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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 11. 190t TODAY'S MARKETS (1 IS PAID FOR , FANCY SPUDS Potato Market le Firmer With Dealers Offering Higher Figures for Beet. BUYERS FEAR GROWERS WILL GET TOO EXCITED Plenty pf Potatoes in East This Year, and Purchasers Say That Producer! Should Not Get Their Idea Too High Ordinary Stock Selling. Principal market feature today: Higher price for fancy potato. Rotor baying In bop market. Eg market firmer at prlcaa. Strength retained la poultry. ' Wheat uerket holding IU owe. market In good poaltlon. Kixher Trio far Fancy Fetateea. As hlcli a 41 par 100 pounda haa been paid for fancy potstnee daring the paet 24 boura at atalpping polnta. Tbe demand at tola time la .Tory bear j for thta class of goods. Tbey are. however, only found In s vary limited area of thta elate, the general market for potatoea rang ing from SO to TV pep 100 pounda. Mostly la ; tbe aaatern part of Multnomah county Is the fancy potato found thla aeaaon. By a prominent buyer they are classed ss among the bast on tbe Pacific caaat, being able to nealntaln s market In San Irranetse at the prleea quoted there for their fanciest quality, the 8s1tna. lu lbs San Franrtaeo market Salinas pots toss , are quoted by Jobhera to tbe trade at Sl.U and ft .an per IUO pounda. The saiiaas pout la rabted in a aandy aoll and la aald to be a eery pretty article. It. la slao aald to compare rsTorably with anything produced. While there ; Is s demand for our ordinary potatoea Is the aoutb. the fancy goods are the onea that are bringing the big prlcee. Ordinary potatoes of Oregon ass forced t compete with the eo-cal!rd , rlrsra of that locality, sad these sis quoted oat by jobbers of Bsn Franrleoo at IBs and II 10 jier 100 ponaatS. Erat Haa Pdenty of Potatoea. Sam Broadua, s local buyer for a Ssn FTsn daeo noose, make the atatement today that while the prlcee being paid for fancy stock hers are eery high. Uvea prlcee see about the limit, for efforta to fores raluee higher than that would bring Is s big lot of stoek from the east. Michigan la aald to he fall of pota . toss this season, and prlcee there are close te a ehlpplng point for thla market. From a St. Paul. Mlnnasots. dealer Mr. Bros due received " advice thla morning that potatoes wars aery , plentiful In that market at thta time, sad that buying price, range from 30c ts 23c s bushel : wltb prospects of lower flguree. i "The eltsstlos la the potato market la rather . complicated this aeaaon." eaye Mr. Broadua. "Last year the eaat was short of potatoea. while this laasns the Pacific coast hss the i shortage and the other fellows hare the pots- i toes. " There Is nothing of Interest hi the onion mar kst at thla tins except, perhape, the extreme Some Buying la Map Market. White soma baying Is reported la the hop market daring tbs past 24 boors the general ' trade Is rather skew Tbsre is a dlspoaltlcn I a aiong some dealers to report their taking In . of old contract as aw aasa. sad thta haa a dlenoaltkM to further complicate tbe altuatlon. eo that it is next to Impoaelble to tell Juet what ssJss si aew sad which are contract, W. C. Mount, pf 14 realty 4k Mount of'lxha, r-preeentatlvee of Clem Floret, who la in the V city today, reports that his firm porcnaaed 00 "bales of mediants yesterday at North" Yamhill from a grower. Neither name of seller or price la made public. The asass firm purchased 40 r balsa of fagglss from Uatewood st ISMe. M. . J. Setter, of K labor. Wolf it Natter, reports that trade Is eery quiet with SO now traaaac i tlons. Most of the dealer are now busily en gaged In taking la contracts. Outside marker a are ettll reported aa quiet. Sllaaglh Bet ained In Poultry. A fairly good stowing of strength wss die. j played by the entire poultry market along Front street today. Beeelpt are rather small and . thla hss s disposition to strengthen qnotstlons I No change since that . advance reported by The . Journal yesterday. Local ranch egga are firmer at tic end MHc, with quality es Id ts he eery bad on account ' of long holding by ehtppere. One nosier ssM - this morning that ho found 40 "black rots" in a emgle case. ,"- Oresmery hatter is still rather wash along Front street with prlcee st tbs law point. City manufacturers say there Is stilt no occasion to advance raluee. ' Cheese market la eery firm, with some asking , an adeanre of He Thla la not tbe general market, however. Brief Votes of the Trade. Vesl Is rather slow sals, especially for larger today. Dressed hogs in steady demand at former price. Dealers In rblttlm hark asv tori a r that . beta are higher than goods ran be sold for to tbe east. Deliveries eat. anger are Bow regular and all jubhota hare- good supplies. Price tnscttvs. The trad pays the following prlcee to Front street Prices psld shippers are lea regular Or in, Floor Fes. Q RAIN BAGS Calcutta. SUc buying price; selling. 8SMe. n WHEAT -New club, ode; red Kneel an. die; . biuestem. rujc; valley, 7c. BA RLE v New Feed. $11. 00; rolled. $23.50; , we Brewing, t'OUN Whole, 127.00; cracked, $$8.00 per It K 91 bo pvf CWt. MiTB Vous Le,wl..o.' nelo. V,. aeklt.. 1 vm sees w a wasvwi m ass e.v nv. a sea , 123.00; sray. 122.00. I'UH'R Raatern Oregon patent, 13.10; , atralgbta, 1.1.25, export. 18 05; valley S.40; i graham, t.a. $2.50; wools wheat, $3.78; rye, Sua. 13.0U; Ualea. 12.75. MILL8TUKF8 Bren, 115.50 per ton; mid dlings 124 00; aborts, country. , 117.00; city. ' IIO.OB; .'bop. i.ooai.oa HAT Producer' price Timothy. Willamette valley, fancy. $ll.OOtl2.00; ordinary, $0.onJ 10.00: e extern Oregon. tlS.00ai6.00; mixed, lo.OOetO.tO; clover, $7.00; grain, tT.504Jt.D0; cheat, $7 .00. Batter, Baa sad Poultry. Ill IT I'. II FAT F. . h. Portland Sweet cream. MHaSle; soar. MHAzBc. BI'TTEH City creamery, 304JS2HC ouutds fancy. 27HOtc; ordinary. 27t,c; at. .re. 14HO . 16c. BOOS No. 1 fresh Oregon, candled. 82Q , BStte: uaesndled. lOOalc; .local and eastern storage. 2503THC CHBB8E New Fnll cream, flats, 140MH-; Pofl,TRV'eMlied3 chickens. 111, pgr lb; fsncy bens, l-'Vaiil3c per lb; rooster, old, 10c rib; fryers, lie per lb; broiler. 18c per old dueka 12'jc per lb; spring ducka. lttte lb; geese. 10c per lb; turkey. 1HO 17c per lb for old: .freeeed. 20c lb: squabs, $0043.00 per do; plgeoa. (2 00 par do. , Hop. Weal sad Kids. HOPS 1W0S crop, choice, 10c; prim to choice. I5e: medium to prime, 184144c; me .Hum. 1244r. wool, iwmi enp Valley MCI HA fAIR -NeW nominal SHKEPSKINS Shearlne IBSiane . ahrf wool, 2Sg40e; reed rem wool, a04)TI each; mag wool. TSeeMl.OO each. T'lLLOW-Prime, per lb. IH4c; No. t aad greasa, 2Hc. t HITT1M BARK Sc. HIDES Dry. No. 1, t lbs and ap. 16U6 ITHd Mr la; dry kip. No, 1. t to IS lbs, flc; ary Blf. No. under t lb. 18c; salted hhlrs. teers. eouod.'wo lb and over, 10411c- eowa,". "A bulu- """A !: Up. It to gn tbs. Be; df. aound. under 15 lbs, lie; green, anaslted. 1c lees; calls, lc par lb leea; horae hide, salted, each. 11.lt01.T8; dry. arh. tl01.80; roll hldss. 2Srjoc; (oat ekln. commoB. eash, tOSJlSc: Angora, each, Bef) si. 00. Fralta aad TsgsUklee. I'oT A TOKS Buying pries, fsncy, BtV-ejtl 00: ordlnlry, 0073; Jobbing pries. 11 00 per CWt ; awaetr. SlUr. ONIONS Jobbing price New Oregon. POrO U is); buying prlc. Yt0c; garlic. trr par FRESH FBI: ITS Apples, 7Bc4.Sl.Sn; orange. ahoso) M.o) par hast fancy, T.0B per 1 '. LULL OOES NOT AFFECT DRIED FRUIT MARKET While there . la a lull In th dried fruit anaratet at preaant It 4 in no way indicates mat .tne aa- mand la any amaller. Prom all inAleationa notrceabl at thla time the m achat 4a stronger than 4 ever. Th sreatcat difficulty In 4 the dried fruit line at this time. 4 bath for apple and prune, la tho Marctty of sufficient labor. A lank of transportation TBclrl- 4 tlas la also one of -the causes of d th lull. Price aeem well sua- e tarncd In all dried fruit line to- e .lay. e boa: times, Mexican. 1129 per 100; plums. ueyooc psr crate; csnisioup, L.xo. grapes, tl 1011.40: Coaonede. , 27 Wc: watermelons. 78c; paachea, 90c4jl.: psars. TScail.OOi Eoea. hulk. 2c per lb: packed. 4O0Oc iier hackle berries. tatOe; ground cherrlee. esaTBc psr bos: pineapples, 88.00 per doa. VEGETABLES Turnips, bow, $1.00 par Bark; carrots, 81 per sack; beats, 81-80 per eack; Oregon radishes, 30c per doa; cabbage. Ore gon. lKCHHc; bell peppers, 5c per lb; to mato, 406uc per box; parsnip. 80401100; string been. Oregon. 84S7o per lb; caull- per oos; peae. aegoc borasTSdlah, C10c per lb; artlrbokee. 75c per doa: arjuaah. 75c4ztl.OO ner box: eazDlaht. 1K50 per do boachea; cucumbers. 35c per box; entry, SOoJSOc per doa; green corn. 8150 per rack; earn mac equash, T5HB11.00 par box; eeenlant. 81. T5 ner crate: oumokln. 1c: cran- berriee. local, 88.60; Cape Cod. S8.S0a.08 per Mil. DRIBD FRUITS Apples, evsporated. IS tee per bhl; apricots. ISViailv per lb; peach. lleJUHe per lb; sacks. He per lb leas; prunes. 80 to 40. Be: He drop on each 1-18 amaller (taa; Baa. California bUck. 881ic per lb; California whits, SOdHc per lb: datea. golden. TH .ar lb; tarda, 11.4001.50 per 151b box. flmirlag, Vsta, Etc. St'GAR All red next ee Cube, 15 70: pow dered. fo.85; trait, granulated. 85 S5; dry granalated. 88.48: ronf. A. 18.48; extra c. 84.86; golden C. 14.85; D, yellow. 84.85; bbla. 10c; H bbU, 20c; boxes. 80c advance oa sack (Above price are 80 daya net caah quota- tlooa.) j . HO NET 81.90 per crate 1 or f ee r-scxa SALT Coarse : ackaa brand. 11B.2BA16.75. ae Half ground. 100.. 18.00 -per t; table, dairy. 10a. tll.OO; 100a. ton: Boa. 88.50 812.75. balsa. 81.88: lru sorted UvsrnooL Sua 117.00: 100a. Hat: 324s. 118.00: extra flue, bbla. 2s. 6a. 10a. 84.o04JS.oO; Liverpool lump met. 818.80 per tea; 50 lb rock, $8.00; lOua, 88.00. (Above prlcee apply to sales of Ire than esr lota. Car lot st special prices aubjsct to Boetutiop ) RICE Imperial Japan. No. 1. 8c; No. 3. 5J6i4c; New Orleaaa head. Tc; AJai. 5c; Creole. 6J4e. BEANS Small white. 82.80; large whit. 8128: pink 82.80; bayou. 18 75; Ltmaa. 14.50; exicsB red. 4c. NI TS Peanuta. Jumbo. 8c per lb; Virginia. SatVjoJ per lb; roasted. 828H. per lb; lapa neae. BQSHc; roasted. 707Hc per lh: coeoa nutx. SSatOc per doa; walnuts. 15i16He per lh; plnanata. 10O12tac per lb; hickory sate. 10c per Ih; cheat nuta. eaatern. ISO 18c per lb; Braill aula. 15c per lb; alberta, HOl.V per lb; fancy pec ana, 18c; almonds. IStiOlac Meat a, Fish aad Provialona. FRESH MEATS Front Street Boca faery. TWOS per lb; veal, extra. 8c per lb; ordinary, SffTc per lb; poor. 41 5c par lb; mutton, fsncy. SOSUe per lb; lambs. sOSc. HAMS, BACON. ETC. Portland park (local) IB Vie per lb; breakfast bacon. 14HOS1 per lb; picnics. 10c per lb; cottage, lttttc per lb; regular short clear, unamoked. HVxc per ib: amoked, 18 par Br; clear bach, unsnioked. ltc per lb: amoked. 18c per lb: Union butts. 18 to IS lb, unamoked. 8c per lb; amoked. flc per lb; clear bellies, unamoked. 14c per Ib; amoked. 16c ner lb: ahouldera. 12 He per Ib; pickled tongue 88.00 quarter bhl. but XI. IjAHI. exeiu lear. 10a. ixiac per Ib. 5a, 12Uc per lb; 601b tin. 12Hc per lb; ar- Wcomrriall5c. "V CANNED BALMBaTr (Mlambla a 84 an a it rella H.Ili fsncr 1-lb M-tb fsncy flat, 1 19: fancy 1-lb orsla. 12.75 Alaaxa xaiia. pin, souvrc; rru,; at. tan. 8x00. FISH Rock cod. Te per Ib: Sounders Be per Ib: halibut. 8Hc per lb; croba, ll.00Ol.B0 per doa; atriped baa. 14THC per lb: eatesh. c per lb; aairaou. 1 oiumoia river cnimiox. rc; euiv aide, 8r; ateelhead. Tc per Hi: herring. 8c lb; eolea. c per Ib: Shrimps, 10c per ft; per 5c per lb; black cod, Te per Ib; torneod. Ib; eauaoQ. ( oiumbia river cainooa. cc; auver- oc per perch. 7C lh: allrer amelt. Be per lb: letmtera. 18o per Ib; fresh mackerel, 8c per lb; erawBsb. 80c per doa; ahad, AC pep Ib; iturger.n. lOo per lb; black base. 20c per lb. OT8TRRS Shoalwater bay. per gal. 12.28; per 110-Th aark. 84.00; olympla. psr gallon, I2.2B; per 118-lb aark, 88.80. CLAMS Hardshell, per box. 12.00; rasor clsma. 82.00 per bog. Paint. Coal OH. Etc. ROPE Pare ManlU. 14c; standard. ltVie; ataal. lie. COAL OIL Pearl or Aatral Caere 18 Vic per gal; water while. Iron bbla 14c par ail. wood re 17c per gal; headlight, lTO-deg. caaea 21 Vic per fal- . . . uabuudk on-oeg, caaea astae per gai, iron bbla IBs per gal. BENZINE 83-deg. raaea 29c per gal. Iron casee Sac per gal, wooden bbla LUUe per.gaL . TURPENTINE IB bl. il, 88e per gal. WTIITE LBAD- l Ton lota. 7.c ner lb: BOO-lb Iota. 8c per lb; leoaTota, 8Vie per lh. WIRE NAlIJt Preseat basis st 12.88. LINSEED OIL Pare rsw, la 5 bhl loU. BOc; 1-bbl lot. BSc; esses, 58c per gal; genuine kettle-boiled, ess, 80 per gsl; S-hbl lota 64c: 1-bbl lot. SBc per gal; ground cake, car lota 8211.00 par .ton; lea than ear lota, ISO. 00 per LIVESTOCK MARKET STILL HOLDING ITS OWN i Receipt In Yards Somewhat Better, but Are Not Nearly Up to Demand. Portland Union Stockyards, Oct atoek receipt a: 18. Lrvo- Hog. Cattle. Sheep. 118 Bid 88 Today 135 Week ago 280 Moath ago , 1TB 858 23 84 rear aao raw Keecrpta were aomewnai newer in me local yard today. Arrlvala, howvr. ere not yet up to tbe demand and all prlcee are vary firm PBt unchanged. Offlctel livestock prlcaa: Hoes Heat eaatern Oregon, 88. BO; blockers and China fata, td.00O8.25. Oattlo Beat eaatern Oregon ateera tt.BOO a. in; near row, ana neirere,; srnea- a. 82.TBa8.00: bulla. 81.80. : nui 8hp Mixed. 4Vi04Hc: Is alba. BOSVie. EASTERN CATTLE LOWER OUoaaro MCarkot 888S IS OOBtg atoafg Chicago. Oct. IS. LHoatoak racelpta: Hogs. Cnttl. Sheep. Chicago ' 21.000 18,000 22.000 KSBSSS City 21.000 18.000 22.000 Omaha s.oaw ,l.uw 1B.OOO sat aleady with 8.808 left over. Bo- Hoe arc r ago were gs.auo. mcee: mud. 88.18ae.BTU: rsosb. 88.73 FloTllSht. 18 TSJ Cattle Ten cent lower any. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT BONDS New Tark. Oct. IS Govt I IS Ooeei ateeat AV.VV.:?.: Spt: Two, reglatered fa 4088 IMfrt . Three, regtetered Opt. do roup oat. Small tint Poor, rsgtatereo im 4e ceapoa. . . . j IJOf Poors, regis tared 1828 do eouooo 18B5 Dlatrlct of Corumhla 1924 Philippine Island.. PORTLAND BUTK STA Clearing today ajosBvaMBBBjaaaA BpS la. 81.00: I . tt.T5j bond: Bid. Ask. 108 . 1884. I04: lOta 1 lOSS I024 to, 102 V 102, , 104 1024 18 128V, 180 V, 1.10H Milt IIS 108 . . 11 022.881 .... sas.is2. ..4 SW.8T8.18 1 .1 t learlaga .veer ago Uala today LITTLE DOING IN LOCAL WHEAT j yJrTBi Sjt 1 ' 1 ! 1 1 .4 Cargo Sold to China Forms Sole Business of Importance -for Several Days. PRICES HELD FIRMER ON PORTLAND FLOUR Chicago Market Closes a Quarter Up Except for July Latter Is Un changedLiverpool Is Better After the Opening. BELATTVB WHEAT TALTTBS. Oct. IS Oct. IT. Oak. December. IJ ISA "SH .78 .79 A .UUVA .Tl .TS Vahxea In th PortUnd wheat market an Just holding their owa. Th longshore atrlke to atlll a depressing feature aad outside of a cargo reported sold to China today there wax little In th market. Plour mamtalna Ita good ton with average bualnea reported to tbe orient. Mllkrtnffa very firm bat unchanged. The northwest traders were firm buyers of wbest la Chicago. Tbey bought aa If they realise that their crop la nowhere aa large aa waa ft rat estimated. On of th prominent etataKtrtaa will Issue s report showing about 1T0.8O0.000 buehele of eprlng wheat ralaed for th three northwealem atate. This U 6,000,000 box he la lee than the government report. Official Chicago price by Overtook. Starr A Cooke company: wnBsx Open. December T4 Mas T8 low. is 1 Cloee. 42AB m July TS S COBN IH. December Mas a 9 July OATS. 8 l OATS. December Mas 88 3.1 187 iaty MDBS PORK. Mar 1885 1880 .1858 1871 LARD. January . October . . December Jannary . 1885 18T0B 887 A R32 818 US T48 TSS l 882 818 BIB 818 IS SHORT BIBS. October . 818 iSxV""7.: 742 T4i 785 LIVERPOOL ORAIM MARKET. Liverpool. Oct. IS Official WHEAT. Open. Close. Oct. IT. Gain December. .8 BUS 8s sjad 8a SVkd d March 8a 5d 8e SUd 8s Bd Hd COBN. December. 4 4d 4 4a da 4d January. ...4a 4a lVfd Vsd WORLD S WHEAT PRICES. CWcsgo slfel itSlkA St. Louis .78 Minneapolis .74 14 Kaaaao city M Portland oe.asT a mfV: f - .-oaar. . -xt. PRIMART BRAIN MOVEMBlfT. Chicago, Oct. 18. Primary reclota: Todiy Tear a go Wheat 1,088,000 l.SOB.OOO corn Shipments, rv . . . . 488,000 Wheat 1st 000 W 0 Totai ' Ctoatnc; T Wheat, "affio boshetai flour. 38,500 barrels; corn, 288,000 bnabeje; oats, e.vw Chioaga Gash What. Chicago, Oct. IS Caah wheat: No. S red, 74c; No. I red. TBHOTSWe: No. 2 herd. 8 T8c: No. 8 hard, TTOTflac; No. 1 northern. 88 No. 2 northern, 884281c: No. 8 spring. 81c. PORTLAND STOCK MARKET Bold. Seine on ,h. hulUk, t. , I nr 1 II ilf.1 ft.OOO aharea Tlnimi Steel mt 111.,. and to aharea Onomea Sugar at SSlte. Official prlcee: BANK STOCKS. Beak of California . -i-w . . MB STB ISO 120 108 Merchants' National Oregon Trust A Bavtaf. 1 or nana lrust Co.... ... awaken' A Lumbermen United Statea Natktnal 200 MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. Campbell ! Gee Burner union oil I" Aaeoclated Oil 17 M 5 104 80 BO 1000 80 ISO 101 10 ntaexa 1 acaera Parltc Statea Tahspboo. Home Telephone , . . , Puget Sound Telephone. . Oregon 1.1 re inau Cement Producta J. C. Le Co .'. ... O. B. N. By. 4a 100 taqulna Bay TelephOB Co MINING STOCKS. Nicola Coal 04 Brltlah Columbia Amal 04V4 Iuternatlonal Goal 80 08 V4 os tl 28 285 88 OS 11 04 08 1 01 vs 04 i 04 On 02 Vs 02 1 81 IS ss OS 1000 loo 08 Vi IB PhcIBc Urtal Extraction Alaaka Petiolcam Standard Couaolldated 014 Oregon Securitle OS Snowstorm SB2 8 now, hoe at Leva Creek Gold 01 U Tarn. ma Steel 111! OaMce Cooaolldated OalUber, ... . Golden Rale Bullfrog Terrible lAorconoa North Palrvtew 84 Le Roy Hiawatha 81 Caaradla 24 Lucky Boy Heel 8SS Kamhler Cariboo Dixie Meadows Oa Great Northern Mountain View. Blue Hirer Gold MB tier rln Cyanide Consolidated. or Both consoitaaisa 1. SUGAR STOCKE. Hawaiian Commercial 8414 Honeksa 12 Hutchinson 14 Mad a well 85 Onomea 8TV4 Ciauhaa IT aloe 88 Vi IS is It a VXW TOBK 0OTT0K New York. Oct. IS. Cotton tutors cloevd a need to 4 point lower last, Overbeck. Starr A orticiai quotation! ny Cooke eoaanaav: upon. man. 1108 1118 Low. 1000 Cat IT 1103 1111 1118 11S8 11 an 1128 113J 1101 loS January rati nary March . X? 1110 iiir iits iiis tut 1112 1141 1128 uly 118T 1114 1145 1114 1132 1108 iia IBM November December iost iiis ioas LATE HOP SALES. Salem, Oct. 18. There I apparently a neoed settvtty la th local hop axartet, A 1 nearer usairag a telegram yaw that th New York market waa mm Hc to 24c for choice bene. John Carmtebeel. who buys for en Snellen firm, yeaterdsy purchased 18 be lea fioni K leer at 15c. naOMthlng like 0t bales were purchased atJ oallas yeeteruaj by icamuaa e) rfcscaa. th price vary bag from 14V,c to 10. Grower of Hope Are Forcing the Cheaper Qualify Good on the Market Thi la the Demoralizing Effect on the Present Price. 8 PER CENT FOR AMALGAMATED Regular Dividend Declared and a Half Per Cent Extra by . Directors Today. NEW YORK MARKET IS HALF UP AND DOWN Pressed Steel Car Very Firm With s Gain of Nearly Two Points Copper Goes One and a Quarter Points Higher. NET GAINS. Amalgamated Brooklyn Baltimore .. Oslo. He.... St. Paul .... Loulevllle Mexlcaa Central.. Missouri PactSC .. I'copl. a Oa Pleased Steel Car. Bock lelaad Cheaapeake National Lead Anaconda .... .'I'ii ion PadSe NET LOSSES, IWIErle Atchlaoa .... VilNorthero PsrlBc. N. Y. Oentrsl. r a Foundry Penttavlvanla Canadian LoooBotlve . . . Teza i'arl&c IU. B. Btal, pfd... There waa nothing but dullnea la the New York atoek market today. Money rates were agala a demoralizing In8uence and thla re suited la los by half th Hat. Tbe director of Amalgamated Copper met end declared a dividend of lVx per cent- tbe regular 1 V per cent extra. If thla la continued It would place Amalgamated on aa S per cent basis lastesd of 1 per cent. The extra dividend la due to the high prlc of copper metal. Oftrlal Nw York .(notation, by Overbeck. Starr 4 Cooke company: DBBOBIPTION. AaxaL Copper Co. . , . ,T Am. Car A Posad., com do preferred..., Am. Cotton OIL com. Am. Locomotive, com. Am. Sugar, com Am. Smelt., com do preferred Anaconda .Mining Co.. Am. Woolen, com IS) Atchlaon. com 108 108 Vi 102 1224 do preferred Baltimore a Ohio, com 102 122 ' B preferred. Brooklyn Rapid Tranelt. Canadian Pacific, com s5 Central Leather, coal.. ni. tit. weat.. com Chi.. Mil. 4 St. Paul Chi. A Northwest., com Cheaapeake It Ohio Colo. Fuel Iron, com . . Colo. Booth., coax. .... do 2d preferred 84 V4 do let prefrered ireiaware 4k Hudson... D. a B. G.. com do preferred Brie, com do 2d preferred do 11 preferred. . . . Illinois Central Loulavllle A Naahvllle . . Maahattaa By Mexican Central By M. K. a T.. com.... do nrafarr! 1 Misamri pactoc watieeai Leed.i ....... . New York Oenrral UN. Y., 0nt. Wt.:.. North American Northern I'eeiflc. com . Pad Ac Mali Steaaa. Co.. Pennaylyanla By 144V4 148V4 ?! si n r. u., 1.. c 00 Preened Steel Car, com. 1 do preferred..'. Reading, cop.. do 2d preferred do let preferred Ben. Iron A Steel, com.. do preferred Bock island, com do preferred St. L. AH. P., 2d pfd. . dO lit preferred 81. L 4 8 W., com do preferred Southern Paelflc, com... do preferred... Southern Hallway, com.. do preferred Teaneaace Coal A Iron.. Texaa A Pacific Tol.. St. L A W., com . .do preferred Union Pactac, coal do preferred U. B. Rubber, com do preferred V. a Steel Co., 081.. do preferred IS2V'151V4 4T n 28 uavs ss U7 S0V4 48 108V4 108 4S42 48 lOTlI 107 Webaeh. com..... do preferred Weetern Union Wleennatn Central, com.. do preferred Virginia Chemical 24 V, Total aale for day, 822.800 a Call money closed 4 per cent. BAN PBANCISCO MININO EXCHANOE. San Franrlaco Oct. U. OfSclal closing bid Belmont IT. 00 lOpblr 1280 .88 .ST .80 1.10 .18 .4T 22 .08 1.0 A .40 .48 .11 .SS .10 .14 .82 .21 IS .18 .18 IS .12 .10 .so .02 ,0t .IS .80 .04 .81 .60 .08 .! .48 .21 .80 cssb Boy 15 Uevlc.n Golden Anchor. Home M .24 1.40 .TS 2.20 8.85 Oaledonla ..,. Exchequer Jim Run., MacNsmara ! . Hold Ceoivn Midway Montana North Star Great Band Kearue Black Rnttn ir Ohio .28 8.TS 21.00 LSO .11 .2T .18 . .SB Tramp Golden Belmont Mont corner v Mt Tonopah Elton Nevada Weat Bad .... Sonnet Sc-nlre A da ma . ktlanta Bluebell Sanhattan lylor-Uoasprey. Booth Oolnmhta Mt... Con. Quarry DIamondBeld Dllte Ilnldfteld 1 rearer Granny Gold Wedge Lea Star Gt. Bend Ex... lit Mend At.. .et . .SS .14 . .80 . .08 . TT . 14TH . .48 55 Bl . .IS 4 85 1.80 . .et . .ss . .84 . .80 . 1.88 . .88 . I.2TV4 Jumbo Qreeceat iCowboy Jumbo Brten... Kendall Laguna May (Jueen Mohawk Red Too Denver Annex . , Bulla A Bear. H la.k Bock Jf. T. Censol .... Msshsttan Con.. 'Utile J.m Saadatorm Sliver Pica 81, Ivee tioncl Bank. Denver Ecllpee rinld Rar Mayflower lumping Jar... nan lop ex.... Moats Bg Bull Prog Mln . Trlaaarte n ttott rra . . . . in HO I.e. Illllon Stelnw.y Coa. Cal.-Ta.... IStartlgbt a. star wonder. BOSTON COPT KB MABAIXT Boston. Oct. is Copper lose, bid prlcee: Adventure. 8128: Aiooea. 840.78: Arcadian. 88.28: Atlantic. 818.00: Bbxgham. 8-18.00: Cain met 1848-00; Cmteaalal. 128. 82 S: Ooprr Rant, 882.28: Daly Watt, "818.00: Franklin. 123 42 Green Copper, 128 421; Oranhy. E4.OO: Mohawk. ISf.Tt: Nevada Con., 122 00: North Butt. 1118.00; Old Demlnioa. 880.00; tl. UH; Oalery. 103.rti; BwaT. 134.70; Shod Tailed. Ift.28 SbaBBoa, U.OO: Tamarack. HOS.BO: Trinity. I0.7H; Ujltetf Oepper. MT.S8; 1'tah. I7 T.I; Victoria, IS. 00; Winona. S1S.TI: Wolverine. 1SS 00 aeked: It. S. Mia Mi. SS1.0S; Kb. 11.1 vi; Kaat Batte. 111.76: Batle Ceele .. 7.1. Calumet A Arleona. USS.TB; B1rk Mt 110.00: Superior A Pitts, lis SO; BoetoB Orm.. ISS.S7H. i,M M. D, rmt eMfln. r. k I - WTW TOBK BOND MAS X XT Mew TorS. Oct. 14 - Official price Aafc. isi Baruaaton Joint 4a L. a N aaltM 4. Atlantic Oaeet Un O. a A It. 4a it. A W. 4 Llvarveel Oettea Market. Uvfrpnoi. Oct. lA-Cottoa filar etatsd t te IS point ioww. STOPS ANY ITCHING Doan's Ointment Cures Be- f zema and Itching Piles, Portland People Rec ommend It On application of Doan'g Ointment atopa any itching. Short treatment curaa ecaema, ttehlntr pllea, salt rheum any akin eruption or skin itching It la the cheapest remedy to use, because so little of It la required to brine re lief and secure. Here Is Portland testi mony to prove It: Jacob Heaaonf, farmer, living at the corner of Eaat Twenty-eighth street and Keelly avenue, Portland, Oregon, aays: "In recommending Doan's Ointment to those who suffer from hemorrhoids I can only rap eat the atatement I made Borne three year a ago I had Buffered from this trouble for aome yeare, and In hot weather it waa a great worry to me, I could not sleep at night. Other preparations having- (Iran me little or no relief, I finally began using Doan'a Ointment and It required only a few applications to brine soothing and heal ing relief. Tha facts above stated are aa I told them juat after my first trial of tha remedy. I think Juat aa much of tha preparation today." For sale by all dealers. Price 80 centa. Foater-lfllbuni Co.. Buffalo, New York, sola agents for the United Statea. ' Remember tha Name DOAN'S -kind take no other. FACES TRIAL FOR CRIME OF ARSON Deserted by Wife After Arrest, Cramer Bears His Troubles By Himself. ASSERTS THAT HE CAN PROVE ALIBI Declares Ha Was Not Near His House on the Night It Was Burned and That He Can Establish His Innocence i i Deeerted bp his wife after Ma. ar rest, with his 8-year-old daughter on his knee, Artie Cramer faced a Jury in Judge Cleland's department of tha cir cuit court hia morning to snawar to tha charge of burning hla home at 1257 Al blna avenue with tha Intent to defraud the Oregon Fire Relief saaoclaUon, who had Insured the furniture. Cramer asserts that he can prove s positive alibi and show that he was iot ear his house at any time daring the evening on which it burned. Testimony agalnat him waa introduced thla morn ing. It waa shown that he eecured .an Insurance policy on the furniture May II. The premium waa not paid by him. the company having allowed Him to days' time la which to pap It. The house was burned on the evening of June t. , R. R. Quick, the agent who secured Cramer's policy, testified to hearing Cramer admit to a man named Dix, who owned the building, that claim had been made to the Insurance company for a lawn mower, a gold watch and a graphophone that were not In the house when It waa burned. "Cramer told Dix that be waa satis fied that Dix had Insurance on the house or he would never have burned It. He agreed to give Dix 1 100 of the Insurance money If he would keep still about It," testified Quick. In making his opening statements to the Jury, John Dttchburn, attorney for Cramer, stated that Cramer's wife had left him after his arrest end had gone away with another man. Attorney Dttchburn stated slao that Dix had sold all hla property here and left the atata, being afraid of a prosecution by Cramer for false imprisonment. On tha witness-stand Quirk testified to hearing Dix tell Cramer that Dtx had made hi first 16,000 by insuring a house In Chi cago and burning It. Evldenoe to sup port Cramer's claim of an allb! is being preaented this afternoon. The Jurors who will psss on his guilt or Innocence are: Charles Fernen. O. W. Baker, EM Parker, J. T. Chinook. J. H. Hubbard, John Anderson, K. K Kubll. R. F. Hoaking. P. Murray. T. H. Champpon. C. A. Burbank and A K. Stringer. ANOTHER REPRIEVE FOR MRS. MEYERS IN SIGHT (Journal Special Service 1 Washington, Oct. IS. Justice Brewer this afternoon Issued a certificate upon the governor of Missouri calling for the entire record In the case of Aggie Moyers, who is sentenced to bsng next week. This move Is likely to result In another reprieve for the woman. UNION MILL MEN WIN IN OAKLAND (Jonrasl Speelal Service.) Oakland, Cal., Oct. 1 The planing mill of Oakland opened this morning and building operations, which have been auapended since Mondsy, were re sumed. The demands of the anion were granted. EXPECT CAPTURE OF CHINESE SMUGGLERS (feerael Special Service I San Diego, Cat., Oct. II. By the ar rest of S. Took, and the capture of a letter he carried It Is believed wtU dis close the fact of a syndloats of Ameri cans at work here Importing Chinamen Into th United Statea via Mexico. Th Immigration officials expect to make ar resta of several prominent people. Dealara Waat Xoa. 4 (Special Dlepatcb I The JoaroaL) HrMlanvllle. Or., Oct. IS. There waa sora activity among boa boyer here rasterdar. Their beet offer, waa 1 4c par ponn.i Oeaplta tin c per ponn" lleepit tbe era are haaltsa their bale for etorage. Tbere la aa for can, bat the Southern rainy weamrr arower IB the warehouse for taeeeaaln demand for Pa. lflc ha aet been able 4 eappl the demand for the peat all week. Sew York Len doe SUvar. New Tnrk, Oct. IS. Bar silver. Toe; Sea, td. W. H. Markel! (& Co. 121-123 ORAND AVENUE FRIDAY BARGAINS ON EAST SIDE A bunch of much wanted merchandise at very special prices for Friday only WOMEN'S OUTING MEN'S76c NIGHT ROBES FLANNEL NIGHT AT 48 Neat patterns, ROBES 48. A great spe- fu11 cut and splendidly made, cial, full cut and neatly trim- a,j size8 u to 18 med. . READY-MADE SHEETS, J!?v ,Sk.HALF WO?L S YARDS WIDE 39s. S9,X 9A ffTuJr . I A regular 50c value. 2 yards seller in natural and mixed. wide and 2 yards long. Just the wc,ht for th, sea- son. A WOMAN'S RAINCOAT A . WTr, BARGAIN, REAL CRAV- A NEW LOT OF MEN'S ENETTES AT f 8.95. The BEST 60c WORK SHIRTS very sweflest new srvles and AT 39 Very well made coats that are worth $12.00 and new patterns. An Extra Inducement! An $18.00 QRAPHOPHONE WITH $30 SALES Not necessarily ell in one purchase, as we give a coupon with each sale, and when your purchases total $30.00 you get the machine free. TonODStl Overbeck, Starr mm mm COOke CO. UOlutiela 102 Third Street BullfrOa private wire to gJUiiitUy m CHANGES Slocks 1 Phone Main 313 DO NOT BE A BURDEN Woodard, Clarke 4 Co. Give Some Good Advice to Readers of The Journal. A weak stomach and Its resulting Ills are not natural. With proper car and the use of Ml-o-na stomach tablets, tha very worst caso of indigestion or stom ach trouble can be completely cured. It is a sin to deprive oneself of en joyment In life and become a burden to others through indigestion. The backachea. headachee, distress after eating, loas of appetite, gulping up of undigested food and gases are not natural. Ml-o-na stomach tablete used for a few days before meals will so strengthen the dlgeettve organs that you can eat anything you want without fear of distress or resulting sickness. The directions for taking Ml-o-na em phasize the difference between this remedy and the ordinary medicine that la given for indigestion. Ml-o-na Is to be used before meals, strengthening the digestive system for the food which Is to be eaten, while the ordinary remedy la taken after meals, and simply di gests the food without strengthening tbe stomach Woodard, Clarke A Co. have so much fslth In tbe merit of Ml-o-na that they sell It under a guarantee to refund the money, in case it does not cure. A 10 oent box of Mi-o-na wlU do more real good than a dosen packages of tbe ordi nary remedies sold for Indigestion. Then, too. It coets nothing unless It ourea. Portland Real Estate Now la the I Is making Time to Buy. Fortunes for Whether yon V the wise few have a few who are hundred or 9 taking time many by the thousands. M forelock. I It will pay Better than you to call JS any bank, upon or Safe and write to 9 Sure. HARTMAN & THOMPSON S Chamber of Commerce, il Boil dlaga Are Chapr. The total cost of the present lSqult- able building in New York was $18.- 000.000. Ita present vilui on 'he aViult able'a own eatlmate la not more than $15,000,000. Only the phenomenal growth In Broadway land values haa saved the policyholders from a much greater loea The New Tork Life's Broadway build ing cost $7,121,000; the company not claims a valuation of only $(,000,000. Tha Mutual' main office building In New Tork ooat $17..7..0O0; the Mutual has written off more then $4, 000,000 in the last seven years. Many of tbe for eign buildings ahow similar deprecia tion. The Bqultable's Melbourne "advertise ment'' eoat $2,8(4,000; the society at present glvea It a value of only $f. 000. 000. The first New Tork Life building la Paris coet $1,102,000; in 181 the French government valued it at $470,000 Tha preaant Paris building cost $:.500.0O; the company now given It a value of $1 100.000. 'i. The pqultahle haa Invested $$7. M.OSO lh Ita te office buildings; tbe la sura nee department. In order te give them an earning power of llper sent, has place the value at C. GEE WO Portland's Widely Known and Successful Chinese Medicinal, Root and Herb Doctor lagreeJeaka el i tbe Orl at la Import direct fro. large saantltlea aad prepare and pat far aa l hi op-to-oat labatory. So !. paaaea r 4rag of air Mad aA Par veeetavJe. Tbe Parte! treats aaeeeatfalty BBS and faaraataee atarrk. aetkaxe. to car all (totaara treat) lee. Ion, f Brest, rkeamatlaai. kMnev aad lost manhood. TB0VBLZ8 In AIX nUTATS DISEASES. Kb fa la. or mlalaadia-! ata articled. A aafs and laetla ear la tea Boasts Mm sad at th sail Bar hoaest treat-Mat. If yoa cannot call, write far ajaxstaai a aad elrealar. far trail 4 eeat la staasSB, COatuLTATTOa FaXSL Xh a See We Pais sea aaaatava 0., ISBH Jurat Sv-. Oar, MorrUoa. j naae axeariaa taa Woman islritrneteaadaboaJdkaov 4a raarr 4eoxiat Mr M. If ho eon not Ua S4BTIL, so apt no other, hat Bead iisaaa fra lllaatratad hook nala4. f ull partlcnUra aadjtlnrtrona la- S wvsssr- WOODABD, CLARKE 00. AVS LAUX-DAVTS DaUO UO B ITVKEI. Scoffs Santal-Pepsm Capsules A POSITIVE CURE oni. so ansa an vat. oar saiekly aaeT let aaa astir th Wm Sale by Waaaaae, Oark A Oa BHVBS1 a sows ta rait. Tarrant KxlrasS el Oat lbs saal Copaifca imi TkaJM s.aorrhaa,iaeV-rhtaea. et. fad Sow 4k MarUWa. SSI Waehloxfe irthr-a. SSI s wall St.. Portland. Oreeoa rraex tbb Tarraat Oa.. 44 nails at v S. S. F. A. Kilburn roe Caa Say, Bareka aad Baa rraael. Next eallla( from Portland rridsy, October il. Neat exiling frnei San rraaelaeo. Than.. Oet. 4. CHAS. a STBELSMITB. 'Ageat. Oak Street Dock, Phone Main 2940 Hotel Eaton COB. MOBBIBON AJIO WEST 9SMM BtS. N EW faraiabed. eleaaaty laalllisal Sreersaf. Sv aalaatea' walk fee heart f .hoppla ad beela-a 4tetrtet. aU ley. eatable reoma ateaai he4dl el llghte. lelephoae I eeh aaaitiasst larse efSeea. kMSflBS ssasMag. an ladle' reeaptloa oarioea. esew bv BteB ae teliuBuaa. Meat asasfha WaSsa aad Room, 41.00 tm $.oo a Omj of $ 1 1 .bee eSS actually bv BBf Bl faswaa reaaM arnirD we itHa Every mmam m ui to is a has AAtea. .r-rmerlj ..f Ufi "rBaWwi. BISI i j 1 I ! I 111 V laMii ieVKMiamifi 1 T .vk.