The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 18, 1906, Image 1

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THE WEATHER. ' Yesterday
VOL. V. HO. 194.
Exporters Determined
to Crush Unions by
Sweeping Plan to
Oust Ail Members
Threaten to Import Multitude of
Strikebreakers of All Kinds
and Make Portland Wide Open
Town as Far as Labor Is
i Concerned.
It the arbitration plan falls there
will probably be a general lockout, not
only of all union men W the wa
terfront, but or practically Ml union
matt In Portland. It will lead to the
Importation of strike-breakers and to
the establishment of the open shop
throughout thhi elty." Statement of W.
J. Burns, publicity agent for the .Ex
porters' association.
A ale-antic plan to make of Portland
an open shop town from on end to the
other la hsHny sinsaaarH by the mem
bers of the Exporters' association and
Other tares employers of labor In sym
pathy with thorn.
If the exporters and grain handlers
In Joint conference thle afternoon do
not como to an agreement whereby the
waterfront strike - may be settlsd by
arbitration, aforts wll be pat forth at
once to put this plan lato operation.
Not only will all members of the water
front federation be told to look for
other Jobs, but other employers of or
ggftlxed labor will discharge all union
men working for them. If the plans do
not miscarry.
tumors of such a move have boon
eurent along the waterfront for the past
two days. Today they were frankly
confirmed by W. J. Burns, at the close
of s meeting of thb Exporters' aso
ciatlon. Bis- lira
Union men profess to so In this move
the hand of the ClUxens' alliance, which
Is .the most aggressive enemy of organ
ised labor In the United States and
which Is said to number many large
employers of labor on its membership
rolls. Though admitting that general
movements to establish the open shop
In other pities have been made In the
paat by the Cltlsens' alliance, the
unionists say that they are not afraid
of anything of that sort being exten
sively put Into operation here. A gen
eral lockout of the unionists on the
(Continued on Page Two.)
Southern Paclflo Responds to
Demand of Public by Arrang
ing for Improved Service to
Go Into Effect Before the End
of the Month.
Responding to demands made for the
teat year Or two by people In the Wtl
lamstte valley, the Southern Pacific
company haa granted a new train serv
ice that will work a greet change in the
matter of accommodations and buslnsss
travel between Portland and Spring -field.
Sheridan. Lebanon, Albany.
Brownsville and other points. Three
new trains will be put on and the time
of the two present trains will be
The ohangee are effective October 5.
Beginning on that date a now dally
passenger train will leave Springfield
at :! a. m., arrive at Wood bum. IT
silos. St t:06 A Si., snd connect with
the Cottage Drove local, whloh here
after will roach Portland at 11 a. m.
instead of 10:lt. Returning in the eft
oron. the Cottage Grove local will
leave Portland st the same time It now
leaves. 4:1 1 o'clock, and connect at
Woodburn with the Springfield train
leaving Woodburn at I p. m , and ar
riving at Springfield at ft p. m.
Effective on the same date the com
pany will start two extra train dally
between Lebanon and Albany. II miles.
The same equipment will ssrvs those
trains, nnd make two round tripe dally,
connecting with the Cottage Grove local
Continued on Pago Four. )
Former Land Fraud, Broke in
Tientsin, China, Keeps Soul
and Body Together by Spin
ning Roulette Wheel for Celes
tial Gambling Master.
Horace Greeley McKlnley. who for
some time his been designated as one
of the land fraud kings of ths'stat
haa fallen from his kingly station sines
leaving Portland, according to a per
sonal latter that has Just reached this
city, and Is now occupying his time at
Tientsin. China, In keeping a roulette
wheel revolving under the eyes of sn
oriental master who has learned the
ern ways of the white man's gambling
device. , . v
Mr. McKlnley left this Country and
his wife. Mrs. Marie Ware MeKlaley.
going Xrosj San Francisco te the orient, with Utile Egypt." re
nowned for hot- slsitlang oaaoeat Hb
sudden departure was quite a shock to
ths government land fraud prosecutors,
who bad counted strongly oh the sup
port of the gentleman's testimony In
the Important cases which were soon to
come up for trial.
very effort was made to recover
the presence of the distinguished land
fraudlst and partner of a A. D. Puter,
but owing to the fact that his crime,
virtually s misdemeanor against the
government, was not extraditable he
could not be brought back to Oregon.
His first venture was In the brokerage
business in Shanghai, but In thla hs
proved to be a lamentable failure and
the Arm was dissolved, his English
partner deciding that however much a
success McKlnley might have been as
a land fraud thief his tslents did not
run much to the stock gams.
Following the dissolution of the
Shanghai Arm McKlnley experienced un-prosperous-
days for some time ana
after having drifted to Tientsin became
entirely broke end sought and obtained
a position as tender of a roulette wheel
In on? of the big gambling dens of the
Chinese city. At laat reports he was
still holding the position and was once
more beginning to appear sleek, pros
perous and contented.
Parts. Oct. 1. It is ofldally eon
firmed that Premier Sari en haa resigned
to take elect tomorrow.
News of the Women Who Figure
in Alleged Dual Existence of
Elijah the Reetorer to Be Made
Public in Leaves of Healing
This Week.
(Journal SpectsI Servlee.t
Chicago, Oct. II. News of the
women who figure In the scandal and
the chargss of a dual life against Alex
snder Dowle will be given, with explicit
details of their relatione with the fallen
prophet of Won, when the rhsrges
which led to the overthrow of the
"First Apostle" are published in full
In the Leaves of Healing on Saturday.
This was snnounced today by Overseer
Wilbur Olenn Vollva. who outlined
what the charges are to be.
"I hall not only .publish the names
Of these women." said Vollva. "but I
shall gives the names of witnesses who
can substantlste every detail of ths
charges. Dowlas scandalous secret life
will be fully exposed.
"I have sent notice to Dowle of this
plan, and have offered hfm space In
Which to make an answer. Each charge
to bo- mentioned hss been made known
to him. He can answer each one. but I
do not believe that he will attempt to
defend himself In the faee of our evi
dence "The chargss to be published." con
tinued Vollvs. "are those that led the
church to rise in IndlgnaUon sgslnst
Dowle and depose him " - i
"Dowle will go To his grave before
ha will enswsr sny of ths charges mads
against hiss," said Overseer Speteher,
Tropical Gale Raging
on Peninsulaand Driv
ing Up Atlantic Coast.
Wires Prostrated
Cuba Devastated and Cables
Down Wind Attains Velocity
of Forty-Eight Miles an Hour
and. Rain Falls in Torrents
tyOusee Demolished.
Uouml Special Bertlce.)
Miami. Flo., Oct. II. A tropical hur
ricane from the south has swept
through the West Indies, devastating
Cuba, and is now raging over the en
tire Florida peninsula, driving north
wards slong the Atlantic coast Ths
wind has a velocity of It miles an hour,
and the rain Is falling In torrents.
Wire communication with Cuba was
eat off last night and wires are pros
trated throughout the state. Jackson
ville Is the southernmost point the
wires reach thla noon. The gala hero is
Increasing In velooHy. The path of the
eewM 1s"uiihrt by
and un
roofed butldlaea and uprooted trees.
The stofim is likely to "Weep along
the Atlantic coast as far north as
South Csroltns. The weather bureau
states that navigation will be unsafe
for II hours. Storm signals are dls-
plsyed from Jacksonville to Norfolk.
No sdvloss have been received from
Cuba. It la recorded that ths tropical
disturbances are of small diameter but
of great severity. Before the Havana
cable was lost the operator said that
the land lines to the Interior were down
snd Havana was deluged. It Is re
ported that great damage occurred In
the provinces.
The last messsge ree lived mentioned
the fact that there was . "a big cyclone
In Havana." and that the storm was
leveling the land wires leading from
the cable hut.
Htllsbcro. Or.. Oot. IS. The Paclflo
Railway Navigation Co. haa rails laid
for the first 1C miles out of Hlllsboro.
and has about 100 men working at the
end of the line. This section of Wash
ington county Is already showing prog
ress and development will be rapid
from this time on.
Carstena Hartley of Manning have
sold their sawmill to F. Breaks of Post
land, who will run It to its full capac
ity. .- -
Voting Begins on Election to
Decide Whether Wall Street
Clique or Policy-Holders Shall
Control Companies.
New Tor. Oct. II. Toting in the
election which Is to decide whether
the Well street clique or the policy
holders shall control the Mutual and
New Tork Life Insurance companies
ad their OOO.OOO.OOO assets begun to
day and will continue until December
It, when the polls will close. It may
take weeks to count the ballots, and la
the event of a rloss election the contest
may be carried -to the courts.
There are policy-holders in
ths Mutual and about 7 oo ta the
Haw Tork Life. Whet percentsgs will
vote I merely guess-work. la ths Mu
tual Lifa there are three tickets In the
Held. One, nominated, by the present
msnsgsment. Is known as ths "admin
istration ticket": the second is the
"united committees ticket." Jointly
nominated by ths International Policy
holder' committee snd tbe Mutual Life
Policy-holders' association; the third, or
fusion ticket, is nominated by the
agents of the Mutual ss a protest
against ths Peabody management for
seeking to reelect the McCurdy old
guard as trustees of ths company.
In the New Tork Life there are only
two tickets, the sdmtnlstrstlon nomi
nees and those named by the Interna
tional Policy-holders' committee.
The policy-holders, hsaded by Rich
ard Other, nave made a vigorous cam
paign to oust ths administrations of
both the Mutual and New Tork Life.
The election Is the fruit of the mem
orable Investigation Instituted a year
ago by the New Tork state legislature,
when tbe high officials of the big In
surance isrspssiss
Mrs. N. M. Bellows, Who Fired at Burglar After He Had Struck Her
on Head With Butt of Revolver.
Mrs. N. M. Bellows of Woodstock Shoots
Robber After Being Struck on Head
With the Butt of a Revolver
Mrs. N. M. -Bellows of Woodstock haa
proved herself a woman of nerve. Not
many women would shoot at a burglar
three times after being hit ever the
head with the butt of a robber's re
volver, sad yt that is what Mrs. Bel
lows did. and by her bravery shs saved
her valuable gold watch and a box of
sliver spoons which the robber dropped
In his hurry to escape.
Mrs. N. M. Bellows, who Is tho daugh
ter of Frank M. Tlbbetts, an Indian war
veteran, was nwskened by her little
dsughter whispering:- "Look, mamma,
he's got your wstch."
"When I first saw the man standing
before the dresser I thought that It
was my brother Vivian," said Mrs. Bel
lows, 'but when he moved slightly and
ths rays of tho sitting-room lamp,
which we always keep burning, fell
upon him I saw that It waa a burglar.
He was standing In front of the dresser
Richard Olney.
gridiron and forced to reveal the Inside
workings of the business by which they
had feathered thrlr own. nests out of
the funds of ths oompsnles.
Under the provisions of the laws en
acted by the -mat New Tork state lg-
and. held In his hand by gold wstch. I
waa not frlghtsnsd then, but thought
only' of saving the watch. Under my
pillow was the revolver, which I always
keep there In case of burglars, and I
slipped my hand under and got hold of
the gun lust ss he turned and gave me
a stunning Mow on the head with the
butt end of his gun.
Fires a the Burglar.
"Although ths blow blinded me for a
second I grasped my revolver aad fired.
The shot went wild snd ths thief was
lust going through the dining-room
do -r when I rushed after him and fl red
again. I really believe that this shot
struck him, because ho took so long to
get out through the kitchen door, which
was open.
! fired my last shot Just as the door
swung shut, snd a little later I heard
(Continued on Pegs Four.)
Struggle Is on for Immense
Surplus Piled Up by Mutual
and New York Life Insurance
Islsture, complete boards of directors
for the Mutusl Life, the New Tork Llfs
and ths Mutual Reserve of New Tork
City and the Security Mutual of Blng
hamton are to be elected. By reason
of the action of the stockholders and
policy-holders of the Equttsbls Ufa In
voting to mutusllse the society as far
ss practicable the majority of a board
of directors for thla company also will
bo elected by Its policy-holders.
- BTO Opposition Ticket.
Tickets have been nominated for the
Ave companies, and ballots with the
names of the candidates havs been
mailed bv ths several companies to all
policy-holders. The polls opened to
day and will remain open two months.
Closing December It. Voting both by
mall snd ballot Is allowed Bach policy-holder
has ons vote for directors
Tor each company In which he holds a
policy The holding of more than one
policy In a company does not carry with
it tbs right to more than one vote.
Policy-holders of the Equitable, the
Mutual Reserve and the Security Mu
tual have no choice but to vote the ad
ministration tlcksts or to refrain from
voting, no opposition ticket in the case of
any of the companies having bean
All of tho present directors of the
Mutual Rsservs snd the Security Mu
tusl have been renominated. In the
cans of the Equitable, the directors, on
the recommendation of the trustees of
the Ryan stock, have nominated an ad
ministration ticket containing St names.
The Ryan stock trustses will elect ths
remaining 24 members of the board.
None of the men on the Equitable sd
mtnlstrstlon ticket waa a director of
the society under the old
Hundred MillionsStock
Voted to Provide for
Building Railroad to
the Northwest
Directors Vote) Additional Stock
at Special Meeting in Chicago
Today, but Make No Official
Declaration of Intentions
New Depot for Chicago.
(SseeUl Dlesstck te Tee Jearssl.)
Chicago. Oct. It The Chicago
Northwestern railroad stockholders to
day voted an authorisation for an issue
of a total capital stock or oo,sou,v.
which provides for doubling the 100.
SAA.eoo authorised nrlor to the present
data The additional tl00.0o0,oe will
be used to extend the lines of the eora
tnv and to build denote and bridges.
A new depot, to eosx w,w,w
Chicago terminal, Is one of the pro
tested Improvements.
During tho past ysar the company has
extended the northern Wisconsin Una
114 mllss. ths Wyoming branch 1st
miles, to Lander. Officers refuse to ad
mit the project for an extension to the
Pacific cdaat for the ensuing year, but
amy The Northwestern is a growing
road in a growing country."
Directors elected were Chaunoey De
pew. Albert Keep, Samuel Barger. James
cT Fargo, David P. Kimball. Henry C
Prick and Chaunoey Keep.
Though no official statement has been
lasued. It is generally accepted that the
doubling of the capital stock means that
the company has determined to extend
Its lines through to tho Paclflo coast,
following the exampla of the St. Paul
and other compeUtore.
,-r.M hi. Oct. It- Lord Wll
Uam Scully, whose ownership of land
In Illinois caused a revulsion against
alien landlords a few years ago died
In England yesterday, leaving J00.000
seres, mostly of tho beet Illinois farm
lands. He osme to Illinois penniless
In m.
President Anxious Not to Have
Appointment of Trust Funds
Collector Become Public Lest
It Have Adverse Influence on
Campaign in New York.
(Journal Special Berne t
Washington. Oct, 1. Deeplte the
fact that It Is very definitely under
stood that ths president haa decided upon
the appointment of Postmsster-Oeneral
Cortslyou te be secretary of the treas
ury In succession to Shaw, the organs
of ths administration are taking peine
to make it appear that no decision haa
been reached, and that there is no aa
eurance that Cortslyou will be named.
Denials "are "hot made, but It la sim
ply explained that the president haa not
determined upon the appointment of
Oortelyou. The explanation given for
this is that the president, although de
termined to name Cortslyou. la anxious
that the fact should not bo known until
after the election In New Tork
Cortelyou's appointment. It is said,
would have a bad effect on the coming
election. The past aiaster-general Is
still chairman of the Republican na
tional committee. There is every rea
son to believe that he expects to retain
that post even If he le promoted to the
secretaryship of the treasury. Hs man
aged the last national campaign for the
Republicans, during which there waa
collected a vast sum from ths Insurance
trusts aad other trusts. These collec
tion were strenuously dented st the
time, hut afterward were proved. It Is
reared that his promotion now to ha
mi of the
a aoaf
would be no stemming the tMo of tat
treasury wiwjfct sense
ndsl Of such proportions that there
4 JlgnaUasi'SaMsey Tork,
to Interior Town on
Trail of Suspect in
Mysterious Crime
Officers Baffled in Attempts to
Locate Hutchinson Assassin
Various Theories Still Pur
suedLooking for a Formes t
Suitor of Mrs. Hutchinson.
Though possessed of InformafJmV
that la strangely suggestive In connec
tion with the murder of Reno Hutchin
son, who was shot aad killed at Spo
kane Monday night, detocUvee of that
city are completely baffled w thai:
efforts to solve the mystery. la these
dilemma they have appealed to Portland
for aid. but with the offer of every as
sistance they have made little ad venae
toward a solution of the cans.
Following a due that seemed to give
promise of solving the mystery. Dotes
ttvs McDonald of ftpoxaiie arrived ha
Portland last night. Hs conferred tan
mediately after hia arrival with Secre
tary Stone and other officials of the
local T. M. C. A., and .hls morrhesj
called upon Chief Oritsmachsr. He re
quested the assistance of a local detec
tive In following the clue, but a few
hours later canceled the request for aid
with the explanation that the euspeot hoy
was following had left Portland.
Detective McDonald, though con
fining his theories and beliefs closely te
hlmsMf. Is following a clus whloh be
believes msy implicate a former suitor
Of Mrs. Hutchinson. Hs has numerous
other theories, snd clues whloh. however
have accomplished nothing toward ap
prehending the slayer of tho T. M. C A
Those who have followed the case
are Inclined to believe that the mystery?
surrounding the death of Hutchinson,
may never be solved. With few excep
tions they have abandoned the theory oS
holdups and are devoting themselves)
now to theorising with reference to s
motive for the crime.
So convinced are they that the AeeoV
was prompted by a spirit of deadly?
(Continued on Pegs Two.)
LOSES $5,000 BY
Well-Dressed Confidence Men
Switch Crip Filled-With Iron
Washers With One Full of Gold
While Negotiating Blind Reel
Estate Transaction.
tJeernal Special Sendee.)
Fresno. Csl.. Oot. II. Two wen
dressed confidence men buncoed Mike)
Dutra. a wealthy ranchman Jiving west
of Han ford, out of 18,000 by ths 014
game of switching a grip full of Iron
washers for a grip containing ft. 000
While they negotiated a blind real estate
Giving hie name as J. B. Thomas, and
rial mine to be a prominent real estate
broker, a man wrote Dutra a few weeks
ago saying hs would like to buy Dutra a
big ranch, and asked for terms. Datrh
replied and named a large amount, which
Thomas accepted. Letters to Themes)
were addressed to a Los Angeles poet
offloe box. and after much correspond
ence Thomas agreed to meet Dutra as)"
the farm.
Instead of slgntnr sny papers. Dutra
ny papers. Dutra
000 In rash eoU
IhM 5 Sea) Fran-
was asked to have fa.tet
lateral to meet $ to
Thomas to bind the
blindly consented. Three
Han ford from the direction
clsro and one from Los Angeles.
All consulted for some tISM
hotel snd then separated la esses!
couple went to ths Dutra farm
buggy. "They talked with Dutra
the terms for the ranch. 1
showed the grip with M.000
two men came stone
ta tew two talking to
and pretended to be
terestsd In other pv
prured down the re
became aueplcleus h
had been sttfuhso I
in a '
"xWw?2 i
'I'vi i t Hew .. asssl
nf esmnmna
. . an" .. ZK Sm snsnsnsnTJ