The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 18, 1906, Page 14, Image 14

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Portland Agents for Botterick Pattern, Delineator, Columbia Yarns, "La Greece" Corsets, "Pcrrin" Real French Kid Gloves, Etc
The Meier Bb Frank Store
50c,60c Wool Waistmg 33c
ForTomorrow s 873d Friday Surprise Sale
For tomorrow' 873d Friday Surprise Sate, 5006 yard of French Wool . Wtittiqm
in fancy embroidered ftnpes, polka dots, small checks and p aids all good de
sirable styles for waiatinga splendid styles, design and coloringa. eh
Regular 50c and 60c values, on sale tomorrow at this low price, yd.
Mail orders promptly and carefully filled.
The Meier tb Frank Store
500 Comforters $ 1 .79 Each
For Tomorrow s 873d Friday Surprise Sale
For tomorrow's 873d Friday Surprise Sale,, the 3d floor Blanket Store offers a splen
did lot of silkoline covered Comforters at a wonderfully low price white lanianatcd
cotton Ailing full sizes, handsome patterns and colorings, large assortment; every
one in the lot regular $2.50 value. Your choice tomorrow qnly at
this exceptionally low price, each
Look to your needs.
The Meier Ctb Frank Store
$3.5Q Curtains at $1.95 Pr.
fa Tomorrow's 873d Friday Surprise Sale
Every housewife in town is vitally interested in the great Surprise Sale of Cable
Net Lace Curtains, white or Arabian color, plain centers, with narrow or
wide insertings and edges. The most durable laee Curtain made; 50 inches
wide by iyi yards long; every pair in' the ldt $3.25 and A r
$3.50 values. Yours tomorrow only st this special price, pair.. Jh I sf
Mail orders filled. W- M
School and College Pennants - Stamping Done to Order -Free Lessons in Art Embroidery-Artistic Picture Framing Done to Order
I, . i ii ' ni
Meier & Frank's 873d Friday Surprise Sale
200 Walking Skirts $4.85
Portland's Leading CloaV Store announces for
tomorrow's 878d Friday Surprise Sale a great
offering of high-grade Walking Skirts at a price
about half real value -A apecial purchase made
by the Cloak Chief from the largest and beat
skirt maker in the country 800 skirts in the lot
Made of superior quality Panama cloth
Plaited style with? inverted back Navy blue,
brown and black All aiaes for small, medium,
large women Waist measures run up -to 86
inches Every skirt in the lot regular $8.50 value.
Your choice tomor
row only at thejphe
nomenally low price
of, the skirt.
See Big Fifth Street Window Display
No Mail or Phone Orders Filled
Plan to Be Here Early Second Floor
Splendid Umbrella Bargains for Tomorrow
Women's Umbrella, taped edtre union taffeta cover
ing, fancy old and silver handles, beautl-9 9
tuT novelties; rtg. 14, $5 values, each epee
1.000 Women's English gloria-covered Umbrellas, plain
and fancy handles. In superb assortment; steel rod,
close roller; umbrellas we sell thousands C Q
of at $1.B regularly, at. each
School Umbrellas In all sizes and grades, at the 'vary
lowest prices.
Man's Rainproof Umbrellas, silk and linen rainproof
covering, grand assortment of handles. In sterling
silver, buck, horn and gold-lined novelties, (lq
paragon frame; rag. $5 values, each
Men's and Women's fast black Umbrellas. 2-lncb and
2l-lnch, steel rod, paragon frame, Congo bandies;
good umbrellas for school children; great AO
value, each
Men'e and Woman's it and IS-lnch twilled Gloria Um
brellas, paragon frame, steel rod. great assortment
of fancy handles, case to match; regular! fLQ
tl to I1.M values, each
Women's XC-lnch Umbrellas, union taffeta covering,
with case to match, large variety of handles, plain
wood, sterling tops, pearl, born, enamel, gun metal
and hammered brass, guaranteed rainproof; er AO
regular $2.60 values, on sale at J a
20c Values for 8c
Today and tomorrow two
Seat special values in women's
andkerchiefs, of importance
to every economical buyer.
Lot 1 100 dozen women's
hemstitched and embroider
ed Handkerchiefs, also' Val.
lace and insertion trimmed
effects; immense assortment
to select from; best O
20c values at, each
100 dozen women's hemstiteh
. ed and embroidered Hand
kerchiefs, also Val. lace
trimmed novelties and plain
hemstitched with embroid
ered corners; 12j4c A
values for, each Tv
85c Veilings
, 39c Yard
Today and tomorrow a grand bar
gain in chiffon cloth Veiling, 18
inches wide, made of extra heavy
quality material, nicely finished
border on both ends; black,
white, navy, gray and lavender.
Regular 85c val.. at thia 1Q
special low price, yard. sf7C
New neckwear, new veilings, new
gloves, new ribbons, new handbags.
Meier 8S Frank's 873d Friday Surprise Sale
2000 Prs. Women's Fine
Shoes-Reg. $3.50 Val. $2.45
-Lsr -yy; sr. jr lassj --7 n
A Great Friday Surprise Sale of women's standard $8.50
Footwear 2000 pairs made to our special order by a well
known manufacturer in Lynn, Maaa. Patent colt ' in lace,
button or Blucher styles Gunmetal in Blucher or button, and
vici kid patent tip, Blucher style All have walking weight
welt, sewed soles Very newest lasts All sisss and widths
The best walking and street shoes
money can -buy Every pair guar
anteed equal to best $8,80 values
in the city Choice tomorrow, pr .
tats All sisss and widths
Meier (8b Frank's 873d Friday Surprise Sate
Men's High-Class 4-in-Hands
$ 1 .00 Values at 49c Each
i 7
Another Great Friday Surprise Sale of men's high-class Neckwear
The handsomest styles and best qualities made by the most
prominent manufacturer in New York City Neckwear that will
delight the best-dressed men in town 8000 Ties in the lot Taf
feta, silks, velvoa, reps, peau de cygnea, made full French fold, with
hemstitched ends Full 8 inches wide An immense assortmentof
attractive atyles in figures, dots, stripes, plaids, etc., etc, all the
new shades and color combinations Neckwear
that finds ready sale every day of the year at
$1.00 each Buy all you want tomorrow at
the extraordinarily low price of, the tie
See Fifth Street Window Display Mail and Phone Orders
Promptly Filled
"500" Score Cards, dozen. .8t
"600" Score Pads, each..l6
Bridge whist Pads, each. .15
"Bicycle" or "Bee" Playing
Cards, special, pkg 18e
Tally Cards, ftrynrgt Vari
ety, new novelties ; 1 Q
. 25c values, at dozen. I
Odds and ends in tinted and
bordered Paper; 75c values,
to be closed out at
this low price. . pC
Writing Tablets letter or
note size; 15c values, f
on sale at .' . JC
Meier & Frank's Fountain
Pens, 14k gold pens, every
one fully guaranteed, each,
?1d00: ' $2.00
Cards and Invitations print
ed or engraved to your order at
the lowest prices.
Party favors in splendid va
riety. Complete stock of "Water
man's" and "Parker's" Foun
tain Pens all prices.
Complete stock of School
Supplies, Comic Postal Cards,
' ' I
Ribbon Sale
8,000 yards of choice Ribbons, In
heavy taffeta shaded effects,
corded novelties, stripes, pin
checks, print warp and bro
caded ribbons; Sao to Ol
So values eC
Choice lot of all silk satin Taf
feta Ribbons, all silk Taffeta
Ribbons, French and Faille
Ribbons, In black. white,
cream, male, pink, light blue,
nary, brown, tan. green, gar
net, cardinal, nUe green; 7
tic values, at a C
and 7-lnch All Silk Fancy Dolly
Varden. Dresden aad Print
Warp Taffeta Ribbons, floral and
conventional designs, In very
larg variety, beautiful styles;'
Ttc to 11.25 values. 53c
6,000 yards of soft Messailne Taf
feta Ribbons, and T Inches
wide, shaded and ombre effects.
In large assortment; 60c Q
values, at STC
Women's Knit Und'r wear
Women's heavy cotton Vests and
Pants high neck, long sleeves,
ankle length, nloely finished; best
SSo values, on sals at this 1
special low price, garment. . .e?v
Women's, pure tflilte heavy cotton
Vests and Pants, high neck, long
sleeves, ankle length, sisss 1 K.
4, 6, ; great special value V
Women's heavy cotton fleece-lined
vests and Pants, high neck and
long sleeves, perfect fitting; regu
lar 16c values, at this low 41.
price, garment , ejv
Women's heavyweight cotton Union
Suits, high r.eck and long sleeves,
well made, all sisss; 16c val.. 40.
on sals at this low price. . . . .
Women's fins Swiss ribbed cotton
Vests snd Pants, pure white, per-fect-flttlng
garments, high neck,
long sleeves, ankle length, stars
4, 5. ; regular 75c values, on e.l
sale at. per garment
Woman's "Swan" brand Swiss ribbed
Vests, high neck snd long sleeves,
all glass; best tl values, on 90
ssls at, per garment COG
Women's fins wool sad cotton Vests
and Pants, high neck and long
sleeves, ankle length, good winter
weight, nicely made and finished;
75c values, at this special is.
low price G
Women's extra fins cream and nat
ural cashmere wool Vests sad
Pants, high neck and long sleeves;
regular 11.25 values. In all n as
sises, at OtC
Women's extra fine white fleece-lined
uiuun ouiix, nign necs
siseves, ncn sua fleece;
values, all sixes, on sals
Women's fins ribbed wool Union
Suits, "Munalng" brand, natural or
white, high neck, long sleeves,
k aad long
HBffBB was
Meier & Frank's 873d Fri. Surprise Sals
100 Men's Overcoats
$22.50, $25 Vals. $16.35
Tomorrow we offer opportunity to economical men to supply new
Winter Overcoata and Raincoats at a big saving 100 new, up-to-date,
high-grade garments to be sold at less, than manufacturing cost
All the season's latest fashions and nsaterials Overcoats are in
fancy tweeds, fancy cheviots and worsteds or full length- Ths
best product of leading manufacturers in the land -The Raincoats
are Priestley's genuine Cravenettes in the very best styles Full
length and neat dark gray effects Every garment made up with
hand-made buttonholes, hand-felled collar snd handsomely finjshgl
throughout All sizes Reg. $82.50 and
$25 values on sale tomorrow only at this
exceptionally low price, per garment
See the Fifth Street Window Display
it ana nanosomciy nnisned
Mail Orders Will Be Carefully Filled
George S. Shepherd, President of
Portland City Council, Rep
resents Railroad Company.
Pint of Lawsuits to Be Tried to Se
cure Property of Harrtman's Es
to Puget Sound in the
Kpecl: DWCetrk to T Joeraal.)
Kalama, Wash., Oct 18 The superior
eourt of Cowllts county has heard ths
jgrrst condemnation oase of ths many
Which are to be tried In Cowllts county
Staring the next few months. Ths case
tried was that of the Oregon Wash
ington Railroad company, as the Herri-
msn es tension is called, versui the K
Wlngo. TLy . wrltei
went to tell you
J. W. Davenport,
June 14. m: i
aaatM assanasM s Bnow Liniment uvf
my lire, I was under the treatment of
two oocincw, man incy iuia me one or
my lungs wss entirely gone, sad the
ether badly aflfectrd I also had a
haasa on nr side. I don't think that I
SaMsA have lived aver tws . months
longer. I WSS saUBti1 by a friend to
lypaltareTs Snow UaimenL Toe first
a-Mllosta gars m mat relief: two
iffv-eent bottles cured me sound and
well It Is s waeSerfltf medicine and
taoasaaasnj It to sufferrag humsnlty."
ass by Woodard. CtaftW t o.
Lumber oompany et al. The rail
road company was represented by
Oeorge B. Shepherd, president of the
Portland city council, and Oeorge R.
Tennant of Seattle, while the claimants
were represented by W. H. Whitfield of
Portland and W. F. Maglll of Kalama.
The property Involved In the suit con
sisted of two lots situated In the busi
ness district on River street, snd were
used by the lumber company for ths
purposes of pUlag and loading lumber.
The case was hard fought on both aides,
the lumber company contending that ths
two lots composed the only available
shipping ground for their purpose to be
had In Kalama. Counsel for the rail
road company contended that the pries
asked by the claimants was exorbitant,
and that the property had been bought
by the lumber company for the purpose
of holding up the railroad company by
demanding a fancy price. Considerable
testimony wss Introduced to show that
the lumber company knew of the fast
that the property was required by the
railroad company for its right of way
at ths Urns they purchased the same
from Darnell St Chapman, ths previous
owners, and also to show that It was
purchased by Darnell at chapman with
the Idea of speculating on ths future
valus of the lots by reason of the ad
vent of the raflroad.
The testimony ss to the valus of the
lota ranged from 1180 to 11.000 apiece.
The Jury wss e em posed of cltlsens from
various parts of the county, only one
citlsen of Kalama being a member of It
After a half hour's deliberating ths Jury
returned a verdict of $100 damages, be
ing I4M on each lot.
There will be no further condemna
tion eases tried In this county until No
vember 7. The other cases est for the
15th have been continued st ths request
of counsel for the claimants.
VsseeUI DIsaetek to The Jesmal.)
sfcMmnvllle. Or , Oct. 1. The annual
teachers' Institute of Tamhill county is
In session at ths county courthouse
President B. D. Ressler of ths Orason
Stats Normal sshooi. Monmouth, msde
the opening address. Ths registration
at ths first session was 110, but will
without doubt reach ISO before the class
of the Institute. President Ressler, Su
perintendent L, R Travsr of Pendleton
aad R P. Robinson, superintendent of
public Instruction of Multnomah county,
addressed ths Institute.
The classss ars conducted by Super
intendent J. H. Ackerman, President
Rsssler, R. P. Robinson and I. R.
After the close of the Institute the
County School Officers' association will
convene on Saturday for a one day's
iris Organise Olee Orab.
(Special Dtspatck to The Journal.)
Salem, Or., Oct. It. A girls' gles
club has been organised at Willamette
university with a membership of 2
The club will be trained by Dr. Heri
tage, dean of the muelc school, and Miss
Alma Hales of the senior class w
chosen for president. A tour of ths
valley cities la contemplated by the
The mack of the Highest
Grade. Dentifrice, the stand
ard in every country in the
world, is SOZODONT.
United States Geological Survey
Considers Projects Hers to
Be in ths Lead.
Nine Gauging Stations Are Main
tained , and Data Sectred Which
Will Be Used as Foundation
Development of the Country.
(Special Mspates to The Journal.)
Washington. D. c. Oct. la "rmmm
the Cascade and Coast Ranges In west
ern Oregon, lias a region of wonderful
natural resources as vat nonMnitniv
undeveloped," says ths bulletin of the
united states geological survey which
is out today; "through ths flow of the
Willamette mnA IHhMtaM
streams whose summer flows are equal
ises oy numerous lakes and whose fall
Is sufficient to furnish sn unlimited
amount of power for manufacturing ami
other purposes. Ths early development
of such great advantages la Inevitable
nA ttiA ......... -I 1 1 A.
data as a foundation for nsTSlnniiienl
le apparent."
Data Is belna nollented hv the mn
and the state government la complet
ing work mrhleh mhhaHiu t h. n.u .,
tng of the quantity of water carried by
uaj aireams ana avsuaoie lor industrial
Nine gauging stations ars maintained
In the basin ss follows: Willamette
river. Albany: Middle Pork of the WU
lamette river, Jasper; Coast Pork of
ths Willamette, Goshen; MeKensie
river. Kendrlck's Perry; South Pork of
the San tiara river, Waterloo; North
Pork of the Sontlam. Manama; Luckla
mutte, Suver, Molalla river. Dickey
Prairie: Clackamas river. Barton.
At all these points dally readings are
taken of the height of the water on the
river- gauges and -occasional current
meter measurements are mads to de
termine the amount of Water flowing
In streams, and from gauge helghta
and measurements computations of the
dally sad monthly dlschargo srs made
Dy the survey.
Ths survey declares It the most Im
portant work undsr way.
. .
College Instruction for Paranatal
(apecial Dtopatch to The Journal.) W
Corvallls. Or., Oct. Is. The annual
short courses at ths Oregon Agricul
tural college hsve been arranged for
the coming year. The short course In
agriculture will open on Tuesday, Janu
ary 8, and continue for two weeks, and
ths special course in dairying will open
on ths asms day an1 continue for six
weeks. Por the dairy course L. R.
Zlsmsr, a graduate of the Wisconsin
Dairy school, and an expert In cheese -making,
has been secured to give in
structions. Ths short courses .are free
and no education requirements ars
necessary to take them.
BssssseansH ssssssW aataaV. .SsT M. J m JL f W aH
fte lorAJl DsJssUvs
Kidney troubtes. M
In most houses there is a room withont
proper heatiag facilities to say iwhs
of chilly hallways. Even though the
heat of your stoves or furnace should be
inadequate to warm the whole house there
need not be one cold spot if you hare a
Oil Heater
(Eq nipped with Smokeless Device)
It will heat a room in no time end will kttf it warm and cosy. Oper
ated as easily at a lamp aad perfectly safe. Wick cannot be turned
to high or too low. Gives no smoke or smell because fitted
with unique smokeless device. an be carried about.
be done with an-ordinary stove. The
Nervous Wsalieaaa Wo Alsehc
at tt isji i rSsssjea asaaa) fXt w) )
Perfection Oil Heater is superior to all other oil
heaters aad i( an ornament to any home. Made in
tiro finishes nickel aad Japan. Brass oil fount beau
tifully embossed. Holds four quarts of oil and bums
nine hours. Every heater warranted. If not st your
dealer's write nearest agency foe descriptive circular.
M?,fVt& I JIHI Tl ,fc ' beet
JKOytM sLfOllIU dl.rotmd household
t"1 1 lamo. Made of brass throushnut
aad nickel -plated. Equipped with latest unproved
r. Every lamp warranted. An ornament to any
whether library, dining-room, parlor or bed
room, write to nearest agency if not at your dealer's.