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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVKMPTO, OCTOBEK 19, Met, STRONG CAMPAIGN I If I ! ' h assay sd yon when yen bey Dr. flesee family adictaaa-for all the Ingrtdl eete entering Into than are printed on the boeOe-wrappara and their loneoJaa ara attested under oath aa being complete and comet Yoahnewjustwhatyouere paying for and that the Ingredients ara fathered from Nature's laboratory, being from the moat valuable native NEW Qj MAIL ORDERS CAREFULLY AND PROMPTLY FILLED S AMU DAY RECEIVED. PORTLAND AGENTS ' PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS 10c and 1 5c. BY SOCIALISTS HI ass." Turn New York City May Elect Rut sian Reformer to Congreee From Ninth District BMdlelnal roost touad trowing in oar A start can torawa agwii potent w cur a. W i tee moat Block OH YAMHILL are oerferrW harmlaaajen to delleau - tfdHklOimi Nat a drOI) r.1 .lkol ntarT Into their aiMBMalaL. WORKERS FORM LEAGUES TO PROMOTE CANDIDACY Hundreds of Boys Talk 8cUlUm and Contribute to . HUlmiifs Ex pensea Monster , Parade to Be Givtn by BeeteMete. fanned .IvrlneT laftP lama This agent pcusauti I nranartJni of Its own. most valuable anUeepUo end an :t- t, nutritive ana soouiog uemui- New York. Oct. It. A strong possi bility exists that the elty of New Tork, the capitalist! center of the nation, mar have an avowed Socialist among Its representatives In the sixtieth eon gross. In the ninth district, whleh la In the very heart of the lower seat side, Morris Hlllqult. a lawyer of Russian birth,- is running for congress on the Socialist ticket against Charles 8. Ad Jer. Republican, and Henry M. Qold Togle, Democrat. The Socialists appear to feel confident of the election of their candidate Qlycerlne plays an Important part n Dr. t lerce'a Golden Medical Discovery In the aura of Indigestion-dyspepsia and weak stomach, atUndeeTby sour riataga, heart-burn, foul breath. Qoated .tongue, peer appetite, gnawing; feeling In stom ach. MjoBsneas and Jindrad darange aaenU of die ataauabMsajhowrii. eJlnv en to! the "golden Medical Discovery is 4 sleclne for all diseases of the mucous membranes, aa catarrh, whether pf tho aaaal passages or of the stomach, bowels or pal vie organs. Even in Its ulcerative stages it will yield to this wreraign rem edy If Its use he persevered in. In Chronic covsrv" for the necesssry constitutional - - . l jgtlgariM nViUMlU J jmi euviwuau wa w of treatment generally cures the worst . - .a. M , . Froapeote xox Two years ago. with Roosevelt run ning for the presidency, Joseph Baron dees, the labor agitator who organised the sweat-shop workers, was the Social ist candidate In the nlntn aisinct. nm received t.100 votes to 1.900 for Oold fogle and 1.(00 for Ievenson. the Re publican candidate. This year the Bo elallsts believe that, the Republican vote tn the district will be split by many Re publicans voting for Hearst, and the discontent In the Democratic party will probably split that vote also. Other facts may contribute to the success of the Socialist candidate. A large part of tthe population of the dletrlct consists of Russian Jews, thousands of whom have Joined the Socialist party m She belief that their efforts In behalf of Max Hlllqult will Indirectly help the cause of their brethren In Russia. The campaign In behalf of Hlllqult la one Of the most active and pic turesque that the east side has seen In yesrs, and thla la saying a great deal when It Is remembered that the region la the political stamping ground of the Bulllvans and others whose unique poit icBl methods have put them to the forefront In the Tammany ranks. Seward Park 'Is the center of most of the Hllqut demonstrations. Men. women and children are 'out working Sor the Socialist candidate. f Soya Talk aootaltaw, Among other features of Hlllqulfa campaign 1ST. an organisation known as the Juvenile Workers' league, composed of several hundred boys, from II to 17 yearn old. Tho boys talk Soclsllsm. distribute, documents and laud Hlllqult When their work la done They go Into the tenements aad have heart-to-heart talks with voters In their own tongue. A young women's league has also been formed, and tmportunee votes and sup sort for Hlllault. They, like the men. contribute S and la cents a day toward Jhe running axpenaea of the campaign. A professional league has been formed .In the district. Its membership consist ing of several hundred Jewish lawyers, pharmacists. Journalists, physicians. In terpreters and authors. This organisa tion haa completed arrangemema for a dinner to be given Thursday night of this week at a hall In Clinton atreef. Among those Invited are Peter Flnley Dunne. Charlotte Psnklns Stetson Oil man, Edwin Markham, and other wall known persons Another feature planned for the campaign la a monster parade to be given on the night of October 17, President Roosevelt's birthday. The Socialists are conducting the campaign 1n the sincere belief that the election or their candidate to congress will ureiy foreshadow the co-operative com monwealth and mark the beginning of the first real Inroads against capital. MURDERER OF FAMILY NOW A RAVING MANIAC 0 (Journal Special Berries.) Springfield. Mo.. Oct. II. Jadts Ham ilton, the youth who la accused of the murder of Carnle Parsons, hla wife and the three Parsona children, wee taken to Carthage today a raving maniac. Ha Was secreted from a mob all day yester day under guard In the sheriff e- resi dence, a ruse making the vengeance aeekera believe he had been taken to Greenfield. Hamilton trid to commit eulclde by stabbing himself with a knitting needle, but was prevented by the officers. Ta amahs and hoarsen sss caused by bron chial, threat and lung affection except con sumption la lis advanced stages, the 'Ooldeo Medical Discovery" Is a most efficient rem edy, especially In those obstinate, hang-on coughs caused by irritation and congestion of ths bronchial mucous membranes. The'Dls nrarv la not so rood far scats eooahs aris tae from sudden colds, nor mast It be ex esc tea ta to cure consumption la Its advanced -no medicine wflT do that-but for all tlnate. chronic coughs, which. If net or bad It treated, lead unto ooosumiv It Is the nest medicine that can betster. (efflffliE KNIGHTS OF FATHER MATHEW JUBILEE (Journal Special Service. 1 Chicago, Oct. 18. The supreme coun cil. Knights of father Mathew, began Its biennial session In Chicago today with an attendance of about 300 mem bers. Mora than ordinary intareat at taches to the meeting, because It marks the silver Jubilee anniversary Of the supreme council. In the street pared .the members of the council and the oompanle of the uniformed rank of Chicago and St. Louis took parr? 53 YEARS IS IT0 GUARANTEE s&Jt V' vAss.iaAi " . - The fact that tike Meters hae been be Sere the publto continuously rev as years constitutes the strongest guaran tee of Ha merit possible to offer you. a trial or Hosteller's Stomach Bitters thefhext time your ateaaaveh, liver or kidney get out of order will convince you beyond all dofcbt that It ta the onlv medl Sine you need to cure eeuea. nut statasmis Try day. a bottle to Careful Sever end the Wise Spender. Sometimes we are careful savers, but not wise spenders; and than, again. It la the other way about we spend wise ly enough, but ws don't ssve; It Is all out and nothing In. The husband usually earns the money -for the household, 'but the wife's duty la equally important, for abe must use the money to the greatest possible aa vantage; aha .must decide what are the things that are eaaentlal to the nappl neas and wellbetng of the family, and which are the things that are really non essential. Some wlvee think that the only way l to solve the problem ta to go without ail the iitue luxuriea mat aoo so mucn to the value of life. They are afraid of the purple Jar that tempted Rosa mond, and make haste to buy the moot utilitarian articles In order to escape the temptation to buy something which they really want They ara actually afraid of happlneea, and seem to enjoy making Ufa ae grim and unbearable aa possible. Of course, we cannot always get what we want when we want it." but we should not be so busy getting ou the weeds that we pull up the flowers alao. We need all the happiness we can get. and It la not extravagance to spend money on the thinga that give real pleasure; but remember that everything baa a price, and you may pay an ex orbltant one for a very qualified pleaa are. M you are willing to pay. then the ob ject la worthy to you and you ara the one to decide. We ahould be willing to maKe sacrifices ror pleasure. The careful savers and the wle spenders are those who get the things for their money that are of the moat value to themselves. at The Theatre Club. Last year six young women who en Joyed going to the theatre formed a club the object or which waa to go to the theatre on the aeoond and third ntinuiy us evriy munui. JL nvjr soon changed ana snowed six young men to join, but retained the eame rulee, the principal one being "Dutch treat." Thla year the elub has formed again, and a few more changes were made. The young men will not be allowed to take the same girl every time, but lnatead will be presented with "an envelope at the end of the play, containing the name of the girl whom he la to take next. After the play one of the glrla will serve the company with a chafing-dish supper. Ths seats which will be purchased by some one member of the club and then distributed to the others will not be expensive, for the young men and women who form the club make their own living and could not afford to go to much expenae In the matter of seats. One of the cou ples will be married and so act aa chaperon r t ft Dowdinasa No Marp of "Genius." No longer la sllpshop garb looked on as betokening talent in Its wearer. True. Mra Burnett atlll affecta a dis regard for prevailing modes, but shs la an exception. Others In the field' are noted for handsome toilets. Mrs. Helen Hay Whitney, whose verse is gaining In public esteem, pays ss much attention to her gowns aa to her eon nets. Mrs. Van Renseelaer Cruger. whose Washington horns Is sought by literary lights, la aa near to the grand dame manner aa Would be comfortable In these daya. Mra. Burton Harrlaon Is a remarkably well-gowned woman, aad the fine taste of Miss Agnes Reppller la ahown In her costumes. Mlse Molly Elliott Seawall dresses so well one might think she spent meet of her time following the changing of modes. ft ft ft She Must Be Loyal. One of the essential qualities or a lik able woman la loyalty to her own aex. Sh may be shrewd enough to perceive the follies and frailties of her sister women, end wise enough to hsvs steered her own course away from similar fall ings, but refer to them In scld tones of score she must not If aha la to create confidence in her own whole-hearted sincerity. Women are not aa a rule fair to women. It la amusing how ths .beat and wisest of them fall Into the petty habit of making derogatory comments about other women. But no women ever doe this without falling somewhat in the estimation of those who llatsn. Men in particular die-' YOU'VE BUT 4 DAYS LCPT IF YOU'D SHARE IN THE WHITE CORNER SALE VALUES Thrifty thousands throng our aisles daily now, choosing from the multitude of stupendous values that are to be found on every hand if you'll k.,r t onir Tair OTTTf K advantage of this sale offer and come a-shopping now, Deiore tnesc mammutn vdiuca imvc on aiu,iw, v v KSSdlfn0 an5 StSTwe gi vbI 5oLi merchandise coupons with every five cents you spend. THE LOGICAL SUPPLY CENTER FOR PORTLAND ECONOMIC! price 76c. Special COMBS, sets of side and back Combe, regular 49 only at SIDE COMBS, reg ular 85c once are gelling Wednesday BACK COMBS, an assorted lot, beautifully mounted, worth to $5, at 79a, WOMEN'S HOSE SUP PORTERS, ree- ular 60c kind, selling Wedneaday for t 244 SALT AND PEPPER SHAKERS, in all col ors, worth 16c each. Special at . . . 8ep ETCHED BAND TUM BLERS, very special to close out the lot. Per dozen S9e PARLOR LAMPS, hand somely decorat ed, nice ones -$4.63. One style at 7Se Jaunty Street Hats for $2.00 UNTRIMMED HATS, eelect ahanra am dualities that sell at regular prices lor $1.25 to 13.00 each. Anotner lot rOR WEDNE8DAY- A OH eeeaeeeeVMeeee Make it a point to come quickly for one of these Hats, for the like of this offering is not often found. These ere unusually beau tiful street hate, in ell colors, trimmed with handsome plumes. We have just 76 of them mi h nriro tall vou of here is for JUST ONE DAY. OUR regular price on these fine bats Is 4 that means they'd be $6 any place else. Wednesday only. iguiar price on $2.00 9 tO S3.W 49c PUFF CAPS are here now, end hail hundreds of calls for them from our friends that know well sell them cheaper. The new red en each tnat Know 50c aouiir maoui These Spe-171 in Will Save cials on I LUU It Yon Honey GROCERY DEPARTMENT SECOND ST. Department store prices on GOOD Groceries Just remember that when you're buying. Try ua on any of these specials where die eerings are so obvious, and well soon have you for a regu lar Golden Eagle customer. WHITE LOAF FLOUR, hiarh patent: nothing better made. Spe cial, Wednea day, 50 lbs. for nothing better $1.05 GOLDEN EAGLE VERY BEST Flour; a splendid flour. Very special tor Wedneaday; 50-lb. sack Handsome Coats TUESDAY $16, Pay $20 or $86 in any other store you could go into and it isn't like ly you'd get nearly aa good a coat as this one for your money. These coats are from the beat maker in the land, one with a rep utation for THE BEST. Made of a splendid grade of black broadcloth, the ultra stylish 50 inch length, loose fitting back, collarless style, trimmed with silk braid. See them and we're sure youll buy one if vou desire stylish garments. m them and were $16.48 OOZ.SBJT ZAQU- Silk Gloves Go at 0 RsT I Rich black, soft, shining silk, 16-button 7VV I length; a regular $1.75 value: Very special BBafBjBjBjBBjBjl for wedneaday only, pair Here's Five Grand Domestic Bargains SILENCE CLOTH, or HUCK TOWELING, 18 SHIRTINGS, extra heavy SATEEN, extra heavy table padding. 54 in. wide; in. wide; regular 8c value, black and white striped; mercerised sateen that SK Si AQC Ar iTSSj: Oc 17C one day, yard -.TtV yard TtV yard V Special at f A I V VI.ANNELETTES. ble fold, large assortment of patterns; regular 18c vat Special. 1214c Umbrellas Hurry Out of HereWednesday SS?!. c...u i. - t.;. i. nAmA rr 'Tia hv Inner odds the heat offer we've been able to make on food Umbrellas. Theee we ctfer for this splendid Wednesday special are covered with the beat grade of Gloria silk or linen, and the handles are- artistic affaire. Oold and silver piatea nan dies, steel rods and frames made in a way to stand the sudden gusts of wind. They are exceptionally good values at, Wedneaday Vs V ga wi 98c Women's Fine Shoes $1.19 Pair Lace Curtains $1.49 the Pair A table in the Third street end of the store piled full of them. 500 pairs for about half regular, for these shoes are aU regular $2 and $2.50 gooda C 1 Q and the Wednesday special price is eJFIal The famoue "SANDOW Hose, the kind that will stand good hard wear by the Btrenuous youngsters. Fast black and a regular 25c hose, selling as a great big special at, the Beautiful patterns in Nottingham and Point de Paris Lace and a grade that you would consider very cheap at $1.75 and $2.00. Special price here f J A Wednesday eEI.T like to hear a cynical woman a tonsue buay with her own aex. for they that aha will certainly prove equally uncharitable to their own. at at St Apple Fritters. Blft toaether one end a third cupfuls et flour, two teaspoonfuls of basin powder and one fourth teaapoonful af alt, a grating of nutmeg; then beat Into thla two thlrda cupful of milk aad one egg. When a 'smooth batter haa been secured add two sour apples, pared, cored snd cut Into- small pieces. Drop by dessertapooiifuls Into deep, emoklng hot fat until a a-olden brown; then aerve with a lemon or currant Jelly aauce. Canned berrlea or cherrlea make fine fritters alao. Instead of ehopping the apple It can be cored and pared, then sliced one fourth Inch' thick eroeaweya and dipped Into the batter. ELKS HONOR MEMORY OF LOVED LEADER (Jearssl Ssselel Ssrstas.1 Harrtaburg. Pn., Oct. It Inteteetlns; ceremonies accompanied Jh dedtcstlon today ef the handsome shaft erected In Reservoir park to the memory of Meade D. Detwller, paat grand exalted ruler, end one of the early leaders of tho Or der of Elks. The dedication waa under the auaploea of the Pennsylvania grand lodge aad waa attended by officers and other prominent members of the Elks from many ststes. Qeanse Your Blood! Blood Diseases Bassed's Native Kerbs drive out pais- Sldaer and Uv.r Purely Vgsjf taesV MM anS II st Dnsjssvw atl w a. rear ls Nsrtv NeraeC , IS TRANSLATING HISTORY of the mmm Pacific University Professor Will Civ Americans First Work of the Kind. (Special Dispatch to The Jovrasl.) ' Foreet Orove, Oct. 16. Professor Ab dullah Ban Korl. head of the modern languages ef Pacific university. Is trans lating a manuscript from the Arabic and Hebrew, which. It la said, la of much Interest to ths students of the world. It is from the son of Jacob, son af Aaron, hlgb priest of ths Samaritans, and portrays the hletory of the once famous Samsritana of whom now only a small number remalna. This la ths first time that the Samaritans sect haa aver compiled a history at their kind snd waa brought about by the high priest at the lnstlgstlon of an eminent Oxford professor who died before the work waa completed. The manuscript was bought from ths hlsrh orlsst by William Fleassr Barton. of Chicago, and he and Professor Korl have for some time been at work on this manuscript. Ths manuscript saya that the Samar itans are the original Hebrews, descend ants of Josopb, and that the Jews have gone aalde both by Intermarriage and secession from the capital. Sec hem. which was established by Joshua. The Samarltana atlll live at the old capital and refuse to Intermarry with other peo- nle. They do not believe In the Christ of the New Testament, hut are leaking forth -ta a messtan. neat raeta or an tiquity come from the fragments ef ruins of temples and tombs. Professor Korl Is a native of Syria and speaks Hebrew and the Arable lan Bev. B. C. Horton. Sulphur Springs. Tsx., wrltss. July Is, tltl: "I have Liniment and Horehound Syrup, andj they have proved certainly satisfactory The unimenx is in. mi ww wn jr used for headache and pain. The cough syrup hss been our doctor fer the last sight yeara" acid bv Wood aid. Clark A Co. . Is Your Hair Falling Out? t HAY'S Hair Health reeds Hair-Roots. Heals, SesUa, Immediately Stag Hate Fall lasjt suad starts Maw Chrerwth of Thlak silken HAIR. PHIIjOHAY. Oft. Newark. N. J. BOo. AT ALL DRUGGISTS. guagea with ease, besides 10 other tongues. Drake untveralty was anxious to make him professor of modern lan guages at tho time of hie coming to Pacific. The professor lectured on Borne Satur day evening at tbe Congregational church, and showed that be was con versant wlth'the Ideas and practice) of tbe churches In tbe eternal elty. SOUTHERN PACIFIC CLERKS OUT 01 STRIKE Claim System la Had Up From New Orleans to El Past Company Deniea It. (Joans! Special Beret.) Maw Orlaana. Oct It. The stiiki Of ths member of the Order of Railway Clerks la still on agalnat the Southern Paelflo from Now Orleans to El Paso. Tha clerka declare the railroad la seri ously handicapped. Representative af the railroad company say that tha plaeee of the men are being rapidly ailed, and that practically no inconvenience result ed from the strike. The railroad officials Insist that they do not know why the men at ruck. J. I Bragglns of Ksnsss City, preel- FROM MAKER TO PLAYER 99 Schubert wash at Beed-Vrenoh'a, October IB to II. A $450 SCHUBERT PIANO FOR $315 ($8 A MONTH) Would you go four blocks out of the way to see a beautiful piano? If you knew you could get this, beautiful piano for a price retailers usually ask for an ordinary piano, you would (pake a big effort to hare it, wouldn't you? . . . We will help you pay for the piano 1 By spe cial arrangement with the Schubert people, we will sell 1 their 430 style for $315 this arrangement saves you fr over a hundred dollars, and gives us an excellent refer ence in you for further business. If you will pay $8 a month, well forego a "down pay NOTE Out of town trade write well by mall. can buy just THE REED-FRENCH PIANO NFC. CO. SIXTH aoej BURNSIDE dent of the union, ta directing the strlks. Re received advioea from SI Peso aad Houston last night as follows: J. J. flnney at Ml Paeo said: "El Paso Is solid. All nonunion membsrs are out accept four. Jl apeclal meet ing waa held last night aad non mem bera - initiated There ara ethers to The boys are loyal aad esses aged." J. I Hlgglns of Houston sai ". porta say that Kl Paeo, Eagle Peea snd Victoria sll are oat. Kothlng is heard from Del Bio aad swa Aotoote. ae ton is ever II per sent we Initiated 10 in the last twa days Tkore la a caaajUl Uc-ep ever tha Baa MM