THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. .SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 14. 1908. NEW TODAY. TERWILLIGER I Ktls I Portland FOR A LIMITED PERIOD $37,500 CASH A like amount on time WILL BUY 85 Sightly Acres Ten minutes from Third and "Washington streeti, that will plat about BOO lots, on Boulevard Drive and On Line Scenic Electric Railway Now building. Will double in value by one year from date, head of Hamilton Ave. and less than half mile TO Ma cadam road, and its factories and industries of over $1,000,000 cap ital, employing nearly 1,000 men. Council Crest Within a mile west. JOHN R. OATMAN, Attorney, US Sherlock Block, Postoffice Box 745. SOME BARGAINS .$7,00050x100. with buildings bringing 10 per -ent net, en 2 Id and Rootevtlt ata. : wilt be worth double. thll la In w rami ft rati, en V1MAAU1 terminal ale t net. Juerter block on llth and BJV- on railroad track; good for warehouae. 3,88050x100. llth and Iaovejoy. 8880 A enap; half block In St. Johna. ' 84,800 t-room bouae, modern; lot its ',; lit; on Stanton at., Baat Side. ' $8,888 100x100. with (-room house, at Wood at oca. 84,000 Fine half block. 123x200. In Holladay Park addition; t cornera: wlU out Into 5 large lota. Two quarter blocka In enema addition. 100x123 each; atreeta graded and parked, cement stdswalka. gaa. etc. If you want something good, see this. tai.euO H aerea river front. In South Portland ; a bargain. We buy and tell stock and bonds. If you rase want nettling good la tola Una. 107 Falling Bids. To Buyers of PROPERTY , .. . i 11 you wish business prop erty, warehouse property or budding: sites in ally portion of the city, it will pay you to call upon CHARLES K. HENRY lSa Third St., Failing Bldg. Reid, Fields & Tynan Co. 103 SECOND ST. PHONE MAIM 7004. This is a SNAP $9000 18 feet from Washington street. 1H let on 23d street. 33.700 caah wUl carry tbla. This la a real snap; ahew ua any thing aa good. A SURE BARGAIN A beautiful quarter-block, close in. on east side, worth 36.500. and the Im provements worth 33.500 more. A lovely home, worth 311,000. for t daya only 98.SOO. ALFRED A. BAKER 215-216 Abington Building HELP! FIRE! HELP! Bsaattfai iota 40x131; (0-foot street. 20-foot allay; street graded; water malna; t; 35 down, ft per month; over 100 sold last week. 10 Acres H miles from Vanceuvsr: highly Improved, fine soil. 800 grape vines, all bearing, 160 fruit trees; new 7 -room house, barn; Vi of s. mile from hnni as axe The only one of Its kind weft of Chicago; do ing good buslnsss; will provs it; every thing goes, dwellings, machinery snd stock; It has o be sold; Investigate and make an offer. J. Ai BAHRETTE 407 Hawthorne A venae. Real Estate Investments -Htx.0: East 7th and Ran Ra fael atreeta. 81.30000117; 3-room residence, nsar car lines; Mt. Tabor; easy tsrms. $8,180 88x30; corner lot snd modern - room residence on West Bids on car lias. KOxluO; Hoyt at, between list snd 13d streets. Warehouse Site 888,800 lu lots facing on 14th. llth and Marshall streets. SINNOTT & SINNOTT 60S Chamber of URBBNWAY (PORTLAND HEIGHTS) The moat beautif iful location addition n urn ssveld. Bull Run wo- ter, electric llgntr, gaa and oodfr2st streets Superb view of aft. H Portland and Willamette river. Cholo- est tou Ifffyi-pfaffi- 881 8S Osggnslsa Building. NEW TODAY. Bargains in Houses 4-room. plaatersd, -lot 100x100; Fulton Park si.see 4-room, new. Tabasco addition, lot lOx 100 3J1.300 l-room. modem, new cottsgs. tot (Ox 100. Boat Sherman f 1,200 8 -room, modern, new, elegant, corner lot. (OxSO. full basement, furnace. Sunnyalde $4,00 Two 4-room, In good repair, lot 31 100. west aide, close In: a bargain at 8)3,000 4-room. at University Park $900 7-room. now. modern, Unlveralty Park. Ot Sl.SSO (-room, new, modern. Rodney avenue, flue home SS.50O (-room, good; Ran Rafael at f2.6SO l-room. modern, elegant heme, lot 7(x 100 Larrabee at BT.OOO 10-room, elegant, on the west aids, with H -block, fine Investment; and a fin home Indeed- f 18,000 Thla la a few of our many bargains. Tsrms can be had on any of theae. Lind & Pcwthcrcr Co. FOR SALE BY The Dunn-Lawrence Co. I beautiful lota; within one block busi ness. University Park. 11,000; favor able terms. Lots 110x361, high and sightly, situated on Francis avenue, one block Wood stock ears. 11(0 to 3160 each. Mind you, one of these lota contains the Bias of I ordinary lots, which sell In that vicinity at $101 sach. Beautiful lota on Brooklyn Heights, E. 3th street street Improved and side walks built. 1(00 each. Lota on 10th street, same tract, (100 each. A nice 114 acre place at Kenll worth, within 3 miles of business center city. 1(00 per acre. Would exchange the tract for a desirable residence In Hol iday's Addition or Alblna, and pay a caah difference. You will never get the bargains until you see The Dunn-Lawrence Co. MOM $ 1 9,500 The best Quarter Block in the City, right on terminal track. Can't be duplicated for the money anywhere. This is a bargain. McCusker-Keady Investment Co. 307 Failing Bldg. Phone Main 1258. ' I $1,800 Mew up-to-date l-room cottage, with bath. In Serene Park, near Highland echool. Eaat llth and Mildred Ms.; Al berta street car; easy payments. Apply to ownsrs, 888 bomber Mxchaxure, 3d and Stark. Phone Main 1377. PORTLAND la attracting amrs ettentloo thea any etty mi the Paetae psast lad Is undergoing a MIGHTY TRANSFORMATION and In the next tea yean will likely make man PROGRESS than It sss at Its eetlre peat. The BAST SIDE bee Stho swat HOMBS. boa the GBEATKST popes) Men. la growing the SMSt BAPIDLT. aad tfe. OBEATSB POBTLAND MUST sad WILL be there. Holladay s Addition la the seograpMcsl center of the dty, ssd le the aast DESIRABLE lestleen district. ssd aeach of this will assess BUSINESS I property. Do set overlook theee PACTS wh.a making Latest aeata, asd call asd U apect nee praperty, far eeslag te believing. The Oregon Bui Estate Comcany SSH Third et, Boom 4. Portland. Oregon. Do You Want ta Five-Room Cottage? . We can aell you a toed l-room cot tage and fractional lot on Baat Bslmont atreet for $171. itskls- Wakefield, Fr lea Oh Co. MOOD RIVER ORCHARDS 2 ACRES OF LAND One block from St. Johna carline, cloee to St. Johna; suits bis place to pint, . A bargain at $8.300. a. WM WTBLBJUna Lumber Kxchsnge. Second and Stark ata Nob Hill House A modern l-room houae; good baae- Eent, furnace and cement walka, fine wn with roaea and shrubbery, lot ixlOO. on Hoyt at; eaay terms. Room 31, 111 Waahlngton St CHOICE ACRES One to five-acres traqta, close In, on O. W. P. At Ry.; choice blaek soil; Im proved; eaee boo oomi easy tsrms. JORDAN & GARBADE NBW TODAY. Coprtghtsd 10(, by George J. Schaefsr. Lots ta Schaefcr's Addition "CENTRAL" $100 and Up BY Qeo. .J. Schaefer OTHER COOS BAT PROPKRTI A SPECIALTY. C. I. Parrish CL Co. GET the habit of seeing ua. Read our ada. Look for 'em. ESPECIAL) value In a new 6 -room cot tags. E. 14th at. near car: 33,300. THERE'S an up-to-date l-room dwel ling on Marshall St.. Nob HUL full ling on Marshall at. lot at 4,fto. THEN we have another beautiful I room houae on Lovejoy for $7,000. HAVE several new l-room houses on easy terms; (3.300 to $3,000. EVERY thing handy snd convenient. 3-story l-room residence. South Sunnyalde, near ear; 34,260. f-l ERE la a new l-roora bungelew, ex . SOth $1,171: SB ouisltelv finished. E. terms MONT A VILLA hornet I rooms; fruit, berries; near car; lot Ills too; z,3uu. BUY that 7-room dwelling on North- rup, near 21st; sells now at $4,7(0. IF you have a home, business block or acreage for sale, see us. THE best results corns from adver tising, and we spare no expense In placing your property on the mar ket. Coats you nothing. C. L. PnrrisH (XL Co. Five Six Seven SHERLOCK BLDG. 84500 block, bouse 7 rooms now be ing completed, on esst aide, beat resi dence section; $2,000 down. S 1,080) I add'a addition, 7 rooms, many . closets, full cement basement, fur nace, 10 roaea, fruit trees aad sodded lawn; bouae new 1906; $2,000 down. 81,800 Houae nd I lots, Mt. Tabor; $1,000 down. 83 ,300 House. I rooms, on hk block; new, modern. 88,880 100x100. Vancouver sve. .Hi story, ( room a finished, lower floor. I others can be finished above; full basement; half caah Vacant lota and Investment properties. Call and see lists. A. C. CAGE, 567 Sherlock 12 Per Cent Two-story building. Store and fists; close In. corner lot, $6,500 Quarsnteed lsaae t years. $65 Month Phone C. C. SHAT, Pacific 1813. Irvington Broadway atreet. S rooms. . .96, BOO Twelfth street. I rooms 5.SOO WeldlST street, I rooms 4.BOO Tou have not seen these housss Just put on the market. If von want some thing good don't buy until you sse thsm. Phone Shay, Pacific 1111, Business Properties Wanted I have customers for Income-paying property on either side of the river. If you have property that yon wish sold, come and see coo. aa t have buyers, owing to the fact that I have bean a long time In the buslnsss hers in the city, and have sold a great deal of property. If you wtah your property sold, it may pay you to Hat It with Charles. K. Henry P-rrish, Watkins 8b Co. BstabUshsd 1070. REAL ESTATE aso aldbh trebt Men and Women Fight Their way through life, but when they buy root estate from The Dunn-Lawrence Co. They get a emtio that won't come off. $10, BtJTS NBW TPJO - STORT BRICK BUILDING ON WILLIAMS AVPJNTTS. NEAR RUSSELL ST.; MUST OO QUICK. AT THIS PRICE will Pa I OVBB 11 PER CENT NBT. LAMONT dh, HARRIS PortlnnU tf splsrHtaa I hag. 4 bleeka from carina. Si Ikaa an mew TODAY. saws a aaahossgh (he grseOso aeitloa of the Oraet bu been sold. Tbeeelote ooo high aad sightly, aged Prices Very Reasonable fonnd la tract. Values Increase Rapidly Double in Value Osvp. Go and See Creston Western Oregon Trust Co. 291 Start Stmt A. Cowpertlnnit, Agt on Ground Own a Home We buy or build you a homo, any mw or location, on saay mommy pay ments, and with our oonnectlone snd facilities can save you money. We have several nsw houses now 31,200, $1,100, $1,(00. $2,000. $2,600 up to $(.000. Come in ana taut over our plan. 3M XT MOW. C. E. WEST. Mgr.. 107 Jherlock Bed. R. .U CATE HAS MOVED FROM III SECOND ST TO 226 Stark Between First , and Second Real Estate, Loans and Insurance PHONE EXCHANGE 70. Sunnyside Properties We have some good buys In nsw prop erty Completely furnished T-rm. houae, $1.00 l-room new cottage 31, 171 l-room new cottsgs 4.110 S-roem new cottage .....31,360 l-room house, fine location $3, 000 Paw choice lots, special. Speer Ss Bainter 1000 Vs Belmont St. Phono Tabor III. The Continental Co. Choice property oa Una. Lots and acreage snaps beauti ful suburban tracts. $1(0 aoro and up 3 to SO acres. BBS TBBBB Select homes all pacts of city. Call, get ac quainted. We" have a reputation we are proud of. 243 Stark St.. near 2nd CLASSIFIED NAMES Correct list of Oregon and Washing ton farms, fruit, grain, hope, potato and etock growers, number In family, agea. etc. Call or writs ua for prleea. Rural Directory Co., 11 Pourth street ftualncM at Attractive Price Wo cannot advertise theae proper- tles. but If you will call wo will be glad to furnish you with the psrtlcu- lari onfl .how the npnn.rff.. Rahln Agency. 301 H Stark street. $4,200 Pine large bones sad aha let Is the ewell reet- dance diemet er ta wast aid. Joet think of It only $4,300 tsr Johaaos ata. pe lot alone la worth aasrly thla price. . E. 8. McOOT, So fifth et Washington Street Snap affew. Meat ee eeea ay xasasssy. TSere la notkrne eka for 'eaJe hi this vicinity. A sever i.aeat boad Is se a. far Uieetaesl, aa waahlngton aiwaya se tse UBSSaa thoroughfare . It will he worth eaVkle the ales AMMf r 97. cere Houses and Lots For Sale On saay terms, Waat or Baat Bids. See 1NKLIM M KGB. IOT Dargalns. 117 Marguerite ave. Take Mt. Tenor Fteaer volr or Mt. Scott car. Phone Bast 1M0. FOR SALE Very fins II-room residence, large grounds, beautifully deOorstsd. abun dance fruit, ahnibbery. high and sightly, full view of the whole olty. Walking distance to buelneoo center. Prtoe only $$48. Apply to TIB DUNN LAWIENCE CO. 14SV4 Buy an Acre When yoa can eat an aero for about the asms prtoe aa a 101 ngn in in oity, rine view, Don't ovsrlooktnc the city, all clear. make a mistake. investigate mis. P. W. TORGLfft, 106 Sherlock M Creston ram will surely buy, aad thank aa for M Tsdte Xout Boost ear at First aad 8 Mar SWA, get oil at WEATHER REPORT. A sifais osswm la eeetral tale sees, lag sear Case Platwry aad torn warslsgs were ordered at 10;0 a. a. far slab ssats east ssirtlaa U aouthwaot winda ikaa the Weehtaatoa sad Oreeon coaate. Baa lea the aftsrsssa aweaxtmaa wind velocity el 1 60 Miles asatheset was reports at North Head. Wees Irgtsa. bat abawVrr as high winds have yet eeearrsd. BaOeratsly keavy rats haa fanes is extrsas herthweet Oregon aad we.tero Wneb lagtaa aad the aslas win opessd daring the nest 13 hoar, to Iselsde the entire dtatrlet. It la warms Is sorts Callforals. while hi aarth Pacific atatea tan ess agea Is temper e ter bars been oalmportant. It will be Hilar leader la westers Oregon. earners waaaiagtsa ass sorrsers laaao. Maxlenua rests ararare eat order, as deareesi atatmum temperature. OA eagreee; river read ing at s a. m . l.l feet; change hi laat 34 hoara. 0.1 feet; total precipitation. I a. to I D. m.. .01 tsab: total precipitation stoee KeeUsaber 1. 1(00. 3.30 tscbaa; soriaal preetpt ratloa stsee liptisahir 1. 1S0. a. IT leasee i exeeaa. .00 Isehee; total aunahlne, OeSobar la. lSOS. 4 boars: poeelble aanabtne. Oetsber II. 10M, 11 boars. I alnntae: bereeseter (redsced to sss level ) at ( p. .. 30 (0 lathee. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Prssk Walboa. 481 Waat Park at.. 34; auks B. Oahl. 2S- B. 0. Meed. 344 Posrth St.. Mt VlrglnU Rswbr, 30. Arthar l Bey Kendall. 10SH Ustss are.. 30: Edna tiUUa Oss. 10. Mea Paaeel. 441 Baat Twesty-slxth at, It) Mlanle Taagks. 11. K. Sandbr, SI; Mre. Bather Dana. SO. A. L. Myera. 41; Barbel T. Erkert. 40. eddlas Cards. W. O. Salts a Co.. Waas oo blag., ear. raerth aad Washragtoa eta. Isstos Weddlag and salttsg eerda esgraved or B. t. nasstes, sssw waaatagsm at. US A lata r Mg. : leeaess srees. Pall ' an It. for mt all alaaa. Dalnaa Tallerlag Csk, SOS Stark at. FUNERAL NOTICES. MCKOON Is this eltr. October 13, 190(1. Martha atsssoa. aged 31 yeara. 1 moats and 4 daya. Pllesile aad aoqsslatssess are reapactfally UTtted to attend the funeral aerTleee. whldi will be heft at Ftaley'a rtaeeel at S p. m. 1 ( interment siverview eeme- UNDERTAKERS, Donning. sfeBstae Qtlbeofh. andertahera and .abansera: modern In every detail, seventh asd Piss. Mais 480. Lady aaatstaat. A. B fttMaatoek. andartahrr and embalmer. Bast Tkutooaa aad UaMttUa are, Pheae 0.11- Brlctaes Dadert.ktSs Co.. asd esisalmlBg. 40S Mala siss. ua aenetasi. 1. P. rinley Boas. Third asd Madlses eta. OfOee of eoanty lueoaw. Phone Mel t 0. CLARKE BROS.. Parleta Ktoe flower, end Edward BolsMB. Third at aivEmvTsrw cemztebt. Stogie grseee Sis, Paafly lots ITS to raw arntv aaaalaee Ba Portland stM Paanr Iota STB to SI. 000. wsies per petoally maintain, sad esree Sae lets I latai matte, apply ta W R. Maekesste, ar rail War. eaeter block, cltv. w. M. Leas, areolae M title laanrane. ee saeetsase mene. cell oa Padfte Title A Treat compear, termor ly Padle Co. it Abatract Ova rant J Trsst ssmsaay, S04-S-0-T railing building. asd abatract. to real aetata from the Title Uuaraate. A So Waahlngton street. NOTICE. NOTICB OT 8A LB Circuit court, state of Ore foe. Hi sat) of Multnomah W. B. Edward., atotartrr. ... J. T. ftnrthwtek. defendant The nnd.rstgB.i. a. b Cobb, pertnerehtp of the Hea paay, will received eeela coot), receiver or us se- lwtid Lamoer com sad Mda for the nroo- erty asd aeeeto of the eald aetata at hie office, st Baat Water end Pine atreeta, port laud. Oregon: let. The aerchandlM aad atork on hand. 3d. Horace, toola. Implement, aad flitnree. Sd. team and building.. 4th. Mo tea aad ana ate receivable. Bth. Par the whole et ef flee of the aeM nisi ear, at the p las t sf a. id relate, at Haaeiwiid. Msimoasa coesty, OiaglQ. asd st the office of WlUttas Ben Sett' Mohawk building. Pnrtlaed, Oregon. A c a Lifted check of 10 per cent Beet accmn pasy all bide, ts be forfeited la ease the pur- rata to eoapate aa purcnaae. ine nnl will be epewad at the office ol eald recetrer on Sersrdsy, tbs SOrh day f October, 1S0S. at tbs hear of 10 a. a., euch eaiea to he aasact to the ceanraetioa or tse above court. . 1S0S. 8. B. COBB. Bscelver. ESTATE OP AMOS H. MO BO AN Notice tl hereby slvea that the sndaralsinS. aa sssrs trlx ef tbs laat will asd teetsBoet of A race H- Morgan, deceeeed. haa filed her final esast as each executrix la the eoanty court ea at ovate oa uaeguu wn o in ann tor bum somas esasty. asd that eald court by erdet SsmdS sad entered hea art Monday, day of November, 1S08, st the hom la the fereaoea of eeld day, aa the tl tae day. aa the time. asd appointed the eeartn the piaee far the aearl aeld report asd the flna bbs of eald court aa ring of obJecttoaa to ftssl Mt tie seat thereof and of aeld eetate Deted aod flret publlahed October IS, 1S0S. MBUNDA B. MOBOAN. Bisrstrls of tbs Leal of A aoa B. Morgan, ELLIS O. HUOHER. trlx of tbs Laat Will end Teetaasst Altorncj. CABD OP THANKS We deetre te thaak our many frtenda and acqualstaaces.t the saeasers of the K A L. of ft.. Rev B. 8. Bollleger ssd Rev. D. B. Gray for their klndueea end eympethy during the 11 learn asd death of our beloved hoeband and father aod for the aaay beautiful flowere eent ne. MBS. H. HELMCKB, ALMA HELMCKB, BANNA HELMCKB, JOHN HBLMCKB. MEETING NOTICES. MAROIERITE Camp. Boyal Nesgtkora ef A me rice, will five then- Bret grand hall of the Biases seat There day. October IS; beet ef m tailc and good aaaegeBest; eases have s PORTLAND ORCHESTRA Good msale foe ell eeemass. vary rmaoassM. Mala sees, or OS Lecreta at. M. W EVERGREEN CAMP. S40S. aeete J eveotag. ABsky Mdg . Third and WHITE'S ORCHESTRA- Dance music s ape- SoY.7 ity. swva waking toe et. Phase Pacific CUtCULAB LETTBB CO. Pacevaille typewrit ten lettere: add row hag. Baling. 3S1V, Stark. M. W. A. Oregon Grape Cea. So. S.0TS, Mee eaye. llth gad MsrsbsB: vartara weleeae. LOST AND FOUND. BTBATBD Besdieb Mack Jersey cow. laat Sa tarda J. T. Mss, B. B. Be. 1, Port land. Reward. LOOT A pah- ef gold rlmleae glaaeee. la case. el llth bet. ateetgoaery aed Taylor; re ward offered. Pseas Bast THE pert who took s anlteees from the 0. B AP train oa IB way ta Portland the morning of October 8 will paaee return tke mass to No. 70S Oregoataa Mdg , Portland, as their Identity le pretty well knows. LOOT Delivery book ehowtog aecounta of Pur dm Bra.' Air Tight a tore. Reward If re tarssd to S8S first at. or 308H Jeffarssa. LOOT Lady'a chiffon ruff. Portland or laraetta Height. Saturday. If Mre. ra. wnga t, M. lOes. IN ALBINA, yellow female bull terrier. SS re Mri. B. Ifsrtle, 1(10 Tyadsll a. a ewaa 1 m HELP WANTED MALE. BOCTLBDOE OTBTBB TO. waaa about IS or IS years of age; gasd wa tlrs ad are., aarth. WANTBD EVERYWHERE Meatier t task algae, dlatrlbate cwealar. aaaalee. etc.; bo caavaalng; gsed psp. Sua Advertlstag Bu rsaa. chlcsga. to knew that mochsalssl a., sad os Setarday aft its anas. WANTBD A yeesg ori aawrthasdj mSTvLX'i! tor ream. B ft, jouraaL leers teagrapey GOOD opportunity (to the rkaht bay; per wsssi as age. rarer Address B ML ears leer as. HELP WANTED MALE. HANSEN'S BMPXOTMEHT AOBNCIBS. or as TonAi. IS I tare IS sat. free tare: S 5r with haadaST aessre sad sdse, Stestere. dty", $8 So! rtV.ndTUaAhawAi.idera. U 60: burl. era asd erase rutter.. . ckasera, ngftsg allnfera. wwade Uberera. $3 50 to $3; Vogslns aslaraed lassrere. fvas..' ' City latSrera, hH; nantrsekare. ware- Wse wore, interior sensing lanorare. LEA. Uallroad uborera. S3. 34: teematere. $3 80; 4-boraa, $371: ostrtde rorimea. $1(0: tun nelsies, seadlsaand trht-coraer men. S3; Waah- lagtos and OBROON. ALL. rREE PABE hIadquartebs roB bailIoao work. 3 seewoa foreseen. 80. aeettoe hssdS, (1 78; fleam abovel laborere. S3; kfborera to headle lM; eoapaay asd eon treat work. PBUUI Sawmill handa, SKSO, eoae $3.31, laalde aad yasd work; trlaaeraas. ratehet-ssttsr, OreaMD, fans aad daw help: aieae .i.s h..l aw at. hi. handa. MO aad and room, many new Joba coamg lo aU the tlaas. I Seeks. S asakeys. T kitchen hssda, S WB lt6lt. HANSEN'S EMPLOTMENT OPPICM. SO North Second St. SsO Burnalde et. PORTLAND. OBBOO.Vasd 808 ataveas at ., RPOKANB. THE DAIXBE, WALLA WALLA, a B. HANSEN JR.. PBOP. WANTED Two essrgettc reel estate aaleasMn. arn sf ability, to handle our desertasast tor -rarsY Lends-' exeraalTely: moat nndereund Oreges snd Wssblngtoa sell thersaghly, here sood lodgment ee to valine; men of good addn aa, between the agea of 37 to 40 years; mas who want to grow np with a bpatneea that aseares thea a proaknag livelihood: .alary or uisisalasswi. or both; we will per tor ability, wasee se object; seas hat bob of hlsheet qnaUOcetlone seed apply. 84, 337 H Waehtagton it. MANAGERS WANTED, every aeotloa. to sp- Clnt agrsta; sew actentlSc game; replarlna rbodden a lot aaehlnea: atrietly lawful everywhere! played with nlckela or pennle.; aade Is S atyas S atyles reeemble eeeh ,iir i .(via llahtlv eoestrsrted. welghe osly 13 pound.; bstsg very deelrable operate on percenter, la public place.; a oa credit or rested; aaaplre loaned a oalr IS soanda: belns very deelrable to Din agecs free. A merlon Skllllard Co., Oor I, Chicago. Union Hotel at north sixth sr. Pre. employment to oor patriae. Weekly rates) Room, S1.3S op; room asd mrd. $4 8 as. AsOllsia, aropilaSar. WANTED Baleemen many make $100 re $180 per month even more; etoes clean; ilea, far from old orcharde: caah advanced weakly: choice of territory. Address Waehlngtos Nursery company, XOp penlah, Waehlngtea. WANTED 2 well-dreeeed. educated men to aell Ckarlee Dudley Warner library, world a best literature, call only oa persaae who have written for parllcuUra; new pro pool I Ion; liberal coamleelon. Apply between B and 12, Olobe Publishing Co.. Columbia bldg. WANTED Yoesg ore oar bookkeepers aad ar.ohere: have had I call, awes Uses September 1: placed 3BO Is positions. We will pises yoa waee sosa- wttent. Day ar sight Catalogue. Beksks Walker BbbIbbbi college. r. WANTED Mattreeaaakerai stsady work. OS Proot. corner Davie. MEN AND WOMBN to toe re barber trade to elfht weeks; irsdsates eara from 111 to SSS weekly; expert ua true tor.; catalogue tree. Meier Sjetca ed Colleges, 38 North Fourth at. Portlsad. WANTED A man with (300 ts take one of tbs asseaat Utile cigar aad eassy atauot In the dty. located ee the best buatneea atreet.. st 1S1H Morrteom St.; bay direct of owner. WANTED Boy; eteedy work. SB M. rrost, tee set Davie. NTEDTwe er three ftret Oreges Paallaie Mfg. Co Mi WB set avrk for ea awaSsrsi apectal 1 hare, SB. T M. C. A.. Pourth ssd Tes AGENTS TO INTRODUCE TUB GREATEST horticultural woeder Burbenk'a sew atoeeleee Inm; miracle: big pay, permanent pmtttos Cbico Muraery Go., ales. Ore. KOUMOi as ' place to work for AGENTS waated to saB asairlar, high-grade uuraerv atork ; eaeaelete outfit furnlebed tree: utm ra caah weekly; writs today for choice ef ter nrory. capital uiy nsraery Salea. Or. WANTED Meat have Si save young sses ts prepare tnemeeivee roc railway teiegrapo aervlc; big dial ad for graduatee. Call day ar eveslsg. Barer t College ef Telegraphy. Commonwealth bldg.. Btxtf sad Auk ear ata. BOOKKBEPEB asd ofSce ass; moat he a resets aad a good peasaaa; good opportunity: etat age. experiesee ssd ealary expected. Addresa B 04, care Journal WANTED Osstnsksrs ssd veatmakere: high est prte paid. A. J. Braalt. Hamilton hMg. BOOPSBS waated, worker, wented, 848 Ash st. tinner, waated Apply Wyakoop tke Basfsi. WANTED Men to work Is email nark las re palrahep: experteoce set seeeessry ; eosae money required; at at. time and piece ter Interview. Lock Box SS, MHwaakle, Oreges. WANTED Stave sett Built tare good pay. Ap- ply W cetera Cssaersgs Co.. SOS Stearns DlUg.. ciry, or Houltos. Or. COATTINISHER waated at once. CoJumbt. Wooles MlUa Co.. Seventh and Stark. WANTED 3 keys; ateady work, IT .50 per with, xos Liana at. BOT ts run errands. Oa,, 03 rrost at. Apply to Lewengsrt 0 A POSITION of PJ8 a week le aaeured If BPS learr to writ, a Avert lee acuta; eend tot free book. Psge-Davla Co., 41S Commercial bldg.. I'ortians MEN to die tribute eaaplea, tack elgue, $on dally; ettadyt aa canrawlng. Oliver. MsaSoa bldg., Chicago. ANT pereoa willing to die tribute ear oaapSB, $30.00 weekly. "Empire." OS LaSsIl st.. Chicago. 111. Stead; poaltlon; as SALESMEN WANTED SaBBSBOB cap easily asks $10 s day aell log oar Gold Win dew LeVMre. Novelty Hlgus aad Changesbl. Slgsa: catalogue free. SuIUvbb Oa,. 408 W. Van Buren at . Chicago. IB. WANTED By out of town masnfaalaiBag easar prlae. young man aa atraographer aad general off ha ssssttsst; meat be send at figures aad nave gono nnaiw ruing, u zx, ess WANTED- A SMS to take s wall set for clear ing land Deer Lyls. Waah.. le trscrs from 10 to 100 acree. oak grass asd ptae trees. Apply t. John S Belli. SB Hswtbsrse eve. EXPERT mathematician, bookkeeper or office ciera oeairua panaa. asgaaa m. nailer. City. RHIRTMAKEBR wasted. Jacebe Shirt Oa . Hamilton bldg.. 1S1 Third V. WANTED 3 (rst-elam nigh grade reel aetata aaleemeu ter etty; workmen of energy, asllty asd good Judgment: ealary no object: will pay from (ISO a snath up to right psrUBs. SCHI'TLBMAN A CO.. 23TH Washington St. BOT wanted at 18 aad 3D Proet st. BOT with wheel. King. tpplj to WANTBD Detlvsry boy with wheel. Joeca Besk SSeee. 301 Alder at. WANTBD Aa elderly aaan to arlTk aad do cSeees srraad boeruUag-hoese: wages 139 i analh and rust. Addrma N. U. Kessra. Dee. Or., Heed afttTw. WANTED Some Al Call at nan econ Jg. 8 a. BOT whs ssa at type Bovlow, St Joss. Or. WANTBD Boy n frhrts asd vMetabkej from wegou. S week; quick nfsa to gsod hoy. Call 311 14 rirat St. WArTTWhTaejag asm wits ImstaOgl sf StoO keentng aad stoasaraphf tor est of tswe. Aaaram l as, ears jessas. BOY- Must bar wheel. Baa's land Hotel rANTBD-4 gsed earneaters. Ca sg HELP WANTED FEMALE tnT$Timmik iiinrirmT'""''' ALE. i Meet aad PSStry anal a. SsVi S si Ml W at Mk OS as who ess se plala usueekeeaers. 4 eka S weeasa tor thjSt ckasi maid., aaar seed eltaa i akw srssaaaiaa aada (40 4 Bi ef rarlsss HANSAJOI'O LA U I OS' AOBTtOT. CAPASLB WOMBN WANTOD If rou work, ws sot ears sara 8 c:.uaLdy 5jiMww?w: cevera SB countries or no world; we aavarriaiu appuratHnia iroBJ set eaavaaalas. bat kilarsl Addrees by mall osly. Via Tl Co fANTBD Toung people to peiaaa aa bookkeeper, asd ateeograsbera MS eeUa alnee SaataaOsr 1; yla loaa. We wlD slses res ueteat. Day ee sight. C.Ulofue. walker Baaiaeee eoiwse. ONB cook. Ill me week; I notela, S4S 8 rmaa and chaaberaelde. SSI. reeas board, and $s per week; SB desaetMs. stairs. Main MS. BOMB LA DIBS AOBNOT. 1SSH iwnn at.. cor. Morrises, a yi.TA. Bldg Aloagalde toe QIBLS WANTED Opera tece ta work ea sad overalls. Leaeoae. It.b ta Isiaswl Apply st Standard lector y asd Bast Taylor at WA ANTED Glrle to alia, at TB Plrat et. aake "Boa. mt AST HANSSN'S LADIES' AOBNCT fee et. ear. devests, opetatrs. P. Bale ketp waated. WANTED HrL - saraar Dsns. st os a. OIRLB. when oa want work call oa the slssvtss Ladle.' Agesey. 107H Sixth Main SO0P. John Asderaan. BMssger. OIKlaS Cboeetete dipper, asd peekers. Caady Co.. 10th ssd Ulteaa. WANTED-B mrleaeed body Ironer; stssdy vrvgoa aasssry us. rse GIRLS wanted tor (rear a 1 Basel and waltreee. City Emptor eulte 1. SSSH Wssblagtss et. OIRL8 to preea aklrta. 201 Alder atreet. PEW ladle, wanted to assist ssskti fancy work apare time at bams; food pay; so experience reqalred. SSS 31 bids.. SOT Waahtngton at. WANTED Girl for aessrsl amell children; nice borne; reel Sss IS Apply 747 Uliaan et. I all S la afternoon. GIRL for general housework wanted: wages- 408 10th at. WA 'AnlaB I telegraphy A young lady or gentleman to or ebarthasd: wul tescb evsataos Is exchange for room. B 78, Journal. OIBL for general houeework In auburb; tea la family; will take girl of se experlsnss. cVMbee-lressrs it WANTED Bxaerle need Udlea PaclSe Laundry. 3S1 Arthur at. WANTED S vtotLn tor beye aad glrta to tea tract ea tSe child orchestra, a SO, Jourust. SOLICITORS ts take family erdere far sew roou arxica: asaa eeer: seas wasea. rams or aast Asia. OPTICB SPACE Public rtenograp free well furalshed office la Psooe PaelfM 34S8, ssd 11. LADIES Is da fancy work st home; at perl race required: rapid. SSS rtatsser bldg.. eoT 1 FINISHERS on pasts; stssdy work, good 330 riledner log. TWO aalsBwooea, nairliamS la boeiery knit underwear. Apply Roberts Bros, T WANTBD Girl to la work of boarding-boss. Mre. Cummtna rami am- pmlna. 11T WAPfTSTD Two cent Laundry, day. st tbs Crea- Moniaoe et. Apply Mon- WANTED Onapateet raring gtrle; aha ap sr. Apply 480 TlUa- prawn, sy LADT of edueatioa asd a buslines; start haa i, L SS, car Journal. SRIBTWAIBT. afcwt nee 12B 10th at. WANTED Young lady. IS to men pay company; erperteuco 0 M, cars Journal. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. CHAMBERMAIDS (combinational. 3n op, rssSxt Cirry gwi. waitreeeee. city, resnsisms, els. hoarding; alao lone. t: 8 MestlBSc vtfle, ISO: other village work; farm alL Cooke. SA up. Pamllr help. dMswasbhag. nurae aad eecond glrle. Power machine (eew gloves), atari 31 ; boaaekespsrs. wssaerwwseen. ass coos leeat), e. a. waiter., gix: coesa 110: others. Sllckermen, $S f both etty. DUbwsshers. I lore tare. i. so; B. O. Drake. H WsshlsgMs. 13T0. Opes today :4 till aeon. WANTED Traveling and local repr-eentatreas, either aex. te preeent new, attracttv adver tlelng offer ef Srst-claeS eetabllahed ami echool; permanent work and advancement! ealary far traveling $l,OB.0O Brat year and espeass paid weekly. Joseph Mara, $83 Plymouth. Chicago. GET MONET INTO TOIB OWN POCft THRO! Oil THE ABVKBTISINO B CHIN BBS. Page-Da vie School of Advert lac aarat-Wrttas; win help yso prSeflceJIy. by msll: preesfj farntoSed OaM or write Dept. St. 418 Com mercial bldg.. Portland Oregon. Ntrw sleeve protector, far office ssd to wore ; write assy: nt temieey. mesa Chtee ilcugo. HBLP wasted sad riJeXu Q. Drake. SOSU, Waahtsstee WAN! ED In country heal, two essMres IS care fur good eekoot. Addreee S. M. W . psstofflce box OS, Sesppssm. Or. WANTED rtret-rlaaa Mdv aad auatl vaeeera: ealary and eeaalaaMB. Call al Agesey Barms, SB Posrth St., ItortsmS. Or. WANTED Ysjsag people to learn ahowrard writing ana lettering, oey auu rrwuoai saw eranlng; fl eatrsetsakl. sot ovsrerowded: Isdlvhfual Isstrsetf nr.erlc.l .two .howcard wetter. Oat. r. Oatsfs pert Lollegu, fifth fkwr Ceameawealth SITUATIONS WANTEI B. H. BICHABDO Book peeted, geseral clerical week: rafareuem. HorSECLBANTNO Pheae IT rou SB R0NB0T. wMeswake. Al bookkeeper sad ter with onesmoneaaa ramasa i ritha. A. C. W 1S1 B. 13th at. HIC.HSCHOOL bey, IS rear old, waste Wt after ecMel sad Sstsrdsy. Pboos Scott "fraTTw1?.." , toet-eleae refer. ace. L SS, care Journal WANTED BP htoS echool hoy, utoss to work til Satardsye tsr heard eaSJ a L 44. car JessasL "dartr? ti'SnSSat aadrfrV'toeSC esces. Isaurws L 48, sees Jssgsa. ass. LADT -ewMkft .TM07OAtt wanOK heeaS'da1? w.ltra eaaf a Sl 1 1818 wJwaswSOfMZ I iWaeliei wtX tmAlswSwaJwwBt TTAwr sed 380 PA waaa eodE a. - leaawT a Brass asm eness. o JstaBal- ' ntm . ""Ill i riAIN eewtm if fW See et stoee ssa Col l griii Bssssmsj wasaa la He fttartag. idlism f T. jsyldsBgi