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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVftNINO, OCTOBER 18, 1900. i i hi i i 10 TOSSED ON WAVES i IN BIG STORM Jaataln Rasmussen Relates Ex perience of Steam Schooner Cascade Off the Bar. RAW MANY VESSELS LABUH ntflVT ira gen 4 Lafrenc h Bark Sully Rides Out Storm and German Steamer Eva Crosses Bar After Having Spent Night Near the Lightship. Curtain Rumuurn. master of the schooner uuout, onnn aphlo account of the awful storm oh swept the coast rueeaay majni tee down to wires connecting me at North Head, Tatooab ana with the weather bureau In this nlty. Be waa In the worst of the mow and the steam schooner's escape from fur damue whatever foes to Illustrate the seaworthiness of the small craft that ply between the coast ports In the lumbar trade. ' It took as 0 hours from Baa Fran cisco," said Captain Raamusseo la peaking of the run up the coast, "and of that time we spent II hours riding out the gale off the bar. The sea was sometmna terrific and we were tossed about so violently that It was hard to keep our feet. The Cascade was light and that saved her from being flooded bait every now and then the Immense boilers would rear up and come down "upon u with a weight that seemed egiuagh to crush the strongest of ves seU. The Cascade stood It well, how- aver, and finally orossed In without even a scratch to enow that she had ridden out one of the worst galea ever experi enced off the mouth of the Columbia river. We were favored by the wind, which accounts for the swift ran from the Oolden Oete to the Columbia." Captain Raamussen also reported that while outside Tuesday afternoon he sighted the German tramp steamer Eva and a couple of Balling vessels. Ac cording to a report frees Astoria the Bva crossed In this morning. She oomes under charter to the Portland Lumber company to load lumber for the weet coast of South America, presumably Valparaiso The weather bureau received a dts , patch from North Head this morning to .the effect that a four-masted schooner, 'the steamer Asuncion and the three "saaated French bark Sully are outside waiting for a chance to get In. The fhlp Olensjvon, which waa reported out Wide yesterday, oould not be found this 1 morning and It Is supposed that ehe stood out to sea while awaiting a more favorable opportunity to cross In. The bark Sully left Puget sound sev eral days ago for Portland under char ter to Kerr, Olfford a Co., to load wheat at this port for the United Kingdom. and ehe received the full force of the blow. It la expected that she will cross In this afternoon. DISMANTLED IN STORM The Craze for Souvenirs Baa suae tanas aSa of woawe tktevaa aas their staauags aSavaat t ml Mom of -sua a yaw. Wast hotel and reetaaraata attar ky the crunlsal fad. Harvesting Umatilla Wheat Crop eatef sheas. Wave sal tawhAla toad bj Bart Huff dm n. with pie tares kewtae the vast SalSa the wealth ef aaatara Oragea. W. J. Bryan's Latter of the stoat latoraetlag of tae sanas. sasa aao poll no aas canw of tea aid world Electing the Jesuit General How a German lad sacasM the bead ef sea of the graataat and sat pevrerfal ra Hgtsea bodlaa la the world. The People's Institute What the ernnlaatloa Is doing for tea wt Portland; edaeatiea in- iuj boys and (trla of the city Is tklags are worts aaea-ing. Making Good Soldiers poor that Groat Britain famine set gse swakllWrs la a few men tha, story ef aa . rxparisvast that tha gghtlag nausea of the world will prodt b. Educating Chinese Children What tbeinlealona are dole Is fortl to ear rtaataaaaBBaa aehruf two tisha of tha hahtaa ef with the queer little let. Thva ara a few TBS SUNDAY JOLR- port reaches before the typhoon, koog . and was evidently headway northward In making, good bee way northward search of .the winds that her skipper figured would carry her across ths Pa cific, she was chartered a few daye ago by Kerr, Olfford a Co. to load wheat at Tacoma far the United Kingdom. The Bekasonl has been followed by bad lack for the past two year a On her way to Portland from Antwerp, about this time last year, ehe ran Into some awful weather off Cape Horn and nearly foundered. To add to the con sternation on board the skipper fell from the rigging to tha deck and re ceived Injuries from which he died shortly afterward. The remains were encased In cement and brought to this city. The sailors who brought the ship to Portland refused to make another voyage and It waa with much difficulty that new men were finally secured through the local sailor boarding-house masters. In fact, the new men mutinied and the vessel waa forced to remain Idle In the harbor for more than a week because the tare would not turn to and take the hawser from the towboat. She finally got away after some of the ringleaders of the crew had been al lowed tp go ashore. NEW RULE INTRODUCED kong With nigging Advices from Hongkong state that 'ths British ship Fskasonl. Captain Mc- Burney, has been towed into that port with rigging gone aad some of the 'Sticks broken off near the deck.1 She was damaged In the typhoon that de stroyed part of Hongkong on September It, and her eeoape from foundering la onnalderad mlraculoua In view of tha 'fact that aha was caught in the very , .path of the awful whirlwind. The Bekasonl left Portland early this spring with a cargo of lumber for Ma nila and arrived there a couple of months ago. She left the Philippine Drunkards Cured r In 24 Hours .Any Lady Can Cora the Most Violent Drunkard Secretly at Home. To Prove W i Sent Sealed to AH Who Write. Let no woman despair. The sure. Wick, perma neu; cure for drunkenness baa been found. It is Oolden. Specific. It baa no odor, alt has no tame Just a little is put In the drunkard's cup of coffee or tea, or -in bit food. He, will never notice It. .he will b cured before he realises It, Banana! no win never Know why be doned the taste for Honor. an aids to Control of The lighthouse board haa decided that henceforth all lights and other aids to navigation operated by Individuals and private corporations must oora under the direct Jurisdiction of tha lighthouse inspector of the district In which they are located. Notice to this effect wee received this morning by Captain P. i. Werllch, inspector bore. In pursuance of the notice Captain Werllch today sent letters to a large number of Individuals and firms operat ing lights In Puget sound and Alaskan waters, and It is understood that Colo nel 8. W. Roeesler, United States en gineer, will send similar notices to per sons or firms operating lights In thin state. The letter reads aa follows: "In order that provisions of section I, of the act approved on June 20, ltot. relative to the establishment of private aids to navigation by permission of the lighthouse board, any regulations to be prescribed by ths secretary of merce and labor, and may be carried out, this office haa been Instructed to collect the following information: Posi tion of eaeb private light, length of time operated, character of light, name of person or corporation maintaining such light, special or specific purpose for which light waa established, posi tion of each private buoy, when placed In position, character of buoy, name of person or corporation maintaining such buoy, special or speolflo purpose for which such buoy waa established. "Aa the continuation of said aid un der provision of the aot already quoted will hereafter be subject to govern mental operation, you are requested to supply Information aa Indicated for the waters in which you or your employes operate or with which you are familiar, making such recommendation In each case as seem a necessary or desirable 'to you. Aa early attention to the matter is earnestly requested." It is aaaerted that the new system has been decided upon for the good of all concerned, Inasmuch a it haa been discovered that while some aids may benefit the operator, they prove a detri ment o navigation in general. All such slds will be ordered discontinued. MARINE NOTE8 a. His desire for drink disappears abso lutely, and he will even abhor the very eight snd smell 01 whiskey. The vigor he has wasted away by drink will be restored to him. and his thealth and etrength and cheerfulness will return to brighten your noma. t Oolden Specific lias cured some of (Ska most violent rases la a day's time. .This fact Is proven by many ladles who .have tried It Mrs Mattle Balklna, Vanceburg. Ky.. ssy "My husband took two doeea ef your laepdlclne about five months ago and Ibac not taken at1rink or had any desire fKr liquor since then. Our home is so different now." ft gave nun ino mm rn pin parKaaa or Oolden Bp-Hllc." yptv loved ones rrom premature cures and save yourself from tnd salsarv eoets ahealutely nothing ale try. I Tour nam auri miurw i(i i,r j BgggHa. 761 Olonn litjlldtna. 'In a free Astoria, Oct li. A rived at t a m., tug Samson, from Ban Francisco. Ar rived at 1:40 a m., German steamer Bva, from Muroran and schooner Churchill, from Ban Franolaco. Out side at 10 a. m., French ehlp Sully, from Puget sound and British ship Olenalvon, from Newcastle. San Francisco, Oct It. Arrived schooners Mabel Oale, from Portland, and Sequoia, from Columbia river. Point Loboe. Oct. 17 Passed at 4 p. m.. steamer WMttter, from Port Har ford for Portland. San Francisco, Oct. 17. Sailed at I p. m., steamer Barracoota, for Portland. Sailed at ( p. m., steamer Tosemlte, for Columbia rlvar. Astoria, Oct. 11. No bar report Astoria. Oct it. Arrived at 40 a. m.. French bark Sully, from Tacoma Balled at 11:10 a m . steamer Alliance, for Coos Bay. Arrived at 11:20 a m., et earner Asuncion, from San Francisco. ALONG THE WATERFRONT The four-masted schooner reported off the bar this morning crosasd in shortly before noon snd proved to be the Churchill, from San Francisco. Ths steam schooner Tosemlte, which had ta put back to San Francisco a couple of daye ago for repairs to her propeller, msde snother start for ths Columbia river this morning. Ths Harrlman liner Barracouta la due to arrive here Sunday from San Frsn clsco. She left the Bay City yesterday afternoon. The French bark Le Pa re use will be In the hsrbor this afternoon with a cargo of coal from Swansea.. The oriental liner Nlcomedla le due , to arrive at Astoria any time, being out II daye from Tnkohatna. She brings Urge shipment of cement which will ! come In handy now that the cement l cargoes from Europe are tied up be cause or tn waterrront strike. Onto, and he will at onor free package) or the marvelous Specific In s plain, sealed wrap- will also ssnd rou the strongest, con- afastve proof bam te fheu - waaal for a free trial Meaty Tlctory for tabor. The department of justice hee de cided that railroad workers are in the unskilled Isbor class and cannot be Im ported Into the United States onder alien contrsct law. One thousand members of the Jacket liZ'S XZSuLt " taVbwr, package or ooid- TJnlted Garment Workers, won their strike for tha aine-hour day. BARGAIN FRIDAY PUTTED STATU Bargain Friday AT Trip Boston Store SCWLftPtSlA STORl W -ffk NoKTnwtsT Corner Fvkst and 3ajon 5ra. Bargain Friday AT TMB Boston Store SWEEPING OUR COUNTERS! Of all odds or broken lots of goods left from the tremendous rush of the past week. Every department in this big store will have a special sale of bargains that will eclipse anything ever seen. Prices are cut out of semblance to real values. Goods will go at half price yes, less; one third price yes, leas; one fourth price yes, less. There are goods going to be sold at this store from 8 a. m. till 5 p. m. at prices that do not represent much more than the freight and cost of selling, but the Boston on each Bargain Friday clears up all small lots of merchandise NO MATTER WHAT PRICE IS NECEs'SARY Bargain Friday Men's Furnishings 44 For, best grade $1.00 Umbrellas 88 For Ladies' and Gentlemen's Twilled Gloria Umbrellas; worth $2.00 to $3.25. fl.35 Fof Solid Suit Cases; worth $2.26. 69? Oloesenburg Merino Underwear; $2.00 values. 45a For $1.60 Hats. 98? Fof $2.00 and $2.60 Sample Hats 4J1.35 For $8.00 Hats. Ladies' Shoes f 1.15 For $2.50 Ladies' Shoes. 1 1.65 For $3.00 Ladies' Shoes, in pat ent or vici. 95a For $1.76 Boys' and Girls' School Shoes. Men's Shoes. f 1.96 For all kinds of Men's $3 and $8.60 Shoes. 62.50 For choice lines of $4.00 Shoes Hart, Schaffner $ Marx Suits The Palace Fire Stock gives you a chance to get bargains such as never before ' 1 C 3 7 5 Series, Worsteds and PtJ O Fancy Mixed, fair condition, worth to $20.00, about 70 Suits for Bargain Friday. Cravenettes or Overcoats A From the Palace Pt 1 O stock all-wool gray garments and several styles of Overcoats, worth to $18.00. (Z 7c Elegant imported ma DU. O terials, H. S. & M. make, Cravenettes and Overcoats, dark and medium colors, worth to $27.50. fr 7 r We will sell about 50 tvUe f O odd suits, double and single breast, all colors, worth up to $30.00. Pants (1 i; About 130 pairs mixed ) 1 TtD lot; worth to $4.00. ( I r A For a lot of Mackin ej) 1 eO U toshes. Full Dress and Tuxedo For full dress and eDeJe I O Tuxedo Coats and Vests, worth from $20 to $30. mmm' mmm mm ant r . TC ror iinest pOa f O worth from $35, coat and vest. grades, $30 to Bargain Friday Great (100 list 61.00 For $2.50 and $3.00 Alpaca Waists. 61.00 For $3 Flannelette Wrappers 61.00 For $2.50 and $3 Dress Skirts, in gray and black. 61.00 For $1.95 and $2.35 11-4 and 12-4 Blankets. 61.00 For $1.50 Comforts. 61.00 For $2.50 Tapestry Covers. 61.00 For $3.00 12-4 Table Covers. 61.00 For $4.00 and $6.00 Dressing Sacques. Skirts, Cravenettes, Etc 63.98 For $10.00 Cravenettes. 66.98 For $15.00 and $20.00 Craven ettes. 63.95 For $7.50 to $10.00 Dress Skirts .66.98 For $15.00 and $20.00 Coats, all styles. 64.98 For $15.00 to $22.60 Odd Suits 68.98 For $25.00 to $60.00 Sample Suits; new, especial styles; H. B. Litt goods. Great Ic Bargain Friday list 1 For odds and ends in 5c and 10c Towels, lej For 5c Pencils, la For 6c Shoe Laces. If For 10c Bottle Perfumei . If For 6c Darning Cotton. I f For 6c Package Needles. la For 6c and 10c Hooks and Eyes. la For 6c Balls of Tape. la For 10c Cakes of Perfume. If For 6c Thimbles. (, If For 10c Pencil Holders, ' . If For 5c Steel Pens. If For 6c Embroidery Hoops. Great 5c Bargain Friday List 5f For 50c Cushion Covers. 5f For 10c HuCk Towels. 5f For 25c Pillow Covers. 5f For 26c Box Talcum Powder. 5f Jor 15c Feather Weight and Stock inette Dress Shields. 5f For 25c Sachet Powders. 5f For 50c Pocketbooks. 5f For 10c Bachelor Buttons. 5f For 15c Tooth Brushes. 5f For 10c' and 16c Perfumed Soap. 5f For 10c Toilet Paper. 5f For 25c Hat Pins. 5f For 10c Writing Tablets. Bargain Friday I rzt I Hom Bc I isc M8 Fy . " y 98f For $2.50 to $4.00 Lace Curtains y a V al Ca All Over the Store wrxz"'-' e All Over the Store Croat X Ar I kt Bost?n Waist Special Bo800 Here and There Are III cat L0. 0L JUv LI51 store 7&t For $2.50 nd $3.00 French Fian. Store Bargains 25f For 60c Knit Underwear. nel Shirtwaists. j . . JL L' 25f For 60c Corset Covers. I f For 10c Linen Handkerchiefs. 25f For 60c Kitchen Aprons. -r ril t T ra It lr f lojwapit - Oc Tab e of Friday Bargains 0 lF"$1.00Kn?tTnderwea, ' J ffi For 4 Silk Handkerchiefs. 50f For $2 00 Sample Waists. For 26c Huck Towels. lOf For 50c Side and Back Combs. 49f For $1.25 Sweaters. . i 50f For $1.76 Kimonos. lOf For 25c Turkish Towels. 10f For 20c Nail and Tooth Brushes fff or $1.26 Outing Shirts. 50f For ,$1.60 Table Cloths, turkey lOf For 15c Hose Supporters. YlO For 25c Sponges. JJ Wk Shirts. 50fdFor 98c Outing FlanU Skirts. ll lor lit JJJ Bh- f Wfater Underwear. 50f For $1.75 Black Sateen Skirts, lOf For 40c Hand Mirrors. . 10f For 25c Ladies Hose. 12f For 26c Cashmere Sox. with deep Spanish flounce. lOf For $1.00 Belt Buckles. 10f For 26c Shoe Brushes. Jf For 76c Caps. Sales open at 8 a. m. sharp and close at 5 p. m. By coming early you win hare a full list of all goods as advertised. Late corners will surely find some of the lines sold or sizes broken. After any lot is sold it will not be replaced by more goods, as these great Bargain Friday sales are merely a sacrifice to clear up all broken or small lots. Mail or phone orders will not be filled for goods in this advertisement, as the sizes and lines will be sold before letters or phone orders from out of town would reach us. Bargain Friday at The Boston ! CREDIT MEN FEAST AID TALK OVER BUSINESS The Portland Association of Creait Ilea met last night at tha Oregon grill and hsld their regular monthlr meeting around the banquet board. Feasting be gan at o'clock and ended at . Presi dent Paul Da Haas presided aa toast -master, whils the special feature of the evening was aa addreaa made by W. A. Mnars on the subject of Portland trade with the Hawaiian Islands. Mr. Mears haa recently returned from a trip made to the Islands to studr the trade condi tions there and It Is his opinion that Portland wll be made a port of call for Honolulu after the first of the rear. He advlsss the Portland merchant a. therefore, to begin to hustle and gat the trade that Is to be had with the Islands. Those who attended the banquet were! W. A. Hears, R L. Benin, Thomas O. Greene, S. B. Helllwell. W. F. Plledner, H. K. Arnold, P. S Weet. George H. Healy, John B. Cronah. A. 0. Stafford, B. If. Wheeler, A. H. Devers, R. v Hojrt, George Lawrence, A. St. Clair Oar. C at. DMer. W. W. Helmbach, J. Walrsth, J. H Walker, W. A. Mont gomery, J. l. Schults, H. B. McEwsn. W. B. Roberts, P. DeHaae. W. A. Mans field, Frank H. Smith; Mr. Parks, O. Mangold, W. B. Penpycook, R. W. Blackwood, O. Anderson, B. F. Borden, W. R. Kaser, T. S. Townsend. F. C. Wasserreaa, A. M. Crocker, Claraero . Gilbert. John J. Ross. W. U, Prud honSme, a H. Mars. A. C. Callan. L. L. Paget, L. & Smith, B. B. Rutherford. W. L Abrama, J. It. Poaaon George Roger. Jay Smith. W. H McVay. M. Mortensen. t R. Toung, H. F. Kellogg, C W. Cottel. Politics t At its convention ta Mlnneapolla nest month the American Federation of Labor, for the first time In Its his tory, wlU consider politics as a busi ness proposition. The convention wlU Rev. B. C Horton. Sulphur Springs, Tex., writes. July 10, IMS: "I have used tn my family Ballard' Snow Liniment aid Horehound Syrup, aad they have proved certainty satisfactory. The liniment Is the beat we have ever seed for headache and palna The cough eyrup has been our doctor for the lest eight rears." Seid by Wood ard. Clarke Co. be held the week following the election. If President Oompsrs' area sat political program reeults in failure at the polls It Is expected that some lively oppoaltlon to his administration will manifset Itself In the convention. Professor Eaton Dancing School Class for Isdlea and gents Monday and Thursday evening at Arlaa kail. Phone Bast IM4. Milwaukle Country Club. Eastern and California raeea Take Sellwood aad Oregon City gage St STSM