The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 14, 1906, SECTION TWO, Page 32, Image 32

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Phone Private
Exchange 41
The Lowest Quotations on Good Merchandise Are
Made by The Meier & Frank Store
s V
Am Mall Order Itartt. aftHrJts. that natronaera
of carnfid bnyartin Oregon, Weshtagton.
Idaho. Montana, California, Ai-to-Oiiri new FeB caulogua Free
for ankinn. Write tor a copy toay-TW Mattr 4t Frank Stow
No other Portland retail eetapliehmeat can M good merchandise on tha same tavel with Tha Mater Oh Frank Store A gr tMUfcbf of powerful Uhntratio
can s moda First: Being tha Urgeet operators in the Wast we buy in engctaoejs goanrties which saaHes os to go into tha nurkaO of tha world and Mcaira
from firt nan s, and by paying cash or In a vance for same tha vary rock-bottom prions ara given us - Second: And a vary important
is, charging ourselves a rlclculously low rental whan compared to what other merchants mast pay-Third: v-
ii t.i i. i i , . - -m . .i .... . .- i ...I. - . m . ., . . , , I. ' .
item is the fact that we are pgr own landlords.
ary branch of the service Is maisrtalnad at the vary highest point ol elflaency, which nseaas ecftncsmical operation Every new davicavavarynaw maBiod Isv
trodacod for the jsandttng oi an esyrmogs volume of baainess is immediately triad ont hare; and so we coa'd go on all day and give a thousand telling points
why The Meier db Frank Store sells high-grade merchandise at a much lower margin of profit than any other Portland store-It is illustrated here every day
New Belts and Handbags
Special line of Women's Belts, comprising gold, silver, silk
girdles and embroidered novelties, with buckles to match;
values ranging from $100 to $3.00 each; on sale C
at this tempting low price, each Jf
Women's Handbags, in black, tan and brown: best frames
fitted with cardcase and coin purse to match; Vienna han
dles. Regular $3.00 and $3.50 values, on sale at... 92.39
Special lot of pure white. Fresh-water Pearl Belt Buckles,
assorted designs; round, square and oval one- 1 Qs
piece effects, 35c value, at this low price .1
All the new things in Belts, Handbags, Buckles, etc., on
sale here at the lowest prices. Take advantage.
Valuer's Gloves $1.39
Special lot of "Vallier's" real French glace Kid Gloves two
and three-clasp, washable; tans, pearl and
cream; nearly all sixes; wonderful value, pair..
1,500 pairs of glace Kid Glovesi with two clasps; black, w
tan, blue, brown, green and cream; an sires; Dest
values in town at this special .low price, per pair.
We are sole Portland agents for "Perrin't" real French Kid
Gloves the best France produees; every new style, at prices
ranging from $1.25 to $4.00 a pair; every .pair fully guaranteed.
Complete stock of 16-button-length Kid Gloves, in black and
colors. Long Silk Gloves; 20-button length Kid Gloves. Mail
orders promptly filled.
, white,
25c Neckwear 6c Each
1,000 dozen Women's Embroidery Turnover Collars, in a
large variety of choice and. beautiful designs; sheer lawns,
linen and crash turnovers, neat tsilor-made effects dL
and plain hemstitched; regular 25c values, on sale at. . WW
Women's white Venise Lace Chemisettes, in pretty floral
patterns excellent quality lace; regular 75c val- if.
ues, on sale at this exceptionally low price, each...JJC
Venise lace long tab "Flat Iron" Stock Collars, of excellent
quality lace; pretty floral designs, white or cream.
Regular 75c values on sale at this special low price. .? f
A beautiful display of new leather Boas, in all ahades
and lengths, at the lowest prices. A grand assortment
The Meier (3b Frank Store The Meier Sb Frank Store The Meier flk Frank Store
5 OOP Yards Embroideries
Values to $3.50 a Yard for 73c a Yard
Values to $1.25 a Yard for 59c a Yar4R
Values to 75c a Yard for 39c a Yard
Marvelous values in fine Corset Cover Embroideries and double-edged head
ings. The Corset Covers are in Swiss and Nainsook; splendid assortment of
designs in shadow work, lace-trimmed, eyelet and French embroidery; a very
large assortment, beautiful styles, matchless values at the following special
Vahtat np to $3.30 a yard for 73c yard
Values up to SI. 35 a yard for 39c yard
Valnee np to 73c a yard for 39c yard
2000 yards of double-edge Beadings for corset cover straps; values up
to 50c yard, on sale at this special low price, per yard
Special lot of all-over Swiss Embroidery for li
English and Bluid Embroidery; values up to
this special low price exceptional low value per yard
erie waists; assorted patterns;
a yard; on sale at QD.
Closing out small lots, of Venice Appliques in white and cream; large designs
for waists; 6 to 9 inches wide; values up to $3.50 a yard; on sale at
this remarkably low price, yard (mail orders filled) 7V
Black Escurial Lace Galloons and Medallions; 3 to 6 Inches wide; I Qs
values up to 75c a yard; on sale at this low price, tha yard m v
Special lot of Plattcal Laces and Insertion; from I'A to 5 inches wide; very best
patterns; in large assortment; 85c values; on sale at, yard 25?
40c values on sale at this low price, yard 154
Magnificent Lace and Net Robes by far the largest and handsomest show
ing in the' city.
250 Women's Tailored Suits
$22.50 Values at $14.45
A duplicate sale of women's HMO Tailored
Suits at $14.45 The grandest value ever of-
ral aJL J fered for the moneyAs good, if not better,
than the splendid garment we sold you last
week at the same price Handsomely made up
in tight-fitting Prince Chap and pony Jacket
styles, also blouse jackets, some with velvet
collars andxuffs, others with gimp and button
trimmings Pleated skirts Broadcloths, che
viots and tweeds in black, navy, gray, brown,
green; gray, green and brown checks Every
suit well made and finished throughout and
perfect fitting AH sises, regular fM.50 values
Your choke at this
price, oer suit.
Mail orders will receive our prompt and careful
attention Order today '
200 Women's Silk Petticoats
Values to $12.50 at $6.85
Portland's Silk Petticoat Headquarters
offers another one ofjf famous bargains"
for tomorrow and Tuasday fj0 nifh
grade silk underskirts at about one half
their real value Made of the best quality
Taffeta silk by one of the leading meju
facturera jn the country Full width
. Splendidly made and finished Dce?p
corded flounce, ruffle and ruche silk dust
ruffle Colors are white, brown, mode,
red, gray, black, navy, pink and a hand
some assortment of changeable colors
Petticoats that find quick sale at prices
ranging from IB JO to tlS.50 Choice of
mis lot of S00 at the ex- d flf
tretneh low price, each. . yU.OJ
Mail orders will receive prompt attention
Order today On sale in Waist depart
mentSecond floor.
W are showing exceptionally larga and handaoofa assortments of dress
and evetOne waists, la silks, lacs nets, chiffons, etc. Every nsw pretty
style, at prices ranging fross to 1100.00. Second floor.
Great aWgdnt in Mummy and Wash
Special lot of 2,000 yards of mummy and wash Pcau de Soie Silks, in pink, blue,
array, navy, brown, green, red and Alice blue; regular $1 value at, yard... 69?
10.000 yards of splendid quality Taffeta Silks, in a full assortment of KA-
the best colors; regular 75c quality at this low price, yard.
Handsome new Plaid Silks at this low price, from, yard Bl.OO to 81.SO
36-inch Black Taffeta; great value at, yard Te, 98?, f 1.19
New Plaid Dress Goods at, the yard SO? to fZ.OO
New Cloakings, the yard... f 1.25" to 82.00 New Cravennettes and Suitings.
Specials in Art Department
New lot of stamped and tinted Centerpieces, handsome
floral designs roses, violets, pansies, wild rose, holly.
Autumn leaves, etc.; regular 75c to $1.25 values, fa
it this low price, each Jt C
Japanese hemstitched and drawn work pieces, 18x18 inches
and 24x24 inches, all linen; extra value at this
unusually low price, each Jl V
Special lot of new lithographed Pillow Tope 100 differ- i
ent subjects to select from; 50c values, on sale
t this special low price, each JJ
. Stamping Done to Your Order.
Free lessons in Art Embroidery Work given daily.
I Latest embroidered stitches taught new methods, newt
ideas Second Floor. Artistic Picture Framing to your'
'order at the very lowest prices. Second Floor.
Custom Shade and Drappery work our specialty. Best materials and work
manship lowest prices guaranteed. Third Floor.
Kitchen Goods
25c Wooden Salt Boxes UN
50c Nickel Coffee Canisters S9
Fancy Tea Canisters 1V
Oilman Folding Lunch Boxes 21
25c Stove Brushes for 1V
20c Scrub Brushes for 16?
25c Shoe Brushes for IS?
20c Eureka Daubers for 19?
Small Scrub Brushes 8?,
Gas Lighters for, each 19?
Gas Tapers, box : 4?
Paper Lamp Shades, each 4?
Knife and Fork Boxes, each 21?
Comb and Brush Cases, each.- 19?
Sole Portland agents for "Peninsular"
Stoves and Ranges 100 models, all
sixes, styles and grades.
Entire Stock Trimmed Hate Off Regular Prices
t jffwTmwfmMtJS dJaasB
from our entire stock of tailored and drees Hats at a
fourth off .the regular prices Remember, every
ss a We wssm wsBssssssa afcpaa aaa ywi iiMSiwus s
inc hided 8ty lee for women, misses and children
Hats for street and 'ordinary wear, Hats for drees
wear, Hats for theatre and evening wear All the
very newest shapes and effects, the very latent trim
mings. Paris and New York creations, values rang
inf all the way from $2.50 up to fTOOYour choice
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at Ya off regular
prices Take advantages Second floor.
"Willamette" Sewing
For Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday we place on sale 100 of our best "model
"Willamette" Sewing Machines; automatic lift, drop head, 3 drawers, full' set of
the best attachments, full ball-bearing, best head, easy running, handsomely -finished
woodwork, swell front and fully 'guaranteed for 10 years; a machine, of
equal grade costs you 850 at the exclusive agency store; bur regular $26.50 model
on sale tor A dsys only at this special low price; each (mail
orders will be filled at the sale price)
.1 fMl.rfV UWUCI
"Peninsular Stoves and Ranges 100 models Best.
Our New flannels Are Very Low Priced
5,000 ysrds of Fleecedown Flannels for sacques and wrappers; very best
styles; sold at 78c a yard; your choice t the low price
Eden Flannels in striped effects; an imitation of Scotch Flannels; attrac
tive patterns and colorings; great vsluc at this specie! price
Beautiful French Wool Waistings in plaids; large variety, best styles;
regular 75c values on sale at this low price, yard
27-inch Royal Bath Robe Flannel: very heavV and warm; checks, figures
and dots; great value at this popular price, per yard .'
Great Sale of Robber Goods Immense Shipments Just Received
Globe Spray Syringe and Water Bottle
combined; spray vaginal pipe; regu
lar $2.25 value, on sale at 9199
Women's all-rubber Syringe for... 49?
Women's Syringe 1 AQ
globe spray pipe "f 7
farvel Whirling Spray Syringe. .92.69
anily Bulb 8yringes. for ra h 28?
Kan Atomizers, hard rubber 1Q
tapes; great special value it...J7v
Syringe tubing, yard T?
"Omega" Water Bottles, of white rub
ber, best grade; regular $1.40 AO.
value, at this special price.... 70C
Eagle Fountain Syringe, hard rubber
fixtures; great special value at... 49?
Victoria Fountain Syringes, rapid flow,
screw pipes; $1.60 value for... 91.19
Eagle combination hot water bottle and
fountain syringes, 2 quarts T9?
Empress Fountain Syringes, extra heavy
quality; 4-auart size; $1.35 QCI
value on Sale at low price of..70C
Columbian combination hot water bot
tle and syringe; $1.50 value for SI. 09
2-quart Eagle Hot Water Bottles .49?
Empress Hot Water Bottles, of heavy
white rubber, 4-quart sixe; ?a
$1.15 value, on tale at, each... rC
Face Bags, Infants' Rubber Goods, etc.
The Great October Sale of Hosiery for Women and Children
Women's outsize Hose, excellent quality, made from the finest
cotton yarns; fast black and absolutely the best 50c
value, on sale at this special low price, pair..
Women's heavy black cotton Hoae, made from selected
just the weight you need for immediate wear; run
fashioned; sixes syi to 10; 50c values, on sale at
Women's fine black cotton Hose with fancy embroidered Instep;
several pretty designs Winter weight; sizes Yt to IQ
10; best 50c values, on sale at thia special price 7l
School Hosiery the beat values in the city.
d yarns;
Women's fast black seamless cotton Hose, sizes 8VS to Q
10; regular 15c values, at this low price, pair
Women's plain black seamless cotton Hose, the famous "Bur
son" brand; all sixes; regular 20c values, on 1
sale at this unusually low price, per pair 1 driC
Women's fine black cotton Hose, double soles, full-fashioned
leg, all sixes; regular 2dc values, on. sale at, pair 18?
Women s first quality Winter weight black cotton
splendidly finished; full-fashioned and Hermsdorff
dye; sices 8V to 10; 35c values, on sale at, pair. . .
25 c