The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 16, 1906, Page 10, Image 10

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Fair Commissioner Declares
Hood River Fruit is Unexcelled
in the Country.
Commissioner TsJks of Fain Held In
Different Parts of the State and
Says People Are Eager for Good
Exhibit at Jamestown.
Henry Blackmau of Heppner. member
of the Jamestown exposition commis
sion, passed through Portland yesterday
on his way home from the fairs at Spo
kane, Pendleton and Hood River. He
stated that all the exhibits were of a
higher standard than usual, but that ths
one thin which stood out more promi
nently than any he bad seen was aa
'exhibit of apples at Hood River.
There were 74 apples In the dis
play." said Mr. Blackman. "and repre
sented the Spitsenberg. Arkansas Black,
jYellow Newtown Pippin, Gravensteln.
Jonathan. Baldwin and Winter Banana
(varieties. This exhibit was ths finest
I believe, '.hat was ever gotten up.
apple was perfect and all were
lected for their uniform site and
"The Winter Banana Is a new variety
and Is becoming, s great favorite. This
apple has the color and flavor of a
fimn A box of them sold for IS
41 apples In the box. This lot wss pur
chased as a gift for President Rooae
Fyelt sad sent on to him at Washington,
aeaetera dealers have offered $4.60 a
box for the new fruit but the growers
'refuse to sell for less than IB.
The members of the Hood River
Itgrowers' association expect that
the next three years 11.000.000 worth
apples will be shipped out of the
r-t ... I 1 . . . n. -.
B r.lMWWn IWU . 1 I V iu . AIM m-
enrts lire was more than 28,000 In the
week, about the same number that at
tended the state fair at Salem. At all
ipf places I found the people eager
So arrange fer their displays for the
'Jamestown exposition. They no longer
peel to be forced Into participating at
the fairs. They have come to realise
the value of exploiting their products
resources of their country to the
and want to do so at every op-
onlty. The new spirit over eastern
is to hold fairs."
Buchanan Building Will Be
Fitted Up for Use by Doctors
and Dentists.
Special Electrical Connections for
Power Purposes Will Also Be In
stalled and Compressed Air Clean
ing Plant Put in the Structure.
Profeesor Eaton Dancing School
Class for ladles and gents Monday
and Thursday evening at Arlen hall,
jnsoa Bast 1604.
(Joamal Special Service.)
i St Louis. Mo.. Oct 1. The Ameri
can Bankers' association convention,
which convenes tomorrow, was preceded
today by the annual meeting of the
trust company section. The meeting.
which was largely attended, was ad
tressed by Pierre Jay, Massachusetts
ik commissioner, and others. Safe-
againat irregularities, aavan-
of frequent examinations and pub-
reports, cash reserve for trust com
ities, aad the scope and limitations of
lie banking departments of trust com
panies were among the subjects dls-
Changes have been made In the plana
of the Buchanan building on Washing
ton street, between Fourth and Fifth,
which will make it one of the finest
professional buildings In Portland. The
Interior fittings are being especially de
signed to answer the needs of phy
sicians and dentlsta Every room In the
building will be equipped with hot and
cold water and In addition to this com
pressed air will be furnished every
room, for la these days of mo Sam
surgery compressed air Is used for
many purposes and no strictly profes
sional building Is without It In addi
tion to these conveniences there will
be special electrical connections for
power purposes
The building will alee be cleaned by
the pneumatic process, The Janitor. In
stead of going Into a room and stirring
op the dust with broom and feather
duster only to have It alight again, will
use a pneumatic cleaner. In each room
will be an opening that leads Into a
pipe and by turning on the air all
dirt and dust In the room will be drawn
Into thla pipe and through It will go
Into the cellar to be burned la the
The Portland Trust company, which
will be the fiscal agents for ths build
ing, report that a number of reserva
tions have already been made In the
building. The first and second stories
and ths basement have been leased to
Charlton A Co., who will locate In It
one of the largest 6 and 10-cent stores
ths Pacific coast Nearly all the
rooms on ths third floor hays bean re
served by doctors and dentists, and ap
plications have bean received for of
fices on the other floors. It Is an
nounced that the rent of offices will
range from 111 to (10 a month, which
Is regarded aa reasonable, for those
prices are no greater than charged In
other downtown buildings.
Architect W. L Morgan announces
that work has started on the big apart
ment-house at Seventh and Jefferson
streets to" be known aa the Berkshire
apartments and to be built by ths Tower
Investment company. The new apart
ment-house will be four stories high
and contain 14 apartments of four
rooms each. The house will be equipped
with all the latest conveniences in
cluding elevator. It will cost about
A large manufacturing concern of the
aaat has at present aa agant In Port
land who la seeking a location for a
large warehouse. He hss secured photo
graphs of a number of sitae and their
prices and these will be laid before the
directors of the company.
Rapid progress Is being made on the
Healy building on East Morrison street.
Already the steel work has reached the
third floor and It la believed the build
ing will be well on the read to com
pletion before the first of the year.
J. J. Kadderly has purchased from
Mrs. Cota, Confined to Bed
and in Constant Pain
Wot Permanently Cared by Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills
K vary Sufferer from Rheumatism
Shonld Read This Statement
of a Grateful Woman
Rheumatism can be inherited ' and
that fact proves It to be a disease ef
the blood. It is necessary, therefore, to
treat it through the blood If a perma
nent cure la expected. External' appli
cations may give temporary relief from
pain but as long ss the poisonous sold
is la the blood the pain will return, per
haps in a nsw place, but It will surely
return. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure
rheumatism because they go directly to
the neat of the disorder, purifying and
enriching the blood.
Mrs. Henry Cota of West Cheshire,
Connecticut. Is ths wifs of ths village
macniniat. "Several years ago." abe
aaya, '1 was laid up with rheumatism
In my feet ankles and knees. I was In
constant pain snd sometimes ths af
fected parts would swell so badly that
I could not get about at all to attend
to my household duUea There was one
period of three weeks during whloh I
was confined to the bed. My sufferings
wsrs awful and the doctor's medicine
did not help ma
"One day a neighbor told me about
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and I decided
to try them. After I had taken them a
short time I was decidedly better and
a few mere boxes cured me. What is
better, the cure wss permanent"
Remember Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
do net act on ths bowels. They make
new Mood and restore shattered nerves.
In this way they carry health and vigor
to every organ and fiber of theAbody.
They tone up the stomach and restore
Impaired digestion, bring healthful, re
freshing sleep, give strength to ths
weak and make miserable, complaining
people strong, hungry snd energetic.
And they are guaranteed to contain
nothing that can Injure the most deli
cate constitution. They are sold by all
druggists, or will be sent postpaid, on
receipt or price. (0 cents per box. elx
boxes 11.50, by ths Dr. Williams Medi
cine company, Schenectady. New Tork.
ths Security Savings at Trust company
the property extending from Front
street to First street one door north
of Yamhill. The purchase price Is an
nounced aa 11,000.
Joseph Burkhard has sold to Eugene
Pterrard a lot on Johnson street be
tween Twenty-second and Twenty-third
street for 11,700.
B. E Lytle has purchased lot 4 In the
north half of double block K. city, lo
cated on Morrison street near Thir
teenth, xne consideration la given as
nominal. There are some old frame
buildings on the property.
John Rebstoek will build two houses
on Sherrett street between East Seven
teenth and Nineteenth. They will cost
about 12.000.
Charles A. Myers has secured a per
mit for a bungalow which he will btsUd
on East Tenth street between SnemlP
field and Wygant
What SS With
You fsB This
Can )mK Oil
Do jjjggj Heater
With a Perfection Ofi Heater von can heat a cold
chilly hallway, heat water quickly, aad do many things
B what fuel it burn. The superiority of the
f m Heater 1
ties la the feet that It gesemtet latease best without esaeks f I
oresMfl. ThesB Aunt aad the wtek eairler see wsSt ef brass J. L
throagbout, which tenure durability. Ol res great best at nail f X I
cast. Poaat has eU ladlcator aad haadle. abater Is light a4
v portable. MllllBlily safe aad el ample-trick cannot he tamed
too high or toe lew. Operated as eestty ss s lamp. All parts f ,1
easily clraaed. Two fialshes nloksl aad japaa. Beery beater W se3 r-1 I
I warreated. tfsM at year Sealer's write nearest ageacy fer S
I The avfr Lamp
-Ty V A-ssaaaajp heuee lamp wide. Give. vTy
aor a clear, steady light, is "owy
the safest lasts yea ess 1-4
W bay. Brass throeghoat sad Basket stated BsaahstS with vY
B the latest lsaprove? burner. Btadsean stssplc sstfsfactery. .ffVN.
en Brery tasas warranted. Wrttt a ass rest agency If ywssaaaet A
I get It from year dealer. ill 1 1 1
rrAJTOAJu) on. compact I
Bon .
The Beat Scooting Soap Made
A ctooarisg Soap
A Metal Polish
A Glass Cleaner
The Star.
The Star makes another bid for a big
share of publlo favor this week by a
production of The Two Orphans,'' by
the Allen stock company. Ths old-
time play Is staged exceedingly well.
and the parts have been assigned with
some skill. Ths revival of this old play
baa met with popular approval, as was
demonstrated yesterday, when the house
wss filled and a large number of patrons
turned away. Not a seat was empty
aurtng tne evening performance.
In this week's production ths Allen
stock company doee better than It has
done before. It shows that Instead of
being a third-rate stock organisation.
It la a genuine dramatic oompany worthy
of much consideration. Little Verna
Felton. the child actress,' Is In the role
ol Louise, and plsases her many admir
ers. This little woman doee great work
fer her sgs and puts many oldsr snd
more experienced actresses to shame.
Henry MoRas doee well as ths cheva
lier, ana sir. Asnieys Jacques Is a
faithful character study. Others In ths
east are to be complimented on back
ing up so well ths work of ths princi
pals "The Two Orphans" will be the
bill at ths Star all week, with matlne
Thursday and Saturday.
The Oread.
Vaudeville gets stale new and then,
and likewise now and than ths vaude
ville house whloh thinks anything of
Its reputation takes a wonderful brace
and delivers to lte patrons a bill of
standard excellence that Wakes up ths
jaded theatre-goer In a surprising man
ner. This Is what happens this week
at the Orend.
The feature act Is by ths Berrys, aero
bats, who do some marvelous stunts
and a great many new ones. There are
Ave of the Berrys. From the moment
they step on the stage until they leave
it tney keep up a whirlwind of feats
calculated to make the audience sit
up and take notice. Tom Eck and Lll
Ilea Chick In their act. termed "Leap
the Loop," present a novelty that has
rarely been equaled In local vaudeville
circles. John Byrne doee a clever mono
logue turn, and the skit entitled "Mar
ried Ufa" la presented la a capable
fashion by ths Cliff Dean oompany.
Claire la an operatic soloist of su
perior attainments, and the comedy
singing sketch by the Margaret New
ton oompany makes a hit Master Har
old Hoff is at ths old stand with an
other pleasing illustrated song, and
makes good la huge bunches as usual.
The motion picture completes a wonder
fully well-balanced bill of superior
Ths Pantages.
At Pantagee thla week the headltner
Is a mechanical man ef startling nature.
Thla wondsrful piece of mechanism per
forms the actions of a man with such
fidelity than now aad then there Is a
akeptic who thinks ths doll Is human,
and his managers dispel this Idea by
opening him up and letting you see how
he works. Ths sot Is something sew
and sensational. It took amaalngly
well yesterday at both performances.
Hart and 00011 have a oomedy sketch
that keeps the house la an uproar and
is untqus. The Preston Sisters do a
juvenile ohangs turn out ef the ordinary.
Raymond Merrltt Is a single-handed fun
maker who makes good. If laughs count
for anything. Beatrice Lome, the "Scot
tish Nightingale, "trenders popular songs
and old-time ballads la a fashion that
brings down ths house. Leo White singe
"Ain't Tou Coming Back to Old New
Hampshire, MoUyr In his usual su
perior way, and the motion pictures tell
The Crowds Grow Lanier as the Good News Spreads
H. B. Litt's Fine Suits, Coats and Skirts, and
Hart Schaf f ncr & Marx Fine Clothing
At 20 Per Cent of Value
wawawh CWtAPtST A STORE. W afat
There is not a man or woman in this city that cannot afford this opportunity to secure the very finest of
wearing apparel at the lowest prices ever quoted in America for such high-class stock. The Palace Clothing
Co. of St. Paul $150,000 smoke and water damaged stock and the H. B. Litt fine stock is without an equal
for genuine bargains in Portland mercantile memory.
Hart, Schaffner 4 Marx
f I
t 7C LOT NO.
PV. I O iFor H..
S. & M. soiled up
to $20.00 Suits.
t7 75 LOT NO.
s9O.0aFor H..
S. & M , better condition.
ef O Sor H..
S. a M. fair condi
tion to $25.00 Suits.
, 7C LOT NO.
For H-.
S. ft M. good condi
tion to $25.00 Suits.
7 7C LOT NO.
9fefd$ For H,
S. ft M. fair condi
tion to $30.00 Suits.
tk 7Q LOT NO. 5 For H., S. ft M. best condi-
DO. I tj ir.n tr. 130 00 Suite
0 7C LOT NO. S For H., S. ft M. fair, good
eSTe I O condition $35.00 Suits.
C11 7 LOT NO. 9 For H , S. ft M. nearly per
eSll.faject condition to $40.00 Suits.
Fall Dress-and Tuxedos
7C LOT NO. 10 For H..S. ft M. Full Dress
and Tuxedo to $20.00 Coat and Vest.
These are in soiUd condition.
7C LOT NO. 11 For H., S. ft M. Full Dress
SU. I O ,ni Tuxedo to $25.00 Coat snd Vest
Some in fairly good order.
CC 7C LOT NO. 12-For H., S. ft M. Full Dress
tPtJ. I O anr Tuxedo, silk snd satin lined, worth to
$35.00 Coat snd Vest
C7 7 LOT NO. IS Best condition and quality
oJ f . I tJ fui Dress and Tuxedo Cost and Vest
The top of elegance in style snd workmanship.
Worth up to $50.00.
Hart, Schaffner & Marx
Overcoats and Cravenettes
? 7H LOT NO. 14 For soiled and damaged
PaV.tJ I5.00 Overcoats.
tA 7C LOT NO. 15 For soiled snd damaged to
JPtr'tJ $25.00 Orercosts.
Ci 7" LOT NO. 16 For good condition Over
PU. O Coats and Cravenettes worth up to $30.00.
CO 7C LOT NO. 17 For select condition Over
ejys f O coats and Cravenettes, to $35.00 value.
C 7C NO. IS For best grades and good con
opll.fU dition Overcoats and Cravenettes, the
world's best, worth to $40.00.
Odd Coats and Vests
LOT NO. 19 A big lot, all colors, kinds, sizes; first
lot, choice Cost and Vest fS.25
LOT NO. 20 Second choice, better condition and
qualities Cost snd Vest S3. 75
Mail Order Department
For the benefit of out-of-town trade Send
caah or equivalent and (St full benefit of
the goods advertised. In case of any dis
satisfaction goods can be returned and ex
changed or money returned if so desired.
We fill mail orders in this just the same
aa if you were at the store.
H. B. Litt's Stock
At prices that sing good music into the ears of all Portland's good dressers. H. B. Litt
labeled on ths garments tells the true merit of every suit, cost or skirt. You know
bargains come here snd see them. .
A startling price for hand tail
ored pure wool Skirts; a great
showing of styles and colors; worth up
to $10.00.
3 QC A grade better; H. B. L.'s name
90.00 neyer wu TCWed on these to sell
at any price like that; see them; you can
pick out a $12 value easily.
This line includes Skirts from
the H. B. Litt stock in fall stylea
that are worth mote ,han 3 times- $4.85.
Ladies' Suits
C DC Will take choice of several styles
W'OO tnat jf yo,, pty 1S they Would
be splendid value.
d0 QC H. B. L. hss served the best
Sy.OO dressers of the cosst for years.
Quality snd style was the motto. H. B. L.
Suits in this lot are good vslues st $30
to $40.
The woman or
girl that gets one
of these H. B.
Litt Coats at the
Boston sale it's
almost like find
ing it at the
prices wo quote.
OC Tan covert and cloth Jackets;
OO the kind you pay up to $10 for.
WOC H. B. Litt wss not much on $4.85
eOO Costs; oh, no; but that is the
price at the Boston for up to $15 costs.
flj. AC Gets a $20 garment; the elegance
PU.OO of this offering has never been
equaled by this establishment
0 fiC Imported materials in London
eJITsOU and Paris modes; Princess Chic
and other fads of die times; worth up to
$40. H. B. Litt garments, you know.
Women's Shoes
35a Damaaeo but rood quality.
SSt O00A order; aeod stylea.
SI. 45 Patents, eta
SI. 95 Great bt let of ths finest and best
grades and styles known.
S5s for a Ms; lot rood ones.
95, for a fine let sued condition.
fl.45 beat quality drese snd street Foot-
The hlsrh oharaoter of
uo Introduction. Th.
fractional values.
85e for bit lot Hi klnda,
1.45 Calf, Valour, Viol, Box, etc.
SI. 95 oenoh-made Goodyear welts;
pairs; ail si sea, styles ana laaia.
S2.65 hand bench-made, latest styles; more
than 2.000 pairs of the finest
Housekeepers, Rooming-Houses, Hotels,
Barbers, Barkeepers, etc.
The entire surplus stock of a Nsw England
1 Last lot 500 dozen mill ends; imper
fects; 5c to 10c Towels.
2e Select mill ends, 10c to 20c Towels.
S4 For 1,000 dozen best quality 10c Towels.
94 For 45-inch hemmed huck 20c Towels.
104 For 54 fringe hemmed huck 25c
1,000 yards Mill Ends, perl
satin finish, at lass than
rfect condition.
V value.
35 per yard for 500 piecea, lye to 3 yards
, .L . 1 1
irngiu, rcguisr value ouc
5 20 doscn dark color; reg. 25c to 50c vaL
Women's Cravenettes
Clearing sale of drummers' samples. The
money-saving Crave net te sale of the year.
S3. 98 Special .lot dark gray; were easily
$7.50 values.
SB. 95 Special lot, several stvles snd col
ors, resl tailor made, imported material;
$10.00 and $12.00 values.
S2.85 and $5.85 for a big lot ef Coats;
worth up to 110.00
83.85 for a bis lot Women's Skirts; worth
up to 118.00.
Direct from the mills 40 cases wool snd
Vernon Blankets gray, white snd fancy;
sines 8-4 to. 12-4; will be sold in singles,
do sens or esse lots st the following rates,
which ia about 40 per cent actual discount:
T5e) Pull weight and size; $1.25 vslus.
31.00 Full weight snd size; $1.50 to $1.75
81. SO Full weight, select stock; $2.50 vsl.
S3.00 Long combed, full weight; $3.50 vsl.
83.50 Select fleece, overweight; $4 vslue.
794 For regular $1.25 Marseilles Spreads.
994 For choice of all our $1.50 and $175
500 pairs consigned by importing broker to
Nsw York suction, bought by us st 40
per cent, go on sale tomorrow. ,
7B4 a pair 34x1 yards, Valenciennes;
$1.50 and $2.00 values.
98 el a pair Largest size Brussels Net, etc.;
$2.00 to$3.50 value.
This lot are exceptionally beautiful and
select styles. . .
Turkey red, green snd gold; sizes 2yi
to 3 ysrds: wsrrsnted outboiled color;
$2.50 to $4.00 vsluet.
of the detection and arrest of a diamond
The Lyric
This week the Lyric atoek company Is
giving "A Mother's Secret" a charming
little pley filled with heart Interest and
containing a delightful oomedy element.
There is plot snough to satisfy the most
exacting, aad it Is worked out In the
way whloh has made the Lyric stock
company so many hundreds ef admir
ers. The Lyric has Just completed ex
tensive Improvements, and now has a
gallery and a Larger stage.
Ia this week's bUl Frank Fanning
and Herbert Ashton walk away with
ths honors, while Wards Howard and
Lilly Branacombe play a does second.
K Mother's Secret" Is one of the beet
bills the Lyric hss put on this season.
It ought to draw good all week.
(Bpeftoi Oueeteh St The iff. rail. )
Seiem. Oct IS. Mrs. Levi H
Who reeldee live miles from the city In
the Howell Prairie neighborhood, la re
covering from the painful Injuries re
ceived by a vicious oew that hooked her
last Friday whlls she was carrying hay
to feed the animals la the barn. The
oow cam a behind Mrs. Herrao and with
out warning hooked her on the arm,
tearing a gash five or six laches long.
The Herron family has had more than
Its share of misfortune recently. Last
winter Mr. Herron met with aa accident
In which he sustained a lag fracture
that has kspt him from working ever
since. One of the boys had to have hie
hand amputated and another had to sus
tain an amputation of an arm.
eat Brand.
Rates Reduced.
Commencing Saturday, October SS, the
Astoria $t Columbia River railroad will
reduce their Seaside rates aa follows:
Thirty-day round-trip excursion tickets.
U: Saturday morning return Sunday
evening excursion, U.&0. and every Sun
day round-trip excursion. tl.f0. Seaside
le admitted, to be the wans eat winter
resort on the ooeet. Hotel have re
duced their ratea to promote winter
patronage. Spend a few daya at the
bee eh and rejuvenate.
Information and tickets at MS Alder
street and the union depot
Mala SOS. Commercial Agent