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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1906)
THE OB8QON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVBNTNO, OCTOBER 1, 1906. Piles 14 Years last year waa taken at leaat tMJM people hare come into tha atate and mad their homes hare. Thla waa due I in Isrge part to tha Lewis and Clark exposition, which attracted thousands of eastern people to Oregon, and no one Terrible Case Cured Painlessly With Trunks, Suitcases, Handbags $1 A WEEK If you bought a Trunk or Suitcase every once in awhile there might be some excuse for buy ing a cheap affair. We sell the kind you have to buy only once in a lifetime. When you see the kinds we offer you will agree with us that it is economy to buy here. The section de voted to these goods is overflowing with Tour ist, Dresser and Steamer Trunks, Handbags, Suitcases, etc The large variety of tourist goods we offer, coupled with the moderate prices and easy terms, makes this an attractive place at which to make your purchase. Need an Umbrella ? Particular attention is called to A f our Umbrella Section. Here J A you will find every kind of 1 1 Umbrella from the plain-han-BM died, low-priced rainturner to m A the more elaborate ones com ets, m bining style and service. Some have adjustable handles. ( You will find here just what you wanted in the Umbrella line and the price will be right Cash or credit same price .50c a week EastemOutfittingCo. Washington and Tenth HOW IFF JUGGLES FIGURES State tabor Commissioner Has, W(m(Jerftjlly Intricate and Unexplained Manner of Guessing at the State's Population can appreciate the extent of the lmml ration which haa taken place unleaa ho rtraveja over toe atate. "In every county where I have been In recent month I have found new people. In Crock county, for example, thou- 'sands of aofea of arid land have been homestesded within the laat two or three yea re. and homes are springing up on every hand. The Deachutee country a become thickly settled. In Harney county there haa been a heavy influx of new people. In a doien other countrlea similar - condition extat, and- all -over the atate the large farma and ranchei are being aubdlvlded and distributed among- the newcomer. It 980,000 "It la my belief that the population of the -state 1 now not lee than 660,000. I do npt believe In Inflating atatlatlca relating to Oregon's population, but on the other hand It U I grave mtatake to underestimate the growth and prog ress of the gtate. It aeema to me very unfortunate that Commissioner Hoff should put out such figures as he haa embodied In hla report. If hla estimate be true, the population of the gtate has Increased only 91,000 in elx yeara. Tet. as a matter of fact, the people of Mult nomah county know that aa much as 01,000 haa been added to the population of that county within the laat alx years. and probably within the laat two years The methoda employed by Mr. Hoff In his estimate are entertaining. In his table he gives the census population of each county In 1900, the census popula tion of If 06, the population baaed on the school children of 19A. the population baaed on the achool census of 1906. the population estimated from the school enrollment of 1900, and, the population estimated from the achool attendance of 1900. From all three laat the popula tion estimated on a census basis, the school enrollment and the school attend ancea final estimate of the popula tion la arrived at by striking a average. Juat why Mr. Hoff takes theee three columns for his calculations haa not been explained. What relation they bear one to the other, haa not been told. But that It pleaaea the Oregon lan there can be no doubt, for under the eatlmate Multnomah county la given a total popu lation of 148,264, which It might be in cidentally mentioned la something more than 10,000 less than tha population of Portland alone, aa estimated from the now city directory which hag Juat re cently been complied. ataaatta Appear Doubtful. Mr. Hoffa results will appear uncer tain to those who consider the change able base from which he calculated. Tha achool census of 10 may bear a certain eatlmated ratio to the total number of Inhabitants, as there ia recognised a fictitious proportionate, numerical relation between the Whole population and tha children of a com munity. The achool census la presum ably a correct notation of all children of achool age in the community. Mr. Hoff. however, muat have had gome magic sliding seal when he be gan to base definite reaults on anything eatlmated from enrollment and attend ance. Tha enrollment of a achool ia a total of all names found on a register during tha school year. When it la considered that tha takes into con sideration all changea of pupils from one achool district to another, thus giv ing the atudent a dual personality as far as state figures are concerned, while on the other hand It takea no notice of the truant of the child wbo le kept Only One Treatment of Pyra mid Pile Cure. Frag Mailed to Package in Plain Wrapper o Everyone Who Writes. "I write to thank and also praise you for the good your medicine haa done ma Oh. I conrt find words to ex press my thanks to you all for auch a wonderful and speedy cure. I felt re lieved after ualng your sample so I seat right on to a druggist and bought a tOc box. which 1 believe haa cured me entirely. I feel more myaelf now than I have felt 'in over a year, for I have been bothered about that long with the plies. I have told all my friends about this wonderful' discovery and will recommend It whenever I can. Tou can uae my name anywhere you chooae. Respectfully, Mrs. Chas. L. Coleman, Tullahoma, Tenn." Any one aufferlng from the terrible torture, burnlna und Itchlnar of otlea. will get Instant relief from the treat ment we send out free, at our own ex pense. In plain sealed package, to every one eendlng name and address. Surgical operation far plies is un necessary and rarely a permanent suc cess. Here you can get a treatment that ia quick, easy to apply and inex pensive, and free from the publicity and humiliation you suffer by doctors' examination. Pyramid Pile Cure la made In the form of "easy to uae" suppositories. The coming of a cure ia felt the mo ment you begin to uae it, and your suffering ends. Send your name and addreaa at once to Pyramid Drug Co., 68 Pyramid Building, Marshall, Mich., and get. by return mall, the treatment we will send you free, In plain, aealed wrapper.. ' After seeing for yourself what It can do, you can ge, a regular, full-six package of Pyramid Pile Cure from any druggist at BO centa each, or, on receipt of price, we will mall you earn ouraelvea If he ahould not have It. Heat i no Stoves No other dealer in this state can sell you the splendid "Eclipse" line of Stoves, and Ranges, as for fifteen years we have had the exclusive agency. They are made in Ohio, and are built on honor. The manufacturer warrants them, and we stand back of every sale as well. You can make no mistake by taking an articlebearing the "ECLIPSE" name plate. a P. Hoff. it Salem gentleman wbo holde an official position, that of state labor i emnilaarWiaor haa, out of tha in tricacies of his inner consciousness, and with the aid of his spar time, presum ably, compiled a wondrous estimate of Oregon's population for 1901. Aa a result of these calculations, the public ia In formed that the atate now numbers an estimated 604.649 soul, aa against a federal census enumeration at 4U.II6 In 1M4). juat why Mr. Hoff went to all the trouble personally aad occupied so much of the valuable time officially In com piling this table la bard to understand, nine tha law which created the office of gtate labor commissioner aad from the provisions of which he draws hla authority aaya no word about state cen sus enumeration, either directly or by Implication. The official evidently out of an abundance of time and good In tention filled in the apace between the periods of activity caused by hla official duties by a labor of enlightenment. It ia curious to note Incidentally that the general trend of Mr. Hoffa figures is along the path so patriotically marked out by that exponent of progress, the morning Oregonlan, and bis totala are aa deathly conservative aa those of the paper which haa been "marking time" for so many years and whose editor . Is now marking down Portland's and Ore-; gon's population for '.reasons of personal and business gain. Governor Chamberlain, wbo knows Oregon aa well as any man who over lived in it, disagree, with Mr. Hoff and puts th population at 660.000. He says: "In nry opinion. Mr. Hoffa estimate Of the state's population is much too low. There are many noticeable incon sistencies and contradictions In the table by which be undertakes to show the population. In a number of coun ties hs finds that the population was lass In x0t than in 1900. basing bis conclusions, of course, on the stats cen sus taken last year. There can be no question that that census fell abort of the actual population of tha atate. Thousands of people were overlooked by tha county asoessors and if every one bad been counted the total would have been much larger than It was. "Furthermore, since ths census of away Jrorje attendance. It can be eur- mlaed that a definite estimate would be difficult undertaking. Any estimate based on attendance would also be liable to fault. The attendance Is the number of pupils that actually attend school. It fluctuates with slcknsss, the seasons and other conditions. It takea Into no account the number of children who never enter the school house doors. It is, therefore, an Incomplete foundation upon which to hang the population of a atate. Thla table compiled by Mr. Hoff ex hibits some peculiarities. For instance. the population estimated from the at tendance is greater In several counties than that baaed upon tha estimate of the enrollment upon the school. Since the attendance of a school is generally supposed to be ths average number of pupils actually going to school out of the whole number enrolled aa students. It would seem that Mr. Hoff has either erred in his calculations, haa used the wrong ratio of eatlmate or else that his premlaes were wrong In the first place. To more clearly Illustrate, according to Mr. Hoff s table. Baker county has a population estimated on enrollment of 11,864. while on the baala of attend ance It ia 12.097. In the asms order the figures quoted for Benton are 6.066 and 7.760; for Crook, 6.794 and 7,901; for Harney, 2.S21 and 2.848; for Jackson, 11,237 and 20,869; while Lane, Malheur. pi Great Difference In Life Insurance Companies Is not revealed by thdr names nor their claims The diy before the San Ynndaco disaster, all Flrt Insurance Companies teemed alike to the thnitshtleai- ther. ... great difference nevertheless, and when the test came, some quibbled, tome defaulted, while others drew on the reserve funds which they had readv for such a rrmtinsenrv nirf the i.r. amounts doe. and went right on. J It because for yean the money it has received from its policyholders has been invested with un usual skill and care always safe. ' always growing, always ready for the hoax of need that The Mutual Insurance Comp Life any is the strongest and itauachest Life Insurance Company in the world. thciof 0 l Mortgage Loans amounted to tff,771,l half millions have been received in interest during the vear. and lei Read these figures as to the Mutual reserve., on which more than four and interest during the VrJf and! It f Kan f if Iff-n trinntinri aJar!! ejsraa 1-a, emeaeTeeeV' ,U,C a Hc ' ,hU riflin -wt " P-M within a few dart. The sum of taVtMJ1U4 was loaned cm the Company's policies, and SIMfSMtM loaned on other collateral. Bond, and Stocks costing ttn,M17tlM and havina 1 by the Company, and on this no interest whatever being overdue on either item a market value on December II. 194H. of Uei.Ml.K7 1 were held enormous amount not one dollar of interest wag overdue and unpaid, and but one stock failed to pay a good dividend in It, this stock being that of a new company, subsequently told at a " ... . "ut" " ountc in mind mat no lucn aggregation of purely investment securities has ever been brought together elsewhere, the absolutely clean and Indeed perfect miNhf n, - Im,ihih ' i . a , a a a. . v , ,- -"" I'l'uuKnii cicnct praise ana wonoer, ten and expressed most strongly by those who know most as financiers of the dangers and pitfalls attend- assj uk ic at urge investments. I his remarkable showing also appeals to the plain people whose . money come slowly, who value safety and who under stand that security like the above make "insurance" insurance Indeed. 1 If you weald like to know for yourself the latest phase of Life Insurance, or wish information concerning any form of policy, consult our nearest agent or write direct to Ttte Mutual 149 Insurance l ompanj, meres' York, P). V. Polk and Wallowa all show a similar dlsproportlonment. There Is one other thine about tha compilation which will require an ax pert statistician to explain to the lay mind. There la a list of counties whose estimated population Is greater than that baaed on the achool census of 10 These counties are Columbia, Coos, Douglas, allium. Jackson, Josephine. Lincoln, Malheur. Multnomah Polk. Bherman. Tillamook, Umatilla, Union Wasco and Yamhill. All tha rest show the final estimate derived by Mr. Hoffa unique method to be considerably under me estimate reached by the school cen- aua as a basis. Since the school pan. aua is the only comparative- v atahla baala la the list, and is supposed to be near the correct representation of the whole number of achool children can be secured. It would appear to the casual mind to be the moat reliable as a basis of any population eatlmate. Then again the final estimate found in eeveral counties is lower than that of either the cenaua eatlmate or of the enrollment eatlmate,' or both. Slaoe the enrollment would perhaps come second after the census aa a reliable quantity. It would appear again that the Hoff fig urea are erroneous. All through the list the estimates seem to follow so many trains of thought, and to arrive at a certain and definite mathematical conclusion by the employment of go many chanalnar and ncnrtin nit- known quantities, that It Is doubtful If- the statistics of the state; will be much enncneo Dy aar. Hoffa tireless efforts m compiling mem or the reputation of Mr. Hoff aa g careful calculator much enhanced by the re sulta obtained from his system of computation. DIVORCE SUIT IS BALLED UP (Continued from Page One.) granted a divorce from him. Though the suit was begun more than a year ago, It never went to trial. Service of the summons on Mrs. Balls was mads by publication In a newspa per. Then a demurrer to the complaint waa Sled, which waa never argued, and the matter haa lain dormant until .today. The proposition of deciding- when ap plicants for divorce were married haa never been before the local courts be fore. People who wanted divorces have always been able to agree on the date of the wedding, also on the name of the place where it occurred. When the ault was filed E. T. Tyler appeared as attorney for Bella J. W. Bell acted aa attorney for Mra. Bella in filing the demurrer. J. F. Cahalln ap pears now aa Mra. Bella' attorney in filing the answer and croee-oomplalnt. while service of them waa accented bv Alfred A. Aye aa attorney for Balls. HEADLESS GHOST (Continued from Page One.) r I he. Prize I aft. at tat i a a n m. m m Ask about our I 173175 First St. Eclipse It it the best Air-Tight Heater on the market. It saves your wood bill. It will last for years warrant ed for five years. It costs you very little money, but warms your room as per fectly as a $50 heater. It has a body made of rolled sheet steel (not sheet iron), and inside is reinforced by cast lining of gray iron, thoroughly protecting the sheet-steel; has large door; is warranted for five years. No. 18 Firebox 18 inches long, inches wide. women, who waa indisposed, remaining at home with her little daughter. It waa after the two had retired that the headleaa woman made Ita first appear ance. When the party returned, the woman was well-nigh beside herself and told her husband of a weird phantom that had entered her room, beautiful, but headless, and In a gay, fantastic dance. The man was doubtful, but s second visit by the apparition aa He waa re tiring for the night proved His wife's fears well grounded. Springing from hie bed he mads pass after pass at ths moving form, whtoh in its own good time again vanished from the room. The brother In an adjoining room, waa told of the phantom'e visit, and his own doubts were quieted by a third visit of the apparition during the early morning hours. One more visit and another night of terror, a week later, caused both families to leave the place of affllatlon. Visitations aTnmeroue. After that ghost stories became so persistently numerous that a few of the brave spirits about town decided that .the ghost muat be dlacovered and conquered. A number of men. headed by Charles T. Dolan, a printer, went to the haunted house lsst night. Several of the party took lanterns, believing ' that spooks vanlahed In the face of light, but light had no terrors for this phantom and wag of little avail to watchers In that which thsy afterward saw. Ths room most used by the phantom wss ehoeen by the watchers for their vigil snd they were not long kept wait ing In the same fantastic dsncs the ghost appeared, perfectly formed, but headless, and with a wsird grace and beauty. There wee a stampede among the watchers. In his haste one of the men fell from the beck porch and injured hla lee; and the others lost no tlms in getting to the street. By this time a targe crowd of men and women had gathered and through the window all beheld the ghost, which returned and executed another dance, none offering to venture near. Two of the neighbors whose houses are in range of the windows where the phantom appears are wider suspicion. and It is charged inn the beautiful headless woman has ttV origin in a tftereopttcon view wMch ciuld be thrown Into the haunted bouse. I The owner of $1.00 a Week FREE Zinc Stove Board, which we give with the "Prise." GEVIRTZ & SONS 219-227 Yamhill the house Is Inceneed and some of the neighbors sre considerably worked up. Prosecutions may follow. AT THE THEATRES. HI Hgftry'g Minstrels Tonlarht. Bl Henry's big minstrels will be th attrac tive st tk Hetllf theatre; roorteenth slid Washington streets, tonight snd tomorrow night t 9:15 o'clock. A DrgUa-sne sttaee will B siren tomorrow afternoon st 2:19. Seats Selling for Parsifal. Seats ar now sailing st the bexoface of the Ileitis theatre. Ftoerteenib and Washington streets, fee Richard Wagner's greet mystic drsssfe. "Parsifal." watch will at the ettree tloa st tb share theatre next Friday. Saturday and Sunday Bights, October 19, . 21. The College Widow." 1 the reseat ebrossMagy t the Aroerlcsa tag there Is so secess to compare with "Th Cotwge Widow." that Irrestsllhl satire of col leg life frost the Den or rn raciw isswrgs fad. It Is pleasant to ehnmtcl. therefore i he fact tht Henry w sstsgs w " nrins this faverlts pUy to th Belllg Bast Monday tor a aslf week's stay. ' 4 At the Baker. "laady Hantarerth's Biserusent" which Is th Mil tor lb current week at the Beker. Is s eenghtral eessedr of th better sort. Ul lias Lawrence make a dsUghtfal Lady Hunt worth. William mil. has a pert that salts him eieeeelBSly well sad rlnn maay a Isngh from the aadlenoe rraacbs, gloasoe and Hoyr srd Rueaen sre eolng th young torsi 1 de llshtrul rsahkm. Tu onght to as It. AU weak with Battle Saturday. Empire Matinee Tomorrow. Bjassessser taw tanyir haa a matinee svwy Wednesday bow. aad at the popatar prices it la hound to become, on ef the events of th week. This week the poeelar "Pete Peterson." a distort piece depicting. nn other things. Bless nma m la the adventures ef wed key. ts attmetloa, and there will Be a perrnrmsnre erwr eveslag with matkaee tossoriow and Saturday. Let the rhlldres as the four clever ENGINE DERAILED BY BOULDER IN TUNNEL Seattle. Oct It. Greet Northern east bound train No. 4, which left Seattle ht I o'clock last night, struck a rock in the short tunnel near the scenic Hot Springs in the Cascade mountains at 1 o'clock this morning, and the engine-waa derailed. No one was seriously injured. Promotes DryjCStionJChfrrPvJ ness and RestContalns nduar OpnJsTi.Morpfenie nor MaTstraL NOTNAacoTio. inn I 9 ggggggg "in , Apafrcl Remedy forConsBpa non , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Fevmstv ness and LOSS OFSLEKP- faf Sirrala Snjrtanwreaf NEW YORK. CASTORIA gear ljAntS aad Childreri. The Kind Yon Have Always Bought Bean the Signature of AW In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA 1 Mi aVlaar-;