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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER It, HOC DAY'S EVENTS EAST SIDE ON Difficulties Encountered at River End of Big Brooklyn Sewer Art Overcome. NO DANGER OF CAVE-IN AT THE PRESENT TIME New Bank Soon to Be Opened fat Sell wood Doings of the Improvement Aasodatioaa Central Christian Church to Erect New Edifice. The difficult! encountered at the rlrer end of the Brooklyn eewer, where the 1,100-foot tunnel la beta bored, ere bains overcome, report Joeeph one of the contractors. A (Teat deal on trouble was experienced at first from the roof of the tunnel oavlna- In. Thla 'waa caused from the fast that the exca vation waa bain made through an old nil, where the dirt waa loose, but that point has been passed aad the. tunnel now Is bains; driven through cement (ravel, which makes the work entirely safe. At the Beat Tenth and Tasmrt street end of the tunnel the work Is (oln( on A WINTER WEIGHT SERGE TO YOUR MEASURE $25.00 Let ua make up to your measure this beautiful dark blue serge. You cannot duplicate this fabric in Port land for a penny less than $35 to $40. As for the fit and finish, we are simply bound to please you. We must please you to hold your, business. Out of the thousands of garments we hare up in the last year a majority of them are repeaters. Prac tically all of our customers come back a second and a third time, and bring their friends. An Unfinished WORSTED Black or Blue TO YOUR MEASURE $10.00 If we asked fifty dollars for this suiting you would be getting your money's worth. Come in and get a sample of the cloth. Make comparisons with what other tailors are offering. Judge the values for your- 3 We Press Your Clothes FREE For One Year Suits to Measure $20 $40 Trousers to Measure $4 to $10 ELKS BUILDING Comer Seventh and Stark laborers to fas the aev satisfactorily. Mr. Paquet reports much difficulty In seourln( enou(h to carry on the wore ol nnua- wer. It waa. tnpu(ni mai with the oomin( of bad weather a large number ef men would drift into, the olty to spend the winter and thereby re lieve the strtnaenoy hi the labor mar ket But so far no material Improve ment is noticeable, the demand for labor betas aa treat now as it was In mid summer at the hettbt of the bulldlna season. A new bank wUl be opened in SeU wood by October 10. A. temporary loca tion has been eecuredrnaturea ordered and everythlav wUl be tn readiness to begin operations on the above data. A centrally located eorner lot has been bought, upon which a neat two-story h-nMna house will be constructed. Tils will make the - sixth banking house ea tabllahed on the eaat side. The others are: Two In Alblna, two In old East Portland and one at Bt. Johns. H. P. Palmer, largely Interested In the Sellwood Townslte company, la one of the promoters of ths new financial venture. W. Cooper Morris and other prominent men of the city are associ ated with Mr. Palmer In the organisa tion of the new institution. C. B. Lucas, ex -city auditor of St. Joseph, Missouri, will leave for Portland in a few days to assume active management of the bank. The fact that a large number of in dustrtea have been located In and near Sellwood has convinced the , promoter! that a bonk there wlU prove a profitable business venture, aside from being a great convenience to residents of that part of the city. The Institution will organise with a capital of 120.000 or $25,000 aad wlU tranaact a legitimate banking business. The third attempt to drive the con crete pllea for the foundation of the Mitchell, Lewis Staver building at Bast Third and Morrison streets waa begun yesterday morning. Two months ago this contract was Just started and only about a doaen out of 400 piles called for In the plans have been driven. The first steel cylinder used tn driving ths piles stuck fast tn the earth and has successfully resisted all efforts to withdraw It. The second was so bat tered and kinked aa to become useleas and the third has Just been received from the east and Is now In use It Is found to be very difficult to force the cylinder through the It foot of gravel and sand that was pumped onto this lot from the river. But after the Jacket once gets through the top coaUng of gravel It sinks easily through the remainder of the IS feet, the depth to which the plies are driven. The Bast Side Business Men's club will hold a meeting tomorrow night at the office of J. L Wells, on Orand avenue and East Washington street Committee reports on advertising and street Improvements will be made. A general discussion of lights, polios and fire apparatus will take place. The club considers that ths east side la par ticularly deficient In these three neces sities. A large attendance la expected. After Belmont street Is widened and Improved from East Twentieth street to West avenue, the present eastern ter minus of the street an effort will be made to nave it extended to the termi nus of the Mount Tabor car line on top of Mount Tabor, Residents and property-holders of Mount Tabor and vicin ity are anxious to have Belmont street opened and Improved from the top of the mount west aa it would give k cen tral thoroughfare, which la badly needed from the district affected to the river. Workmen are engaged this morning tn putting up barricades at Bast Eighth and East Morrison streets, closing Blast Eighth street between Morrison and Belmont The city engineer has con demned the elevated roadway at this point. The roadway over Hawthorne slough at East Morrison street Is thought to be unsafe, It la probable that a fill will be made on both Bast Morrison and East Eighth streets at an early data, whtoh will be the moat .ex pensive fill yet made on the east side. The members of the Central Christian church, at East Salmon and East Twen tieth streets, have adopted the plana for a new edifice which will coat to gether with a large pipe organ, about ISO, 000. The church now owns a site 100x132 which will bo covered by ths new building. The auditorium will be 10x00 with a gallery which will seat 750 people. Adjoining will be the Sunday schoolroom, which, with a gallery, will seat 000 people. The Central church was organised three years ago with 10 charter members: It now has ZOO mem bers. Rev. J. P. Ohormley Is pastor. PAROCHIAL SCHOOL OPENED BY CATHOLICS ((pedal Diepatefc to Tee JeareaL) McMlnnvllleOct. 18 On Sunday aft ernoon the parochial school of ths Cath ollee at this place waa formally dedi cated. The music for the occasion was furnished by the McMlnnville orchestra. Bhort addresses were made by Mayor W. T. Macy, Superintendent l. R. Alder man. the vlcar-general. Father O'Hara and Father Burrl. Following thla came the formal dedi cation service of the Catholic church. The parochial school Is the result of the efforts or Father O'Hara and rather Burrl. The greater part of the money for the school building was raised here. Pupils will be taken up to the high school grades Yesterday the first registration of the school was opened. At 10 o'clock a quiet service was held at the Catholic church. It being a part of the dedication service. The afternoon waa called opening day and the building was open for the Inspection of the public. A NEW DEPARTURE The Oost of interments Mas Bee Oreat ly Modaeod ? as dolman Under taking Company Heretofore it has been the custom of funeral directors to meks charges for sll Incidentals connected with a funeral. The Edward Holman Undertaking com pany, the leading funeral directors of Portland, beginning July 1. lo, will depart from thla old custom. When the casket Is furnished by us Its coat will Include all charges, such as conveying the remains to our chapel, outside box, embalming, hearse to cemetery and sll services which may be required of us except clothing, cemetery end carriages, thus effecting s saving of lit to ITS on each funeral. THBEnVARD HOLMAN UNDERTAK ING COMPANY, 210 Third street eorner Salmon. (Special Disputes to Tee Jearnal.) Eugene. Or., Oct K. Miss Ella De bit of Portland has been chosen by the Eugene board of education aa teacher In the high school. The attendance at the scfcool Is so great that the present teaching fores Is unable to properly handle all the students, and a week ago It was deetderl to employ another teacher. Mlse Doble waa graduated from the Ualverelty of Oregon last June. EXTRA ; See the Grand Exhibit of Hood River Apples from the Big Fair ! See the Box of Apples to be sent to President Roosevelt at Washington! In a Washington St Window Wednesday. See it. Filth. Sixth and Washington Streets OLDS, WORTMAN & KING STORE NEWS WE "DIFFERENT' STORE SOME VERY IMPORTANT EVENTS on FOOT for WEDNESDAY 7 ; , 1 1 Extraordinary Sale of Rich, New, Handsome Black Dress Goods Annex Salons First Floor Fifth Street . A Six Thousand Dollar Purchase of Beautiful Black Fabrics for Fashionable Autumn Gowns at HALF PRICEI Paris says: "Black's again in. favor"; and whan Paris speaks the world of fashion sits up and pays attention. Every well-drest woman must possess at least one black dress. And now that fashion's edict has come from her capital and her throne, there'll be a rush for black unprecedented. Our dress goods buyer now in New York is a fore sighted fellow, and keepa his ear to the ground con stantly for the "click of a special along the rails." Just before Paris modistes begun buying black fab rics so strongly a mill man came along with a prop osition to raise some needed cash on his product; our Mr. Xing foresaw the demand for black stuffs and, with one other large buyer, succeeded in ex changing some $12,000 in Uncle Sam's gold for about $25,000 in the wanted black dress goods. Our share was rushed overland and will be piled high on the counters tomorrow $6,000 worth of the hand some fabrics as we bought 'em HALF PRICEI No mare words can tall you the fineness of the weaves, the exquisite lustres and designings, the charm of many of the patterns. . "Good style" that's the phrase which bast describes the display. Refined and exclusive looking stuffs that good dressers will appreciate. And think of it! Ultra fashionable fabrics Wednesday and balance of week in a sweeping sale of colossal values at HALF PRICEI Read the detail: Silk and Wool Novelty Black Dress Goods Imported French goods, the best fabrics for dressy wear money can buy $2.00 Regular grade for, the yard .8100 $2.50 Regular grade for, the yard 81.26 $8.00 Regular grade for, the yard SI. SO $8.50 Regular grade for, the yard $ 1.75 $4.00 Regular grade for, the yard $2.00 HALF PRICEI HALF PRICEI HERE'S THE BIGGEST VALUE IN WOMEN'S DAINTY, PRETTY White Wash Waists OFFERED BY ANY PORTLAND STORE IN MONTHS GRAND SALONS SECOND FLOOR Any White Lawn or Mull fntmfn llrfh Off Wash Waist in the Store UU&rOUnn lIl The regular low price. At the usual fair prices the values are unordinary re markable ! At the reductions offered of One Fourth for Wednesday and balance of week, they're extraordinary I The waists are those comprising our own well chosen, carefully selected Ikies all made according to the latest, most approved styles that embrace all those beautiful, dainty effects so much desired by smart feminine dressers. Waists that have the correct sleeves, elbow or regular length and the proper yoke and shoulder; all are exquisitely trimmed in charming laces, insertions and embroideries, models that fasten at back or front. The largest in dividual collection to choose from shown by any Portland house. Regular values that start at $2.50 and range up to $7.50. All at reductions bound to create a verita ble buying furore for tomorrow and balance of week. Choose from any in the store at ONE FOURTH OFF I To Linen 'Kerchief Bargain First Floor 35c and 45c Handkerchiefs 25c Ladies' all linen Initial Handkerchiefs, made by the Richardson Manufacturing Co., known the world over as the best; two fine qualities in the offering; our 85c and 45c values. Special for the week at 25e v'ZT" Petticoats Annex Undermuslin Shops Second Floor Women's $1.50 Petticoats 99c Ladies' white cam bric Petticoats, deep flounce, with two rows of torchon lace insertion and torchon lace edging; regular price $1.50. Special .96 Bureau Scarfs SPECIAL SALE 'Linen Aisle First Floor Made of fancy liqen toweling, hemstitched and scal loped ends Size 17x48 inches; regular value 40c. Special. 32e Sixe 17x42 inches; regular value 40c. Special. 32e Sire 17x86 inches ; regular value 80c. Special. .24a Kitchen Utensils Hi A SALE t Third Floor Wood Baskets ; regular value 75c. Special 58e Coal Hods ; regular value 85c. Special 26e Cake Griddles, No. 8 ; reg. value 45c. Special . .35 Iron Gem Pans; regular value 30c. Special.. 24e Wire Toasters, 6x8; regular value 7c. Special. .5a UNIVERSAL FOOD CHOPPERS vChops everything, either fine or coarse meats, vege- t tables or fruits Small family size. Special 85a? ' Medium family sire. Special 884f Large family size. Special $1.20 Hotel size. Special $1.65 Speca Sale of RUGS Fourth Floor $2.50 Rugs for $1.59 Fine Wool Velvet Rugs, in handsome floral effects, size 27x54 inches; our $2.50 value. Special sale price $1.50 Japanese Cottage Rugs, in assorted colors, size 18x- 36 inches; our 65c value. Special at 35a Size 80x60 inches ; our $1.50 value. Special . . 8Sa New Comforters, cotton filled, with fine silkoline and sateen coverings, in pretty floral effects, light ' and warm. Prices, $1.25, $1.75, $2.25, $3.25, $4.00 to $5.00 Cotton Fleece Blankets, in white, gray and tan. Prices, the pair, 75c to. $ 2.75 Children's Bonnets IN A SALE . Children tight-fitting Bonnets, of silk or velvet, trimmed Tn a great variety of styles and trim mings Regular 60c and 65c. Special. 39a Regular $1.00. Special .67a Handbags & Cigar Cases FOR LESS Annex First Floor Women's Leather Hand Baga $1.50 A new' line of Leather Hand Bags, deep shape, metal frames, solid leather handles, moire lined, fitted with coin purse and card case, in black, brown, blue and green ; a limited number. Special at $1.50 $1.25 Cigar Cases 89c Genuine Crocodile Leather Cigar Cases, telescope style ; regular $1.25 value. Special ,.8a Bargains in Hammocks Fourth Floor For the Dens or Lounging Rooms Pretty Ham mocks, in a large assortment of colors; canvas and basket weaves ; upholstered pillows and con cealed spreader Our $1.26 value. Special at, each 85a Our $1.75 value. Special at, each .,. .$1.15 Our $2.00 value. Special at, each $1.35 Our $2.25 value. Special at, each , $1.50 Our $2.75 value. Special at, each $1.85 Our $3.00 value. Special at, each $2.00 Our $3.25 value. Special at, each $2.20 Our $3.75 value. Special at, each .$2.50 Our $4.00 value. , Special at, each . .$2.65 Our $4.75 value. Special at, each $3.17 Our $5.00 value. Special at, each Our $6.50 value. Special at, each $3.70 HOSIERY Specials First Floor Woman's 75c Cashmere Hose 60c Women's extra size black Cashmere Hose, full shaped and fash ioned; our 75c value. Special ssle price, pair. 60e Women's 25c Cotton weight black cotton ankle ; our 25c value. Hose 18c Women's good seamless Hose, fashioned Special sale price, pair 18e Children's 80c to 45c Hose for 25c Broken lines of children's black Cashmere Hose, almost all sizes in the lot ; 30c to 45c values. Special sale price JBSf TURKEY DUSTERS 10-inch size. Special . m ' , c I I 12-incn size, opetiai. ....... 14-inch size. Special 16-inch size. Special 15 Sixth Street Annex First Floor THE HEAD OF THE FAMILY SHOUaO LOOK WELL THESE DAYS TO THE FEET OF THE FAMILY How about the family Footwear? If you're the head of the house father or mother you owe it to your family, to those dependent upon you for their needs, to attend to the verv important matter of Shoes. Don't wait tor the rain that falls on the walks to find those thin soles. An ounce of good shoe prevention is worth a pound on your door by the doctor; 'tis outfitting season in "Shoedom." Last week we talked incessantly to men and they heeded. Will you women take a "tip"? A shoe tip. Here are several Read: A Shoe That Satisfies the Man Built for Oregon Wear $3.50 and $4.00 40 styles in the famous "Pingree" make of " Glorias " product of the world's bast sboemskmg 3.88 The Largest line of Women's Fine Footwear Shown on This Coast Children's Shoes, made by specialists, who nine lOlsT-ej-an ai muucsi yxa. sir life to makini hrat 1 AUea Lewis' Best Brand.