The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 18, 1906, Page 15, Image 15

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Proposition Is to Divide Stat Into Districts for the Purpose of
Raising Funds for Cars, Maintenance and
To dlvlds the lUU of Oregon into
several districts, as perhaps the Colum
bia river, Willamette valley and the
southern Oregon districts, for the pur
pose of raising funds for the care and
' maintenance of rivers and harbors Is
another big Idea, which the chamber of
commerce contemplatea springing on
the legislature when tt meets at Salem
In January.
The question waa opened at a meet
ing of the chamber some time ago. and
since that time repeated meetings of
the transportation committee have dis
missed the pussle. trying to arrive at
some plan which will be feasible and
easy and whloh will be liable to meet
with the approbation of the legislature
and the people. As yat no definite plan
haa bean selected, but the committee is
still groping for soma specific outline
upon which to build a bill whloh will
moat all the requirements of tha ease
and at the same time answer all of tha
many objections whloh It la feared will
bo hurled at it by those members who
are not contiguous to soma navigable
river or deep-sea harbor and who are,
therefore, not liable to be so friendly to
a meaaure which la aura to cost tha
stats a rapt sum of money before
much benefit can be derived from It.
Let us make up to your
measure this beautiful dark
blue serge. You cannot
duplicate this fabric in Port
land for a penny less than
$36 to $40.
As for the fit and finish,
we are simply bound "to
please you. We must please
5)u to hold your business,
ut of the thousands of
garments we have made up
in the last year a majority of
them are repeaters. Prac
tically all of our customers
come back a second and a
third, time, and bring their
Ail Unfinished
Black or Blue
If we asked fifty dollars
for this suiting you would
be getting your money's
worth. Come in and get a
sample of the cloth. Make
comparisons . with what
other tailors are offering.
Judge the values for your
self. Li
We Press Your
Clothes FREE
For One Year
Suits to Measure
$20 $40
Trousers to Measure
$4 to $10
Corner , Seventh and Stark
Tha only definite standard which tha
committee now haa before It as a pat
tern la the Port of Portland. This, aa
la generally known, ia a commission
authorised by tha state to bond a oar
tain prescribed district for money to
carry on Vhe work of deepening tha
channel from Portland to tha aa aa far
aa it may. The same act which created
the commission also provided for a
special ta which may be levied to aid
In the work of tha commission.
For a time tt waa argued that it
would be aufflclent to Increase tha Port
of Portland boundaries and maka tha
taxable district extend over mora
Multnomah territory and farther down
tha rivers toward Astoria. It haa boon
practically decided, however, that this
would not All the requirements of the
case and that it would be batter to
make aoma arrangement for the cars of
tha entire waterway of the state while
tha measure wsa up for discussion.
Ona of tha main reason, why tha
committee thinks tt important at thia
time for the state to take a hand in the
Improvement of ita harbors and rtvera
la tha faet that It has been Intimated
many times by the river and harbor
committee of congress that those states
which took soma substantial part In tha
improvement of their waterways would
be tha onaa which would bo tha soonest
picked for aid by congress. It Is ex
pected that tha work dona under auch a
law aa la contemplated would serve aa
a sort of bait to congress when tha
river and harbor appropriation bill
cams up for consideration.
Tha bill which la now being con
sidered win In all probability provide
that the stste shall be divided Into die
trlcts, each one to have under ita
charge soma special and Important
waterway. Of all of these that of tha
Columbia river will be tha largest and
tha moat Important Permission will
be given these districts to Issue bonds
for soma amount to carry on tha work,
to provide machinery and for incidental
expenses. Provision will also be mads
for future expenses by a tax or some
other mean a.
It Is argued that by tha Issuance of
to or SO year bonds tha main expense
will be borne by the coming generation.
which will be tha ohlaf beneficiary b
the rlvar ana harbor Improvements. T,
draft of tha bUl will be ready by
time tha legislature convenes, or earlier.
Hats for School Girls.
Pelt hats for aeheol girls of Under
years are both chic and becoming this
season. There are numbers of rolled
Shapes, with pompons In the front and
folds of Silk around tha crown or with
velvet Instead of the silk Plaid rib
bons, flowered ribbons and velvet and
silk mixed ribbons are also very much
used on the fall hats for young mlssea
The passion for stripes, which Is so
noticeable In new women's wear of all
aorta, la also noticed on girls' fall hats,
both In the silk and velvet trimmings.
Nor Is the school girl without the
taste of the moment In wings and blrda.
Many hats for misses are shown .In
round or turban ahape with wings or
blrda across the front or at the side.
Hats made of felt braid) are alas
quite popular . this autumn for little
girls. These are in sailor, continental
or English walking hat , ahape or In
modified tarn o ahanter styles. They
are trimmed with, ribbon chous fre
quently In the same color, with little
and big bucklea and with breasta, wlnga
or aigrettes of the same color or white.
The favorite colors seem to be brown
and tan,' although red. aa alwaya In tha
autumn. , la also a prime favorite.
Tha plaid and fancy silk trtmmlnars
aeam to be reserved for the plain felts !
or uvavera, voui plain coioreo trim
mings of the seme shade or a lighter or
darker shade of the same color are used
on the braided hats.
Some of tha round hata are turned
straight back off the face with a broad
band of ribbon and a flat bow on the
crown. One of the most stylish hats
seen has a rolling brim sailor, turned up
more at the sldea than In the front and
back. It was trimmed only with a flat,
atlff leather band, with a email square
bow In front. A brown braid hat waa
trimmed with box pleatlngs of vslvet
and a gray felt with a velvet fold and a
squirrel s tan at tha aide.
at St St
Por the Housekeeper.
Any one who haa once acquired a
taste for unaalted butter becomes al
most pathaUc In his desire for more of
It There's no passing off of butter
from whloh the first f rashness has
paassd made possible when you eat It
In Its unaalted state, and fresh butter
is a delight fn Itself to epicure sjid the
ordinary mortal blessed with a healthy
appetite alike.
Tiny churns really dolls' affairs
come, In which a leftover bit of cream
may be beaten up In a little while Into
delicious butter, and the buttermilk, al
though meager as to quantity, will be
very different from the best sort the
average city dweller la used to. j
Chill the cream first and keep It
chilled while you are working with It.
and ply the tiny dasher with a win.
When tha butter "comes." work the
lumps together with a wooden spoon;
press to exclude every drop of moisture
and oold Into little balls with butter
One of the greatest conveniences in
the modern kitchen Is the number of
shelvss msde like the leaves of an old
fashioned table, which hang flat against
the wall whan not la use, but are held
up by a swinging bracket covered with
white oilcloth tacked On by brass
headed tacks. They are invaluable when
extra cooking and ssrvlag have to be
In making mustard it la a good plan
to add a pinch of salt before mixing in
the water. A spoonful of vinegar ahould
alwaya be used to moisten the dry mus
tard la the first Instance, while a better
reault can be attained by stirring In
warm water In preference to cold when
the mustard la not required In haste.
St H St
"Looking" Isn't Popular.
An English magaslne asserts that
American women are not at all popu
lar cuetomers In the London shops.
'They have very exaggerated Ideas of
the cheap prices they ought to pay In
England, and make themselves uncom
fortable and the saleswomen Indignant
with the suggestion that they are being
We are Portland agents for
this best of all patterns.
Easily understood ; sesm si
lowing. Price, each 10s
and 15s).
BLOCK ?amyr1 WiltW
With every S cents yott
spend here at all times. Add
the coupon savings to the
bargains you see here. They
mean 5c BACK on every
New values appear for this all important Bargain Day that arouses
bargain interest to fever heat. YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO MISS IT.
5c Pins for 2c
Notion Department offers this
good and wanted bargain for a
busy Friday: reeular 6c Pa
per of Pins, Friday,
Cotton Tape, 6c roll
16c Bead Necklace .....
10c Cube Pins for. ......
8c Cube Pins for -fs -'
Regular 10c box of Hair Pins,
Friday. I
only W -
Third Street Front.
Tremendous Savings on Coffee
In Out New and Lively Grocery Department
Eine Mocha and Tava. a. erade that seHs anywhere for 40c the pound, and even we
can't 'sell it for less at regular price. Hundreds and hundreds of pounds for 'Af
Friday, 3 POUNDS FOR f 1 ; or the pound
. Me Coffees selling Friday,
jfhile these special prices are
in force, at 3 pounds for 86c,
or the pound, vO-
Second Street
30c Coffees we offer 3
pounds for 70c this day, or
you Thay buy only one
pound and pay, 7 An
per lb.
Second Street
Arbuckle's Coffee No better
known brand than this one
on the market; a regular 25c
pound package, 17
Friday, for .1 1 V
Second Street
Stupendous Savings on
Beautiful patterns in swishing, shining
silks, that were bought to sell at a great
deal more than this price. Fancy taffeta
in small neat figures, light or. dark shades
silks that can be used for the construc
tion of handsome waists or suits ; regular
vaiue xne yru very
special for Friday
Third Street, Right Aisle.
Very, Very Swell
A special value on superb suits that will
hold good for one day only. Best suits
possible to buy, made of all wool materi
als, in large or small plaid patterns ; trim
med with braid and buttons. Keg-
ular price $40 each.
Buy one Friday, and
pay us only
Women's Wrappers, of flannellette, lined
waist, deep flounce around bottom, and
thev are trimmed with braid and xufttes;
fancy stitched ; regular $1.50 Q ftf
value Friday only Ov
Second Street Annex
H 1
Street Hats
Fine Felt Street Hats, very
tastefully trimmed; usual val
ues from $2.00 to $3.00 each.
The last offer on this lot, Fri
day, so don't let it pass. Twill
be the best you ever bought
for this small 1 iA
amount of money. . .
Soft Crush Street Hats
$1.50 to $3.00
Worth to $4.00 each.
Second Street Annex.
From the
Carving Knives and Forks, with imitation
stag handles ; good steel, but the knives
have never been ground ; worth 76c A
the set Friday only, set V la-
Coal Oil Cans, regu
lar 25c size; special
for Friday
nV' 10
Yellow Bowls, reg
ular 15c value; very
special for Friday,
only, 0
3.7 V
Third Street Basement.
r 1 1 2 2 on V AAZm Second
OrilliailL Dargtlllld Best UCUUUIJ Street
Pillow Slips, size 42x36; regular 16c
values for one 11
day IlW
Seamless Sheets, a splendid grade of
cotton, size 72x90; regular 75c qual-
ihFridy: ..50c
White Bed Spreads, good size and reg
ular $1.50 quality; 1Q
special for Friday aplsl"
Pacific Pillows, l2 pound size, size
20x27 inches; special for QCa
Friday, each
White Cotton Blankets, the very large
12-4 size, and a heavy weight
blanket, too, worth $1.60 to $1.75
the pair, Friday only, ' J
Feather Pillows and mind you they
ARE feather pillows, 2)4-pound
ones; special Friday, iAr
r a a I
Comforts, full size, silkoline covered,
filled with best white cotton; regu
lar $2.25 values ; S 7f
Friday price, each apIalO
1 2c Silkoline for 9c Yard
Fancy Figured Silkoline, good width
and quality; sells regularly at 12ic
the yard ; very special for A
. . . ." 70
Friday only, the yard
Curtain Scrim, plain or figured, a
grade that you could not buy for
less than 15c the yard; r
Friday only, it's
Third Street Balcony.
Union Suits 49c
Women's and Misses' sizes, splendid
fleece lined cotton, perfect fitting;
buy here Friday and get a jA.
75c one for, only
Third Street.
Blk. Silk Gloves
A superb grade of prime Black Silk,
in the popular 16-button length r
regular $1.75 values special for
1 311
Third Street, Right Aisle.
overcharged because of their nation
ality. Then they bring with them their
custom of treating a shop as a frss
exhibition, an amuaemsnt In which they
Indulge If they go please without spend
ing anything. Tha American stores.'
like the popular Paris 'msgaslns,' are,
In fact, laid out to meet this notion.
Their good are lavishly displayed on
counters or hanging up, so that the
proapectlve customer can gase at the
noveltlea and the pretty things, and
even handle them, without attracting
any attention or meeting with any ob
stacle from the shop assistant It Is
certain that la the states and In Paris
silks this policy Is found to answer;
the woman who only Intended to walk
through and look' Is captured by their
fancy and despoiled by her desires, and
buya where she meant merely to amuse
herself. In London a civil meaning but
doubtfully polite custom makes a shop
walker bear down Instantly on tha
There is but One Real
Soda Cracker because
there is but one that
comes to you just as it
comes from the oven.
Others lose their value
by being exposed to the
air. absorbing moisture
and collecting dost.
The lrtjal soda cracker
is Uneeda Biscuit kept
fresh and clean by the
protecting package
entering guest and demand to know her
wishes. Thus, the American customer
and the English shop aaslstant fall to
appreciate one another.
N tt SI
Piquant Jelly.
Turn two glasses of tart Jelly (pre
ferably currant) Into the upper vessel
of a double boiler. As It Is melting
whip Into It three tablespoonfuls of dry
English mustard. Hi drops or ta
basco and two teaspoonfuls of granu
lated gelatine whloh has been softened
In a trifle of cold water and melted
over steam. As soon as the Ingredients
are perfectly blended Into a paste, -turn
Into dainty little individual molds.
This Jelly Is best prepared a day In ad
vance. The gelatine la added only to In
aura perfect shapes when unmolded.
t St St
Scented Hair Is the Latest.
The girl with the soented hair la the
popular erase. Her hata seem to be
soented and her veils; yes. and her
complexion, too all perfumed. The
girl with the perfumed hair knowa how
to select her perfumes. She does not
pick them out at haphazard, by any
means Nor la she reckless with them.
She ploks out the right scents and uses
them in the right way. xne secret in
nerfamlng Is to choose the wild flower
scents. The hothouse scents are apt tail
be heavy.
St St St
Jeweled Shoes and Gowns.
The Jsjwelers, who have foreseen a
"white" winter, have speclsllxed In
colorless gems this season. Pearla rank
first aa the favorite atone, says the
London Express, and moonstones, white
coral and white sapphires are also
Art hough, according to weather ex
perts, the winter of 1 is likely to be
a very frosty one, glittering stones will
take second place, arid diamonds will
be replaced by pearla.
The "live" stonss, auch aa the ruby,
sapphire, diamond and emerald, are not
nearly so popular as the "dead" gems,
such as the pearl, moonstone or opal.
By "live" and "dead" stones Is meant
respectively the gems whloh flash back
light and the atonee which mirror the
rays of the sun as a sUll pond mirrors
a landscape.
The woman who glitters will not be
considered In good taate thla winter,
and pearla or opals are being set Into
rings, bracelets and necklaces.
There la no doubt that the opal is
The Best Scouring Soap Marie
A Scouring Soap
A Metal Polish
A Glass Cleaner
J&&HbL OTMUooP.ii "WT Tmso B WIlCob V P.
Columbia if e
whloh light. as the
level presalasa rases than aay
ellsbls men desUed as i
coming Into fashion, although the
breath of superstition will always tar
nish it. It Is the moat beautiful gem.
end not only reflects the color of the
gown, thus tonlag successfully with
every shade, but la said to denote the
good or bad health of its owner.
The moonstone Is also, a beautiful
gem. There la an Old superstition.
which few people are
when lovers are parted
re xwere of, that
rted each should
set re sad with a
silver circle. In the event of
threatening one of the lovers use
stone warn by the other is
reflect the In
If you
sre loosing.
w ferns I
ir "1
Alien a lersrtsr