The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 18, 1906, Page 17, Image 17

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Remarkable Career of Davy. Who
Has Wagered One Million
This Year,
Typical Soldier of Fortune Goes
Broke Today and Hit Another For
tune Tomorrow One Winning
Netted Him Eighty-Five Thousand.
(JoOrBal Special ScrVtee.)
New York. Oct. II. "Davy" Johnson
Is the premier plunger of the year.
Mot that he has been the most success
ful, for be is a lover, but this wonderful
money prodigal of the sporting world
haa bet three or four tlmee as much
as any other individual operator In
the betting lings during the annual
campaign Just waning to a clone. Is
about a month, or to be correct. Novem
ber 1. New Yorkers will see their last
day of racing for the year. On that
date the curtain will drop at Aqueduct.
Long Island, and by nightfall thousands
of men and horses will be headed for
the Bennlngs track, near Washington,
the one stopping place in the flight to
the winter racing grounds at New Or
leans, Louisiana and the California.
After the running of the heavy bet
ting Municipal handicap at Belmont
Park, many of the foremost speculators
and bookmakers stepped down and out
until the balmy aephyrs of springtime
do blow six months hence
Bet a Bullion Dollars.
Johnson baa run the full gamut of
luck and fortune In hla 17 years of
gambling, but never did be have a more
exciting summer than the one Just at as
end. On bis own estimate Johnson bet
as much aa 11,000.000 since last May.
Something like 1800,000 haa remained
with the ring. During the last tew
weeks Johnson has been In luck, and
fully $200,000 of this vast sum has been
won back aa a consequence. Johnson's
surpassing faculty seems to be in an
ability to bring new grist to the mill.
From Wall street be brought a
of plethorlo bank rolls during the
son. only to burn them op aa fast aa
they came to hand. He can go broke
today and turn up tomorrow with 8100,
000 baokSag. At leaet that is what the
bookmakers and the Insiders say, and.
of course, they should pretty nearly
know. For an Idea of Just what a
terrific game this Johnson played all
year it la only necessary to realise that
he won exactly 83.600 on August
at Saratoga, New York, while on the
day that Comedienne, a SO to 1 shot,
closed out Roeeben at Graveaend, he
dropped almost 840.000.
He had varying success, but at
Qravesend and Brighton Beach be won
all of (800.000 after having loot what
conservative Insiders estimate $1,000,
ooo in five months of rsrblng. Johnaon
la a powerfully set man, weighing all
of 100 pounds. In apearanee he resem
bles Kills Corey of the steel trust, for
he 'wears big gold-rimmed spectacles
and stubby mustache. He Is 49 years
of age and haa been gambling on the
racetracks. In the club hotses, and on
the ocean liners for IT years. At one
time he was a Joint owner of the Casino
at Long Branch, New Jersey, where he
made a fortune. About II years ago
he took up the turf and has been a spec
tacular figure there ever since. He le
a natural gambler. "Taking a chance"
with him Je a chronic condition. Large
of heart and genuine In principle, John
son is the typical soldier of fortune,
numbering hie friends In thousands and
tossing his destiny about as a prattling
child would a tin soldier.
Voorheee Skips Over Six and a
Half Furlong in Fastest
Kind of Tims.
(Journal Snsetal Sarvtee.)
New York. Oct. II. Voorneee. at 80
to J, broke the world's record for fH
furlongs et Belmont Park yesterday.
making the distance in 1:17 1-6, which
la 1-5 of a second under the former
mark. Results:
Six and a half furlongs, straight
Voorheee won, Frank Lord second, Kla
mesba third; time, 1:17 1-5.
One rofle Cresslna won, Olnette sec
ond. Lady Tarantella third; time, 1:11.
The Champagne stakes, .seven fur
longs, straight Kentucky Beau won. W.
K. Daniel second. Ballot third; time,
1:21 4-6.
The New Rochelle seUlng stakes, one
mile Wee wen, Grapple second, Secur
ity third; time, 1:17 -5.
Belling, seven furlongs, main course
Orphan Lad won, Gold second. Black
Mate third; time. 1:1.
Mile and a half Woodsman won.
Cairngorm second. Holscher third; time;
l:l -.
Uearsal Special Serne
Louisville, Oct 18. Race
Six furlongs, selling Fair Calypso
won, AUono second. Oasis third; time.
1:14 1-1.
Seven furlongs, selling Still Alarm
won, Tanagar second, Ourada third;
time, 1:27 4-6.
Five and a half furlongs Frontenac
won, Funlculare second. Lady Esther
third; time, 1:06 4-6.
Free steeplechase handicap, aoout two
miles Creolln won. Dr. Keith second.
Lady Joreljw third; time, 1:51.
Mile and a sixteenth Minnie Adams
won, Shawana second. Princess Orna
third; time, 1:48 4-5.
One mile, selling Shining Star won.
High Bear second. Martlus third; time,
fgfe ssaamnma Lam
H eftf
Dsvotss of National Pastime Has
Kind Word to Say of Whits
Sox Manager.
Frank Lonergan, Columbia's Cosxh
and One of M. A. A. C.'s Best
Califf and Bargeman Are Batted
Hard and the Errors Corns
in Battalions.
(Journal Special Urn iln 1
Los Angeles, Dot. It. The Giants
and Angela engaged In a slugging match
here yesterday and the league leaders
got the worst of the deal. Bergeman
was kit 15 times safely, Califf wee
touched along for a dosen, but aa the
local's hits were timelier, the Angels
took the contest The score:
AB. R. H. PO. A. E.
Sweeney, se. 5 0 t 4 1 0
McHaie, cr
Mitchell. If. 6
McCredle. rf. 6
Smith, 3b. ..j 4
Warner, 2b. ......... 4
Carson, c. t
Donahue, lb 4
Call, p.
AB. R. H. PO- A. E.
Breath, KHawking and Spit
ting Quickly Cared nil Out
Free Coupon Below.
aaHBflfflsSV nmnm
hs V5Ib
'Sg nVBgjMMKags&aaw
"My It Dlsoorery Oulokly Cares Catarrh."
C. K. Basse.
Catarrh la not only dangerous, but It
causae bad breath, ulceration, death and
decay of bones, loss of thinking and
reasoning power, kills ambition and
energy, often causes loss of appetite.
Indigestion, dyspepela, raw throat and
reaches to general debility. Idiocy and
insanity. It needs attention at once.
Cure It with Gauss' Catarrh Cure. It
le a quick, radical, permanent cure, be
cause It rids the system of the poison
germs that cause catarrh.
In order to prove to all who are Buf
fering from this .dangerous snd loath
some dlseaae that Oauss' Catarrh Cure
will actually CUM any case of catarrh
quickly, no matter how lonsfstandlng or
how bad, I will send a 5al package by
mall free of ell cost. Send Us your
nans and address today and the treat
ment will be sent you by return mall.
Try ill It will positively curs eo that
you will be welcomed instead of
shunned by your friends. C GAUSSt
77t7 Main St., Marshall, Mich. Fill out
coupon below.
Thl enapee Is seed far ens trial parkin
of Oases' Combined Catarrh Care, mistl
fret is plstn package, limply 411 la year
MB' end assises es dntt.d line hale
aa mall to
0. X. SAVsS. T7S7 Mala sweet,
ershsll, Michigan.
V 1 w . lSaturday was practically decided upon
Totals". ....... T13-U Jt night practKeTfef t loeM
ciuomen. siuiuusu u"iuiua ununH. win
be given oqt before the game. The In
tention of the M. A A. C. management
aa nearly aa can be learned la to play
the lightest men on the squad on Satur
day. The Albany team is light and
fast and aa the locals do not wish to
take any unnecessary chances light fast
men will be sent Into the game.
Bernard, of. ..
,11 W I . . ...
CraTSth, rf. ...
Brashear, lb. ..
Dillon, lb
Carlisle, If. ....
Toman, lb. . '. . .
Eager, c
Bergeman, p. ..
Randolph, p. ..
Toman out, bunting third strike.
Los Angeles ,...11001010 7
Hlta ........... 1111111 11
Portland 1 0 10 10 0 104
Hits t 1 1 1 1 1 1 016
Hits Off Bergeman, I; off Randolph,
7. Two-base hits Carlisle. Cravath,
Braehear. Sacrifice hits Lamer. Car
eon, Eager. Bernard, Dillon. First base
ii n arm rs Los Ansteles. 1: Portland. 1.
First base on bails Off Califf. 1; off
Randolph. 4. Left on bases Los An
geles. 1; Portland, 14. Struck out By
Bargeman, 1; by Califf. 5: by Randolph.
7. Passed bell Eager. Hit by pitcher
raraon. bv Bereeman. Stolen base
McHaie. Carson, Mitchell. Time of
game Two hours. Umpire Mahaffey
..14 7 11 IT i
San Francisco
Los Angeles
Oakland . . ..
Won. Lost P.C.
..107 81 .471
.. 00 74 .517
.. 84 77 .611
..88 84 .60S
..71 88 .418
.. 88 110 .187
Oakland Conquers.
(Journal Special Servles.)
Oakland. Cat, Oct. 18. Oakland's hlta
were well plaeed yeeterdsy and Seattle
lost. Score:
R H B.
Seattle 0 0 0 8 10 4 12812 6
Oakland . ......8 0 1 1 0 4 0 0 08 7 6
Batteries Garvin and Blaakenehlp;
Hopkins and Hackett. Umpire Per-rlne.
r Journal flnaelal Service 1
Fresno, Cel., Oet. 18. .Fresno found
Welch easy yesterday and 'a victory
came to the Tigers, Score:
rh. a
Ben Francisco 6 11 I
Fresno " 10
Batteries Wlch and Wilson; Mc
Gregor and Daahwood.
(Bperlal Dtepateh to The JearaaL,
University of Oregon, Eugene. Oet,
It. Today consldsrable Interest was
aroueed among the students when It
waa learned from a reliable source that
both Aberoromble, a former Wisconsin
football man, and Robs, the ex-Mult-nomah
man, era to play with Astoria
under assumed names Saturday. Rosa
Is coaching the team. Two new Indian
players are also among the Astoria
players, who with the Fort Stevens
men and the old squad, make the club
boys a hard problem.
The 'varsity boys ere doing fine work
in their secret practice, learning new
plays that will carry them e long weys
to victory. Hard burking will atop tonight
Unveiling Is
Washington. Oct. 18 The unveiling
of the Statue of General George B Mo
Clellan, which was to have taken place
today In connection with a reunion of
the Society of the Army of the Potomac,
haa been indefinitely postponed. The
postponement of the unveiling waa ren
dered neoessary because of the destruc
tion by fire of the polishing works of
the contractor who ts to conetruot the
pedestal for the statue,
Philadslphai Sports Enjoy Lively
Exhibition of Fisticuffs Be
tween Other Day Boxers.
(Journal Special Service.).
Philadelphia, Oct. 18. Young Corbett
and Terry McGovern fought a six-round
drew here last night, and from a bloody
standpoint the spectators got their
money's worth. Corbett was fat and
McGovern wes lean, and both men were
net In the beat of condition so that
while considerable slugging -was done,
the blows lacked power and a knockout
could not be recorded. At the end of
the six rounds both men were covered
with blood and thoroughly exhausted,
with the honors about even.
The lineup of the Multnomah team,
that will go against Albany A. C. on
Disputes Statement Made That Cap
tain Chance's Team Should Have
Won World's Series at Chicago
Are Players of Today Superior?
'aS-Sew bSv
.annnngsa. KK
Guy Mount, Manager of the Oregon
'Varsity Football Team.
(taeelsl Dtepateh to The Journal.)
Forest Grove, Or., Oct 18. Manager
Sparka of tha Pacific university foot
ball team has Just finished the arrange
ments for a game with the Columbia
university teaur to be played on Satur
day. Coaeh Coons has had hla men out
every evening elnce the game with Hill
last Saturday snd tha weak points of
the. 'varsity haa been looked after. The
game with Columbia la to be a hard
one, but the outlook seems certain with
the home team. Games have also been
arranged with the team of the State
Normal school at Monmouth for a week
from Saturday. The schedule also calls
for a game with the Oregon Agricul
tural college team on November 8. This
game will be the hardest the home team
will go up against this year and no ef
fort la being lost to have the team In
the best of condition for that event.
Sat Si
(Journal Special Service.)
New Tork, Oet. 18. Both George Sut
ton and George Slosson appear to be in
fine fettle for their billiard match,
which la to be decided In the Madison
sBquare Garden concert hall tonight. The
match la to determine the championship
at 18-lnch bslkllne, two shots In.
From the Plague.
There's grave danger from the plague
of Coughs and Colds that are so preva
lent, unless you take Dr. King's Nsw
Stseovery for Consumption, Coughs snd
olds Mrs. Geo. Walls of Foreet City.
Ma, writes: "It's e Godsend to people
living In climates where coughs and
colds prevail. I find It quickly snds
them. It prevents Pneumonia... cures
Let Grippe, gives wonderful relief in
Asthma and Hay Fever, and makes
weak lunge strong enough to ward oft
Consumption, Coughs and Colds 60c
end 81.00. Guaranteed by Red Cress
Pharmacy. Trial buttle free
mbi j mm .it j Liu sBiT TTrl
Portland, Oct 18. To the Sporting
Editor of The Journal Some of the
"fans" (I am auspicious of the word,
and if It is short for fanatic, don't use
It) can not understand how the Chicago
National league team lost the world's
championship series after winning the
National league pennant so easily, and.
now that Charles Comlskey and hla
team are In the limelight, the writer
would like to say a, few words about
this Napoleon of baseball end show that
It Is always safe to back Comlskey a
team, all thlnga being equal. Comlskey
wss the hardest worker who ever wore
a uniform, and la truly a battle-scared
hero, because of the chances he took
when he wee captain snd manager of
tha famous St. Louis Browns, whom he
led to victory season after season.
A Sure Flay sr.
He was not only a brilliant player,
but a sure one. When a hit wee needed
to tie or win a game, the crowds at St.
Louis would rather see Comlskey at
the bat than the famous Tip O'Nell. a
phenomenal alugger, who waa a picture
at the bet, and ths only rival Anson ever
had aa a batsman, if he ever had a
At a critical stage ef the game Co
mlskey, though not a heavy hitter, wae
almoat sure to drive out a liner over
the heeds of the lnflelders and break
up the contest. Then, when a base
had to he stolen, while the crack base
runners, Arlle Latham and Curtla
Welch, were there with the goods, they
were no surer of stealing It than Co
mlskey. Let me etop here to add that there
were many arguments In those days as
to who waa the best second baseman,
shortstop snd the beet in other positions,
but never an argument about who waa
the beat fielder. Welch was In a class
by himself.
Wonder St First.
On first base, Comlskey was a won
der. He played deeper than anyone
else, and no matter how the throws
came he got them. Hla specialty was
pickups, with his foot remaining on
the bag. He had no rival at thla sort
of work.
He was as brilrlant kicker as be
was a player. He knew when to kick,
and how, and seldom got the worst of
a bad deal. Anyone could see that be
hendled hla men with ease. They re
spected him. snd I nave no doubt
worked harder for him than they ever
did for any other manager.
We ueed to amy in St. Louie that Co
mlskey ceuld take youngsters Off- the
lots and matte champions ef them, t
never met him until I came to Portland,
but had a short talk with him when he
was on a trip to the coast a few years
ago, and soon realised I waa talking
with a man who waa a maater of hla
profession, and one who would have
made his mark at anything be under
took. Vieked Wales Son to Win.
I sm out of touch with the game
now, but recalling Comlskey's record I
haa a "hunch" that hla team would win.
and while strolling past the bulletin
board of a cigar store I saw the pic- j
tures of the two teams and stopped to
compare them. All ball players look '
alike to me In their uniforms, but when
I saw the smiling contented faces of I
Comlskey's men, 1 made up my mind
the grandest old Roman of them all
had gathered up another team of world
I suppose the above puts me In the
"has-been" class, but while I Have the
floor. I would like to aak some up-to-
date "fans" to explain to me why people
think tha players of today are better
ball players than those of years ago.
I claim they are no better In sny
department, and point to the fact that
the ball and bat la of the same else
and character, the bases are where they
slways wereno further spart and I
see no change worth mentioning. le
it not true that the young athletic ball
players of the past played as well as
those of today?
Three more games were added to the
Oregon's victories last night. The Gold
Leaf team, with all ita rooters, being
outclassed when it came to getting pine.
The Oregona' flret game was a whirl
wind, they totaling 1.047 pine, the hlgh
eet of the season. Keating carried off
the honors of the evening, rolling the
highest single game, 888, end averaging
for the third 888. The scores.
Ball 881
Capen 154
Ruse 178
B winner 881
Keating 888
l) Are,
to 187
180 184 17
1 18 18
148 187
18 8
Tptal 1047 891
(1) (I) (() Ave.
Kruyse 1 1 17 It
Crook ISO 11 II 111
Hague 15 115
Boulanger 14
Gallia rd
Tlcken .
111 14
II 1(1 II
10 1S 177 18
Total 845 857 IT
Tonight the willsmettee play the
Commercial No. 1. These teams are In
claaa "B." They ere evenly matched.
and much Interest la shown ss to the
(Jeers 1 Bp i rial service.)
Pittsburg, Oct. 11. The Carnegie hero
fund commission has awarded 1 hero
medals and distributed 811,000 In cash.
Among those rewarded for heroism were
William J. A. Darst of the Chicago
Beach hotel; C. W. Snyder ef South
Haven, Michigan; Klale C. Plants, aged
15, of Appleton. Wisconsin; Irving
Church, aged to, of Menominee . Falls,
Wisconsin; Harris O. Olddlnge, Lau
rence A. Han Ion and Pster I-ancasTer
ef Milwaukee, Wisconsin; James V.
Godman's family eras rewarded with a
silver medal at 11.600; Arthur Simon,
eged 1, of Valparaiso, Indiana, a medal;
flen $10.00
Which You Pay
When Cured
I want to Impress It upon every weak man
that I can make him strong, vigorous,
healthy, alert and free from every taint of
dlseese and weakness. I have limited my
specialty In practice to only a few of the
more Important dlaorders. so that i I could
KNOW theae thoroughly. My experience
along thla one- path for twenty-five years
qualifies me to say positively that such trou
bles aa Spermatorrhoea, lost Vigor, Varico
cele. Hydrocele, Gonorrhoea, Syphilis. 1 stric
ture and "Weeks see" can be oured perfect
ly so aa to stay cured. Of course I use
different methods then the ordinary physi
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and were devised for lust such cases aa the
ordinary courses of treatment fall to reach.
The Scientific Treatment of Weakness
Dosing ths system with powerful stimulants and tonics In an, effort
to restore functional vigor can have but one final result: The condi
tion Is rendered worse then before. "Weakneee" le merely an Indica
tion of a low form of Inflammation In the prostate gland, and thla In
flammation la but aggravated by stimulating remedies that excite tem
porary activity. I employ the only scientific and fully effective treat
ment for "weakness." which effects a permanent cure by restoring the
prostate gland to a sound and healthy stats I obtain complete results
In every case I treat. Interesting literature and a beautiful engraved
chart free if you will call.
Examination Free
I offer not only FREE consultation and advice, but of every case
that comes to me I will make a careful examination and diagnosis with
out charge. No ailing man- ahould neglect this opportunity to get ex
pert opinion about hla trouble.
If you cannot sail write for Diagnosis Chart. My offices are open all
day from A. M. to P. M. and Sundays from 10 to 1 only.
the DR. TAYLOR co.
234 Morrison Street, Corner Second
I mmmw-. .am-T
ammmmmmmmma 'TannUaWv
.faYS teadJpeclallat.
Diseases of Men Only
In Any Uncomplicated Case T1"
Examination Absolutely FREE I
INo Pay Unless Cured
snrashllshed as
Tessa is Fran
MiT""1i Acute aaS Chronic, lee Poison,
gonorrhoea. Varicocele, Beurasthenla, nervosa
Decline, Paralysis, Gleet, Syphilis, Flies. Kid
ney , Bladder and AH Urinary BtsiaSSS.
There are some diseases that are Impossible
to cure snd we determine this by a rigid phys
ical examination, and should we find it impos
sible to cure you we will not charge you one
cent for the examination. We follow one rule:
"Honesty la the best policy."
Before taking treatment elsewhere. Investi
gate our claims and forms, of treatment as to
merit and suDeTlorlty. Talk with the nhralclans
ef this Institution and you will And them cultured, scientific gentlemen
of great learning and experience, and a few moments' conversation will
convince you that we thoroughly understand our business.
Weakness of the System It is caused by strains over-indulgence,
overwork. Inheritance to e certain degree, follies practiced In
your younger days, giving your present condition one of a moat forlorn,
depressing aspect, causing sleepless nights, Irritable temperament, etc.
If this is let continue in Its own course without attempt to stop It, the
course terminates In s complete mental derangement. We cure such
maladies, giving you a permanent cure wunout any detention from busi
ness. Tartan n els Is s diseased condition of the scrotal veins. It may be
o u sen by blows, kicks, falls, heavy lifting, mumps, early Indiscretion,
or may be a symptom only of some special weakness.
The proper treatment conalsts of local application for the purpose of
dispelling the stagnant blood and contracting the swollen veins, ss well
aa Internal medication to Strengthen ths nerves which govern the blood
supply to these veins.
Though caualng you no trouble at the present time, your Varicocele
will. If permitted to go without the proper treatment, impair and de
stroy the elements of vitality.
We dally demonstrate that Varicocele can be positively end speedily
cured without cutting, burning or any other form of operation.
Gonorrhoea, If taken in the beginning Is practically an easy thing
to cure, providing there Is no complication, but should the disease con
tinue It results In gleet, prostatic troubles, and affects the entire urinary
tract end Its appendages, with s dangerous sequel. Newly contracted
cases are cured by ua in from T to 10 daya. Tou see tt hardly pays to
let it go. aa vou have eo often done Come to us and we will give you
speedy cure So stay oared. If you cannot call, write for symptom blank.
Some advtrtbe a chap, inferior treatment, char gin a cheap
fee, therefore p acing a law value on their services. Ours is act
of the cheap variety, bat the BEST. That is what you want
HOURS a. m. to 6 p. m. ; evenings. T to 8:8; Sundays, 9 a. m. to 12 m.
St Louis
Honest Dealings and Guaranteed Cures
WS make no tslslswdlaf sta
deceptive propositions SS false p
Ws Se not promise t
a short time, know
sis ami lav
to sure sens
miner It wtn take
loaarar. but we guarantee a complete.
safe and lasting cure in the quickest pos
sible time, without leaving Injurious
after effects In the system, end at the
lowest cost possible for honest, skillful
snd successful treatment. We have so
free or cheap trial fc safest, as sehaasa
to sett worthless setts, etc., our educa
tion and reputation condemning all such
methods. We ease when others fan.
Men Who Need Skillful AM
Will And this Institute thoroughly re
liable, different from other so-called tn
stltutes, medical concerns, or special
ists' companies Tou are Just as safe
In dealing with the Norton Davis Com
nanv aa with anv state or STatlonal
hank. It has long been established for the purpose of curing diseases of
men which baffle the skill of othera ,
Oo at once. Teu are safe In our hands and sure of a cure. Men who
are out of the city should write Ip confidence. Consultation and advloe
given free. Teu risk no cash. No secrets given away.
Over 50 Per Cant of Our Cases Have Been Cured
at a Cost of $10.00 and Many Only $5.00
We treat successfully all nervous and chronic diseases of men; also
blood, stomach, heart, liver, . kidney and throat troubles
If you wish you can deposit the price of a cure In any bank In Port
lend, aatd emount to be handed over to ue when you ere oured. Or you
may pay us by weeaiy or mommy installments ii you prerer.
Office houri
l a. at. to 8 p. m.; Sundays and holidays, 10 a. m. to 18 m.
Offloe In Van Nov Hotel, llfr Third St, Corner Pine. Portland,
sea sua bee in reruaas ta
Union Pacific
3 Trains to the East Daily 4
Jbrtmh Pnllmaa staaaarj sad tsarart eases.
Mie dally to Owaba. CMeege, Sana sail
jrtat sWeplas esrs dally to teases fltf.
uTV. 7rlh,u' eaalrealrs (ssats tree) te
Ike Bast ,1. iii. .... . .
Lssve. Arrive.
epessee flrer fnr
aZZt,'2Sn:t 'Aleae sad
i n7 Alese sad
i ?i Sipress for the test
I Sl2llits5,r,,)"' nr :1 ass T:18sss
I ertaed-Blcra faw.i , .11
EJv eerweea Blus snd
wtlaad. a.,,, ss sse f
UZ-T'lt. '"d "r Petats. coeaeetlaa srtsh
ta!"l nw Ihrseo and North Reach. SteaaaM
Hsssale, .h st dork testes 8 p. as. daiW.
I.eeaday; Karerdsr. le a Arrives
snooT B p. aj esrept SstSa).
YAMnir.1, river norm.
far Dayton. Orvgaa Oily sad Tsaibtll rises
pemts, steamers Rsth and Undoe. Ash -St. dart,
were T a. 01. dally, ssrept Sunday (tester ssr-J5JJ2'-
Arrt T: dally, eieapt
RNARs arras sotrra.
..f. l-eJstcn. Irtsho. sad way points feast
! too leave S:40'a. 01.. or once antral Tram
po. . dally espt Sateseay. Arrive 4 p. e.
.Isllr trent CrMsy.
'1 leaet Office. Third awl Wsabl.rtoa at.
Telephone Msla Tit.
ss. ..r; .-JT".0"" City Tletet Asset
Ww. UcMDKSAY. oeaeeal Psssencer Asset.
Union Depot
Orarlsad assess Trahsa
for sale si. asebarg. Ash
land. Sacra aunts. Ogees.
San rrsaetseo, Staet tea.
Los Angeles. El Psso,
New Orleans aad the east. t & fm T: 18 est
Morning train roaaeets st
Woodhern dally eicept
Sunday with train far
Mooat Angel. Sllrertoa.
gtewasvttle. Ssvhhrfleld.
Wsadllng aad Nitron 1:00 in 1: ess
Bagsae aisaisgll con
nects at Wood bam with
Meant Angel and StlrsTtoa
local IS nm MO-.M SBS
eervsllls passenger T;S0 am B Kn nes
nnrnnsn possenrer -srnoam aw
rVeat Grove paasangsr nil 00 sm 1116:80 am
rarest Grave passenger. . . . 1 1 A -00 pin 112:00 pas
Dally. HDallr eirrpt Satldsv.
Pw Da lis and interaedlats points dally. T.8S
a. e. aad 4:14 p. as. Arrive Port'sad 1S:1
a. a. and 6 28 p. m.
Tor time and eard of Oswego saharhaa trans
apply st City Tieket Office, or station.
Tickets to Bsstern points aad Pnrope: aaje
Japes, China. Honolulu and Anstrslls
City Ticket Office comer Third aad Wash
ington streets. Phone Ma Is Tit.
City TMrt Agent. On Pass. Asset.
Lesve. Arret.
Tellnsstsai Park Kansss Clty
St. Uaml Special ear CsekaUs.
(entrails, Olympls. Gray's
Harbor. South Bead, la corns,
seettle, took s a. I-ew'ston.
Butts. Billing. Denver. Osts
ba. Kansas City. St. Lrato .
and Soothes!. Sally 8:80 pa 4:Mgay
North Coast Limited, electric
lighted, far Taroata Saettlt.
Spokane. Butte. Utaara Dolts.
srPsel snd the Bast, oallr. 84 psa TrOOeai
Paget hound Limited, for
Clare moot. Cbahalla, Cea-
tralla. Tseoma and Seattle
only, dally 4:5 pel S:5S get
Twin City E 1 press for Tseo
ma Seattle. Rnokane. Helena.
I Batte. St Past M huso sol Is.
I Lincoln. St. Joseph. Kansss
City. Omaha. St. loom.
out change or cars.
Bssstless for all points Bast
snd Soothssst. sally
.11:45 n IStSS set
2 Overland Trains Dally 2
Ths Oriental Limits, tha Psat KaU
Portias tlnjs schedule
Dally. Dally.
Lesve. Arrive.
Te -nd from apehas.
St. Pasl. Minneapolis.
Dvluta aad all point
East vis Seattle 8:Sam 1:00 1a
11 :et pa t 60 sat
Te and from St. Paul.
Minneapolis, Duluth
sed sO points Bast
via Spokane IIBts t.OOaa
Railing from Seattle
seaaalp Oe.
tar Japan aad
China ports aad Mesial, carry lag pas
sengers aad rreurht.
a . Mhtaissts. Oatoher Be,
S. S. Dahata, Bevaashw fa.
anrroBT tusks saissa
(Japan Msll Steaaahla Co.)
a. S. Teas Mara will sail
Seattle shout October M tor Japaa
sad Chinees porta, earrying pssssagsrs
snd freight.
For tick, rates, berth, reserve
tloas etc.. call es at sssls
st.. Partlaad. Ossgsa. Passe Mala (St,
William C. Stlllwell, aged It, of Bel
lalre. Michigan, 88.000; Rufus K Combs
of Midway. Kentucky, 81,000; Samuel
M. Oe Sherbinta ef Inghem, Canada.
Henry J. Scheller of Lsaeslde. Ohio, and
John M. Parks, Leroy McCoy and Wal
lace C. MoPhetere, all of Ketohum,
The commissi en r spotted that 884,
448 had seen given to San Frssstsni,
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Co.
Baton Depot
e hUTBsr. Sell
Leave. Arrive.
aaamnsd. Port Stsvess. Osar-
hart Park. Seaside :0S am 1I:SSSSj
"T- too., as
: A. Tt vTABT, comnyercVsJ ages.
street, raoae sis
Upper Columbia River
Chas. R. Spencer