THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 1, 190. NEW TODAY. R. L.. GATE HA MOVED nOM lit BCOND ST. TO 226 Stark Between First and Second Real Estate, Loans and Insurance PHONE KXCHANGB 10. WANTED To buy for ch, dltact from owner, mi Income profrJy downtown district. WlU .OQ stder a sroirty ranging Tow 10,000 to IJ00.000. Ownr are Invited to rail at our offlcea for Information. NORTHWESTERN GUARANTEE AND TRUST COMPANY a bar nttnfi Bid;. (8d Boor U. B. Oox. 14 ft sTiar Bts. CLASSIFIED NAMES Corract Hat of Oregon and Waahlng ton farm a, fruit, train, bona, potato and took growers, number In family, agea, tc Call or write ua for price. Rural Directory Co.. tf fourth atreet. Nob Hill House A modern 8-room htfuae; good baae ment, furnace and cement walka. fine lawn with roaea and ahrubbery, lot 60x100, on Hoyt at ; eaay terms. ramB AM ft OABBABB. Room it. tti Waahlngton Bt CHOICE ACRES One to five-acres tracts, close In, on O. W. P. ft Ry. ; choice black soil; Im proved ; f3 OO PS acre! eaay terms. JORDAN & GARBADE Boom SB, tfttH Washington UREENWAY (PORTLAND HEIGHTS) The most beautiful locations In this addition remain unsold. Bull Run wa ter, electric ligntr., gas and graded streets. Superb view of aft. Hood, East Portland and Willamette river. Choic est lots (600 each. Terms. warm m mx-bwab, go I SOS Orsgonlan Building. Portland Mlg-htaB a lota. 4 btorka from rartlne. Rolling it round, Rao trees, graded atraeta aad water 41.400. 0X0. X. WAtOOm, Mala 8683 and Main WEATHER REPORT. St-em aoathweat wsrulnge were ordered die Blared at all ataparta la tale district at T a. D. A "lorn) of derided character hss nade Ita appear, nr. off wealern Wssbluglon It will ssove rapidly esst ward and cauaa general rains ana oian eouiaeriy wind. In ttala district the pelt 34 to as aoara. - A Ugh pressure area la central over New Englsnd. and II eiteoda tbenee noatbweat and wast to tee middle Becky Stoantahi atatea. Wltfela the Inflnenre ef thla high preaaare area the weather la fenerally fair. with mild temperatures, except la the eouth Atlaatle atatea. where If la cooler than nasal. A small disturbance la restral orer Utah. which baa canaed avderatrly heavy ralaa In that alate and In Arkansas. Oklahoma and Sanaa a. Oberrvatlona taken at a. m.. Pari Be Mas (nations Bar. Mia. Preclp. Baker Clt lie. Oregon Msssacbusstts 68 .o. SO TS 42 SS 34 84 68 so 60 62 68 44 52 66 .A Chicago. Ill t - Denver. Cotorafti Kanaag City, Missouri Las Angel, a. California... New Orleans. Loulslaas.'. Portland. Oregon Roaebrrrg, Oregou St. Louis. Mlaaouri Salt Lake, 1'taA Saa Fraud eco California Spokane. Waeblugtoa lacuna WaahlluTtsa. . Walla Walla. Waahlngton Washington. D. C .0 .0 .01 .0 T M .0 .0 .0 .0 :So .0 A 06 88 04 TO 04 80 SO 04 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Arthur Pstte 10S Ba to. ell street. IS; Lulu Mabel Spltaeaharg, Cards. W. O. Smith ft Co, Wash er. Fourth aad Washington gig. adding and led. ft. T. calling east seed raehlagtoa R nekton. 822 H Mlaa Bertha Mart la room 61S AUsky bldg. wiaping ana una Beeuierworx; Fen draas autu for rest all ' Tailoring Co.. 600 Stark st shaaa. CaUftee DEATHS. WILLEY In thla etty, October 14. 1808. st the or her daughter Mrs. o. B. Gsbrlsl. laott at.. Mary C. Wtlley. aged 8g years. the sad SB days. Funeral notice later. UNDERTAKERS. Duaainet McEntee Gllbangh. SBdsrtakere and sssbslavera: modern la every detail Be Wars aad Fine. Man 480. Lady aastotsat, A. ft Beasstock. undertaker gad Bast Thirteenth and L ma tills sva. Wood Tl. KsTSSl Brisk aea Oadertaklng Co. . and embalaalag. 80S Alder at- Phone Mala 6186. Lady aaatstasL J. P. Ftader S.,, Tlrd and Ofdes of earsaty eerceor. Phaae Mai i A CUUI BBOS. floral designs. Flort.te- Fine S66 Morrlaon at. Bfward Bolman. sadartskee. XSO Third et. BTFEBVIEW CEMETXBT. Stages grssas flA Family tors 6T8 to 1 ooo. Ths salr cemetery Is Portland which nee- petasDy asalntalaa sod eerra for lota. For fall totWrsaftoa appr ta w R MarkeBste. Wor- ciiy. w ai oow prraieeat. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Balph L. Ntoksm to Agsee Itotwra. tot 4. block 20. City View Park ad dition to Bellwood 8 Albeit Cleveland aad wife to J. Law- 3VI re see ana nerten a. aaymond. lot S sad toss 4 aad 6, mi thai rlerht of War It lag aoutheaat of the PortUnd Railway company la block K. way- A age tine B. Richards to Freak Sdiueb lOT. lot IS. btork IS. Eiberta B. W Stryker and wife to Brit O Fat IsnA tots IS. 20, XI. SS. base 1. sad lets A and B la btock 4. Saata Base Psrk addition .N. .. Title Guarantee A Treat roaipaay In J. luiirn. west H of tot li and eaat IT ff feet ef tot 14. block 07, Ban eralds Third Aadnw J. nehtoaa aad wife to Maml. M rVesaears, tot 6, btoek A Monlton A Seekey a iqhgiviatnB of Meek B. Tiki 1 1 ta addlttoa to Bast Portland ft W. Stryker sad wife te Berate C. I usaa. tot C la Saata Baea Park ad sites Paftd Ttow Real Batata entapany to pacer Mayes, lota 2B snd 28. block I. MM Ttow 10 878 260 k B, Carey In (Be Sell tot 4, I Holladar Park sedition 673 I Kaaae snd wife to 11 I. sad wtfe, acre begins, eg st plai a eeet line "t lg. towHshln I ath raags X east, 1.44 feet eoej'h aecrtoa earner of are- laae 7 6. 17. 16, toseablg I age S eaat REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. A W. tfcihm aad art to Urm, Mi a u K Ssata Park sddltlou Clifford A ok ley and wife to W. J. whins, tot A Murk 11, Luna ram to J L. Turuar, lot A AB Alberts Tknniss s awl hashaad to lev snd - Stork 8. Woodlawa H. labia W. C. and M. E. A J to worth to Frank Dtetman, let X, btork X. Hewltt'e ad dltloa to Meetovtlta Mary Phelps Montgomery te John W. Treber. lot ft block II. original town alts ef AIMae John W. Treher and wife to I. B. Korh. lot 4 block 11, original town alto of Alblna Lawrence 8. Kalaer and wife te Anna C. Smith, weat H of lets 1 and 2. Katoer'e sssdtotsroa of block 1. King's Flrat addition X, The Title Guarantee A Truat company to M. A. and B. B. KaymonA toto ( and . block (. Suuuyaldr Tblrfi addi tion Levtna Staver to Grace A. Slaver, wast H of lota 5 aud 6, block 238. Ilolladsy addition to Eaaf Portland George W Drown te Elisabeth Thomas. 47S 750 lot 17. block 3. I .a lire wood Park... Oaotga W. Brows to J. O. C. Thr.uia, 1st If. Stock A Ui are I wood l'rk Portland Treat Company of Oregon te Calvin Pollen, let A block I. Ports moath Villa ei tended EUssbelh Csaebser and kuabasd te J. A. i Follett, 1st 4, stock I. Portamonlh Villa aateeded Henrietta Jsrvls and huaband to R. 8. j Stone parcel land commencing at northwest enraer of lot 1. block 11, Penluaula addlttoa to East Portland. 100 8T6 600 Frank Astel snd wife In Heutietta Jar Tla, lota 1 and 2. Shse's East Fair- TlSW . .. Dsvld Goesaell snd wife to Cella M. Morrla, Iota 3 and 4 In south block 2. Columbia Heights Meridian Investment Truat company lot, O. OessMs and H. L. Hamblet. north H of southeaat to aud aonthweat H of aoutheaat te. section 2, township 2 onrth. taags I west George W. Brown to Sadie M. Bryant. Iota XI ssd 22. block t, Bvalye W". M. Daela to J. H. Andrews. 1st 2, stork 4. Failing ! addition William Kllllngaworth sod wife et si. to J. I.. Barnard, lot 11, btork 14, Walnut Park William Mllle to Jobs R. HHIer. lot 14. block 7. St. John, Park addition . George Blrrsdorf and wife to Esther C. Boggs. tot X block XI, Alblna Henestead Electric Land esmpauy to Sarah 8. Ball, tots and 10. block 11, Porta mou th . . . George Force and wife to Sarah S. Ball, lota 26. SB, St. 8. SI. 60. 87, 40 to 44. Inclusive, block 6. Smltbaon lend Company addition to Eaat Portland . Stella and Andrew Smith to Sarah A Ball, tots 14. 16. 10. Meek A Ports Andrew Smith' ' a n wife ' "Co ga rah 8. Ball, lota 10. 20, 21. block M lots IT. 18. !. 20, XI. block 4; tots 11, 11 IS. block 5. Portsspouth. ....... Portland Trust company to Edward C. Melons, fart of lot 1 block 2, Port land Homcetead .. . Bars A. ssd Alexander Held to Wil liam Kllllngaworth and Frank M. War res. lots T and 8. block 20, Walnnt Park i CsrHe M. and E. L. Chapman to Ouster Frelwsld. tots 6 sad A stork 200, Holladay'a addition to Eaat Portland. Mata and Lens Jacobean to Frank A. and Wllamlaa Morton, lit in. block 1 Mlller'a addition to Rail wood ...... E. H. Dement and wife to F. W. King, lot 8. block X. Laarelwood Park. George W. Brown to Arthur T. Work ins . !! od A btock 10. Laarel wood Park -j EdwsrJ Devsuey aad wife Fred Barrch. tot 6. block 1X0. West Irving Adas, Arrpfii snd wife "t i o'o. Moo tague. trustee. 10 acres beslnalng at point 108 coda north and 24.84 rods eaat of the southwest corner sf Hampton Kcllr donation land claim 8S0 in T80 400 1,600 1.T00 2.000 8.260 1 .300 T90 Security Savings A Truit company to J. I. Kadderly. south H of sets A A btork I, city .ILV - . Chrestlos Hsrker to Christine lloff. 'kit 11. btock IS. Willamette addition tn East Portland iVl"lS Jssses D. Hart snd wife to Edward Bader. tots 6. A block 1. asAalsy . .... Frank A. Myers nod wife to T. 8. Me- 66.000 S6Q Daniel, tot a. Mors ss, asaraw William McPae to J. h. and P. Pesner. weat 40 fsst of lota T 8. Hock ls, Esst Portlsnd ... . Walter Frederick Tllton to M. Msro. tot 11. Mock IS. tow net l.OtlO A. 8,160 N. ef W AtBHldeeut snd wlfi' to Victor Land eoapasy, lot It, btock S. Highland Psrk : R B WHaoa to Victor Land compsny, tot XI. block 6, Highland Park..... in w e Noblr ana wire et ai. u ico land company, land Park let XI. block 8, Hlgh- roe ahateerta title. Inaurancs , n p.eirte Title A Truat comoanr, formerly PecISc Cnaat Abstract OosrsBty A TTwat eosspaay, 204 -87 FslUag brdldlag. Got yoar tnenreiwe aad sbarracU te rssl aetata Ins IU 1 iter '.aaraaree 240 Waehlngton street, ear: Trwst e NOTICE. NOTICE OF SALE OF BONDS. Nollre Is hereby given that lbs board of d tree tore of the Hood River lrrlgstlos district tn Waaco county. Weaos. wlU sell the hoads ef ssld district ra the earn of 640.000 sa Thureday. ths 25th dsy of October. lOOfl, st ths boor of 2 o'clock p. oa., at ths offers of ths board of directors, st the residence cf J. H Shoemaker IB said district, snd thst seeled proposals for said bonde will be re served by ssld board at said place for the parcbase of said hoads until the day and hour above mentioned, st which time the board sasll spaa the proposals aad swsrd the per cbeee sf the heads to the klgbeet resrsxaslbls by rrtlftod check for 0 mi cent of the amount of the beads for hleta ths bid Is asbmltted. ... Bald bonda shall he payable la UBlted States goM coin la tea aeries, sa follows, tewlt: At the expiration of 11 esrs. 6 per cent o' he whole number ef said hoads; 12 yea re. 8 per ceat: 18 years. 7 per cent; 14 years, S per cent; 16 years, 0 per cent; 16 yes re, 10 per cent; 17 years, II per cent. 18 years, 18 per rent: IS years. IS per cent: 20 years. 10 per rsat. sad shell beer Interest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, payable seml-oaueaThv, on the first dsy ef January and July of sach year. The principle aad Interest shall he payable at the place designated ha the hoads. and bidders are given the option of having ssld hoads payable at Portland. Oregon, or New York City. H, T.. and said hoads will he Issued In accordance with the election of the me easeful bidders; said heads ana 11 bs each of the de nomination of not leas than 6100 ssd not more thaa 8600, and shall be negotiable in form, sad coupon, for ths la tenet alia 11 bs attached to each snd signed by the secretsry. Dated at Hood River, Oregon, this 17th day of September, 180A J. H. SHOEMAKER. Secretary. NOTICB OF BALB- circuit court, atate of Ore gon, county of Multnomah W. B. Edwards, plaintiff, ra. J. T. Burthwsrk. do toads at: The andaralgaed. A B. Cobb, receiver of the eo partneralilp of the liaxelwlld Lumber com pany, will received sealed bids for the prop erty sad sasets of the said eststs st his office, at Eaat Water aad Pine streets, Port ia ad. Oregon: 1st. Tim merchandise aad steak oa hand. Sd. Horses, .tools, implements ami fixtures. 6d. Leere sad buildings. -)k. Notes snd secounu receivable. 6th. For the whole of aald property and sasets. A complete schedule of the property snd assets Is oa Sis st the office of the aald receiver, at the plant of eeid estate, at Haaelwlld. MarasaaBwB Oreaoa. and at tha office at Wllklna A netf. Mohawk building. Portland, Oregon. certified check of 10 per forfell t araet pany all bids, te he ited in caas the chaser fella tn complete bta pureha eeli eealeu bids will be ooened st the office of raid resslrer ea Saturdey. the 20th day of October. 1800. at the hour of in a. m., such salee to be subtoet to aha coaflrmatloa of ths above court. October g, 1600. S. B. COBB. Receiver. MEETINO NOTICES. Secretary. POR1XAND ORCHERTRA Good meale for all occaelone. very reaaoaabef. Mala 46 Lac ret la et. M W. A BVBBOREEN CAMP. ISA seeet. Third eel y even tag. a Bear ruog eta. CIBCt'LAB LFTTBB CO. Facsimile lypewrTt- ten letters; sddrSBBleg. mslllBg. 261 Vk Stsrk. BTBATKD Beddtah hleeh Jersey cow. last Seterdar J T. Mos, B. A. Be. t Port toaA keword. w AHAWTBOBNE LODGE. NO. 111. A. F. A A. M. Stated cocamnnl cattoa this (Monday) evening at 7:80, Barkhard building Work ta the M. M. degree, visiting viujrv brethren welcome. C. 1. MILLER M. W. a.. Oregoa Oreas Camp. Ba. 60676, Mew aiiaii ii Tb i "BBtBssaD: vMrtaoce weeeseae. LOST AND FOUND. saltssss from the 0. ana. Pan w in waai auuqwa K AN. train oa Its way to P aaorning ef October will ptoass at to No. SOS Oregwalan bldg ss ikblr IdsaMty Is pretty well ki roruaaa as raturn the Per lis sA ;nowu. IN ALBINA yellow ferssls bull terrier. 86 re wars Mre. Wssdlawa 4M sad ssk Hsrtls. 1S10 Tyndall at. I !! III! Ill rlw kavan Mtaannrl a Vtoatana area. Finder D lease return to BIS Missouri avs. sad receive reward. I OKT By a no fear ssssll chll- dren. about 80; tost ssrs around rtaa, uoaca or rare, mm te 6S7 Thsnuao. or Iwalness office. ne HELP WANTED MALE. Union Hotel SI NORTH SIXTH ST. Free employment to oar pat rose. Waaklv ralaa: Room St. 23 no: TO heard. 64 .60 Bp. Anderson, proprietor WANTED- Salesmen; many make 8100 to 6160 per month; sons even mora: atock clean; grows oa reservation, far from old orchards; raab sdrsassd weekly; choice of territory. Address Wssklagtoo Nursery company, lYip- penfcu. Waahlngton WANTED X well dressed, rdiirsted BMS to sell Chsrles Dudley Warner library, world's best literature; call only on persona who havs written for particulars; new proposition; llbrral conimlaatou. Apply between snd 12. Ulvht Pabllshlsg Co., Columbia bldg. WANTED Mattressmskera; Frost, corner DavU. tsady work. 66 MEN AND WOMEN to learn hsrker trade to eight wseks; graduates earn from 618 to 626 weekly; expert Inatructora; catalog ua free. Motor gystoaa of Colleges, 66 North FoBrth at.. Portland. BoyS steady work. 66 B. Frost. WANTED enraer Da rut. vrvn Tan at rtipa, flrat claaa. a saAilne men: permanent poaltlon. good wsgea. OrsgOB FUrnttUrs Hrr. nacauaao roaa. WE get week for our member,: a rectal mera bsr. ft I if. c A.. Fourth sad TaashlA AGENTS TO INTBODDCB THB OBBASTBST hertlcultural wonder Burbank'a new atoasMss plum; miracle; big pay; permanent poaltlon. Chk-o Nursery Co.. Salem. Ore. YOING man attending bualneea collrgs wanta plscs te work cure Journal. a for. board sad. P 86. AGENTS wanted to sell aupertor, high grade tannery atoak: complete outfit furnished free; rash wakly; write today for choice of ter ritory. Capitol city Nursery company. Seism. Or. WANTED Must have 28 more young men to prepare tbemaelve for railway telegraph aervtoe; big demand for gradustes. Cell dsy or evening, V Expert College of Telegrspby. Commonwealth bldg.. Sixth and Aakeay eta, WANTED Coatmakers aad vestmakers: high est pries paid. A. J. Brault. Hamilton bldg. ROOFS RS wanted, tinners wanted, sheet mstsl workers wanted. Apply Wyakoop the Boofsr, 246 Aah st. WANTED Man to work la small machine re pair ahop ; experience aet as unary , aome money required; stste time snd plscs for Interview. Lock Box 96, Mllwaukle. Oregon. WANTED Stave bolt splitters: good pay. Ap ply Western Coopers ga Co., 608 Stearns bldg., city, or Boaltoa, Or. COATFINISHEB wasted at ones. Woolen Mills Co.. Seventh and Stark WANTED 2 boys; steady work: 17 SO par week to begin with. X08 Darts St. BOY with s wheeL A King. Apply to Olda. Wm I man WANTED Delivery boy with wheel. Book Store. 281 Alder at. PBKSSFBKPIB wanted Fash er Wisdom tbaaery A Printing Co.. 106 Front at. BOYS wanted: 660 s month. Fifth St.. corner Aakeay. Apply T North SALESMEN wanted for Thompson's Covering Body Whits Iad: gate repast orders snd holds trade Loulu. Mo. Merck White Lead Co., Bt. PHI NT Kit WANTED for country dally and Job office ; pond position for reliable, competent men; elate terras sad references. Address Lack Box T, Rose burg. Oregon. BOY over 14, salary 87. Apply 264 Third at HELP WANTED FEMALE CAPABLE WOMEN WANTED If you work, why not earn more than s living? Bs Independent; do good. The Vlavl Co. already employs 12.000 women: the work covers SS countries of tks world; ws will enter rein spptleattoue from capable women; net canvaaalng. but helpful, dignified work. Address by msll only, Vlavl Co.. Lewis bldg. HOME LADIES' AGENCY, 10SH Fourth St.. cor. Morrison, apatsl-s. Phone Msln 6620. Aloagalde ths Y. M. 0. A. bldg. OIBLS WANTED Operators to work oa shirts snd overs lie. Liosuus given to Inexperienced. Apply at Standard factory No. A Grand are. aad Eaat Taylor st. WANTED Glrle te make alls st 76 First et. of All" ever BANBBN'S LADIES' AGKNCT. 648 ssMatafB tea St.. ear. evaath, npstsaro. SOBS Femels kelp wanted WANTED Girl steady week, at SS N. corner Davie. Csady Co., 10th and Oltsaa. WANTED Experienced body-lroner; atoady tn- IA ' . ' . 610 THREE rooms, neatly furnished; gas plats, GIRLS wanted for general homework; eooka ateel rsags. SIS Seventh at. Main 4626. aad wsltresa. City Eaptoyatoat Ofacs, , , quite 1. 266 Vt Wsshlagton at, MsU B41A NEWLY farnlahed rooma. SS Bast 18th st. GIRLS to press shirts. SSI Alder atreet. TWO treat rooms furnhtbsA 464 Colergs at. . Phone Main 6714. FEW ladles wanted to assist making easy fBBcy work spars time at borne; jrood steady CHEAP Neatly furnlahed room, alee for worh- psy; he exnerleaee requlrsd. 326 Fleldner ng womaB; bath, laundry. 103 16th at, bldg., 40T Waahlngton at. . , . w "T ' r FOB BENT, for oae or two gentlemen, alee WANTED- Olrl for general honsswork; no nosy front room; also elngla room; terms smart children; alee feme; reeldenee district. modsrste; gss snd bsth. 264 lfth. Phone Apply 747 Ullsan at. Csll mornings or before Mata 4708. 2 la afternoon. .. - , .. Ty'i,f"i4ei,hh'TWi'" FOR RENT HOUSEKEEP1NO. WANTED Experienced ladlea' ctothee-ironers st tl tS WBBX UP. cleea. furnished booaakaep- Parlhe Leaadry, ttt Arthur at. log leoaM; parlor bath, Usndry, furnace r bast, yard. SOPH Staatoe, 0 ear. SOLICITORS to take family ordere for sew ; ; J. . w food article : aalea eaay; goad wages. Phone 81.60 WEEK ap. Urge cleaa furnlahed houae- Keet SS60, er Eaat 1318. keeping rooma. laundry aad bath, ltd Shsr- man south, Portland. LADIES to do fancy work at boms; he ex- ... ' nertence recmlred: rspld. sssy week. Call 681 SALMON X housekeeping rooms, 68 weekly 626 Fleldner bldg., 407 Washington at. t for 64.50; Swiry eonrehMhee; dowBstalra; . south front. FINISHERS aa pants; atoady work, good pay. ..- . . . ' " SS Filed ner bldg. FURNISHED or unfnrntlhed houaekeeplng - rooma, weet eide. 81 week: furnished flat. 6 WANTED Competent sewing girls; alto ap- rooma. 67. McCoy, 171 H Morrison, 2d floor. prentice, by dreseniaker. Apply 4XO Tills- , ,.. ' , . " . ' ' 'J. 1 maok st. THB MITCHELL- Housekeeping sad traastsat rooma, reaeoneble. Seventh and Flaadsrs. A YOUNG girt te assist hi hoses orb. 472 ,., . , ; . . . . Abler at. 8UITB furnlahed or unfurnished hoosek aeplng- rooms: nice Urge place; moderate real. ft. WANTED--Ijidy teachers. Apply from t 6 I C. Barker, Mount Tabor. Phaae Bast 412S. ugft First st. laaBaBasasaaasm ' "" ' ' 1 ' ' ' 111 weave, -wee. vaveass.sw UNFURNISHED ROOMS. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. - - ' 8 PLEASANT nnfurnlstisd roams at 860 Moat MEN and women who are employed ga gomery at. Pboras PaetfUr 2700. stenographers, to know that dictation may KvammesBawHSwaasswaBBsawm be received at Holmes Buelneee College. sn? FrtSy rUfro-fe ROOM 8 AND BOARD. , ' " , . WANTEDBorTBd room far eldeTly meB?in'- OBT MONET INTO YOI7B OWN POCKET ": stste terms, ft 1, ears Jourasl. THROUGH THE ADVERTISING BITS I NESS -. . .' ...... Psge-Dsvls School of Advertlameet Writing NICBLY furnlahed room A hoard, prlvst. bomo. wm kelp you practically, by mall; proofs r g yonng me. Mala ltA 26 14th at furotohed. Csll or write Dept. SI. 418 Com- mUlm . actoTTtd.: Porlto-aArfJregm,. tTToUm.t UK LP wsBteif aad sapplte. mala eg tsmaH. A ears Journal. 0. Drake. 20514 Wnsblngtee at. perlSr 187. ""osbbbbi ii i iii i BSBsaBaaaaaBBaBBBmBBraasawaBBa WANTED la eoaatry heme, two cblldrento FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. care for ood hootAddreagB M. W.. . -- WANTED First -class lady and gentlemen caa- Offices-Most Central l nmrllV. tx'ttoaror." ..Jrng'ton ffii IV.ri'lmO WANTED Yeuag people t. toar. showcard 2 "JoBTOAfafc tHTUNTBa"- TBtlST writing and lettering, day aad evening, field THB M()RTOAOE (iU ARANTaB A TBI, ST net overcrowded; Indlvlrlusl tnatnictioaa by mn mZjJ-il prsctlcsl eiieiri ahowrsrd writer. Oa tor's Ex- i. PT it"!?!' Bft'r:BT AMsawesltk ksdg. oTFtCE-ROOMA nrorahrhed raorss .ad ssmple- raessa for rent. Oosdanegk bldg. Apply els- 8ITUATIONS WANTED MALE nt" ' DESIRABLE ofScea, Including electric lights. BT young msn spssklag eight lengnegee- bed sad cold water, Isnltor snd slevator Slavish. Portuguese. Bulgarian. Rnaslaa. Ron- service, la the new, slry Comrooawrelth mania, nowetlak, Turkish. Bagllsh, Atdrsss bldg.. old aostofnee site. Sixth sad Burnaids Ataaa MlastY, Bart betel. sta, Agegt teem 41 L ' r- , - ' . SITUATIONS WANTED MALJt. HOUSBOLBANING Phaas On ton vrw.Tn.n a Tva r.rm.r wanta nastttoa SS .aa.i.taiMtoat at trait or dairy Drat -claaa refaiencaa t Ss. ease Journal. EXPERT aeeouatsnt wlshss s few hoars' work dally; ta efftoUrat sud offers the best rsfsr ensea. lass Irs L 4B. care tss'BBL SITUATIONS WANTTO-FjCiaAIag WILL esrs for oaa or two chHdrsa; will furnish good home. Mrs. W. C AsdSTSoa, Tot Mia laalppl avs. PLAIN sewing by the dsy or plscs. Aaktny. i no bone Fa at 281 WANTED Plain sewing to do at boms, raoh ss life preaerver itrsps aad buttotihslss, sanitary bslti. He. Aadress L sjg care JtoaraaL WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS, peddlers, esaVrssssrs sod street work era, ret your auDPlles from B. M. Plummer, 200 Third St.. ew goods, bottom prices. SOLICITORS to take family order, for new food article: aatoa easy: Booa wsgss; iaoia gentlemen. Phaae Kaat -.t: 2390, or last 1912. AGENTS wsj tad; 66 daily. SStfc N. Sixth st MAKE good Income esslly: our Burner turns common kerosene lamp Into brilliant, ports Us, sbaolutsly safe gee tight; Ma seller; da srrlptlon free. Gssflght Manufacturing Co., 261 Broadway. N. X. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFF1CB FOB MEN. B6 North Second st. Fhoaa Mata USA aS PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT CO.. H Morriaaa St. Phaas Psstfto X6A WANTED REAL ESTATE To The Portland Capitalist Ws mske s SPECIALTY of COIXBCTIBO BINTS' of LARGE BUIUMNOJJ, placing FIRE INSURANCE, payment of TAXES and GENERAL CASE OF PROPERTY. We kass the best of fscllltles for carrying out year wishes ss aa agent. We solicit your patronage. Our .references: Ladd A Tllton, beakers, snd Merchsota' Nsttonsl bsnk. R. B. BLOSSOM. 816 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. a A. Myers. F A- Myers. STATE LAND COMPANY. Business Investments. Rssl Eststs. Loans. Homes built and sold upon installments In sny part of city. 189 FIRST ST., COR. ALDER. FARMERS I waat a few loads of limb wood, say length. Call 426 Lumber Exchange, or phone Mala 8316. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT Bouses, cottages. Hats stares, sfflses. rooming-houses, eta. Land lords will do well to call ea PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. I as. tx a a. use. aa aaa una. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. FCBN1TURB WANTED FOB SPOT CASH PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS XII First st. HIGHEST pries paid for men'a eaat of f Cloth lag. Phone PacHto 4A Uncle Joe, Bt ThlrA WE WILL BUT. SELL OB TRADE ANY OLD THING. WESTERN SALVAGE CO., 067 028 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC 7SA WB WILL BUT yoar furniture any old time. Western Salvage Co.. 627 Waahlngton st. WANTED English setter a pointer pap; must ha will bred aad cheap; stats pries. I Id, cars Journal. 'THE DOLLAR" wants 66.000 worth of second hand furniture, or will trsde hew tor old. Ws re fn,t nnanlna- a laree new aaa escona-nsna at gag rural el.. Bear new. owe mm Ws want your trade. "The Dollar." about It. FURNI8HED ROOMS FOR RENT HOTEL PALMER. 880 Vi Alder at. Steam boat, electric electric lights, hot aad eold water, free bathe, porcelain tubs: s few houeek rep lug suites with gaa rangae: maid Berries; 62.60 per week up. THB RICHELIEU, gently furatobed; SSH North Sixth St. Bto eteam beet aad hatha. "THB HUB," 66 rooms with steal Eleventh at., et i host end bath. Stark; LINDA VISTA, 247t Fifth HeaaeA taping rooms with hay windows, snd sleeping rooms. ELEGANTLY furnlahed rooms, furnace heated aad hstb. 474 Salmon st. g FURNISHED rooms sad farnlahed houaekeeplng rooms tor rsat st 70S Vancouver avs. TBB GRAND. 46 Vi North Third at gentlemen 81-28 par week aad up. furnished rooma, or part ef furnished fist; very desirable. 188 North 18th St. THE WOODLAND Blegsnt modern furnlahed rooma In beautiful private residence. 81 I day. 26S Sixth st. cor. Msdlson. DAY, week er month; heart of city. 163V, Fourth st. Hlndman. FOR RENT Nicely furnlahed room far aaa or two gentlemen, see lisu at. FOR RENT Nice furnlahed front room, modern rhone Wood FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. "TORS 6090. X reesas, furnished, for teat, or sals. Vaaeoarer. Jr. B. BlvrsB, Xd aaa) MsIb. Vanooever. FOB' RISTP Dsslrsbls atersroom. corner DaSea avs. aad Belnwat. Hsrtmsn ft Thompson. 6 vnamoar sa 8T0RB at Stewart sUttoa. Mowart Boott; every thing la shape far oacupsacy; 'eoaatats, shelving etc.; lease at reasonable rsat. Fhoaa PaeiSc 2108. OOZX OFFICE IN LUMBER EXCHANGE, tola SSlT'dXriA.'acS" swXwHWMBH FOR RENT HOUSES. FOB BENT -HOUSES X Nsw 7 room bouaea. Jest Snlahed; strictly riesra. gas, risctric lights, porcelain oath. raraaes, cement cellar; Wsahtngtoa-et. car H btock awayj TSl sud thj York at., uesr corner 24th ; 627.60 snd 660 rsat. I nasi re Moors luvcitmsnt Co.. Btssrna bldg.. Sixth ana alernaca sta. . KADDBBLT TRANSFER CO., prompt sag re- oaoie piano ana rarBiturs-ssovers also ator- Pheoe Mala 1066. Of ace 110 N. ThlrA FOB KENT 8 handsome modern 7 room houses. coBvealaatly tore ted ea Third st. cartlae: SIS. Sit sad 614 Corbstt it.; rsat reasonable ts dealrabls tenants. David ft Staaraa. B4S Waahlngton at. FOB BINT Cottage, corner 17th sad Qltaaa sta. Max Smith, the Bavoy Restaurant., 14S Seventh st 8TK AM-HEATED apartmsats ef T rooms each la ths aaw brick building. Mhrrlsoa and Lownedale: quirk walk down sown. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OK OREGON S. E. oar. Sd aad Oak sta. Phoos Ba. 7A MODERN Aroom cottage, 614 Delay at., O. R. a n. snoi shops, 816 per month. 6-KOOM eoMsge, with few pieces furniture. ai sasst seta sr., aunnyaiuet FOR RENT FLATS. 0NX 4-room get, Belmont. 811.60. 166H East Ninth, Phone Esst 1X70. t FLATS 6 furnished bath. 662 Seventh housekeeping rooma each; at. FURNISHED or oaf urn tab sd, second floor, cor ner flat, weat side, bsth, gss, 627. Ales nam, gee, aai . aiao McCoy, 271 H Morrlaon. nouaexeeping floor. MODERN ft room flat: steal aad gaa range; window shadee. S0Vk Halaey St., near steel bridge. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI TURE FOR SALE NICELY furnlahed houseboat It taken lm dlstely. Phone Pirate Exchange 00 bet t and iv, evenings. FOR RENT FARMS. MANUBB FOR SALE sad delivered any part of city; plowing done. Phone Eaat 0087. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. HALL aad ballroom, separate or together; sew aad with all coareaaeaosa, Phone Mala. SSA BUSINESS CHANCES. PHENOMENAL rise la price of Hurst Switch expected any days this may bs yoar lsst opportunity to hay before eabserip tlen books are r eased J- r. Kay bldg Hurst A Co.. SOS Mc- I LOAN money, examine abstracts, draw wills, dseda snd other legsl papers; charges reason able. Q. A. Johnson, lawyer, tit Commercial block. FOR SALE Apartment-house et IS rooma; sH newly furnlahed; eaay lei ma If neceeeary; la come 8100; rent 660: located oa Morrlaon st. Apply Coon Bros.' Furniture Co., ISO First. FOB BALB A clean aad up-to-date atock of dry goods snd notions la city of 6,000 popu lation In stats of Washington, doing a good bnsraesa; send reason, tor Bailing; stock will Invoice 67,000 to 68.000. K 6A care Journal. DBT goods stock tot sale la one ef the moat proaperoaa towns la the Willamette valley ; stork In excellent condition: will give pos aeealon ths 8 ret of the year. For particulars write L 60. care Journal. DE FOREST Wireless Stock SO BBS res com mon paid company 'a agent here 68 per ahara; company now aake 610 per ahara; will take 6100 for the 20 aba roe. T 62, Journal. FOB BALI Grocery store, good location, west side, ciose la, doing fair buelneee; will la volce 6660 or 700. Phone Peel to 641. I WOULD like to meet soma one with 62,600 to trrveet In a good mining prenoattlon. For full Information call at room SOT Allsky bldg. WANTED Soma oaa to put small amount of money Into developing promoting claim; not a stock pro poaltlon: atrlctly legitimate; would-be partnership deal. O 10. Journal. BAKERY for sals, doing rash buelneee of 800 toavss a day; ae era goo er credit. Address Rslnler Bakery, Balnler, Or. FOB SALE Hardware aad Implement at Newberg. Oregon, by Moomaw A Bobs. BAKERY FOB-SALE. B SS. ear Jouraal. FOB 8ALB Small grocery i Invoice about 6600; d llvag-rooms. Phone Msln 6687. tltg WILL buy pros pec ring machine aad make 660 par day ra southern Oregon aavlag rusty gold and platinum, which la worth 884 per ounce. Virginia Oregon Development company. 22m Morrison at. WANTED Artlva. bright man for Jamestown exposition with 6000; good salary. Address B 78, care Journal. GBNBBAL stors st Whits tabmaa the coming fruit country of the west. Northern Pacific raein Bow building. Invoice 82.000; 10 per ceat off If taken pow. O 64. Journal. 9 ROOM boats, must be sold Bt once: sag rea sonable offer accepted; owner meat go eaat. Call 264 Columbia. PARTNER with 62.600, In old established high--lass manufacturing business. Address L SO. ears Journal. GROCERY store. 6776, or st Invoice; rent only 626; location Is flrst-rlssg. This will stand close Invsstlgstlon. Call 163H Fourth St. MIDDLE-AGED msn. soma experience In book keeping, win Invest few hundred dollars la reliable paying business: state particular, L tl, ears Journal. FIRST CLASS manufacturing pronoaltlon. with oajiding ana nsir nines rrrmttng oa railroad complete outfit; tH.000. 107'a Third st. 61.700 WILL bay good dairy ayutflt aad lea as sa farm near Oregon City. For particulars call 107H Third at. CHANCfl of a lifetime for a young msn to get la with s wholesale house In this etty bv birsstltyr J2.5O0; aa old member retiring. Can 107 H Third et. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. MODBBN 7 ,"5o2n sstl; cheap, terms Phone Woodlawa 68.20062 ACRES, at Clackamas ststloa. oa the a. r. rsiiroaa; nee swsie isBtj. it you want land you will hay thla. 10714 Third st. FOB SALE 14 rooms, modern, well famlshsrl loose, it win psy yon to csn ap 05 Tenth st corner Stark. at 6S0O 4 ACRES sad 4-room houss, good wall ana osrn, young orensru; aear or sag City and csrllne. 10TH Third St. BEAUTIFUL 6-room bouse la Irvtngtoa; ovmei leaving city k'or particulars ssd terms ad dress R 80, esrs Journal. 61.6006 ACRES, 7 miles out, near ths Est a esas csr; nsw , mom 00 oae, no trait tress, lie sa county road. 107 H Third st. ' 4-ROOM houss with bara for sale er teat. Fhoaa Esst Boat. 66.000 AN elegant new modern 6-room houss wun B tors sa rratr. nssr tos at. Johns ear line at Oreely stattoe. 107V, Third at. 1 LA RGB lots oa csrllne. partly Improved, rich soli, good water, oae block lo stare, post office, school: cheep, cash or terms; also 1 acre seme piece; would exchange part for tot aad house close la. Owaer. 110 Oread avs., aear Alder. 1 1.060 It gW 4-room house snd tot 60x100. near rtewinorne avs.; nair raan. ivtrt miro at. HOMESTEADS--I hare snout 11 hosaeeteade for location: beaver-dam land, as clearing. 28 ml lea from Columbia river aad north hank road. In galas at 617 Chamber ef Com- suy. FOR SALE SEAL ESTATE ACREAGE WEST SIDE ALL LEVEL CLOSE TO CAR ABUNDANCE 0B RUNNING WATER. EXCELLENT ONION LAND, B0 BETTER IN OBBOON. $150 to" ' $175 Per Acre TERMS Sdraylcman k fox Rooms 34-35 227 1-2 Washtafton Street Send One Dollar Aad we will list rear property with 1,600 real aetata dealers who are as anxious to esra a commleelou as you are to sell; tear plea seldom fa lie; send description ; eye are helping many others, why sot you? A dor aaa The la. veetor's Golds. 811 Marouem bldg.. Portland. Oregon. 61.000 NEW 4-roon, hoaae with S tots ta Ter bob addition; poultry yards and nones. Call 107H Third St. 500 Homes For Sale Farms snd City Property. TBB INVESTORS GUIDE CO.. til Uarqnem bldg.. Portland. Oregon. 61.600 FIVt fall lota, near Union are. neaunruj ouieiung aire, or a good Call 107U Third at. Seliwood French. 1070 B. lira. Phone Tl Otv View Psrk lata. 6aTa awe : Addlttoa lota. 8100 and an: 68 down and month. Homes from 6600 te 66.000. Lots snd ap, In all parts ef Bellwood. Lett your pevperiy with bs; ws will ssB ft. 81.800 1U ACRES 107 Third at. Ptsdn at; fine view. Willamette Tract Oa Willamette boulevard, overlooking etty aad river. Scent fare, lots 60x100 feet; price iSSO aad up; 626 cash. t6 par month. See r. A. zygowssi, Willamette station, st 82.6000 ACRES. 60 miles south, fronting ea the Willamette; part la cultivation; 4-room house and good barn: or we will exchange this far Portland residence 107 H Third St. 62,280 room house, 60x100 tot, la Snnnyalde; half eaab. Call loYi Third at. 61.000 BUYS the flneet quarter btock hi Fulton Park; high. aigntiy and near carltne. Phone Msln 4124. MODBRN 6 and 6-room houses, sew. 81.000 to 62.400. 86 Best 16th. N., Vernon. Take Alberta car. Phone Woodlawa 167. 680 00x100 LOT 1b Snonysla: all street ua provemrnts paid for. Csll 107 H Third st. A A ROOM cottage, Bellwood: 6200 cash, balance 16 monthly. 1 acre, running water. Bear esr, 61.060; hslf cssh. 7,00014 block, reetsla 660, caa be la creased; hslf cash. 18.600, a new modern 7-room house, also barn; 6600 cssh, balance 626 month. STATU LAND CO., 16SH First st. X CHOICE business tots la St. Johns for 6000 each this wssg; must rawa money, can lot H Third St. BY OWNER, modern 6-room bouse: finely nntsnsd 1 aatoa aaa out, prick basement, barn, lawn, roses aad shade trees, near S carl lass. Csll at SI Bag sail or gXO Delay st. 600 FABMA all tracts and lotsi bargalaa aa 0. W. P. electric lias. O. R. Addltna, Lents. Oregon. Take Mouat Been ear. Be. TWO SPLENDID quarter blocks, Woodstock Heights: unsurpassed view; bargain; see them yoursslf. Hoi lister A Watson. 618 Com mercial blk. HOLLA DA Y'S ADDITION M block. S dwellings, cement Dssements. iswa. trail, flowers, cement sidewalk; cheep for caak. 878 last Third St., north. COSY llttls boms, AI condition, nssr car; high, some fruit: a bdrgata; see It today. THB CONTINENTAL CO., ttt Stark st. WE HAVB lust completed two new ldences st Archer Plscs: one s (63.1501. sad the other a six (61.6 0). Oaa-third cssh sad bslsnce on saer ntniy psymenie nota Bargains. a. r. uaanun 41 w., McKay bldg. Third and Stark sta. NEAT home, full tot. 6-room ho aaa. 6; tsoo Eeet 18th. down. balsBcs $10 per month. 1604 He 1 1 wood. VR have 10 choice Iota la the Elmmerman tract, aaat of lrvtngtou. from 6460 ap; easy terms: seen 2 lots lo Chsrles ton addition for 6600 cash, lnterstste Reslty Co.. room 807 Allsky bnfg. Phone PecISc ttt. FOB SALE Improved sad unimproved farms, Whsst and stock ranches, limner loads aad saw ml us, city aaa suvexraaa property; ox changes a epeeialty. Turnsr turner a wsixsr. 4. bohuj wssnmgtoa st BRAND NEW bouse, select neighborhood, csr; prices sdvsnctn sll sroowd; terms - ,1.1. ssar per THB CONTINENTAL CO.. Sag Stsrk st REMEMBER BAST SIDE PROPERTY IB IMPROVING IN VALUE BAPTDLY AND THAT WB ABE MAKING A SPECIALTY OF EAST BID! BUSINESS PROPERTY. BUCHTRL A KERNS. 66 East Morrison St. BARGAINS FOR SOMBONB. My modsra 6-room ham. Mil brl meat, big tot 66x141. all kinds Urge and email fruit, two blocks to best earllne Ta eltr. small barn. 62 .700, half cask. No. llS 4 let and Bast Taylor. Owner; phone Boot 638 10 ACHES r holes farm lead, gosd asw 4 earn. 2 cisterns, fruit, berries ; vera desirable for hog.; t, mile rrssalagi Mount BBotl esr lias. ncrrtk Onr'r Ueorgs Clark. FOX SALE REAL ESTATE Wc Will Guarantee 8 Per cent OB SUMS OP $3,000 and up FIRST-CLASS SECURITY. Impossible" YOU SAY. WELL, YOUB MONBYBD FBIBNDS DID NOT MAKB j v ."- - 'v :', - Their Fortunes AT 4 per cent JON'T BB DOUBTFUL INVBSTIOATB. Schuyleman & Co. Rooms 34-35 227 1-2 Washintfon Street BY OWNER, B, B. Rice, new modern 7-room hoaae. 34 th aad Waaco. Holla day Park ad- new. rem, uii juese. ou xor ssie. A BIO SNAP A 4-room houss oa tot 100x108 feet, renting for 810 a month, tor 81.200. I seres. mile frees csrllne. go safl. only 600. It big lots 50x146 teat, tee soli Bad shade, close to 10-room scboolhouss sad car; pries 6160 te 6200 per tot; wlU sell part er all at a groat reduction. Ira KI! bora. Leats, Oregon. 61.100 6 ROOM house, t blocks from oar; terms te salt; furniture goes with pises. State Lead Co.. 188 Flrat st. IF yea desire to sell, hay or trade etty, sub us. Jenne. Trimble a Trimble, 411 Marcjuam LOT. 12th sad Tills saook. roll hapre-s- Mala 40. FOB SALE -1 house sad t lota for 8760. la- si bis mscisay mag. $150 per Acre Two I aad 10-acre tracts; Has spring, aome bssvsrdsm; close to car. school aad town; weet elds; s aaap. Boom 64, 227 Sk Waahtngtoa st. FOB SALE 63S6 Lot 100x100. cleea to good gruuou atreet. civ water and minutes' rids from renter of cltr: heat It at this price: tlO month. If vsa Bke beat it at thla price. MO PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OP OREGON. A ft. Cor. Third aad Oak eta. FOR SAL-t FARME Suburban Farm Home Besattfal errantry horns, comnruin. so . or ure t uvea 1 iana in Oregon; 17 miles Portland, with daily trata service psst miles from st the floor . sad station at the gate; Is ad all la blah state ef cultivation: fine modern lO-eeXa houas with smnle porches, furnace heat, t !?'J!lmkJ' ' wstsr, and electric lights throughout the hoaae aad barn: fine lawn aad ahrnkhars: ail well hero ..d fenced; large, handaoms. wall storshoass: beautiful woks. sutlfnl orchard of ss lor tad ii J? heeverAam la tha state J"" WA "l. produced, sod Is now In tha burn 4.000 sacks of onions this Bassos. This stone will pay big Interest on ths whole la vestment, ova If owaer hires all labor dons This elegant home, fronting oa the railroad, to sltusterl oo ,g knoll, alvlng the ftoeat of ers mage aad being free from any dust whatever- running water In the fields and water piped to the pea tare tot; alee poultry houss ssM tarks. with rsaaalag wstsr. A ay family wanting a beautiful hoove farm, with sll mod era conveniences. Including railway station st the gate, city water aad electric light, team wsgnn. cow, poultry, tools and lm, etc.. within two blocks of fine pnbtj and 10 minutes' ride to one of the leges tn the state, the finest ef Ua --a"-, ..v-'-i "". i sua lmpiaensBts hll school. hs heat col or I.eSe from which wlU ear a snag .w. whole Investment, should taapoet thla lace F.titaib.dtCh" H"r, 1M H - 60 ACRES at Clackamas, level. Snsst soil 38.500 If sold this week; worth 86.000- aes for yourself. Hollkjtsr A Watson, 818 CW merrlal blk. SNAP 80 acrse near Esucada. Saa soil aaall. etoarsd. 6700. Holllstsr A Watson. 818 Com' merrlal blk. ' SPLENDID Asere trset. city Usoita, 68,000 ..f-XiT' " . r.,L - A Wat 818 Commercial blk. 810 ACRES FOR SALB: fenced. 106 cultlrsted. SO seres psstsrs; hoaae. laree bara sad outbuildings; achoolbouea I pTace: good orckards. well wstered. free delivery of mall, telephone; 4 milss ram RMgeflsl WBBhlngtca; worth 611X00 ami morsT pries 66.000; terms, ts.ood ess, ketone, ta suit; tlockS?J?,lM,')r reePereksseA W. W. McCredlo, Vsneowver, Waahfngtoa. $1T5 per Acre aa west side, level IN BBS BIS, 861 BStBV SVBUI TJI 7V IlITBllfyS, M crk of pWDdltl wmtr; eloM to Mbool, tar- fine state of cultlvstlon. Mr20i?,LgnD, "!?tUm u Boetbeast TIMBER 166 Acres Nesrly all level, leod; sera, cleared, balance win cat 6,000,000 ysIVrw fir; within s mil. and a naif of ths mllsboro Oswsaro esiiro.n- exeeiient tie proposition; timber si oaa mora man faaya tor two lans; sen Isnt bay; owner mast sell. Schuyleman & Co. Boom 64-SS. 227 H Wssglagtoa St. IF TOP want to ssll year Umber la Creek, Klamath and Lake counties, singes claims aad large tracts, sswd aa yoar dsscrlsttoas aad net cash nrtoe, as era era handling timber every gay la the shoes roantlea. Oregg Bros 64 Sixth st., SIT sad 818 Fenton hid , Port: laad. Oregon. rtuias Live 400 acres choice trmbar. jeUI crula. IA 000,- 66 feet, oa Nehalsm. JAM0 MBBJUUB sf ilsitns tit Abtagtaa kessj.