The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 16, 1906, Page 9, Image 9

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I. 1
Town Topics
The Journal agency at 0alam haa
bean tfeosferred to Buaaall M. Brooks,
headqtarters at Capitol Drug Store, 404
State atraat, Phone Main 1079, and aU
rhanass new subscriptions an
plalnta will receive prompt attention.
Bmplr . . .
Pasta t
Berr'i Mlsstrsl
rtk's men at -
'. 'Tk Two Oraksas''
."A Mather's Went''
When Deputy Sheriff Harvey Mora,
land went to the Kike building yester
day afternoon to sell the furniture of
the Qelser-Hendry Investment company
at auction he waa Informed that an ef
fort waa being made to effeot a settle
ment with the remaining creditors of
the firm and waa asked that the sale
be postponed until iTlday afternoon.
The additional time waa allowed.
Jordan A Oarbade, who had 14 acres
of land near Lenta and divided It Into
tracts, report the following sales: Tea
acres to A. C. Oelnger tor 14,110; nine
acre to Florence I Macomber for
11.700; three and three quarter acres to
Louisiana Billings for II. M0: two and
a half acres to F. B. Tracey far 70.
and two and a half acres to Julius
Hantaehell for $760.
We save you M cents a step If you
walk upstairs to our fine tailoring es
tablishment, second floor Raleigh build
ing, 32a Washington street. If you ride
on the elevator we save you 10 cents a
second, and the clothes we make for
you will fit like the glove on a charm
ing woman's hand. We are Armstrong
the Tailor, and everybody knows us.
Flowers for the Parlor. Start a few
pots of flowering bulbs for winter blooms
easy to grow handsome, interesting
and Inexpensive. Our handsomely Il
lustrated and descriptive catalogue tells
all Phone Main 47s, or call. Portland
Seed Co., Front and Yamhill streets.
Ben Lombard, John A. Las and C
Ohle, appraisers of the estate of Me
lissa A Shlveley, have tiled a report in
the county court showing that the es
tate haa property valued at 18,000, con
sisting of 1260 In cash, and real estate.
A broken trolley wire at the fill sear
The Oaks, on the line of the Oregon
Water Power A Railway company, held
up traffic this morning between T and
I o'clock The Oregon City care were
run by war of Sell wood.
The recently organised Young Folks'
Hebrew association will meet this even
ing at S o'clock in the assembly room
of the synagogue at Park and Claw
atreeta to elect permanent officers.
Tour Eyoe Examined Free. We are
still selling eyeglasses at ft 00. A per
fect fit guaranteed. If stager Co.,
jewelers and opticians, til Sixth street.
Vulcanite BuDber Roofing, the best
quality ready roofing manufactured. F.
E. Beach A Co.. the Pioneer Paint com
pany, agents, 136 First street.
The Japan Basaar 1 haa the largest
stock of oriental goods In. Portland,
which It sells at wholesale prices. ' Re-
nbor that. IIS First street.
" Watches, diamonds and Jewelry on
easy payments; II dawn, 60c a week
Don't go without a good timepiece,
Metsger Co., Ill Sixth street
These wet nights! Drop In at Carl
Jones' for your reading matter; 76 lead
ing dallies, 100 periodicals. Fourth and
Union Laundry Co.
Second A Columbia Sts.
ur xjtxct TODAY.
homed. - iMicio
suss .
a ::::::
seosrsec vevers
life .
stand Oever:::::::: as7""
sot nom
w .. ... w . hi..
... as
... sc
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... U
e B
... Be
... le
... at
Polk County Town Has Six Saw
mills and Is Now Grow
ing Vary Fast
fiSSr.::::::::::: 8.
PajTiaes Bhskets, Wool, sr..e0a
EX Vert, "jBlsakets. Cettoa. pt.Ss.
Children's Overalls.. fcQnllU But
Be shirts, collars, serfs, vests, overalls or
fwasjcsiy ta this iepsrhaeat. Bs huadl
Liquor License Committee of the
Counoil Revokes Five Licenses
Of Celestial Resorts.
Stesmer J easts Harking for fmr-.
Wsshnugal and way landings dally ex
cept Sunday. Leaves Alder street dock
at I P. m.
The picture of Rabbi Jonah Wise pub
lished yesterday waa kindly loaned to
The Journal by the Jew(lsh Tribune.
Pros Treatment One Week Prof. El
der, graduate Weltmer Institute, 417
Flledner building.
Acme Oil Co. sells the best safety ooal
oil and fine gasoline. Phone East 711.
Woman's Exchange, 111 Tenth street
lunch 11:10 to 1; business men's lunch.
Wllholt Mineral Water. Elmer J. Wal
lace, Agt 111 Id St. Tel Paclflo 16l.
For Quality. Quantity and Quickness,
go to Morris' restaurant
Dr. E. C. Brown, Eye-Ear. Marquam.
MiKvaukle Country Club.
Eastern and California races. Take
Sellwood and Oregon City oars at First
and Alder.
Portland and la Oregon
any other Oregon
Journal sa
saossan that of
Allen A Lewis' Best Brand.
In carefully looking
over the Coast for
a location to open
a first-class cutlery
and tool business
we decided on Port
land, as ws have
unbounded confi
dence In the future
of the city. We
were of the opinion
that the people of
Portland would ap
preciate a store
where everything In
the cutlery and tool
lines could be had
Our judgment was
correct, aa la evi
denced by our trade
in these lines. We
carry In stock the
moet complete as
sortment of these
goods In the North
west making a specialty of the same.
Ws waste no time In looking after little
odda and ends in the Hardware Una Our
aim la to keep a moat elegant and com
plete stock of cutlery pearl, ivory,
stag-hsndls pocket knives, magnificent
line of rasors, table cutlery, carvers,
scissors and shears, manicure goods,
butcher knives, rasor strops, etc. We
carry an exceedingly strong Una of
silverware. In plain, satin and figured
patterns of the highest quantise Bear
In mind that every article we carry in
stock Is the best made and absolutely
guaranteed. Our lines of carpenters .
snaohlnlsts'. bricklayers', plasterers' and
stone cutters' tools Is unequaled In thla
section The beet mads Is not only
"none toe' good cut hardly good
enough for us. Ws will become known
as "deelsrs of quality" or ws will quit
being dealers at all
Bassett Sb Preer
As soon aa C V. Dolph got through
pleading for the Chinese gin mills ths
liquor lioenss committee of the council
yesterday afternoon lost no time in re
voking ths licenses of five Joints.
Dolph represented two Second street
saloon-keepers and also W. J. Vsn
Schuyvcr A Co., ons of ths large whole
sals liquor houses which aa rectifiers
manufacture a goodly percentage of the
liquor sold In the gin mills. Mr. O'Neill
stuck to it that he didn't represent any
body but two Chinamen.
State Dairy1 and Food Commissioner
Bailey weakened his case agllnst ths
gin shops by admitting that bis chemist
had been unable to And any drug in ths
gin analysed.
Millar Murdoch, attorney for the Mu
nicipal league, pointed out the findings
of the coroner's jury on the body of s
man who died Immediately after drink
ing gin. Dr. L. Victoria Hampton had
analysed the man's stomach for Coroner
Finley and had found wood alcohol and
fusel oil In unusual quantities.
TO offset this Mr. O'Neill presented a
statement from the chemist of Wood
ard. Clerks a Co., who hsd found
scarcely anything but alcohol and
water in the gin.
Mr. Dolph made an Impassioned ap
peal for the poor gin sellers. . Council
man Vaughn had previously movsd that
ths licenses of five places be revoked
and thla waa carried as soon aa ths
lawyers were through talking.
The saloons whose licenses will be
officially revoked by the council tomor
row if the recommendation of the com
mittee Is adopted are: llee Fong com
pany, II Second etreet;' Fook Hang
Lung company. 111 Second; On Hlng
company, 16 Second: Quong Tong Wo
Kee company, Wong -Chee company,
104 H Second.
Chief Orltamacher will be naked by
the committee to make a report on the
Italian saloon at Fourth and Sheridan
streets. Had It not been for conflict
ing testimony yesterday Its license
would have been revoked.
The following applications for saloon
lioenss were granted: W. F. Davison.
Front and Columbia; J. W. Doyle, 111
Fourth; May A Van Zandt. Ill Stark.
Also the following transfers: William
Moss, III Ankeny to Willow A Butler.
same; Arlghl a Marraecl. 210 Second, to
Battaglla A Marraccl. same; A. Erlck
son, II North Second and 14 North
Third, to Hugo Frits, same; H. Ma
lander. Ill North Sixteenth, to Melander
A Aapler, same; MoFartand A Hslmlng,
III Fourth, to Vfo Far land A Qaynor.
same; C. H. Warner, 100 First, to
Benno-Cosenxa, same; Anton Grohs,
1687 Macadam, to Charles Zlselman,
same; John Gibson, II Russell, to J. Q.
Branstetter, sama; Peter Keusella, 111
Morrison, to T. A- Hogsn, same; W. E.
Snyder, 114 Yamhill, to Auguat Eschle,
same; F. 8. Scrltsmler, 610 Savler, to
F. B. Parks, same; Wulf A Zeis. Ill
North Sixth, to Droege A Sals, same;
D. L. Drlnnen, 174 Everett, to Smith A
Harper, same.
Fruit gnd Vegetables Do Well. While
Timber Supply Is Practically Un
limited Railroad Orders New
Equipment to Cere for Business.
Falls City. In Polk county, is said to
be one of the most rapidly growing
places In Oregon In three years six
sawmills have been built along the Una
of ths Falls City A Western railroad,
and there is a payroll of more than 126,
000 a month from them. The mills saw
about 126,000 fast of lumber every ten
hours, and have from 1,000,000,000 to
4,000,000,000 feet of tributary timber.
"I know of no place where the pros
pects for growth and prosperity are
better than at Falls City," said Louis
Gerllnger, president of the Falls City A
Western railroad. "Ths standing tim
ber la high-class, ths climate Ideal,
there are large areas of clear .land where
agriculture and fruit culture are carried
on profitably. The applea, pears and
prunes of ths Luokamutte valley are
products of which Hood, Rogue and Wil
lamette valleys might fsel proud."
The Falls City Lumbar company and
the Bryan-Lucas Lumber company are
now being consolidated by Stine A
Belcher, Michigan man. George W.
Cone is building a nsw mill. Edward
Strong la putting up a new mill near
Bridgeport. The old Montgomery mill
and the mlU of the Oberer A Myer Lum
ber company are doing a good business.
All the mills in 'ths county would be
more prosperous could a permanent end
be put to the car shortage)
Mostly TeUow FIT.
Ths timber tributary to these mills is
10 per cent yellow fir, and the remainder
is lsrch and hemlock. Falls City, al
though not ths county seat. Is growing
rapidly. There are 16 new residences
under construction. A nsw bank build
ing is being built. The town has a
nsw four-story department store. Wa
terworks are being built, and water will
be brought from a mountain stream.
Portland people are putting in an elec
tric light plant.
It la said the soil of this region is as
rich aa any. Strawberries are picked
aa late as ' ths first of October. Vege
tables grow to large size and great
abundance. Falls City la the entrepot
to the 8 Uets country and some day will
have direct rail connection. The town
is not advertised sad is practically un
known to the Investment world. It Is
said there Is nesd for a first-class hotel,
a steam laundry and mors real estate
firms of the progressive class. Ths
Falls City A Western railroad la now
operating . 14 miles, from Dallas to
Black Rock It haa added a new loco
motive and It cara this year and haa
ordered two more locomotives and 14
oars for early delivery.
Ways and Means Committee Re
fuses to Grant Delay Asked
for by Company.
President of Western Reserve1
Demands Secret Rituals
Used by College Frats.
(Journal Special service.!
Cleveland. Oct II Initiation of
candidates to the women's secret socie
ties at Western Reserve university Is
too mystic and unladylike, declared
President T. H. Wing, and as a result
he asked each of the societies to give
him complete records, writings snd se
cret work of the orders.
He threatens that the sororities May
bs ousted from the ooUege on the
ground that they are not conducive to
Inculcation of good manners among the
There ere no chapters of national
"frats" at the women's college, but four
societies of a local nature are aimed
at by ths president. The girls are In
dignant that they ahould be called upon
to lay bare the secrets of their or
ders. They will meet soon to decide
what to do.
The University Park Congregational
church has received a permit for the
erection of a frame church building on
Haven between Dawson and Bowdotn
streeta Its cost will bs 11.000. D. B.
Orsy is the contractor.
Other permits havs been Issued as
follows: J. Trebsr, one-story dwelling.
Klickitat between Union avenue and
East Seventh, cost, 1100; Mrs. Alice C.
Walker, basement Tenth between Jack
son and Clifton, oast, 160; Port Is nd
General Electric company, trestle snd
dock, Nlcolal between Front and Wil
lamette rivsr. cost, 10.760: M. C. PSter
son. ons-stery dwelling. Esst Thirteenth
comer Manhattan, cost. 1100; 8. V.
Roberts, one-story dwelling. Btdwell be
tween East Seventh snd East Ninth,
cost 1700; J. A. Dunn, tws-story dwell
ing. Belmont between Bast Thirty
seventh snd East Thirty-eighth, east,
12.000. Frank ('spell, two-story dwell
ing, Maiden between East Eleventh snd
Esst Thirteenth, cost. 11.100; B P. Ms
Kee, two-story dwelling, Belmont cor
ner Ernst Thirty-sixth, cost. 11.100:
Frank Bode, repairs. East Seventh cor
ner Bast Stark, coat. 1100: Olaf Kyllo,
one-story dwelling. Height between
ver, cost oi.evv.
A vagrant volt of electricity got Into
ths backbone of ths ways and means
committee of the council yesterday
afternoon so that It stiffened up and
declined to grant the request of Dsn J.
Maiarkey, one of the attorneys of the
electrical combine, for a delay In con
aldsring the power wire ordinance.
The runaway juice aoan went on its
way, however, end after talking for a
while the committee, on the auggestlon
of Councilman Gray, decided to hold an
other session lnstsad of getting ?"e
measure In shape for passage by the
council tomorrow.
The linemen's union, represented by
Attorney Freeman, la holding out for a
apace of four feat between the high
power and low power wires. Ths elec
tric company doss not believe this
practicable and also probably expen
sive. A nsw ordinance haa been drawn
up by Mr. Freeman to meet the sug
gestions made at the laat meeting. Yes
terday, however, it was ths sams old
story of beginning at the bottom again,
and Mr. Maiarkey asked time to con
sider the question. Aa this wss not
granted he and Superintendent Sykes
Isft ths city hsll.
It is the contention ef the linemen
that If the measure does not include
any provision for four feet of space be
tween the safe wires and the "hot
stuff all attempts at gaining protective
legislation from the council might as
well be abandoned. Chairman Wallace
and Bennett are willing to accede to the
linemen's request, but Gray, Masters
and Rushlight apparently think ths
electric company must be in the right.
It is posslbls that another meeting will
be held this week.
Removed in 7 to 10 days without knife
or pain. No nay till cured. Address
A. ATaTOma, Beat 1. Portland. Oregon.
Portland Agents for Botterick Patterns -The Defaeator-tol Yarns
Ths reserved seats for the Chrlstlsn
Science lecture to be delivered Thurs
day evening by Clsrence C. Eaton will
be Issued free of charge at the box of
flee of the Heiltg theatre tomorrow
morning at 10 o'clock. Not more than
six tickets will be given ons person,
and the seata thus reserved must be oc
cupied by the holders before 7:41
Thursday evening This action has been
found necessary In the past, owing to
ths largs attendance at these lectures,
as thsre are many who do not have an
opportunity to secure reservations In
advance, and these are seated as far sa I
possible In unoccupied seata during the
quarter hour before the lecture.
The lecture will begin promptly st
I o'clock, at which time the doors of
the theatre will bs closed. This lecture
by Mr. Baton will be ths 11th provided
the public by the christian Science
churches of this city. On former ooeee
kras ths theatre haa been packed to Ita
Stemping Dona to Yosr Order -Free Lessons Given la Art lawAroMsry Work
GiiiSssa4wi mAPtmy WatOvSMttyhmt UAmV sad Wortaaabip
The Meier (& Frank Store
French Undermuslins Low Priced
Special lot of women's French Underskirts, hand-embroidered ;
beautiful styles, made of fine French percales, wide flounces,
separate dust ruffles ; good assortment to select a s AO
from ; regular $7.50 and $8.50 values at this price . se "
Women's hand-made French Chemise, made of fine French
percales, hand-embroidered ; very handsome styles ; beautifully
made and finished ; splendid variety Great values at
$6 Values $3.75-$7 Vetoes $4.93
Womei's French Drawers, hand-made, of fine French Per
cales hand-embroidered and lace trimmed; very best styles
in exceptionally large assortment. Three lots, as follows
$3 Vetoes $3.47-$3 Values $3.8?
$6.50 Vetoes at $4.37
We are sole Portland agents for "La Grecque" Tailor-Made
Underwear and Corsets. New fall models, expert fitters. 2d fir.
TS Meter yfcfirajik
Special lot of "Valller'a" real French
glace Kid Qlovts two and three
clasp, washable, tana, pearl and
cream; nearly all aiaes; won-s 4n
derful value, lxilr
1,600 pairs of gluce Kid Gloves, with 3
clasps, black, white, tan, blue, brown,
green and cream, all sixes; best val
ues in town it this special low A
price, pair 7. WdC
We are sole Portland agents for "Per
rln'e" real French Kid Gloves the best
Francs produces: every new style, at
prices ranging from ti ll to 14.00 a
pair, every pair fully guaranteed. Com
plete stock of 18-but ton-length Kid
Gloves in black and colon. Long Hllk
Gloves; 20-buttor.-lt.ngth Kid Gloves.
Mall ordsrs promptly filled.
$12.50 Silk Petticoats $6.85 Ea.
High-grade Silk Underskirts at about one half their regular value; made of the best quality taffeta
silk by one of the leading manufacturers in the country. Full width, splendidly made and finished;
deep corded flounce, ruffle and ruche silk dust ruffle. Colon are white, brown, mode, red, gray,
black, navy, pink and a handsome assortment of changeable colors petticoats that ft -Z
find quick sale at prices ranging from 9.50 to $12.50; choice of this lot of 200, each . . . fUsf
Mail orders, will receive prompt attention. Order today. On sale in Waiit Department. Second floor.
of Neckwear
1,000 dosen woman's Embroidery Tum-
over Collars, in a large variety of
choice and beautiful designs, sheer
lawns, linen and crash turnovers, neat
tailor-made effects and plain hem
stitched; regular 2Bo values, on t
sale at thla low pries W
Women's white Venlse Lace Chemissttes
in pretty florul patterns, excellent
quality lace; regular 76c values, on
sale at this exceptionally low "1 Kj
price, each B4TS
Venlse lace long tab "Flat Iron" Stock
Collars, of excellent quality lace, pret
ty floral designs, white or cream;
regular 71c valuea, on sale at Tt Kf
this special price
A beautiful display of nsw Feather
Boas, In all shad is and lengths, st ths
lowest prices. Grand assortment.
m n70p9
$22.50 Tailored Suits
at $14.45
Woman's $22.50 TafloraoJ Serfta at S14.45-Tha grarsdaat
value avr offered for tVe rmoney- Aa good, if mot .baiter,
than the tjelendM gatwnt we soid yoa hat week attha aama
HaMdsoaaeey msde up m uBtnrong rnoe oepsvBsj
Pony jacket stylae, alao Mow jcfc, ton
--lla r a and rrffm othgtra with srimB and knttotm tr
Plaited skint - Broad cloths, cheviots, tweeds in black.
luw.nrriv, ktrwa. erraafx. gray, great, aad browi
ctsecke- Ivery salt wall mada and
id perfect fitting AM
aiaaa. reg33.5Q velnee
Vnr choice at tbia ho
otmenaDy low arioa, anit
with velvet
Robber Goods
Globe Spray' Syringe and Water Bottle
combined, spray vaginal pipe; reg
ular 11.11 value, on sale j
Women's sill -rubber Syringe for 4Sw
Women's Syringe, with globes f Af
spray pipes, at low price . . . . S
Marvel Whirling Spray 8vr-JJ2 0
FamTTy Bulb Syringes for, each ssje
Tyrlan Atomisers, hard rubber 1QP
tubes; great special value, each J
Syringe Tubing, yard Te
"Omega" Water Bottles, of white rub
ber, best grade; regular 11.40 no.
value, at
Battle Fountain Syringe, hard rubber
fixtures; great special value ag9c3
Victoria Fountain Syringes, rapid flow,
screw pipes; fl.10 value,
Eagle ' Combination Hot Water Bottle
and Fountain Syringes, 3 9Q.
impress Fountain Syringes, extra heavy
quality, 4 -quart sise; 11.11 Oft,
value, on sale at
Columbian Combination Hot Water Bot
tle and Syringe; 11.60 vslu$lQ9
1 -quart ' Egi Hot ' Water Bot- ef,9c
Empress Hot Water Bottlss, of heavy
white rubber, 4-quart slse; 11.11 9Qf.
value, at, each yv
Face Bags. Infauta' Rubber Goods, etc.
The Largest Music House
in the West
Piano Quality
The House of Quality"
Buy your piano at "The House of Quality" and you are sure to get a piano of honest worth. We have selected
our aeencies very carefully and you can do better with us than elsewhere. Read the names Stemway,
Knabe Everett A. B. Chase, Mason & Hamlm, Fischer, Packard, Estey, Ludwig, Emerson, Sterling, Cable,
Hardman, ConDver, Kingsbury, Harrington, Wellington, Willard. Piano PlayersKnabe Angelus, Emer
son Angelus, Harrington Autotone, Kingsbury Inner, A. B. Chase Player Piano. Organs Estey, Packard,
Chicago Cottage. We buy in carloadedirect from factory.
'The House of Quality" Phone 665. Opposite Posloffice, Portland, Or.
Prol. Fraaks and iaby Lillian Grand Fire Ad
sTcalllng Shn1 BBCaJa
a aw wawveawssni ssswes
'ritgglrfJrr'- '
.gafgia eggs I ' liji gggafY Isstsfllg
Stage Dancing
Taught In all Its branches by fine pro
fessional teacher, late of New Torn; 10
years' experience. Bngagements secured
Sm m, Minli, Puntla earn from 111
to 110 per week. For particulars call
or write Bowman's
itsVi Btssm m.
FREE! JVUvIng Plcturea
Interesting from beginning te and.
Other Miscellaneous Subjects
awry evening 7:10 o'clock. Bring the)
Change or rrogram weekly
ST SHUMAJC. Oeneral AdvS
. 20. a
PRICES! Lower Boor, ftret 10 lews, St;
last rows. 1. SO Bslenay. Snt 4 rows.
11 B; aest A raws. $1; Ust I rows. 70.
sjery, OOr.
Olt of Tewe Oilers AsOrssssl. te W.
T. Pass) anet he areoispsaJsd
rear see s seu-ee
ssfe raters.
woSSnwThe Heilig Theatre
Mil. I.
Iwalgtt 1:11. I Bsrgala-rrlc
Tesjerrsw !ibt I Ms else
The Mlaetrel BM ef
H ef the Seaaoa.
i. &:a.Uwr!
Chttersa lie say Place,
tests selling st theatre. Parse at high sea
Pries M sties i l
DSUICT I HCMir Orssjns Tbsatr Co., Lessee
BO ROB L. BAKBB, Massgir.
Twalht-aU Wash Mattes SstarSay.
I Bw SSStftal SBSHMl
I i'iyis. riliiai Mir
rtieer.l Shea Week. "
The Grand
Week of Oct. 11.
Cwsrtrlakt Lse
MH w) Bswwis Os,
Kiss Berts LCa
Msster KaesU staff
"A Matter's Secret"
Msls 117 Mntsa W. swaswa.
rise the sesi assssss boss
sn..l rh. hast
Not k.saetksi la Price St. i.
See; wtisee
This week IS greet Ii'imS
of tins. rly sad sashes.
rm't oilas II: fan a
Oas ef Ikesesa. ssm
1 Osleser Is.
i MbB,