TH OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, POBTEftNP, SUNDAY MOBNINO. OCTOBER K ltOt. Oregon Farms and Timber Lands W have fann lands in every county in the State of Oregon. These lands are adapted to the growing of wheat, alfalfa, all the grains, fruit, bops and general fanning. Certain localities are better adapted than others for certain varieties of fruits others for hops and still others for walnuts, etc Some fanners are accustomed to fanning on irrigated land; others are unacquainted with this style of farming. We have lands that will suit. If you are thinking of buying a farm (any kind of farm) or dairy ranch, there is no firm or company in the Northwest that can give you a choice of as large a selection of farms as are listed on this company's books. Foreseeing the movement of Eastern and Middle Western farmers to the Pacific Northwest, at very heavy expense snd at infinite pains, this company has employed a corps of polite, efficient and thoroughly reliable men in its offices in the city of Portland, and agents in every county, selected for their ability and standing in their home communities, with an Advisory Board composed of men of the highest grade residing in all portions of the State of Oregon. This Company's land department, you may therefore readily observe, is so constructed that honest statements, relieved from all prejudice, can be had by the prospective purchaser. Any statement made by any agent can be accepted as thoroughly trustworthy, and every Assistance will be heartily extended to the newcomer to find a proper location and in many ways assist him after he is located. We have men in our company who have moved wes t from the different states of the East, Middle West and South and you can use their knowledge to form safe comparisons, to quickly understand local conditions and to avoid mistakes. This company would rather have one satisfied customer than a month's advertising through the best medium. We shall be glad to give you any information on Oregon farm lands; what they raise, etc. It will pay you in every way to see us. rTer m if v r t z r t r-v r in I, , -i i H i i i i i . . SIX PER CENT OREGON SECURITIES Some people really believe that securities that pay as much or more than six (8) per cent are inclined to be unsafe aa the interest rate is high. Western securities have always been higher than Eastern in their interest rate. The reason: Money for investments is more abun dant in the older communities snd therefore the rste is lower. Wall street recently borrowed money from the West at high rates to gamble in stocks. Here waa a great risk and a relative rate. Oregon securities are a thousand times safer and bear a good honest rate of interest. Investigate your home securities snd keep your money in Oregon. We sell all kinds of bonds snd farm mortgages. TIMBER LANDS There are fortunes to be made in buying carefully selected timber lands in Oregon. This branch of our business is conducted by experts snd every sale is handled in a practical, manner to bring about an equitable understanding between the buyer snd the present owner. We count amongst our clients some of the best known timber land buyers in the United States. Our methods of handling their purchases have pleased them. We believe we can please any buyer in a like manner. The owners of timber lands In Ore gon who are desirous of making an early sale for cash are offered the benefit of our organization Vnd ex perience. We list timber lands for sale and not to put before our buyers st prohibitive prices. We have several large tracts of high class timber in various parts of the state for sale at moderate prices. We also have several small tracts and some few single claims. We also have a few good bodies of timber on rail or water transportation with operating mills connected. Some of these properties are so located that we can furnish contracts for the mill run for a period of several years. Northwestern Guarantee Trust Co Lumber Exchange Building, Second Floor, S. E. Corner Second and Stark