The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 14, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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Mail Orders Filled uaH Forwarded
Same Day aa Received. Send for
Our Fell Price List.
8ays America and Britain Should
Stand Together for Peace
a 'of the World.
Bacon and Funtton Also Go,
Leaving Magoon to SH Upon
the Lid in Havana.
Decree leeued for Slaughter of
All Revolutionary 8uepeots
Without Trial.
Teh Promises to Be Strictly Ad
hered tp in Dealings With Natives
Reports From All Over the
' Island Indicate Peace.
(SpcrUl Dispatch bj L.aad Wirt to Tb Journal)
Havana, Oct 11. Secretary Taft, As
sistant Secretary Bacon and General
Funston aalled (or the United States
this morning. Mr. Taft and Mr. Bacon
ure on board tha -battleship Louisiana
with their wives. Funaton sailed on
'tha Virginia. Their departure was with
out ceremony. Tha only official notlae
of them waa the dinner glweo last night
I to General Funaton. which was given
by the Cuban Veterans' aaaociatlon, and
which waa largely attended.
' Assuming the rein of government.
Governor Magoon Issued the following
'.proclamation :
"The policy declared and the aaaur-
ancee given by Secretary Taft will be
atiictly adhered to and carried out. As
provisional governor, I ahaU exercise
the powers and perform the duties pro-
vtded for by the third article of the ap
pendix to the constitution of Cuba, for
tha preservation of Cuban Independence
and the protection of life and property.
"A a soon aa It prove consistent with
M, attainment of tbeae ends. I shall
seek to bring about the restoration of
the ordinary agenda and methods of
government under the other and general
crovlalona of ths Cuban constitution."
Report from all over the Island In;
dlcatejthat there le no trouble any
Mr. Morgan, the American minister,
gave a reception last night at hta resi
dence at Marianne. In addition to Sec
retaries Taft and Bacon and their wlvee.
the guests Included about all-the Ameri
can and navy officers here as well aa
a number of representatives of both
aides In the revolution. Bven a few or
dlnary harmless Cubans, who only pay
the bills of the war, were there.
Teddy Looks on Approvingly aa
Indiana Senator Poses for
( Washington Bareaa of The Journal.)
Washington. D. C, Oct. la. Bens tor
c Beverldge scored on his ancient enemy.
Veritable Reign of Terror Inaugu
rated by Russian Bureaucrats and
Long Line of Blood Reprisals for
Assassinations Looked for.
Distinguished Scot Talks of Political
Conditions in England and tha
United Stfrtes and Says He Is Dis
pleased With tha Tariff.
Vtoe-PreaMeot Fairbanks, today
have presidential ambitions, bat the
Tmljejanlu organisations la Indiana tell
Beverldge that he ia growing and moat
Walt, and meanwhile cheer luatily for
B Fairbanks. Today Beverldge waa pho
tographed In the White .House, with
Roosevelt looking on approvingly.
It appears a French woman painter
waa commissioned some time ago to put
Beverldge on oil canvaa for a rich friend
of the Indiana "Adonis. Bhe caught
Beverldge just aa he butted in on the
president, where she was preparing to
'paint Roosevelt. Bhe photographed him
24 tlmea In aa many poses, with Roose
velt looking on.
Now everybody wants a photograph of
Fairbanks, when he reads It tomorrow
A wood sin.
rSSj Oat Chicago Trlbeae. v
Tha Toaag Man Dirt, yon tblnk a good
Seal of yew slate, don't year
, Irtcsey Btertsisinc klsj) "Tea Set! So
. does au end ea. She's bees m tke fatally
Blighty over 40 years."
(Special Dispatch by Leased Wire to Tke Journal)
St. Petersburg, oct. is. "-
clared here on the very highest author
ity that tha csar has Issued a decree
which orders the summsry execution of
every revolutionary suspect arrested,
whether proven guilty or not. This
edict which, if true, is worthy of U.e
dark ages, was secretly promulgated.
it la said, a week ago ana accounts ior
the great number or deaths wnicn nave
officially occurred. There have been
hangings every day all over the empire
and hundreds more are awaiting the
death penalty. In fact, a veritable
reign of terror haa been 'inaugurated
on the part of the Russian autocrats.
A long aeries of blood reprisals for the
recent asuaaslnatlons la looked for.
It is believed here that tha person most
responsible for this swful condition of
affairs Is the dowager empriss. who Is
known ss one of the most cruel and
blood-thirsty women In Europe. To her
more than to anybody elae waa due the
war with Japan and she has been at
all times a reactionary. Bhe has stub
bornly fought every concession to the
people and long ago urged greater
severity In dealing with the revolution
ists. Trepoff was her protege.
Common sa assassination la In this
country. It was not known until today
how great they had been In number. Of
flclal statements given out show that
from February 1 ;o May 11 of this year
attempts were made on the lives of 1,411
persons. Those killed or wounded were
as follows: Governor-generals and pre
fects. (4; prefects of police and assist
ants, 38; polios captains and inspectors,
X; policemen and armed guarda, SM:
officers of gendarmes, 1,': gendarmes. 61:
detectives. 56; army officers. 61: soldiers.
1M: functionaries, 17S: clergy. 11; vil
lage authorities. M; land owners, 4;
milt owners and foremen. 84; bankers and
leading traders, 64.
(Special Dispatch by Leased Wire to Tke Journal)
New York, OotTll. It waa 11 daya
ago that Manuel Bllvelra, the Cuban
agent, held responsible for the failure
of J. M. Coballoa A Co. of this city,
aalled from Hevana with hla family and
11. 000, 000 of hla principals- ' money
aboard hla own cattle ehlp. the Carme-
Mna. And there Is nothing hut guess
work aa to hla fate or whereabouts.
William Nelson Cromwell, counsel for
the Cobanos company said today that
nothing had been beard from the rugi
tlve. but the lawyer and members of
the firm now take tt for granted that
Bllvelra has reached Venesuela with his
treasure and la hiding in that country
with the connivance of hie friend. Presi
dent Castro. There Is no extradition
treaty between Venesuela and Cuba. In
lieu of facte the Spanish Importers In
this city, or to be exact, their clients.
mm formulating enough theories every
day to furnish material for a do sen
treasure Island stories.
One of today's romances dwelt on the
possibilities of a mutiny on board ahlp
with the sailors discovering the treasure
rising against Bllvelra, putting him and
hla family in a boat, scuttling the ship
and then going ashore with the booty.
Accountants who have worked every
day since the failure will have a ached
'ule of assets and liabilities ready early
next week.
Blr John Lens of Dundee, Scotland,
who arrived In Portland yesterday attar- j
noon, believes the peace of the world
depends upon the two great English
speaking nations Great Britain and
The noted Soot carries his Ideas of
national friendliness Into hla own life,
for he shows the greatest courtesy to
all whom he meets, taking time, that an
American in his position would deem too
valuable for Interviews and converse-
tlons, to explain political questions aa
they appeal to .him. It Is said that hla
success In parliament was due to this
characteristic and carried him through'
many a battle for measures that could
not have succeeded without such In
fluence. In speaking of affairs in general last
night and of hla Impressions of America,
Blr John said:
"It has been a source of great regret
that friction resulted from the Alaska
boundary question and later from the
decision on the Newfoundland dispute.
These decisions should not have been
made In so great a hurry and I believe
that ths feeling they caused In Canada
was more against the mother country
than against ths United States. It Is re
grettable that thia should have occurred
and I hope that nothing mora will reault
from them." 9
Talks of the Tariff.
Then Sir John took up the queatlon
of trusts snd tariff. He said:
"When I waa a young man. Great
Britain was overwhelmed with debts.
Theee were mostly the result of the
continents! ware. The tariff was on
everything. Including the newspapers.
which waa so burdensome that but very
few were able to survive. I distinctly
remember when a lad. that I waa given
seven pence every Saturday and sent
for a weekly paper. Of the ssven pence,
four went to pay the government tax.
AH other artlclea were taxed In pro
portion snd the people were simply un
able to withstand the rates. Gladstone
and Sir Robert Peel brought about a
change of thia order that was most revo
lutionary In that 1.200 articles were
placed upon the free list by one act.
From that time the progress of the
country has been by leape snd bounds.
TDhe people are In better condition than
they have ever been In the history ef
the country. ! s
"The efforts of Joseph Chamberlain
to secure a tariff law are simply meet
ing with the success that always ao
comnanlee a neraonal campaign. When
Chamberlain atone the tariff agitation.
the movement atopa; when Chamberlain
taken up the measure again, the move
ment la given fresh. Impetus. I do not
believe that It will ever become effec
tive and certainly not unleee Chamber
lain brings It about, for he la the only
man who le able to do anything with
"The reason that I think the tariff
will never become operative in England
Is due to tbe fsct that Chamberlain la
r heart gone. His health la wretched and
tX man seems to have worked himself
out. He has proved a wonderful char
acter and resigned rom the government
to take up hla fight for the tariff, but
he began too late for hla health would
not carry him through. The people are
agalnat tne measure, which makes tbe
probability of its success even more
thicks by the tens of thousanda
around White lake.
There's a
Reason Why
tftft Alfred Benjamin C& Co. Correct
Clothes hold tbe lead among all the
ready-to-wear garments be
cause they are . .
Correct in Style
Correct in Finish
Correct in Price
You find a representative assortment
-v My
W w 311 SWHKIM
)N ST., Opp. PostofTke
"Personally. I am very much against
the tariff. I believe also that there will
be a radical revision of the present tar
iff law In thia country after the trusts
have been reformed The two the tar
iff and the trusts go band In hand as
a national Issue snd the solution of one
will depend largely upon the solution
of ths other."
When ssked concerning the effect of
Bryan's visit in England. Blr John re
ferred to It as ephemeral.
"Mr. Bryan is only one of many great
men who come to England," la the way
he disposed of the great Nebraakan.
"Bryan is very much like Arthur Bal
four brilliant, but erratic. Such men
would better grace a university chair
than handle a government."
Sir John spoke feelingly of his ter
mer visit to Oregon la 1176 and re
ferred to many friends he had made at
that time who have since died After
hie visit In 1(76, Sir John wrote a book
about his travels In America. 1n which
be paid many compliments to the Wil
lamette valley and Portland. He laid
special stress upon the Oregon climate,
which he said la peculiarly suitable for
tbe British race. He said that it at
onoa made him feel at home and re
ferred to It as the proper place fer his
countrymen to settle.
Many predictions that the distin
guished writer made In reference to
Portland In hla book have since been
fulfilled, notably In regard to the re
markable growth ot wealth.
The Interest which Sir John shows in
America la eclipsed only by the won-
Monday and Tuesday
Specials in New Fall Dress Goods
and Silks
Why not buy your Dress Goods and Silks here? We have a large and well selected stock of the season's newest fabrics
and our prices are lower, much lower, than other stores ask for like quality. We have long been recognized aa head
quarters for Black and Novelty -Dress Goods and Silks. Our present showing is strictly up-to-date in every respect.
Sample of any advertised article oh request.
Women's Winter-Weight
Women's Union Suits in white snd
cream, hand finished, perfect fitting;
regular 75c grade. Extra spa-
Women's extra fine Swiss ribbed
Pants and Vests, down fleeced, band
finished; best 75c value. Spe- Qg
Women's wool finish Vests snd
Pants, nicely mads and a good 40c
quality. Extra specisl, gar- 'Cn
ment "
Children's fleece lined Underwear in
white, cream and gray; all sizes;
best 35c grade. Extra specisl, )C
garment aVUV
Women's and Children's
Women's fast black cotton Hosiery,
double soles snd toes; regular 15c
tjrade. Monday and Toes- 2aQ
Women's fine ribbed cashmere Hose,
elastic top, gray heels and JCr
toes; splendid 35c val. Special. . aVeJC
Women's fine English merino Hose,
fine soft wool; best 50c grade. er
An extra specisl, Monday only. OOS
Children's extra heavy ribbed Hose
for school wear, doable knees snd
toes; regular 18c value. 2C
Winter Underwear
for Men
Men's gray merino Shirts snd Draw
ate, good winter weight; standard
Jl00 grade. Extra specisl, Q
garment UOV
Wrif ht s Health Underwear for men,
wool fleeced: regular $1.25 val, AC
Buy ft at this store only, gar.. 7t)V
Extra Specials
36-inch Mixed Suitings in the new shadow gn
checks and gray effects; 65c trains t?UW
48-inch all-wool Serge, good heavy weight QO
for costs and suits, all colors; $1.25 value. 0
52-lnch Garnet Mixed Suiting, extra
weight for jackets and suits; 1145 val.
48-inch imported Panama Scotch
Plaids, full line of patterns. Special, yd.
56-inch Gray Shadow Check-.8uiting in
tbe Panama weave; $145 vafte. Specisl.
56-inch Clay Worsted Diagonal in good
heavy weight ; $1.85 value. Special.
56-inch Cloaking in gray mixed ef
fects, good ssaortment; $2.25 value
58-inch extra heavy Check Cloaking;
regular SZ.73 value, special
27-inch Black Taffeta Silk; s good $140
quality. Specisl, per yard
19-inch Colored Taffeta Silk, all ths lead
ins? shades; 75c value. Special
19-inch Cream Taffeta Silk, a very fine
grade; worth 75c Specisl, yard
27-inch Cream India Silk; actually worth
65c a yard. Extra special
27-inch Cream India Bilk: best 50c qual
ity. Extra special, yard
27-inch Silk snd Wood Challiea, choice
new patterns; best 60s value. Special
52-lnch Black Sicilian, warranted fast
black; $1.00 quality. Extra special
44-inch Black Poplin, eery stylish for fall
$1.50 value, special
Thomson's Glove-Fitting
Thomson's Q love-Pitting Corsets, in
white, drab and black, nose support
ers front snd sides, long or short hips,
medium or high bust; regular AC
$1.50 grade. Extra special .... VoC
Thomson's Glove-Pitting Corset in
white, drab snd black, for slender fig
ures, hose supporters front snd sides,
medium Ugh bast and res; ( ir
$1.75 grade. Extra special. 1. 10
Thomson's New High Bust Const,
long hip, hose supporters front and
sides; best $2.50 grade. Ex- QC
tra special 7l.u
Special Values in
New Fall Suits and Coats at Extra
Special Price Monday and Tuesday.
All Oarments Fitted.
30 dosen men's extra strong Umbrel
las, ramprool cover, crooked wood
handles; a good $1.25 veins. JCr
Spscisl . s UV
Women's $5.00 Silk Umbrellas; gold,
silver snd pesrl handles; best taffeta
silk cover; worth $5.00 any '
day. Special v?V.Vf
Our $240 Umbrella for men and
women; silk snd linen covers, nice
selection of handles. Spe rial,
School Umbrellas for boys and girls,
made good snd strong snd lCn
worth 65c Extra specisl price. WW
Household Supplies
a Sale
Greet spscisl values in Table Linens,
Towels, Napkins, Sheets, Pillow
Cases, Lace Curtains, Wool Blankets
and Comforters, Pillows, Cotton
Blsnkets. Muslins, Sheetings, etc.,
etc, starting Monday morning. Take
Our Pall Price List Is
Ready. A Postal Will
Bring it to You.
St 1 '
Corn TMH and Morrison Streets
Modes Paris Patterns
for Pall Now Ready.
We Sell Them at
10c Each.
Twenty-First Annual Conference
of State Organization to
Open Monday.
(Special Instates, to Th Jearaal.)
Albany. Or., Oct. IS. The twenty
first annual meeting ef tbe Oregon Bap
tist Ministers' conference and tbe Ore
gen state convention win convene in
session In this city Monday. October It,
at 7:10 am tbe evening. At least 106
delegates are expected to be la attend
ance and tbe convention tbe largest and
moat Important ot any held In Albany
during the year last paet. Tbe mem
bers of the local church have looked for
ward to this- meeting with great ex
pectancy and great thlnga are expected
along religious lines. . The program
oontalna the names of the leaders In
that denomination In the state and ad
drassss on Itve and Interesting phases
of Christian work are assured.
In Oregon there are about IIS
churches of the Baptist faith, with a to
tal membership of over (.060. Besides
University Park Fowl of Common
or Cardan Variety Does.
Sleight of Hand Trick.
derful knowledge which he possesses of , the pastor, three delegations ere si
lts affairs.- He le acquainted with Pres
ldent Roosevelt, whom he regards aa a
great man and one whoee work will
ever stand. With considerable spirit
the Scott referred to William Randolph
"I hope that the states will not lower
themselves In tha opinion of tbe world
by electing Hearst to nil the position
BOW occupied by President Roosevelt."
Sir John la a little gray-haired man.
who is trying to And rest from bis
arduous work of a lifetime In. travel.
He will remain In Portland for about
g week and then leave for California,
where he will visit until January, and
then proceed to Mew Zealand and Aus
tralia to spend the winter. He le sc
eetapanted by Lady Lang and their
daughter. Miss Long. Tbe party la stay
ing at tke) Portland hotel, where they
received many rrtends lsst aacnljig.
lowed to attend from each congregation
of that denomination in the atate.
The officers of the Oregon Baptist
state convention are: W. A. Wann.
president; Rev. E. M Biles, vice-president:
Rev. W. B. Pope, corresponding
secretary; Rev. J. B. Travis, recording
secretary; Jamee P. Palling, treasurer;
historical secretary, Rev. W. H. Latour
ette, end chairman of the executive
committee. Rev. H. B. Bobbins.
On Monda evening the ministers'
conference will open with a devotional
service led by Rev. W. fl. Otbeon of
La Grande. Rev. J. Whltcomb Broagher
of Portland will deliver the principal ad
dress of that evening.
Pendleton. Or. Oct.
Brock of lone pleaded guilty In the cir
cuit court today of criminal assault, and
sentence will be Imposed Tuesday morn
ing. Brock la a young man who waa
arrestee In Milton a few days' ago for
running away from Morrow county with
Ruth Andrews, s girl of 16, whose home
la t Heppner. The prisoner is in tne
Hernial TMsssfsw st lull! Wire ts The Jearasll
Waahlngton. Oct. 11. Paul Charlton,
law officer of the bureau of Insular
affairs of the wsr depart merit, may be
the nest vice-governor of the Phlltp-
II. Maylaad ' pi nee. Judge Charlton sue needed Gov
ernor Magoon in me law on ice anneal
two years ago. He la a citlsen of Oma
ha. It - le said that Judge Charlton
would s scent the peat If It - were of
fered to him. The situation in Cuba
such that It Is not now considered pos
sible that Governor Magoon can get
awav from Havana In time to soeept
Man long ago conceived the Idea of
placing an egg within an egg, but not
until yesterday did a real life hen get
Into tbe notion of copying thia novel
Invention, said to have originated some
where In the orient.
It was a University Park hen that did
the trick, and thia la probably the reasor
of her being more than ordinarily
bright. The And waa made by Mrs.
J. A, Woolery of 1626 Haven street. It
had been laid by one of the ordinary
barnyard fowla that scratch for a living
In the yard near Mrs. Woolery s reel -
dene, snd te all appearance waa like
all other eggs, except perhaps a llttln
smaller than the average. Mrs. Wool
ery a surprise may be Imagined, how
ever, when upon breaking It ah found
a still smaller egg In the yolk, the Inner
egg being of shout the else of a hasel-
nut At first Mrs. Woolery thought the
egg was moth ball that had accident
ally found lta why Into one of the lay
ers, but closer examination revealed th
fact that it waa a perfectly developed
The queetlon now pussllng tbe Uni
versity Park scientists Is: Whst would
have happened had thia egg been placed
la an Incubator or under a aettlng hen?
Real new, up-to-date stock of Men's and Youths'
Suits and Overcoats, Hats, Shirts and Pants. A
general line of Shoes full line of Underwear 4ig
assortment of Trunks, Suit Cases, Blankets and
Comforters. We guarantee our goods of first qual
ity at much less in price compared with other
Joseph Linden of 811 East Twentieth
t. who attempted to murder his
brother with an ax. was adjudged In
sane by Justice of the Peace William
Reld yesterday afternoon and commit
ted to the asylum at Salem. Linden la
afflicted with religious mania. He de
clares he waa alwaya wicked until yes
terday, when he heard a voice from en
high. He undertook to demonstrate hie
reformation by swinging an ax at hla
Mary L. Douglas ef 7SS Hawthorne
avenue was committed to the ssylum by
Justice of the Pence Fred L Olson. In
the shsenee of County Judge Webster
the Justices set ta bis place to angn
commitments to the asylum 'An In
sanity expert hi always called to make
an examination before a commitment
le algned.
Tsfs r
llama "Ba'a
--I've sears ef aim,-
are not simply "good" bread rnaterriala, they are the
very best money can buy.
Minnesota contributes her beat grade of hard
wheat flour; tha western refineries furnish the
suffer: from Illinois we orocure the pure leaf lard;
to these is added the rich milk
These strejjgth-giviag and
skillfully handled ana
bake shop, produce a
neat and food value has a
Ofdwt frpffi tout GroCwW.
county Jail.
The stoprstner oi u gin
the poet to which he was destined in
KhrSMr. "bat I always
uaeaght he wae a
r to