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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1906)
THE ORBOON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNINO, OCTOBER 14. 1KX. ID BSKSBBBBBKOJ 7 I 3 1 A lBLwkv PARSIFAL' JIT THE- THIS WEEK AT THE THEATRES. HEILIO Sunday night Jaa Corcormn In The Freedom of Suzanne " IUIUO HI Henry s Minstrels, Tuesday and Wednesday nlghta with special matinee Wednesday. MBILIO "Parsifal" Friday. Saturday and Sunday night, October lt M, Curtain at 1:45 o'clock. BAKER All' k With mattnrea today and Saturday, Baker Stock com pany In "Lady Huntawortb's Experiment.". If EMPIRE All week with matinees today. Thursday and Saturday, Allen took company In "The TWO Orphans." LYRIC All week with dally tnattneea. Lyric stock company In "A Mother's Secret." PaNTAOES Vaudeville alt week, with mutineer dally. 4RAND-All week With dally matinees, vaudeville COMINO ATTRACTIONS. HEILIO "The Col lege Widow" October St, SI and 14: Henry James In Merry Wires of Windsor." October St. St and 17. BAKER Next week "York Stat Polka"; la preparation. "The Sorceress." EMPIRE Next week 'The Holy City." By Johnston McCulley. 4 . THE pant wank has Indeed been a busy one In theatrical circles. All the play shops have been working overtime. There has tart keen a dull night nil week. And the - ranee ft the attractions ems from utter VOt tb artistic success. The Trellis: start efl off the wee with Mans Robert In "Checkers." Press agents had been active In behalf of this production, and a crowded house greeted ft. "Checkers' was a disappointment, esatsld of one or two characters. There were glimpses here and there of the work that made the play a hit In the east, but taken as a whole the play aa given in Portlnnd wan not worth 1 per. Which the theatre charged. "The Maid and the Mummy." which Bve a one-night stand Thursday, was tter than "The Royal Chef." bat did not fill a long-felt want for a clean. Sparkling comic opera. The costumes and scenery Were travel-stained and the company played on a Walla Walla basMs tar as merit Is concerned. It took Jane Corcoran In "The Free dom of Susanna" to brace up the reputa tion of the Helllg for the week; and this delightful little actress did work that Mined for her many admirer among toosi play-goers. At the Baker, the stock company gave Finer"' 'The (lay Lord Quas." which beat anything the company haa given this season, unions It Is "Because She Loved film So." The Week merited the return of William Dllle to tne east of the Bakerltes. and he waa given a royal oration. Lillian Lawrence added an other jewel to Mr crown In the role of Sophie Fullgaraey, and as His CI race of Quex. Hlehard Thornton waa about IS nor cent. Unpaid Bowles snd Frances Meewou did good work In this produc tion. hn frteppliag has resigned from the MWtitee. folded his tent and silently atasla away. Today Mlas Fiances A rue fas Uses atan. ft rs presumed the man ggsWIin will fill Miss Arno s place, but no annountwut to thst effect has been r.mdr w w At IM Stat the past week the bill it, m y JOrt)VLANE COWVOJtJAJ "FRKJlBfiL . 4 F:a has been "That Olrl From Texan," and the Allen stock company, headed by Miss Verna Felton, haa done excellent work. This little theatre is rapidly getting a reputation aa the home of good, clean amusement, as the crowds testify. The Lyric gave "The Deserter." a civil war drama, and played it to good audi ence. Frank Fanning, Herbert Ashton, Wards Howard and Lily Braascombe did excellent work. At the Grand and at Pantagos' there were good vaudeville bills during the week. This week we go from the ridiculous to the sublime. At the Helllg. HI Hen ry's minstrels open the week Tuesday, ad "Parsifal" closes it. The Helllg Is nothing If toot versatile. The produc tion of TtrMfar Is looked upon as on of the events of the season, and It l declared that It will Be produced In 4 capable manner. The prelude will be gin at 7 to o'clock and the curtain will go up I minutes later. No one will be seated during a scene. The produc tion will be given st one sitting. The Bakerites wul give us "Lady HunUworth'e Experiment," a. clever comedy which ought to make another hit for ths stock house. "Pet Peter son" will hold forth t the, Empire. "A Mother Secret" will be unfolded at the Lyric sod 'The Two Orphans" will nans tears ta he shed st the Star. It's going to be all kinds of a wank. W Race Whitney, formerly dramatic critic for The Journal, has blossomed out as a writer of lyrics. His opera, "The King Maker," has been accepted by John Cort and will ne produced by the Stewart opera company In Seattle In February, coming to Portland Immedi ately thereafter. It Is sM to he highly original The music la the work of g California cose poser. Cathrlne Countlsa, who was second woman to Lllllaa Russell In the star's new play. "Barbara's Millions," went down with the Ship when tjint piny failed. Those who saw K In New York spoke good words for It. but weather con ditions and the hoodoo worked agalntt the production to such an extent that tfjl sna V It was prematurely slain. Miss Count ies was pleasing In her role, and wan plaudits from the critics. MONOLOGUES. H Henry's Minstrels Tuesday Night. HI Henry's Minstrels, which are said to be one of the best minstrel organisa tions on the stage this season, will be the attraction at the Helllg theatre next Tuesday and Wednesday nights. October 16 and 17, with a bar gate-price matinee Wednesday. The curtain rises upon the moat gorgeous full stage first part sat ever conoelved In connection with mod ern, up-to-date minstrel presentations; a dreamland c i caption of the fabulous palace of Aladdin, of pearl and gold, described In the story of the wonderful Arabian Nights. The chief end man ar Charles Oano, Bobby Baker, Tom Mack, Jimmy Baxter, Tom Delmore, William Cogley, Ed Cermlohael, Harry Morris and also the popular "Taooma Boy," Charles Seldere, whose host Of friend will be pleased ta learn of Ms success as a comedian with this popular or ganisation. Among the songs ea the program are "Alice, Where Art Thou Going"" "The Rosa Is the Flower for Me," "By Bya. Sweetie," "I'll Be Back Id a Minute." "At Evening." 'Borne One Thinking of Same On," "The Direr," "Twenty-three," "Just One Word." Th second part will be devoted to vaudeville. Including Mack and Baxter, irrreqhaled dancing experts, the Euro pean sensation. Mantell mechanical mldgeta; Charles Oano, the Twentieth century' nvonologlst. HI Henry win pos itively appear, rendering asms of his world-renowned cornet sotoo, composed snd rendered only by himself Advance seat kale opens today st the box office of the Helllg theatre. "Parsifal" at the Heilig. Onewof the most striking and beauti ful features In the spectacls of "Parsi fal," which cornea to the Helllg theatre for three nights. October 19. Se and SI. Is ths lower garden scene, with Its fascinating flower maidens. This gar den, as wa are told In the story, Is the creation of Kllngsor for the deliberate purpose of seducing th knights of ths Holy Orall from their Uvea of rectitude sad holiness, How well he succeeded, for a time at least, wa are told In the story and play. But It la In the at tempted destruction of th soul of the hero himself. Parsifal, where Kllngsor put forth his greatest efforts, that the flower garden and Its occupants sre mails to play their moat important part. The garden Itself Is fairylike and en chanting. Ite luxuriant foliage and tropical plants and flowers of gorgeous and varied colors pre' sufficient to das zle th eye and bewilder the sense with their splendor snd penetrating per fume. Then again In and out among this sea of Orisntnl color and luxuri ouatreaa thsre appears a number of HUNHVl? MINSTREU5:" AT THE HBlLWTttMTRE Tim WED. wsm&oer. ,i&i7.vwrwm 'jfflLANE AT -i r THE nti a FRTD.rWEiSUN.n sPCT.190:ZU young and lovely maidens who rival In beauty of face and figure end msg nlfleenoe snd, charm of their exquisite surroundings' The whole scene biases with lrridescent grandeur In the bril liant sunlight. It Is Into the vortex of sensuous ere stion thet th Innocent end guileless Parsifal le lured by Kllngsor Intent upon hts moral downfall. And yet we see how this noble youth le enabled to resist at the alurements and tempta tions thst beset him. how even the arch temptress. Ktindry, now transformed' Into an enchantres of wondrous beauty and voluptuousness, Is powerless te at tract him. We see these two arch de mons, frustrated In their evil machina tions, at laat resort to physical vio lence, fearful that Parsifal shall es cape them. Kllngsor hurts the sacred lance at the head of the valiant youth. It fails to strike him. but miraculously ismslns suspended over hie heed. Par elfel grasps the holy relic, east with It makes th sign at the CToa. A load crash of thunder 1 heard and, as If earthquake occurred, the msglo cas tle crumbles Into ruins. The flower garden and all It contains is turned Into sn Slid waste, and the Kllngwor disap pears forever. Ktindry le overwhelmed with fright and horror, while Parsifal, holding aloft the holy spear, springs over the ruin of the castle and Is lost to view. The orchestra prelude wll be gin at 7: to o'clock, curtain will rise at 7 :4t. Advance seat sale will opaa next Tuesday morning, October It, at It o'clock at the box offlee of ths Helllg theatr. Out of town orders aigrieest to W. T. Psrgl must be accompanied with money order and a self-add rs seed envelope for safs return. w w Louis Jaxnee as "Falataff." Among th pretentious dramatis of fering ef th season the coming pre- Kntatlon of "The Merry Wive of Indsor," by Louis Jamea, will be one of the most conspicuous at th Helllg theatre October St. II and S7, for It le said that Mr. Jamea has not only given s magnificent ecenro embellishment to this delightful comedy, but heo etrr rbunded himself with a coterie of con frere worthy of his association snd best consideration. Nellie McHenry, Who has been Identified with some of th most Important productions of th rlVaanaTftxtP' aats? t ffHIfn. . raWW Mrs. xasj HOTO eV samel Basal HP1 Bta, last decade, has been epeclaly engaged to play Mistress Quickly, a character that Is aald to fit her Ilk the proverbial glove. Norman Hackett, a sterling young actor, who has been identified with nearly all of Mr. James' productions for ths past 10 years, will be Master Ford. Aphle James is tne Mistress Ford and Charlotte Lambert, an aetreas of excellent reputation, th Mistress Page. Other playera worthy Of more than K sal tig nots are: J. Arthur Young, Lll ia Lancaster. Nathan Aronaon. Wil liam Chrystls Miller, C. D. Burt. H. D. Brown, O. W. Ward, H. F. Maurice, etc. Mr. Jamea will of course be the Pal staff, and there are few characters in which this splendid sctor excels with happier results than a ths Inimitable knight of Windsor, Happy Jack Fal ataff. WW,. Jane Corcoran at Heilig Tonight. Ths brilliant young star, Jsns Cor coran, supported by Jamee M. Brophy and a painstaking company of players, will present the delightful comedy. 'The Freedom Of Susanna" at ths Helllg theatr tonight at 1:11 o'clock. The brains and energy of tble talented ac tress are Indisputably demonstrated this season in her presentation of the New York Empire theatre success entitled "The Freedom of Susanns." Surely the selection of this play for Mlee Corcoran la aa near to the goal of perfection ae it is possible for money and brains to make it. Space here fa altogether too Inadequate to allow a detailed descrip tion of this eterllng attraction The at traction la meeting with pronounced and triumphant success throughout the country. "Lady Huntaworth ' Experiment." This week at the Baker theatre the popular stock company will present enether great aucceaa In "Lady Hunts worth'e Experiment." a delightfully hsppy comedy from the pen of R. C. Carton. This play was obtained for production at the Baker with great trou ble and only after arrangement with Daniel Frobman. who controls the pro duction. It has won universal praise aaxaxk' fisxeaV .JsC .etjaaxeaaaawM' maa "aBBBBxeBBaak AbbbbbBbbbx. '' W - sfH-t' KKBVig Jsaam, . W M,. m ssssssssss I obBssNsbWAsBsssI BBSS .BADMjMAN r Jt Tt r ile. i- - v el AT. THE6TAlw 11 sxeaaaaxc with .ALLEN STOCK CO. In London and New York and haa been declared one of the most delightful comedies ever written. The play. la la three acts, the scenes depicting the gar den, the kitchen and the Horary of a vloarags. It is one of those comedies which have a dash and go to then. All the favorites will be In the cast. The three scenes hsvs been painted In the Baker studio with great care and are of exceptional beauty. It la antici pated that "Lady Huntswerth'a Expert ment" will prove one of the meat de lightful productions of ths present dra matic season. The play never falls to bring a hearty laugh from all claeses of people. There are but nine oharao tar la the' piece, bat thee are warked every minute from the rise of the cur tain to the cloae of th play, and the result Is a charming mixture of star tling situations flUed brimful of wit and humor. The eaat for Lady Huntaworth'e Ex periment" Is aa follows: CAST OF CHARACTER. dandy, man servant at the vicar age William C. OMetaon Rv. Henry Thoresby, carats Of eWlll fofd Howard Russell Lucy Pilllnger, Rev. Audleys daugh ter .Mies Franc Slosson Rev Audley Pilllnger, vicar of Still ford WUllam DUla Mis Hannah Pilllnger. Rv. Audley'a Bister Mrs. Nina Crollus Oleaaon Captain Dorvaston, lets Bengal cav alry Richard Thornton Caroline Ray ward, cook at the vicar age Mies Lillian Lawrence Mr. Cra yell John Salnpolla Keaiah, house maid at the vicarage. SYNOPSIS OF SCENES Act 1 The vicarage garden: morning Act i -Ths vloarags kitchen, th same evening. Act t The vicarage library; th next morning. WW "Th Collar; Widow" Cominf. The breeey and wholesome "College Widow." with It plethora of A de-lam a. uttered ths most dsllghtfully recog nisable American types, comes to the Helllg theatr Monday. Twees y and Wednesday nights. October St. tt and ARTHUR AiSHLEY. withTHBALUN iSTOCK CO" atTHBvSTAR Ml exeaB aTamK A aweasaxaBxeaai np KITTVDB LOXNB w"Pm PETERSON. JIT 7ns S4, with a Wednesday. peclal-prloe matinee This really splendid comedy, with reocrd run In all the large cities of the country to Its credit, he what is said to be Its strongest cast on the present tour. Among the well-known players In the cast are Louise Ruttar, Estella Dale, Bessie Toner, Patty Allison. Frances Chase, Rosalind Allin. Ellas -bsth Van sell. Helen Torrey, Robert Kelly, J. Bereeford Hoiiis. Otis Turner. Alan Brooks, Wilson Deal. Oeorg S. Trimble, Oeorge C Odell. John Fenton, Alton Bennett, Erneet Anderson. Ad vance eale of aeats will open next Friday morning. October It, at box office Helllg theatre. w w "Pat Peterson" at the Empire. A new Swedish drama will be seen In Portland for the week at the Empire, starting this afternoon. Tble wiu us "Pet Petereon." one of Praxes suc cessful shows. It runs along the line of "Ole Olson," "Yon Yonson," and many others- but haa the virtue of being new, and -in every phase original, tt will be found moot pleasing to every on This week, special attention Is called to the change In prteee at the Empire, and these new snd reduced rates will hold good for ths rest of the season, at the popular uptown theatre, which will no doubt be welcome new for Ite aaaay patrona. A matinee will also be given every Wednesday, making matinee dsys at the Empire Sundsy. Wednesday and Saturday. "Pete Petereon" should be a winner this wsek. It has proved so all along the line. The play is said to fairly bub als with rich lines and uncommon fug, and theatre-goers who enjoy good com edy, oatohy songs and pretty scenery should not leave the theatre diaap- , Solntsd. It offers aa a hero a eomlrnl wede, whose sole ambition la to become a detective. ' and who he-. s love for his employer's daughter. Dur ing ths action of the piec . .. snd most popular songs sre introduced, tnd four acting dogs perform numerous tricks that delight all who see them. It is said "Pete Peterson" has always been th beet Swedish play and no ax- (CeWlnued on Pag Twenty-tweT)-