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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY jyENINO. OCTOBER 18, 1901 NEW TODAY. ACREAGE BUYERS BEWARE ! Bchuvleiriun fn. of this city are Offering for sale, and wa are told, have aid soma land near Tlgardvllle ewer which thira la a lseal aomat now la fka courts. Thoaa who hava bought aueh landx bad beat recall their money, and others before buying had better await the final ajecleion In the ault now pending. It will be well for all Intending buy era from any dealere and their at torneya to aea abatracta before tag to buy; bo correct dealsr wUl ob ject ta ihewUf and furnishing ab atracta. Our Intereat In thla la that, bavins owned and dealt In Tualatin land for over to yeara. and having: dl Vided more large plsoea Into amall tracts, mid turned them Into, homea, thin aay other peraon or company in Oregon, and given good tltlea to them all. we are anxious that the same pro tection shall he given by all especially new and strictly speculative dealers, so that the titles like the Unas In that Taller may be knows aa Brat class. We have always taken great pleasure in furnishing perfect tltlea, and In case they urn not so we perfect them before offering the lands for Bale. We now own some fifteen hundred acres In the Tualatin valley, and they are among the choicest In the valley, and are buying and selling continually. Our knowledge of the country and w aeaaalntance with lands generally bars taught us that ths Tualatin valley, ta location and quality, la the rich sat valley oa the coast. We are selling our lands for $00 per acre and upwards, adjacent to the new rortland and Salem electric line. Our terms will be found reasonable. We convey buyers to the tracts several times a week. Call and arrange. Investment Company E QIMCKENBUSN, President 871. TO THE NEEDS PROMPT ATTENTION Of svery depositor Is ths slat of this Baak at We're busy, bat sever too basy to Receive year deposits promptly, Mske year eel lections promptly. Balance year bask book promptly, sad Ooadaet year aaaaelal transsctioBs of what ever astars promptly- Cas ws do business with yon under 'Bess prompt conditions t S rer cent interest paid oa cheek sreounts (sveo kaadreds) oa dally balances of 1000 or j seer. Call or writs far ear . booklet of "ILLUSTRATIONS." RESOURCE OVER il,7K,0O.00. Portland Trust Company or Oregon 8. K. ear. 3d sad Oak sts. Phone Ex. 72. BK.NJ. 1. COHEN. P. L. PITTOCK... B. LEE PAGET 17 O. G0LTRA .Presldeat Vice-President Secretary . Assistant Secretary Northwestern Guarantee & Trust Company X. amber Exchange Bldg-. (Second Floor) a. m. Cot. Beoond aad Btark Bta. flORTQAQES Our loan department a specialty of negotiating gilt-edge FIRST MORT GAGE loans to net the Investor ( per cent. All of these are wall secured on real estate valued at three times the amount of the loan. 37,000 Elegant 3-Story Brick Income $245 Month Beat corner In Albino, oa ear line. Rente can be increased. Just as sure mm Third and Washington for revenue, and will enhance !n value more rapidly. Do you know what la going on In AlblnaT We will be (lad to tall you. mm AM CO. IBs Be. Phone 7004. COUNCIL CREST A Beautiful 5-Acre Tract ONLY $2,000 This will subdlvlds Into 40 sightly building lots that can readily be aold from flRO up. Can you double your Snoney any easier way? We do the work and you reap the profit. Why don't we buy It and make this profit ourselves ? If we only had ths caah! Come early If you wish thla. Will positively be sold before Saturday to some bargain hunter. FIELDS ft TTBTAH CO. lOg Beoond St Phono Mala R. L. CATE HAS MOVED FROM lit SECOND 8T. TO 226 Stark Between First and Second Real Estate, Loans and Insurance PHONE EXCHANGE 78. Ten-Acre Tracts n the Section Lino road, 4 miles from he reservoir, 1 mile from s tree tee r lOS; good soil and lays well, at 175 per naif cash, balance on time. The Shaw-Fear Co. CLASSIFIED NAMES Correct list of OrSgon and Washing ton fsrms. fruit, grain, hope, pots to and Stock growers, number, In family, ages, see. Call or Srrlte ua for prices Rural Dlrsotsry Co (I fourth stroat NEW TODAY. OREBNWAY (PORTLAND HBIQHTA) The moat beautiful locations In this addition remain unsold. Bull Run wa ter, electric llg.itc, gas and graded streets. Superb view of lit. Hood, Cast Portland and Willamette river. Choic est lota f&OO each. Terms. warn a MxmAg, 104-800 Orsgoalan Building. WEATHER REPORT. -- - - -------- - - - The western area of blah pressure hss spread east to Include the northern Rocky mountain atatea. sod fair and euuler weather prevails Is tkU dutrlct sod also Is ths northern Rocky mountain atatea. A killing frost occurred this morning st Bain, sad a heavy (rest uceaiisd at Halt I-skc City. Ihe New England high pees sura area Is slowly moving eastward . The twronietee la relatively low along the entire soatbera bouadary of the United Ststee, aud a shallow dlsturbsnce overlies ths upper Missis sippi taller Light to heavy ralas have oc curred generally In the essters ststss. eirept In Nee- Knxlsnd. The Indtcatti ns are tor generally fslr weather in inn aiamci tonight ana masv. with ugsi frost In western Oregon and western Washing ton, and heavy frost east of the Cssrsde moun tain. It will be warmer Friday. Terns.- orations - Max. Baker city. Oregon 01 luiet.n. Massachusetts 03 Mlu. Preclp. 4 OA 80 84 88 SO 03 52 48 41 80 as B 88 41 44 04 .ii title. so, Illinois SR Denver. Colorado 82 Kansas City. Missouri 8 Los Angeles, California.... 74 New Orlrsns. Lnulalsna T4 New York. New York 0 Portland, Oregon 08 Rnaetxirg. Oregon 08 St. Lonla. Missouri 73 Rait Lake, t'lah 08 San Franclaco. California 88 Spokane, Washington M Tacoma. Waahlugtoa OS Walls Walla. Waahlngtos.. 88 Waahlngtos. I). (' 80 .lu .0 .8 .0 .IB .0 . .14 .10 .0 .0 .8 T T .04 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Frederick Leslie Warren. Astoria, Oregon. 28; D..II. Ml.fe J. Urn Wlgle. 026- Bsst Oak street. 24; Alice ucrtruos Ksnosii, zz. George Na.h. 28: Viols Nash. 80. Frank B. Briggs. 730 Pselfic street. 23; Mary E. Thayer, 18. ' Walter A. Msrtln. 24; Sophie Las Went, XI. Charles Hoffman. 49: Nellie Dugsn. 30. Benjamin F. Baler. Che halls. Washington, 27; Maryetta Phillips, 20. A. B. Gray. 31; Arses Raskins. 80. A. 0. Ammrr. 381 Bast second street. 28; Olive A. Robinson, 22. Wedding Cerds. W. 0. Smith it Co.. Waeh tngtou bldg., cor. Fourth and Waahlngtos sts. Wedding and calling cards engraved or printed, E. T. Rsahten, tt2V, Waahlngtos St. Miss Berths Msrtla. room 812 Allsky bldg. Stamping and One needlework; lilnai gtven. Fall dress salts for reat, all Tailoring Co.. 308 Burt st. BIRTHS. ORIMBR October 10, to Mr. sad Mrs. Job-) B. (Irishes. 870 Front, girl and hoy. twins GRIFFIN October 14, to Mr. sad Mrs. Frank I.. (Irlffln, 1007 Cleveland svenoe. s girl. BREXKAV October 10, to Mr. aad Mrs. 8. Breaaaa. 200 Lincoln, a girl, DEATHS. WHITE October IT. William It. White. TS years. North Psrlfle sanitation! DRIGGS October 17. Leroy C. Drlggs, 88 years. o,o iweirtn. cancer. GIBSON October IT. Pnraetl J. Glbssa. 48 yeara, St. Vincent s bospttsl. cerebral spop lexy. " " DIERK8 October IT, Frederick Dlerka. fT ears. St. Vincent's bospttsl. gunshot won no ESLBE October 18. Lowell P. Baler, 8 months. T4 Esst Seventh, brstn fever. KING October IS. Htesrna C. King. 58 yssrs. 1210 Esst Yamhill, valvular heart dlseese. MUCK LEY-October 18, Normsa I. Hockley. months. 844 Mill, pnenmonls. 8TANNARD October IB. James Staaaard, T8 si. Vincent, a noapitai. UNDERTAKERS. Dunning. McEatae Gttbaugh nnderUkers aad embalmera: saoosss In every deUIL Seventh sad Ptae. Mala 480. Lady 'aaetotaat. A. B. Hessatork. nsdertsker unit embalm. r Esst Thirteenth sod Umatilla are. Phone Sell Erlckson Undertaking On., and embalming, en) Alder st. Pbous Main 815.1 Lady assist ant. I. P. rinley ft Sans. Third and Madison sts. Ofacs of conaty coroaer. Pheas Mala 8. Clarke Florists rias oral designs. St. Edwsrd Helmaa. asdertsker. MO Third st. aUTEXVrrw cUtlTERT. Single graves, tin Family lots STS to 11.000. The osly cemetery In Portland which per petually maintain! and esres for lota For fnll Information aprilr to W. R. Mackensle. Wor caster block, city. W. it. Ladd, praaldsnt. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. F. 0. Smith Estate, Iaeorporated. to William 0. Hayes, lot I. sabdlvlslon of tract 0, Overton Park I L'nlverslty Lsad com tie sy to Alice H Pratt, lota 14. 18. 18, block 80, Col vcrslty Park i U E. Arkley and wife to ('. B. Wood worth Jr., part of lota 2 and 8. block 1, Dosrher's Second addition 10 V. B, Woodworth, trastes. et sL, to Frederick O. Sykes. aaaae as abovs . . I School dtetrlet No 48 to P. J. John son ssd wife, t seres beginning st stake, A chalna 4 Moke esst sad 6 chains ss llnka south of corner see tloaa 14. 18. tZ. 28. township 1 south, rsngr S esst 280 Oeorgs W. Brown te O. V Glbsoa, lots 22 sod 28, block 8. Lsurelwood 200 I. T. Mason sad wife to Bfrdle Shet tuck, east 28 feet of north H of lot g, block 21. Albiaa 1.800 American Investment companr to Marios Baurhytel. lots IB. 18. IT. 18. 18. ID. beach IT. Council Crrat Park. .. 1 A. F. Keaasrt te 8 H. Guild, lots 8 and 4. block 88. Osrutbera' Addition te turn there' addition 2,780 Emms Conn to Hubert o. Co I too. let S, block 238. city ... 8.800 OsUa Friendly to H short 0. Cohan, lot 7, block 88. city 7.800 Thomas and Ilea Its Taylor to R. 0. Prince, lot 8, block IT, Lincoln Park Annei 1.(4)8 William Kllllngswertb ssd wife et aV to Lacy A. Lnmsden. lota 7 snd 8. block 20, Wslnut Psrk 4.000 C. II Sholes aad wife to Florence HnlsKorth. lot 4. black 14, Alblss Flnmestesd 800 John M. Mann and wife to Addle Psrrla. north 4TH feet sf lot 2. block 28. Carutbsra' Addltloa to Csrutbers' ad dition 8.408 J. Bnckman and Elma to J. L. Qulnn and wife, sooth of south Vk of lots 84. . 88. 87. Eastwood 808 Title Insurance ft Investment company to J. F. Croat, lot IB, block a Trs mont Place 1 Title Guarantee ft Truat company ta Mattle I. Msyherry. undivided H of lots 8 sad 10. block 17. North Irvlng ton ETT W. F. Bnsrhey to Robert Tettlck. lots 2. IS. block , Kedllchton 880 Oak Park lsind company to Ernest L. Loy sod wlfs. lots 11 and 12. block 2.. Oak Park addition No. t to Bt Johns 1 A. L. Relman and wife to William H. Helmss. 1st B. Clifford addltloa te A 1 bin a 830 George Rose snd wife to C. 0. Hornaag, lot 2. block M. Portsmouth Villa Er tesded. snd part of let 1, la egad . block M 1.000 Richard Pries and wlfs to C. J. Met tier, psrrrl of land begloalng at point an east Has of East Thlrtr-nlnth afreet. ISO feet ssatb of south line of Hawthorne avenue 888 Ariumcntn Thtirlow sad wife to Effls Olive Gardner. SOtllS feet beginning st point ta west boundary Una of blot 81, Carter's sddttioa, 870 feet south from south Use of Market street If estendsd west l.te)0 Jobs Gorman sad wife to Neu P. Abel ssa, 8 scree oat of northwest corner of Section 18. township 1 south range I seat, located Is northwest corner of foho A. Slarln donation land clslm. 1 Jobs P. Okeratetn to T. S. McDstiel. let 18, Belmont Plsce 400 Bekle Herrmaa et si to Ells Herrrena. lot 4. block 38. Csrutbers' Addition te Csrathers' addition , i L'nlverslty Land company te D. R. Vosag. lota 14 snd 8. block 123; lots SO aad 40 block 188. l'nlverslty Park. 410 University Land compear to Jessie S. Young. loU 18 sad 17 block 121, Usl verslTy Park 200 I'nlreralty land 'ompany to Joseph Pit ton, bits 18 sod 8. black 123. tlsi vraltr Park J.O E it, snd E. T. Miller to Richard Browse, lot 8. bmcfe 2M. llawtbor.M lark 1.700 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. As tea J. Bakowsky sad wife to Charles Erleksou sad wlfs, let SR. block is. William A venae a edition 800 Rookie Taylor et sL to Victor Land Mia i, a, a, eaasa zr, aroor Ledge ro Philip Uiwengart ta Edgar J. Ualy st al , SMTS feet beginning at point 88 feet seat from eeetkwsst corner of lot 8, block 18. Coacb addition a Newtoa M. McOsnlel aad wife to 8. P. aad W. H. Oseora. less 1. 8, T. 18, 18, 14. block TTssts t. 8. 7. 8. . snd fractional lot 8. block 8; 1st . block 'T. Palling addition 4.830 Charlra Cardhisll to Dorr B Kaessy et si., lota 4, 8. 8. sleek 27.1; Iota 1. 8. 8. bsork 2T4; south H of block 388; all of blocks 26, 2ST. 288, SSB, tan aud fraction. 1 block suath of 288 (No. SOS) city; sua- portloo of blork St. G rover's sdditlou. co Delating of lota I. 2. a. 4. ami eaat U of lots 8 aad 8 sad all of lots T sad 8. snd fraction 8. all In lbs city of Port land 10 Jennie R. aad A P. Miller to Gilbert H. Chargers, lots IT, S, block T, Miller's addltloa to Bellwsod 800 Bliss llannaford to Archibald Mitchell Sr.. et al., lot T, block 8, Havens wood l-800 Henry C. Baker to Frederick C. king, lots 8 snd T. block 48. Sellwood ..... 1 Henrv C. sod Annls A. Hedges to J. P. Gillette. .,t, 1 eud 2. block 13, Central Alblna , L'00 Beda H. and John Blbrrg to L. fhrlatvii ssn. lot 4, block 4. Howltt addition to Montsvllls 1 George B. and Ksts Dean to John snd Martha J. Jooea. lots 12 snd IS. hhk 1. subdivision of tract K In M: Pstton trsct " Title Guarantee ft Truat company to W. B. Smith snd wife, lot 12. block 11, West Piedmont 230 Merchants' luveatment A Trust mpeay to Jane Ferguson, lot 8, block 88, ... Weodlawa aOO For abstracts title, Insurance or mortgage loana. call on I'aetle Title ft Trust company, formerly 1'aclBc Coast Abstract Gusranty ft Truat company, 804 5 8 7 Palling bldg. Cist your Insurance sad abstracts te real sststs from the Title Ousrantee ft Treat com paay. sen wssningioo eireci, NOTICE. NOTICE OP SALE OF BONDS. Notice te hereby glyen thst the heard Of directors of the Hood Hirer Irrlgatloa dutrlct Is Wasco county. Oregon, will sell the bonds sf said district la the sum of 840.000 on Thursday, the 2Mb day of October, 108. at ths boar of 2 o'clock p. ro.. st ths office of the board of directors, st the residence of J. H. Shoemaker la ssld district, ssd thst seslsd proposals for aald bonds will be re ceived by ssld board at ssld plsce for the purchase of ssld bonds until the dsy sud hour above mentioned; st which tlms the board shall open the proposals and award the pur chase of the bonds to the highest responsible bidder, the board reserving ths right to reject say sad all bids. Bids to be accompanied by a certified cheek for 8 per cent of the amount of the beads for which ths bid te submitted. Said bonds shall be payable la Cnltsd State" gold coin In tsa aerlea. aa follows, towlt: At the expiration of 11 ears, S per cost of the whole number of ssld bonds; 12 years, 8 per eeat; 18 years, T par cent; 14 years, 8 per cent; IB years, 8 per cent; in yeara. 10 per cent; IT yesrs, 11 per cent; IX years, 13 per cent; IS years, IB per rent; 30 yesrs, 16 per reat. and shall bear Interest st the rste of 6 per cent per annum, payable aeml annus lly. sa the first dsy of January snd July of each yesr. Ths principle snd Interest sbsll be payable st ths plsce dsslgasted in the beads, sad bidders are given the opttm of having ssld bonds payable st Portland. Oregon, or New York City. N. T.. aad ssld bonds will he Issued In acqprdance with the election of the successful bidders; ssld beads shall ba esch of the denomination of not less thsn 1100 sad not mere thsn 8800. and shall be negotiable In form, sad coo poos for ths In terest shall be attached te each and signed by ta'teds?rHood River. Oregon, thla lTth day of September. 1808. J. H. SHOEMAKER. Secretary. IN the district court of the United States, for ths district of Oregon. In ths matter of Estaeada Wood Manufacturing Company, bankrupt. Notice te hereby given thst on the third day of October. A. D. 1006, Esta eada Wood Manufacturing Company, of Port, land, Oregon, was duly sdladlcstrd bank rupt, and that the Bret meeting of Its credi tors will be held st rooms 2044 Featon bldg., Portland. Oregon, oa the twenty-sixth day ef October, 1S06. st 10 a. St.. at which tlms the ssld creditors msy attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt and trassawrt eaek sshii baa as ass as may properly come before sack meeting. Dated October IS, 1808. CHESTER O. MURPHY. Referee la Bankruptcy. THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. Notice to Pollsebolders The ofScial statement, which may be nsed as a ballot for voting by mall, having been sent to esch policyholder on October 11, aay voter falling to receive same la due course is requested to send his asms aad address to the company. Mew York City, m order that s duplicate msy be seat blm. MR. GBUND is awaiting communication from his daughter telling her whereabouts. Address Mr. Grand. Winchester House. North Third St.. room Eg. SEWING-MACHINES repaired, all kinds, st your houss; guaranteed. Phone Psetac 2739; Be agents. London Sewlng-Mschlne Repair lag Co.. S. Sams, Sdjuster. 381 Third st PABTY who bought second-band Washburn mandolin will hear something to his sdran tsge by celling oa Levy's Music I loose, 171 Fourth St. 8B0 REWARD Stolen October 8; a bay horse. 8 yesrs old; well built; good condition, gentte, welgbtad.800. P. P. Goo ley. Breaks, Oragsa. 'a, sdbet: HAVE aSiotlug plsce for 2 duckhanters oa Columbls slough. Box 7, city. MEETING NOTICES. WASHINGTON CHAPTER NO. 18, R. A. M. Speclsl esnvocatlon Thurs day evening. October IS. 1808. st 7:80 o'clock. Masonic Hsll, Borkhsrd bids. Msrk Msatrr degree. Visitors wel come. By order E. H. I' E. E. SHARON, Secretary. WEBFOOT CAMP. NO. 68. Woodmen of the World -Meets every Friday sight st W. O. W. hall. Tenth sad Waahlngton ats He freshmeats win be served. All Ttslllng neighbors wel come. It G. MORROW. C. O. L. BABBUB. Clerk. SSfr Third St. COLUMBIA Lodge, No. 114. A. F. ft A. M. Stated communication this (Thursday) evening. 7:30 o'clock, Mssonlc temple. Third snd Alder sts. Work In M. M de gree. All M. M. Invited. B. S. PAGUE. Secretsry. MACCABEES -Portland Tent, No. 1, meeta every Thursday sight In K of P. hsll. 11th aad Alder sts. Visitors are welcome. E. M LANCE. PORTLAND ORCHESTRA Good music for sll occasions, vary resectable. Main 6BOS, or 46 Laoretla st. M. W. A. EVERGREEN Csmp. 8.468. meeta Wednesday svsnlng, Allsky bldg,. Third snd Morrison sts. CIRCULAR LETTER CO. Facsimile typewrit tea letters: sddreealng. mailing. 291 H Stark M. W. A.. Oregon Grape Camp. No. 6,978. Mon days. 17th aad Marshall : vlsltora .velcome. LOST AND POUND. LOST T miles esst of Vancouver, lemon and white pointer puppy, sge 8 moatba; rewsrd for Information. BT. J. BlddJe. route 1, Van coever. Washington. STRAYED BeddudT blsck Jersey caw, last Saturday. J. T. Has, B. B. No. 1, Port tend. Rewsrd. IN ALBIMA, yellow female bull terrier. 35 re ward Phone Wood lawn 403 aad ssk for Mrs. E. Hsrtle. 1810 TyndaU at. LOST- Rubber cape; Soder pleast lesre st 423 Tillamook st or pbone Esst 2830. Rewsrd FOtfMD A femate fog terrier p. Bt., 480 Wllllama svs. Call sftsr 8 HELP WANTED MALE WANTED 2 well dressed, educated men to sell Charles Dudley Warner library, world's best literature; cell only on persona who nan wriiim iipt lariioiwri, nr piupw,,,,, liberal commission. Apply hetwt 12. Globs PubllsblngJ'o.. Columbia een It mmI bldg WANTED Two or three first-else, sh around machine men; permanent position, good wages. Oregon Fur altars MXg. Go,, Mtrgsgai read. A, WANTED MALE. -w--Bswe's.s.akT.sSSMseShssS Union Hotel 81 NORTH SIXTH ST. Free employmsat te our patrons. weekly rstes: asanas, up, rot hoard. 4.60 up. Asaacsaa. proprietor WANTED Young pa eg Is to prepare thamselses ss bookkeepers snd steaogTsphers ; bare bsd 043 calls since September 1; pissed 286 te positions. Wc slU place yea wbea ooaaps teut. Dsy or eight. Cstslogue Bsbake- waiser WANTED Salesaieo; many mske 1 100 to 1190 per month; soma even more; stork clean: grown oa reserrstlen. far front aid orchards; cash advanced weekly; choice of territory. Address Wsshingbm Nursery compose . Top- MEM AMD WOMEN to learn barger trade In right weeks; graduates earn from 118 t 823 nrrekly; expert Instructors; cstslogue free. Moier System ef Colleges, SB ,N-.rtb Fourth St.. Portland. MEN to know thst aaechaalcal drawing bt tsuglit at Holmes Business college. Waebteg ton and Tenth sts.. every Monday. Tuesdsy. Wednesday and Friday, from TtSO to 11.30 p. in . aad on Saturday afternoons. WE get work for oar members; speclsl mam bers. 83. Y. M. C. A- Fourth and Yamhill. AGENTS TO INTRODUCE THE GREATEST horticultural wonder Burbank's new stuaelsss plum; miracle; big pay; permanent position. Chleo Nursery Co.. 8s Ism, Ore. YOUNG man attending business college wants place to work for board sad room. P 86. care JoarnsL AG F NTS wsntsd to sell superior, high grsde nursery stock; eomptets outfit furnished free; cash weekly; write today for choice of ter ritory. Capital City Nursery company. Salem. Or. WANTED Must have 38 more young mea tp prepare themselvea for railway telegraph service: big demand for graduates. Call day or rvening. Expert College of Telegraphy. Commonwealth bldg.. Sixth and Aakeoy eta. WANTED -sure bolt splitters: good pay. Ap ply Weetera Cooperage Co.. 308 Stesrss bldg.. city, or Houltoe, Or. COATFINISHER wanted st once. Columbls Weelea Mills Co,, Seventh snd Stark. WANTEIV 2 beys; steady work: 37.80 per wees to oegtn wnn. am Davis at. BOY wanted; good wages. Lovejoy ft Lincoln. Bs.kblnders. 128 First st. EXPERIENCED raavessers wanted for the best thing out: great sslter; Urge profits. T 80, care Journal. WANTED Young man for general office work, having some experience la sbstrset of titles. Apply 812 Commercial block. WANTED Two good solicitors for aa accident aad heslth association; beat plaa snd seller In ths field: good workers can average (ISO s month. Address Y 67, cars Journal. WANTED A watchmaker: no tinkers need ap ply. Staples, the Jeweler. 183 First st. v BOY to set type aad feed press. Bt Johns Review. Phoae East 6186 NONUNION lathers. 83.50 par 1,000. Inquire 688 Bast Morrison, corner 19th. - BOY wsnted with wheel for delivering for meet market. Address X 88, care Journal WANTED 10 mea ef good address to travel oa the- road; salary and commission; also 8 experienced sdvsrtlsiag solicitors. 41 B Filed ner bldg. EXPERIENCED lsdles' tailor; atetdv work; es per wees. s. a. Htrrn, saa Washington. WANT 2 good boys; exceptional opportunity; fslr salary to start Address H 103, Journal. WANTED Boy. Apply at Baron's 233 Morrison st, WANTED Bright young man, goad posit lew? ststs salary expected. Address H 10S, cars JoaraaL (WANTED Man to take lsthmlll contract. Ore gon A Washington Lumber Co.. foot of Hamil ton a to. BOY to learn trade; Inside arark. Columbls Wire ft Ires Works. 888 Eaat Washington. BOY8 wsatsd to buy 11 25 watcb for 28c; free io ua rirsi us writs. Box Ml. fort land, or MAN wanted te work In stable. Hubert ft BAIL 388 Fourth at,, eaaseltg sity bsU. HELP WANTED FEMALE. CAPABLE WOMEN WANTED If you work, why not earn more thsn s living? Bs Independent; do geed. The Vtsvl Co. already employe 12.000 women: the work covers 23 countries of the world: we will eotertsla applications from capable women; not caovsssing. but helpful, dignified work. Address by msll only. Vlsvl Co., Lewis bldg. HOME LADIES' AGENCY. 188 H Fourth St.. corner Morrison, Boats Irs. Pbons Mala 6826 Alongside the Y. M. C. A. bldg. GIRLS WANTED Operators to work en shirts aad overalls. Lessons given to Isegpsrisaoed. Apply st Stsadsrd fsctory No. X Grand svs. sod East Taylor at. WANTED Girls to mats alls st T8 First st. of All" over. HANSEN'S LADIES' AOBNCY. 848 Uj Wash ington St., car. Seventh, upstairs. lis peal Mala 2962. Female help wsatsd. WANTED Girl for general housesrork; amall family. Call at once 300 Psrk st FEW lsdles wsntsd to ssslst making easy fancy work spare time at boms; good steady pay; no experience required, bldg.. 407 Washington at. BBS Fletdnsr LADIES to do7 fancy work at oerlenee rcoulred: rapid, easy work. Call 838 Fieldner bldg.. 407 Waahlngton st. WANTED Experienced body lrooer; atsady em ployment. Oregon Lauodry Co. Psoas Bast LADY barber wanted. 211 H Fourth at. WANTED Girl for second work: smsll fsm lbr; good wsges; good pay. Apply ISO King street. WANTED Experienced wsltn 7th street. st 104 6 North WANTED st once Girl to wash dtsbss. at 104-6 North 7th street. . WANTED A housekeeper; must bs from 38 to 48 years old; no objection to collg. 25.1 Madison atrset. WANTED Lady canvassing sgant. for Port lsad sad vicinity, to sell Mine. McGabs'a ex panding back and flexible slds corsets, con sidered most aattsfsctory corset mads; easily sold; large profits. St. Louis Corset Co.. St. Lonte. Mo. FINISHERS and operators on peats; steady work, good pay. 829 Filed ser bldg. WANTED Girls for fsclng prunes. Apply Ms Boa . Ehrman ft Co., Second aad Pine sts Phone Excbsngs 10. QIRLS choc. 1st. dippers snd psrksrs. Aldou Candy Co.. 10th and Olteao. THOROUGHLY competent girl In family of two; must know hoar te cook; geed wages. 804 North 24th St. MIDDLE AGED lsdy to tsks ears ef old lady In feeble mind. Inquire st 881 East 18th st. Tsks Woodstock car. WANTED Chambermaids, dishwashers, cooks and sll kinds of female hslp. Call room 16. 2.1 1 tk Alder St. WANTED Nest, capable women, under 40, .sa housekeeper for widower an fralt ranch. 230 H YsmhlL, Mala 5418. schoolgirl to ssslst In ears of children for board. Apply room 46. Norton Is. WANTED- First clsss costmsker. Inquire Mrs. A. Ditchbura. 408 Fltednsr bldg., 10th snd Wsshtngton sts. WANTED- Young girl to assist In light boats work. ST Psrk st. Call la morning. MALE AND PEMALE HELP. HELP wsntsd sad supplied, male or female. R. 0. Drake. 208 H Washington st. Pscific 13T0. WANTED In cooatry home, two children ta ears for geed setooL Addreaa E. M. Bf., pnstofflre bog SB, Bcappsoss. Or. WANTED First clsss lsdy sbd geatlsmea sen vessels; sslsry sad com mission. Call st Ageasy Buresu. S3 Fourth at, Portland. Or. WANTED Young people to team sbeweard writing snd lettering, day and evening; field Bet overcrowded: Individual Instructions by i practical expert ehowcard writer Osier's Et pert college, nrtn floor t ommonweslth gsgg. AT a sit ,ffl,,Uaf? WM Hair Fsctory. 228 ItlTUATIONl WANTEDM AUL I FOK KgWT imww. I '" w""mnmm" " - " . -. HOl'SBULBANINO Pheas Union HXPRBT setoeataat washes a tew bears' stork dally; Is efficient aad afters the heat refer- I oners toe cars JoaraaL I. S-S. I SITUATIONS WANTED-FEM ALB WILL cars for eas or two children; will furnish good home. Mrs. W. 0. Auderaon, TOT Mis alaalppl tve. c ELDERLY WOMAN, gaed Osok. wsnts work: housekeeper or cook for few men; country preferred. Address Cook, room B, 131 Vk N. 8tb street. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS, peddlers, canvassers sad street work rrs. get soar sapplles from B. M. Pntmmsr 280 Third St.; asw goods, bottom prices. AGENTS wajtsd; 88 dally. 83 Vj N.Eitth EMPLOYIf ENT AGENCIES. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE rus man. 28 North Seeead at. Phone Msla 1828. THE PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT CO.. 2061s Morrison st. Phone Pacific 238. ALPINE Employment Co., 20M Morrison st. Mala sad female help. Pbous Msln 1817 WANTED REAL ESTATE. TE To The Portland Capitalist Wt make a SPECIALTY of COLLKCT1NO RENTS of LARGE BUILDINGS. placing FIKE INSURANCE, psymeut of TAXES and GENEBAL CARE OF PROPERTY. We have tbs best of facilities for csrrylng out your wishes aa aa agent. We solicit your , patronage. Our references: Ladd ft Tlltoo. Makers, aad Merchants' National baak. R. H. BLOSSOM. 31B CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. I WANT a modern 6 room eottags; It must bs a bargain tor cash; msll me psrt tenters; will be la Portland October SS. M. Mercer. TBI South Third St.. Baa Joes. California. 1 WANT from 10 to SA-acre tract on earline B 13, cars Journsl. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT Houses, cottages, flats, stores, offices, rooming houses, rtc. Land lords will do well to cell on PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. Phone Eg. T2. 8. E. Cor. Bd scd Oak. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. Mala B6B5. Mala 5655. FURNITURE WANTED FOB SPOT CASH PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS til First st. Mais 5688. WANTED A good secondhand Underwood typewriter. Address F 98. cere Journsl. HIGHEST pries paid far men's caat-off cloth ing. Phoae Pacific 46. Uncle Joe, 62 Third. WE WILL BUT, SELL OR TRADE ANY OLD THING. WWTaKK SALVAGE CO.. 62a- 6BS WABrunu tun. ravii iu ee. Wt WILL BUY your furniture any eld time, Western Salvage Co . 627 Washington at. "THE DOLLAR" wants 88,060 worth of second hand furniture, or will trade aew for eld. We are Just upsnlag a large aew aad second band stare at 232 First St., near Mala. See as sbout It. We want year trade. "Ths Dollar " FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT HOTEL PALMER. 840 H Alder st.-Stesm beat, electric electric lights, bet sad cold water, free baths, porcelain tubs; s few housekeep ing suites wtta gas ranges I2.B0 per week ap. THE RICHELIEU. 83 H North Sixth St. Ele gantly furnished; atsaa beat aad baths. "THE BUB," SB Eleventh st.. ea rooms with stesm best sad bath. Stark; LINDA VIST A. 247 Vi Fifth Housekeeping rooms with bay windows, aad sleeping rooans. ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, furnace has tec sad teth. 4T4 saiaisa ex. FURNISHED rooms sod furnished housekeeping rooms tor rent st 76S Vancouver are. THE GRAND. 48 North Third st. Booms for gentlemen 1.28 per wesk snd Bp. ' THE WOODLAND Elegant modern furnished ' rooms In beautiful private residence, fl per day. 268 Sixth St.. ear. Madison. 183 Fourth St. Ilndman. FOR RENT Nicely furnished re two gentlemen. 446 Hall St. tor ens or SOB BSni rwrw ,w, umhsh . . . . iuwm, wwuw. m coavasueaeea; private residence. Pbone Wood lawn BBS. NEWLY furnished rooms. SB Esst 18th at ROOMS AND BOARD. NICELY furnished room and board, private lor two. statu lOBB. zee lata St. FIRST-CLASS room and board, one or two; modern, reasonable, quiet home, walking dla taace. 624 Eaat Morrison St. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. 31.28 WBEE Dav, clsss! furnlsbsd boussksep lng rooms; parlor, bath, laundry, furnace best, ysrd. 308 Vk Stanton. U ear. ai BO WEEK ho. large, clean, furnished keeping rooms, laundry sad hath. 1S4 man south, Portland THE MITCHELL Houas keeping snd transient rooms, ressonsble. Seventh snd Flanders. FRONT roam with alcove, gas, bath; pbous. 42S Stark at gl.28 WEEK UP, clean, fmlsbed houaekseplng rooms; parlor, bath, lauud j, furnace best, yard. 208Vs Sthoton, U car. FOB BENT Housekeeping rooms. 410 4th st UNFURNISHED ROOMS. 3 PLEASANT unfurnished rooms st 300 Mont at. Pttoae Pacific 2700. THREE unfurnished rooms, 488 Esst Morri son. Pbons Esst 1015. POR RENT STORES-OFFICES. Offices-Most Central Locatloa ta the city, northwest corner Sixth and Washington sts.; aew elevstor; hot snd cold water, light, best snd Janitor service. THE MORTGAGE GUARANTEE A TBU8T COMPANY. SO Seventh st OFFICE-ROOMS, unfurnished rooms and sam-pls-rooms for reat. Ooodoosgh bldg. Apply elsrstor. DESIRABLE ofSces, Including electric lights, hot sad ceid vaster. Janitor and elevstor service, In the new, slry Commonwealth bldg., old postofSce site. Sixth snd Burnslds sta Agegt room 411. PAST of shop to rent, suitable far painter or plumber. 206 Fourth st. FOB RENT- Oeslrsble storeroom, corner Unlea are. aad Ba boost. Hsrtmaa ft Thompson. 3 Chamber of Commerce. COZY OFFICE IN LUMBER EXCHANGE, tele- Beans, beat aad iignt; reasons uts. ska 6318. 488 Lamaer Eirbanga. . STOBE st Stewsrt ststJea, Mount Scott; every thing In shape tor occupancy, counters. Shelving etc.; asses i at ressonabte rent. Pbons Pacific 2105. FURNISHED suite modern of ss rooms, includ ing phone and Smith typewriter : chejp rent sad 8ns location. Addreaa O SB. Journsl. DESIRABLE store near Third snd Stark; three yssrs lJMrjy'-1'r! L?J vtm POR RENT-HOUSES. FOB RBNT HOUSES . . , , - 3 New 7 room bosses, just flolshed: strictly msdera. gas, sleetric lights, porcelain bath, f ureses, eeassst calls r; Washington at. ear H block away: 7S1 sag ra vora st sear corssr 24th.; 327.80 sad (SO rest Inquire Majors Fsvestavsnt Co., Stearns bldg.. Sixth aad Merrisos sta, NEWLY furnished cortege, strictly stodera, a-ua'ci tS &Jkk W: For Rent Mu T-mab "- -- With . Including use sf Has alaae. good stsel rsage. ' hot and cold water; sR sts; blab snd sightly leestloa; oiw woes from ear tine: IB minutes freak corner aa saw MotrkSss sts. Rents! departmeat. Schuyleman & Co. 27 H Washington, St. FOB BENT B-roogs cottage, root I2. I'htsne Scott 2408 lttth and bsimssti FOR RENT 8 hsssisoms, nsoders T room bo sea. eaa ess lenity amiea v. Sit sod 8(4 Oorbett stj rent reasosasls to dsslrabla isaaato. David I. Stearas.34S waaningioB ss. - T ROOM house, modern, 24th snd Aahutta. Ib-sjsb-e st tbs store. Pbons East 3B3T. 8 ROOM modern house, casxlae Jkstatlon. J 46 East Main. Kenkle ft Herrlsoa, 31T Ablagton bldg. FOB RENT 14-room apartment-house walktag dtetsncs. 820 per saoith : vrfll esll less, sad rarslturs casan: tnis win cr - w ew month bldg. Fidelity Land Co.. Sll unfwss NICELY furnished home for real, complete; open fireplace, furnace, bath, piano, Pastes Bast. 2788. FOR BBMT A 8-room furnlsbsd cot side, gig. Pbons Tabor ZZD A NBAT 4 room cottage and large lot oo ear Use st MontsvlUs. 213 Allsky bldg COTTAGE. S rooms. SCO Market st. Inquire Chapman st. I'hone xaaia int. POR RENT PLATS. ONE 4 -room Sat. lBBVs East Ninth, Belmont, 81160. Phone Eaat 12T0. HOU8E8 POR RENT FURNI TURE POR 8ALE. FOR RENT OR SALE Furniture of t Call between 6-8 p. m., 48 Vt First st, room 30. I TOR RENTMISCELLANEOUS. HALL sad ballroom, separata et together: asw sad with all ronvea assess. Pbone Mala BBS. SPOT caah paid for your furniture, senses, etc; prompt sttestloa. Pbons East BUSINESS CHANCES. HARDWARE STORE One of the beat in ths Wlllsmetts vsllsy and la In one of ths bsst towns: stock la ap to date and there is no old Junk; owner hss mads enough oat of the bullosas to retire: fullest lnveatlgatlon allowed; will sxchangs for Portland property. J. F. O'DONMsTLL ft CO., SOT -8 Mohawk bldg. 6 Per Cent and T Per Cent Farm mortgsges; aay Use from $800 up; silt edged security. Booms 34-38. StTVe Washlngtoa St. PHENOMENAL rise to price ef Burst Switch expected any day; this msy bs year last opportunity te bay before subscription books are closed. J. T. Hunt ft Co.. 208 McKay bldg. I LOAN moner. examine abstracts, draw wills. SUM. U. A. enseal, iswvr, ue uwin block. FOB SALE Apsrtment-houss of 16 rooms: sll newly furnished; sssy terms It asesaaary; In come 100; seat 860: located so Morrison at Apply Cohn Bros.' Furniture Co.. ISO First. DBY go saa stock for sals la oas ef the asset prosperous towns la Ike Willamette valley: stork In excellent condition; will give pos session ths Brat ef ths yssr. For psrtlculsrs writs L BO. ears Journsl. WANTED Soma see to pat small amount ef money Into develop tag promising clslm; net a stock proposition; strictly Isgltlmsts; would bs partaerskip deal. O 10. JoaraaL GENERAL store at Wbtts Salmon, the coming fruit country of ths wsst. Northern Pacific now building. Invoice 32,060; 10 per cent off if tsksn now. O 84. Journsl. STOCK cosspsntes liKsepmstsd. If yea save stocks or bonds for sale, let me try to sell them . for you. George M. Ksflogg, broker. 640 ElUcott Square. Buffalo. MAN or woman with 31.000 to Invest la tegit Imate bnalnrss. Refined person preferred, who will devote entire tlms snd attention to ths business for salary. 424 Lumber Efpbange. A tNAP Well paying restaurant, taking In 3100 per day; price 31,200; rent 840. 288 Vt Washlagtoa st. Mala 2410. MICE fsrm. near Portland. Improved; 32683 s sere; splendid buy. Pbous Wodolawn tot. FOB BALE It-room lodging house; modern; geed furniture; sieetnclty: reasonable al Address V 68, care Journal. A SNAP. Cigar, confectionery a tore ea Washington street, doing pretty good business : aell en ac count buelness bsck esst: cheap rent; living room, basement; 8-yssra' teass; fixtures. B1B0; stock. $260; will aell $276. Phone Psclflo BIS. SAVE M0NBY Anything In printing sse Mad den. Odd Fallows' Tsmpls. First snd Alder sta.; spats Irs. WANTED Mas with $600: Bast Colorado; $6,000 la It Addreaa F SO, ears Journal. $1,100 FOB a wall paying grocery stare, Morri son at.; cheep reat. 82.500 for a well established cash grocery haslaass, cheep rent. Including barn, wars bones aad art living rooms. We have several good general' merchsadlse stares for ssle on a discount. JORDAN ft OA RBADI. 2S2H Waahlngton St. GROCERY store. $700. or Invoice; rent $28; stock aew; hsndls feed If desired ; most sell at some price In aext few days: ana of ths nest locstleas an esst side. CslI st once 193 M Fourth st MI ST BE SOLD Good paying rlgsr sod con fectionery store on esst sloe; splendid soca tlrta. rbssp rent; owner has te go eaat. V. Bchmld, 106 Grand are. middle-aged man, aoBs sxperlsncs In book- , .11 1 . , W..J.., AnM. i set'piUB. wall JU,-,i im uuow.v.i wv.w.v reliable, paying buslnsss; ststs psrtlculsrs. L 21, csrs Journsl. FOB SALE or rent, tbs furniture of the Wll lsmetts roornldg-houss; 1 yesr lesss on build lag. Inquire of St. Johns Grocery Co., it. Johns, Oregon PARTNER wsntsd In good legitimate reel sststs snd timber business; will require $800; If you sre Interested csll snd talk It over. Room 319 laimber Excbsnge. 102 Second at. MEAT market for ssls. doing excellent business; no opposition. Addreaa a its. rare journal. POR SALE REAL ESTATE. r MEMBER BAIT BIDE PROPERTY IMPROVING IN VALUE RAPIDLY AND THAT WE ARE MAKING A SPECIALTY OF EAST SIDE BUSINESS PBOPBBTY. BI'CHTBL ft KERNS. 862 East Morrison tt. BAROAINS FOB SOMEONE. My modern B room home, full brick bass tent, big lot 68x141, sll kinds terse snd smsll fruit, two blocks to beat canine in city. email barn. $2,700. half caah. No. 1229 41st sad East Taylor, owner; phoae Bhsst 10 ACRES choice fsrm lsad, good ssew 8-room house, barn, 2 cisterns, frait, berries; very desirable for home; Vt mile north Gray's crossing. Mount Scott csrltas. Oeorgs Clark. BY OWNER, R. B. Bice, new modern 7 room house, 24tb sod Wasco. Hollsdsy fsra ad Missel. Pbons Bast 1686 Lata Jm ssls. A BIG SNAP A 4-room bouse aa let 100x168 feet, ranting for Bio s moots, tor Bi.soo. B acres, V4 Bills from earline. gas soil. only BSB0. 13 big lota soil reel, sue son snd sbsde. close to 10-room SShsulboaas and est: price $160 to $200 per lot; will ssll part or sll st s great reduction. Ira Kll- born. l.ents. uregon. HEBE Is a alee new oaodera groom hones in Hsu teas as ate., chose ta. Sss ss for psrtlru- lsrs. Get the habit. 0. L. PABEItH ft CO.. 433 Lumber Exchange Fobs Mala 8318. NBW modern B room cottage In flee location. cbssp st ix ; terms. C. L. PARRISH ft CO.. 428 Lumber Richsnge. Forte Msla 6SH. 2 LOTS, email house, owner leaving. $660. Hoi Hater Watson, tit Commercial talk. ACREAGE WEST SIDE ALL LEVEL CLOSE TO CAE ABUNDANCE OF RUNNING WATEB. EXCELLENT ONION LAND. M0 BBTTBB IN OBEO0N. $150 to TERMS Schuyleman k Co. Rooms 34-35 227 1-2 Washinrton Street THESE. THEN SEEK NO MM Highly Improved 28 H sera place. 14 oat, good thsiilss. reads i 16 seres ta trait apples. nears. grapes aad berries; a rooaa cottage, good bs poultry iaraasa, ana otasr nuiiatngs, l t cows, chickens. etc.; an tor 32,600. A lovely cottage oa Bast Oregon, sear ttth at; fall lot asw 6-room eottsga, sasspl t rooms to nntsh; a bssuUful aitaatloai ahsrm log home: only 11,100. T&B7 DUNNWsWcBOMT A NY: BEAUTIFUL CONCORD HEIGHTS Two blocks frees Vsraoa car lips; graded atreeta, water mains tela. IS m tastes from the city ana in s section rapidly being im proved; thla to tbs shsasost property In the city today; a 80 foot lot costs but $280. aad caa he booarht for 10 aer eeat cash aad bal ance $10 monthly. PORTLAND THUtT COMPANY OF OREGON, B. oar. Third aad Oak ate. 88.800 THE best aad cheapest buy ea ths heights; beestlful view, 10 asses partly Im proved snd beautiful residence, contract price ef which was over SB. 000 st shoes prices; worth doable price ssked; attar $1,400 per acre wss refused by owner of unimproved trsct adjoining this recently. J. Frank Portor, 222 Washington St.. upstairs. H0DEBM HOME. I reset house, gas, electric light Ins laws, row hush as sad shade t fins Esst Main. Tel. Bsst 878. ARB mn looklns for a Good rssl estste te ssrs. ws nsvs 11. fore you buy see what we have ss. m. tnvsraun , 848 Mtestetppl ave. Pbons Wodlawu 303. BUY a lot oa ths seat aide: 6-mtnuts oar serv- les, wltnia walking atatancs: rtos noness gotogupi prices from $600 to $880; tarsal If M. B. THOMPSON 848 Mississippi svs. Pbssss WodlswB 303. GOOD FARM Portland Improved; $28 83 aa acre buyPhons Woodlawn 90S. OBBATEST CLOSE IN BUT IN PORTLAND 14 per cent investment; two aeautirui booses, extra fine lot close la oa Union aea., this slds of Broadway, paying $43 80 pat month; dirt cheep st $4,000; terms. HALL ft CO., Concord bldg. WAIT la sbout 1 weeks I will have B modern cottages complete sad ready far sals; Vi block from csr has; ericas ressonsble; terms to ault purchaser, joe nssa. Nasaruia station. sit. t ear Una. $8.00 DOWN TREMONT $5.00 FEB MONTH. riiavnr Lota $80 te $100 la this choice sad beauti ful suburbs n sdditlou; lets 40x120 ft.) 20-foot alleys; vsluss will soon douhls; over 60 lota sold ta 10 daye: $6 00 down snd $8.00 per month; good wstsr; graded strseta; beat bay oa thsfeasrket. J. FRANK PORTER. 222 Wsahlngtog st, ear. 1st; npstslrs. buys lot 60x100 fast. : lie. 242 Madison. 8th sad Fall Ing WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS Nsw S-room bouse. run wo. ,.m,u , twDsoe. everything modern; beautiful view, fins anr rouBdlngs, built for s home; 88,000, half eeab. Pbone Shay, Pacific ISIS. HOLLADAY'I ADDITION H block, I modern gseiusfv, !, l , Ww, ugii, Bowers, cement sidewalk; cheep far cash. BTt KSSt IBiru SSm norm. Send One Dollar : And we will list you property with 1.000 rssl sstste dsslers who are aa snxlous to earn a commission as you are to ssll: our plan seldom falls; send description; ws sre helping sissy others, why not you 7 Address The In vestor's Guide, til Merqosm bldg., Portland, Oregon. 4-ROOM hones with barn for sele or rent Psoas Esst SBtT. LOT. corner 1 2th snd Tills mook. its. Phoae Betd. Msla 40. fnll Improva- NEW modern 8-room house. $4,000; 6-room SB. 000; small paymsnt down, balance a rant. Owner. Pbons East 676. THE only snsp la St Johns acreage, close lat must bs sold quick. H. G. Ogdea, St. Johns, Oregon. Pbone East 81S8. $2,680 S-BOOM modern house, fall cement base ment, porcelain bath, eoraer lot, nice lawn and roses, near earline; exceptions I bargain; terms. 612 Commercial bldg. Main 1840. MITST BE BOLD 8580. smsll nsw houss. lot BOX 100, Beat 38th St., close to earline; Boll Run water. V. Srhmtd. 108 Grand ere. 3 LOTS In l'nlverslty Psrk for sale cbssp If sold st once. Bog T, city. A 8 ROOM eottags. la good conditloB. bath, hot and cold water, laws, Sowers, fralt trees; st e bargain. $1,800. lilt Best Taylor. Phone Tabor 141. 14 ACRES, 1 mite wsst ef Clacks saas ralarosd station; price 88.200; buildings oa plsce 1 e sna see. t. moar, janwankls, uragna. F. D. S4. FOR SALE -Improved aad unimproved fsrms, wbest and stock ranches, timber lasate and sswmllts. city sad suburhaa preperty: sx- cbangas a specially Tur 4, BOSH n rill li Vut''inrsalBB