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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY fcVENINO, OCTOBER IS, ISPS. u NEW TODAY. Own a Home Wo buy or build you a home, any MM or location, on easy monthly pay roenU. and with our connection and frlllrteacan save you money. We have aeveraJ new house now ll.Stt., ll.ttt. tt.WI. I,(SO up to 11,000 Coma (a ana talk over our plan. DO XT VOW. C.E. WEST. Mgr.. 107 Sherlock Bed , R. .U CATI? HAS MOVED FROM lit SECOND ST. TO 226 Stark Between First and Second Real Estate, Loans and Insurance PHONE EXCHANGE 70. Northwestern Guarantee & Trust Company busker lubiifi Blot, (tteoond floor) a. Oor. Beoond and Mark Wa. Wanted To bay for cosh, direct from owner, an bum hiiKtneaa nrooertv ranging from . lit, MO to 2200. too. Toil are Invited to can at wr encn xor 12 Per Cent Twa-atory building, otora and nata, near steel bridge. Corner Lot $6500 Guaranteed lease, 1 yonra, 1710 year. PHONE C.C.SHAY,Pacificl5I2 REAI pROfO 1 coHCOetp Be. psossiSnXiHfl CLASSIFIED NAMES Correct list of Oregon and Washing ton farms, fruit, grain, hope, potato and atock growera, number in family, agea, ate. Call or write u for prlcea Rural " pireotory Co.. It Fourth street Nob Hill House A modern 8-room house, good baae wient. furnace and cement walks, fine Uwn with roaea and ahrubbary. lot BtxltO. on Hoyt st; aaay terms. jOmOAJT tj QABBAOB, Room 11. 1I1H Washington St CHOICE ACRES On to flve-acrea tracts, close in, on O. W. P. dt Ry.; choice black soil; Im proved; SSOO ea aora; easy terma. JORDAN & GARBADE ORBENWAY (PORTLAND HEIGHTS) The moat beautiful locations In this addition remain unsold. Bull Run wa ter, electric llghte, gaa and graded streets. Superb view of Mt Hood, East Portland and Willamette river. Choic est lota MOO each. Terma. WXXTB BTZ.BBBAV. Building. WEATHER REPORT. southwest wsrslacs wers eon tinned at 7 o'clock st all stations Is this district. The storm stored rspldlr esstwsrd and It Is central this atsrnlsg north of Montana. The Barometer M ranks rapidly off the north Call- fends cssat. and steep barometric grsdlents tosBttaas in this district. The foOewlag anxl msm wind velocities uw! etled yesterday after- . boob: North Head. Washtagtoa. (M miles. tasathesst. sad Bestde, Wsshtagtoo. M art lea. . essth. Mederstely beery rain has oocarrsd . Siena the Berth California coast and 1b Oregon, Washington, northern Idaho sod Meatees. The high pressure area yesterday over New England - has contracted In area and It Is now apparently I SBlrsI ever the lower 8t Lawrence taller. Local rains have ootarred in the Trsaa pan- . handle. Ok It Soma. Ksassa. Mtssonri sad Ark t sus, while elsewhere la the esatrrn statet SDBBSBBBBItr ran- wettser see pretaiiee. . The ladles tVms ire for rain In thla dlatrlrt tonlskt and Wednesday, with freah soathwest wtade la the Interior sad s strong soathwest "gale along in eoati. Obesrvstlons taken st t s. n . Pacife time . Terns. Stillest Baher City, Oregon Best MB tfassachwaetta... CMcsgo. I lunate ruarsr Ostorsdo Mas. L MIb. Precto- .0 ts .0 40 .0 52 .01 14 .0 88 .0 88 .1 It 1 27 10 .11 58 T 48 .0 tt .01 4t .28 52 i in 10 88 58 .0 68 84 City. Mltaoarl 82 82 70 70 con rnrnte . . . Loalalano. Mew York.... ... It ... 78 S. Lrsss Mlasourl. OS Bait tstke. I lib TO Ran Piaaetoeo. CSBtorets. . 81 BBskoee. Wsshlsgtoa M fkeoBM. Wsshlngton 80 'Welle Willi. Wsshlngton.. 02 W tea! eg a, D c n MARRIAGE LICENSES. Prestos L. BsajSaHa. He Lnato CtSBtMr. 25. Otto Holter, UnntoB. City Oregon, M Albert Sill, Bekosa, Oregon. 34; u9SSTm' 2". B. B PhlUta. M; OetberlB Mlckle Olgltotto. M; larah AD-tor. 480 Orand at Uaahnur. It Bartll Ornher 21; Chrlattae Oator, 21. Peter ferawirti. M; Fred Osier. 58 I. Wight, sgs Beat oak street t St. Worth "jj'lrihlaViotT WlSdwas ead ' SlBllI oegraea ssdV 1 Mk. M2tt WiiSlagtee Keaau PnejlsBsd. Oregon Root hurt (Ire to BIRTHS. MGILL1VBAY Octebar 14. te Mr. tad Mrs. McGtluvray. 4M Durham steoue, e bay. PADhiCK lHab 29. te Mr. end Mrs. Woltee Pedriek. KM Meet Ninth, e lrl. MABTINSON October 11. to Mr and Mm. Martin Martinaon, Portssooath eTeaae. e girl. KeWWIOK Ortober 14, to Mr. ad Mi. Flask M. Peowtek. 11 But Fiftieth. boy. DEATHS. SBBLBIKDER October 15. Maxtor. 58 years, 714 Water John U Si hemorrhage of WILLBY -October 14. Mary C. Wlney, 8 year. 424 Knott, rearer of pnrreai TAiTBaV October 14. Tbooui J. Tffee. t years. Oeod Saarlts hospital, aaaeadlcltM. MEAD October 14. Jsbm E. Meed, So year, Good Snmariun bospltol. diabetic cureae. MA UBAIX-Oetober Ik Addle M. Mar sball. two months. 847 Orand nreuiu north. GLBN October 14. Lucy M. Olen. 67 year. Bit Bast Nlatk organic heart dlaeeae. FABLBY October It, Francis Fsrlaj. twe BMDth. Bbr Hon, enteritis , BUCK October 14. Catharine B. Back, If year. EM fonrU, chronic endocarditis. FUNERAL NOTICES. BOBG At Mountain View, October It. ltoa. Mrs. AUce Bore be Wired wife of Loo Bora, aged 80 years month, and 18 days. Funeral will take place Wednesday. October 17. st 10 s. n. from i 8. Dunning', chapel, corner of East Alder and Bast Sixth ota. friends melted. UNDERTAKERS. Diulai. McEnteo a ailbeaah. nd embolmero: modern 1 svsry detail. Be rants sad Pine. Maia 40 Lady A. B. Htm tack, undertaker sad embslater. Bast Thirteenth sad U smalls sts. Fheae Bali- n. tsae Undertsking Co.. sed embalming OS at. Phes Mais 8188. Lady a touts at I. P. ftatoy Boot. Third sad Madleoa sts. Oftce of soeaty eoroesr. Phone Msl it. CLARKE BROS, floral ueslgnt. florists Pise Bit Morrison st Edwsrd Holmon. ssderUker. fee. Third at. imtraw CEMETERY. agk, greeee 110. The oelr remrt.rr family lots ITS to is roruana wsieo sor- actually maintains and cs Inform it Ion spply to W. ssetst block, city. W. M csrae for lots, far feu R. Meku. Woe Lead, ptuUWt REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. M. Bnrelbeek to Frank L. Bmltb. begin, slug at an Iron pipe st the southeast corner of ssctloa 18, township 1 north, 1 range 1 ssst $ 5,000 Title Guarantee A Treat company to , Henry Brown, east tt of lots t sad 10, block t, North Irvlngton 0T Portlsnd Treat Company of Oregon te Booms Bwsnton. lot 1. block X. Dent's addition to Best Portlsnd 400 Msry AngerstelB to J. Kane nek, tost to feet of lot t ssd north 4 feet of eest to feet of lot T, block t. Hsnsoo's ad dltkm to Esst Portland 8,000 H. W. fries and wife to Anna 8 Sand, Iota 15 sad It, block 11, Biter Adtm Ostlta sad wife to Rita I. John son, lot . block 52, Sellwood Joseph Burkhard sad wife te Eocene Plerrsrd. lot t. block k King's Second BOO kTO0 Northwest Deer rem petty to the city of Portland, right of way I feet wide far Irvtsgton dtatrtct sewer H. 0. Btrtlton ead wife to Victor Land en lBtersst ta and to lot 21. t. Hlshland Park Charles rttsdaisa et sL to victor Laad company, lots sad 7. block I; lots 21 sod 24. block 4. Tremont Piece Msry 8. Gordon ead husband to Peter R. Bsrg. lot 2, block 8, Highland E. O. Peterson and wife to W. L. Greene, lot k block 87, Stephens- ad dition to East Portlsnd E. B, Cable sad wife to F R HaOeCfc, lots It sad 20. block Bk Mount Tabor Vllls M Ottseea sad wits to John AJnheaas Psrsntl. west 40 feet of lot 8, block 05. Stephens' addition te Beat Port lend A. J. McDsBlel. trustee, to Gertrude H. 200 2.100 200 1.425 Maearoeq. lots IT, ta, 80. 40, block 14. CoUesa Piece A. J. sad S. J. McDsalrl to Gertrude H. MnshgroTe, lots t sad 4. block 14. Col let Place T. S. McDenlel and wife to (strut A. Myers, let 4. block 1, Hlfhlsnd School House eddlllon Marls D. Curt la to Aurora W. and B. H. Bus bibb. "Our farm of 190 seres, Jsmse L. McCowb' to' Mrs. Emily C.' Mc'- too 25.000 Oowb, west 75 feet of lets t sat 8, block 8k Cars there' Addition to Ce ra tbora' addition Ells L. Woodward and husband to B. B. Lytley lot 4 In the Berth H of double block K, city H. and B U frseboroush et si. to Hsrt wlg Mass, Iota 11 and lk block I, MeatsvUla J. K. Qrsber sad wife ta J. J. Elite, lota and 7. block It, Corson Heights W. a Bassos to Jsmes A. Shaw. 1st 4, block t. Wbodlown T. I. McDanlel and wlfa to Botch Bandy, lot t. block 7, East Portland Helshta John W. Kennedy sad wife to Wtllism U. Bwin and wlfa, lets t sad 10. Mock k Plaehnrst S. B Martin and wits to Ray Gumbert. tat 24. block 188, University Part John J. Cole to Jsmes Oliver and wife, lots 1 sod k Miller's sddltloo to Bell wood) s George W. Bhlrter et si. to B F. Mssd esssser, 276x10 feet beylnnlnf st point 850 feet eest of Intersection of sooth line ef Francis sveeee ead Kesllworth with the west lias of the soothesst of CHatea Kelly sad wlfs donation land claim George Wj Brows to Joseph A. Winter mute, stV 1 and 2, block 10, l.surel- ITS 50 wood . J Arlets Lego company to J. F. Mlnkler. - A In. S.rW . 126 John H. Campbell end wlfs to J. kf 1 later, nortn so isei oi m o. owe Stephens' sddltloo to Esot Portland. . . 780 A. C. Falrchlld sad wlfs to o. a. ue- Kpsln. lot 0 ana west n oi bi i. block 10k University Psrk 10 Cesrlss B Short ssd wire to nsas x. Clsnton. parcel or isno negiuninc Intsrsectstn of center line of Newtn ttrest with south Has of Syracnss ChHhM B.' fairs 'saM-wjfV toAUw'M Boseabenm. kit 10, buck 20. Lsdd s tddltlon to Buar Portland. Hoary U Bsrkley end wife to Ksts Henry, traatse, tots t and t. block fl, HlgbUnd ii'-i-'V John 0. Slerst sad wife to W. F. Speer. southeett of northssst 14. section On end tha MltthWWSt U f the OOTtb- 10 1,500 ssa IBS 001 TO of tae eoutnessi i oe H section 21; lso beginning st north ssst corner, of teetlon 20, thence west 80 rode, thence sooth 80 rods, thence eest 86 rode, thence elonf creek to seettoa Use between sections 21 ssd 10. thence west te nortbeest corner of section 20 sod place of beginning, all te township 1 south, range 4 esst..... Henrr A. Letoorell sod wlfs to o R A N. On., pert of south H of south west 14 of aorthestt U seettoa 80, township 1 north, range I esst Neppseh Real Batata company et si. too. R. N. Co.. o strip 100 feet wide over tot f end the eoetbeeet u of the eoutheeot H of taction 4, township 1 north, range eest M 0. George and wife to M. Berendt, tot I. linn Per Arista Land company to Jobs Helm, lot 12 block k Ins Psrk Fred H. Strong end wtfe to Carrie J. pyla. lot t. block 1. Creates Chsrlea H. Dodd to Bfte Iloafnrd, lots 1 and 2 sod eoat 10 feet of lot 7 sad a, block lit, elty CsBs A. Priest est huahand te Andrew AndereoB. tot 7, buck 4. WHHsms Ava nne tddltlon et 10,0 150 too 1M in 2.500 for Btrsct title. iBearase or mortgsgs Ibsss. coll oe Pacific Title A Trust compant formsrly Psrtte Coest act (tesranty A Tract cesxpaBy. BHA-8-7 folltog hedMtog. te reel estate MB Wsohlsgtoe street eerner to link NOTICE. IN the district court ef the United States for the district of Oregon, la tbs matter of Jtmee L. Via Winkle, bankrupt Notice o hereby given that ea th teeth day of October A D 1808, James L. Van Winkle of ft ran Valley. Oregon, wss duly sdjedlcatod baakrapt. aid fhal the tret meeting of hi eredStov will be held at room 204 5 Featoa MM parttoBd. Oragon. on the twenty-tfth diT 'if October, 108 at 10 a. m.. st which tfau the eold creditors may attend, prove their elslm. ppolnt trnifee etimlne the kBsniaiit ond transact such other basaees ss stay properly eoase before inch meetlsg. Deter October 16, ISO. , CHBaTTER 0 MURPHY. Refer, e la BoBkrnptry. PARTY who Bought eecoodhind Woohbern SMsdoll wlU hear something lo hi advan tage by railing en Lvy Marie Hoooe. 171 MEETING NOTICES. SOMETHING dolac tonight at Oeorf Whtegtoo nap. Bet ter cesu. vToltlug Mskhbers welcome. Woodman ball, Teatk sad Washington ati H. bTaa158. CO. H. A. f BEDRICH. Clerk. PORTLAND ORCHESTRA Oood stasia all ecsswaa. very rsosooooio. Mais 48 Lacratio at. BVERQBEBN CAMP. 640k suets r attaint. Aluky Msg.. Third eat CI KCCLAB I.BTTBB CO. Pacalmlle typewrit ten letters; iBdimlol mat! lux. 281 tt Stark. M. W. A., Orsgoh Grape Camp.. No. 0,075 Mos deye. 17th sad Msrshsll: tmltots wtllimi, P. O. ELKS -The mimhin of Portlsnd lodge. No. 144, are reoaested to meet la oar Inrlgernoai auskratsa ( Wadset Sty) at l p. m. ahsrp to coedact tbs funerel eervfce of ooi our late brother T- Tsffee. Visiting UeCheta Br order of the Exalted Invited to Ruler. JOHN B. 00FFET. Bscrstsry. LOST AND FOUND. STRAYED Reddish block Jersey cow Saturday. J. -T. Moe, B. R. No. 1, tost Port lsnd. Bewara, IN Al.BINA. yellow female bull terrier. 85 re ward. Pbeas Wondlswn 408 sad oak for Mra. B. HsrUs. 1810 Tyndall st. LOST By s poor wc b with foar smsll cbll- dren. s iwrketbook telahu aboet tfl; tost , Coach or Psrk. Ro strtaewkam areaad Pine, four turn to SOT Thi Jouroslv bustness office. LOST Pi wlth nsats oe, "J. C. Bhlslds"; rtwsrd. MslB 5714. LOST English setter dog. rsthsr dark In color j black sad white ticked; nsiae, 'Tiger." Phone Mala 1171. Reword. LOST Dlsssoad Hag. hetweea Missouri sod Mostaaa sees, finder plesss return to 812 Missouri are. end receive reword. LOST Reed shopping basker. between Vsa- couvsr ferry snd McMoolei. a Ma eve.! drove oa Highland. Lenox sod Vollners sts.; roaUtasd shoes, f Wrtts. purse, scissors etc. ; lesve st W. H. klcMoales' ; toward, lit) Best fifth, Vsncourer, Washington. HELP WANTED MALE. Union Hotel 81 NOBTH SIXTH IT. free employment to our patrons. Weekly rates: Boom. 11.25 up; room sad esrd. 14.80 up. ABIsrsos. proprietor. WANTED Salesmen; msay moke 1100 to gUQ per month; some evea mors; stock clean; grown oa rsserrstma, tar rrom oiu nrrwiti esah sdvsneed weekly; choice of seal, Address Washington Nursery company penlsh. Wsshlngton. , Top- W ANTED 2 well dressed, edsested sua to sell Chorus Dudley Werner library, world's beet literature; csll only oa persons who hsvs writtea for psrtlrnlsrs; nsw proposition; liberal commits too. Apply I hetweea 12. Globs Publishing Co., com bio bldg. MBit AND WOMEN to leers lurber trade In eight weeks; graduates earn trees til to 126 weekly: expert Ins true tort; cstslsgos tree. Moler rfrstom ef Colleges, 84 North fourth St.. Portlsnd. v vern Two a tbeao first -clsss. sD- meeblns men: psrmsasnt position, good wsgss. Oregon Faraltare Mfg. Co.. Mscsdsm road. rATfeS. srVajss: AGENTS TO INTRODUCE hortlcoitersl wsasfrar Bart THB GREATEST s Blum: mursels: bur Bar : permanent poaltlon Ohio Nursery Co., Bo lm, Ore. YOUNG mas attending bnslness college went place to work for board sad room. P 85, care Journal. AGENTS wanted to tell superior, high grade nursery stock ; eomplets outfit furnished free; cssb weekly; writ today tor choice of ter ritory. Capitol City Nursery eless. Or. WANTED Moot hove 26 sure young men to prepare themaelvea tor, railway leiegrapn servles: big demand tor graduate Call day nr V. nl . . atMrT t OlieCO OI 1 PIT UW . of Telegraphy. Cosxmooweslth Mag.. Sixth sad Ankeny sts. WANTED Man to work to smsll machine, rs-pstr-skop; ex perls set set aeeesssry; seme money required; ttsts time end plscs for Interview. Lock Bog 85, Mllwsakls, Oregon. WANTBD Iter bolt splitters; food pay. Ap ply Western Cooperage Co., 80S Steer bldg.. city, or Houltoo, Or. C0ATFINI8HEB wanted of once. Columbia Woolen MIIli On.. Seventh and Itsrh. WANTBD-S boys; steady work; 17.50 per week to begin with. 208 Bsvls st BOY with A King. o wheel. Apply to Olds. WANTBD-TteliTery boy with wheel. Book Store. 291 Aids st. PRESS fEEDER wanted, ttosery A Printing Co.. flsbor Wisdom 188 front st. Sts PB1NTBB WANTBD tor country daily and Job ofOr; good position for reliable, competent men; ttate termi snd references. Address Lock Box T, Roeeburg. Oregon. BOY over 14, lry 17. Apply 254 Third st. YOUNO sxpsrlencod kitchen man wnntsd, per week 608 Wsshlngton tt. WANTED- Pipe rh anger; lis 2 men to put In 20 loo da of elshwood. J. Lendlgan. 1M Sherman, South Portland. BOY wonted; good wsgss. Lovejoy Lincoln, Bookbinders, 128 first st. m a NTan Tonne oeonle ts ore pare ao bookkeepera and steaograpbsrs ; have had 543 colli tine September 1; placed 254 la positions. Wa trill piece roe when com potent Dsy sr night, uauuogue. walker Buetoees col tag. WANTBD TravehaT far sstobttobed hoe; U per weak; expensee sdveneed: references. Address, with stomp. Jeeeph A. Alexander, Portland. Oregon. WANTBD Experienced office men; eatery 686 to M6; out sgs and experience. V 82, Journal WANTBD By (he Bsatsra A Wtrn Lkjaber company. Intra trt et camp No. t. Eats Mr. Wsektsgtoa; 12 rigging ruitlera sad chasers, It railroad graders sad 4 eordsroed cutter ; good wage I .BARN to operate pictnre raachlnet ; unerators oaro MB yon Msra ts bvrlseea In short tin; noaltloni tecured. Newmi terms rmisshls; i i Motion Picture k Co.. 146tt Sixth st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. CAPABLE WOMEN WANTED If yon work, why not cars mors then a living T Be Independent; do good. The Vlori Co. akeedy employ 12.000 worn; the work as eonntnee ox tn www , we win estortala application from capebla women; not cenrsttsing. nut neipiui, aigwnaa warn. Address by mall only, VUrl Co., Lew la bldg. HOMB LADIES' AOBNCY. 165tt fourth at., cor. MijciIsbs. Spetsles, Aluugasde th Y.M. 0. A. bldg. 01 Rig WANTBD Operators ts work ea ahtrto aad o ten Ho. Leeanni gita to IneawartoaeeA Apply st SUsdsrd fsctory No. k Orad as. ssd Bast Taylor st. "Bee et Jtm WANTED Olrhj to make I J Tt laTB'l 70 rirtt ot. n AKSaX'S LADIES' AOBNCY BOY. 84' tt Waaklag upatolra. Phoe Mate tea st. ear. Seventh, ssauw. r ems to neip WANTED Girl, steady at aenier Davte. , OIRLB ChocoUto dlppv Ssd saemars. Candy Co., 10th and Gltats. OldOB WANTED Girl for general housework; amall family. Call at.onee MO Pork at. FBW tad wanted to it making easy finry work apart time at bonw; good ateody pay: so tnerieace reassred. Bag I bldg.. 407 WaahlBgtea at. WANTBD Owl for 1" 4f tadISl 414 laves m per mootii -Bageri Serenth t. WANTED Experienced ladles' clothe to srs st Poetic Iassory. 281 Arthsr ot LA 111 to do fancy work et perlence St Flel reaulred: rapid, aaay work. Call FMldaer bldg . 407 Waihlngton et FINISHERS aa seat; needy work. 820 FHedr bldg. good piy THOROUGHLY competent girl Is family of two; BMSt gnow BW M SBSB1 104 North 24th C HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTBD Lody teacher, p. m. 145 H First st. Apply from 2 to 5 WANnD Experienced bsdy-lroess; steady eet- slayauat. o rag on unwary I u. Phase Bast la. BZPBBIBXOBD KM per week ladles' tailor; steedy work; J K Stern, 482 W .thing ton. GIRLS wanted to peek crackers; toady Wsetern Bsklng Co., Esst Third sad Deris sto. LADY Barber wonted. BUH Fourth st, MALE AND FEMALE HELP. MBN end women who ore employed as stenographers, to ksew that dictation Buy bs remit ad at llrlmtt Bnolswi Oollsgs. Washington gad 10th sts,, svsry Monday, Wednesday end Friday svsnlBg. from 7:80 to 8:80 p. m. BELT wasted sad turrplud. sssle sr testate. B. a. Drsks. rooH wsssisgtoa st. rasias gars. WANTBD In country home, two children ear fur good school. Address m. at. postofflce Box 08, Scsppoooe, Or. WANTBD first-class lsdy and gentlemen can vasser; to lory and commission. Cell at Agency Bursas. 82 Foarth at.. Portland, Or. WANTBD Yoaag people to learn ohowcord ng; fisld writing end lettering, dsr and earning ; I not overcrowded; Indfrbinsl Instructions by practical expert t ho weird writer. Osier's Bx pert Colkwjs. fifth floor Oommaaiwss'tb bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. BY young man IB apeaklng eight languogoe tuguess, Bulgarian. Basslsa. Ron tdsh. Turkish, BnglhV Address BteTtoh, Portr gnt.1 Atsnoo Mlueff norr notai. HOUSECLBANINO Phone UntoB IXPBBT accountant wishes a few hours' work dally: I ernctent and offers tae nest retir es ret. Inquire L 4k cars Journal. BOOKKEEPER end nflee men. lystemotle 04 good worker, wonto position with .go. ki nrm, wbeteeela or retail; no .objection 'to leering city. L 44. eare Journal- COMPETENT bookkeeper wants position for psrt tuns. L st, care journal. WANTBD Jobs wall -drilling, water guaran teed Box 47, Routs k drsshfia, Oregon. REAL estate msn. position on commission snd salary; understsnds towns! te business; 80 years of age; hastier. X 07, Journal. AN energetic yoaag axes waste position In grocery or hardware (tore; flrot oiooo rerer- L. a. w .. voift nrsi .. iwont i. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE WfLL care for on or twe children; will furnish slsslppl ava. PLAIN oewlng by the doy or piece. Best Aaseny. mono aaai soi. A RESPECTABLE lady. Of 50, with daughter age 11, would like position as housekeeper Where work is not excessive, u an. journal. WANTED Work by the day. II St fourth t- W ANTED AGENTS. AGENTS, peddler, canvassers sad street sat- ea, get tour tap pi let rrom it. m. riummsr, 180 Third st; new good, bottom prices. agents wasted; t sally. 82H N. Sixth et. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT Off ICB , FOB MBX. It North Second St. Phone Main 1528. THB PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT CO.. 205 V4 Morrison fit. Phase Psetftt 289. ALPINE Employment Co.. 206 H Morrison St. Male sad female help. Phone Msls 1117. WANTED REAL ESTATE. To The Portland Capitalist Wa make e BPBCIALIY ot COLLECT! NO tr.NTS of LARGE BtHLDlNGS. placing FIRE INSURANCE, payment of TAXES and GENERAL CARX Of PBOPBRTY. Ws hart the best of facilities for carrying oat your wlahea ss ss agent. We ao licit your atronage. Our referencee: Land m niton, anktrs, ssd Merchant!' Natleael honk. R H BLOSSOM lit CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Mysra. F.A. Myers. STATE LAND COMPANY, Busteees laveatment. Rssl Estate. Loan. built and eold upon i nets 11 men Is to any pert of city. 183 FIRST ST., COB. ALDBB. FARMERS I wast a few loada of limb wood, any length. Cell 428 Lumber Exchonge, qr phone Mala till. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RBNT Houses, cottagoo. flam. lords will do wen to call oa PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OP OREGON. I. isn. km. m. kr. Bu mmn vmm. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. Msls Mala MM FURNITURE WANTED FOR POT CAgH PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS 811 Flrot ot Mala HIGHEST price paid for men'e coat-off cloth ing. Phoae Psctse 4k Usele ton, 62 Third. WE WILL BUY, SELL OR TRADE ANY OLD THING. WESTERN BALVAUW WU Ml WASHINGTON. PACIFIC WE Wild. BUY yea furniture any old tlm. Salvage us., an itoonugto ot. -LAR" wests 16,000 worth of seeond- sltar. or win trade sew ror wo. we opening s lerge bow and oecood Bsno at 232 First st., near Main. Bee OS about It. Wo want your trade. "The Dollar." FURNISHED ROOM8 FOR RENT HOTEL PALMER, 850 tt Abler of Steam best electric electric llgbta. hot and cold water, fro betbe, porcelain tuba; a few housekeep ing sultss with gss ranges; msld wrvlce; 12.80 per week sp. THB RICHELIEU, Mtt North Sixth gently furnished: stosm bsst and he THI HUB." 95 Eletentb at. Stork; rooms with tteim heat aad bath. LINDA VISTA. 247tt Fifth Houoekeeplng room with boy window, sad .leaping room. ELEGANTLY furnlohed rooms, furnace heated esd bath. 474 Salmon st fTJXNIIHEDr rooms and furnlihsd keweskeeplng room for 'teat et 782 Vineourer v. THB GRAND, 45tt North Third rt Booms for gentlemen $1.25 per week sd np. fUBNISHED rooms, or part of fnrslahd flat; vary deriraM. 188 North 18th st THE WOODLAND Elegant modem fiustohll roonu Is beoBtlful prtyt reldnc. tl par doy. BSD sixth ot, esi DAT, wk foarth et. or month; heart ef city. Hlndman. ltttt fOB BBNT Nicely furnlohed roam far oa sr two gsBtlMsea. 448 Ball st FOB BBNT Nice furnished front mom, modern convenience; pntote rcmaeae. i none wove lawn 590. NEWLY furnished rooms. M Boot 16th st. CHEAP Neatly furnlohed room, nice for work lag woman; bath, laundry. 10S 12th ot fOB RENT, for cotr front ror or two gentlemen, ale o loo siagia moderate ; gat and bath 294 I2th. Pkeae Mala 4Tos LARGE front front room salts l for two peepto, flrot -elt ot Board, let month;; ohto g with sice mom for twe. M week each. , all con rlnoa itb at. ROOMS AND BOARD. WANTED--Board and room tor elderly man. In to Id ; ttate terms. R 1, car Journal. NICELY furnish tl mom and board, private Tor two. HS1B 1BBB. BSU 1IB I. flRST-CLsJB room end beard, one or two; modern. reonbl gulet bom, wanting dlo toaos. 824 JXast Morrison st "as store FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. ILIB WBU hoesekeep lag rooms; parlor, bath, laundry, fstusai best. yard. 288 H ttaatoo. U car. 11.58 WEEK ap. Urge, clean, furnished boost kltplnrvooauanpdry and bath, ltd tbsr- 881 SALMON I It weekly; dowaataira; 8 for 54.00; every tooth front. f L'RNIRHBD I ED or eafsaatehed soaawoopxog wM aids, 1 weekf furnished flatTi 117. MsCoy. 271 Morrison. 2d floor. THE MITCHELL aoustkteplog and trsnslsnt L. roonu. ressooebls. Be Tenth and fUndsrs FRONT room with sleovs; gat. bath; shoes. 428 Karl st. ' UNFURNISHED ROOMS. 1 PLEASANT enfaralshed rooms st 860 Moot gomeyy ot. Phoae Psclftc 2700. TKBBB enftoahtaed footos, ewf Bast Morrf soa. Phone Bsst 1011. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. 01)1cesMost Central Locitton te the city, northwest corner Sixth and waeniagten in.; new ewvster; net ana cotd water, light, heal snd isnltor THE MOBTGAGE GUARANTEE 4 COMPANY, 90 BS Tenth ot. ThulsT orriCB-ROOMB. untnrnUhed rooms and sample rooms fee rant. Ooodnoagh bldg. Apply sto sets. DE8IRABLB a ft cos. Including else trie tights, hot and eold water. Janitor and elevator eervlce, la the sew, airy Commonwealth bldg., oM postofflce site. Sixth snd BurasMe oto. Agerjt room 411. PkBT ef shoe to rent, esttobto plumber. 208 fourth St. FOB BINT Desirable storeroom, fonts Union ate. god Bslmont. Usrtmsn Thorn peon, x CbSB of Commerce. COZY OfflCE IN LUMBER EXCHANGE, tele- Shone, beet end light; reasonable. Phone lain 6316. 423 Lumber Exchange. STOBB et Stewart atattoa, Mount Scbtt: ereiry- tning in snspe tor occupancy; coubtssb, sbelvlBg. etc.; lease at reotonoble rest. Phone Pocltc 2108. FOR RENT HOUSES. FOB RENT HOUSES I New 7 -room bouses, jast Bnlthed: otrictiy modern, gas, electric lights, porcelain bath, furnace, cement cellar; Washington It. car H block away; 781 and 788 York st.. near corner 24th.; 127.60 sad ISO reat. Inquire Moore Invent men t Co.. 8 tear no bldg.. Sixth nd Morrlaon ot. KADDIRLY TRANSFBR CO.. prompt liable piano aad faiaoteie-muiwsi si age. Phons-Moln 186. Offlca 110 N sad ro- stoe obst Third. fOR RENT 8 hondoome modern 7 room hear. cooTenlently located oa Thlrdet. cor line; 810. 12 end 114 Corhett it.: real reeeonsbls te dctlrtbta tensnte. DsVtd I Steerae, 148 Waahlngtea St. FOR BBNT Cottsge. corner 17th sad Olloon sto. mi nnuta, too savoy rutuonii, e et MODERN 5-room cottsge. 614 Delay at., O. R. A N. shops. 15 per month. 5-ROOM cottsge, with few pieces furniture. ZI2 seat S4tn at., BuunysMe. near ssimon. T-BOOM house, modern. 24th nnd Ash. 120. In- quire st us store. I none ssst soot. COTTA0B TO RENT where s trustworthy ttn- snt esn moke ss s moots rent on halt Block of lend with rhlekeB-booee aad plenty of chicken range, well of water and gardes. Ap- cblcken range, well of wa Sly to J. Gaston, 824 lain 2879. it. 8-ROOM modern Bonaa, choice location, 745 Beet Mala. Hankie a Harrtoon, 217 Ablngton bldg. FOR BtTNT 14-room apartment -houee. walking dlatanre. 120 pr month: will otll letoe and furniture cheep; this will clear you 180 per month. Fidelity Lead Co tlf OregoulsB bldg. fOB BBNT Modern 5-room fat close In. on coot side. I2t per month. Western Oregon Trust Co., 29J Stork ot. TWO sslendld flat, west tide; 10 condition, west side; 7 rental properties, east eld. Csll eerly; they go quickly. The Continental Co., 241 Stork at., corner Second. Llat your property with OB today. FOR RENT FLATS ONB 4-room tat. 185tt Eaot Ninth. Belmont, 111.60. Pbon East lino. 2 FLATS 8 furr.ltbed hoaaeheeping-reom eaeh; Beta, m netentn it. f U RNISHED or unfurnished, second floor, cor ner flat, west aide, both. gaa. 177. A loo hooaskesBtng rooms. McCoy, 271 tt second nour. MODBBN t-room flat: steel ead gss range; window ihads. 200 tt Halney at, near ateei bridge. -- FOR RENT FARMS MANURE FOR BALE and deli tared any part of city; plowing don. Pbon East 8087. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI TURE FOR SALE. f OR RBNT OB SALE Furniture of t rooms. Cell between 8-8 p. m sttt First St., room 2o. FOR RBNT MISCELLANEOUS HA Mi sod banrootat, iwwfMiratw or toemthf; swm mmA with all fnmne. Phom Malm 9M. SPOT cssb paid for jour furniture, stores, rtc. ; prooipt stteatloa. Pbotw Bsst lOflT. BUSINESS CHANCES. PHENOMENAL rite to price of Bant Switch lbtot any day; thi may be roar but ssawllilillj to boy- before oubocrlptlon book oto cloeed. J, F. Bant A Co. 84 Mc Kay bldg. I LOAN money, axomlne abstract, draw wlllt deeda and other legal papera: charges reooon able. 0. A. Johaoon, lawyer, 8)1 Commercial FOB BALE Apartment houaa of II reams; all newlt furnlihed: eoor terma If nereaiiry: In come 1100; rest MO; located ea Morrison at. I Apply Cobs Bros.' Furntturo Co., 180 Flrat. FOR SALE A claen and ue to date ttock of drt eooda esd aattone In city of 5,099 pops lathm In otete of Woolilngton. doing o good buolneeo: good reaaoBS for oelllng; olock will Invoice a7,000 U 18.000. K 65. ears Jffern.l. DRT good stock fr ill In oo of tk moat proaperou tows Is the Wlltametta vallejr; atock In excellent condition; will glee pos session the drat of the yssr. for pertlculsrs write L M. car Journal, WANTED Beaul on to pat am oil e meant of money Into developing prmnitisg claim; sot s stock proposition ; otrictiy legltlnmte; would-be partsanhlp deal. 0 10, Journal. BAKBRY far sate, doing cash business of 200 loaves a day; no wagon or credit Addreoe Rainier Bakery. Rainier, Or. fOB IALB Hardware ami Imptemeat busi ness st Nowberg. Oregon, by owners, A ft a BAKBBY FOR ALB. R 91. Cora Journal. 1125 WILL buy prospecting mscbln snd mske ISO per dsy hi souther Oregon loving rusty gold and platinum, which ts worth 4 per ounce. Vlrslnl Oregon Detelopmeot company, 221 tt Morrmon st WANTED-Act I v. bright nun for Jims town expooltloa with sow; good ooiory R 75. rare Journal. OENEBAL ttere at White Salmon, the coming frnlt country of tbs wast. Norther Pacific now building. In rote 11,000; 10 per eest off If token now. O M. Journal 9R sc COM boose, mast he eold at once: any sushi offer accepted; owner asset go anSM Columhis. Oa MIDDI.E-AOED mas. some experience hi book keeplng. will lnvet few hundred dollers Ib reliable paying busiBess; tat psrtjcatar. L 21. esr Journal. FIRST-CLASS mennfscturlng nrogneitto. with building and half block fronting on railroad: sptoto oatfltj lQTtt Third st. Ineorportttd. If yos hove for rate, let at trv to .toe. ..11 them for yea. fthnrmi M. Ktllogg, ClUcott louir, kuffato. looker, 540 BUSINESS CHANCES. FOB SAXElmaU teecsc shout 1MB) 4 11 tng -rooms. CHANCE of 'wbfliBsie 'hoeao'tohdty 1.000; aa sM member retiring. Oak to with a toVMtxsg 12.500 107M Third 6 Fcf Cent and T Per Cent Farm mortgsgso say gilt-edged security. Wothlngton it. 11.200 WILL buy good dairy outfit ssd tosss on term sear Oregon City. Fob partlcutar csll 107 H Third st. A FIRST -OX Alt oportuntty offtrsrW In a show esse mimifoct Bring ceacers; party snut hers from I2,ooo to 11.000; sxcaUaat rsseoa tar oelllng Address H log, ear Journal. mT N or woman with 11.000 te Invsst I legit imate bnalanee. Refined pwsoa preforred. who will devote entire time end sttesttoa to th bullae tor sslary. Exchange A SNAP Well-paying reetsursnt. .tsMnsjxi 100 per day; price 11.200; rest 140. 28&H waanington tit stain zsiu. FOR 8 ALE REAL ESTATE. FOB 8ALB BY Louis Salomon lit Stark St.. seer Strand. 11.750 North 22d at., corner, new 5-room tkSOO Clsy at, fine modern 7 room houss. 3.ono Finn at., close in, s-roess sarnes. iao-ilOO, Sarrer (t, new 8-room cottage. , 82,000 -26x1(10. tjnimby St., 5-room cottage. 11,600 Portland Heights, seer ohasrvatory. 100x100. with good 8-room house, fruit trees, etc., 1 block from csrllne. BAST SIDE. 18,260 Corner with 8 new bouses, does In, re3.500 l5ew Troors houss, Just tnlshsd. near oteel bridge 12,000 Corner. Upner Alblna, katory build- in. tot and I llrlng -rooms t 1.860 Sunntolde with o-room covcogs. i 11.850 Upper Alblna. lot with I cottages rent esu per montn 11,700 Let with bete eve. 8-room cottage. Gsnt.n- 11.450 Vacant tot 82x100, Holladoy'o Ad dition; very dealrsbls. Scnd One Dollar And era will Hit your property with 1.000 ml estste dealer who are a anxtoue to eara a commission ss yea are to sell: our plea aetdom telle; esad description; we are helping many others, why sot you ? Address Tbs Is taster's Guide, 111 Msrqnsm bldg., Portland. Oregon. 11,000 NEW 4 room boaee with 2 lots Is Ver aoa addition; poultry yard end boa. Call 107H Third it. 500 Homes For Sale I Forma end City Property. THE INVESTOBI GUIDE CO. til Harquim bldg., Portland. Oregon. 11.800 FIVE full lot, near Union a.. N.; beautiful building alto, or e good Investment Csll 19714 Third et. Sellwood A r ranch. 1070 E 13th. Phone Bens II WOOd 74. City View Park tot. 1171 and Addition tots. 1100 and np; 85 down and 661 month. Homes from 1500 to 15,000. Lata 1200 and ep. ta all parts of Sellwood. Last roar property with so; we will sell tt. 11.0001 ACRES sear Pledmoat; 107 H Third St. ffcso view. Willamette Tract On Willamette bonlerard. overtooklBg city and rltet, 5-ceat far, lota 50x100 foot; price 1250 and np; 125 cash, l par month, bee CTa Zygowekl, Wtltemette station. It. Johns car. MODBRN 7 room house ownar leerine. mast ell; ebeop, terma boas Wood Is wn abB. 88.208 62 ACRES, at Clackamas union, oa the S. P. railroad; fine awale lead. If yon want load you wlU buy this. 107 tt Third mt. FOR SALE 14 room, modern, well furnished rooming bouse. It will pay you to can ap st once. 95 Tenth st corner Store. tsoo i ACRES and 4-room house, good well Bd born, young orchrd; neor Oregon City and esritae. 107 H Third St. BEAUTIFUL 8-room houoe In Irtlnxton: leevtog city, for prtlcslr end ter trim B 80, care Journal. 11.500 5 ACBXB. 7 mile out. near the ESta cada car; new 4-room houoe. 80 fruit treee, lue on county rood. 107tt Third st 4-ROOM houts with barn for to It or rent Beat 8067, 18.000 AN etagast new modern 8-room hussi I with 3 lots sad frnlt. neor the St, Job no I carllae, at Greeiy ototion. lUTtt Third ot 11.060 NEW 4-room houoe snd lot 80x100. near Hawthorn ave.; half cssh lOTtt Thtjl et. HOMESTEADS I have shout 12 homestead IamUm- hoovar.dam land no cLarln 2ke mlleo from Columbia liter snd north I bank road. Inquire at 517 Chamber of Com- , city. i k GENUINE snsp for 13.000; lot 100x100, with 7-rootn modern house, targe lawn, fruit tree and everything nrceoeery to moke o good home. Weatern Oregon Trust Co., 291 Stark atreet. - BEAUTIFUL CONCORD HEIGHTS - Twe block from Vernon cor line; graded otreeta. water mala laid, 16 mlastea from the city and la a aeetlon rapidly being 1m-nMved- thi. 1. the chconeBt nronertr In th city today: a 50-foot let coats but 1260. and ran be bougnt tor in par coot coon ana o.i nce 10 monthly. PORTLAND TBU8T COMPANY Of OREGON, S. B cor. Third and Oak sto. 8 ACRES near esr. bargain tktOO. Holllater A Wetton. tit csmmercl! bps. 2 LOTS, amell houss. owner leaving. IAS0. Ilol ltater A Wotnou. 611 Cosrmerctal blk. FIXE block. Woodstock. 11.100: mmt oell. Holllster A Watoon. 813 Commercial blk. Acreage on Peninsula I bats s snsp In close-in creg on the naainml: If von bar 15.000 to tio.i oa hare t5,(si to 410.000 to Intent sddf z, care Journal. $5 000 Cash A nest buy in good ocreogo with reruns ond Pouter re, on toe neatssuta; 8.000 or 110.000 Journal ca,oh required. AddreM is, care EXTRA BARGAIN . 7 Iota 40x100. cleared, all together In one tract, tor 1800; cleee to 10 room school at Lents; toe loco Hon: wster free; 6c fare te aay part of Portlsnd: tsrms. 0. B. Addlton, owner. Lento, Oregon. A GENUINE leap for 13.000; lot 100x100. with 7-room modern houoe, terga town, frnlt tree no every tnins, tw -- - home. Wester Oregpu Tra net Co.. 291 Stork otreet I2.500---HOU8B 6 room, modern, full tot. os Mlssosrl v.: full boemeot. gas ssd elc trfc; half block from esr; term. A. C. Gage, 587 Sherlock bldg, FIVE-ROOM, modem eattsfea st BaosyildS, 11.700. Terma. y Three asw cottage at Woodhlwn. t and 8 rooms. 11.100 each. 1100 cash. 110 per "sixTonm bone snd 2 lot st StUwood. IMO coob flte-mom cottsge, fall kteM frsit os ptac. flWe have the hargot toTreel sststo snd business chance. Hetdquaftart for mem- ABTBiLATB CO. Besm 2. tMtt Morrleoa at WILLI AMI AVENUE CIoot ! wa'I tone, fnllsteed tot. beautiful home. I tooma, sew tud otrictiy modern, house rout 18,000, tot worth tktOO 1200 wortl of ear sin. etc., sU for m.800; tt eeeh. Pbons t.nor 152. WIIXAMBTTB HWOHTB B Hew 8-room hi) sea Bm.1. tell lot esmsax wi fit't-'aaf? ONLY II. 100 New 4-eoom certegt. ran lot on Bon-toon at. rtoss Is; 150 csak. ft 1. Oetoer, HI tt Morrteos st. iHa NEAT hws. fall tot, t-room bouse. I860, Moo down, balance 110 per sto. Bwsilt llth. BaUweed. Mt iiun inninow u black t ... - I- dwelling.. cotw "'- "TE- IK'Wera, "raem aw. Ik; h.Fi lt Thirg sl, one. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ACREk'30 mlleo aouth. fronting an m cuinrsitou. room or we Will etcnongt 11 ivitt igiro at. 60x100 tot, hi Third st Ib Sunnyeldo; half csll lottt MODBBN 6 end now. 11,600 to Vsraoa. Take toOO SOalO LOT to Su nay side: .11 stxset la. m tor. mo svsih intro oi ls Owned: Moo cosh, 1 i ceo runalne water. slf cssh. 17,000 m block, reateta 160. eaa bs In Stood; half cah. 88.500. new mndera m hoass, sleo hare; ttOO eaeh, balaace mouth STATE LAND CO., llltt First st I CHOICB ;B tassteess tots la It leans far MOO Third atki Tl ""' u BY OWNER undain B-tnAOi Iuim.. o..w - Ml lawn roaoa snd 10 do tree, n Bases sad shade trees, sear a esrltoos! Cell et 91 Raaaell or 620 Delay et too farms. omeU tract oad totot bargains se 0. W. r. electrlo Has. 0. B. Additoc- Loots. Or ego. Take Mout Bcott car. ta. TWO SPLENDID quarter block, Woodstock Httehtt. ea out so ii ad tlew; bargain luster A Wotaon. tli'Com- tnena youraeii. txoiu lajMBBU blk. COEY mt Ittl home, 41 condltton, near car; as r THE trait ; nergeia; ere it today. 8 CONTINBNTALeOO.. 248 I tertt at RAVE last completed two new modern tsa- tdearee at Archer Place: one a ssrsB-room houss (k 160), sad tbs other tx-room hoo-o (tl.tOO). Oo-third eaah and baleaco oa eesy monthly payment!, both bargalna B. f. CANNON A CO. Ml McKay bldg. Third and Stark sts. WW bar 10 choice lot In Ike Eimmermaa tract, toot of lrrtnglon, from 45o up; raay terms: sleo 2 lota to Charleaton oddltloo for 1500 cash. Iateratete Realty Co.. room tOT Allsky bldg. Phoae Pacifw 923. fOB lALB lmprored ssd wheat aad stoch rsarbee. satmproved terms. timber landa aad sawmills, city sad uborneB property; x- wilkor. room BRAND-NEW bouse, select neighborhood, near car: price aatoncmg on orouna; terma: pay ram lo rourtalt; act thla. THB CONTINENTAL CO., 243 Stark St. REMEMBER BAIT HIDE PBOPBRTY IS IMIROVINOTn VALUE RAPIDLY AND THAT WE ABB MAKING A SPECIALTY Of BAST SIDE BU8INBBS PROPERTY. BI'CHTEL " KERNI, MB Best Morrlaon St. BARGAINS FOR SOMEONE. Mr sjodsra 9-room home, fall brick St. big lot 81x141, sll klndt large- ssd II frail, twe btoeke to beat carllae In cite. 1 1 barn. 82.700. half eaah. No. 1228 41st aad East Taylor. Owner ; phone East nogs. 10 A47BBS choice farm land, good new 6 hubs bouse, hern, 2 rioter no, fruit, berries; eery desirable for home: tt mile north Gray s crossing Mount Scott csrllne. GeorgS Clerk. BY OWNER. R. B Rice, new modern T mora house. 24th and Wco. Hollo day Park ad dition. Phono East 1015. Lots for isle. Httrry Hurry! ! - furry!! Our West Side Acreage Ij Going Like clone to cor aad school; excellent (oil, obundonee of running water; positively the greaUot anap on the market: large party to leave our oftce Monday, I a. m. : go with n. Scnuyieman and Co. 227 tt Woohlagton. Room 84-35. A BIG SNAP A 4-room bouse on lot lOOtlSS feet rentlna for 110 a tkottth. for tl M0. 5 scree, tt mite from csrllne. In soil, esdr 1800. 12 big lets 50x141 feet. One ooll nil shade, close to 1 0-room achoulhouae and car; price flM to SSOO per lot; wlU atjl pert or su at s great rea action. lro Kll Bee. Lea to. ' l.Ha 5-ROOM houa. 2 blocko from cor; terma t tult; furniture goes with place. stst Lead Co.. 183 tt First St. If yon dealre to 11. buy or trade city, sub urbsn or farm realty, csll on, write or phoae no Jesse, Trimble A Trimble, 411 Marauam 1 bldg. Phone Pa rifle 1701 . LOT. earner 12tb and Tillamook, full meat. Pbon Rld, Mai 40. 112.0004 BLOCK with targe bouso. I32.3UO Corner SoxloO, Second and Modi-sen- 118.00038 1-8x1011. Sixth snd Couch. 18,000 t-room bouse, close in. on Sixth St. 15.000 7-room bouse on Market st tl.ano 2tt arras, t-room boose, born, chicken houoe. tool and chicken.. We have several choir tote la Ohartoatoa and U si merman Additloas. from 1250 up. If oa see them you will buy. X VLAKDEK A McAULEY, 807 Allaky bldg. Pbon PocISc 92k XEW motlern kroera sou. 84.008; 8-room hoBse, 13.000; small payment down, balance mm ao rest. Owner. Pbom- Xsst 875. 8 ACBEB for platting; small, but splendid In tcatment. C. Franklin Button, Leatt. Ore gon: Phone rhtka 2271. CHEAP LAND ISO usee, Cowllts, near railroad: IS arret cultlteted. orchard, on good rood, near county eeot; 11.200; tsrms. M Srree, Cliekam county: good locetlon; near railroad; only 110 per acre. 40 acre Mar Oteekssias atattoa. 13 mfle from Portland; t octet militated, new bouse. K frsit tree: 11.180; term. W. J. DAY CO., , lMtt Fourth st. FOR SALE FARMS. Suburban Farm Home Beeettffll country home, comprlstni 40 orre of th fiaest land In Oregon; 17 miles from Portland with daily trala service peet the deer, aad otetton st tbs gsto una ill In high Ute of cattleattou; nae modern 10 house, with empi Bgrehe. furnace licet. open firepueo. rise plumbing, city water, sad electric lights throughout the house end sara; fine lawn aad onrnonery; sue all well fesjesd: Urge, hindsome. well -trollt horn and storehouse; bemtlful orchard of eatoetod frulii; 18 ictet beet better dim in the ststs from which I produced, and to sow to th oars 4,080 sck of anions this oo. This alone will pay big In I ere. t on tbs whole In vestment, even it owner aire u labor don. This elegant home, fronting oh th railroad. u iltmieo on anon, girmg the fhteot of on metre eaa oewg tree rrom Ont duot what ever; running water la tbs fields sad' water piped to the pasture lot; nice poultry hesa ssd psk, with running water. Any family wanting a beautiful homo farm, with all mod- S convenience.. Including railway nation at gate, elty water Aad electric light, team. wagon, cow, poultry, tool sad J Imslement. te., within two blocko of fine pnbll end 10 m lueto' ride is one of the polio ornooi. lege. In th toto. th flne.t of lands, rent from which will par food tntemt on th whole invosfmeat shoulA laapect this ptac. F.AuCbW I no plea n. nenry, 123 Third St., 50 ACBEB ot Ctarkama. tovel. flne.t ooll. kl.800 If odld IMS week : worth 18.000: oe far yourself. Hull liter Watson, Sit Com mercial blk. SNAP 80 oeres near ESteeedo, lag .oH, mwtly eloored. 1700. Holllater A W . Ill Com mercial blk. SPLENDID B-ser tract, city "limits. 88,000; worth 84.0001 lattatigott nolllatSr Wat ooo. 818 Cemsktrexel blk. HO ACRES FOB IALB; ft Brad. 100 acres cultivated. M crt pester: hews. Ii tors sat aarsaWMtog; eebaol boats hi nl good orchards, well watered, free deliver of mall, teleghooe; 4 miles from Rldgttetd. Wssblnitoa; worth 10.00o and root; nrica is.asoi terms, SI.SSS. eeea, beiaac te anil; ana meesfssry ess ss PUreatws. w. W. McCredle. Vsaonuver wooniagtoa. 1PPLB orchard of K . ytat cotoMe et eltt limit of a beantlfsl town near Portland: all winter varieties; Bust be sold, ragtrdle. of price. Csll st ones snd see owner before he Yut of tows. W. H. Garland A Co., M ACBEB, tt.nrftojram etoaesrtso; sood hessse, tae iswjhsrd. sll fenoed; taeti soil tn America; 82.100. Loulo telomon. 281 Bt.rk st., neef sacooe , . FOR SALE LIVESTOCK. 4 fRBBtt COWS. 281 Spencer t. 1-hoa Bast 4122 MouUtlllo. I