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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1906)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, 8UNDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 14. 1906. Great Values in Men's Wear Bfan'a Men's fine Cashmere and Worsted Wool oTT. Socks, in black camelshair, merino, natural wOOSIS any and Oxford crav colors : worth 35c. On sale at ...,.... .25 MenVextra heavy cotton and medium weight lisle-finish Black Cotton Socks; 20c values two pairs for 25 Men's Drew Shirts The new Negligee Shirts, made with V-shape stiff bosom, perfect fitting and does not wrinkle in front; $1.00 value at 75 Men's new fall patterns in Golf Shirts, a large range of light and dark patterns to select from. Extra-Lvalue at 91.00 Men's Wool Shirts Men's fine all wool Oregon Flannel Overshirts, A a a a 'f ma(ie Wit double snouiaers and double stitched throughout. Special $1.75 Men's blue wool mixed Flannel Shirts, extra well made; $1.25 value. fl 6 The People's Store The store that the people want to be identified with is a tore that in every department gives them desirable and reliable goods goods that are up to the honest standard, at prices close to the cost of production, and that is the principle upon which this business is conducted. Anything you buy here has virtue in it apart from the price. With this in mind look over these items and see what remarkable values they represent for tomor row's and Tuesday's shopping. R. & Q. Corsets Guaranteed R. ft G. Corsets admirably exemplify the perfec- uon oi Dotn tne science ana tne art ot corset maaing, for they are absolutely healthful and shape the figure along the lines of beauty. An immense showing of exclusive effects at popular prices. R.&G. CORSETS Are guaranteed by the maker In every particular. If any R. ft G. Corset fails to give the purchaser satisfactory wear, a new corset will be given in exchange without any charge. R. ft G. No. 661 is an excellent model for the stout figure, tapering waist, medium short hip, hose sup porters at front and sides; made of fine quality cou tille, in white or drab, all sizes from 18 to S A A 30, at...v $laUU R. ft G. No. 281 is a model well sotted to the slender figure, tapering waist, medium deep hip, two side steels, 12-inch clasp, extra quality batiste or coutille, in white or drab, all sizes, 18 to 30, JQ park aawwtat STORE NEWS TRUTHFULLY TOLD v . f i vfl9HB& ssssssssssrTiBiSffiS JflBBESvBiBBHV? That's what our advertising is intended to be. And, of course, -as in a large city, there are a great many happenings that never get into the papers, so in a big store there are countless items of bargain interest that are never men tioned in our advertising columns. Full publicity is given great sales and exceptional trade events, but many values of exceeding merit are to be learned about only by shopping trips through the store. You may always de pend upon their being equally trustworthy with advertised bargains, for nowhere will we tolerate any goods that savor of inferiority or any representations that are other than strictly accurate. Best Styles and Low Prices Ape Features of This Gr eat Garment Department Tailonnade Skirts New Fall Skirts of fine Panama, in black, navy and brown, the new side pleatings, trimmed with straps. Special values at 85.50 Other attractive new styles at S3.50, mff FA 64.50, 66.50 and f .OU 500 Women's Coats Just Arrived of Women's Winter Coats The entire lot will go on sale this week at exception ally low prices. These coats are the very latent models, 46 to 60 inches long, box back, plaids and mix tures. Some are trimmed with buttons,. braids or self straps, others are plain tail ored effect. This is the greatest stock of popular price Women's Coats that we hav This at $7.50, $10 and $12.50 Women's Dressing Sacques and Kimonos, A Q - made of fine quality fleeced flannelette, at....IOC Leadership is evident in all lines Suits, Coats and Skirts. Inexpensive garments, yet fashionable, and above all, becoming are some of the reasons for this department's great popularity. Tomorrow and Tues day you will find unusually good choosing. Stylish Walkin' Suits A very complete assortment of popular styles and materials are shown in blouse models, jaunty hip length tight-fitting jacket styles and semi-fitting ef fects, in various lengths, in colors, navy, brown, green and black cheviot and broadcloths; also mixtures, plaids and checks, plain and trimmed. In fact it's the best showing we have yet made. Priced at 910, f 12.50, $15 and $19.50 We particularly desire to call your atten- C A A tion to our clever and exclusive models at $dUU Silk Waists $3.90 These Waists are made from bright luster Swiss taf feta silk, black only, pleated back and front; 2 OA Extra special values at J)3.VU Silk Petticoats $4.50 Made of good quality taffeta silk, deep flounce, fin ished with ruffles and stitched bands. Shown in black and all the most popular colors. Sateen Petticoats $1.68 - Tomorrow we place on sale a special purchase of -women's black mercerized sateen Petticoats, made of the best quality sateen, in a number of new and at tractive styles; usual $2 and $2.25 values. Specially priced for this sale at $1.00 Children's Stunning Winter . Garments Winter Coats, in a variety of pretty styles, 'in' solid colors, plaids and fancy mixtures, in sizes 8 to 14 years, at 83.50, S4.50, X5.5U, $7.50 86.50 and. Stylish Man Tailored Coats, in fancy mixtures, plaids, broad cloth and light weight kersey, double breasted effects, in sizes 8 to 14 years H CA S 8.50, f 10.50. . 31 L.OU For Little Tots Sizes 2 to 6 years. We are showing a va riety of pretty baby styles in .Winter Coats, cream, red, . navy, irreen and all the Wanted colors, in astrakhan bearskin, crushed plush, plain plush and many other materials at prices that are Sti4to:.M:. . . . $3.50 Plaid Wonted Waists $1.65 Plaid Waists are much wanted garments this season. For this week we will offer waists made from good quality worsted materials, choice coloring and strictly new models. The price is small consider- ing quality and style only .$1.00 A Big Raincoat Special One lot of light and dark colored double breasted' Cravenette Coats with belted loose back ; f7 CA worth $16.50. "On sale this week at VlL.OV Children Caps 25c, 35c, 50c and 65c At these prices we are showing a great assortment of the most popular styles and colors and you have our word for it the values are unequaled elsewhere FURS At Moderate Prices Every woman with a fur want will be interested in our targe and rep resentative gathering of the season's newest and prettiest fur styles and the less expensive grades Imperial Scarfs, Sable Fox Scarfs, Marten Cluster Scarfs, River Mink Scarfs and Fur Neck Pieces. All Moderately Priced Two Extraordinary Waist Bargains High Grade Plaid Waists $7.50 These elegant Waists are made from best $1.00 yard silks, in dainty colorings of shadow plaids. Perfect tailoring, latest models. A glance at these garments will verify our statement ACTUAL 0 CA $12.80 VALUES FOR .OU Big Savings in New Fall Dress Goods The supremacy of this department is well known superior quali ties, exclusive styles, lowest prices, are the keynotes of this reliable dress goods store. Largest and beat stock in the city from which to make your selection. Eoliene 81.00 Yd.-One of our very finest silk and wool fabrics, 42 inches wide, suitable.for evening wear. Comes in colors light blue, pink, lavender, green gray, champagne, cadet, brown, red, cream and black ; sold everywhere at $1.60 a yard. Our price, per J QA Colored Novelty Suitings Some are new novelty goods, 88 inches wide, colors blues, grays and greens with contrasting, overplaids, very pretty and popular; our regular 60c goods. Monday and Tuesday, per Shadow Plaids New shadow and broken plaid suitings, 45 to 54 inches wide, good assortment of patterns, one of the season's favorites. tZf Special Monday and Tuesday IOC Heavy New Cloaking Just received, a large, consignment of new heavy all wool Suitings and Cloakings, all the most stylish patterns of the season, comes in, all shades of gray. Special prices for Monday and Tuesday: $2.25 Values. Special Monday and Tuesday at SI. 75 $2.00 Values. Special Monday and Tuesday at Si. 50 $1.50 Values. Special Monday and Tuesday at. $1.00 Melange and Scotch Mixtures 52-inch Melange and Scotch Mixtures, colors, brown, blue, red and gray ; 85c values. Special Monday CA and Tuesday, per yard AVC Rsin Proof Covert 56-inch Rsin Proof Covert, hard double twisted weave, castor colors, big values; our regular $1.25 values. OR Special for Monday and Tuesday at .VOv Curly Bear Skin Cloakings Have Just received a new line of Curly Bear Skin, 36 inches PA wide ; sold elsewhere at $3.50 and $4. Our price, per yard. . . . .OU Plain Bear Skin Cloakings Comes 52 inches wide, very best grade ; well worth $3.50. 0 PA Our special price, per yard...'. $OU Skinner's Satins We carry all colo rs in Skinners Celebrated Lining Satins. Come in alL colors, warranted for two years, 36 gA inches wide. Price, per ysrd IOU Heatherbloom Linings We now have a complete stock in the cele brated Heatherbloom Linings, all colors, one yard wide. 4 Price JOC Women's Handbags, $2.00 and $1.75 ' Values for $1.25 Each 300 dozen Women's Hand Bags, in Morocco, Sesl and Walrus leather, covered riveted frame, neat coin purse fittings, leather and J moire lined. Special for Monday and Tuesday, each .$l.0 iff" WMMJm fisni Winter-Weight Knit Under- wear and Hosiery An October sale of rare magnitude starts here to- i morrow. Underclothing and Warm Stockings of I the highest qualities at prices never before equaled. Reduced prices will prevail all week, but each day's OUUvaH nffVrincr will HiffW frnm thr nrrvinus nnc so if vnn wish to take advantage of the specials below come tnmnrrimi- mhi n n union suits ior w omn All $3.00 Wool Union Suits. Tomorrow $2.19 All $2.25 Wool Union Suits. Tomorrow $1.69 All $1.75 Wool Union Suits. Tomorrow $1.00 All 75c Cotton Union Suits. Tomorrow 50 Union Suits for Boys and Girls AM $1.50 Wool Union Suits. Tomorrow $1.00 All $1.00 Wool Union Suits. Tomorrow 68 All 75c Cotton Union Suits. Xpmorrow . . . , 50 All 50c Cotton Union Suits. Tomorrow 38 EXTRA SPECIAL A big offering of Women's Best 50c Quality Bleached Knit Vests and Pants of fine combed yarn, silk trimmed. A splendid winter weight; all siaes, in long-sleeve Vests or ankle length drawers, 200 dozen - of best 50c quality on sale tomorrow only, at OOv Women's Winter Hosiery 100 dozen Women's extra fine light weight all wool cashmere Stock ings, made with gray heel and toe ; best 35c quality. On sale O tomorrow at, the pair IOC 200 dozen all wool ribbed Stockings, in black, blue, Oxford or OC natural gray, heavy weights. Tomorrow Ljt 80 dozen Women's silk fleeced Stockings, ordinary or extra large sizes, all black or black with white soles ; 35c and 40c grades at, the OC Pir Ldt Best 50c quality alJ wool imported Cashmere Hose, full regu- QQp lar made, double soles;-best 50c quality. Tomocrow only Out The "Armor Clad" Stocking for Boys Heavy weight ; they stand the racket, heavy corduroy rib, elastic C legs snd double feet; best 25c grade. Tomorrow, all sizes 1DL Dainty Neckwear at Moderate Prices On Monday and Tuesday we will have a special display of Women's Neckwear at substantially reduced prices. The line will em brace Embroidered Collar and Cuff Sets, Embroidered Silk Stocks in solid colors and Persian effects. Revere Sets m lace and embroidered lawn and Lace Chemisettes in endless variety. Unequaled Values in New Fall Wash Goods 10 A YARD For Flannelettes; full width, large line of colors. A Our price, per yard 1 UC 15et A YARD For Cashmere Flannelettes, full 34 inches, light me dium, and dark colors, great f r, assortment of patterns, good quality, per yard .IOC 12lat A YARD For velour Flannelettes, assortment of O' pretty, medium and dark shades, per yard. l3v 18 A YARD For Velour Flannel, very .pretty for long kimonos and wrappers, neat designs and colors, good quality. Price, per O yard IOC 15 A YARD Large assortment of pretty designs in wool-fin- P ished Suitings, checks and plaid effects. Price, per yard IOC 20f A YARD Beige Suitings, full 34 inches wide, colors, gray, red, navy, green, brown, exact imitation of new woolen goods, ex- "4p tra good values, per yard .AfUC 10e A YARD Challies. 30 inches wide, assortment of pretty Persian designs, light, medium and dark colors. Price, per 1 A yard IvC 5 A YARD Outing Flannel, about 5,000 yards of dark colored Q Outing Flannel, good quality. Special, per yard OC Qy2f A YARD Outing Flannel, in medium and dark shades, dCl stripes and checks. Special, per yard U?C &yt A YARD Outing Flannel, large assortment of colors, Ql stripes, checks, plaids and plain effects. Price, per yard 03v Shoe Conscience Adds Fifty Per Cent to Every Shoe Purchase OTJSJBJfy Are you sure your shoe man has what is known as a a man only thinks of one wing and that is to get your money regardless of the sort of fit he gives yon. Your child is ss safe in our care as the oldest and most experi- enced shopper. Every pair is sold with a conscience. M You'll come back because we give you the perfect m a fit every time. We've 113 lines of $8 and $3.50 Shoes we would Wk like to show you. It will be a guide for you to 1 BBSSBBSSSSSSBV t a go dv ii you want to duy snoes eiscwners. They're in every leather. We can tell you more face to face. 17 lines of Women's $3.00 Hand Made Shoes, patent leather, gunmeta! tgt calf and vici kid Our Shoe Basement is a Mecca for money savers, it'a a he than loaning money you get the interest and then compounded i you don't have to wait, Women's Fine Shoes S1.60 Girls' Fine h - Men's Fine Shoes $2.48 I Bo