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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENINQ, OCTOBER 11, 190. FOB tALS-fKAL KtTATB. UM4IIM IN BOW- 4 room aiaeinaii Felloe Prt. 11.100. 100x100, 4 room Mr house. TiMn Addition, tot 88x100. ti.soo. 8 room modern oottage, lot 10x110, But Sherman at., 11.100. T room modern paw bouee. 48th and Haw thorne. 13. 10O. 8-room mudero new elegant box. earner lot lOzlo. ffl blHBHt and (uruM, 4.nO0 5-room modera cottage. 8tb tad Haw tkoTM. 11.100. Two- 4 room boaeaa. to toad repair and oa one 11 100-loot, lot, weet elds, cloaa la. at a bargain, 81.800. t room bona, University Park, tot Sox 100. two. T-rooai samara bouee, aaaaa win, nraao l.i l-room aaw modern bouaa, Rodney aTa., naa aoma, 8-rootu nadaro elegant borne, lot 71 100, Ursabaa at., W.OOO. in room elegant buoaa. on tha wait alda. wltb a quarter block; lao loveatmeat and a fine bona, ladaad; cloaa la; 111.000. These ara taw of oar m; bargalne. Terms can ba bad oa any ot thus. USD CO., Ut Uimber Exchange, Sacoad aad Btarfc. 500 Homes For Sale Ill Harquaxa bldg.. Portland, Or agio. Scllwood Uoraboaaa A Franca. 1170 E. 1Mb. Phone Sellwood 74. City View Park lota. 1375 aad up. Addition lota. 1100 and op; 1ft down aad month Homes from WOO to 16.000. Lota and up. In all parta of Sellwood Uat your property wltb aa; wa will aall it. Willamette Tract Oa Wllinmetto boulerard. overlooking city and rltar, S cent 'ara. lota eOaloo feat; price ISO aad up; tlfi cash, IS par month, baa cTi. Sygowakl. Willamette elation. St. Jotana For Sale Uegent. new T-roon real fiance; all modern lmpiraiTaata OTytoatlja; tog ritj; ly oat block tram tar Una; bargain at the price aakad. Schuyleman & Co. 174 Waahlngton at. MODERN 7 room bouaa; owner leovlag. aall; cheap, tec ma. Phono Woodtawn 003 BEAUTIFUL l-room bouaa la Irvlnxton; owner leering city. For particulars aad terma ad- aa B 80, care Journal. WILLIAM! ATKNUB Cloae la, walking dle tance. full elaed tot. beaatlfal home. 1 rooma. aaw and strictly modern, bouaa coat IS. 000, tot worth 2.PO0, worth 01 ear pete etc., Tabor isa. etc., all asr a,aw; vk caan WabE.TS. AC ear, bargain 12.500. Ho 111a tar Commercial blk. MODERN E&N S ai B room b aaaaa, new. 11.000 aa eat 11th, Vernon. Taka 11.400. MB Eaat Alberta eat. Phone Woodlawa 117 ST OWNER, modera B-room bouaa; finely Inlahad Inalde and oat, brick haeement. ban. lawn, roaea and a hade traea, near 1 carllnee. Call at 11 Raaaall or 30 Delay at. COST little home. Al condition, near ear; high. aaa trait; a bargain; aaa It today. rooay. 248 8tark at. THE CONTINENTAL CO.. WE HAVE Jnat completed tire new modern raa- llaaeaa at Arcnar rura; oaa a eevea-rooa bouaa (13,1101. aad the other a all -room bouaa (1M0J. one-miro caan ana oaience on eaay inttty s. r. CANNONiEca. soo McKay bldg. Third aad Stark eta. BRAND NEW bouaa. eatoet neighborhood, near ear: prlcee adranclng all around; terma; pay rant to youraelf : aaa tbto. THE CONTINENTAL CO.. Ml Stark at. VF yoa ara looking tar a bargain to vacant tola or cheap bouee aad tot call room 18, 381 H Alderet. IF yoa deetre to aall, boy or trade city, rub urban or farm realty call on, write or phone u. Jenne. Trimble Jr. Trimble, 411 Marquara bldg. Pbona Pacific 1781. FINE Mock. Woodatoek. 11.100; moat aall. HoOtotar Wataon. Ill Commercial blk. Acreage on Peninsula I bare a anas la etoee-ln acreage aa the peninsula; If you hare 18.000 to 110,000 caah to Inveet addreaa 8, care Journal. $5,000 Cash A great bar in good acreage wltb carllne aad boulevard, oa the penlnaula; 18.000 or 110.000 caah required. Addreaa , care JeaoaL EXTRA RAROAIN f tola 40x100. cleared, all together la one tract, tar 1800; cloaa to 10-room ecbool at Lenta; Ina location; water free; aa fare to any part of Portland; terma. O. S. Addltoo. owner. Ijenta, Oregon. boo DOWN. 128 per month, far a fine aaw T room realdanca. etrlctly modera, on the Willamette boulevard, overlooking the Wil lamette rlrer: fine vtew, 1 block to car, very choice. J. Frank Porter, EBB Waahlngtoa at.. earner Ft rat. npatalra. FOR SALE FARMS. Suburban Farm Home Beautiful country noma, coraprlalng 40 aerea of the flncet land in Oregon: 17 miles from Portland, with dally train aarvlce paat the door, aad station at tha gate, land all in high elate of cultivation: fine modern 10-room hooee. with ample porches, furnace beat, I open fireplaces, fine plnmblng, city water, end electric llghte throughout the bouaa aad barn; fine laws and abrnbbery; place all well fenced: large, bandaorae, well built barn and etorebouae: beautiful orchard of ealaeted frulta; 11 aerea beat beaver-dam In tba atata from which la produced, aad la now to the bare 4.000 aarka of on I ana tbta ill aeon, Tbte alone will aay big latereat on tba whole lav veetment. even It owner airea all labor done. Tula elegant home, fronting oa the railroad, la a tree ted oa a knoll, gtvfag the flneat of drainage aad being free from any float what aver; running water In the fields aad water piped to the paature lot; alee poultry bonae and parka, wltb ruontag water. Any family wanting a beaatlfal bane farm, with all mod ern conveniences, including railway etattoa at the gate, city water and electric light, team, wagon, cow. poultry, too la aad Implements etc.. within two blocks of fine public ecbool. and 10 mlnutea' ride to oaa of the beat col leges to the state, tha flneat of laada. rants from which will pay a good interest fa tha whole Inveet meat, should Inspect tbla plsee. Apply to Charles K. Henry, 133 Third et.. Falling bldg. GOOD FARM, near Portland. Improved: lit 32 an acre; ealeadtd bay. I'noae Wood lawn 203. FARM FOB 1ALB. W ail lee WV-at af Portland. Waahlngton county, far caah only; BS acres. SI clear, well cultivated, oa creek: good well, aprlag. fine fruit, new wire fences, good B-room bouaa, barn, household goods, chickena. bees, toola. eta.; 1U ml lea from railroad, ecbool ead church. Telephone line, milk mute H I. t. 14.800. Mn. A. B. Idntocber, Bearer, ton, Oregon. 10 ACRES. H mile from Bee vert on; good hence, ne orchard, all fenced; finest aoll In America; 0,100. Lou la Salomon. IBS Stark at., near Bacon a TIMBER. IS) ACBSS timber land with feet. In CMrkamaa county; will sell cheap for caah r trade for city property. Pbll Gevorta, 171 Flrat at. r - 1 Sto.lll'HMBrTTS la tba yellow Ir belt. w.w.oov 10 o.ieej.mei. inauiiw w. n, atoutr. (01-3 Lumber Baahmisa. CSSTIFIRD scrip, any ataa pieces; kwelt prlcee. W. C. Howell, MS Chamber ef Omnv MINKS AND INVESTMENTS. HI J. C. LEE COM PANT II If. II (X ASS STOCK! AND SORBS. Wa ara alwaya In the market either to buy or aall any active mining or taduatrlal atocka. it wiu pay yon to get oar one W. U, DONAHI E, Mgr. Rrok It 10 LafayetU Bldg. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. SXSOANT walnut caaed upright Bchaeffer auno. bongatiyaar age ai pano, ggap aaah. BARTER AND EXCHANGE. A e-BOOM cottage aad 1 M What have yoa to trade 1 t. Jehaa. It. Jobae. rail tl M . cnMlvatiaa to cite. Roam HORSES. VEHICLES, HARNESS 1 FINE Altamoot aura, T yean old ; Hght bar naaa and buggy, wltb or without too; also a aaw 1 borae lumbar wagon 313 Allahy bids. BARGAIN 1 aaaga young work haraat, 7 and seara old: also aaw deaahto boa torn bar wagon and heavy harness. 213 Alleky bldg. FOB BALE. CH1AP-2 doable etpreaa outfits; SOB SALE OS RENT Horaaa aad carrlagwa try the day. weak er moath. Portland Bldbg Ctob 18th aad Alder. HORWta aad buggies far rent by day. week aad awath: apeeUl rates to boalaaaa heuaaa, lath aad Hawthorne. Bast 71 . FOB BALE OS TRADE One aura, city broke. Phone Union 4018. bfontavUIa. FOB 1ALB A Btadebaker panel top delivery iiiiaaiia?aiVisilMii" VTm 1 if rm 1 fiMifiaiiw FOR SALE LIVESTOCK. FOR 1AI Jersey aaw, 1 years alvee 1 aalloaa daflr: sour: 1 fresh la spring S 0. Bowles, Northern Hill Junction, dty. Take St. Johns ear. POR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. GREAT bargain gale heaeeaold furniture, oaa. elating bedsteaas. aprtnga. mettraea. plltowe, blsakets. comforts, apreads. abeets, ell pa. carpets, linoleum, matting taaiee, chain, rackets, toaagna, pillows, kitchen tree ear ea, cook and beetles etovee. ana raagaa aad beat en, laaepe. cooking utenalla. wardrobea. fold lag bed: all la good order. CaU Tn eager. Touraoay, nsrarasy, mm iv:au 10 a:au, 10a Ruaaell at. WE boy, aall or trade any old thing. The Peo ple'a Furniture Bouse, 318Vt Front at., corner Salmon. Tel. Mala 4290. BOOKS bought, aold and exchanged at the Old store. Bar Iamb 111 at. BILLIARD AND POOL tablea tar rent or for aala on eaay par men ta. THE BRUNSWICK -BALKS COLLBNDER CO. a Third at. Portland. SEWINO MACHINES bought, aold. exchanged, SO aad up; also rented. WESTERN SALVAGE CO.. 837 Wasblagtoa at. WE print year name on 80 calling cards, proper else and atyto. SJc; SM huetaea cards. 11. A. W. Schmale Co.. ZS) Pint. Portland, or. WB aaad fsrnitare and will pay fuU value. Pbona Pacific TSS. Weatern Salvage Co.. 037 Waahlngtoa at. CHERRT TREES af the only ortgual parent tree, the new cherry, treea. Jullua KalMch. xae uiant; nrai ciaaa Woodlawn, Oregon. S BAB FIXTURES, pooltabla, aafa, tablea, FESTEBN SALT AGS CO.. N SALVAGE C Waahlngtoa at. BO SLIGHTLY damaged eewtng machines et vary tow prlcee; Mater, Whertor A Wllaon. Domcatlc, WhUte. Household. Da via aad otben; to make .room tor aaw a took Wheeler ft Wllaon endSlngere. S. 8. SlgeL SIB Mor rlaaa at.. Marquam bldg. . ARTISTS' aaatertola. pictures and framing. H. Moorboosa ft Co.. 113 Aider at. HOLD EN'S RHEUMATIC CURE--Sure for Bold by an arugfiere. FRESH eysten delivered to any pan of city. Ring Lee, 37, Xaylor at. FURNITURE of 7-room bouae for aala; price SKW. 3aS Jefferson at. POR SALE Oaa stove, almoet new. Telephone FOB SALE Fine Beaton terrier papplea: a lao one good bitch and aaa 1-monthe-old mala pun. Par partlculan addreaa Michael Mueck, Pacific SHOWCASES aad flxturca. new and aecoaaV carhun Kallatrom. law couen ai. SHOWCASES, coasters, flxturee. bought, aold or exchanged. Weatern Salvage Co.. 637 Waahlngton at. Pacific 70S. PTSB tana, near Portland, Improved; SIB-11 aa acre; aplinBld buy. Phone Wodolawn SOS. S. a BLACK Minorca cockerels, para Nortbup atrato; naaa better; 11 each. Small Brea.. are Clinton FOR SALS at a bargain- A $Se gaa 1 rauge. 384V4 aaarrlaoa. phone Mala osbt BEST equipped cblckea ranch, cat tag Income 110 dally. Inquire A pproach- Bf Olfat.'lu. 3Z7 Front afreet. WANTED CHEAP Second band eltv map. MS at. PERSONAL. DETECT! TB AGENOT Confidential lnveatlga ttoaa; re porta faaalakil oa ladlrtda-ils. their character, f aapanalbilltJ. etc.; bad debts col lected; aatoalac reletlvea located: char gee neaoaabto; correspondence solicited. Oregon Detective Service, offices 303-304 Flledner bids,. 10th Bad Waahlngton ata. Pbona Main BSU. PRESERVE year hair; ectentlflc treatment; daadraff aad laaima peelttvsry cured; gray er faded hair reetored to natural color with out the uaa of toad or dye; French face treat ment, manicuring. London Sanitary Parlors, salts 13-24 Selfing-Hirach bldg.. 10th aid Waahlngton. Phone Paealc S4M. LADIES: Ask your druggist for Chlcheatera Bngllah DUmond Brand Ptlle; a he era reliable, boy ef rear druggist; take aa other. Chlebeater'a Diamond Brand PlUe ara aold by druggiata every whale. Cllcheatar Cham. Co.. PhlU . Pa. 8 EX IN n PILLS cure all forma of nervous or aerator weahaeaa. Par man or women. Price 1 a brat, 1 bosee 18. with full guar antee. Addreaa er sail J. O. Ctoaaenaoa, drag gist. Second aad Yamhill ata.. Portland. Or. A. REINER. PRACTICAL FURRIER. Expert fitter, fore remodeled, repaired aad aatufactlen. 'pbSne "ac7fktoataTaTie BALM OF FIGS for aU female dlaeaaaa. Bast Belmont. Phone East 4084. DR. O. V. KETCHUM curse promptly private dlaeases, kidney, nervous, akin aad apeclal female troubles. Call er write. Office 17, iy, Third at., ear. Yamhill. Phone Pacific 3330. ANT nana or woman can be gtiuns and happy by nalng Serine PlUa. tha great tonic; price 11 a tax. 1 boxes SS, with full guarantee. Addreaa or call J. A. Clenseaaaa. druggist, ear. Sacoad aad Yamhill ata., Portland, Or. TBS, Palaae Table ta make you aleep perfectly; they cure nervouaneaa aad amaae you atrosjr; price BOc a bee:, B bosee 13.80. guaranteed. All druggists,, or addreaa Brooke Drug Co., 87 North Third at., Portland. Or. HOLD OS There la ana thing that will can rheumatism. Ask year drugglet for bark tonic or addreaa or call J. G. Clemenaon. drugglet. Portland, Or. HOLDER'S RHEUMATIC CURE Sure care for rhramattam. Sold bp all drocgnta. TURKISH BATHS. 100 Oregonlsn bldg.; reSteR dsya. gentlemen nights Main IMS. MBS. , DR. H CNTLET Segrgaetl ve II 1 1 l)B chronic dlaeaaaa eared. BST Waahlngtoa. y all between 11th and 18th ate DISEASES OF WOMEN Prtvatb maternity bsa pltal. quiet location; apeclal care. Ur. At wood. m 8. S60H Morrtoaa. Tel. Pac. 171. DB. BINO CHOONO, Importer Chlaaaa not avedtctaea; aelle Chlaaaa tea. certain core for all dbwaaaa. Ill Id. bet. Yamhill and Taylor. DB. T. J. PISBCB cures all nevvoua, chronic aad private dleeaaea both aexea; office treat ment BOc and II. CaU or write. Ut Flrat, ear. Tamhtll. Portlaad, Oregon. LADIE -St. Saadetaea'a Sarin aad Cotton Soot Pllla are the only oare remedy for del airlada; bjr mall. SS ner eex. Address Rerea. Ill Flrat at.. Porttoa4 delayed sea Dr. REFINBD yeaaaj tody, toat .arrived frasn I 8 fldfr a?."" - " CHARLES BARNES waeta to kaew the w a boats ef eie brother, JOSEPH S. BA U 4b, care Jeuraal. STAGE DANCING Taught In aU its Ha bneehee. by ne srwfas ate of Saw Tagfe: SO Flan' atonal teacher. Newman 1 Taearrjeei tuwi, a wan -mm mt. DOLL'S BKhmTAL Tasshlll Heating." "Prisoner af Beads," "A Serial Uaa." 18 rests aara. a. Schmale Co., Pint at. tdtae' SUth at.. PERSONAL. EUREKA BUSINESS INST STWB-qth PHYSICAL culture. sR branchee. and aaaaaage; IndlTldual aad ckisa Ua traction, private home treatment If deetred. The Klogtar School. OS Alder at. Phone Mala 1801. YOUR eboea ebined free of charge at tha Model waving 10c. VIAVI CO., Lewie bldg.. 1S0U lferrtaon; aaaa aa e imiu Tnaraaays. :ao p. . THE Oc taker Matrimonial Baadatar ia tost itovpubte4 tTuiStTiig BEST msgasins clnba ever offered: aaad far artoss; ageata wanted. Jsoae' Book Store. SSI Alder at.. Portland. Or. WERFOOT Oil Blacking aavea the leather; aa- eoiuteiy waterproor. MOLBS, w rink lee. auperBuoua ban No eharea to talk It over. lira. 1 lab removed, e. M. D. Hill. Bsaak lib Flledner Bldg. Phone Pacific 118. RECENTLY opened manicuring parlors; ladies aad gentlemen. KIM Morrison at., room 12. MANICURING, chiropody sad alcohol robbing, ladiee aad gentlemen. Parlor 22, 2SSVt Stark. VITAL Spark a quickly develop energy anh rs atore the fire and vigor ot youth: 6 day trial treatment free. Leon Idea Medical aeeeeiattoa, Portlaad, Or. NICE farm, Bear Portland, Improved; 128.82 aa acre; aplendld bay. Phone Woodlawa 302. MISS GIBSON craws hair, cures dandruff. Boom 63. SSStt Morrison at., corner 4th. YOUNG lady givee face and acalp UOH 4th. corner Washington. MISS RATMOND glvea nxaaaage treatments!. 388t Mftcrteoa at . . room 1 4. ASSAYERS. GARVIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO.. and Office. IBB Morrison er. ARCHITECTS. BBS Johnson ft Stern, architect! and builders. about your modern store fronts, eve vast Morrison at. Phone 4871. A. H. MERGES. Architect. Ill Sacoad it. AUTOMOBILES. COVEY ft COOK Motor Oar Co.. Fifteenth sad Waahlngton Agents for Cadillac. Pierce, Great Arrow and Stevens Duryea motor-can; machines ranted, repaired and atqred. Main ART. FBEE LESSONS la embroidery every day; new stamped ahlrtwalsta, coeeet-ooven, bo lero jacket!, bats,' ambrcUaa. etc. The Needlecraft Shop. 382 Waahlngton at., be tween Went Park and Tenth ata. PROFESSOR R. MAX MEYER, 848 Alder. Portrait aad landscape artist and teacher. ATTORNEYS. J. S. WINCHESTER, attorney-at-law, notary public. 68 and B8 Waahlngton plug. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. BUTCHER SUPPLIES S. Blrkenwsld Co., 804- 800 Everett at. ; largest nutoner supply noaao aa tha- coaat. Write tor catalogue. BUTCHERS' . SUPPLIES Adolnb A. Dekum, 181-111 Flrat at., carries a full Una and com plete aaaort mcnt ' at lowest market prlcee. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWE. DAVIS ft KILHAM. 108-111 Second at. Blank books manufactured ; agenta for Jones Improved Loose-Leaf ledgera; see the new Eureka leaf, tha beat oa the market. CAEPENTER8 AND BUILDERS. J. A. MELTON, tba carpenter, 104 Fourth at. Store and office work. Main 17S7. COAL AND WOOD. Telephone Mala 6061. Smithing Coal and Coal for Shlpa a apedalty. ' The ' STOREY BROOKES FUEL 00. (Incorporated.) Rx elusive agenta tor K EM MERER COAL. COAL. COKE. CHARCOAL. Office aad Yard Front and Kearney 1 THE PORTLAND FUEL CO.. aa C. R. DAVIS FU "EL CO., Phone Eaat SB. ALBINA FUEL CO Dealera la eordwood. and green and dry elabwood. R. R. AlbUa are . 3 block! eaat af ferry. Bast STEEL HKIDGB FUEL CO. Dealera la eordwood aad dry elabwood. Phone Best 414. OREGON FUEL CO. All Made of coal WESTERN FEED ft FUEL CO Hot Uaekemlth coala. Pbona Mala 1018. BOX. block and elabwood. Star Boxwood Phone Main 1148. Co. CARPET CLEANING. STANDARD Carpet Cleaning Co., largeot plant ea the eoeat Loriag and Hardlns eta. tele- paone Beet asv varpeu eieiaea. renneu. iewed and laid; both steam aad la teat com arillll air proeeea; renovatlag mettreaoee aad faethen a ipaetolty. SANITABT carpet cleaning raetloa aad eom prniil air combined : carpets etoaaed on lose without removal. Wale BM4. Mala ISOS. CARPETS refitted, eewed and laid: flrat class work. I. H. Darrough. Phone Boat 6460. CHIROPODISTS. CHIROPODY end Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D.-Hill. Room 380 Flledner Bldg Phone Pas. 136. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST lead! Read! Read! THIS IS FOB T0D1 READ CAREFULLY TSS FOLLOWING WORDS; Madam Barth to permanently located In her own borne. 431 STARK ST. This wonderful wimaa, ae--Eaewladged by the world to ba the greatest clairvoyant alive, without yoa writ lag a quea ttoo er uttering one word, aha telle aa luat want yoa cease tor. aaw anaay ia pear fam ily aad all about them. Telle names, da tea aid facta. Telia yoa af tore, marriages, deaths, baelaaae apeeulattoae. In vest steam, etc.: Vocatea oil, gaa aad mlaerele af all kinds, reaaevea evil Infiuencee aad teaches yea how to control tha oaa yoa lave, sal tea the asperated and eauaee eased aad con genial marrlagee. No xaatter whet roar con dttton mar be. MADAM BARTH WILL HELP YOU. 428 STARK, COR. 1STH. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. FEB WITHIN REACH OF ALL. HOURS 10 A. M. TILL IP. ENGLISH AND GERMAN SPOKEN. FOB A FEW DATS ON A SPECIAL IS ECIAL 86 REAP DING ALWAYS CONSUl BULT THE PROF. B. RHIMO. Grea teat living aatral dead-traMe rlato t of the age; ADVISER on usinkbb AFFAIRS OF LteK Will haw to ooatrol the oaa Fas tore. ataa thoogh aatlae away; reunttee the sue- aratea: glvee eeerat powera sa coairai. wiu aa an etaara HAVE AT prove It to pea with- - VRfiaWsr-VsSS ho Jot uibb ib opportun WILL NOT BBO rrl RSP TO TOO AOAI MMS. RING A. Bpptlaa aeeveaa ; ; healing MANLT vigor reetored by Dr. Roberta' Narva Olobilae. One month'e treatment, (3; S aaontba. SS; aent aaearetv aaeled by mail. Agsats. vToodsrd. CUrke ft Oa.. Portlaad. Or. ITT OfyaTatAND. aad m rot) tleWMiTei itTaTit CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMI8T BOc BOc BOc BOe 80c BOc BOc ST. GBORGB. Mu WASHINGTON ST Olveo the moot complete, exact, reliable read ing you ever bad; telle yoa more than all other clairvoyant! ; can explain every line, dot, aiaoat or marking of your palm; eeee your future In a deep trance, your paat and preeeut eoadjttoni hi a natural clairvoyant, paluilat aad healer; be duea not ask you to write questions on paper er ata tee. almply takea your hand; cures tost vitality, eettlee mar riage troubles A FSBB TEST. , .AS A TEST I WILL TELL TOUR ' NAME FHEE OF CHARGE J.PROF. NIRLO, 118 W A IHliwTON . CLEANING AND DYEING. Portland Steam Cleaning ft Dyeing Works; prec tlesl batter In connection 311 4th. Pacilc MT. CLpTHSS cleaned aad prepaid II per moath. Unique Tailoring Co.. 108 Stark at. H. W. TURNER, profeeatoaal dyer and eie BOB Jeff erssn at. Phone Mala 3818. COLLECTION AGENCY. tOES ANYBODY dWB TOD MONET t WB COLLRCT BAD DEBTS OB NO CHARGE. CITISENS' LAW ft COLLECTION CO.. CJT1 EENS' BANK BUILDING. BOOM 18. 133m GRAND AVB. PHONE BAST 8888. CAFES. THB OFFICE 386 Waahlngtoa at. 771. Samuel Vigneux. DANCING. PORTLAND Dancing Academy, leading ecbool; ballroom etiquette, correct eoctai aad claaelc dancing; both aexea; young folka, adults; In etroettoa dally. 808 Alder. Tel. M. 1881. Prof.- Bingler, dancing maater. WOODWAJtD DANCING SCHOOL Claaa. Mon , Tburk. and 8a t. ere-: child ren'a claaa Sat. afternoon. Social, fancy snd step dancing taught. Fencing taugbt. Weatern Academy hall, cor. tod and Morrison. Pacific 1880. BROWN'S Dancing Academy, Borkhard ball, 8B7H Beat Burnside. Phona Main 8718. Dance Tueadaya. PROP. BATON Dancing achonl; claaa for ladlea and ganta Monday and Thursday eventnga, Arion halt Phone Eaat 2604. DENTISTS. THE CHICAGO DENTISTS, 838 Waahlngton at., est. SUth. Guarantee all work. DRESSMAKING. TRY Angelea Dressmaking Parlors. 343 Fifth and Meln.r Pacific 883. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. Engieaan. oaatrae tore. repairers, etoatrto wiring, euppllee. 84 Flrat. ear. Stark. Mala 888. R. H. Tate. mgr. WESTERN ELECTRIC WOR..S 81 Sixth at Contractor!, electric enpptlee, mo ton aad dynamoa: we iaaUIl light and power plants. EDUCATIONAL. MART DAVIS MAGINNIS, teacher at conveo tlooal and aatnrallatlc china; water -co lor keada a, a aerially. Studio 111 B Stb at.. N. FURNACES. BOTNTON warm-sir furnaces save faeL J. a Bayer Furnace Co.. S58 Seecaad. Main aaa. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRB ft IRON WORKS 303 Ptoaden at., ear. Third. Phone Mela 3008. BAST PORTLAND FENCE ft WIRB WORKS. lav Eaat water at. HAT FACTORIES. KAUFMAN. THE HATTER, SOB Burnside at.. eiaaaa aaa naseaa aoai ana emr neie. mae a apeclalty. HOTELS. THE BRLLBVUE. Fourth aad Salmon ata. Rooma BOe ap; rataa bar week or month; out-of-town trade solicited. Pacific 3106. GOLDEN WEST HOTEL European plan; rooma from 80 rente ap; meant 38 cents. Seventh and Everett ata. HOTEL Portland. American plan; 18. IS per day. BELVEDERE: European plea :4th aad Alder ata. HARDWARE. Portlaad Hardware Co. solicits opportunity to qaote prices. 74 Sixth et. PactSe 468. INSURANCE. ISAAC L. WHITS, fire insurance, lock bldg. IAS. Mel. WOOD, employere' liability and la dividual accident eurety bonds et all kinds. Pbona 47. SOS McKay bldg. MUSICAL, LESSONS 60 rents on all Inatrumenta; meal 78 cents: Instruments for aala. Mm. Mar tin, 341Ve Flrat at. NEW system violin teaching; begin oera half ratee: rapid advancement. J. W. Logan. Eaat 888. THE WEBBER STUDIO Mandolin, banio, gnl tar tnatruction. Glbeoa maadollna. 378 Alder. EMIL TH1ELHORN, papll ef SBVCIK. vioRa teacaer. atuuio two nixxn. xea, am PIANO, violin, piano, trombone, clarinet. Pro- reaaor m A. eimito. an Kia. em ow. MACHINERY. B. TBENKMAN ft CO. Mining, eawmtll. log flag machinery; hydraulic pipes, caatlag; all kinds repaired. 104 North Fourth. AUTOMOBILE machine worka, gasoline nmton. transmtaslona aad ateeriag gean. N. M. Ben eon, 386 Grand are. GASOLINE engines, all itxaa aad etykar, at lowest prlcee. Relraoa Machinery Co., 183 8(1 Morrtaon at. THE H. C. ALBXB CO. Second band ma ehlaary. aawmllli. ata. 348 Grand eve. A. J PAUL. 103 Flrat at., engines, bnllere. eaw mtll machinery: Wlcke Brea.' gang. MONUMENTS. MR ft A KINOSLET. nltV'l et. Portlaad'a leading marble and gra MONEY TO LOAN. AN BAST-MONEY PROPOSITION Money ta eaay to get It goo kaew where to gat It. We have ready money at all tltaee, and yoa caa sat It oa poor ealaryt 110 to 1100, oa beat terma aad at toweat ratee v We toaa aa the eaay pel meat plan the plan that hetpa you and gets you eat ef cent. in gv in. rw - - , repay In amounts yea can eeavaniiatly apon each payday. We do not lie pa pen, require aa la- - an rnenAe ne efnnlover Own Thee, sad let. eveninga until a o awca. Hutton Credit Co. SIS (Bib Boor) Dekaat hiss. MONET TO LOA8- Oh Improved dty property ae Par trending purposes tor from a to 10 yeen' time, wig etatlaea ta renav all ar mart ef toaa after tin yean. Loaaa approved freea pie eAeaneed aa bnlleTns nroa ; ""WK H." STRONG Ptoaastoi Agwat Ml StarS at. STAR LOAN CO. tar aalarl irtod employe, aaa get . Week. 1 hii aata. wttbout BMX-taage Heoth. H Month. MO 80 Repay to aa 118.88 er 88 Bp e 52 Bckjisiissss: CONPIpSNTlAL LOANS ea aatortoa. StSIBIia. . piaaea. roraiiaaw. A.iaem ear deeerelaa Barraaj mar aeaai a nberal adveaea rape flag by eaay wsaklg MONEY TO LOAN. MONET LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPLE Juat oa year own name- -no other aauaallfi don't borrow until roe see me: my lystem to the boat for railroad men. clerks bookkeepers, atreeteer men aad al) other employee; bee. aeaa strictly coaadeatUL P. A. Newts a. 414 Ablagtoa bldg. 6 Per Cent and T Per Cent Farm mortgagee any atae from 8808 up; gilt edged ee rarity. Rooma 84 IB , 237Vi Waahlngtoa at MONEY ADVANCED SALABIKD PEOPLE Aad a there upon their awn namee wttkoot aa rarity ; ebeapeat retee, eaeleet payments', offices in 18 prtaeipal eltlea; aeve yoaraelf money by getting our terma ant. TOLMAN. SB Ablagtoa bldg., lOtVi Third at HEADQUARTERS FOR SALARY LOANS Money cea be borrowed oa eaay payment alee, lowest rataa; etrlctly confidential. CRESCENT LOAN CO.. 438 Mohawk bldg.. ror. Third and Morrtaon. WANTED Notee. mortgage! or contracts aa any kind of real aetata In Oregon and Waahlng ton; second mortgagee purehaaed it well ee eured. H. B. Noble. 313 Commercial blk. MON IT TO LOAN On city Improved real estate at 1 and 7 per cent. I or 8 yean. Moalton ft Scobey, BUI Colombia bldg. MONEY loaned on fuyalture. plaaoa and other securities. W. A. Hathaway, room 10, Waahlngtoa Bldg. Phooe Pacific 1SSB, - PRIVATE money to loan on real eatate; ratee reaeooable; mortgagee bought and aold. G. A. Johnson. 813 Commercial block. MONEY Wllllaa to Joan oa all klade ot eeeurlty. Had. m wi Faaalagtoa bldg. LOW rate on fare! tun, etc : confidential. 238 Flledner bldg., 10th and Waah. Pacific 3868. TO LOAN' Sumo to euit oa chattel eeeurlty. R. A. Frame. 814 the Marquess. PAINTS. 6lL AND GLASS. P, E. REACH ft CO. The Pioneer Paint Co.; window -glaaa aad glaatag. 18 Ftrat at. Phona ISM. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR. ARNOLD LIN DBA 1 , graduate et tha oeteopathlo college of K man lie. Mieeouri. who la a epeelaRet on rbeumatlam all female dlaeaaaa. Office 4111 etomach and Office 410 Felling Bldg.. earner ot Third end Washington ate. DBS. AD fX ft NOHTHRUP. 418-1 17 Dekum bldg.. Third aad Waabiagten ata. Mam aaa. Examine Moa tree. OPTICIANS. CHAMBERS i OPTOMETRIST. ArttSoUl Byes Fitted. Ion Scientifically Corrected. 1S8 Seventh Street. DR. B. J. MILLS Optometrlat and Eyesight Speclellet. Rooma 18-17. 833 Waahlngtoa StreeL PRINTING. TAB MODERN PRINTBRT Arttotto printing. 30 K easel bldg.. Fourth end Morrison. Pheaa PaelSc IIS. ' PLUMBERS. FOX ft CO.. eanltary plumben. 381 Si rial hot, Main aad Salmon. Oregon Phone Mais 8001. DONNERBERG ft RADEMACHER. nmovsd to No. 80S Rurnetde at. RUBBER STAMPS. p r btamp WORKS. 848 Alder at. trade checke; braae eigne' and plataa. REAL ESTATE. PABR1SH. W ATKINS ft CO.. Baal eatate, lnenrence. natal aad loan agents. 360 Alder at. A. B. RICHARDSON KK Al. ESTATE AND MORTGAGE LOANS. Phone Mitn -6380 B32 Chamber of Commerce. ROOFING. TIN ROOFING, guttering, repairing and eaeral V.bblng. J. Vamti. SIS Jefferson at Pas. 14B4. SIGN PAINTERS. FOSTER ft KLBISER SIGNS. We have built up tba largeat alga boalnaaa In the city by flral-rlasa work and kneeing our nromlaea. Oar prlcea are right Fifth and Everett ata. Phone Bx. BS. W. P. RBROER ft SON, SM Yamhill at of all klnda. Phase Pacific ISSS. 'SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" A. H. Baal Ce SS7 Stars aL Phone Pacific 1688. SAFES. PORTLAND SAFE CO.. sola agents for Herring Hall Marvin aafee and Miagaaaaa Steel Safe Co.'a bank lafea. Tha largeet aaaortment of blgb-grade firs snd burglar-proof eefes In the northwest 81 Seveatb at. DIEROLD manganeaa and fireproof aafea: lock out! opened; metal Ixturee; vault and Jail work: Jaeha. J. X. DavU. 88 Sd. Mala 1866. EIGHT second-hand fireproof aafee aad two eecoud band bank aafea for aato cheap, at 71 Sixth at.. Portland. Or. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. I SHOWCASES ef every description; bank, bar aad store natures maoe to oruarr. aoe Leiai Manufacturing Co., Portland. L.H-blVB(?.A,7HSato.';b.", MatotSSi! STREET PAVING. WARREN Cooatructlon Co.. etreet paving, aide walka and croaalnga. 114 Lumber Exchange. THB Barber Aiphilt Paving Co. at Pi 'Office 886 Worcester bib. TELEPHONES. THE only exeloslve tolephoae hoaea. B.-R Electric ft Telephone Manufacturing com- pear, ax rma ex. TYPEWRITERS. WE aril Remlngtona. Smlth-Premlsre. Dene morea. sic, lower than any other ranrpenyi Invoitlgite. Underwood Typewriter Co.. 88 8th. NEW typewriter!, ell makee. raatad, eoM aad repaired. Crsat Agency, all Stark. TeL 1407. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brnab. eoaa. II per month Portland Lanadry aad Towel Supply Co.. Ninth end Couch. Phase IIS TRANSFER AND HAULING. THE BAGGAGE ft OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO.. oar. Sixth and Oak ate.; baggage checked from hotel or realdeace direct to dee tine fton; paaaaagen therefore avoid rush and gnnay anew at depots. Private Exchange 88. SAFES, pmaoa and fernlture moved, packed reedy tot ahlpptng and ahlppad; all work guaranteed; large. 8-etory brick. Ire-proof ware'esaae tor itnraga. Offlce 308 Oak at at Roe. 1 none main oat. C 0. PICK, office 88 First at., betweea Mark A gsaata. -s .kau KM' nlanna WkA aSiH ! laajxa una fmm , yuvtmm www, J'aTn a " Ua 8lf HfM i"i muaajajBKwp ' brick 1 l.b weeehonee wltb eeoarats iron Sroat aad Clay ata. CUT ratee en household goods to all paxnta eaat: wa make ap carload! ; special room let trunk! while waiting. Oregon Auto-Despstrb. IS Fint et. moee rnant 111. PENINSULAR express; dally tripe Between city and peninsular, trunks delivered at city ntea. S47 Aider. Phone Main U 71; raaldaate. Union 11081 OBBOON TRANSFER CO.. 184 North Sixth. Phaae Mala 88. Heavy banllng aad 1 tor age. INDEPENDENT BAGGAGE ft TRANSFER CO. Storage 814 Stark at Mala 407. POST SPBCIAL DELI VERY. Nat. SOOVe Waaa- at. Pboas auia aaa. WINDOW SHADES. a ata WINDOW SHADE CO BST Sslmoa gala aad faacy abides axed to west prleaa. naaa Mala 807. FINANCIAL ASS ft TUTOR", RAJFKESS (XstohUabed to 1888.1 k JtV?--a-! M TBWjwtr NATIONAL BANK. PORTLANIi ORESOV. at VaaJS" President I a" aV I I SS STATES RATIONAL BA3TK jp North Weal Ceeaee Thted a OwaeraJ Baaklag Bnaliim ratted Stataa and ape. He aad !aalde.t J. 0. A1NS WORTH I vies-rns! hten't R. LBA BABNBS Caahtor B AfllS!1 tTSJaTSSimrB BANK Pee vrvi.i ana aavga eeoartmeat. I ejtjeva a; creon ueaea avauaeie in all porta U In all parte D. C. PBLTON. J-i twli"i.ji rrexaaeer 1 x. OP Capital paid euerai aawilin.' J63l!S Bnalnasa Traasacted. Interest 6a Tlxaa DepsaMe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Arroante may be opened of 110 aad upward. Portlaad Breach Chamber of Commerce Bonding. WM A. MACRAE. .Manager I t-?IT NATIONAL BANK OP PORTLAND. r ,M Beslgsated Depoatrory and J Um5il ...A- L. aiiLLJi 1 C. ALVORD I ad Credit Avertable St. Pail Omaha. Sua Prauehwa aad the prtaeipal ht and time bUla drawn ia euma to salt sn , Tibehaana. fiiiiaftapa. Ohimttorii. TRUST COMPANIES. hOBTXAND TROST ROMP ANT OF OREGON The Oldeat Treat Cempaay to Oregon. RESOURCES OVER 81,780.000. General baaklag. 1 per cent Interest en check account; '" unnareosi en asuy Bsisncee er 8 soo parte ef the world. Be Tins accounts nme runrsua. elwo or SIA ffM S ne Mn eoarueeei unaer Tnira a no oak rerreata. BBNJ. I. COHEN B. LEE PAGET. . . President Seeretarp ' ECURITT aAvTjrS TRTJ1T COMPANY- Tranancta a Ban Seal Banking Saatom. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Iatereet Allowed 00 Time and Savings Accounts Acta at Trustee for Betatee. Drafts aad Letten al Credit Aveilabls la All Parta ef the World. maiwewa 1 Second Vice Praeldent OBO. P. RUSSELL IE MOBTOAGE OUABANTEX TXTST Tranasrta a General Banktns Boalnaaa. .VWX COS ahaaa. Ia allowed. Department: 4 per cent latereat allowed, CAPITAL. , a. 1 Elks w. w ATSKBUHx , PTaeldaat B. LOO AN HAH . Seventh aad Stark Streets. N01 BTHWXSTERN GUARANTEE ft TRUST Lumbar Exchange B. B. Corner Second and Stark Streets (1 FISCAL AGENT State. County. Municipal and Corporation Bomb) Bought and Sold Hear and ahmssod. Btoeka aad banes gosrantoed. TITLE aVARANTF.E ft TRUST COMPANY 840 WASRTNGTON MORTGAGE LOANS en Portland Seal Batata at Lowest Rates. J. THORBURN ROSS... GEORGE H. HILL .Vtoeffi I BONDS AND M ORRIS BBOTKERS. Chamber ef Comma Mantel pal, railroad aad D0WNINO-H0PKIN8 COMPANY EetaMlah ad STOCKS BONDS. GRAIN Bought Private Wires. BOOM 4 CHAMBH R 'HE J. C. LEE COMPANY 18-88 Lafayette Brokerage Department H. W. Donahue. Manager. Sea Pa Befan Saytog er SetSag Stoehi or Bsaeaa. Caa Always Beta Tea hteaap. OUIS J. WILDE HOME TELEPHONE BONDS BAITK STOCKS. Member Portlaad Stack Exchange. Corner Sixth and WaxSlxaxtoa Btraeta, Overbeck, Starr & Cooke Co. 1a Tu??rt l WE BO A BTBIOTLT COMMISSION BUSINESS. Cootlnuoua Markets by Private Win. Quick Service. RRFBRENCES Ladd ft - ess. aad United Stataa National Beak et Portlaad. WHOLESALE JOBBERS. THB BREIMAN LEATHER CO Jobben at eaddlery. hardware, bone goada, toathar. find lata aad ahoe atora euppllee. Fifth and Oak. U. A. GUN ST ft CO. DISTRIBUTORS OP f INE CIGARS. PORTLAND. OREGON. OREGON Furniture Manufacturing Cow Manufactnren of furniture tor tha Portland. Ore, khkrk ft ABB ft GRAHAM (Inc.). mercbanta. jobben of frulta, produce, etc. conelanmenia eouciieo- lav rrwoi FURNITURE manufacturing and epeclal ordera. L. Rnvenaky'a furniture factorr. 170 Front et WADBAMS ft CO.. whatoaato facturera tad com ante- Fourth aad Oak ata. EVERDING ft FARRELL. aad awn merrnanta. tea Phone Main It. at. Portlaad. Or. ALLEN ft LEWIS, lemmtoslea and produce mar cbsnta Front and Da via eta.. Portlaad. Or. STEIN ft WAYNB Jobbara aad wholeaala at. WHOLESALE crockery aad dtaesww STaet Hegele A Co.. 108 ta IBS Fifth. ear. Stork at, WINES AND LIQUORS. COLUMBUS. California wine depot of wine. Be a glaaa. Cooka' .aad ( all klnda Cooka' Heto- era Headquarter!. 148 Fourth at. Pbona Pa cific 3183. r. Lorati. I AT THE THEATRES. Early Cortsin for "Parsifal." Reelnnlna tomorrow night and continuing Saturday and Sunday alghta Richard Wagner"! gnat myatic drama, "Panlfal," wlU be the attraction at the Helllg theatre. Fourteenth end Waahlngton a treats The erchaatra pre lude will begin at 7:80 o'clock. Curtain wUl rule at 7:48. Doora opea at 8:80. The audience la moat urgently requested to ba seated before tho pntode at 7:80. No production that haa ever been presented to the American public baa aeon received with auch anlveraal wmaaexrda tlon and pralaa that baa been accorded "Panl fal" wherever produced. Scbolsn aad artists, preaa aad clergy, theatre goer aad churchgoer, all bare joined la acclaiming It tho gentlest, eweeteat aad exeat gratifying atory ever on acted upon the atage. "College Widow" Sale Tomorrow. Tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock the advance aeat aala will open at tha Helllg theatre. Fourteenth and Waahlngtoa e treats, for Heavy W. Savage a production of George Ada'a com edy. "The College Widow," which will be the attraction at the above theatre far three alghta, beginning next Monday, with a epeclal price matinee Wodneaday. The exuberance ot loath, which la tha dominant note et tbta famotta comedy, la trrealatlbly contagious and audience, witnessing it Snd themselves living again the boors daareat to memory. It la the only entirely lucreaaful dramitlaatloa of a college eu eject that haa .bee a aecompUabed. "Lady Huntworth'g Experiment." The bin at tha Baker tbto week. "Lady Hantworth'e Experiment." la aaht by the patrons ot the popular stock theatre to bo the neat thing the company haa put on ao tar tela year. It givee Lillian Lawrence a nasal chance to Show her pew era aad It stow Wil liam mile, who haa returned to the Baker theatre, a ibaaia to da eoxsa very clever character waah. Howard Ruaaell and Pit am Sloaaaa do tba young lovers to perfection. "Pete Peterson" at the Empirs. The roar acting dogs with the "Pote Peter as" show at the Empire tbto weak . are at tracting no ead ef attention wherever they go. They are aeaa dally carrying large placards ea the a treats advertising tho fanny eeanedy In which they atohtly dtaUagntoh themeelve. at the Empire Then will ha one gears popular priced matinee. Saturday "Pate Peterson" will be at tha Empire all the real mt the week, e lest eg Saturday night -TheHoly City- Nest Wssk. Starting aaat Baa day anaUaxta, week's ate a 1 oap aeaie waaaa w ww aw ar we 1 cusses to tba theatre going people. traction at toe amp! re win aa a megajocesi production of tba grand aad Ifanreeelse re llgloua play, "The Holy City. ' Soxtplra prices ara aow within reach ef everroaa and aa ap BANKS. R. L DURHAM. ttfViRi:::::::::. SOStCUaTB. ORIOOB. east Oaa ntrmmt DBAPTS ISSt I'ED A reliable la Ail Manila Collect toaa Made aa ravoreaie xw - Cashier. .B. W. ho'l, Aeatatsat Caebter . a. M WEIGHS rtoad. Oregsa. earner Seeead aad 3tark atraete. ntareat paid on aavtaga aeesaats. Dreria aaa af the world. the world. C MBABS. Ce abler t Caabtor uaaaan I Barptoa aad undivided nr. .hi. 110 083.40318. J. r. BTTRTCHABLL. Mane pas OREGON. Financial Agent ot tha Catted States. caaaier 1. w. Rwvrwiwei Second Agaaateak Ca abler B. P. STEVENS la Enrone and the Eastern Btatee oointa In he ' Northwiet. London. Parte. Berlin. Frankfort oa the Mete. Btaekbnha. SL paterebarg. htoaaaw. Basapy or over. Letten er ereait aaa exenanre oa an oemricatea. 8 to 4 per cent: enon-enii epaca rail torn Rook of ILLUSTRATIONS.' Phone Private Sxcbange 71. H. L. P1TTOCK Vice Preetdeat J. O. OOLTRA Aaatatant SaerstarT .Pint Wi Pierideat u a. ukwio.. B. O. JUBITE Aaahrtaat S COMPANY BANK. Interest Paid 01 compounded quarterly. ...fa08.088.B8 a W. miller. Secretary" Opea ia .......... Phone Main 184. Open Saturday S to S COMPANY Portland, FOR CORPORATIONS. ? t. liii:::::::::::::::: INVESTMENTS. roe Bldg. pabBo eervtce eerperatloa boa da. 1888 BROKERS. and Sold for Cant, aad aa of COMMERCE. Phone Mara ST. Bldg.. Partial land. Oregon. now aa aato at tba Empire boxofflce tar thol week aad ehould be secured In advance by every one who cob templates attending. Next Week at the Baker. a Next week tho Baker a took company will pro duce "Dp York State," epeclal attention being given to tha aranie effects used In the play. . In this production there la an abundance of heart interest and clever humor. The entire atrength of the company will be aeceeeary to Interpret tbta play. "Up Tork State" win open next Sunday matinee. At the Lyric. One of the beat ot Lyric attractions to laether'a Secret." the bill of tbto week. the year'e work la rammed up the play now holding the boards at tha Lyric will be east of thoee moat vividly remembered. It at filled with emotional acting and a wide section et Comedy la inaerted. Tha Lyric a lock company la giving one of its customary careful per forms ncee. Next Week, at the Bur. 1 ne axan rrom Mexico wiu ne phiubi aa next week, starting Monday night, at the Stag ty the Allen atoctt company. Tbla la one on the greatest farces la which Willie Cotltoi over appeared. Forest Saabs ry will he aeesj la the title role. Seats aow selling. At the Grand. 'T; Vaudeville, a regular de luxe brand, la given, tbla week at the Grand. The siaaatlonal bicycle feat of Mlaa Chick is brand new and nothres aimttar haa been attempted on a local ategae Tha young woman leepe the loop three ttaaaa 1 without a topping. John Byrne la a monologbrt who telle stories which particular 1 Interest the woasen. Tha Berry troupe of expert acro bats aad many other apedalttee ara on tha tons program tbto week. "The Two Orphans.' To see "The Two Orphans," played as tha familiar aad popular drama should ba played, a vialt to the Star theatre la a ry. Tha Allen stock company la giving e sumptuous revival of tba noted romance that week, with the full atrength of tha orgaalaation. Nearly every member of the company la scoring aa Individual bit to "The Two Orphans. ' ' There win be matlneea Saturday ead Nun day. Beat! ran bp reserved at tha boxoffice. BURBANK'S NEW APPLE HALF SOUR. HALF SWEET (Jmsraal Special Servlee.l Baa FYanolaco, Oct. IS Luther Bur bank rtpoko before tha associated stu dents of Stanford university last night. Ha told of plant evolution and explained) several of hla recent discoveries. He exhibited apples unlike any he has pro duced before. The new fruit Is half sour and half sweet, one side betas a brilliant russet sad the other yellow. He explained 1 how the result was produced. Rates Reduced. Commencing Saturday, October . the Astoria Columbia River railroad wilt reduce their Seaside rates- as follows: Thirty-day round-trip excursion tickets, $4; Saturday morning return Sunday evening excursion, KM), and every Sun day round-trip excursion, 11.50. Beaalde la admitted to be the warmest winter reaort on tha coaat. Hotels have re duced their ratee to promote winter beach and rejuvenate. Information and tickets at M Alder treat and the union depot C. A. STKWAvTT. Main IM. Commercial Agent. , OaumxiAtorix ta (Special orepaien te 1 'I . Chehalle. Wash.. Oct. II. Tha teSaW rogtatrniion xor vnwnnuo i ! m ever tasrore. some sib amvina 1 - w,, th.n. srs man v innin.roo, - have lost their votes S Csllare to ter There Is not a BToat amount latereat ta the carapals tta year Republlceiua Save opsnod heodouon ta the Columbus block snd wee J. it Uhblta aacroiary.