Editorial Page of The Journal X a THE JOURNAL IN INDWCNUBKT iwn. a a jackson. TnMUlier imr .renins (aioegt nae.y I Botetad at tba poelofllca at Portland. Oresoa. ar tranamlaaiou ibrouab tba nalta aa aaeana far trunaaiaaluu tbruuib tan nail daae mailer TgUtl'UO.NKS. Mtorial Rooni Pnalaiai Oft tea rOUIQN ADVERTISING tUCPBMENTAT! VB. Tnalaad BaaJamlD Special idrartUltij Acajwy. 180 Naaaaa street. Jiew Xorfc; Trlbone bulld ln. (.bUaga, atoacrlntkia Tanaa bj mall to say ta taa Culte State. Canada or Mexico. DAILT. Oaaj year S3 00 I One month TODAY. One year 48.00 I One month.... - DAILT AND SUNDAY. Oaa yaar 17.00 One month. Enjoying thing which are pleasant: that is not the evil; it Is the reducing of our mor tal self to slavery by them that is. Carlyle. THE REPUBLICAN PARTY. 'HE Boston Globe, a conserv ativc and independent news paper, thinks it perojeives, what on only superficial contempts tion seems irrational, signs of the dis integration of the Republican party. Most Republicans would point to the great majority for Roosevelt, and in congress, and throughout the north ern states, and scoff at snch a sug gestion. But the very fact that Roosevelt is literally a "peerless" leader and statesman, the Globe ar gues, "ought to create reasonable doubt of the cohesive power of his party under other leadership." That is, there is no second Roosevelt in ' the party. The Republican masses having become accustomed to the realization of so high and what they consider so perfect an ideal in the of fice of president will be disappointed at the nomination and lukewarm in the support of any other man, and so inclined to support a Democrat if one be nominated who is more like Roose velt than the Republican nominee. Roosevelt has been and is "the es sential factor"; the majorities were for him, not for the party ; he, as the people will perceive, is far above and in a measure aside from his psrty; and when that party can no longer present a Roosevelt there will be a slump. Roosevelt, though he halts disappointingly in reform work in various directions in order to stay with his party, is yet a force in spite of himself that is splitting, or shatter ing the party. Indications of growing Republican independence are not lacking. They, were seen in the Maine election, and are exemplified in the west in Sen ator La Follette and Governor Cum mins. Similar conflicts are arising in Nebraska, Minnesota and South Da kota, where the farmers are scoffing and spitting st the tariff idol. On the surface the Republicans are not nearly so badly Split up ss the Demo crats are, but when in 1906 they have to put up somebody to take Roose velt's place,' especially if he in the meantime should come out for real tariff reform, they will encounter some heavy weather. INCREASING TOLERANCE. ONE of the best sign of the times is the increasing toler ance in religious circles in this country. While religious toler ance has always been exhibited in America as nowhere else, yet that church people as a whole are steadily becoming more tolerant, and that the barriers between sects are becoming more nominal than real, is apparent to any observer. This is certainly a cause for congratulation, since most P them nearly agree on fundament als, teach substantially the same great doctrines, recommend the same vir tues, believe in the same God, rely on the same Word, and seek the same foal. How long has it been sine a 'preacher and teacher not s Christian but a Jew, would be invited to ad dress an assembly of Christian work ers and "heard gladly." as happened recently in Portland? Is it not something rare until lately that a farewell reception to such a preacher should be attended by Christians of all denominations in testimony of their appreciation and apprr val of his ministrations, in the same com munity? Dr. Wise has on many nrrasions eince he came to Portland proved himself a scholar, an orator, a patriot, a very helpful teacher and a very use ful citizen; but we think that the greatest lesson he taught among us wss this one of tolerance, of unity of Hb in a good cause, regardless of d or sect. In the highest prac I and philosophical sense of the term, thoiifrh not iu its doctrinal or historic sense, Dr. Wise may be said to be an eminent Christian. In a basic element of the Christian faith he does not believe, for he looks forward far salvation and the king dom of heaven, but m practice, in life, in example, in elevating and reform ing service to his fellowmen, wherein does he Isck anything of the essential Christian character? All this was recognized and appre dated by the Christian ministers and laymen of this city, and in turn, or perhaps rather in advance. Dr. Wise recognized, appreciated, commended and seconded all their good words and works. With him, as we hope and believe, with them, there is no room or time or occasion for jealousy or an exhibition of narrow sectarian ism. Let each believe if he will that he is just a little nearer right than his brother of another church, bu since both sre headed in the same direction and trsveling side by side, let the journey be made in peace, amity, unity and fraternal helpfulness. This is a phase of that charity that the great apostolic preacher declared the greatest of all Christian virtues. DODGING THE ISSUE. 1ST EVER BEFORE since the civil war, Says Candidate Hughes, hss there been snch an attempt by (the Hearst) Slews papers "to focus the whole attention of the country upon alleged wrongs and create -discontent, envy and ha tred, and arouse the worst passion of the multitude. That is the menacf to this country." But sre the "wrongs" only "al leged"? This plea that vigorous and unsparing attacks upon men of greet wealth, influence and power who make politics their field of operations snd government their tool to pick the people's pockets, enrich themselves, and debauch the public service, are calculated to create class distinctions and engender hatred, is old, stale and frayed. It is assumed that the at tacks are made because the men at tacked have grown rich, but this is a subterfuge; the gravamen of the at tack lies in the methods by which they got rich. It is assumed that men are accused because they have climbed, but this is not so; it is the means by which they climbed and the uses they make of their wealth and position that are attacked. Why doesn't Mr. Hughes meet instesd of dodging this issue? Preachers frequently say that it is not the sinners they hate, but the sin; but how are tbey going to hit' sin without hitting the sinners through whom sin is manifested, in whom it is incarnated? Everybody knows that wrongs and mischief snd corruption and crime abound in public and quasi public high life, but acocrding to Mr. Hughes you must not say a word about this lest you creste "class hatred." Well, why shouldn't the common people hate the thieves and corrupters and despoilers who impose on them and rob them and wax fat and powerful in their iniquity? ThePworst passions of the multi tude" are shown in accusing and at tacking these buccaneers of industrial snd political life, according to Mr. Hughes. "The multitude" should have no "passions," no animosity; it should not condemn, censure or com plain; it should be quiet, submissive, dumb, lest "class hatred" should arise. This is a paltry, pettifogging answer to Mr. Hearst s exposes. We do not know that it would be best to elect Hearst governor of New York; we regard him as very fsr from a perfect public figure in a high place; his alleged alliance with Tammany gives his opponents a legitimate weapon of attack though the Re publican party of New York City has often done the same thing; but the fact remains that the Hearst news papers have been plainly and effec tively telling a great deal of truth im portant for the people to know and act upon, and which other prominent papers in New York have not dared to publish. Mr. Hughes is wrong in his diag nosis of "the menace to this country." It is not the indignant "passions of the multitude" aroused against mon strous wrongs, but it is the fact that the wrongs exist and are so firmly rooted that their eradication seems impossible. Even so good a man as he becomes, in the language quoted. their advocate or at least their apolo gist. STEEL TRUST'S PROPITS. HE NET PROFIT of the steel trust for the psst month wss $14,300,000, and U expects to have cleared $155,000,000 during the year. Just how much capital is in vested we do not know, but it is cer tainly not nearly enough, probably not more than one third enough, to justify such an enormous income. In other words, Americsn consumers sre paying the steel trust perhaps $75,- 000,000 or even $100,000,000 a year more than would be a fair, reasonable profit on its investment. This profit comes mostly from American con sumers, for the trust sells much cheaper abrosd than in this country where its products are protscted by a Dinkelspiel and Aunt Elsie BY GEORGE Home. New Mara Lleber Loony: Va have rnoelfnd your lettnr from Vooster. Mas., und va vas flat dot your hnalt' remains ata tlonary. Ve yas all veil at borne mlt dsr in ceptlon dot Aunt Klale la wlsltlng mlt ua from Plalnfleld. N. J. Aunt Elsie vaa your mother's, aunt, Loony, but chee vis! You haf read, Loony, dot book by Oll fer Vendell Holmes called dar 'Auto- crank of dsr Breakfast Table," ain't youT Veil, such is Aunt Elale, only mors so. Including dsr lunch table, dsr dinner table und dar glass of beer table yust before bedtime. Tour Aunt Elsie believe dot conver aatlonlng vaa InwentJonad for her aggs cluslve use, und shs uses it eggscluslve ly to dsr eggscluslon of all udders in der room. Language is der same to your Aunt Elsie as seltser I to a highball run of der neeesserarles of life. I luff to sit around der parlor. Looey, und listen at any person dlscusslonlng der topics of der day, und If vunc in a vile day permission me. to corns In mlt "Ja" or "Nein"I feel dot Ufa vaa vorth llflng. But no human being efer got a chance to aay "Ja" or Nsln" vll your Aunt Elsie vas talking. Much easier la it for a camel to go through der eye of a noodle. You vlll recollection. Looey, dot your Aunt Elsie's husband, vlch vas sailed Unci Oustave Bhauerbath, left dls vorld so suttsntly dot dar coroner hat to houd a post-morbid eggsaminatlon. Der noat-morbld found dot uncle ous tave hat , died from a rush of vords to der sarahbellum. Der coroner found upon eggsamina tlon dot all of dese vords formerly be longed to your Aunt Elsie, mlt der eggs- caption of a few vlch vaa vunce der property of your Uncle Gustavo's fa vorite bartender. Der coroner never tolt your Aunt Blala der painful truth. He vas afraid she might hand him a fatal rush. But yesterday, Looey, vn enchoyed much amusement at dar hands of your Aunt Blala. Haafen forgif me for indulging in dis gossip. Looey, but sing it vaa all In der family it aln d such a harm, At der breakfast table your Aunt Elsie found a vsdding lnwltatton vlch vas mailed to her from Plalnfleld. und mueh eggscltemsnt vas der result. high duty, which it does not need at all in order to compete with foreign steel plsnts and still make a good profit , The sacred tariff law compels the Americsn people to give the trust at least 175,000,000 a year beyond what it ought to make and be satisfied, and yet the ssme congresses that do this can spare but $15,000,000 or so a year for all the rivers, and harbors of the country. The steel trust is but one of many that the tariff law thus authorizes to bleed the American people, to the ex tent of several hundred millions an nually, and yet they are supposed to hurrah for the blessed tariff law and prosperity, and if they venture to favor any changes in the law at all to insist that it be changed only by its friends that is, those who are friend ly to these diversions of money from the people to the trusts. We are pleased to see all great American enterprises prosper, but this stuffing of the trusts at the ex pense of the people by law can find no logical and intelligent defense. GOVERNMENT PURCHASE OF RAILROADS. S OME of our exchanges in dis cussing government ownership of i railroads, on rather in de claring off-hand that the thing is im possible or impracticable, seem to think that they present a poser when they ask: Where is the government to get the vast amount of money necessary to buy the railroads? If government ownership were desir able, if the people were sure that they wanted to take over the railroads, the question of raising the money to pay for them at a fair, not an inflated, valuation would not be a difficult one to solve. ' Any railroad financier could manage that. Harriman could tell in two minutes how it could be done. But a small percentage of cash would be needed, unlets the bonds and stocks are heavily watered, for the government's railroad bonds and stocks with even a low rate of interest guaranteed would find ready pur chasers. The credit of the govern ment is certainly as good as that of any railroad company. And in the government purchase wster would not figure as a basis of dividends.' When one big railroad wants to buy or get control of snother it doesn't rustle sround and borrow the cash to psy for it. The purchssing railroad issues its own obligations, generslly in excess of those outstanding against the road it acquires, thus watering the stock as well as consolidsting the properties. If Harriman or Hill or Gould can by a few strokes of a pen buy a transcontinental railroad or a big link therein, the whole United States would have no difficulty in ac quiring stl the railroads of the coun try, so fsr ss psying for them is con cerned. It is ssM that it would take $1,600, 000,000 to buy the railroads. A mere bagatelle. The national debt at the close of the war, when the country's population was only about two fifths what it is now, wss over 12,000,000,- V. HOB ART. Aunt Elsie read der lnwltatkm. "air und Mrs. Rudolph Oanderkurds request deh honor of your presence at dar mar riage of delr daughter. Verbena, to Oalahad Schmalsenberger, at der home or der bride's parenta, Plalnfleld, N. J, October First, R. S. V. P." 'Veil." set Aunt Elale, "I know dar uanderkurds und I know delr daughter, verbena, und I know Oalahad Schmal senberger: hs is a floorwalker In Bauer haupfs grocery store, but I doan'd know vot is dot R. B. V. P. yet!" I kicked your moher's Instep unter der 'table und set to Aunt Elsie, 'Veil dot Is a new vun on me also. Vas you sure it ain'd B. O.. or C. R. R. of N. J.T Dem Is a eubble of railroads, but I nefer heard of der R. 8. V. P." For der faJrat time In her life sines sh vas old enough to grab a sentence between her teeth und shako der pro nouns ould o It Aunt Elsie vas dump- pounded. '. She kept looking at der lnwltatton und saying to herself, "R, g. V. P.! vot it IsT I know der honor f your pres ence; I know dar bride's parents, but I tioan d know R. B. V. P. All dot day your Aunt Elsie vandered through, der houae muttering to her aelf.,"H; 8. V. P.! vot It is? Is It some secret between der bride und groom? R. S. V. P.! It ain'd my Initials, because dey he gin mlt Ja. B. Vot Is dot R. 8. V P.T Vot Is It? Vot la itr Dot efenlng v vaa al at der dinner table ven Aunt Elsie rushed In mit cry of choy. "I got It!" shs set: "I haf untied der meaning of dot R. B. V. P. It means Rsal Silver Veddlnr Pres ents ain'd dot an up to dateneas?" 1 vaa just abould to glass of vater myself at der time but I changed my mina una nearly cnoaed to death; your motner tried to say somedlng vlch re sulted only In a gurgle in her t'roat, vll bar faoa sunsetted Itself mlt in ternal laughter; der Sved servant girl rushed ould In der kitchen und broke a cubble of dishes und . your leedle Max fell off his chair backvarda on der oat vlch nefer dlt him any harm. Vila all die va happening your Aunt Elale recoferad her wotce und she nefer let go of her recofery until bed time. Ve eggspect dot your Aunt Elsie's wlslt vlll subside abould next Vednea day und den vunoe more der duff of peace vlll make lta nest In our leedle home. Tour mlt luff, D. DINKELSPIEL, Per George V. Hobart. 000. It was $75 per capita, whereas it rs now only $12 per capita, and pur chase of the railroads would increase it to only $32 per capita. And there was nothing of intrinsic value to show for the war debt, nothing acquired to earn money, while the acquired rail roads would esm interest on the debt incurred in their purchase snd even tually pay off the principal, ifso de sired. The war debt represented loss and destruction; this debt would rep resent an immense property of vast earning capecky- from. to 20 per cent, as managed by the Corporations. We write this nt in advocacy of government ownership of railroads, which we believe is to be avoided if possible, but to show the fallacy of the assumption thst the payment for them presents an insuperable diffi culty. The difficulty in this connec tion would be in the. ascertainment of their value and the amount to be paid, not in the raising of the necessary amount or in the flotation of the eminent securities. AN AUDITORIUM. HE PROJECT of the board of trade for the erection of an auditorium sufficient to ac commodate very large audiences is timely and in line with the city's march of development. A large audi torium becomes a desideratum and al most a necessity in every city after it reaches Portland's size and that is growing rapidly. There are numer ous hslls and other places of public concourse, but none of them are ade quate for the audiences that frequent ly assemble, andVthat will desire to assemble in increasing numbers on various occssions in the fuuire. As the Y. M. and Y. W. C. A need a suitable building for their work, and as other organizations need snd pro vide buildings for thejr several pur- r - a a' as poses, so r-ortiana neeas snd in some wsy there should be provided s large, conveniently located auditorium, cap able of accommodating an audience of at least 10,000 people. In several cities such a public building has been erected by popular subscription, and became public prop erty. Once the effort was under wsy civic pride csrried it through to suc cess. In such s building might be lo cated the various commercial bodies of the city, thus allowing them to ex pend the money they have to pay for rent in other ways and to the city's advantage. The suggestion to use one of the park blocks seems slso s good one, unless this would take the building rather too far cither up or down town. But whatever may be decided ss to details, the general proposition should meet with imme diate and universal favor. The need of a large auditorium is already ap parent, and will increase year by year. How long ago 1861, when the great civil war broke out, seems, looking back through the marvelous events and developments of the intervening time, snd yet we sre reminded that it has been but a comparatively short period when we read that Mrs. Jef ferson Davis is ill Her husband was a senator for years before the war, and served through it ss the president of the Southern Confederacy, and yet his widow survives, and there are not a few older persons in the country then she. Manifold and mighty are the changes that these 45 years have wrought I Lynching negroes for eyery crime they commit or are accused of com mining ia no right or reasonable way tp solve any phase of the race prob lem. Such actions only, incite ne groes to other, crimes by way of reprisal. Before appealing to the rest of the country for sympathy and sup port in bearing its black man's bur den, the south should quit lynching snd mobbing negroes, at least those not known to be guilty of assaults on white women. Mr. John D. Rockefeller is another eminent business man who is sure that reforms should be theoretical only, and confined to churches and Sunday schools, and that all 'at tempts to put them into practical ef fect in politics or business are in jurious and dangerous. According to reports all the Repub licans and nearly all the Democrats of New York state are going to vote against Hearst, and yet they are afraid he is going to te elected. It must be that a great many voters are quitting those old parties. Mr. J. J. Hill says the iron ore will all be gone in 50 years. Mean while he and 1iis friends and partners and their successors wilt make a few billions out of what there is. As a pessimist, Mr. Hill induces risibility. A duty of the next legislature im posed by the constitution is the reap portionment of legislators. But the constitution doesn't amount to much except when invoked to defeat some- good law. As soon as anybody pitches into the wrong and criminal use of wealth for the purpose of plundering the peo ple, he is accused by the "plunder- bund" organs of ;v.ting class hatred. Mr. Grover Cleveland considers the nomination of Hearst "afflictive." Is he afraid Hearst if elected might somehow deprive him of that fat in surance sinecure that he enjoys? Truths that Hearst tells will again," even if he be defeated. Value of Battleships. Admiral Fournlcr. in his report on the Mediterranean maneuvera to me mln'aaaj r of marine, atates that he was nKd mlSL7"ierstood by writers who deo thst he formed the conclusion that the usefulness of battleships had been de stroyed by submarine. He say It was natural that contrasts should be drawn between the kind of vessel, but he himself had never im plied that submarines could take the plac' of battleships. The two type are admirably fitted for cooperation. But th submarine should be capable of operating within sn extensive radius. Th admiral says that the very dls similarity of the two kinds of vessel makes thnv the more valuable in com bined operations It I generally regarded as unfortu nate that this report waa not issued sooner. The Idea that cheap sub msrlns could be made to do the work of battleship ha been widely dissemi nated, and It will take some time to correct the error in the public mind. Tall Queens. King have a mysterious tendency to get msrrled to wive taller than them selves. CasselV Saturday Journal as sures us that "there is hardly a klna In Christendom whose consort; does not overtop him by a head." King Edward Is quite aix inches shorter than Queen Alexandra. The caajr I overtopped a full head by hi consort. Kaiser Wllhelm Is of the medium height, but hi empress la much taller, and that la, they say, the rea son why th proud kaiser will never consent to be photographed beside his wife unless she sits while he stand. The king of Italy, short and thickset, hardly comas up to the shoulder of th tall, athletic Queen Helena. The king of Portugsl. though stouter, 1 less tall than his queen. Even th Prince of Wale 1 shorter a good four inohes than the prtpcees. Th young king of Hpaln I much shorter than his new bride. The queen of Denmark towers above her royal spou, and Is one of the tallest queens In Europe. Ecclesiastics Shocked. Herr Reverend Doctor SchulB, a well known paator cf the Lutheran church In Met. Lorraine, and professor In the college there, having died and left In hi will that hi body should b cremated, hi executors with difficulty carried out lta provision. A cremation I not per mitted in Lorraine, the will also pro vided that th body ehould be con veyed to- th nearest crematorium, at Mains. In Mets the clergy showed their dis approval of ths cremation by accom panying the body of their late colleague only to the railway station, and by de clining to wear their usual coltaatlca! ornament. On arrival at Mains, Herr Schuls's friends could find no clergy man to attend th cremation. In Prussia cremation I not permitted, clergy of both denomination opposing It Introduction a a serious blow lev eled at their popular belief In th ree urreotlon of the body. In almost all other Oerman states it Is permitted. Take Second Place. For the first Urn 1nc th Aus tralian ballot waa adopted In Ohio th Republican ticket at neat month's elec tion will be placed in the second col umn on the ballot. The Ion or first position tor th ticket headed by the eagle Is due to Democratic success at the last al action. A S ermon PADS AND FAITH. By Henry F. Cop. T tithe mint and run and every herb, and pass over Justice and the love of God. Luke xl.. 41. THE Pharisee ar not all dead; religion still means to many no mora than a multitude of re pressive regulations. It ex pression is confined to attltudea and platitude, to forms and phrases. U thus becomes a choice hiding piac for patty hypocrites, while the doing of trivial or traditional acts is so empha sised that soma ar lad to think in all honesty that the doing and enduring of these things satisfies every moral re quirement. Bo far from the path of piety being hedged about with restrictions and its people burdened with meaningless loads. It la the way of liberty, the enlarging life, and the path in which men lose their burdens, otratghteYi their backs, life their head, and set their eyes on truth and freedom. But minds too in dolent to climb, tod small to enter Into liberty, have determined to make rang ion conalaX la no mora than the wearing of badges or the bearing of unpleasant ordeal and duties. Many hold It a sin to have springs an their wagons, button on thlr coat a, or flower In their hat, while ths msn will not wear suspenders. But the chance ar that the same folk oftsn carry enmity In their heart, cherish re venge, Jealousies and bitterness, that th man who will not hay spring on hi wagon manages to shake the small apple Into the bottom of th barrel just the same. All such regulation represent the perennial attempt to substitute rules for principle, badges for being, and to satisfy th conscience with scrupulosity ss to th gnat while exercising liberal ity hnd hospitality to th camel. Bend ing every effort to keep the law in the strictest manner, many easily beeome blind to Its spirit and purpose. The fada of religion are the worst foe of true faith. It does not take th keen and not always kindly critic long to learn that th man who asserts hi holiness by wearing a hat of a peculiar shape or a white tie, or even a badge on hi coat lapel, or a text on hi ahlrt front is the on whom it is well to watch with just n little extra caution Hymns to Know. Consolation. By Anna B. Warner. Thla hymn has been ascribed to many writer and seldom to ita true author. Yet, the matter of its origin easily would have been settled by refer ence to a novel written several years ago, entitled "Dollars and Cents." where It first appeared In Its original form. The writer of this story, answering an Inquiry regarding the hymn, writes: "It certainly is mine, so far as that can be said of anything which th Lord himself elves to our hearts to say or do The hymn Juat grew up In a scene in a storv I was writing, because I found nothln that lust suited me." Ml Warner, who perhaps la better kaoasn a "Amy Lothrop," is th author of a number of stories. The hymn is sung to setting Of Mendelssohn's "Conso lation."! We would see Jesus; for th shadows lengthen Across this llttls landscape of our life: We would see Jesus, our weak faith to aircnfuian Por the last weariness, th final strife. We would see Jesus, the great founda tion Whereon our feet were set by sov ereign grace; Nor life nor death, with all their agi tation. Can thence remove ua. If we see his. face. Wn would see Jesus; sens I all ton binding. And heaven appear too dint, too far away: W would see thee, thyself our hearts reminding What thou heat Buffered, our. grt debt to pay. We would see Jesus, this I all we re needing: Strength, fiy. and wllllngn come - 1 with the sight; We would see Jesus, dying, risen, plead ing; . . Then welcome day, nd farewell mor tal night ' , ' A Sea Lullaby. Wilbur D. Wesblt in Judge. ' The little mermaldens ar blinking their eye. The catfish 1 purring away, Th moonflsh is slowly beginning to I rise ' And the dogfish commencing to bay, Th starfish twinkle far down in th deep, The sea horse ha gone to his stall, go sleep you, my baby; oh, aluCtberand sleep, For drowsiness covers US all. Oh. down In the sea all th shadows now creep, , And th shadowy shad will supply us with mora. And the drumflh 1 muffled In dream drumming deep, And th oyster reclines on hi oyster moor. Th sea eow la mooing out over the bar, Th whale has been whaling ita child Por asking the garfish to smoke some cigar And waxing th seal till 'twa wild. Th porpoise is potslna itself for a drift. The skat Is up north on the lee. go sleep you, my baby, while wavelati will lift Jour cradle In swaying so nice. Oh! down In the sea all the haddock have had With th herring a hair-raising romp on th floor, And they sleep in the shade of the shad owy shad, While th oyster recline on his oys ter moor! Labor Party Man Now. Oeneral J. B. Weaver, who waa the People's party candidate for president in US! and Oraenback candidate In 1110, I running for congr on th organised labor party ticket la th Sixth district of Ohio. Circumlocution. Prom tb Chloago rfsws. Teacher Olv me an example of elr- cumlncutlon. Willie Brlteboy When a porter says, "Brh you off. bosT" belt mean "Olm. m a quarter." ior Toda: tor when yo are buying his good or doing business with him in any way. It is a poor kind of piety, utterly in aufflcleht far working purposes, that can find all th eatarclse It needs In dl ousslons and Jealous guardlngs of custom, In tithing with a micro cop, in decision on button, or even in texts and phrases of teaching. Whan that stunted soul has served these ends It has no energy left to meet the emer gencies of life temptations pr to spend on ordinary aquar dealings, kindly liv ing, or elf-sacrlflclng service. Yet the circumscribed heart that in vent these fade for their own satisfac tion ar sure to insist on laying them on others. There would be little satis faction In Inventing duties if we had to do them ourselves. They tell us w ar traitors to ths faith if w refuse to wear their badges or if ws dare to do the things in which they find no pleas ure. We ourselves nsed to beware lest we take our own fada or appetite and Set them up as standards tor other souls. You will a notice that It 1 th man with th weak stomach who is most ready to prove It a aln vn to look with complaisance on a cigar. Many hear ing th stern denunciation of dancing pronounced by people with petrified limb have determined to choose th so-called lit of aln with ita natural pleasure In preference to th path of faith with its fads and funereal as pect. But faith does not conslsst in fads, reatrlcu.ons, denials. Religion la the soul' search after lb beat, th subjec tion of th lesser to th larger, th realization of and th entering upon re lationships with th life spiritual, with things Infinite, eternal and glorious. It 1 th finding In life a meaning deeper than mammon, nobler and more endur ing than all thlnga. It is learning to live aa a soul, aa th Sob of eternity. Seeing life thu th soul cannot he 'satisfied with trivial externalities. It seek the verities; it cries out for th living God and will not be content with the explanation phrase ahput him. The heart sets love before legalism, faith before form, and life Itself be fore all logic about It. A man's re ligion may be known, not by its adher ence to our mode or our tastes, but by Ita trend towards the Pather'a face and liken. ; Sentence Sermons. Innocence seldom needs argument, a a Anarchy is the ghost of liberty. , e, ? ' The faithful ar not fretful. ''" ' ifsHi'' . e Fruit for eternity needs th frosts of time. a a A strong breath reveals a weak back bone. It' bard setback. to succeed If you have no Secrets behind th but stabs in th back. hand often are Oood wishes oftsn grow up tbey com horn again. before No man aver found hi hutting out hi fellow. father by" The man who steadily tries to li ter happiness need Aot worry about hla stores of holiness. You are not likely to do much in this world until you learn to do without much. a a It is easy te mistake a resolution for a reform. The recording angel lan't waatlng any ink over ih good you intend to do. e a Keep th wolf of worry from your door and you will not need to fear many other wild beasts. " Popular appreciation of your work will not be created by th depreciation of that of other. People who ar short on sense are apt tp think themselves long on science ( a a The effect of true consecration al ways I to out cleaner th lines of square dealing. a It 1 not th upward gave of ambi tion that makes men dlzsy; It is the looking down on those who cannot climb. e It always Is the man who look though hi religion disagreed with him who Insists on others taking hla dose. a a Th ermon 1 sure to be empty of blessing when the head la full of busi ness. a a The sharp dealing that hurt I thst which cut Into i th oul. i When Schooling Was Cheap. The head maater of the fashionable school, aa he aat In his office getting ready for an opening day, said: At Eton, th famou English publlo school, where some boys spend 1 10,000 or J I. 000 year, and where It t hardly poaslttU to get through on less than 11,100, It only coat, in Quean Elizabeth' time, It5 annually." He took down a little book. "Thl 1 " a copy," he aid, "ot a manuscript, tlll preserved in Devon shire, that gives the Eton expenses of the two son ot Sir William Cavendish. "Among the items are: "'Mending a shoe. Id'; 'an old woman for sweeping and cleaning the chamber, 3d'; 'a breaat of mutton, Id'; 'a amsll chicken. 4d'; 'Aeaop'a Fables, Id'; 'two hunches of candle, Id'; 'a week board 5.' The total minimum expense of an ton boy in 1114 board, tuition, every thingwere III a year." Did Not Know. Prom the Philadelphia Ledger. A Philadelphia busln man tells this tory on himself: "You know In thl city there are two telephone companies," he said, "and In my office I have a telephone f aauli company. Last week I hired a new office boy, and on of hi duties was to answsr th telephone. Th ether day, whan on of th bell rang, he an swered the call, and then cam In and told ma I was wanted on tha phone by my wife. " "Which .oner T Inquired quickly. thinking of the two telephone, of course. "Plaaae, lr,' summered the bey. 1 don't know how many you have. "