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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1906)
TH1 OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNINO. OCTOBER 14, 106. CAMPAIGN BEGINS TOMORROW Solicitors for Proposed Now As sociation Building Have Laid Their Plans Well. COMMITTEES TO VISIT EVERY BUSINESS MAN No Citizen Will Escape Ounce to Contribute to Building Fund- Members Confident That Desired Sum Will Be Secured. Tomorrow will see the commencement of the new campaign for the remainder of the T. M.-T. W. C. A. building fund. The past weak has been spent In re organising the committee and the solic iting; that has been done was carried on In a desultory manner. The cttlaen's committee will have command of the work, and It Is expected that from the new order much confusion that resulted from the misunderstand ing of the proper relations of the com mittees will be done away with. A great deal of the difficulty that was as parent In the last campaign resulted from members of one committee calling upon prospective subscribers that had been assigned to another committee. Many new solicitors have joined the So rose, and special attention will be paid to securing many of the larger subscriptions thst were not received nrevlouely. The young men's committee will also make special efforta to secure their , share of the fund. The committee tailed to secure more than half of the amount It set out to rales, and the fliem htri sav that in the com In SO dava. campaign they will more than make up the deficit. The business women's committee, which msde the best showing of all the committees, will continue In their Work, although they have seen most of the people to whom they were assigned MIDI 6RAS FESTIVITIES HELD AT LEWISTON Interstate Fair Closed Last Night With Unique and Interest-. ing Ceremony. (Special Dispatch to Tbt Journal.) Lewlston, Idaho, Oct. IS. The seventh annual iwlaton-Clarkstou interatate fair came to a brilliant close tonight with Mardi Qrns festivities. The weath er during the entire week was perfect, being tha beat weather during a fair ever experienced here. Thousands of vial tors ware entertained, and the fair wae a succeoa from every standpoint This was the last fair on the north west circuit aad consequently received the boat-of every attraction offered during (he season. The racing a tab lea that have been quartered here during the week stare shipped tonight to Boise, wnere a mu hiuu racing tns Moaday. Four furlongs Young r Pepper woavl jOhUoho second. Enchanter third; time, 4SU (track record) Pour furlongs blttls Adele won tie Mlnch second, Scorcher third; OT NEW AMERICAN COUNTESS. . TsaaaaJH IN FOOR STATES ONE BUILDING Idsa of Northwest Structure at Jamestown Exposition Is Now Advanced. Id. nj c i s Brass dcu special THREE OTHER STATES ASKED TO JOIN PLAN Washington, Montana end Idaho Will Be Requested to Join With Oregon in Exploiting the Pacific Northwest as Never Before. iam we The Countess de Sussnnet, Formerly Mis Margaret Knower, Whose Wed ding in Peris Last Week at 'the C hurch of St Pierre de Challlot, Was e Brilliant Affair end Represented th e American Colony's Upper Crust. THIS IS THE LAST DAY AT THE OAKS THIS SEASOI Special Program Has Been Ar ranged for Closing Day, With Special Music. The final event at Tha Oaks this ssav n will take place tonight and until next seaaon the miniature world s fair will be closed, and will not again reopen ntn next year. Everything will he running in full blaat until midnight and ne dancing pavilion will be'kaot oeea one hour later than has been the custom during the season. All of the attrac tions Including tha chutes, giant whirl flying macelaii dags re eight, roller coaster. Old Mall, carousel, Hale's tour cars and the skating rink will be kept open for the benefit of viattors until be-H M o'clock. The eoncesslonalree have all arranged to offer spaclal Induoe- vThe running results were as follows si ments sad will dispose of everything me aancing pavilion two Deautirai door prises will be- presented to a lady and ELECTRIC ROADS ARE NOT UNDER CONTROL a . , Washington Railway Commis sion Wants Stats Laws Im proved by Assembly. ''time." Three eighths of m mile Crooks won. Ella True second, tittle Jack third; tiro. II. Twelve mile relay race Clemen's en try wen. Bartlet'a entry second. Wat klna' entry third; time for 'entire race. Woman Weds light b Tims. (Special IMspstch by Leased Wire la The Journal Fulton, Mr., Oct. IS. Benjamin Bolln, a farm head at Oil wood. Missouri, and Fannie James wero married this morn ing In the probata court rooms by Judge P. S. Heavens. This la ivy-s. James' eighth marriage. She la a wo man about 40 yeara of age, and lute four children by her seven unions. Tea aaa sot property looking out fee Wo. I unieee yew wwtoh The Journal Wan aaa. f seu .. 'i' .. . mji u. gentleman, and ladlea will be admitted free. . Slgnor D'Urbnno has arranged the fol lowing program for Sunday afternoon and night, and It Is expected that the crowd will Join- In singing as "farewell" to the Italian band "Auld Lang Syne." Matinee March. "The Oaks" . (D'Ur- bano); overture. "Zampa" (Harold); Bella. Chorus from 'TPagllaccl" t (Leon cavallo); selection. "ust" (Gounod). soloa by Slgnorl dl Fablo, Q. dl Fulvio and Macario: March, "Prophet" (Meyer boar); waits, "Spanlah" (Emldy); oor net eolo, "fitabat Mater" (Rossini); se lection, "Bohemian Olrl" (Balfe), solos by Slgnorl O. dl Fulvio, Macario and O. Olttlll. Evening March. "Elks" (D'Urbano). (dedicated to lodge 142, Portland. Or.): tlsst's "Hungarian Rhapsody" No. t (srr A. Macario): baritone solo. "Serenade" (Oounod), Slgnorl G. Olulil: Act (Specie! Dlaaatek t. The Journal, i Seattle, Wash., Oct. 1 J. -Washington state railway commission la aeeklng to secure control of tha electric railways In the state. At the present time tha commission has Jurisdiction over tha steam roads, but tha electric lines, whloh In soma inetaneea coma 'into di rect competition with the steam Unas, are without the scope of, the commis sion's powers as fixed . by tha law passed by the last legislature, and tha commissioners find themselves work ing hardship on (be steam roads while urssMe to eeajtrel the actions of tha elec tric, rivals. For thb purpose of broadening the scope of the law so aa to bring alt lines under their control, the commissioners are drafting a bill which will be Intro duced this winter at the session of the legislature, the commission to fix the rates which shall be" charged by "any Una mad thus prevent, rata cutting and discrimination which tha commissioners now -allege exists. Tha principal elec tric lines are the new work around Spo kane 'and the Jnterurban, whleh eon nectn 'Seattle anij Tacoma. and C. dl Fulvio; march, "Tannhauaer" (Wagner); famous sextet, "Lucia" (Dontsettl), aoloa by Slgnorl dl Fablo, Macario. O. Olulil. G. dl Fulvio, Parme glanl and C. dl Fulvio; celebrated "Or gan Offertoire" (Battlata); "Auld Lang Syne" (Godfrey). Harry Morris, the world's champion boy boxer, age II yeara, wll give a alx round contest In the vaudeville theatre. Ill I where also the famous Morrises will be 'Oioconda ' (Ponohlelli), soloa by 81 g-1 seen In acrobatic feats, foot postering. nor! dl Fablo, Blacone, Macario, O. Olulll and light and heavy weight balancing. THE BIO STORE WITH THE LITTLE PRICES F M JeSsi Ifftfare'.-! i Steal BBXaBBBaWsBS MaaaamKBavuBxl aaaw' aanaaaaYntm ' Nfll Knjs Ja m SUITS CRAVENETTES . AND OVERCOATS Every garment cut according to the latest dictates of fashion, from substantial woolen and worsted fabrics OTHER STORES' ASK $15.00 FOR THEM SEE WINDOW DISPLAY FAMOUS CLOTHING CO. CORNER MORRISON AND 8BCOINO 8TRBBT8 To Impress the people of the aaat with the strength and unity of the Pa cific northwest states, the Jamestown sxpnaltloa com ml salon far Oregon has undertaken to combine the atatea of Washington, Idaho, Montana and Ore gon in construction of a big building, with separate exhibits all under one roof for the four states, at the James town exposition. A special feature will bo a demonstration of tha open river movement and the Importance of com pleting the Columbia river Jetty aad uemo canal. "A showing of tha resources, topog raphy and scenery of the 150.000 aouare .miles osanprtslrtg tha four atatea of the Pacific northwest Is bound to attract great attention," aatd Jefferaon Myers, president of the commission. "And when we add to this ahowlng the ex hibits of actual products of this region. It will be a powerful argument to every mind. It will he calculated to appeal to congressmen and senators who never have and probably never will la person visit this section of the country." At a meeting of the commission yes terday afternoon at the Portland Com mercial club tha first step was taken to unite the four atatea of the Pacific northwest ta tha Jameatowa movesaoat The following members ware present; A. H. Devera. Tom Klcbardaon, Henry Btacarman, President Jefferson Myers. Secretary John H. Stevenson. A reso lution was adopted directing tha presi dent to Invite the governors of Oregon. Washington, Idaho and Montana to loin in the erection of a building, whleh all might use to show the resources aaat products of the Columbia river empire. It is estimated that a suitable banding can he' built for about fSO.eoe. Tha large agricultural building at tha Lewis and Clark taT coat but tt.00, and tha Oregon building about SS,ee. It la propsed that tha Pacific north west building at Jameatowa should bars fear wings and a largo rotunda. Each state would have a wing In which to make lta Individual showing, each wing bearing the seal of lta respective state in a prominent place on the front. The rotunda, which would be of two stories, could have a large apace on tha first floor far receptions, snd on tha upper floor a hall for lectures and sts re opticas! by which realistic pictures could be shows. ' As soon aa tba replies of the four governors are received President Myers will depart for Jamestown, to ascertain conditions. Inspect sites, and make a report,-upon which will bo baaed pro posal to the staa leejastature of Oregon for an appropriation of mrssaary Sands for the Jamestown Show. Should the other atatea of tha Pacific northwest decide. not to .come into the, plan for a Joint building, Oregon will .proceed on lta own accduht, M originally Intended. VARSITY DEFEATS TACOMAHS EIGHT TO NOTHING Seatle Football Team Wins From Whitworth College in " First Game. B HIS is the best bed value ever offered in Portland A full BRASS BED for a price it would be worth if it were all iron. The Brass used in its construction is first quality and is protected by heavy French lacquer. We have recently purchased fifty of these at a great reduction. a 2 B 3 SALE BEGINS MONDAY MORNING AND EASTS UNTIL THEY ARE GONE IrrxTTT-lf J tr TERMS ON HIS SPECIAL STRICTLY CASH $27.50 Exactly like cut, height of head 65 inchas, foot is 43 inches, post 2 inches, top rod 44 inch, filling ft inch, knobs 3 inches, dull or polished finish. Have a look at the Beds in our show window and you will be convinced that it is what we claim, a $50.00 value. $27.50 fleaeM Wspstcb te TUs JoereaL) Tacoma, Wash.. Oct. 1. The Univer sity of Washington football team thla afternoon defeated tha Whitworth col lege team In a hard-fought game by a score of t to S. The game was played la a pouring . rata, end tha local play era lay their defeat to thla eventually, they asserting that their failure to score was due to fumbles caused by the ball being wet. Tha game waa a spirited one through out. Onee during the first half, Whit worth had the ball on the one-yard line anfl waa within an aoe of scoring when the university stiffened and held for downs. Thla waa the closest Whit worth cama to scoring. Tha playing la thla half was mostly line bucking; with sn occasional end run. This made poor returna and the ball frequently changed hands. Whitworth managed to keep it In the university's territory the most of the time, but when it cama to acor- Ing Seattle was there with the goods. Tba visitors made two points on touehback In the first half. The second hslf was characterised by less line plunging ana more ena run nlng. Tacoma fumbled the ball at s critical time and loat an opportunity for scoring. Seattle finally carried the ball acroaa tha Una in tha face of ter rific opposition and kicked a goal. Tba gloomy day brought darkneaa on before the playing was hardly concluded. There waa some rough work In whleh the Whitworth players came off best they weighing four pounds more to ftie man than the university boys. Orose cup of tha Whitworth team waa ruled off tha field for slugging and one of the visitors had a knee sprained In s mixup. On the whole, however, the game waa a cloan one and. being played between the two strongest teama In the state, created much Interest among football enthusiasts bars. SWaBWaHHBBBBgSSWasBBBB WsNaTVNW sNN BVI.f BBVSTaaaVNraTWsRE mf WWWJmWmW REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE AFTER HARVESTER TRUST Tooeka. Kan.. Oct. II. Free 8. Jaok- seh la tha Republican candidate .for attorney-general. Thla may have been tha reason that ho, instead of Attorney. General Coleman, filed criminal pro ceedings In the Shawnee county court today agalnat the International Har vester company. The election la only three weeks off and It la hoped by Republican managers that thla belated move may have aoma effect upon tha many Republicans who have decided to vote for David Overmeyer. It la expected that Mr. Jackson will file 100 counts agalnat the harveater trust. The statutes provide for a tine of fro flOO to tMO on a count, mak ing It possible In ease of conviction on all counts to enrich tba school fund by from $10,000 to 1500,000. There are aome who are unkind enough to any that this move la a bluff and that the salts may find a quiet burial aa did tha suit instituted by the attorney-general agalnat the Standard OH company, the sudden dropping of whleh has never been aattafaotortly explained. the STaine few Is, Irea fees-. It a slsgslar career that atr. "Welt, weald hardly eaU It that. It was Saving a plurality of wives that get him lata tremble, wsss't It? AbS he admits him.. It that he has Sw a hag ttsM baea lsadtog a double Ufa." Use Whan a traveler In China desires a passport, the palm of his hand Is cov ered with Una oil paint and an Impres sion taken on thlr paper. This paper. officially signed, constitutes port. BANQUET TENDERED NEW CHINESE CONSUL About M prominent Chinese merchants were present at tha reception given last night In honor of Moy Bach Hln. the newly appointed consul In this city. The affair, whloh was held At the Kim Sun Low restaurant, 61 H Second street, was conducted much In tha manner of a banquet. Several of those present wore attired is tea long and gaudy gowns worn on Chinese holidays and the gather ing presented a truly oriental as past. No speeches wore delivered nor ware any toasts proposed or responded to, but tha affair was nevertheless a brilliant suc cess, the Chinese believing strongly In tha role that "silence Is golden " (Spseisl Dispatch te Th. jearael ) Walla Walla, Wash.. Oct. it Tha foot, ball team of tha Spokane high school waa defeated by tha Whitman col lees team this afternoon on Ankeny Held by a score of IS to S. Three touchdowns aad one foal were asds. FOR THE WET SEASON! SHOES THAT HAVE STOOD THE TEST S t a n d a rd Tilt-Kinne $3.00, $3.50 $4, $4.50 al JL -II JJLL EVERY WBfGHT AND LEATHER Boys' School Shoes When You Need Them WE ARB REPAIRING MORE SHOES THAN EVER MORE SHOEMAKERS MORB MACHINERY Goodyear Shoe Repair Factory Fourth and Yamhill Y. M. C. A, Building -iA'aWlM..,.