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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 18, ltQg. .i-4- WW Ik TIMBER. IT YOU areat to eU your timber la Creak. Klamath nd Lake counties, single claims and large tracts, Mud as yoor description ud net calk MM. ar are handling timber every day la th above counties. Gregg Broa.. 84 Sixth at . UT and 81 Ponton bldg., Port land, Orsgu. HORIBS, VKHICLE4V HARNB13 roR SALB OR KBT Boreas asd earrlaaee by the da, wesk or aain. rortiaas suatag Club. 15th aad Alder. ROME! and buggle tor rant by day. waak aad month; racial rataa to business boaao. Math aad Hawthorne. Baal Tl. SOU CAN SAVE MONET aw Wagon aad Bngglaa at PORTI.AXD WABBHOlTiB ATKANBTEB CO. 340-843 Baat Washington la the place. MINES AND INVESTMENTS. Xii n.i-Li-Ln.nj-L-i.i-i.i-1-i-i. -t -i i i - - ar. am, TBI J. 0. LBB COMPANY HIGH CLAM STOCKS AND BONDS. We are aliraya la th market ltbr to boy at eel) any active mining or IndnatrUl atocka. it arm pay 700 to gwa oor g'mrmm B. W. trONABCB, afar, firokerag Dept. lavas urayaii MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. ELEGANT walnut caaad flano, ooegbt L year ago tea Baat 80T8. Schseffer 1250 caah. BARTER AND EXCHANGE. EXCHANGE 1100 typewriter la perfect order, for Angora goat or brood eowe. 606 McKay Bldg.. Portland. A l-ROOM cottage aad 3 lot la St. Johna. What bare yoo to tradel Addre L. M . St. Johns. , GREGON wheat ranch and California eaork ranch : good opportunities for right par (lea. Call ooj Commercial blk. A PA KM of ISO acre under cultivation trade for a hotel or acreage near city. S, Merchant hotel. WE will aell et a sacrifice TOT acre, only IB mile from Portland; M acre In cultivation, good buUdlnga. windmill: or win eichange ror roruana property, tun Jmra at. TO BXCBANflB Good gnrl tor In a vslley town, Invoice 14.500, for clear farm or city property, f bone gsst IaBJTrMrr FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. GREAT bariala aale aoeuaboM furniture, coa- elating bedatrada. eprlnga, mattreea BtlkMra. l.lankeU. coauorr. epreaaa. aneete, an lire. carpels, linoleum i, matting, table, chain. rockers, louneee. titiowe. attcnen treaatarea. , gaa rangee aad heat- cook and heating stoves, gaa rangee aad heat- eae. lamp, cooking uteneus. wararooea. iota lag bed; all la good order. Call Tueedaj. Thuraday. Saturday, from 10:80 to 8:80. 1M II at. ' Vt'W Rift ialaaan. Tel. Main 430. BOOKS bought. Bold aad axchangsd at the Old Bookltore. tat rsaahillstT BILLIARD AND POOL table Bar rent at fht THE BBC NSwoKn,B ALU B COLLENDEB CD. SB Third ex. SEWING MACHINES bought. Bold, exchanged. a aad BfJ aw Western "salt ace c S3T Waahlngtoa at. CO, WE print yoor name on 80 a 80 calling card, proper rwrSaSacTtB. aaaaaaa care, ai. lirat, Portland. Or. SHOWCASES AND riXTtIR acond hand goada far aa. I made to order) Carlaon Strom, SB Coach at. cup art. YB need I fnrnlture aad will pay ran Take. Salvage Co.. SST rhone Pselnc TBS. Wsslngt.n at. ,CHERBY TREES of th iy orhjaal sareBt ' tra, the saw cherry, the Giant; Brat treee. JeMae KalUch. Woodlawn, Oregon. J BAB rtXTtJRES. peeltabte, safe, tabsee. ' WaBrrBBK'saSB'OSi-. S7 Washington at iimm-hi all 1 ' ' I gLlOHTLY daargd eewtat atachlne et rwTi? aSlr. TJSff rleon at.. Marejuam bats. ... ARTISTS' material, picture and framing. B. MaaaBiaai Co.. SIS AM at. BOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURE Snr FRESH cyatare dalleered to any part of city. Blag Lee. 71 Taylor at FOB SALE or trad, a flrt claa cow; will be freah aaaa. Phone Baat dOSS. Addraaa til Wabaah it.. Moat Tina. ru I KMTI'RE 28o. m INIVUBB of 7 -room boaae tar aale; price jeffaraon at. Kll SALE CHEAP Ball terrier pupple. Iron at., aaar Grand are.. rortuaa. ur. FOR MALE Gaa tore, aletoet naw. Telephpn NEW three-quarter coet. a la 84, at a aacrlflce an annuay BTCnng after T. Phone Pa cltlc rrRNITURE of a 7 room flat for aale cheap. Call 0 East Third at r ' H BALR riOC rjoaron rerner papyueai one rood bitch and oa 8 month -old male aava DUD. Par particulars addraaa Michael Mueck, Kennela. Roaeborg. Oregoa. Paclnc S8 BUYS (al beaUng atore In good order. J. Laadtsaa, 1S4 Sherman at.. South Portland. YOUNG. Jersey w; alao Studebaker cart. In K....I... P.tlnn mmA good eoadltk Hon near lth at.. Portland HelghtB, 8H0WCASBR aad Altar, new and aecond haad. Oablaon V Kaluttrom, ISO Couch at. MO VI NO-PI (TURK machine. 82B; fllma. Bt a foot; anng slide, 12.50 per aet: moTlng-plc - tar ma chlnae, etc. bought, aold, ranted, ea rhangad. Newman's Itoriag - Picture Co., H.I', SI i th at. ' PERSONAL. DOLL'S HOSPITAL Repairing and dreealng. Bit Tarahll at "TUB A DVB NT CRESS," "Swet Danger." "A High tlf,7, '"rweity Yara 'l1uaa at Bead," "A Social Lion." BS ceat each. A. W. Co.. t First at El'REKA BUSINESS INSTITt'TE The usual branches; bast shorthand ays teat. S8 Ash. PHYIiOlL culture all braachea. and m Indlridual and claa Instruction; priest bora treatment If dealred. The ttingier acnooi, 80S Alder at Pbon Main 1SB1. YOUR shoe ahlned free of d Barter Shop; shaving 18c. charge at th Model SUITS pinll WhPe sob? oMVSr Phooa Pacta BOOB. eatrts pressra. Beat to Quelle, Sixth St. VIAVI CO., tersrh) bldg.. 880U Morrison ; health Thursday. x:w p. m. TBS October Mstrimonlal Register hi last out. 10a, rsvlssd and alarged. with photos; moat co.apiete ever puniiaoeo. a BBBf magaata clnbs ever offered: send for Ktaaa; aganta wasted. Joaaa' Book Mara, 1 Alder at. Portlsnd. Or. WRBFOOT Oil Blacking savea th leather; ab- aoiuteiy waterproor. MOLES, wriaklee. eaaerdnoua ban- TTbiu: No charge to talk It over. Mrs. M Boom gap Phoa Pacta IBB ECBNTLY Ppsrwd msalcarlag parlor : ootumcn 881 Va Morrison at., re 13. . TWO rsedag ladle (lea face aad ecalp 110H Fasnrhh, oaraar Washington MANICURING, chiropody and alcohol rubbing ladles and gentlemen. Parlor 33. M8V Shark MISS, RAYMOND gives face and scalp maa . ssge at 388 va htatrhiBB at., root 14. MADAM VABHT1. nsychlc aad healer, oatlents received with room end board If desired' kind ad oonrteous treatment t eU. 30114 Third St., cot. Taylor. VITAL Sparks store the fire quickly develop energy aad re aad vigor of youth : 4-day trial k LeoeMaa Medical aaaoetattea. treatment free. Portlaad. or PERSONAL. Doctor Jerome's Original and Private Formula French Suppository ' Chad exclusively (LITTLE TREASURE) aad socceae fully la hie private practice of women foe ever 38 yeara. Abeolntely barmlese . Be llable and curative. Hour guulaa without gold aeal. Oa box of three doaoa, 8B.60; all doe. ttV Little Treesures cannot be obtained by any mean wbateeer. other than direct order to IWKTBOR JBROMB COMPANY. P. O. Baa 44. Portland. O DrrBOTTTE AOBBCXaUU Uetlg laaSad; mlaalng ralatrre located: char gee nth-u& aad Waahlngtoa at. Phooa PRESERVE yoar hair; aclentlflc treataMat; dsndraff and ecaema poeltlrrly cured ; gray r faded hair restored to natural color with out the uee of lead or dye; Preach face treat ment, manicuring. London Sanitary Parlors, iulfe -84 Selling Hirer bldg.. 10th ud Washington. Phone PaelOc SaM. 8BXINB PILLS tar; all forma ii.i a, - hnt hniM an. iin mil daraaa or eaii . w. via-., ... -w- and xaaaaiu ana, rornaoo. w. A. BEINKR. PBACTICAL FURRIER. Expert flttar. fara remodeled, repaired aad redyed: 80 years' eipcrtenc lnaora aatlr aatfafaetlon. Phone Plflc 3407. Lew la bid. nnu nr noS far an female . Baat Belmont Phone Bast 4084. DR. a. V. KETCBUhf .sra 5S33 It. Ofic 17014 Third St.. ate. YamhllL Phoo Phone Pads tm ANY man or woman el b strong sad happy by nalng Bailor fllla. tkw jraat toatot price 1 box, S box St. with fall guarantaa. Addraaa a aan J, A. uwmepaon. oruggiar. eall I A. Second aad Yasahlll sta.. Portia lanu. BBS YES, Palaao Tablet make you Mp perfectly; they cor nerromneaa and make yoo stroor; price 80a a box, t boxea IS. BO; guaranteed. All druggists, or addraaa Brook Drag Co.. B7 North Third at.. Portlaad. BOLD ON There I one thing that win ears rheomstlsm. Ask yoar druggist far bark tonic or addraaa or call J. O. Clemenaon. drag gist, Portland. Oregon. HOLDBN'S RHEUMATIC CURE Sure aaaa ay- an aiaggmxa. TURK1SB BATHS, 800 OregoaUn bldg.; ladlee daya, gantlemrn nights, aaaia MRS. DB. HUNTLBY Suggestive tberspeutlea; all chronic dlaeaae cured. SST Washington, between 18th and 18th sta. DISEASES OF WOMEN Private maternity hoe pi tal. quiet location; spectsl ear. Dr. At wood, room 8. 860 Va Morrlaoa. Tal. Fae. 1T8S- DR. BIWO CBOONO. Importer Chinese root me all medicine; sells Chins taa. certain cure for 1UI xrj., Bx. xamnui ass aayisr. 2S CENTS ALB FOR SS CENTS Phone FOR A SOMBER PLUNGE M. 1744. Aad swim, strtks the big taak at the Port land Natatorlnm Baths: tam and Turkish hatha a specialty. See the big sign-"Baths." OpB 8 a. m. to 13 p. m. Corner Wkahlngton and Second at. Expert chiropodist on hand. DR. T. J. PIBBCB care all nereoue, chronic and private dlaeaae both seise; offlco treat meat 80c aad II. Call or write. '181 Ftrat cor. Yamhill. Portland. Oregon. LADIES- -Dr. Snderon' Ssvln and Cotton Root Pills are the only anre remedy for delayed pTe hp mell, X per nox. A oar ess ui. 181 First at. Portland. erce. REFINED young lady, taat arrived from th treatmenta. Room 6, east, gives massage 391 Alder at. CHARLES BARNES wants to know the where- about of hi DTotner, juasrn o. o'"' U 46. care Journal. LADIES: Ask your drugglat Diamond Brand PI far Chlchsstsr'a EOgl PUIa; regsrded best, aafaat: always reliable: buy of yoar druggist ; take no other. Chichester 's Diamond Braud PlUs are Bold by druggtata everywhere. Cblchester Cheta. Co.. Phlla . Pa. . STAGE DANCING ,t atonal teacher, lata of New York SO rears exaegaaaot; eagagements Mcared; pupils sera Cp..n, S9B a 8no nee week VSM va .ii'd Newmau'a Theatrical Circuit 145 Va Sixth t. WIDOWER with children and -country borne dealree acquaintaac or neai, myacui'i, woman under 40) object matrimony. X B6, csra J ours 1. ASSAYERS. ARCHITECTS. MENU Architect. I1B AUTOMOBILES. ' COTBY COOK Beta Car Cs.. Fifteenth saat Washington Aganta lor i;soiiiac. mm, CreatXtrew aad Steray raryea aBssotjiri machine reefed, repaired aad stored. Mala ART. asSBpsasaasaaai rn t-EsaONS In hary trmrr dyi corset -covers, bo. mt.wmnA ahlrtwalata lero leekete. Beta, umbrellas, eta. The Needlecraft Shop, SB Wsshlagtaa at., be tween Weet Part aad Tsnth sta. sanrsnin R MAX MEYER. Portrait aad lea a OB pa artist aad tsacbee. ATTORNEYS. J. 8 WTN CHESTER, attorney-at-law, pobiic 68 and Ml Washington niog. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. BUTCHER supMles 8. BlrheawaM Co., 804 SOfl Everett at.; largest butcher supply boa oa the eoaat Writ tar catalog. BUPPhlBS Adolnb A. Dak ore. UU.ltS at, came a ran tment at lowest aiarkat BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. B0WB. DAVIS K I LH AM. 100 111 Second A. Itlsnk book manafactnrera: aganta for Josee Improved LaosaLesf hedgers: sea the mm tank leaf, th beet or. the CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. X. A. MELTON, taa earpeatar. 304 Fourth Store and office work. Main 1787. COAL AND WOOD. a. ..w Telephone Main 8808. Smithing Coal aad Cosl for Ships a apedaltp. Two TBI ...r . n n nir trw f f'ST CIA T llMMMAMlMl I i - Exclualve agent for , KEMMERBR COAL. coal COKB. CHARCOAL. Office and Yard Front aad Kearaey a fa. THE POBTLAND FUBX CO., &.V"'" 'tr. STEEL BRIDGE FUBL COfJaslsrs la eaaL eordsreod asd dry slabwood. Phone Bsst 484, km racD A FTJBL CO. Boaaa bUcksmlth coal. Psoas Mala 1018. BOX, block and slabwood. Phoa Mala 814S . Star Boxwood Co. CARPET CLEANING. SANITARY sarpet ease stag, aactto. aad mm- ITANDABD Carpet Ossalng 0rgs tjaai MvTed aad laUT hoik ste.m and lateat eeai. Breaaed at aroaeea; resovatlag sasttraeees aad feather specialty. CLEANING AND DYEING. Portlaad Bteam Cleaning A Dyataat Worka: prae tlcal hatter la connacilon. Ml h. PaatSe 807. CLOTHBS ahaaaad aad praaasd St pa aaaath. UalQae tallaghat Ca.. BOB Stark at B. W. TTJKtlBB. profaaatoaal Spar aad atouar. HQS Jartarapaat. afc5alMBBXSlS, COLLECTION AGENCY. DOBS ANYBODY WB YOU MONBY7 COLLS' IXBCT BAD BBTS OB NO CBA1 C1T W A COLLECTION CO.. CIT1 BUILDINO. BOOM In, IB)) PBONB BAST (BBS. CHIROPODISTS. CHIROPODY aad Pedicuring. Bra. M D. Rill. Phone Psc. 188. 880 FHeoawr Bldg. CAPES. THE OFFIC Waahtngtaa at. phooa MahB 771. Ba CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST FOR A FEW DAYS ONLT. A SPECIAL ft RRADINQ FOB St ALWAYS CONSULT TBB BEST. PBOF. B. KHIMO. Ores teat living astral drad trance clair voyant Of th sgs: ADV1SBR ON BUSINESS AND ALL AFFAIRS OF LIFE; whom paa will marry, haw to control the oas yoo loss, even though mils away: reaatte th. Ban ana tad: gives secret BSWsrs to control. I win do aU other advertise to do, aad a great deal mare. TBB ENTIRE WORLD HAS BEEN STARTLED WITH THB POW ERS OF THE UNSEEN FOBCES I HAVB AT MY COMMAND, aad I prove It to reo with- ", Vrbee-sT-'freb pea advara ahsoistary FBBB before yes decide to hare a reeding. WBO CAN OR WILL DO MORS TO CONVINCE THB ran mat wras this opportun cynriMJa tbs aaari NITX, AS WILL NOT BB OFFERED TO YOO AGAIN. PBor. B. hHiao. FssBsssistli Located la Bis ( HOURS. 10 tot. DAILY ANI No. 380 Fifth St.. 80c BOc oOe BOc ,B0c 80c BOc ST. GEO RGB, SSOVa WASHINGTON ST. Ore th moat complete, exact, reliable read' liw voti aver hart: telle vou mora than alt other clairvoyants: can eiDlatn every line, dot. mount or marking of your palm: aeee yoar future In a deep trance, your past and present condition; la a natnral clairvoyant, palmlat and healer: he doe not ask you to write qoeettons on paper or slates, almply takes your nana: cures nst vitanry. aemea mar rtage troubles. aassai. ainua, wvmu ", through psychic fore; readings dally, BOc upward, ooenaoe, arajH aaornson ai DANCING. Portland Danetna Aradamv. leadlna achenl ballroom etiquette, correct social aad elaasle dancing; both aaxae; young tolas, adult : tn siructSn dally. SOS Aldar. Tel. M. 1181 Prof. Ring It, dancing master. WOODWARD DANCING SCHOOL Claea, MoT. . Thurs. asd Bat. (ve.: chlldren'a claee Sat. afternoon. Social, fancy asd step dancing taught. Fencing taught. Western Academy balL cor. Sad aad Morrison. Pacific 1880. BROWN'S Daneia Academy. Burkhsrd hall. 887V4 Baat Burnslde. Phone Mala 8713. Dance Tuesday. PBOF. BATON Dancing school: class for ladles and genta Monday and Thsrsoay evenings Arlon hall. Phone East 3804. DENTISTS. CHICAGO DENTISTS, 838 Washington St., ear. Math. Ouarantre all DRESSMAKING. TRY Angelee Dressmaking Parlors, 343 Fifth ahd Mala, racingaaa. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO Eaglneere. rootrae tor. repairers, electric wiring, supplies- 4 First, ear. Start. Main Sta. B. B. Tata, mgr ELECTRIC WOR..S SI Sixth at aa, electric supplies, moton sad ws IBS tall light and power pleats. EDUCATIONAL. MART DAVIS MAGINNIB. teacher of coavea tioasal aad naturalistic china; water-color beads a specialty. Studio 831 B Sta at, B. FURNACES. BOYNTON warm -ah- rnraaebe save fast J. a Bayer Furnace Co.. SM Be rood. Msla 481. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIBB IRON WORRS-tH Flandsrs at., cor. Tnira. raone BAST PORTLAND FENCE A WIRE WORES IBS aaal water ax. rwoae mmw mmt. MAY AND GRAIN. B la. COOPER m CO. Potatoee. thad aad loar. 1X8 uaaaa are. raiaaa mmm aaaa. HAT FACTORIES. KAUFMAN, TBB HATTER, 808 Burnslde Bt, asBSBB ana Btocaa son aaa sun eia. a mm aa a apaelaltp. HOTELS. TBB BELLEVUB. Fourth aad Salmon eta. Rooms OOe ap: rates sr wees or moaiai out-of-town trad eeUcitad. PartSe FJ08. GOLDEN WBST BOTEL European pun: rooms rrom ou cams up. meala 38 rente. Seventh and Everett sta. BOTBL Psrt la ad, Aaserlcas plaa: tS. 88 per day. BKLVEDBBE: HARDWARE. Portland Hsrdwsr Co solicit opportn qaote prlcee. T4 Sixth St. PaetSe 4 nlty to INSURANCE. ISAAC L. WHITE, Br L IAS. Met WOOD. ploy ere' tl.blllty asd 1s dlrldnsl aeddent aarety beads of aU kind. Phooa 47. SOS McKay tats MUSICAL. LESSONS SO cents oa all Instruments; vocal 78 caahi : lastramegta tar aale. Mrs- Mar tla. 341H Fhrat at NEW system rhslla teaching; hegtnnera half rates; rspiu SUTaoevmeo,. . " - Baat 888. TBB WBBBBB STUDIO Maadelta. baaj. gal- tar iBStructlon. Ofaaea mandolins. 878 Alder BMIL TBIELBOBN. papll et tBVClK. vloUa Btuoio ISO Bllin. I Si. sua PIANO, violin, piano, tromhoae. cUtiaet. Pre faasor & A. Smith, 364 13th. Msla 4708. MACHINERY. B. TRENKMAN CO. Mining, aswmlll. hat flnd.Te7: V OASOLINB englnee. aU aBas. Bat lowest prices. Refrsoa Machlmvry Morrtsen at. c'iWa a n at BEX OO.. hhaacy, eewaallls. eta. Set Oread sve. A. J. PAUL. 103 First at., engtaas. bollere, saw in aurhlnery ; Wicks Bree.' gaag. MONUMENTS. B7BU A KTNQSLBY. tBt Ftrat at. trVtaaffa laadlas; marble sd trsalt mt M OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. aaraar at Third aad Waahlagtaa at. DBS, adix m vri NOBTHBUP. 4W-M IT Dekam Wsshlngtea MB. rasas MONEY TO LOAN. AN BABY-MONBY PROPOSITION Money Is aaar to get If yoa kaai So (et It. We have reedy asosary at aR ttaaaa. aad pea eaa sat ft oa year saury: 310 to 1100, oa beet ureas sad st law est rataa. We Maa oa the easy say Bleat p la a the ataa that helpe yoa aad get pea eat at debt Tea get the caah. all yoa ask for. sod repay la amount yoa eaa aaaViaUatly spare eech payday. we da aet ftte papers, i eqslrs so In dorse rs. ao reference to friends or employer. Opea Taa. aad tat earnings until t o'cloch Button Credit Co. 113 tBth tost) Dekaai bkts. MONEY TO LOAN On improved city property ar far BalMtag laifpoasa. far from a to 10 yeara' time, with privilege to repay all ar part at loan after tare year. Loan approved from plans aad ley aavsBceo ss ounmng progrsosss; tgagea taken np and n Biased. FRED B. STRONG. Flnsnclsl Ageat S43 Start a TBB STAB LOAN CO. Any saisrled employe, wage-earn ar. eaa get an his note, without aaertgage Month. Vs Month. Week. ISO 00 Bepay to as Si 3. 83 or 8S.S0 ar 88.89 . aaosin. we, or 38 80 or 88 or 38 38 or it ar $100 ar 1 138.00 Repey to cs 3 8 88 tlAOO Reoar to ns 8 4 00 00 i 310 McKsy bids 6 Per Cent and 7 Per Cent Farm mortgages; gap ala from 8500 up: gilt edged aecurity. Room 34-88, 3B7H Washington at. 7 Per Cent Wanted $10,080 on 1.500 scree: conserva tive vslue, 1 3D. 000: principal only. Boom i 34, txTVk Washington st. Owner. CONFIDENTIAL LOANS oo ealarles. lassrsnre psBel. pianos, far si tare. Wsl hoass re rebate, etc.; sny deserving pereoi may assets a liberal advance repaying by aaar weekly or monthly Inetallmenta. tlBW ERA LOAN m TRUST COMPANY. MM Ablngton bids. MONEY LOANED TO SALARIED .PEOPLE taat em rami nwn name no other aecurity; dsa't borrow until yoa see rse; my aystsm Is th baat for railroad men. clerks, bookkeepers. streetcar men and all other ea emnloves: Dual- sees strictly confidential. Ablngton bldg. r. a. nearxoa. m MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE Aad other upon their own names without security; cheapest rata, easiest pay meats; efacea (a BO principal cltlea; aava yourself he ssttlns our tei TOLMAN. 333 A blag ton bldg.. 108H Third at HEADQUARTERS FOR SALARY LOANS Monav can 'he borrowed on easy itsva ataa. lowest rates; strictly contdoatlal, OBBBCBNT LOAN C07. Q 439 Mohawk bldg.. ear. Third aad Morrison. WANTED Note mortgagee or . contract oa aay kind of real estate In Oregon and Waahlng toa: eecond mortgagee purchased tf well se cured. B. B. Noble. 813 Commercial 'blk. Money to loan Oa dtp Improved real eatate at 8 aad T Bar cent, 8 or I yeara Moulton B coney, cut Columbia bldg MONBY loaned on . furniture, planoe and other securities. W. A. Hathaway, mora 10, Washington Rldg. Phone Pacific 183. PRIVATE money to laaa oa real eatate; rataa reasonable; mortgagee bought and aold. 0. A. Johnson. 318 Commercial block. LOW rate on furniture, etc.; confidential. 3S8 Fltedner bldg.. 10th and Waahlngtoa. Pad- t stat. MONBY to laaa oa an kinds of security William Boll, mom t Waahlngtoa bldg. TO LOAN Baa B. A. Prams. I to salt oa chattel seeartty. 114 the Msrajaaat OPTICIANS. D. CHAMBERS OPTOMETRIST. ArttSctal Eyea Fitted. SclentlBrelly Correetsa 13S Seventh Street. DR. B. I. MILLS Ontomrtrle snd Eveslxht Sneelsllst. aal, sas waaaiwa PRINTINO. THE MODEBN PRINTER Y Artistic printing, pa Russet bldg.. roarth and Morrbjoa. Phase Psdtc lSBt PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. r. B REACH a CO. Tbs Pioneer Paint Co.: wlndow-alaas and glailng 18B First at Phone Its. PHOTOGRAPHS. DON'T BB DECEIVED Riser, tbs photogra pher, bss not been in tne uoonnouan oiug. for many months. For your photo work see Riser Photo Co., scenic and commercial photographer. 414 Lumber Exchange. Port lsnd. Oregon. Phone Msln 3081, or East 6367. PLUMBERS. Klin B II U BBtaBVU, WBBFBBvag a mumm mm DONNERRERO A BADBMACBIB. ml No. t03 Burnalde st. RUBBER STAMPS. P. C STAMP WORKS. 340 Alder at phone Mala T10: rubber stamps, ssass. stencils; baggage trade checks; brass signs aad plstss. REAL ESTATE. PARBISa. W ATKINS CO.. M aetata, 1 seers nea. rental aad agenta. 350 Alter at loss beal'mtatTJnd MORTBAOB loans. I-hone Mala 8888, 633 Chamber of Commerce. ROOFING. TIN ROOFING guttering, repstrtng end general lobbing. J. LasU. SIS Jefferson at Pa, lot. SIGN PAINTERS. FOSTBB A KLEISER tlONS. We have built ap the largest sign builneee to the dty bp flrat-claea work snd keeping our promisee. Our prices srs right Fifth and Everett st. Phoa Bx. 88. BJ. p. BBBGBB A SON. 384 Y.mklll at all klsds. Phoo Paeste tSSt "S10NS TB AT ATTBACT-'-A . B. BtT Stark at Phone Paalfl 16BS. al Oa. SAFES. PORTLArfTi SAFB CO.. sola agents tar Berrtaa-BaU-Marrta aefee aad MBBtaaaa steel Safe Co s baat safes. Taa largeet aaaortment of klgk grade firs and barrier proof as fee la the aarthweet St Seventh at DIEBOLD manganeee and Sreproof aafaa: hack sat opened, metal Bituree; vault and Jsl w.,rk; Jacks. J. B. Davis. St 3d. Main 1866 BIOBT second hand fireproof aafaa aad two seeond-ksad beak aafaa far aata cheap, at 78 Stxtt at. Pert land. Or. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SBOWCASES et everp deaatpttaa; bank bar aad stem fixtures made t order. The Letke ManofaetnrlBg Oa.. Portlaad. EmjiMstf 1 M.iawag STREET PAVING. WABBBN Coatr.rto Co.. J2. walk aad eroaslag. 814 LstmharBrshsaas, TELEPHONES. V1SJ Anphtok.U -I ay. ax nrta ax. TYPEWRITERS u asBsisgtoaa. Smith Premiers. mtm towar than Bar other essasssv : Investigal -"t aderwood Typewriter Ce.-BS Sth. NSW typewriter., all make, rented. mM aad tspasrit. Coast Agemey, 331 Stark. TsL latT. FINANCIAL ski Urn. Xrttm wt Mi lm4 fOaaa Im Ivstt m4 ! aLeadoa. Parfa. Berlin Frsskfsrt Biagaaag. SS -dSERCKANTS' NATIONAL BANK. FORT Drafts All Psrt ol th World. u TES NATIONAL BABB OF FOBTLAND. OBEOON. North wast Corner Third aad r. I Basking Buelusa. Karon Sassrheaas aad the United Psaeaaaat .... V Ice-Prsa Meat. ...J. a AINSWOKTB .... .B- LB A barb; Aeahrteat Caahler. . a-a Aarrraa- a, ttmtiaavra amt.iu 11 Commercial aad aavluea rienartraaat Interest nsld ea Mvtags aceeaata. Drafts aad icriera or creait aaraea available la all parte le In all parts ffi l Vt o. v. fxiyroia i FHBD B. ROTH CHILD. First Vice-1 ' . KBATIKU Beeend e-w- 'BE BABB Of OALIOR?'7A-Eethllh.4 ISM. I Caoltal oata aa nra earn l BB B4.nm.ona I Bar A General Rankle, and BsalBama Transacted SAVINGS DBPABTl Banking and Exchange Baalbeoe Tra Interset ea time deposits Accounts spaaed for Portlaad Branch Chamber WM. A. MACRAE. . Maaater I J. IHST NATIONAL BABB OT PORTLAND. OBEOON. Designated Denoaltorv end Financial Agent of the Catted St tee. t A I- Witt I Aaaletant Caahler W. C. ALVORD Second Aaaletant Caah lee B. F. BTBVB" Letters of Credit Available In Europe aad the. Beaters States lht Errhaag aad Telegraphic Tra safer a aold oa Near Yrwk.Bsston Chlesgw. St. Leal. St Pssl. Omaha. Men Frasctsro aad tbs principal points la 'he Nortaweat night and time bliss drawn :n auma to salt en nosgaoag. Tokehams. CopeshagesL ChrhitlaalB. Btsatholm. Bt ' TRUST COMPANIES. r1RTLAND TBUtT COMPANY OF ORFOON r RESOURCES OVER tl. 790.000. Osssrsl banking. teven Hundreds red) ea dally balance of 8800 or over. Letters of credit aad exebaage aajn rid. Savtrura aecoanta. Time certlfleatae. 8 to 4 iter caati .ehert-eell apsciBi or over. 3 Vt to 4 per ceat. Call far Book of "ILLUSTRATIONS, at Comer Third and Oak Streete. Phone Private Bachaage 73. nrt or th aaviineasaa ssass mm I ,Mib.ue X.. ' . . rt. l ' mm NENJ. I, OOHWN Preatdent I H. B. LBB PAQBT Secretsrv I J. -V FrnBTTV aawrwAB a. vanae -nwwaww 3 Traaaaets a Oeneral Bank In. Bustasae. SA VINOS DEPARTMENT. lateraet Allowed sa Tims sad aaetaga Accounts. Aata aa Trustee far Eats tea. Draft aad Letters es Credit Available ta All Parts f the World, a f. ADAMS Pr i aidant I L. A. LEWIS Ftrat Vies Pisstdeat A. la MILLS KaeooA Vlew-PeaaleVst OBO. F. It CBS FIX npVB MORTGAGE OtTARANTEE A TBUtT Traaaaete a Oeaeral Basking Baalaesa. Department: 4 ear cent Internet snowed, CAPITAL...., , O. W. WATERRtTBY. Pi si Bss I C B LOGAN HATS .... Elks' T.mpls. Seventh sag stsrk streets, raeae N OBYBWSSTSBB OOABANTEE A TRUST CO Lumber Bxehaags S. B. Corner Second etecir. inaHV ros Stat. County. Munldpsl snd Corporation Bowls aad Saeneed. Stocks sad TITLE STJARA3TTXX Aj TBTJBT OOMTANY 840 WAtKTNOTON ITRBIT. MORTGAGE LOANS ea Portlsnd Seal Estate at Lowest Be tea. Titles lasnred Abstracts Furo'ehed. 1. TBOBBTTBN BOSS Prealdeat I JNO. B. A1TCHISON OBOBOB a. BILL. BONDS AND INVESTMENTS. M ORRIS BBOTHERI Chamber at Comms Maatatpal railroad aad rOWBING BOPXrHI 00 MP ANT Betabltak ad J STOCKS BONDS. OBAIN Boasht Prlvats Wires. BOOM 4 CBAMBB R sBI a. & LBB COMPANY 1 W Lafayette Brokerage Department Sea Da Before Baying ar Belttag Starts sr OUIS J. WTLDE BOBE TELEPHONE BONDS BABB STOCBS. Menitrer Portlsnd Stock Exchange. 4 Corner Sixth aad Wsahtagkoa Streets, Portlaad, ts. a. oa. O r.aba U VCrDCttk, JldJI OX LWA6 -U. GRAIN, MOTtaWBS. COT WB DO a nannas rnitt,n Mart eta hv Private Wire. Quick Service. REFERENCES I Continuous Barker Bp J m!Sm aUttaaa. Beak at lrthrad. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brnah. soap, 11 per month Portlaad, Laaadryaad Towel Bapply Co. TRANSFER AND HAULING. TBB BAGGAGE A OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO cor. BUth sea ilea are.; nsggags caaowa atath fro hotal or residence direct n ro oes atlaatloa; paaaaagers therefore amid rush and annoy anca at depota. Pdvate Exchaaga SB- SAFES, pis aaa aad fnrnlture moved. peeked ready for shipping and shipped: stl work guaranteed; large. SrleX tmjreof warehoaae tor storage. Ofnca 308 Oaf Olaea A Roe. Phone Main 647. C O. PICK, a flee 88 First at, between Stsrk and Oak sta.. phone 688; planoe aad furniture Beared snd peeked for shipping; commodious brick wsnhoaae with separata Iroa rooms. Front and Clay sta. CUT rates oa hoaaehold good to all potato eeat: w make ap carload; special room tor trunks wblla waiting. Oregon Aoto-Deepatch. 13 First at Phoae Mate TIB PENINSULAR expreee; dally trip between dty asd nenlDS-jlar: trunks delivered st dtp rates. 147 Alder. Phoae Mala 2171; residence. I ii I. .n not. OREGON TBANSFBB CO.. ltd North BUth. Phone Msln SB. Beery haallag sad storage. INDEPENDENT BAGGAGE A TRANSFER CO. Storage. 134 Stark at- Main tor. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY No. tegtoa at Phoae Mela ttt. WHOLESALE JOBBERS. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. Jobbers 1 saddlery, hardwam. horse goods, leather, find ings snd shoe atom aappllaa. fifth aad Oat. A. m uv. D1STRIBUTOBB Irr nivB I luaaa ruBTbSntr, vnmwtm. OREGON Furniture Manufacturing Company Msnsfsctsrere of farnlfam fa the, trade. Portlaad. Oregoaa. SHERK GAZE A GRAHAM (Inc.), coram laa Ion merchants. Jobbers of frntts. produce, etc.; consignments solicited. 13S Front at rtrnNtTtiBE maonfactartaa and aaeelal oe L. Bovensky's furniture fachsrT. 870 Froat at WADBAMS A CO.. fscturrrs and com end. Oat eta. who resale le grocers, ai mercbsato. Foe BVBRDINO A F ABB ELL. (irodnee asd .eomssto. staa merchanta. 148 Front st, Portlssd. Or. Phone Main ITS. ALLEN A LBWIS. tsetos! aad produce I ehaats. rasa Beat aad Oasis at.. Portlsnd. STKIN i srroccr. I WAYNE Jobbers tot Second St. aad wboleeale vnnt.Mil v. crackers end alaaswars. Basel A Co.. 100 to IPS ntta. ear, s. WINDOW SHADES. WINES AND LIQUORS. COI.l'MBUS, California wine deaot: all kinds of wine, le a glaas. Caoks' aad Cooks Help era Resdoaarter. 14 Ponrth at. Phone Pa cific S18S. P. Iratl. ENGINEER 18 NOTIFIED Colonel BVoeaaler Beoelvea tetter From Port of Portland Commission. Colonel 8. W. Roeealer. United Sta tea engineer, received a letter thla morn ing from the Port of Portland relative to the acOon taken laet Thuraday In regard to the propoaed extension of th harbor lines between the Burnalde snd ateel bridges. Colonel Roeealer Bays he will lnveaflgste the matter thoroughly before forwarding hta opinion to the chief of the department at Washington, and will eubmlt photographs showing the 'river at that particular place, the brldgea and the wharves. The letter received by Colonel RoeaB ler this morning simply. states that tbo Port of Portland commleelon Adopted a report filed with that body by lta engi neer J. B C. Lockwood. who had been n.teotri tn look Into the, advlaabtlltv of granting the request of tha prrBarty owners, which calla for an extension of 40 feet at the widest, point in oroer 10 raa:'h dsMtoer water. 1 will give the matter every OA LB WINDOW SHADS CO.. SSI Sslsaon St.. pisln sad fancy shades made ta seder al fewest prieoaT Pbcno Mala UTS. BANKS sxH eaaaratBl aMB fa Yshahsaia. htaaO aaal BiaiMti. LAND, OSEOOB . toaVPavBwlaBa' aad Letters of Credit Ii MtSd Avttllftbto U Cstlssllsas a tal all Bp Oak Street DRIFTS ISSUED Available ka AB CTraaajw Mssils. Collsrtloa Made oa Favsrsbls Teraie. r.-oW ?risrt::::::-" n.mmmm. Coraee Second end Its r strreu. or tne wnrao. of the world. Cashle California. Baraha aaal iisatletded sroflts 88.888 800 01 Itmett. saws of flO sad upward. of CaasmsTri Bstldlag. T. BOBTCBABLL. Aaaletant Man flakier 1. W. NBWninw London, Parts. Berua. wtibwiotx im.,1 Tout Oomnaar ha 3 per cent tatareet oa caeca aceosa... .1. its . PriMh graehanc 73- L. P1TTOCB ThrfTaaMhiait B. OOLTBA . ...AtBtrtaat Baeretar; aaa R. O. IUBITB Assistant Sasr sharp COMPANY BABB. Interest Paid Time Deposits. i slstsat aecretsry B t a Mate ta. trpea as MP ANT Portland. Oragea. and Starh Street, taecoaa aoeri. coBBOBinnVt. FOB COB Bought bonds i BBS BOlo. now marpow. a gaaraalna Scrstry I T. T. Buatanavai ree Bldg public service aorpemthsa II aad Sold far Cast aad aa Bsrgta. of COMMSECB Bldg.. Portland. Oregoa. H. w. Donahue, manager. Caa Alwaya iMemhev Chvsapo Beard at Trade.) ,ot Third tt. McRay Bldg . Portlssd. TOBjWfBM ABS BONDS. . - Ladd a Tfltaa, e ration before taking final action," Bald Colonel RoesBler this morning, "and am not prepared to aay At this time whether the request will be granted or not." Colonel RoeaBler haa, however, always expressed himself opposed to harbor line extensions In the paat. and for that rea son It Is generally believed that he will not grant the present request unless it be for the good of all concerned. WIRE BLOWN DOWN Mo Be port From Worth Stead Today Bee as aa of Strong aale. A sale raged off the mouth of .the Columbia liver last night and today the wire from North Head la disabled, so that no reports have-bean received from there by the local weather bureau. The last report last nlsht stated that the wind had attained a velocity of It mllea an hour and that the bar waa very rough. Storm warnings were ordered dis played at all ports in this district aa early aa yesterday morning, ao that shipping wag cautioned of the approach Ins danger: It ta not known whether any vessela paaaad In or oat today be cause of the wire trouble. BUOYS MARK CHANNEL XOghthouB Department ey.iaooe Floats IB Columbia Salver The Ugh thou ae department haa done a great deal of buoy work along the Columbia river recently, by replacing a number of marka that went adrift dur ing; the last freshet. Buoys have been replaced at the following points: Channel west aide buoy, 3. a flrst-clasa can; Mount Coffin channel buoy, 3, a second-class spar; Cottonwood Island shoal, 1, s flrst-claas spar; Martin Island bar buoys, I And 4, each a Arst-claaa spar; Reader Croaslng buoys, 2, i and 1. each a flrst-claas apar. ALONG THE WATERFRONT The steamer Alliance, Captain Kelly, sella for Coos bay thla evening. The ateam schooner Northland, Cap tain Jamieaon, arrived from Ban Fran cisco last night and went to the mills of Inman, Poulsen a Co. to load lumber for a return cargo. The British steamer Crusader Is due to arrive here tn a few daya to lead lumber for the orient. She cornea from Japan under charter to the Pacific Ex port Lumber company. The oriental liner NlromedLa la due to arrive at tha mouth of the river to morrow from Hongkong via Yokohama. She is supposed to bring a large ahip ment of cement. . The steamar Ban Mateo arrived at the mills of the Eastern A Western Lumber company last night to toad lumber for 8An Francisco. She rsme from Seattle. Manager Bohubaek. eaa of. the owners of the steamer, came here by train to arrange for the loading of the vessel Union longshoremen are placing the lumber aboard today. The British steamer Hasel Dollar commenced receiving wheet at Mont gomery dock No. t thla morning, s non union crew having been secured by Brown a McCabe, trhe stevedoring firm against which the union longshoremen placed a boycott laat Saturday night. The French barke Bougainville and Europe will be In the harbor thle even ing. The Europe brings general cargo from Europe, whlls the Bougainville bringa coal from Australia. Th British steamer Strathflllan. which left San Francisco laat Friday night for this sort to load wheat for Europe, waa ordered ta proceed to Puget Bound to load. Kerr, Oliterd a Co.. the charterers, say that the change la due to the waterfront etrlks her. The steamer Keanok reached Ban Franc leco thle morning, neaaa th woree for having atuck oo the bar at Eureka. Th attain ecnooner Yoeeselte sari back to San Franclaoo thle gaornlner with en of her prop Her blade (fone Th To mite was ea rout to Port WILL EARN MONEY DURING WINTER American Bark Berlin Chartered to Carry Lumber to San Francisco. WA8 ONE OF SEASON'S ALASKA SALMON FLEET Owners Held for Fancy Pries snd Today's Transaction Goes to Show That She Will Get Top Rate for Braving Winter Storms. The Warren Packing company today chartered the American ablp Berlin to Charles McCormlck a Co. to carry A cargo of lumbar to Ban Francisco. She la at the O. R. A N. Aiblna dock re ceiving A new foremaat, but will be ready to take bailaat In a day or two. Captain B Olaon will be In command. The Berlin arrived here about a month ago from the aalmon cannerlee at Brla- tol bay. bringing the output of the Fort. land-Alaaka Packing company to thta city for shipment eaat The caaad flan were diecharged at the O. R. N. Co.'a lblna dock and placed on can tec the at. The work of discharging waa completed a few daya ago, and In the meantime rlggera were st work a top ping the new foremast Several offers were made for the ' Berlin ahortly after ahe arrived from the north, but her owner refueed to consider them, believing; that It would be aafer to keep the veaael In winter quarters at Clifton than have her bravo the winter blows off the coast. Evi dently the offers became too tempting finally, for it la said that the firm re fused IT a thousand feet several days aaa She probably got $7.50 A thou Band, whloh will net the owners a handaome profit slsace the ship win carry from 1,000.000 to 1,100.000 feet She could carry 1,100,000 feet. If the laws did not prohibit the old equare-rlssera from carrying much of a deckload. but even with only 1.000.000 faet on board the profit will be several thouaand dollars each trip. The charter was made for one trip only, but H is underetood with option for additional cargoes tf every thing provea aatlafactory. The American bark Paramlta. whleh waa alao one of the cannery, fleet thta aaa son. ta at Astoria waiting for a tow. to one of the mill on the Columbia rtver, where she will load lumber for San Francisco, and the bark Jamas Drummond. another aalmon -carrier of the same class, la now finishing a cargo of lumber at the mills of the North Pa cific Lumber company, alao for the Bay City. WITH LONG PROGRAM Bailors Will Be Entertained at Inatlrat Tomorrow Blast. The weekly concert at the Seamen's lnatltute. 100 North Front atreet. will be given tomorrow at o'clock p. tn. Following la tne program, which i or a dlatlnctlvaly coamopolltan character: Piano solo, Leroy Kdl a; sons. air. Hodgee: aong, J. Turbyne, British ablp Invincible; song, F. lie Blanc, French ahlp VUle de Mulhouse; Bon, Miaa Ellxabeth Hoben: recitation, A. Nairn. Invernea-ahlre; anng, Mlas C. Bussell: aplano aolo, R. Belcham, In vernes-Bhlre; sons. J. H. I.lghtburn, Brltlah steara achooner Hasel Dollar; song, A. King: song. Miss E. Bennett-Johnson; sons. R. a Pulton; sons, J. D. Ounn, ateam schooner Hasel Dollar; sons, P. Meln hold, British ahlp Allerton; song, J. La Barosec. Villa de Mulhouse; aong. C Moaxlnakl. German ahlp Nerelde; song. J. Neveu. French ahlp Tour d'Auversne; sons. C. Dlemlch. Invernes-shlre; Ger man chorus, ship Nerelde; American. British, German and French national anthems. PUMPING OIL FROM RIVER Portland Baa The Portland Gas company has put a powerful ateam pump to work pumping water from the bottom of the liver at the foot of Everett atreet where, through seepage from th tanks In ths sas works, oil and tar has formed a thick sedtmsat on the rtver bank. It Is believed that the pump will brine the greasy substance to the surface aad eventually remove one of the cauaes tt the oil nuisance on the river. The United States engineers are watching the harbor closely nowadays and will take action in ths future against violators of that laws and regu lations without eervina half a desea warnings, as haa been done heretofore. In order to give the violators a chance. WILL DEPEND ON STRIKE If the trouble between employer and employe along th waterfront reaches an early settlement Portland will, with out doubt be far In the lead aa a wheat shipping port on the Pacific eoaat dur ing the present season. Shippers generally agree that Port land atandB the beat chance In the world of making a brilliant record thla eeason as a wheat-ahlppltg port of great prom inence If th at ilko la not allowed to turn traffic to the competing ports on Pugst sound. A number of largo steamers already under engagement will be liable to swing the balance either way, and for that reason everybody In terested tn the shipping and commerce of the port I anxious to see the atrike settled. lrrespctlvo of which faction . out vlctorioua. MARINE NOTES Astrerto oct. It. Arrived down 10:30. steamer Aragonl. San Frnnclso, Oct. Is. Arrived, steamer Roanoke, from Portland; laat night, steam schooners Nome Ctty and Johan Pouleen. frost Portlsnd. Astoria. Oct U. Lft up at 1 p m., French bark Europe. Left up at tit Bv m . French bark ktougalnvUle. ATTENOS CHURCH IN SUIT OF PAJAMAS Milton. Or.. Oct. It M tortaBr old men TO yeara or age, win p. ..... mtmm mm BBS ror naw aaam - ivr nmm - -. . it. aijai. rrssiso riBB- of the residents of th city. niant ne wen, . " wi- gal Shureh in nia lta. aavtvsnl fJsahtS were aaa Ting in ba west ss was l..laar SVSBatl queer things, frlf aM ws. him. rV IB "Sis wmm bavin lived Mr ft He has a wife gad fa tenlna I 1 AbBbbb tv 'ntWASBBI