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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1906)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, 8UNDAY MORNINO. OCTC IBM SAFETYCOWMITTEE FORJRISCO Abe Ruef Stack Man Meeting i With Followers Who Loudly Cheer for Him. 4088 DRIVEN TO BAY ABLY DEFENDS HIMSELF Political Supporter! Pack Hall, Forc ing Business Man and Citizens to Hold Meeting Out-of-Doors, Where They Roundly Abuse Boss. (Special Dup.ich bj Less Wire to Tb Joornsl) 1 San Francisco, Oct It. Aba Reuf. boas of San Francisco, driven to bay by the wave of Indignation walch followed in the wain of tit numerous atrocities that have mad property and even life unsafe la this city during the past two Months, rendered uneasy by the storm fir protest against Inefficiency in pub lic office, appeared this afternoon at the mass meeting called to organise a committee of on hundred and there vigorously and skillfully defended hlm aelf and the administration for which He la universally held responsible. He came, be said, not aa one Interested lr. the movement but aa a cltlsen. and with him east a large number of hla personal and political supporters. In structed to cheer for him and make pub lic sentiment in his favor. Aa la usual with demonstrations planned by Boas Ruef. hla program went through with out a hitch, and for almost aa hour the astute manipulator stood bareheaded on the steps of the promotion committee's building In Union Square and mad hla defense. Ruef a following far outnumbered the members of the various organizations Who have been called on to appoint the 'posed committee. The latter planned to hold the gathering Indoors, but before the hour set for the convention, so many Ruef men occupied seats in the small hall that no room was left for those who planned and organised the movement. So all adjourned to the Hark. There several hundred persons, among whom were many prominent in the buslnoaj and professional life of the city, wet gathered; and there the res olutions framed by a committee ap pointed last Thursday were adopted. The meeting waa then immediately adjourned, but the crowd remained to hear the defense of the Schmlts admin istration. The boss and his followers were com .felted to listen to some bitter denun ciations of their methods. A. B. Tru man, amid considerable cheering, vehe mently and reepstedly branded Ruef as i a man that profits by the shame of flfomen, as a grafter, and as the on 5WSOO responsible for the orgy of crime mt Is terrorising this city. In addl on to this excoriation, resolutions Were read and loudly cheered In which tjbe declaration was made that: "Notice Is aerved on the whole ad ' ministration of San Franclaco and the criminal element that the law-abiding citizens of this city intend to compel the enforcement of the law against crime and graft In all their forms, and tb that end will take a hand theamelves as may appear necessary for the pro tection of the people against political conditions; that they will meat lawless ness with Justice, and do not Intend to submit to the delays and failures of the present method of administering the law, but fully Intend to see to It that law and order Of a substantial type are made the order of the day and that forthwith." When the meeting waa oalled to order the resolutions framed Thursday even ing were read. They declared that united effort Is necessary to rehabilitate the city, and to overcome the difficul ties now confronting the oltlzena, that moral courage and determined action are necessary to secure and preserve the best Interests of Baa Frsnclaco, and that It was the sans of the meeting that ft citizens' committee of 100 be sppolnted to further all things that may be for the best interests of the city and state and to advocate and do auch things aa will ' moat speedily re store and enhance In prosperity of San Francisco. The resolutions declared that the com mittee shall be composed of two repre sentatives from each of th local civic and otner organ Isat long and enough other citizens appointed at large by the chair to make up th required 100. BIG STICK NOT SWUNG (Continued from Page One.) the Standard Oil Is that It would be ad visable for the government forces to see what the outcome of th prosecu tions in Ohio will be. Yet the bureau of corporations has been at thla investi gation for about II months, and every now and then the statement la given out that th bureau will soon have fin ished its report. As is well known, the report must go to the president first, and he takes up th matter with the attorney-general. Oreat Deal of There was a vast deal of rumor and report about the department of Justice today to th effect that th attorney general was surely to resign about Jan uary 1, and there were promises that the whole Standard Oil business will be wall under way by that time. That meana that there will scarcely be time to give the public sny Idea aa to wheth er the Standard Oil will be brought into court before election. On of the flimsiest of th state ments yet made Is that the ad minis t ra tios la so modest that If It did an nounce a program against the Standard Oil company new It will be "accused of doing it for political effect." The total responsibility, it may be said, rests with th White House. That Is true for the reaaon that when th bureau of corporations and other government agencies began to work up th oasa against ths Standard Oil company it was stipulated tnat the matter should be eubml tted to the White House, and it Is well known that Mr. Garfield baa been a frequent visitor at the White House, sometimes reporting on the Standard Oil case and at other times playing tennis. Th president must therefore, have been aware of the status of the Standard Oil Investigation an aiong and rr it were deemed advis able to avoid th Imputation of pro ceedings against ths Standard Oil luat before election the president could have ordered the work done long ago. Beady as Frooeed. Today the departments are savins that th fact of the foreign complica tion wun me standard Oil Is not of great Importance, because the combina tions can be broken up under the laws of the United' States. Attorneys Kel logg and Morrison of Chicago are cred ited witn oeing the agents of the aov- ernment who have charge of thla par ticular orancn or me case which has got th administration into a very deep hole. it will possibly be shown before that th department of justice was al ways ail ready to proceed and that by some accident or design that denart- ment did not have before It all the mat ter wnicn should be furnished bv the bureau of corporations. It waa announced some time azh with a flourish of trumpets that the bureau Of corporations -had good esses ready for th St. Louis district and for the district of Southern California, but these have not yet materialised. What Tkank You! We want to thank our friends and pat rons for the nice things said the past week about our new store and the goods. Our salespeople could not devote much time to you, new: could theyhow furni ture to the best advantage. We've been busy all the week arranging things and it will be our endeavor to unload aa fast as is possible the carloads now on the rail road siding. The grand opening day will be announced later. We have no hesi tancy in saying that our store and our furniture will be second to none in the city from every viewpoint. We want to impress upon you that we are "Complete home outfitters." H. JENNINO ft SONS. New Store ! New Goods! As the five big floors of the Jenning's new furniture store are being stocked with the cream of the eastern furniture factories, we want to impress upon you that we are ready for business The goods on the different floors may not all be in place; it will not hin der us from offering bargains in Furniture and Carpets the new goods the new store The New Rival Range Is our hobby because we know that it will back up our assertion as a fuel saver and a splendid baker This remarkable range is built either for coal or wood It is made in several sizes-r-for the small family for the big family and for the hotels Over two thousand in use in Portland maybe your neighbor has one ; ask her H. Jenning & Sonus Complete Home Outfitters Southwest Corner Second and Morrison Streets is to be expected now. is that a day or two before the elections a statement will' be Issued either from the White House or the department of commerce and labor, telling of the "tremendous'' progress made In the Investigation of the oil trust and what the government proposes to do before the 1st oi January. The Man Who Knows 11 r HAT'S good in clothes appreciates the extraordi nary merit of our Chesterfield ready-to-wear suits and overcoats He recognizes the work of the master designer and the skilled craftsman f This town is full of men who know, and for trite fPICnn nur f1 Ao it fVwc cnrrrir milra r( uu ivmvu win uaub ui iuu o upturn maav ui dothes is constantly on the increase If the front of the Goat of a Chesterfield suit or overcoat breaks back or loses its shape in one year's wear we give you a new suit FREE Chesterfield Suit $20 to $50 Come in for a look and a try-on. . -Mil.'- ' -. i'-iTTV kit'' . M. Gray 269-271 Morrison Street FRAULEIN KRUPP (Continued from Page One.) SI. 101, th works at Essen. Kiel. Magdeburg, Oberbausen and elsewhere. the total value of which exceeds $60, 000,000, were converted into a limited liability company with 11. M0. 000 capl tal. The eldeet daughter holds 189.996 shares In the company, and her mother and younger elster, Barbara, are other wise provided for. The last dividend was of 12,400.000, nearly all of which was paid to Bertha as the largeat share holder. The bridegroom, Herr Oustavus von Bohlen-Holbach, Is years old and was born at Th Hague, where his father was minister of the grand duchy of Baden. The family hss extensive estates in Baden and slso large Inter eats In the United States. After study tag law at Heidelberg university, he traveled extensively in America, Re turning to Europe In 1S97, he was ap pointed to a post in th foreign office at Berlin. The young diplomat went again to America In 1899, this time aa secretary of the German embassy at waahlngton. His shinties were soon recognlsedi and in 1900 he sccompanled Count Munn von Schwarsensteln to Peking as secretary of the legation, and waa secretary of the International con fereno to arrange terms of peace with China. His next appointment was that ef first secretary to the Prussian lega tion to the Holy See, which he has filled since 190. BAGGAGE AGENT ACCUSED OF PADDING PAYROLLS (Special Dtipatcfc by Leased Wlr to The Journal) Denver, Oct. IS. Judson O. Campbell, who for 10 years has been general bag gage agent of th Union Depot and Railway company, a subsidiary Union Pacific railroad concern, Is In oustody of Paul Gregory, a special agent of the latter company, on the charge of em besslement, pending an expert examine Uon of Campbell's account. It is alleged that Campbell has em besxled about $29,000 during th past 10 years by means of padding th pay rolls of th baggage department, head of that department Campbell was authorised to audit the payrolls. William P. Kendall, who for SO yeare has been secretary of th Union Depot company, and who ts a close friend of Campbell, has been deposed by .the company on the ground tnat ne was cognisant of the .alleged pilfering of Campbell, although no evidence has been produced to substantiate this alle gation. Special officers have put the general baggage agent through a asvsrs sweat ing process, but he has stoutly main tained his Innocence. GLAFKE ANNOUNCES GLEE CLUB SCHEDULE (sseeial Mepatcfc te Th Jeerssl.) University of Oregon, Eugene. Oct. IS. Manager Glafke of th Glee club has announoed that th first concert will be held November ST, In Eugene. On Thanksgiving ths Club will sing In Portland. During the Christmas holi days an eastern Oregon trip will be taken. Albany, Salem, Pendleton, 1a Grande, Baker City, and possibly two or three other towns will b covered. Just Received A fin line of furs, at La Palais Royal, $71 Washington street Woodard, Clarke & Co. There Are Thousands of People Today who suffer because they do not read our daily advertisements 8" who do not know that we have the only loom weaving . SILK ELASTIC BELTS and STOCKINGS IN THE NORTHWEST- Strains, Sprains, weak ankles or jointa, enlarged or swollen veins arc instantly relieved and usual ly cured by wearing our "Wov en to Fit" Elastic Hose. Are You Uncomfortably Stout? Do you know that one of our WOOD LARK ABDOMINAL BELTS will give you just the support you need, add years to your life and make walking a pleasure? Skilled men and women in this department. Private fitting rooms for both sexes, and prices so reasonable that all who need may nave. lUPWUtT PHOTO DEPARTMENT The Amateur Photog rapher will find valu able assistance in our Photo Department. We aupply every want from ramra n JMkfl gBsassW mounted picture. Kafl Let us develop H and print your I plates and films. "sssesszW We guarantee the best results possible from k our negatives. Our stock of Cameras is the largest in the northwest and embraces all styles, sites and prices from $1.00 up. Films fresh from the manufacturer every few days. Photo albums in great variety. We make a specialty of photo enlargement at moderate prices. Com in and talk it over. INSTEP Arch SV!T is the best remedy for flat feet, an ail Vnrnt which is quite prevalent On ac- -.iint r( tria Ma. culier pains from this affliction, the people suffering from "flat foot" or weak insteps often get a wrong diagnosis, and in many cases the trouble is mistaken for rheuma tism. The Arch Supports are especially helpful to those who are on their feet a great deal. These rest the feet and make walking a pleas ure 81.80 to f 3.00 Saving Department Decorated Tally Cards, regular 25c doz., Spl . tOd Bee Playing Cards Special 21e Dennison's Paper Game Scores Special, doc. Td Clawood French Lawn Box Paper, 50 sheets paper, 50 envelopes, regular 50c Special ... Cut Glass Nappy, 5-inch, regular $2.25 Special 5 81.T8 Sherbert Glasses, set of six, regular $6.00 Special 4.6T Cut Glass Knife Rest, regular $1.50 Special. 81. 18 Finger Bowls, act of six, regular $8.25 Special 88.3T Imported Tooth Brush) regular 45c Special. . .88 The Always. Clean Tooth Brush, regular 35c Special .? .....lf Imported Solid Back Hair Brush, 11 rows snort bristles, regular $1.35 Special 97 f Water. Bottle, white rubber, 3-quart, regular $1.10 Special 83 Red Rubber Water Bottle, 4-qnart, regular $1.80 Special 81.88 White Rubber Fountain Syringe, 2-quart, reg ular $1.25 Special 4 fl.09 Red Rubber Fountain Syringe, 4-quart, regu lar $2.00 Special 8 1.89 post Card albums An elegant line of these popular books just re ceived, embracing all the latest and newest styles. Prices from 10d to 8.00 W00DLARK TOLU-FIR Gives instant relief from Colds, Coughs and all Lung and Throat Afflictions; particularly useful to allay distressing Night Coughs. 50 CENTS A BOTTLE 4 . iklifiiiskiiWisk'ntik- Mill ,i1assat: