The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 14, 1906, Page 9, Image 9

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t hook at all the ranges that are being advertised, but before you buy, examine "The Laurel". Its points
as shown on the illustration below, wffl appeal forcibly to every economy loving and intelligent buyer
Town Topics
Suggested That Proposed Tun
nel Be Constructed of Rein
forced Concrete, Not Steel.
Tha Journal tntqf at Salem h
been transferred '- Russen If. Brooks,
headquarter! at Capitol Drue Store, 404
State street. Phone Main 171, and all
changes, new aubacrlptlona and ' com
plaints will receive prompt attention.
Citizen Writes of Inhuman Treat
ment Alleged to Have Been
Given Prisoner.
mlm fU eseeeaeUsJ
ra SgSgaJSaaV essf BMafcssjcJVcs' Msgfl
Vmnlre "leta FatBMa
MoT H i M MM . . laSwbaja
snmsBsntmmiiiniuinniiiiimiimiiiiis ii lava. to
1'astaaes VBsdstlBe
The remains Oj A. R W. Ooold, su
perintendent of construction at the
Vancouver barracks, will be shipped to
his home at Brantford, Ontario. Canada;
this afternoon from the undertaking
parlors of Erlcaon Co., where they
have bean bald awaiting the arrival of
the brother of the deceased. Mr. Ooold
died Sunday, October 7, a weak ago. in
this city. The brother arrived In tba
ol ty yesterday and will accompany the
casket to Its destination.
Our suooeea in tailoring Is becrbse of
ur broad plan of giving good values all
the year, with no latent of making big
proflta Wo carry a largo stock of tba
very latest pattern and make any suit
In th house to order for 111; no more,
bo las, and w guarantee these to be
th earn as other charge M and 140.
A call will convince you that this la
true. Unique Tailoring company, SOS
Stark street, near Sixth.
Plant Slbaon' Roses If interested In
rose write or phone th Slbson Rose
Nureerle , for their now catalogue.
Mailed fro on application. Vartetle
are selected. Quality th very boat.
Prices are right. Largest exclusive roo
grower and distributor hi tba north
wast. No agent or solicitor. Office
and nurseries 1180 Mllwauki avenue.
Phone East ltl.
'The Good and Bad of Trade Union
Ism" will be the subject for discussion
at tba' PeepbV Forum tonight. Hon.
A. A. Baileyaenator-elect. will deliver
the principal speech, after which the
floor VI 11 be open to the audience. Th
forum will moot In the Selling-Hirsoh
building. Tenth and Washington streets,
and will be called to order promptly
at 7:10 o'clock
Sheriff Ed Rand of Baker county
passed through Portland yesterday on
hi way to Salem with two prisoners.
While waiting for the afternoon train
for Salem the prisoner war confined
la th county Jail. One of them will
serve a sentence of three yean for
horse stealing. Taa- other waa sen
tenced to II months for larceny.
We save you 50 cants a step If you
walk upstairs to our fin tailoring es
tablishment, second floor Raleigh build
ing. 12! "Washington street. If you rid
on th elevator we save you 60 cents a
second, and tba clothes wa make for
you will fit like the glove on a charm
ing woman's hand. We are Armstrong
th Tailor, and everybody knows ua.
Charles Lomerine, manager of the
Steel Bridge Fuel company, declares
that hi firm has not been absorbed by
th syndicate headed by O. W. Steel,
but la Mill doing business on an Inde
pendent basis, a. similar statement Is
made by officials of the Sunnyslde, Fuel
Flowers for th Parlor. Mart a few
pot of flowering- bulbs for winter
bloom. Easy to grow, handsome. Inter
esting and Inexpensive. Our handsome
ly Illustrated and descriptive oatalogu
tell all. Phone Main 471. or call Port,
land Bead company. Front and Yamhill
Tou come to our. gallery any time oe
tereen 1 and S o'clock today and barb
that photo taken. This Is th busy
man's day. Sittings at any time all the
week, and today Juat for your special
benefit. E. W. Moor, expert photogra
pher. Elks- building. Seventh and Stark'
John McKle, a well-known Scotchman
of St. Helens. Oregon, has been re
ported to th polio as missing since
last Tuesday. On that day he came to
Portland to collect some money due
htm from the Portland Railway com
pany and haa not been san since.
The ladles' auxiliary of Novas Zedek
Talmud Torah are giving a dance at
Neighborhood guild, First and Hall.
Sunday evening. October 14. Dancing
at o'clock sharp, and Parson's orches
tra will plsy. Admission It cents.
In th -course of sermons which the
Rev. J. B. H. Simpson is preaching at
St. Mark's church, corner of Nineteenth
and Qutmby streets, on Sunday even
ings, th subject for tonight will be
"Whatls th Uss of a Creed r
Diamonds, watches and jewelry on
easy payments at tea than elsewhere
for cash. Ws give you possession when
making first payment, demand no se
curity, charge no Interest. Marx 4
Bloch. T4 Third street.
Joseph T. Ennl began suit in the
circuit court yesterday afternoon for a
divorce from Hattle Ennl on the
"Sticklers forQuality'
Comes in the pur metal and sev
eral grades of plating. It Is A mer
c handle offering large opportun
ities for deception, it always
Bys to buy from reliable jewelry
. uses Bonoerns that are always
bars, constantly dealing with
friends and neighbors. We have
th most skilled silversmiths to
be had, snd guarantee all our
ThcG. HeitkemperCo.
"Jfceweert Pilisg Jewelry Mows
Proposition Is Being Considered Se
riously by Those Who Have the
Problem to Solve for City's Water
Faming Victims.
That th proposed second squeduct
from Bull Run to th city be built of
reinforced concrete I th auggeation
that has been mad to th water board
and which is now being Investigated, by
Its member.
At th last meeting of the board a
communication was read from E. O.
Spltsner, calling attention to th ad
vlslblllty of using reinforced concrete
for this projected tunnel. Mr. Spltsner
Is not oonnected with any contracting
company, and mad the suggestion sim
ply as a cttlsen Interested in the water
system of Portland.
The proposed now pip Una Is being
seriously discussed, not only by th
thousands of people who war short of
water during test July and August, but
also by tha members of the water board,
which is generally alow to take up any
new prop nasi.
The oast, of th project has been
roughly estimated at from 11,100,000 to
It is declared that the Increase of
papulation In Portland Is so rapid that
if conatructlon of the additional pipeline
doe not commence within a year or two
the city as a whole will be short of
water to three or four years. It Is ex
pected that at least two year will be
required for the construction of the
aqueduct. For this reason th offi
cials are being urged to take th pre
liminary step without delay.
Thoee who favor reinforced concrete
point to the aqueducts the Romans built
centuries ago, and which have withstood
the wear of time in a remarkable man
ner. These have no -reinforcements of
eteel bars. A number of cities in
Franc and Germany have recently built
huge water tunnels of reinforced con
crete. While representatives of the concrete
companies say the coat of such an aque
duct will be cheaper than u, constructed
of steel pipe, a number of property
owners who have been looking Into the
matter declare that they would be will
ing to pay a slightly higher original
price for the pipeline if there was any
aaaurance the city would benefit by a
permanent tunnel. Iron pipe would
have to be renewed every do sen years
or so.
Already on the prevent pipeline elec
trolysis has made Itself apparent by
working . minute holes through the
metal pipe. Even if the pipe is covered
with a coating of asphalt, as has bosh
suggeeted. th effect of the runaway
electricity will always be felt. It is
Engineer Clark of the water depart
ment haa been instructed to look Into
the ad visibility of using relnferced con
crete, and It Is expected that he will
soon report his findings to th hoard.
ground of desertion beginning in Octo
ber, l04. They were married at La
Oentei. Washington, in April. 114, and
have three children, aged 11, snd
years, skints asks for th custody of
the oldest child. Leslie. R. L. Olisan
and L E. Crouch M r as attorneys
for Ennls.
This will remind you that now ts the
time to have your hair mattreeaaa reno
vated and returned the nam day. "phone
Main 474. The Portland Curled Hair
Factory, H. Metxger. proprietor.
Civic Improvement. Don't litter your
treat with wood. Barn coal. We de
liver It In your basement. Independent
Coal Ice company, successor to
Holmes Coal At la company.
Last Dance Tonight The "fare
well' dance at "The Oaks'' dancing pa
vilion takea place tonight. Two beauti
ful floor prises will be given, and ladles
are admitted free.
Tour Byes Examined Free. We are
still selling eyeglasses at 11. oo. A per
fect Bt guaranteed. Metsger Co..
Jewelers and optlclana. Ill Sixth street.
Watches, diamonds and Jewelry on
easy payments; tl down, 60c a week
Don't go without a good timepiece
Metsger A Co.. Ill Sixth street
Vulcanite Rubber Roofing, the beet
quality ready roofing manufactured. F.
K. Beach A Co.. the Pioneer Paint com
pany, agents, ll( First street.
Steamer Jessie Harktns for Camas,
Washougal and way landings dally ex
cept Sunday. Leaves Alder street dock
at t p. m.
Slabwood. long and abort; quick de
livery: low price. Phone Beat 4.
Standard Box a Lumber company.
Wanted A bright xoung man In tha
advertising department of The Journal.
Apply business office.
Free treatment one week. Professor
Elder, graduate Wellman Institute 417
Fleldner building.
Acme OO Co. sells the best safety ooal
ell and One gasoline. Phone Beat 7l.
Ladles' and men's bats clean1 and
blocked. 241 H Alder, between Second
and Third.
Wllholt Mineral Water. Elmer J. Wal
lace. Agt.. 1st M St. TL Pacific inc.
t. Bnkella. lsdtes tsllor. has moved
from SSI to SSI Alder street
For Quality. Quantity and Quickness,
go to Morris- restaurant.
Wooster sell everything
Ladles who appreciate courtesy aa
well ad elegant trimmed hats throng
our stors dally. Thsy are. pleased with
both the hats and the treatment, v- A
leased customer is a good advertise
ment end every nat sold at theee prices
brings additional business to The Chap
eau. Ill Seventh etreet, close to Wash
ington. Croat Dross Skirt Sale Monday
110 sample skirts, worth up to 17. SC.
Tour ehotce P4 5 171 Washington at.
Declare Character of City Is Dam
aged by Such Actions on Part of
Members of Police Force and Of
ficials Should Act.
The following letter Is self-explana
tory :
Portland. Or., Oct. II. To th Editor
of the Journal The writer of thla pro
test was aa eye-witness of th recapture
of a man named J. Hogsell. near second
and Stark streets, last Wednesday aft
ernoon, by three policemen, one of
whom certainly added an act of unneces- j
sary brutality .to, his record and gave
ample evidence of detestable cowardice
by repeatedly striking- th prisoner '
while he was securely held by the other
officers and was not making th least
effort at resistance.
This exhibition of brawn, muscle and
lack of common sense called down upon
the officer tba eevereet censure of
nearly a score of men who were eye
witnesses to the disgraceful act, and
many of whom are business men of un
questioned Judgment. They war not
slow to express their disgust with the
unwarranted abuee of a helpleaa prls
onsr'oy a man who plainly said by his
actions, "I am a big policeman; I'll
smash somebody because I can."
Below will be found the name of sev
eral who expressed their desire to tes
tify to the brutality of tba officer and
signed their name to a list, all of
whom urge that some action be taken.
The writer, fully realises the difficul
ties that beset an officer in dealing
with desperate lawbreakers, and further,
that a guardian of th law should have
the unqualified support of all respect
able citizens while discharging his du
ties In a manly way. But there are too
many men who are unfit to be clothed
with the authority of the law, because
they use the authority as a license to
gratify a cowardly desire to make a
show of "nerve" and "strength." And
a very noticeable feature In most such
cases Is that this particular kind of of
ficer seldom catches a murderer, robber
or burglar; plain drunks and unresist
ing Offenders of the less harmful class
are their "specialty." They certainly
steer clear of the "dangerous class" here
In Portland, aa a record of Crimea com
mitted and criminals arrested within
the past year will a how.
Few cities cap show such apparent In
efficiency, Jealousies snd Internal dis
sensions as have Impaired the usefulness
of our city's police and detective forcee
True, there have been broken arm a
and cracked skulls, resulting from an
Insane effort to break a club or- billy
over some one's bead, but not one of
fender out of ten has. been a desperate
character, and even had the culprit been
a criminal of the worst troe there is
no earthly excuss for brutality unless
where there is a deeper te effort at
escape and a resort to force by the
In this Instance, as in most others of
the same nature, no one proffered to
take the matter up, though every eye
witness expressed his condemnation of
the set. and one went Bo fsr aa to write
ah anonymous communication to the
chief of police, as told In Thursday's
paper, which also gavs meager details
of how easily It waa explained away1
after a thorough (?) Investigation.
One excuse might be offered for the
Inefficiency of the force and that Is
tbe fact that nearly all members there
of are trying to keep track of the latest
news, of the personal disagreements and
Jealousies In the deportment and tbe
probable successors to . tbe chief sad
captain, but th heavy work being
don consists principally of "nabbing"
sleeping men and women, gin fiend and
poker player end disputing over the
Chinatown gamblers heavy work, sure.
Our p'lce should Slid would receive
the support of all law-abiding cltlsens if
they but employed common sense In
such matters as these, yet they should
he mads to know that to be a police
man does not auwonse mem to use
unnecessary force, much leas abaolute
The following men expressed their de
sire to have a complaint filed and
signed their names to a Hat taken for
that purpose: B. F. Lawrence, 30
Lumber Exchange; E. B. MacNaughjon.
I0S Lumber Exchange; C. M. At wood,
foot of Morrison street; John F. Toft,
11 Front street; We H. Oault. 104 Stark
street; K. B. Riley, IM Clackamas
street; E. L Kollenborn, III Stark
11 a- m. to 8 p. m.
Try a Sunday Dinner
Oetery iOe, SUoed Tomato 6.
Owisurttei . Ss)
ssMwaeestes asm Cream 15, See
mSSmTwimmi wHb Tiis'll m'-L ' '
lag 20
assg,"1?I ..'l'"1 T!'i5a
BtlsnS UttU Book Clam 20
rjsuso?1 lllTrsidsrs ' 20
9uLiImtt'tm . . . 251
Uab Fitso With ST save am Sane 20
Pork Spare Bibs with sweet Po-
teaeee aoe)
Teal Cutlata, Bsaadlt, with Oaali-
ftevsc 80s)
Bsaisj of Chicken Ol Vtete with
Blee TlmbUs SOO
Chile Ooa Cam , 15a)
Psted Apples and Baeea SOf
Bless rattle with Ft ink Peaa. 25f
cms ommttJmmViniSiii BntY1
BUte OtlwT? CobterJ J
"Va? n - rtt S6c
Soe'stee?ee? 16
, TV -,---- ao
Itaalak PtasTpuAstta win. MumJt
Th Bet Place to Bat M Bt th
lie aew,., 1 gNIBIIIIIIIIllllW
!' SBBBliaH -
Price $45.00
street; P. D. Cunningham. SSS Stark
street; E. F. Hlbberd of J. K. Olll &
Co.; Eugene Davis of Dennlson News
company; O. E. Zander. Package Deliv
ery company.
Continental Company. S4S Spark street-
Iioule Richard, a St Johns saloon
keeper, was arraigned . before Recorder
Thorndyke yesterday on a charge of
selling liquor to Jamee Murdock. a
minor. Richards entered a plea of not
guilty 'and his trial waa set for Tues
day morning. The accusation la made
that Richard has been selling liquor
continually to Murdock. who Is said to
be but IS years old, but in reality looks
much older. Richard claims that tha
boy represented himself to be of ego.
and ss hs looked It. he let him have the
Tbe outcome of this case Is being
watched with much Interest at St. Johns
for the reason that a number of half
grown boys of St. Johns have been able
to get all the liquor they wanted, not
withstanding tbe vigilance of the of-
Though the school directors have
given no sign that they Intend to fol
low out tha recommendation of the
public eafety official as adoptsd by
the executive board, a rigid atBgiUlea
of th schools continues.
Fire Chief Campbell. Fire Marshal
Roberta and nuiraing inspector Spen
cer, since submitting their last report
to th executive board, have visited the
M on ta villa. Mount Tabor. Portsmouth
and other echoola They, have found
a number of things which Seed to be
remodeled, most of the Items aa to un
necessary fire risks mad In th last
report also applying to these school.
This week tbe new building of tbe- east
side high school will be Inspected.
The board of education haa been given
SBBB1B I l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I h III I ssjBj, SMM 11 1 I I JOm
ZitTtC L t
Covell Furniture Co.
All the Credit You Want 184-186 FiratSt
The Best Results
it is wax at a
No matter what we purchase. And that is what I guarantee in dental work
of every description. After 11 years' active practice in Portland, pleased
' customers in every part of this city and state are my beet advertisement,
a When vou have work done at this office you have the positive assurance
of having received the highest grade of skill obtainable, and therefore
the. best for your money.
Of the- ladder In every profession. It is at the bottom that you find the
crowd Skill alwaya commands a premium, and the man possessing It is
always in demand. I have the largest dental practice in the Northwest.
Why? Because I give "the Best Results for Tour Money." In every branch
of tbe profession, from pulling a tooth to tha most difficult operation, you
secure the seats satisfactory rssults.
Ml. wmt a. at. ts C B. .. TOM ft C:M
CO days by ths executive board to
carry out tha orders as to removing
waate from around furnaces and mak
ing proper outlets to fire escapes.
Aa soon aa the school Inspection Is
finished, ths churShes Will be vial ted.
Mrs. Fannie Atsberg of Bast Thirty
fifth and Clinton streets baa been re
ported to the police aa missing. Her
husband allege that she ran away from
home Friday at 11:10 o'clock leaving a
t-year-old child. Atsberg believes that
she is somewhere in the city, snd wants
her taken Into custody. The missing
women Is described as being IS years
of age, 1C7 pounds In weight and five
feet three Inches In height.
George Routher of 100 Vancouver ave
nue haa notified the polios that hia 10-year-oM
son Albert left home last Sun
day and haa not been seen since. Ths
distracted parent Is unable to furnish
any clue that might aid the detectives
la locating his son.
Oogorsa, who appears In concert to
morrow evening at the Helllg theatre,
like the majority of ether great artists,
has s very pronounced leaning toward
tbe Chlckerlng piano, aad Insists upon
using It to the exclusion of sll other
makes His telegram reproduced upon
another page la today's paper, shows
hie Interest In appearing to the very
best advantage by even having Chlck
erlng piano ready upon his arrival. In
hia room, for practice purposes. Oo
gorsa'a preference for the Chlckerlng
piano is hut another Indication of Its
unapproachable qualities. It is repre
sented bore exclusively by the Btlsr's
Pis no House, snd they have seen that
his request was complied with.
Good reports continue to eoaa to
Lakevlew from the Windy Hollow bilks,
Which Indicates a BibJIH Prefer- .
eaee ta Osrtala BtieeOJeas.
SwT Tassel "
Terms $1.00 a Week
tor Your Money f
B. a.., Basins. C ts 1
Do It Now
Are you providing- against old
age, sickness, accident or mis
fortune? If not, yon cannot be
,gin too soon. Yoor activities
will coon begin to lessen at best
Call for one of our New
Home Savings Banks, models of
neatness and convenience, and
begin saving at once.
We pay 4 per cent on time
deposits, current rates on Sav
ings Accounts, accept accounts
subject to check; and do a gen
Investment and
Trust Co.
Capital $150,000.00
;. Frank Watson President
R L. Durham Vice Presidenf
W. H. Fear Secretary
S. C Catchmg. Asst.
Alt eesser mtrmlr Osee aeS
anefTrst er earless sd J
wMmt ear seer.
SSaarfaa mmt
mnlr lMSsr IBS
as ? saastMs ef I
mill i aftneet e Bwj1
i tin reeersenr s e s ssslwM
in and ran sees ariffBSS
eaess sss4set aWt saaarB
ctojetf ss see sssvssl
Bses fil Saaaera fame
ea mo nmm
tkm Im fa Hmhti
( tmtln et(ai eaear
Mir rasa.
aewf asapa essraedi
Awsrt igiAca sbVcIBbW
mm A.
sin? seer at faesr
aseaaa ta Bar Svaa
1 aa anil mm imH
. vmn m rasas w
eaangV Ssbw tiftot S)g Si
I WlUtt mmmmmtxwt 11111 lCl
sag aWSWae.
tw af Bum fa stasafda
BWB'sae prefeete sfta
a sessafea BaaveV I
btmmiom mtrim
maktnm two mi Inmmrm SB
eae mmtnmm a mwm
er evtws eeas eaffea. ai
tikar uaaaanw tsaie f
i fjndcrscoring
parrs 01 a
letter for empha
sis mars its ap
pearance. which writes
black, purple or
red as desired,
enables you to
send out letters
emphatic to the
mind as they
are pleasing to
the eye.
This sssiilBs pwlSJ ss sswfte
asa af tkrai nalar rthksa. est sSs
of s-tee eaaareramgli anlerrlBtia.
He extra sees Isr tale i
Smith tggaasct Ttftwxjtt
147 Stark St.,
Portland, Oregon. I