The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 14, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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Ciptnatie ttlolte $
QuilJIITihfdltOnly QaoSty Conaiareil. Our rke Are Arwya th Lowt,
Wow Bseaejrmslsr SsTiisfreMscy
ad Pyrofrsplry Work in Art
CATALOO tent on
seaeea ttjes
Dept. Free
;' v
to S
Hessiqnrijer for ptetare tranins;
135 Taffeta Petticoats
Nearly Half Million People Vis
ited the Oaks During the
Summer Month.
Reg. $8.75 Value $4.98
38 New " Prince Chap" Tailored Suits
Regular $25 Value for $16,75
Improvements Will Be Completed
and Amusements Installed in Order
That Resort Can Open Much
Earlier Next Season.
j According to xthe superintendent of
the Oaks. D. C Freemen, more then
' -40.000 people heve passed through, the
entrsnce gstts since June , the date
' ' of the delayed openlne. Thts number
would have been greatly lncreesed had
not weather end other conditions, pre
vented the opening of the resort on
t the date set apart for the opening in
the first niece
Next season, according to Mr. Free
- men. will bigin much earlier, aa the
management will see to It that all rea
' tures ere provided for and Improve
ments msde before the time set tor the
commencement of the summer's run.
1 Many new amusements devised will
be provided by the management for
, nest year en great chance will be
bj made in taa arrangements of the
I grounds. Illuminations on an extenelve
seals will he one of the principal
chenges, while landscape gardeners will,
during the time the resort Is closed,
' trenef orm the place Into a bower of
floral beauty.
A baseball diamond, tennle court and
other athletic features will be metalled.
I A wading pool will be made for the
. little amueement hunters and sand piles
.for the tots will be put upon the
grounds. Aside from these additional
i attractions, many free features win be
1 signed for the entertainment of the
out-of-door crowd.
' The park will be closed, with the es
teeptlon of the skating rink, from this
. time on until the spring openlne next
May or June.
Business Men Coming Back
After Tripe of Inspection
and Recreation.
I ATter several weeks spent lnvestlgat
- Ins business conditions In San Fran
cisco and the east. R. R. Hoge, presi
dent of the chamber of commerce, and
Pacific coast representative of the
United States Steel corporation. wlU
reaeh home today. 19
William MeMurray. general isisssnaeg
agent of the Herrlman lines In the Pa
cifie nprswst. will araWs heps teat
i si Chsisin where e has neen en-
.'lir-f-SST traffic matters snd questions ,'
srtslaa;- out of The new saw srrecinig
railroad rata.
Bid ward CaokinghSm, cashier of the
Ladd S TUton bank, and president of
-the Tacoma Eastern railroad, will re
tura tomorrow sseenrng- from a week's
business trip in Washington.
Governor Chamberlain and Jefferson
Myers heve returned from a trip of
Inspection of the country la the vlcfn
' tty of Bursa, Manser county. They
were forcibly impressed with the vast
srehs of that region that ere already
productive or can he made ss by eeSs
mary agricultural development which is
eapeeteu to follow the advent of rail
road transportation through central Ore-
An Extraordinary Sale
of Laces
15c Platte VaL 5e Yard Platte Val.. end
Point de Peris Lsce end Insertion, li to 5
inches wide, value 15c yard Monday sale.. 5
Valenciennes. Lace Insertion, 1 and 1 inches
wide, value 36c dozen Monday sale,
dozen 10e
$1.50 Val. Insertion 48e Dozen Valencien
nes Lace Insertion, 1 inch wide, extra value at '
$1.00 to $1.50 dozen special for this Mbnday
sale, dozen - - -' 48e
$2.60 Laces for 98 Dozers Round Mesh
Val. Lace, 1J4 iaches wide, extra fine quality,
value to $2.50 dozen Monday sale, doz. .48V
50c Net Top Lace, yd, 25c
Ecru Net Top Lace, 9 inches wide, used for
trimming house gowns and dress- C.'
ing sacques, value 50c sale price jwJ
35c AUover Lace, yd, 5c
18-inch Allover Nottingham Lace, can be used
for curtains; white or ecru; values 25c C--r
snd 36c sale price 7
12jc Torchon Lace, yd, 3c
Cotton Torchon Lacf in sets to match; lace 2
to 3 inches, insertion 1 to 14 inches wide;
values to 12c yard for 'Xt
only eiJC
75c Dress Net, 47c Yard 46-inch white Dot
ted Dress Net, regular 75c yard, Monday
sale 47
$1.0042.00 Allover Nets. 67c Yard-45 and
18-inch Allover Nets for waists and dresses,
white or ecru values $1.00 to $2.00 per yard;
Monday sale . 67
$1.25 Dress Net. 78c Yard 45-inch Dress Net,
in white, ecru, pink, Nile, mais. lavender and
gray ; very popular for evening dresses ; values
$1.25 yard; special, Monday sale 78
25c Venise Bands, Etc., 5c Yard Venise
Bands, Appliques and Motifs, in ecru, lto 1J4
inches wide; values to 25c; in this sale 5
50c Venise Trimmings 12 Venise Applique
and Galloon Trimmings, white and ecru, 2 to
3 inches wide, value 50c yard Monday
sale 12
Thirty-eight new. Tailor-Made Suits in this season's
popular "Prince Chap" style, made of fine all-woe!
cheviots in fray, black, aavy, grey check and
brown. Hie jacket is made $7 inches long, double
breasted or fly front, snd lined throughout with
satin. The skirt is made in the new plaited and
gored shape. Sold regularly st 1 C 7 C
$25.00. For special Monday sals. . .eP I O. O
135 New Net Waists
Monday Sale, $4.50
i ' ' ! -
155 Fsncy Net Waists, in the newest styles, Just
received from New York. They sre beautifully snd
tastefully trimmed with exquisite Bettenberg lsce
yoke snd Vslenciennes lsce, with fancy short
sleeves. Also dainty Batten berg collar. These
waists are really worth double the a ff
Monday ssle price ePa3U
70c Bleached Table Damask 57c
$2.75 SSff Napkins $1.87 Dozen
Fine Bleached Table Damask, 64 inches wide, 30x30-inch . Hemstitched Drawn-Work
splendid quality; regularly 70c yard; in this Squares; regular value 60c; for this sale
sale 57 ,..29e
fvSM 30,30-inch Japanese Hand-Drawn Squares;
lariy $2.75 dozen ; very fP,al regular value $1.25; special for this sal?. .99
18x50-inch Hemstitched Drawn-Work Scarfs; 18x54-inch Japanese Hand-Drawn Scarfs, reg
rooular value 50c : for this srreat sale 29 ular value $1.50; special 91.19
115 Petticoats made of the beet and heaviest
quality taffeta silk. Splendidly made, with
section flounce, shirred snd tucked. Comes
in black, blue snd green changeable, brown,
London smoke, ten, snd light gray. While
they sre regularly sold st $1.75, they're really
$10.00 value. Magnificent bargain d 4 QQ
at the Mondey ssle price P a VO
25c Braid Trimmings 5c Yd
$1.50 Jet Trimmings 8c Yd
At Kr Brsid Trimming in plain and fancy
ol colors; slso black and black with
colors j Y to 1 inch wide ; value to 26c yard.
A "JtZr Persian Trimming and Taffeta
a. a?. Appliques and Bands in black
and colors, 1 to 2 inches wide, value to $1.00 a
At Of Taffeta Appliques and Bands in
JVV b,ack and coor9. Braid Ap-
liques, 2 to 3 inches wide ; values to $2.60 yard.
Af CLr Jet Trimmings in galloons and sp-
l pliques, 1 to 2 inches wide, values
to $1.60 yard.
At 15c Silk Braid an1 6utton Orns
rl 17W mf(nta j blsck snd colors, vslues
to 30c snd SOc dozen.
50c rags Embroidery 12c Yd
Nainsook snd Swiss Embroidery, nine inches
wide, values to 60c a yard. An f
extraordinary Monday sale at -. 1 Jb?
$2.50 Embroidery 98c Yd
Corset Cover Embroidery in fine Swiss and
Nainsook effects, some with lsce trimmings;
also flouncing, 17 inches wide, AO
values to $2.60 yard, for "Ot
$2.50 Allover Embroidery 98c Yd
Allover Embroidery, 22 inches wide, values to
$2.60 a yard, in Swiss and Nainsook effects.
Extraordinary valne, Monday at, C
C. a Loss, president of the United
Kail ways company, who has been In New
Tare. City most of the llm. since bis
"SsBwxtasw ftresn Portland a raw weeka
ego, is expected to arrive here during
the coming- week. Betaraia from the
east few days ago via the southern
rout, h. fell Ul et Santa Barbara and
waa confined several deys hie
st hie summer heme there.
John Detks rs Killed While At
tempting to Steal Ride
on Pullman.
Didn't Hurt a Bit
So fit os so pay 35. OO
insasi .1!,l.rT.t aio.oo
svuasj SOet
A 12 v,.r pystsetlT. gesnat. eitb
II inrtk Om ea tse dntataee
af Mir tall iiSSWiss Bi
laib nad yoer Bnwwr. OSsa TMBsa
ml (MuaSrs.
(SsMial PSaytM Ts. Journal.)1
Sslees. Oct. IS A man who gave his
naass aa Jehn Detka was fatally Injured
yesterday while the overland waa pass
ing at the Intersection of Twelfth and
Court streets, fie dts five minute
after ha v I as been taken to the hospital.
As he was being taken there he asserted
that he waa riding en ens of the Pull
mans and that he waa kicked off by the
Detka waa accompanied by iTenrge
West, a knight ef the road, who also
waa stealing; a ride on the asms coach.
He mlesed his partner when reaching
the depot and he together with Night
Officer Buetck west he sse where the
man waa, and he was found lying across
the track In front of the rapnBy adyanc
tner second section.
An ambulance as seat for snd the
man was taken to the hospital.
He was of dark completion, weighed
about 16 pounds snd was five feet six
inches tail and tbout 20 years or saw.
Ill iOUD CnT
(Continued (from Pseje One.)
age and the time consumed in twinging
the cargo business to thts point. St.
James is expected to become the Kverett
of the Columbia river basin. ,
The Hill companies haws. It Is said,
secure control of all tire land In the
vluintty of the proposed tewnslte. There
will be no speculators Invited, but legiti
mate Investors and development projects
will be asked to come la.
Mil 'a determination to build an ocean
past at Gray s bay will commit him fully
to Hie Improvement of the mouth of ths
nnlnmhla river by completion of ths
Jetty. It may be expected that all the
power and Influence of tne rvortnern
PaMflo. Great Northern and Burlington
political departments will be thrown Into
the scale In favor of appropriations for
future work. If the Gray's bay psojeot
becomes s reality, for It wllr be Impos
sible to send the largest ocean steamer,
over the bar until the cbsnnel haa been
deepened. By the time the Portland A
Seattle la completed from Kennewlek to
St. James, Greet, Northern engineers
hope the: the channel wilt have been
dssajsnill to 4 f"' and scenes given
to all ocean-going vessels.
"When you have e feet on the Colum
bia, river bar we will send our snips
tp Portlsnd," Mr. Hill declared et the
Portland banquet where he was a guest
of honor
shadows eeij ether fee lore of the
north bank line. The Improvements at
Portland. Gray's bay and Bvesett as sen
s distribution "hf the' Hin business that
heretofore haa been centrallsfng at Se
attle. HIM broke Into Vancoovar. B. C.
two veers ago, and now has terrains Is
st thai place. Belllngbam. BVerott, Se
attle, T scorns. Gray's Hsrbor. Wills pa
Harbor. Gray's bay and Portland. A
continuation of the Hltl-Harrtman flght
on the north bank Is now seen to extend
down the Columbia river from Kelso ts
the sea. snd both srs expected to build
northward .long the coast to Wlllapa
ask Gray's harbors. There are large
untapped timber resources la that region.
(Continued from Paae One.)
have brought the fear of Hearst once
more Into the Wall attest mind, and
caused a general salting of stocks to
day. The market weakened decidedly,
prominent stocks) losing In serly trad
ing anywhere from a half to a point
compared with yesterday's closing
prlcea." .
It Is learned that Hearst's star com
pany, the New Jersey corporation which
la the 'holding company for Ms vsri-
ous publishing corporations, does not
appear on the books ef the secretary of
state, or of the state controller.
There la nothing to show Hearst ever
paid the slightest attention to the lew
requiring foreign corporations to take
out a license or do business rn this state-.
The star company never paid any cor
poration tax under the laws of this
state, so fsr se the stste controller's
The project to build a transshipment
port at Gray, bay haa been under
consideration hy the Hill llnea for two
veers. It la Said, and Is now practically
daeMad upon. At first It was Intended
to permit a private corporation .to
organise the town, but Hill Insisted thst
his railroad companies should handle
the project, en guarantee fair treatment
to ell Investors and enterprises, pro
vided; f ooarse. they were net sn
tagMMltetlo to ths Hill Interests
The groat rail highway that the .Hill
Knee are building into Portland over-
It appears that Hearst's star company
does business very much like the North
ern Securities company. Tt Is pointed
out that Hesrst la thus guilty himself
of the crime for which he hss so loudly
condemned the trusts-, the crime of
conducting a great business In such s
way aad so entangled legally thst re
sponsibility asnnot be fixed upon It.
Candida tee Hughes and Hesrst ended
tonight so lively e week of energetic
campaigning aa their most loyal parti
sans oould wish. Hug-ties' tour haa been
regarded ee a great success. Be has
addressed In the aggregate over 50,000
voters and has been accorded enthus
iastic receptions everywhere. He will
continue hla valuable se'lvlty next
Hearat haa also been reaching ths ear
of the farmers all the week, with appar
ently satisfactory results. His sudl
ences as a rule are quite demonstrative.
Confidence te expressed by Charles P.
Murphy that the disgruntled members
of ths Hearst Independence league ooun
ty committee, who are' clamoring for
recognition, will be unable to make trou
ble, and that there will be no third Judi
ciary ticket nominated by the league la
explained. The Independence league la
Itaslr a corporation controlled by Hearst
Without his consent no third ticket un
der the nsme of the Independence league
-an be placed In the field, and as Hearst
has practically Indorsed the Tammany
Hall Judiciary nominees. Murphy la
therefore not dolrv; sny unnecessary
Wallowa. Or.. Oct IS. A meeting will
he Hats in Wsllnwa for the stockmen
wewtriove at securing a permit for eras
ing In the Wallows or Chesnlmue for
est ii ssi ii is for ths anurias? Mason of
Bgs Bgl BnB SfcgBaBgBaBgBBBBB gssaaSs gSsBSBB
rg. a,,. - - W Aaaualda A m emeaeVBSLB
bj sTyeisii fvrwfiotts, ui ivwt j tcuBfj
t UtmiMMd, I Blast '
Women's Outer Apparel
We sre showing- the most complete line In Women's
and Misses' Suits ever assemhled by a Western
house. We show every desirable new style, la all
the leading domestic and foreign fabrics. A special
feature la the greet sssuitmsirt of desirable styles,
beginning at moderate prices, which enables sny
woman of modest msana or of weelth to have en
exclusive style. Tomorrow we put on sale meny
newest effects at very special price concessions.
Nice quality striped cheviot, double breasted, made
eollerleee, 43 Inches long, full heck, plain sleeves,
trimmed at cuffs with black velvet, side pockets
to match; bound seams; gray only; each S2.&5
Striped cheviot, nice quality, double breasted. 4
lnehea long, full hack, finished with small hut
tone at end ' of eide seams, block velvet collar
trimmed with cloth, strap to match, full plaited
sleeves, turnover cuffs, side pockets, bound seams;
a big bargain; gray only; each S3.BS
Phney striped cloaking, good quality, double breast
ed, 43 Inches long, trimmed with narrow braid
and velvet at neck, full beck finished with small
plaits and trimmed with braid, side pockets, plain
sleeves, fancy trimmed ruffs, wide cloth facing.
bound seams; gray oaly; sach Hgt
Pancy plaid cloaking, double breasted, full back,
4S Inches long, green velvet collar, plain sleeves,
side pockets, bound seams; very nobby garment
for the price; gray only; each BK.B5
Nice quality plaid cloaking, double breasted. 45
Inches long, finished st neck In pointed design
and trimmed with gray velvet, loose back
trimmed with covered buttons to match, new
sleeves, velvet cuffs, bound seams, entirely new;
sway only; each ' qlae,S
All-wool cheviot Dresses. Ion waists, trimmed with
straps and gold fancy buttons, full skirts; red,
'blue end brown; to 14 years aS.teS
Children's Presses made In different pretty plaids.
foil blouse end strap trimming ft
Nobby Suit, made of cotton mixed goods, broken
plaid effect, lined throughout, trimmed with box
plaits and fsncy featberwttteh braid, deep cuffs to
. match; all colors; to 14 years 91.35
Stylish Dress, made of heavy black and white shep
herd plaids, blouse effect, with cuirassier front,
trimmed with cashmere straps, deep cuffs to
match: I to 14 years. . . 91.7.1
Ladles' black kersey Caps, ( Inches long, tailored.
with stitching
Ladles' black kersey Cape, tt Inches long, trimmed
with bands, and cloth buttons to match. . S3. SO
Ladles' black kersey Cape, trimmed with stitched
bands, good circular flare around bottom; comes
In knee lengths S3. 95
Ladlee plush Capes. 41 Inches long, trimmed with
braid and heads, good flare around) bottom 34. S5
Ladles' Raincoats, made with box plaits, yoke, loose
back, with belts, dsrk gray 34. 35
Ledlee' Meeklntoeh, made with double cape. In all
sixes, gray aa navy 39
Lsdlesr three-quarter length Coats, made of mix
tures, coverts, loose becks, new slesvs 33.33
Ledlee hip-length Coats, half fitted, with box front,
In aavy, tan and gray; stores 14 to M $1.53
Indies' hip-length Coats, made of fine kersey, fitted
backs and loose fronts; In red snd tan.... 33.33
Children's Long Coats
Children's lone; Coats, made of heavy grade pis Ids,
loose back, with or without collars; neatly tai
lored; to 14 years S3. 33
Children's lens Coats, of light gray materials, made
loose back and velvet trimming to match: t to 14
years . . SI .98
Children's long Costs of vlcnns materiel. In red end
blue, loose beck, 6 to 10 years 31.39
Children's long costs of melton, In gray only, loose
back, light braid trimmings, t to 10 years. 83e)
Misses' Skirt
Misses' Skirts, made of lightweight msteriale. In
brown snd gray; made with side plaits and sev
eral rows of stitching 33.35
Misses' skirts, made of fancy plaids. In brown snd
green; ell the latest styles 39.33
A line of Skirts, msterlsla of light gray, plaids,
with plaits down the front and the sides. 93,93
ladles' fur Collaretteo, In blsck near ssal only. 39)
Ladles' fur Boa, with three tails on each aad, black
nesr seel 96)
Lsdlesf fur boa, 73 Inches Inn, finished With cords
and tails, black Rahman hair 99.98
Ladles' 1'nderskirts. made of cotton raff els. with
two deep nsfflas aad fine tucks, in black and all
colors S2.T5
Underskirts, marie of spun glass, with IMnch SV
oordioo-plntted ruffle . ... 89)
Black silk Skirt, with deep flounce, trimmed with
ruffles 34.88
Not Costly, But Clever and Styl
ish Children's Drest
One of the beet makers of Children's
closed out to us bis entire lot of 2.000. In fact, ft
la an' exhibition that for style and beauty is unsur
passed. Note few prices:
Children's sll-weol Dresses, msde in long waist
effects. Seep yokes, trimmed with braids, belts
snd straps, all colors. to 14 years 31-39
All-wool cheviot Dresses, long waists, trimmed with
straps snd gold fancy buttons, full skirts; red.
blue and brown; to 14 years 99.99
Children's Dresses, made m different pretty plaids,
full blouse and strep trimming .. 99)
Nobby Suit, made of cotton mixed goods, broken
plaid effect, lined throughout, trimmed with box
plaits and fancy featherstitch braid, deep cuffs
to metch; all colors; 9 to 14 years 91.33
Stylish Dress, msde of heavy black and whits shep
herd plslds. blouse effect, with cuirassier front,
trimmed with cashmere straps; deep cuffs to
metch; to 14 years 81-75
Ladles' Underwear
Ladles' all-wool whits Vasts snd Pants. Norfolk 3
New BTUrMrwlck Mills; regular I2.S0 a garment.
Special 91.59
Ladies' gray wool ribbed Vests end Pants, regular
11 no Special 399
Ledles Swiss' ribbed grsy snd white Veets and
Psnta. sll wool; regular $1.25. Special . .. 899
Ladlea' gray Veets and Pants, nearly sll wool , rvgu-
. lar 7td. Special . 399
Ladles' all-wool canhmere TpSHSntl I nion Units.
colors, cream, natural and black; regulsr It 4,
14 88, 3J.2S. perii, suit . 91 .39. 99.93. 98.48
l-Hclles' Meek cashmere Tpellantl Tights regular
13.00 Special WSsBlaUm ?ll5eV
Ul f B.
1 Colore, flesh, cream and black; regular 10 t.
Special 34.3V
ladles' all llk black Tpsllantl Tights; regulsr
n and 17 50. Special, pair 33.39 and 99.99
Ladles' all-silk T patient I Union Suits, colors, flesh
snd cream; regular t 0. Special 94.93
Ladles' all-silk tpsllsnW I'nlon Suits; olors. flesh
snd cream: reastlhr $7 59 Special, suit.. 89.79
LSsilHn' extra lieavj fleeee-llned Vests and Pants:
colors, cream snd gray; regular lie. Special 8347
Misses' snd Children's fine ribbed fieece-ilnd I'nlon
Suits; colors, gray an cream; reg. Ttc. Spl 199
SHAINAHAIN'S BARQAIN HOUSE, 144-146 Third St., Between Morrison and A fetor
197, November 4, It 04, for the purpose
of allotlng the rang. A. F Porter,
chief of the section of erasing of Wash
ington, D. C. wall be pi sweat st this
meeting; to talk uvea the sensing situa
tion with the stockmen.
Ths following permits hsve been Is
sued: J. Daniels, bam. Bast Sixth, cor-
nee Xtaet Tevlor cost 11 000; H. C
txsw-story dwelling, PUSt,
between Russell sad Page, cost $1,000:
3 I Taylor, two-story dwelling. Michi
gan avenue between Shever and Mason,
oast $1,0; p. A. Myers, one-story
dwelling. Maiden, bet era en JSset Ninth
it ml Kast Kleventh. com $1,800; R
Chase, two-story dwelling,
tween 3sat Seventeenth snd Bast
tsenth, cost ti, ,-.oo: J. A. Hsmar.
story dwelling. Best Thirty-third
tween SSSSt Star 4rtd Beat
$V0; A. perrera, repairs.
between Marshall and North rup. cost
$; Mrs. Ye Bchsde, repairs, Mont
gomery, between Kleventh and Twelfth.
coat fin.
Charles A.
dwelling. All
snd BJest
Myers, rme-sbsry dwelling. ... as eaa essm
Tscoma few? sent, cost ll.tee; M. O. I-W. two-story
Pine, cost mg. Cast TWrteenth corner Nenstora. ty leaamam