The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 15, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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I Town Topics J
norma fco sslbtm HuaMacBUHBUas.
Th Trtiirti,! tmnM at
bMti transferred to RuinU M. Brooks.
State street, Phone Main 1071, and ell
chance, new eubscrtptlone and com
plaint will receive prompt attention.
tojuoht imnam
Kmptre. ..
Oread ...
Qoforsa la Oesccrt
."Lady Hantwertha ExpansMst"
"Pet Peter"'
"Tke Tw Orpkans"
"a. Mother' crt"
. .Vaudlll.
. VdTlll
ft la quite a comfortables situation
when on can alt by a warm radiator,
with Juat auch a decree of heat ae la
desirable. during .the rainy evenings of
the winter. In a finely lighted apart
ment of a ftre-atory aton and brick
building within 10 minutes' walk of the
business' center. These arejsom of the
attractions of the elegant Brown hotel.
Grand and Hawthorne avenues, where
sis electric car line pass the doors,
currying passengers to all parts of ths
city. The management Is strictly up-to-date,
and every guest feels that he
or ah is domiciled with friends. It
ha on of the beat and handsomest
restaurants In the olty. and the views
from its windows are not surpassed In
Portland. The busy river, the moun
tains and all other beauties of the me
tro poll may be aeen from ita windows
Because the complaining witness
cannot be found, the charge of assault
with latent to kill,, on which Wong
Chon Quen was to be tried, was dis
missed In the circuit court this morn
ing. At a trial In May. 1901. ths
Chinese was found guilty and sentenced
to pay a fine of 1100. An appeal was
taken to the supreme court, where the
case waa reversed on some error made
at the trial, and It waa remanded to
the local court for a rehearing. Lee
Mon Lee. the complaining witness,
cannot be found by the district attor
ney, and the atate haa no evidence
agalnat Wong Chon Quen on which It
can hope to convict. The Chine haa
been at liberty on ball alnee May, laat
A report haa been received from the
authorltlea at Sumner. Waahlngton. that
the jewelry store of Spencer tc File
waa entered by burglars Saturday night
and goods aggregating In value $1,000
were stolen. The plunder consisted of
47 watches, a number of valuable rings
and other jewelry. Special orders have
been Issued to all detective to closely
watch the pawnshop In this city, as
It la thought that the thieve will en
deav6r to dispose of their plunder here.
The Christian Endeavor convention
waa brought to a close laat night at the
First Congregational church by the ad
dress of William Shaw of the United
Society of Chiletlan Endeavor. Mr.
Shaw spoke of the "Christian Endeavor
Possibilities" and portrayed the growth
of the society by. comparing Ita early
struggle with. Its now most encouraav
ing condition In which it reachea around
the world and embrace nearly 4,000,000
member. '
Attorney for John Conrad, who waa
convicted la the municipal court of
keeping hi saloon at 111 Fifth street
open between the hour of 1 and I
o'clock a. m. on July 4. hare dismissed
the appeal to the circuit court and
Conrad win pay the fine of S5 Im
posed on him by Judge Cameron. Con
rad waa represented by Attorney John
F. Logan and J. C. Shllloek.
Join the club and have your clothea
cleaned and presaed and your shoes
shlned tor It per month. Call up Main
14 and we will tell you all about it.
Unique Tailoring Co., tot Stark street,
near Sixth.
Civic Improvement. Don't litter your
street with wood. Burn coal. W de
liver It In your basement Independent
Coal Ice company, successor to
Holme Coal Ice company.
Tour Eye Examined Free. We are
still selling eyeglaeses at fl.00. A per
fect lit guaranteed. Metager 4k Co..
jeweler and opticians. 111 Sixth street
Watches, diamond and Jewelry on
eaay payments: tl down, 80c a week.
Don't go without a good timepiece
Metager 4t Co.. Ill Sixth street
Rev. J. H. Leipsr Declares They
Are the Most Favorite
Haunts of Sin.
Declare Oregon Lew Legalises Sun
day Exhibition in Portland of In
decent, Degrading and Corrupting
Plays in Theatre.
The Sunday theatre haa always been
the favorite haunt of aln, according to
Rev. J. H. Lelper, field secretary of the
Northwest Sabbath association. Mr.
Leipar preached yesterday morning at
the First Christian church, and de
nounced the Sunday, theatre emphatic
ally. The theatre la older than the Chrtatlan
era, he said, and waa a favored resort
of the Greek and Roman, who were
worshipers of idol. Early writers de
nounced the theatre, he said, some char
acterizing It aa "The Devil church,"
while the admission of stage player to
the communion waa regarded a a "base
and Infamoua contagion."
In hla attack upon the theatre, Mr.
Lelper quoted John Wealey, who eald:
"The theatre la the sink of all profane
ness and debauchery. John Wlther
spoon. one of the signer of the Declar
ation of Independence, said: "If the
atage be a proper method of promoting
the Interest of religion, then 1 Satan's
kingdom divided against Itself, which
he is more cunning than to auffer It to
be. For whatever debate there be,
whether good men may attend the the
atre, there can be no question at all that
no openly vicious man la an enemy to
it. and that the far greater part of them
do passionately love It."
Henry Ward Beechor said: "If you
would pervert the taste. Imbibe falae
view-efface as speedily aa poaalble
all qualm of conscience put yourself
irreconcilably against the spirit of vir
tue and religion be Infected with each
particular vice In the catalogue, then go
to the theatre."
Clement Scott, dramatic critic, aald:
"It I really Impossible for a woman to
remain pure who adopts the stage aa a
profession. Everything Is agalnat her."
Authorised hy aw.
"The theatre I the institution," con
tinued Mr. Lelper.. "which the legis
lature of Oregon In 1901 authorised to
open Its doors on the Lord's day. There
are two event in history before which
all other even sink into nothingness.
They are the death and resurrection of
Jesus Christ. These two events sre
kept la human remembrance by two in
stitutions ot divine appointment, via.:
the Lord's supper and the Lord's day.
How would the decent, not to say Chris
tian ettlsena of Oregon regard the legal
ising of a public burleaque of the Lord's
upper? Would that be tolerated?"
'What Is the Sunday theatre but a
burleaque on Sabbath observation? Tet
It haa bean legalised la Oregon. The
Lord's supper without the Lord' day
would be equivalent to Ma death not
followed by hla resurrection, which
would mean no salvation for our fallen
"Hiding behind and protected by ob
jectionable legislation are place in
kthls city open to crowds on the evening
or every i,ora s nsy. wner inaecenr, ae
grsdlng, corrupting stage playa are
witnessed by a class of boy and girls
Are the good people of Portland aware
of this fact?"
Subscriptions Being Received to
Give Tokens to Player Who
Won Coast Pennant.
Steamer Jeaale Harkina for Camas,
Waahougal and way landings dally ex
cept Sunday. Leave Alder street dock
at J p: m .
Wasco atreet, lot 10x100, surrounded
by beautiful home; 1100. Term If
desired. Phone Main 1010.
Free treatment one week. Prof. Elder,
graduate Weltmer Institute. 417 Fleld
ner building.
Acme Oil Co. sella the best safety ooal
oil and line gasoline. Phone East Til.
Woman's Exchange. Ill Tenth atreet.
lunch 11:10 to 1; business men's luneh.
Wllholt Mineral Water. Elmer J. Wal
lace. Agt., 11 Id St Tel. Pacific lift.
- J. Bnkells. ladle' tailor, ha moved
from III to 111 Alder atreet.
Umbrella Sale.
High grade good. Specials for ladles.
7Sc. 7c and 11.47. For men. 7c. $1.47
and 7lo. For children, tic. 46b and
60c. Best values. McAllen St McDonnell.
The fund to give members of the
Portland baseball club a teetimonlal
for their work in landing the Pacific
Coast league pennant la growing. Many
persona have contributed to the fund,
and It la hoped to complete the amount
Kansas Olty Morse Show.
(Journal Special Service.)
Kansas City, Mo., Out. It. The
twelfth annual Kansas City horse show
opens tonight, sm It Is expected that
It will eclipse any exhibition of the
kind ever given here. The list of en
tries la the largeet In the hlatory of the j
Design of Emblem to Be Presented
to the Portland Ball Player.
TK7II may gain your
ing attention with
words, bat your appre
ciation only by service.
CThe printing we pro
duce is good printing.
We do not waste our
time and vour raonev
on fakes and fade, butr
infuse into our work the
skill and knowledge of
artistic principle that
makes it attractive not
only for a day but for
all time. CMain 165.
First and Oak Streets
before the end of the week. The plan to
reward the IT men who worked hard to
bring fame to Portland la meeting with
a hearty reaponae, aa it should, net
only from the lover ef the gam, but
alao froth 'the business Interests of the
city for ths winning of the pennant la a
big advertisement to Portland.
The committee selected st the meeting
at the Commercial club to take charge
of the fund and turn It over to Mayor
Lane, hope that the testimonial will be
an expression of the eltisen In general
and not only admlrera of the team. Sub
scriptions of any else will be received,
the two-bit piece of the boy being aa
welcome a the dollar of the business
msn, for the greater the number of
subscribers the more general will be
the expression of appreciation. The
time to subscribe is now, and It you
find It inconvenient to visit on of the
pieces where the subscription Hats are
you can send your donation to The
Journal, addreaatng It to the Baseball
Testimonial Fund.
Seventeen players have worked to
bring the pennant to Portland, and It la
not proposed to overlook any of them.
The 17 to be rewarded with needs!
watch fob are: Donohue, McLean. Car
son, Henderson. Esstck. MoCredl. Csllff.
dura, Moore, Schtmpff, Lister, Wanner.
The Meier Frank Store News
250 Women's Tailored Suits
$22.50 Values at $14.45
A duplicate sale of women s $82.80 Tailored
Suits at $14.45 The grandest value ever of
fered for the money As good, if not better,
than the splendid, garment we sold you last
week at the same price Handtpmelv made up
In tight-fitting Prince Chap and pony jacket
styles, also blouae Jackets, some wteh velvet
collars and cuffs, others with gimp and button
trimmings Pleated skirts Broadcloths, che-
viots and tweeds in black, navy, gray, brown,
green; gray, green and brown checks Every
suit well made and finished throughout and
perfect fitting All sises, regular $22.50 values
Your choice at this
phenomenally low
price, per suit
Mail orders will receive our prompt and careful
attention Order today
200 Women's Silk Petticoats
Values to $12.50 at $6.85
Portland's Silk Petticoat Headquarters
offers another one of ita famous bargains
for today and tomorrow 200 high
grade silk underskirts at about one half
their real value Made of the beet quality
Taffeta silk by one of the leading manu
facturers in the country Full width
Splendidly made and finished Deep
corded flounce, ruffle and ruche silk dust
ruffle Colors are white, brown, mode,
red, gray, black, navy, pink and a hand
some assortment of changeable colore
Petticoats that find quick sale at prices
ranging from $0.50 to $12 JO Choice o?
this lot of 200 at the ex
tremcly low price, each. . y ViOJ
Mail orders will receive prompt attention
Order today On sale In Waist depart
ment Second floor.
W are shewing exceptionally targe and handsome assortments ef dress
and evenings waists, in silks, laces, nets, ohlffons, etc Every new pretty
style, at prtees ranging from 1100 to 1100.00. Second floor.
Kitchen Goods
25e Wooden Salt Boxes
50c Nickel Coffee Canisters S4
Fancy Tea Canisters 1
Gilman Folding Lunch Boxes )
25c Stove Brushes for I
20c Scrub Brushes for
25c Shoe Brushes for )
20c Eureka Daubers for 194
Small Scrub Brushes v
Gas Lighter for, each Ms)
Gas Tapers, box 44
Paper Lamp Shades, each ....... -9
Knife and Fork Boxes, each 14
Comb and Brush Cases, each 14
Sole Portland agents for "Peninsular"
Stoves and Ranges 100 models, all
sizes, styles and grades.
Entire Stock Trimmed Hate Off Regular Prices
Today, tomorrow and Wednesday, take your choice
from our entire stock of tailored and dress Hats at a
fourth off the regular prices Remember, every
tailored and walking Hat In our immense stock is
included Styles for women, misses and children
Hats for street and ordinary wear, Hats for dress
wear, Hats for theatre and evening wear All the
very newest shapes and effects, the very latest trim
mings, Paris and New York creations, values rang
ing all the way from $2.50 up to $75.00 Your choice
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at off regular
prices Take advantage Second floor.
No More"
Remarked a lady patron
of oar Safe Deposit Vaalt
yesterday as ah left our
hank. She haa her valu
able papers m our vault,
and It only costs her 14
a year. Fir and burglars
have ' no terrors for her.
It will give us pleasure to
show the working of our
vault, which Is absolutely
Are and burglar-proof.
Oregon Trust &
Savings Bank
Sixth and Washington Streets
Portland, Oregon
Oaks Rink
Grand Masquerade
Also Fire Act, by
Tuesday night fall opening
the new board walk.
Kane. Sweeney, Smith, afoHale and
Several design for the medal fob
have been secured, and all of them are
appropriate, but the on that will be
'selected will probably be on of a
beaver resting on crossed bats and hav
ing a gold baseball pendant.
- The subscriptions to the fund thla
morning had amounted to 181.00. The
contributions were: Portland Railway
company, 115;. P. W. Lead better. flO:
Wlttsehen Wlckham. 110; Henry
Kobe. It; T. P. Bumgsrtnar, IS; Oua
Meser. It: Blunden Velten. It 10; O.
A. Klkerton. II; cash. It ; T. A. Boy.
W. Boy. Corbey'a billiard parlor, Al
Desque F. T. Miles. II; H. A. Meyer, r
It. Olson. W. H. McCorqperdale, Oeorge
T. Hanley, Sam HouatonkA. L. McClane.
A. H. Devers. Jefferson Myers. Tom
Richardson. T)r QeorsU Alnslee, The
Old Gray Mare. Dr. M. J. Denny. Dusty
Road. Utile Mike. Harry Labowlteh, O.
8. Braafteld and F. T. Roger. 11 each:
A. C. Roth. F. A. Pennington, W. 3.
Northrup and W. J. Kealsy. 10 cents
each; D. O. Cohan and W. W. CurUa. II
a en la.
Satisfies Every Careful Drue
Mae to Suit Every Pace
Shape of Head.
BEST HAT in the World for the MONEY
resrteeath aad WeeMagts
Oraad Speetaeular Seeai iTeaaettea
PBJCEs Lower Soar. fret lews, ts
wet e rw.. lion. t.
ago sxt 8 row, SI; last S rows. Toe.
Urrr. SOe.
Out ef Tow Oraei Addrieiad to W.
T Panel niuat be econpnld br man?
order lad lf-drad envelope for
f retara.
ciididf THFiTBF 19th anil Morrton
un 11. i mm.
w.i. nr. Mtltaa W. Reamaa. Manager.
Marine the bet Eaftsra Road ettrtrtloe.
? VX-tEn In Weea-Eyeslns. We. 0e.
SOe- llatlae 10c ad toe.
Dea't mlM It, fall ot comedy and pa the.
" nJ .i ttia seed oaea.
"Pest Week "The Keay Olty,"
Weak ef October II. Mala MS.
-- - - iwriin Tkarsdar. Saturdays aad
Sneer at l:. .
mewl Or aad every svemag at s:is
sat Wesa TSe am
aw fee
Tew as not usvpawy loo Msg
Heilig Theatre
Prices 11.10. 17.00, 11.60, 11.00. Oal-
ery, unreserved, 760.
Doors open 7:10. Carrlagea 10 p. m.
I4U aad TV. 111114 rK
Waaslastea v,,,5 mvwi . ,
TeeiucTUW ad Wedaeaaay Nights.
Bargain Price Matinee Waesssday.
Tk Mlwtrtl Hit of the Seeeoa.
Lower floor. SOe; aalwajr. Me. fwllaa Saa
any place
Saata sallies at ike tee. Par at high seen.
Baker Theatre cT-JS,oo1,0L-M
OCOBOS L. B AST SB, Manager.
Basts of tk fasten Baker Stock Compear
Teslght All Wek Matte Satnrdar
By apeclal arraageawat with Denial Frohmas
.piaig rww awe, w aaw awe; aaiisa
I asd fc rents.
Beat Week, "UP TOBH STATE."
Milwaukle Country Club.
Has tarn and California raoea.
Sell wood end Oregon City oars at Fust
aad Alder.
Do lt Now
Are you providing against old
age, sickness, accident or mis
fortune? If not, you cannot be
gin too toon. Your activities
will soon begin to lessen at beat
Call for one of our New
Home Savings Banks, models of
neatness and convenience, and
begin saving 'at once.
We pay 4 per cent on time
deposits, current rates on Sav
ings Accounts, accept accounts
subject to check and do a gen
Investment and
Trust Co.
romTLAjrn. ouooi.
Capital $150,000 00
J. Prank Watson President
R. L. Durham. . .Vice-Presidenf
W. H. Pesr Secretary
S. C Catching. Asst. Secretary
The Grand
Wkak of Oct. u.
lire is Mam bar
at .. Lillian Okiak. per
form In, Tern XS
Kasaidaan Lie.
Osartrlgkt a La
J-B-o-T h-B n B h-B-w
Margaret Newt O,
Mis Karl LeClatr
Maator Harold Heff
Tk Heeetty Baaaauea.
Beatrice Lome. Preston Rlatare. Lao Wait.
lemtt. The Bio-
Hart and O'Dell. Bayseaad Ms
performance dally at 10. TS0 aad 0
p. m. AOmlasloa 10 aad SO east. Bean
ii ssBt. Ldle aad children take any east
at waa-7 auun tar i esasa
"A Mothefskrct"
in rovs ACTS.
FREE 1 Mewing Pictures
Intsreattng frogs beginning to end.
other Miscellaneous 'SaBlastg
Every evening 7 .30- o'clock. Bring tk
. h I id re n.
Change of Ptuarant Weekly.
HARRT BUC MAN, Owoarai Advertla
F Tnderscoring
w parts of a
letter for empha
sis mars its ap
pearance. which writes
black, purple or
red as desired,
enables you to
send out letters
emphatic to the
mind as they
are pleasing to
the eye.
Tnl raachln permit set ealy the
n of three color rlbboe, bat atao
of a two-color or lnsl-eolor ribbon.
Mo txtra coal tor thla new modal.
Smith Premier TrnwaUBa
I 24T Stark St..
Portland, Oregon.
I II V I oinL thibb err I
i yi 1.1 M aioBLAB raios I
We oal rirai I
JW Jm rlaa natertale. a 1
gBBBBBBBBBW w r k eaWfgwHsjgSBs1
Sbbbbbbbbbbbbbi "wjaBBasy
- '