The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 14, 1906, SECTION TWO, Page 26, Image 26

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Where seven railroads meet the ocean-going vessels of the world must be a great business center. There is no exception to
this rule. The Willamette River skirts University Park on the south and west, the Columbia River on the northv with four
traiis-continental and three interstate railroads centering in its midst.
The Union Pacific Southern Pacific, Northern Pacific
and Great Northern four great trans-continental rail
roadscross, recross and surround University Park. The
Portland A Seatle, Oregon Railroad ft Navigation Com
pany and the Oregon ft Washington Railroad also have
lines thru University Park. These railroads are main
lines and. not branch line
Other Advantages
' University Park is no outside, wildcat speculation. It
has been within the city boundaries of Portland for four
teen years. It has Bull Run water, a 30-acre public park
owned and kept by the city, city schools, quick transpor
tation, electric arc street lights, graded streets, cement
walks, a building restriction, three systems of wide boule
vards, view of Cascade and Coast Ranges of mountains,
view of four perpetually snow-covered mountains, high,
level and sightly, and the seat of Columbia University.
Capitalists lend money freely on University Park lots for
building purposes.
What Does It Mean?
It means that mills, factories, jobbing houses, whole
sale houses, banks, hotels, retail stores, business houses
of every description, are seeking locations in the vicinity
of this bustling center. It means that lots now selling
'for $6 per front foot, or $300 each, will, within a very
short time, advance to $100 per front foot, or $6,000 each.
Study the Picture
Look at the location of the navigable rivers ; look at the
location of the railroads .and proposed railroads; look at
the street car lines and proposed lines; look at the factory
Showing University Park and Vicinity Drawn on an Exact Scale
districts, north, south and west; look at the boulevards
and wide, streets; see where the drydock. stockyards,
packing-houses, lumber mills and the Columbia Univer
sity are located. See where McKenna Junction and
Maegly Junction are located. You know that it will be
only a question of a short time till this condition will
make the cheapest lot in University Park worth $100 per
front foot
Don't forget that lots at St Johns advanced from $100
each to $10,000 each since 1901, and that advance was
made on the strength of only one freight spur or branch
railroad. St Johns today has no main line, and yet there
are lots in St Johns that cannot be bought for less than
$10,000 that sold in 1901 for less than $100. Remember
also, that in 1900 and 1901 I foretold, thru the col
umns of this paper, what would take place In St Johns,
and those who followed my advice made big fortunes.
Those who will follow my advice now and buy a few
lots at University Park within die next 00 days will make
big profits within the next three years.
Prices and Terms
Until October IS we will sell lots $8x100 feet alley
back of each, for $150; terms, $10 cash down on each lot
balance $4 monthly, or $15 monthly on 100x100. feet No
interest on back payment if paid on or before due.
Prices will be advanced $85 cm each lot October 15 at
6 p. m. without further notice. Don't miss this oppor
tunity to make a safe investment
Francis I. McKenna
Office at University Park Station on St. Johns Electric
Line, Portland, Oregon, Phone Woodlawn 839.
Where is the best place to go for
a car ride Sunday afternoon?
Where can you see Mounts
Hood, St. Helens and Adams, be
sides the Columbia River and
Vancouver Barracks?
Where can you buy a lot on the
best terms, for a reasonable
price, in the best part of the city?
Where will you find the most
homes being built and the most
contented lot of people in Port
In Vernon
What place should every one
are before buying for a home or
pat Suburb of Portland does
Moore Investment
in the Stearns Bid?., cor-
tth and Morrison streets.
S81,80O Half block on Couch t.,
near Washington. .
gar.BOO for a notei on on or tne
b corners In North Portland, near
the depot, has guaranteed lease far
two years at $276 a month; 113,000
cash will handle It
883,800100x105. Only 7 block
from Portland hotel, with two large
houses, one "furnished; present In
come, 1277: furniture to the value
of fS.000 Included.
898,000 Choice waterfront on
weat side of the river, north of the
886,000 Invested In Nob Hill will
give you a splendid property with
a five years' lease at $250 a month.
818,800 Invested In a new build
ing wUl pay 9 PBR CENT NET.
The property Is close to Morrison
st ana sure to advance In value.
88, COO A 148-aore farm In Polk
county, all in ctop this year, good
88,800 ' 70x100 site for good
apartment-house on West Park at
SaSSe will buy a choice corner
lot on A'blna's principal street op
posite the bank, and will pay $ per
rent net.
SSSOO buys a 100-aere farm In
Linn county, at a Junction of two
railroads and adjoining a town; half
8a,SM Is the price of SO acres of
timber land 7 milea from Portland
and 5 miles from the river.
88,800 Choice lot on Tork St. the
new warehouse district; trackage
assured; values rapidly advancing;
easy terms.
81. boo A quarter block In South
Sunnyslde, where fine residences
are buildings.
Quarter Block
Washington Street
of JW Kinds
in All Paris ol the
"It Pay to See U"
3 Chamber of Commerce
East Side Block
Union and Grand
Only $15,000
Homes for Sale
881,088 The mansion at the
northeast corner of 27th and Flan
ders ats. ; grounds are 180x188.
888,000 One of the finest resi
dences on 2tth st., a quarter block
In the best (tart of Nob Hill. 3
811,800 75x100, southwest corner
2 2d and Lovejoy: a beautiful home.
810,000 Owner will sell his new,
modern residence on Ollaan at, near
24th; beet value of any property
on the market
88,880 10-room house, first-class
in every respect; inside lot on N.
24th street
SSSCS 8-room residence on Mar
shall st, near 24th; rent at $43 a
88,080 10-room dwelling on
King's Heights; a choice corner.
84,800 Modern (-room dwelling
on Marshall St., near 24th; a good
home or a good Investment for rent
ing. 88,700 I -room cottage on South
4th St., between Lincoln and Grant.
88,800 A beautiful home on Was
co St., In Holladay Park.
$8,000 Handsome, modern resi
dence on choice corner in Holladay
Park; lot 76x108.
88,800 A beautiful, new, modern
home In South Sunnyslde, on Haw
thorne ave. line.
88,800 Cosy 7-rootn house In Irving-ton.
8800 A well-built, modern 7
room house on East isth st. (East
Ankeny car line), $600 cash and bal
ance on terms to suit the pur
chaser. 89.8O0 for a beautiful cottage and
full lot in Irvlngton.
88, BOO fer an 8-roora house and
fine grounds In Sunnyslde; easy
SB ,880 A charSilng NEW B room
cottage one block from East Ankeny
ears. .
81,800 A choice piece of property
for a home, 100x160; 16 magnificent
shade trees; easy terms.
We Can Sell Your Properly
Council Crest Park
With it beautiful contour drives and avenues ia aituated 1,000 feet up among the trees and
hills, far above the fogs and smoke of a buay city, and commanding the most magnificent
view that can be aeen from any portion of any city la the world Mountains, Valleys,
Rivers, Towns, Cities and twenty Counties; all in sight. Only 25 minutes from , the post
office on the best equipped and moat picturesque streetcar line in the world. t
COUNCIL CREST PARK la destined to be by far the moat fashionable residence por
tion of the city and in the not far distant future lota will be worth more than they are
in any residence portion of the city today, yet we are going to sell a limited number of
choice sites at from $400 to $600 per lot We will not sell one lot; a building muat occupy
more ground; no building to cost less than $2,500 can be erected on the property. Only the
better class of people, those who have a taste for the moat beautiful and enchanting that
nature can provide are looking for homes yes homes, not houses among the lovely hills
, and glens of Council Crest Park, - i
We know these prices 1400 to $600 per lot will surprise many who have been expect
ing to pay from $1,000 to $2,000 per lot: but they will only last a short time, just until we
get nicely started. It will be your fault if you do not get first choice.
American Investment Co.
Real Estate Bargains
012.OOO First st property with 176
per month income i one-third cash
handles. J7)
015,000 Fractional lot It feet from
Sixth st., In heart of the district
of growing values. (SI)
96.000 Full lot. Front at. south; I
houses. Don't overlook this bar
gain. (S4)
08,000 Quarter-block, east aid,
warehouse-district. (16)
Row of' substantial1 brick buildings,
with 1(80 per month Income. (Tl)
Quarter-block, 4-story brick;
1460 per month
One of Portland's choicest corners;
arte reasonable.wlth good terms.
Portland Realty & Trust Co.
1AJ MA ra. a- saet aaaa
1 04 atoOOtwxt 0t
Mala ajjt.
First Street
Three-story brick and 50x100 on First
street f 23,ooo
Front Street
?5xl80, very central, on east side of
Front . street; good brick building
and dock 8)80,000
Three Story Brick
.nd 50x100, income $150 s
month 010,000
The Hcaly Investment Co.
210414 Abington, 106 Third 8C
04,000 A quarter block on Sherman,
between Hood and Front streets, s
dwellings paying good Interest Look
this up.
00,000 It 108x108, 6 -room house
nearly new. fine shrubbery, on oar
line; must be sold at once.
8,000 Wloe S room I story house
with barn, elegant lot 60x160, Eugene
street, near Williams avenue.
08,000 10-room, 2-story house on S
acres ground, fenced; barn, chicken
house, fruit, garden, etc., on Blavln
road, below Council Crest Terms
WA.TSB raosTAOi we have for sale
or lease a large pleoe of unimproved
water front in the heart of the city.
Brooke &
Modern new 8-room house and quarter block on east side, with
beautiful lawn, flowers, shrubbery, etc., for sale at a bargain,
$4,000, $1,000 down, balance On monthly installments.
Good 7-room house and quarter block on East Twenty-seventh; nice
lawn, plenty of fruit, flowers, etc.; half block from car line, 4
blocks from school. Price $3,500; easy terms.
We also have a large number of other residence properties for sale
BUSINESS PROPERTIES Good bargains from $10,000 to $100,000.
SlA acres on Oregon City car line, alt cleared and in high state of
cultivation, good new 6-room house, on public road, only 3 blocks
from station. Price $2,600.
3ii acres on O. W. P. Ry., 4 miles from Oregon City, all cleared and
in high state of cultivation, with new house. Price $1,300; half
cash, balance on installments.
20 acres on car line, 16 acres cleared and in high state of cultivation,
5 acrea beaver dam, balance rich black loam, well fenced,' on pub
lic road, small orchard, small house and barn, well watered; one
of the best pieces of land for raising onions and vegetablea in
vicinity of Portland. Price $6,000; half cash, balance on time.
11 acres on car line, 9 acrea cleared, on public road, well fenced,
rich black loam, can be bought at a bargain, on eaay terms.
5 acres near car line, one acre cleared, balance good timber, 4 blocks
from car line. Price $1,000; eaay terma.
Tracts of from 1 to 10 acres on car line, rich soil, no gravel, ranging
in price from $150 to $350 per acre, can be aold on eaay terma;
$10 down and $10 per month.
5-acre tracta on river, juet above Milwaukee, $360 per acre.