The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 14, 1906, SECTION FOUR, Image 44

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that Caused
O OUTH CAROLINA'S famous lesson
.A in liquor legislation is believed by the
majority of people in that State to be
founding out its concluding chapter.
The State Dispensary law, one of the
most remarkable experiments in the way of
public control of a commodity in popular de
mand ever attempted, will, it is thought, be
Ibelf repealed by the incoming Legislature.
At the recent primary elections in that
fttate the voters of the dominant party de
nlared in favor of the candidates antagonistic
jfD the present system of liquor control.
For thirteen years the State Dispensary
mw of South Carolina has run its troubled
bourse. Riots, raids and official scandals have
tlustered upon the pages of its history; viola
tions of the law have been frequent, and more
tar less open; graft has been charged in this
ypsarter and that. The dominating influence
nf one man alone United States Senator
49. R. Tillman has kept the law upon the
books this' long.
In the recent primary campaign the ap
peals of Mr. Tillman were disregarded, and
to sentiment adverse to the dispensary gained
ascendency. The fate of the dispensary rests
With the new Legislature the State officials
to be elected are against it. Even should it be
banished from South Carolina, its unsavory
pdor will linger long within the confines of
the Palmetto State.
SENATOR TILLMAN ts retarded aa the father of
South Carolina' dispensary ayatcm. Whether its
seemingly Impending overthrow win have any
effect upon the political fortunes of this plctur
hsque and rugged statesman cannot be predicted, nor
is sucn prediction necessary.
Despite the fact that the Democratic voters of the
tats apparently decided against him on this issue, hs
undoubtedly baa a firm hold on their affections. He
Was not the issue In the campaign of last summer; If
fee arrayed himself on the losing side in the advocation
at a system in which he believed, he did no mors than
Cher leaders have done.
No one haa ever impugned Senator Tillman's hon
Snty. Impetuous, headstrong, flsry and uncontrollable
Iks may be, but suspicion of graft does not attach to
Mm. That It has been charged to the system hs fathered
ft not laid at his door.
Hoon after Mr Tillman ma. slants Amimuip of
owth Carolina In 1MW ho was confronted with ths old.
perplexing problem of the sals of Intoxicating liquors.
SkUll that time he had been a farmer, unprepossessing
trance, rugged In manner and without schooling
Bs bad led a revolt of the farmers of the state
existing political conditions and the so-called
resented a continuation of the traditions of South-ante-bellum
dsys, snd took office determined to
a record for reform.
At the outset of his administration. Tillman found
party In peril of being swamped between ths oppoa-
torces of high license and prohibition. Advocates of
latter had greatly Increased In numbers, and in
Of the counties, like Harlborcush. the aala at
. u I, ., - I . i m
that time ths city of Athens, Ga., was expert-
packages, buying and selling through a municipal
lion. It was suggested that such a nlan ha mm.
and adapted to the entire State of South Caro-
The Idea found favor, and ths dispensary plan was
It was decided to close all existing saloons and.
State dispensaries one or more In each
So the Dispensary law was formulated. Its provl-
wer to be carried out by a State Board of Control,
number was afterward reduced to three.
This board was to purchase ail liquors and have
tm tasted. A commissioner, appointed by it, was to
aa executive officer and distribute supplies to the
In every county, at such places where the sale of
mmr waa i uwaa riv ihn t.rm r.i aa, a , -
It was Intended to make only a fair nroSt from the
M4 Into the State school fund, the remainder helns
is ad between the county and town s-overnmenta
Mrs the local dispensaries were located.
r eleven months of one year reported under this
astern and takeu as a specimen period the total r
ftipti from sslss amounted to t3.tfl.M0 22, and the cost
ft supplies was U.SK.2U.7K Of the net profits, ths
Mprunt accruing to the Mate on behalf of the school
fund was riT,012.18. snd the amount divided among the
Win ties and towns was txK.lss 28
The entire net earnings of that year were IUW.MN.7s.
BfSii over the preceding year of fla2,M.K. Among
wwuiiiK items 01 cw, ocsiats supplies, were uvaer
eSWtels tU . Hs,gl.t4; freight and express charges.
an u
m and unhepplness followed In the wske of the
JBjnasasry law aimusi troru munching Thousands
LWLWma the restrictions thrown about the sale of liquor.
They had been esousaomed to walklna Into a bar-
las and buying what and when they pleased; ths new
t things was regarded ss an encroachment upon
I ttber ty.
T the Dispensary law every perron wtshlns
Wag Obliged to purc hase It In package form from
jmraro n had to present to nis iocm aispensor
I or pmiieu uppiiiuiiun, Kivms g'w oeei ot
Information fn reply to questions that, perhaps,
Lai as Isssertinent. And at that tbe dlsosnser
refuse to sail to him. If ha desired.
I this created dssjaCtsfsotlnn Many person be-
mm u m iKjtm mm i i mmmmmmmmm
VffftSM sSSSxU'luBM I I Ttr: Mam ssssBSBSSBSBBSBBSSBsssasnssBBM
mm 4yW---Jffl 1 ,
TypiccfJ Dispensary wSoufCsraJzJd.
lleved that the Stats had no right to enter business;
others, not Indulging In ethical premises, concluded that
they had as much right to sell liquor ss ths Stats, law
or no law. In any event, they knew that there was .
money In It
Consequently, hundreds of speakeasies were opened
all over South Carolina. It haa been asserted that,
while there were ten legal dispensaries In the city of
Charleston, there were at least 200 speakeasies, or "blind
Thereupon, the army of constables became busy.
They ware endeavoring to do their duty, perhaps;
but. as a rule, they wars not highly cultured nor espe
cially gentle.
Hald after raid ensued. For a time such official In
trusions were confined to places suspected so being
speakeasies. They were not conducted according to the
TJ?eJoofy&Mt!iczftf)e Depot foDarlibQton-ncnyKWed
s men ties of an afternoon tea, henoa it is of UtUs
prise to note that several killings ensued.
It waa when the activity of the constables extended
to the search of dwellings that Indignant resentment
rose to whlta heat, .and bloodshed was charged to the
working of ths Dispensary law.
Rioting took the place of protest. At Darlington, a
prosperous city in ths Pee-Dee section, came the first
trouble. Several places there were raided late In March.
ISM. by a fores under Chief State Constants Oalllard.
and. while there waa no open resistance, the onlooking
crowd was sullen and threatening.
Boon after this, ths report became current that sev
eral private houses were to he searched for supplies of
That was mors than the men of the town could
tend, and they began to gather, armed with shotguns,
rifles and revolvers.
No trouble occurred that day, however; but on the
following morning twelve State constables, armed with
rifles, reached the town.
v The appearance of these officers aroused intense in
dignation, and calls sent to the surrounding country
brought In scores of sympathisers with tbe people of
Help for the Discouraged, ' Motherless Girl
TO AID motherless girls,. Mrs. M. M. Van
Cott, the well-known "vangelist, hat. form
ed an organization which aha hopes to
see flourishing all oror tbe ' country in
a few years. It is called the Motherless Girls' Chris
tian Association.
At present headquarter are at CatekilL N. Y.,
but "Mother Van," as she is affectionately known
from New England to the Pacific, expects to visit
a number of other citiea and establish branches
where she thinks the greatest need exists.
By Mrs. M. M. Van Cott
I AM FREQUENTLY asked ths object of the Mother
less Otrls' Christian Association, and yst I think Its
object Is set forth In Its name.
To comfort, care for and win the discouraged
motherless girls, especially in our large cities, and
through loving counsel strive to prevent them from
going to the bad that Is our object.
Most of them are good girls now or when they
start out to face the world and we hope to help them
to continue In the path of uprightness by entertain
ing and guiding them; to keep them from the street
and save them for God. home and religious mother
hood. The officers of the association at present are: Presi
dent, Mrs. M M Van Cott; vice president. Miss Anna Ds
Or oat; recording secretary, Mrs. W. P. Bates; treas
urer, Mrs. H. Fredenburgh.
I cannot Impress upon ths public too strongly our
purpose, and so I venture to repeat: We desire to
Gather together the motherless girls, and In tender
ive Instruct, warn, guide, encourage and entertain
thom, while we "mother" them for Ood. home and
womanly purity.
Does there live man or woman In whose breast
thsrs Is not found tondsrest pity and true sympathy
for a motherless girl?
Many a girl, tenderly reared and unfitted by nature
or training to bo left to right the battle of life alone,
hears all too early the rustls of ths wings of ths aagsi
of death, as It takes away her best earthly friend,
couneelor and guide, her mother. She turns away from
ths parent's grave, desolate, heart-crushed and undone.
The sight of the vacant chair in the cheerless boms
smites her soul; sbs misses ths gsntle footfall of one
that cometh not; at bedtime there Is no mother's em
brace, no loving good-night klas.
Then dawns a nsw snd. too oftsn, a troubled Ufa
She must go out Into the world, from which She has
been so tenderly shielded, to earn her own living. Do
you knew whet that meansT If you do. you undsr-
tand ths need for sympathy and help.
The child Is ofttlmes totally Inexperienced, knows
nothing of life, Its temptations and pitfalls.
Heavy hearted, she seeks a situation. Perhaps shs
is sweetly beautiful In her sorrow more's the pity for
her. Then the cheap boarding house becomes her home.
She earns just money enough to keen a shelter above
her and provide her with distasteful food. Poor one.
with none to oounssl or guide!
weeks and months go by with a growing. Intensi
fied longing of soul for a kindly word or smlls of
Ss Is a good girl at heart, brought up religiously,
and doubtless attends church. But even at church
none notloss her, even to offer a hymn book.
Her slothes now beats to teak m bit ssahhr ir-
touches the depths of her womanly spirit. She sees no
chance to replenish them. What now?
Discouraged beyond measure, again and again shs
wishes she could die.
Now comes Satan In human form, going about seek
ing to devour. She believes his words of love. 8oon
she Is happily sngaged to be married, and her spirit
Is joyous In Its hope.
He Invites her out to some place of amusement,
then to supper. See her eye sparkls; she supposes shs
Is loved.
Wine is called for. she hesitates but her lntendod
drinks his glass, tells hsr It Is simple, mild wins, and
she Is beguiled to drink It, for ehe loves him and has
not the least doubt of his love. '
From such a dream of happiness she too often
awakes to a horrible reality. Unless Ood, In pity, sends
a Florence Crittenden rescue saint to the undons one at
whom the world will now point the finger of scorn,
some mother's child will sink deeper and still deeper,
till frl merry to her poor ehvracked body the potter's
field opens its arms and ahe finds a nameless grave.
NOKgtnen. it is to save sucn ss tnese. in a wore or
loving prevention, that our association has been formed.
We purposs to have a home of rest for tired ones,
open the year round, where they may find loving moth
erly spirits to ohoer, counsel and watchfully guide
them. Many In our stores, factories and mills are not
slok, but utterly tired out and discouraged.
As soon as funds are at our disposal we shall buy
a home and Invite the good girls, who dsslre to re
main good, to come In relays of ten or twenty, as Ood
shall glvs to us the means. They will spend. a week,
ten days or two weeks, as each cass may nsed.
We purpose to give them perfect rest of body, with
a neat room, good wholesome food, and last, but not
least, motherly love and Christian counsel as to ths
valus of pure womanliness and refined womanly dig
nity. We shall teach each one that as a woman shs. Tn
ruling herself, can In her lot rule the world. ,
In our home we hope to set an example and to
train to an Industrious, purposeful life thoss who corns
to us. In other words, we shall try to save and give to
the world hundreds of womanly women by making
tnem to see ana Know mat lite is not only worth liv
ing, but is a beautiful, useful gift from
Such a demonstration seemed to convince the con
stables that they war not In a healthy locality. On
March SO fourteen of them, bearing Winchester rifles,
were assembled at the railroad station, awaiting a
Before It arrived, however, firing began. It was
stated that five unermed dtlsens, who happened to gat
together near the depot, were made the subject of at
tack. '
In any event, ths rifle reports brought a number
af dttesns to ths scene, and they took part in the
scrimmage with prompt enthusiasm, ''
Whan it was all over, four man war found to bo
dead, several others were mortally wounded, and there
were a number of cases of more or less serious Injury.
The constables concluded that discretion was the
) better part of valor. They promptly took to the woods,
where, for several days, they were hunted by a frenzied
crowd. All, however, got away safely.
News of the Darlington riot spread Ilka wildfire.
Disorder, too, spread like a contagion.
In Florence a mob wracked the local dispensary and
N destroyed supplies valued at 115,000.
Governor Tillman ordered out the State militia. Three
companies In Columbia refused to respond. One of
these was no other than the favorite Governor's Guard.
Other military organisations throughout ths State also
did not obey.
It was a theatrical moment whan ths historic Gov
ernor's Guard refused to proceed to Darlington. The
command waa marshaled on the lawn before the Execu
tive Mansion, and soldier after soldier throw his equip
ment on tbe ground at Governor Tillman's feet.
Peering that the State capital would soon be in the
hands of a mob and that the Executive's life was In
danger, friends of Mr. Tillman urged him to flee for
safety. His single eye blazing with wrath and determi
nation, the Governor refused.
"They may kill me, but they cannot scare me," ha
said. "Ths people of South Carolina put me here to
attend to their business, and I will stay here and do
my duty, or be carried out a corpse."
Ia this perilous position, ths Governor appealed to
the farmers of ths State the "wool hats" who had
elected him to help him maintain sovereign authority.
By scores and hundreds they responded, all armed,
and soon 800 or (00 determined men were at hand to
back up bis rula
Governor Tillman, however, found a sufficient num
ber of troops ready to obey his orders to control the
situation at Darlington. He placed tbe town under mar
tial law and soon restored order.
The "whisky war." as it wss called, lasted ten daya
and then came to an end.
That waa by no means the end of the troubles of the
dispensary system, however. Other troubles have ensued
from time to time.
It has been charged for years that graft wss ram-
8 ant snd that the whole traffic as conducted by the
tats was rotten.
This finally led up to an official investigation by a
committee of tbe Legislature. The investigation, con
cluded only a few months ago, resulted In revslattons
that, doubtless, had much to do with the recast verdict
of voters against ths dispensary system.
Rebates by the hundred were found, it la Stated. It
was also found, according to reports of the proceedings,
that public bids for supplies had been tampered with,
that exorbitant prices had been psld for bottles, labels,
liquor and everything else that hsd been bought, and
that some of the dispensers had been shown guilty of
actual theft, and yet had been retained in the employ
of the State.
Scandal after scandal has marked the history of the
State dispensary. The people have not been satisfied,
the honor of the State baa been smirched. It is declared.
Should the Dispensary law be r pes led, the relief
throughout South Carollns. It ia stated, will be general.
Postmen Collect Debts in
A DEBT-COLLECTING agency which Is run as a
part of ths regular nubile postal system Is the
newest "improvement'' of the poet o Hoe of Aus
tria, Despite the novelty of the enterprise, the plan has
worked admirably, so that thousands of dollars ars col
lected annually by the postmen throughout the Austrian
The system Is very simple. Suppose a tradesman In
Vienna has an account due from a customer tn, say,
such s distent town as Budapest, which he wishes to
collect. Distance does not msfter In ths least.
He merely sends the bill to the postofflcs In the
capital, whence It Is st once transmitted to the post
office at Budapest There the postman presents It to
tht debtor, collects the cath. smf remits It to ths Vienna
postofflcs. whenoe It Is delivered to the tradesman by
In the event of payment being refused, which, of
course, sometimes happens, the creditor Is proaajaUy ap
prised of the fact, and valuable time la thus frequently