sasBsBsBsaTaBs ' GIVEN the least pretext, the Imag inatton of Martin Harford. V. R. I. B. A., was apt to whirl him away, boundaries of time and pace alike annihilated, professionally yokes) to thorough technical ability, this ardent. Imaginative propensity paid him. The very curliest Elizabethan chimney tacks he designated were never smoky: and It was the poetic suggestlveness of a new kitchen wing, combined with per fect practicability, that had lust secured for him. through the patroness of the living, the Important commission, for so young an architect, of restoring old Deneham church. But divorced from the regions where his fancy raised epics In stone, it some times wrought sad havoc with mundane engagements; though folks forgave a good deal of Irresponslbleness to Martin Harford because he interested them. It eras neither ambition nor architecture, however, that held the young man so In conveniently spellbound at a covered ta ble, where he had long finished lunch ing. Impervious to the patient manager ial glances that hinted that It was a city restaurant's busiest hour. Meantime, too, the hands of the m eon-faced clock In front of him were Industriously dimin ishing the short space that yet remained to pack up In before catching the) Dene ham early afternoon train. He still held absent-mindedly In his hand a letter opened in the leisure of the luncheon Interval, from Mrs. Bobbins of the Pear Tree farm, where he In tended occasionally to put up while the) most critical stage of the restoration was progressing. "The front bedrooms shall be ready for you as you wish," wrote Mrs. Bobbins, whose good qualities as a landlady he had already tested; and that was all In her letter -of consequence to a busy man. Rut Mrs Bobbins babbled Indiscreetly of another 'hoarder, about whom she craved Mr, Harford's advice, and be tween impel I -nee and amusement he read on. "Every inch a lady" she was. -and "paid to the day" so It seemed a pity Mre Robblns craved more. But in the heart of the country village folk demand credentials; strangers to find favor must have their history pat, and apparently this lady had nothing to tell. Moreover to aa enigmatic personality she added the sin of receiving letters readdresssd In two names, and this neither Deneham nor Mrs. Robblns could get over at all. As the crowning Justification of sus piciousness, too. laity Charlotte Waring of leneham Park -the Using patroness Whose gold was largely heipin, to keep the old church in the perpendicular went so far as to say she thought the poor lady might want to keep who she was dark. R "Uncharitable old gossips!" muttered arford. apropos of the landlady nn.l the lady patroness, and promptly dis missed them rrom his thoughts But It wags remark cf the latter that had sent fancy snaring. Vividly It i-irrii to him 'he nltlahle plight Of those guiltless next-of-kin to mee writ lurra in the annals of great me; perniips delicately nurtured f, unnaturally reserved, dreadinr dshlp even, lest It should draw I shuddering, fearing contamination t crimson stain: ord. ln fact, harped on this' dole- ng, till haggard lines marred his etlc face, end even the hungry wanted nis seat began to pity -looking youth whose oountc- videatly bore the stamp of gnawing grief. For himself, he mused on, the very last thing he would do In such a case would be to let auspicious silence make him A target for the inquisitive vulgar. To sink one's Identity under the name lit "Smith' and to satisfy the require ment of convention by Inventing a family In the wilds of Australia were A far finer mash at concealment. a I this. Juncture two would-be luach ra Jostldd him on either side sod a Walts with a nourish laid the para- 1 nlMi SO THE phemalla of a fresh meal under his nose. Suddenly awakened to the exig encies of the situation, Harford rose with a murmur of apology and folded his letter. In doing so a hitherto unno ticed postscript caught his aye. Glanc ing over it absently, still musing, the strangeness of coincidence pulled up the train of speculations with a Jerk. "Miss Smith," it ran, "has an unole In Australia. I nm glad she is not so lonesome as I thought." e , e From the moment Martin Harford caught a glimpse of Deneham's tower veiled In the thin, blue hue of an au tumn afternoon, thoughts of his work engrossed him to the exclusion of others. It was not till walking up the farm house's prim box-bordered pathway two hours later he dlecerned-the outline of a head with hair dressed Sigh, silhouetted upon the lamp-lit blind in proximity to Mrs. Robblns' cap ribbon that he called to mind Miss Smith and her uncle Id Australia. "Some poor, crushed spinster, doubt less, with nothing to say for herself," was his Inward reflection, as he turned the handle of the door leading;. Into the old oak-beamed parlor. The absurd ru mors of her alleged mysterlouanesa, the oddity of coincidence wherewith his idle commiseration for those people tbelr name must be legion who had a ter rible blank In the family history tat tling tongues would fata fill In. blended curiously In his consciousness as he crossed the threshold of Mrs. Bobbins' Titer Is a severe serenity of beauty that merits the term "clseslc" and also a particular elegance of simplicity that with unanimity we call "distinguished." These two epithets, hackneyed gener ally, the attire md appearance of the stately young woman who stood by the rotund Mrs. Bobbins Irresistibly sug gested. Her hair, braided In a thick coronet over a low, broad brow, which wavy tresses haded, was of a deep chestnut, according a harmony of con trast with eyes, duskily dark, and a skin of clsar olive; the lips alone mobile and perfectly molded struck a richer note, that wag enhanced by the pearllness of even teeth. Miss Smith was speaking. "Thank you, Mrs. Bobbins, for your suggestion. I really should like to go up If, as you say, ons can get a glimpse of the sea." The musical tones of her voice had a certain precision that matched her clear-cut beauty. Harford's aesthetic ease, ever keenly alive, was apt to find the ordinary Showy girl what he termed "rococo." Miss Smith's harmon ious coloring and proportion satisfied the eye like a Grecian capital, and her low contralto' rented the soul Ilk a Beethoven sonata. He bowed In acknowledgment of their hostess' fussy introduction. "I was saying," remarked Mrs. Rob blns, "that with a good field glass you can see the sea quite plainly whan It's clear from the old church tower. Miss Smith ought to go up." Mrs. Robblns looked toward Harford, whose customary gay eaee of manner amaxe had momentarily obscured. Oas- ing for one brief Instant Into the velvet brown eyes, tinder level brows, which were calmly Interrogative, he hastened to sssevcrate that when weather favored a glint of ocean between the hills was distinctly visible. "I will get the men to clear the steps snd sweep them down snd wilt be at hand myself to deal with alarmed owls who resent our trespassing" Something In Harford's manner, frank and boyishly vivid, his look expressive of the kind of homage the nicest girl values, evidently pleased Miss Smith, for the slightly cold composure of her lovely face changed to animation, and they were soon chatting with great sociability, About half past six. 10 minutes or so after Harford's arrival. Mrs. Bob bins stopped knitting. With the grace that naturally goes OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY with a perfect figure. Miss Smith arose from her low seat by the fire. "Thank you, Mrs. Bobbins." she re plied. "I will go. I want to buy some tamps, and I may as well give htm my Utters." She inclined her head graciously as Harford stepped forward to open the door. The mistress of Pear Tree farm looked at Harford, her face brimming with significance that he de terminedly would not see. After a minute's silence, garrulousnass got the batter of her discretion. "I can never think how Mtas Smith rikss to look tha postman In the face after having to explain to tha postmas ter ah expected letters under two names." Martha Harford felt a hot flash In vade the roots of his crisp, fair hair. "That Is neither your business nor mine, I think, Mrs Robblns." His voice and expression were schooled to be perfectly void of off nee, but the words were emphatic Mrs. Robblns looked at him, wonder ing whether to rovers her oft-stated verdict that Mr. Harford was "such a nice, kind-hearted young gentleman," and remained dumb with' surprise. Ska had "never thought Mr. Harford was tetchy before." and tha discovery some what modified the rapture of her first opinion. Martin Harford saw little more that evening of his fellow-guest, who, it ap peared, read a great deal In the solitude of her sjttttng-room. But the fascina tion Of her personality permeated for Harford the scenes that had been tem porarily the framework of her beauty. Later, when he had retired to rest and was reviewing the events of the day In a wakefulness to which the ab solute stillness of the country night sometimes conduces la Londoner, he decided that his admiration of Miss Smith was purely a matter oonnected with a trained artistic perception, and excited him In the same way precisely aa for example, the nave of Winches ter cathedral. The notion pleased him, chiming in with his private estimation of himself aa a young man too absorbed In a noble, calling to be lightly shaken from a stability of emotion that It was convenient should endure until the lad der of fame ollmbed and he with wealth and position to offer the relaxation of a grand passion, suitably placed, might be becomingly permitted. As Harford sank gently Into his first lep the complaisant thought of his well-balanced state remained soothingly present. "A thing of beauty" was "a lay for ever"; bat It took education to entirely dissociate the banality of fall ing In lovs from the true appreciation. Martin Harford started from his pil low, wide awake. Some gossamer Imp of mischief that delights to provoke the dreamer at his meroy, had touched a de liberately muted string. A clamorous question rang excitedly through his brain. "If she Is not Miss Smith, who Is she?" The answer roe to his Up with In voluntary conviction. "I should know If I could learn that other nam." e e e e But the v'vldneas Of a night vision Is a flash in the pan. By the light of an other morning, whilst he was shaving with scrupulous cars, Martin Harford was by no means clsar that the second name, under which It was stated a lat ter for Miss Smith arrived, at all con cealed her secret if she had one The only decision he arrived at was on that concerned himself. Never, never, under any provocation, would he attempt to probe into what ha was not told. He had Seen privileged to meet his feelings were quite dispas sionate woman who in beauty and charm was a peerieee queen. Ahe should at least find elm a gentleman, s e a e e From some knowledge, however, one may not have choice to refrain. Within the next few daye the discovery that certain envelopes that Miss Smith took unto herself were Inscribed '"Carew." was. so tq speak, forced on him. And her Christian name was Lesbla. too. It was written on a book shs lent bun "Leabi Smith." Tha particulars, however, when Harford learned them, affected him strangely little. He had ceased! to be curious; Mra Robblns wisely held her peso, and a week of the autumn gold late October can sometimes bestow gilded by In the supreme contentment of Interesting work, whose relaxation was the companionship of a gifted girl, radiantly beautiful. Only when he re turned now and again, to his small olty office, to supervise other business mat tart, a couple of clerks In the interval attended to. did l he realise, dimly enough, i that It would mean some new, strangs agony when Lesbla Smith or Carew, was it? should peas right out of his Ufa It has been observed with truth that It takes a really happy Individual with a past of unruffled prosperity, to prick the bubble of somebody else's fond Il lusion, feeling gently all the edifying glow of duty done. It was a virtuous dissipation Lady Charlotte Waring par ticularly enjoyed, and In mid-November she Invited Martin Harford to drink tea. When the empty cups had been set down and he was Inwardly cogitat ing as to the decent moment for depar ture, her ladyahlp. assuming an expres sion of countenance she devoutly be lieved was maternal, laid a plump, de taining hgnd upon his arm. "My deer. Mr. Harford," ' she ssld; "I think It right to speak to you a vary few plain words." The young mail's look was an Index of mind; It bespoke blsnk amaxement. "Nothing to do with the church," as sured Lady Charlotte, comfortably nod ding her head and withdrawing the fat flgers from Its sleeve. "You have, I fear, formed an undesirable attach ment." "No," cried Lady Charlotte, hurriedly, seeing her victim stiffen before her into an attitude portending speedy de parture. "I say nothing against the girl, this Miss Carew" the lady patron ess underlined the name and paused an Instant to enjoy ths effect "ee I say. It was not her fault, and on a mur derer who shot himself, chesting the gallows as they say. I believe It possi ble, even" her ladyship beamed at her own generosity "that shs never heard of the Carew case In which Dr. Justice Waring my late husband's cousin aat on the bench." Lady Charlotte began to dip Hur riedly into a brocaded bag, from whoa depths she produced a note. The victim was more unmanageable than ah ex pected, and divers indignant declatmers from him, combined with hla erect and warlike posture of defense, warned her that time ws short. "This letter la from Mr. Justice War ing who considered the man Carew the cleverest, basest prisoner he ever tried. He writes. 'At the end of next month John Carew will he released If his ticket of leave Is not forfeited within six months I shall believe In modern miracles. Crime to such a nature Is Irresistible. I don't think he could be respectable If th condition wr flv thousand a year." "It was a life sentence." said Lady Charlott. with solemn Impress! veness; 'tils old haunts will now see him .again, and he will proceed to claim his niece. I am old enough to recollect the ease wsll It Is 11 years ago; she was pretty child of four, with a strange romantic name; there was ample money toft for her upbringing and education; quits likely she Is in. perfect Ignorance of the whole thing. But there must he manv who can remember the cry from the dock. tJood-hy. girlie, till I cornel out again.- - Her ladyship's victim stood rigidly; he was quit pal. "Tour assumptions re of ths wild eat. Lady Charlotte; excu se me If I bag you to refr.dn from repeating them. Happily the arrival of Miss Smiths MORNING, OCTOBER 14, uncle will refute all calumnlea. He Is now on his voyage horn from Au stralia " Aa he closed the door behind him he heard the lady Within. "Smith!" It mocked; "Australia! Bay Portland and Carew." From the rack of her ladyship's draw ing room Martin Harford Journeyed forthwith to town, aching with dull pain, his mind In a turmoil. Leebla he avoided th Smith and Carew both had Indeed disclosed nothing of her life's story, though candidly transparent tn the expression of thoughts, feelings and Ideals. Vaguely he had gathered from her that compliance with her uncle' will Involved a renunciation whose nature he could not guess. By 10 o'clock th next morning th In tervening hours had evolved from Har ford's chaos of surmise on fact he loved her. Now In th morning aunahln he walked restlessly around those quiet oases of bare twigs, dead leaves and twittering sparrows the squaree of th West Central dletrlot, where he knew a man to stop and ply htm with infini ties and pondered how he should aat Suddenly, taking a turn, he faced the British museum. Newspaper files In a room yonder held th secret of th Carew mystery, and th clue was a child's nam, In hla pocket was a read er's ticket. Martin, Harford paused. Ho gaged at the stately dull pile with grimed tonic columns and the sooty pigeons wheeling about. If trouble threatened was ah not ten times dearer? Then Martin Harford Journeyed back to hla rooms. Not by him would th dust from dingy newspapers and dingier anaadals be dislodged. By noon h had posted a letter. "Lesbla." It ran. "Leabla, my dear, all my heart and my life are your own. Can you love me even a little? To morrow I will com to Deneham for your answer. I have not much to offer besides endless devotion, but be merci ful, Lesbla, I love you so." WHAT WOMEN DO FOR m m m FOUR years ago In nearly half th oountiee of North Carolina th average value of th school houses. Including grounds and all equipment, was lesa than-IT. There were 1.000 districts With only a log echoolhouse. There were 1.000 districts with no schoolhous at all. In many cases ven th best war ugly and dirty. . In 1101 some .of the young woman of the state determined to try to .-emove this disgrace. They went to work. They organised a State association. Th first meeting was held at Greensboro in April of that year. Next earn county associations, of which nil whit woman war Invited to become members. These now exist (n counties of th state. Many of these offer prises to the dis trict showing th greatest Improve ment A typical case is that of Wayne county, away np in th mountains. Last August the association In that county offered a prise bf 1100, which waa won by District No. 1. The district Is described In the World's Work as containing only It families with children of school age. There are only 40 children on th cen sus. The average attendance for the four months' term was 17. Of the 10 families all are farmers and only eight own th land on which they live. Only ane of them has had th advantage of a high school educa tion. Seven of them tended only a one horse farm. Not a mother In the dis trict had any help esoept what th chil dren could give night and morning. Her Is th account given by the A wooer In suspense Is a fidgety be ing. Harford reviewed over and over again his scant grounds for hop till his brain reeled and' his courage quaked. When on the following afternoon his train started for Deneham ha waa worn out with surmise, and sought an ano dyne In something to read, Aa he Idly scanned th noonday "Special." damp from tha press, a paragraph seemed to start forth. "Lovers of the drama," he read, "will hear with regret the decision of Mtas Lesbla Carew to resign her part in th new place shortly to be produced at tha Melpomene, where she waa to have mad her London' debut. It la an nounced that the return of her uncle, tha Hon. John Smith, from western Australia, la not unconnected with this promising young actress's determina tion altogether to quit the professional stage, Mr. Smith has lately acquired a large fortune, and la reported to be negotiating for the purchase of con siderable estates In Herefordshire, Ms native country." In certain development of the unto ward a sense of humor brings scant consolation to th sufferer. Martin Harford, surveying the situa tion In his railway carriage, saw him self miserable and ludicrous, too. Lesbla Smith, professionally Lesbla Carew, had vailed a little the serious studying of her part by vouchsafing to himself th heaven of her occasional companion ship. That was all. Nothing could be simpler than to bow his head to ths In evitable, making It clear. If he sou Id. that he was neither fortune hunter nor fool. The affair might have been arranged, he, perceived with the minimum of em barrassment, but for one unfortunate contingency the lover worshiped th lady to th peril of bis soul's health. It was Mra. Robblns who directed him to the garden to see where Miss Smith was to be found, imparting tne lnforma matlon with cryptic, beaming signifi cance that crushed yet on more drop tescber of the way th school earned Its prig: "When we went to .th school we found an old building, th roof of which had i eently been taken from on old church Th grounds wore small and out up With gullies, covered with trash, leaves and decaying stumps. The steps War nearly gone; window lights War broken out. Th eonufy gave as panes; th boys put them in. By Christmas w had en larged oar yard to about twice It original sis, taking up it stumps. Wa leveled th grounds snd scoured th floor and desks "We celebrated Thanksgiving day and gar n free concert Christmas. We gave a measuring party and festival for th purpose of raising money. "After Christmas we celebrated St. Valentine's day. Washington's birth day and North Carolina day. W got up a program for Parents' day snd gave another free concert on the last night of tha school. To raise money we had an apron hemming and an tee cream supper and ths young ladles of the association mads a memory quilt. "The man of th neighborhood fixed th yard, built an addition to tha house snd mads some new stepa The school children set out the flowers, scoured th floor and asats and swept th yard one a month. ' We hired a painter to put two coata of paint on th Inside and outride- of th house. ThO children were all anx ious to do something to raise money to buy a picture snd some books. So on Be turds y we all want to a cotton ftoM and picked covion. i "At II o'clock we spread lunches. of bitterness Into ths cup of hla sor- r0W'e . a 'a . . A W "I think you had better leave off try ing to explain your meaning. Mr. Har ford. I will certainly say 'No'; that be ing. I believe, what you expect? Lady Charlotte Waring called this afternoon; lie was very incoherent, but I gathered he meant to Insult me. though her in tention she claimed to be 'kind.' I'm not very fortunate In understanding people this afternoon." There waa a oatch tn Lesbla Smlth Carew's throat that hindered her; but rhe held her head aa high as an em press, and Martin Harford would have given the world to klsa th hem of her gown. "Lady Charlotte labors under a ridic ulous misapprehension." said he; "I. per haps, wag not free from It, either, for . I thought that you- needed a friend that my affection and such a home as I could offer might be a shelter from trouble and care." "What made you change your opin ion?" . Again Miss Smith's voice quivered, and she turned her face away. Harford put Into her hand the paper with ,tho momcntuoua paragraph at once his exculpation snd his doom. "You are rich," said he. "Until today I though vou poor. You are distin guished, and before you Ilea aoclgl suc cess; I fancied you friendless, menaced with hidden danger" his ton dropped to sn agonised groan "even shame. You do not need me. It was an Idle dream ." V "And you loved mT" So gently she breathed th words tn the air thick with th falling leaves that blew around them, they seemed his passion's requiem. This was farewell. Miss Smith tapped th ground Impa tiently, and made a despairing little gesture with her hands. Ths cheek she averted grew pink. "Must I go on?" she cried. 'Can't you see now? Oh, was ever a man so denser' Aad than It dawned on him. EDUCATION later candy waa served. We then had our cotton weighed, received our money, which waa II. Ti, and want home as merry snd happy as you please 'The little (-year-old tots worked Just as hard and felt Just as Important aa any. All of my schoolchildren were small. I had only one boy 17 years old. All tha other boy war under II years of age- I had four girls over 12 years of age. All th other were small, but they all worked wUltngly and cheer fully as members of th Betterment association." Nature 1 something of a manufac turer herself. , In the case of a certain cactus mar velous natural pottery Is produced. Woodpeckers excavate nests In th trunk snd branches, snd to protect itself ths plant exudes a sticky Juica, which hardens, forming a woody lining to th holes made by th bird. Eventually th cactus diss and wlthsrs away, but ths wooden bowls remain. As a weaver nature also produces fine work. Certain tree barks and leave furnish excellent cloth, as. for Instance, the famous tapa cloth used in the South Sea Islands. Nature Is a glassmaker, too, accord ing to tha Indian Review. By discharg ing her lightning into beds of quarts sand shs forms exquisite little pip of disss. She makes valuable ropes of various kinds In the shspe of tropical vines and creepers, and aha la Oven n lace maker, aa witness tha lac tree of tha Wont Indies.