished
lining of sheet steel la mahogany m white
to protsox outside maple. Pitted with a
body. Thla Heater genuine French plate
sella regularly for aval mirror 20x14 Inches,
12.1, and the only divided serpentine front
reason for cutting top drawer, solid brass
the price Is to In- trimmings. A draaaer
duce you to visit, our that would look well In
atove department any bedroom and la
and aaa our beautl- worth Just a little more
fui line of Heaters, than ths price we aak.
ime sre filled with stovs putty.
A few heatings and coolings and the
cast steel expands and oontracta, the
bolts loosen and the putty fells out,
leaving an open crack to suck In outsids
air and cause the fire to burn unevenly.
Mow, the Monarch oven bakee evenly
at all tlmea. The sides and the oven
are 1 1 rated to malleable ateel frames ex
tending sll through ths range, making
tight, solid Joints with no chsncs of air
Then the duplex draft lata air In at
hAlh mnAm lh firhAV PAIllInf nnl-
form heat production, which means an xlt flT.OO 1x10. flS.OO -x fll.BO
evenly heated oven that will bake thor- Th. Rugs are made exactly like a Body Brussels, pattern goeal
tn-h aatlsfacterlly through and clw roug to the back, and am guaranteed to outlast anything
There is no atove nuttv.uaed in a '-hat price ever offered In the city. Beautiful patterns and eoior-
Monarch Range. ng; coma and
t 00
The one pictured
akeve la golden er
weathered oak, with
aM eetsratrag ta
fust, llirf
France plate, ttxM
il this
Pretty Iron Bed $3.00
This' Is bat ess ef a w hole carload of sew bade
ire saa sow sal sg dbrotared la oar kee
li la orsttily n ameled In grsea. Win
heavy chilis sad nastls sad
n aslndlae la the heea-
hoard to the ylUsws ssa't
fill est. A fallalaed bed.
extra atrosg an dur- saaa
able, while they laat ... W J