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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1906)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOUftWAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 14.. 1901 d EVADE REFLATION OF RATES ss h sV m a ssV m m if r 1 if j i i i ii j r i t i j j m bm mm mm mmmi aai m m m am mmmw ami mmi nmam amaa mmn m mat mmmmt emas mm WBBBBBJ SB BBS BBBB BJa WBBBB BBS H BBBBBBH WBB BBSS aa BBS BJBBBBSa WsWBB BBBBBBBBBBBJ as- SBBBBB am sai bbbh a ssaa wai sm saai a ss saa wast saw ss aaa mmmmt mamma (Continued from Psge One.) Section 8, of Article 1, of the federal constitution provides that 'congress shall have power to regulate commerce with foreign na tions and among the several states and with the Indian tribes. The judicial interpretation of this section removes the regulation of in terstate railroad fares arxl rates from state jurisdiction and places '.it under federal control in all cases where those outside the jurisdic tion of a state would be directly affected by state regulation. Interstate traffic originates within a state and passes out of it, .originates outside and comes into it, or passes entirely through it. 1 A state, therefore, having a market within itself, or having con venient ports open to the high seas is largely free.from federal limit ations. Oregon enjoys a powerful strategic position in this respect. The great wheat fields and ranges of eastern and central Oregon "can pour their products down a water grade into Portland and from there to any port in the world. The products of western Oregon enjoy an equal advantage. Can Regulate Her Rate. Owing to her topography and position upon the coast, Oregon is largely free to regulate rates as she chooses. Her wheat and hops, two great crops, find a foreign market through Portland, as do much of her lumber and livestock. He minor productions are chiefly consumed within the state, hence the t bulk of her traffic is clearly a subject of state regulation. What has been said of Oregon is largely true of Washington. She can make rates to the sound, and those rates will compel like rates bv such of her roads as connect with Portland. Nor does our i advantage of the situation end with our power to control domestic rates. Other conditions of world wide influence, over which rail road domination does not extend, conspire to aid us. Water competition forces down transcontinental rates. All in- terior distributing points are familiar with this condition, having nearo it reiterarea again ana again, ry rauroaa omciais, wno assign v it as a reason for charging Pendleton, , Wall Walla, Baker City, Boise, Lewiston, or Spokane the coast rate plus the local return frate. The markets.of Oregon and Washington being local, the traffic is relieved of federal interference, while water competition protects jt against retaliation. State Regulation of Rate. State regulation of rates is theoretically feasible in all states ..having a position such as Oregon occupies. Assertion of their power by the people will certainly break c down extortion of railway rates in Oregon and Washington. j, Oregon,' having direct legislation, can initiate any rate bill within the power or her citizens to conceive, subject to no limita- tions, except those already suggested, and a reasonable return upon railroad investments. Favors extended legislators and prominent citizens can not prevail against a popular measure in Oregon where it is submitted to the whole electorate. Washington ana every other state in the t union should speedily adopt the initiative and referendum as a means of self-protection. The states, having adopted direct legisla- tion, will still find an obstacle in their way. No method of direct execution of law has yet been invented. To the president, and to the governors of the several states, this function is broadly com mitted. And hence stringent rate legislation by the states or nation makes the executive officer a high stake in the finance of public .serv(ce corporations. ( Statutory law and its.panaltiesjtuthout en- Horciment, are but litfle better than no law: Public SSwirination ! is tie only available method of securing pfefular control of the executive function. Use of Executive Power. The importance of the executive power can not be overesti- .'matd. This is especially true of the president. Congress may legislate now. The people themselves may hereafter legislate di- -rectry by means of national initiation, and vet their decree can find . expression only through the presidential office. . V A rate regulation bill, providing severe penalties for its viola- , tion, was passed many years ago. But the very abuses which it . forbade flourished for want of prosecution. The people may legislate and the courts may dispense even handed justice to great and small alike ; but the president appoints the attorney general and can nullify the law through him by refus ing to prosecute. , Something more than direct legislation and judicial honor is needed. And this is a discriminating non-partisan public opinion. There is a man somewhere in each state filling some minor office in such a way as to prove his courage and fidelity to the people. Such a public opinion as I have described will advance him to '. the executive office and thereby control it with all of its appoint- ments, policies, and functions, as the people have done in Wisconsin. Prospect of Speedy Relief. Al things considered, We' have a promising prospect for some measure of relief from rate extortion in Oregon and Washington. Among the strong factors now at work to that end are: Orkgon has direct legislation. Washington has appointed a regulative commission. 1 Washington has prohibited free passes. Both states enjoy a public opinion of superior discrimination. Both states occupy a position of great natural strength. But the prospect for the interior states of the Pacific northwest 'is not so rosy. You An Welcome to Credit 1 jjjjj i ama-ai 1 1 op i ii The Monarch Range i n Tht win Bk avemy Thoroughly. Toil know from ltd exneri you can't do good baking if en part of your oven la hotter than another Ana In moat caat ateel ranee a, the oven la not heated uniformly. Tb oast eteal frames muat be bolted, becauae they are too brittle to stand riveting. Then the seams are filled with stove putty. A few nestings ana coolings and me A thousand stoves oiled uo in our basement a thousand stoves to find homes for and the prices we have put on them are lure to make them welcome. A line of stoves, if placed aide by side, nearly a mile long. Heaters and cook stoves, malleable steel ranges and cast iron ranges, all kinds all prices, from a little air-tight heater at $1.69, Vip to that king of all ranges, the Monarch. You are cordially invited to visit our store and see the handsomest line of stoves in the city; 74 different patterns in our sample line await your inspection. i $1.00 a Week Buys a Monarch Range iswmm that cast steel ezpanda and contracts, the bolts loosen ana tne putty lane out, leaving anoopen crack to suck in outside air ana cause the fir to burn unevenly. Now, the Monarch even bakes evenly at all times. The aides and the oven are Hrrtsd to malleable steel names ex tending all through the range, making tight, solid Joints with no chance of air leaks. Then the duplex draft lets air In at both ends o. the firebox, causing a uni form heat production, which means an evenly heated oven that will bake thor oughly and satisfactorily through and through. There is no stove putty jused In a Monarch Range. . A $1.00 cook book Tbta Is a real book, not s cheap advertlalna; circular. It U handsomely printed oe food paper bound la cloth with board carers, led P ff Vu could bay It st s book store It would cost yea st least 11.00. It contain! Ms recipes, many of them sew, ell almple, eaar to make sod Inexpensive. Haa practical menua for the whole year and many valuable bints on diet aad martrtlnx. Tea ese get It without cost If you Intend burins e range or cook atore within s year. HOW TO eiT IT. Oat oat this edver- tlttmeet, mall It to the Malleable Iroa Baste Company. Bearer Dam. WHEN (stating month. Mirrors Sal In. .....85a) 12x15 In. 60f 18x40 In., French Plate 84.50 18x40 In., Fren,ch Plate. Qold frame' ...00.90 The on pictured above en golden or weathered oak. with gold decorating on frame. Heavy French plate 16x24 Inches. Special thla week 88.25 Handsome Bureau $15.00 A strong, well-made Bureau, nicely finished ta mahogany or white maple Fitted with a genuine French plate oval mirror 20x24 Inches, divided serpentine front top drawer, solid brass trimmings. A dresser that would look weU In ny bedroom and 1 worth lust a Uttle more than the price we ask. Airtight Heater ft I atOAgood "ttle "'Heater, made from rolled steel. Haa top draft and an extra lining of sheet ateel to protect eutatde body. This Heater sells regularly for 2. to, and the only reason for cutting the price la to in I dues yen to visit our stove department and see our beauti ful Una of Heater. i Sunlight Airtight Hooter $9.00 Owing to the unprecedented demand for this heater, the if pattern is all sold out. and we are offering In Its place the regular $19 else. It haa a heavy caat steel top and bottom. Body 1 mad from the beat quality of rolled steel, with an extra heavy lining to pro tect the outside body. Foot rails, panel and leg are nickel plated. We have the finest line of heaters in the city. Airtight i i i ii i i 1 p i i k ' mw i mv-rm w w W aeIILXa1fLffaB SBBBBMBBBBBBBBBBBBBlHHiLaiMjkhiH J'l minimi mis Ft? I -ami ' alt J Quick Meal Range $37 The Heat vast Hteel svaasre oa ket Better than the StsToo rai equal to the average 145.00 range find around town, rour-noie top and durable body, made eg t rolled ateel. sectional firebox guaranteed not to warp; will burnt coal or wood: asbestos llnlns. wal closet and tea shelvee; all JJJ'.C Wis., sad UU them If possible) yea ex- secure taw valuable As the edition Is 1 halted writs new. I sect to boy and you will secure book free The Set 30c Six Steel Knives and Six Steel Forks. Regular 75c value. Special, 50a) Roll Top Desk $18.00 Mad from solid golden oak. drawer on on side, three-ply sliding leaf, book drawer, pigeon hole, letter and stamp drawers, automatic lock on cur tain. THE DESK PICTURED ABOVE. $27. OO Mad of quarter-sawed oak. a head some desk. SO Inches long. fas Our Carpet and Rug Department We show the largest and most varied assort ment of Ruga and Car pets carried in Portland. For this week's special we offer IMPORTED SCOTCH BRUSSELS RUGS xi2 sir.oo xio. iis.oo txt . 811.50 The rag are made exactly like a Body Brussels pattern goes clear through to the back, and are guaranteed to outlast anything at that price ever offered in the city. Beautiful pattern and coloring. Come and aee them. I mm .T.f8.T5 Pretty Iron Bed $3.00 This 1 but earn of a whole carload of pew Beds Just received and now being displayed in our showrooms. It la prettily enameled In green, with heavy chill and casting and five spindles in tb headboard, so the pil low can't 058 out A full alse bed. extra strong and durable. While they last 83. OO Silver Oak $18.50 The very latest const tion In Oak Heaters, e feature necesary to a strictly flrst-claaa embodied In this pat Stands 4V4 feet high, bu coal or wood equally Extra large feed door smoke curtain, center wellJ and' draw and shaking mam bbj maj mmy grata. large ashpan. heavy St body. handsome heater. jlabor nickeled. BIG REALTY DEALS (Continued from Page One.) before that time. With this in view I 'the company hopes to be able to start . actual building operations within a month. ' TO Complete the Bleak. m AH lght-tory stun ture on that sit ''will complete the entire block and make It one of the beet in the city. The chamber of commerce at present oc ' ciples one half of the block Had the Sherlock building the quarter gt Third .and Oak In addition to this the half ' block on Stark street between Third and Fourth I to b Improved In the spring Had with the Couch building oa Fourth ' street nesr Wsshlngton and a now ' building by Rothschild Bros., at Fourth and Washington street, that district will be well filled with modem struc tures. Tb other new building In the down town district is to be erected by the Corbet t estate on the northwest corner of Fifth and Ankeny atreeta which I now filled with a number of frame structures. Thl new building will be at least seven stories high, but Just wht character of construction It will be la not announced. The tenant In the present building On tne site have aireany neen notmed to vacate the premise preparatory to active build- Inat nnsrwHAng T k. k..iui a. a un'daiatood 7n I "JJZ'ZtSSl, " J" I mine. After tb. tnspeotlon of thl. and rz - ' . ' ' "yv-F-H v'l'iirij UJ ua -k- that the architect, 'already have the plana well under way. The other new that cauaed a flurry In the realty market yesterday waa the report that negotiations are pending tor a leaee of the block owned by th. Pen noy.r estate, bounded by Weet Park, Alder. Morrleon and Tenth atreeta NO confirmation of the negotiation, could be obtained last evening, those Inter ested In the Pennoyer eetste refusing to make any statement. This block Is one of the most important in the city, aa It la close to the business center and would make an ldeai location for a large hotel or theatre building. HOFF IS ADVOCATING BUREAU OF MINING (Special Dispatch to The araaL Salem. Oct. II. "Miners having been exempted from the provisions of the law creating and governing this bureau, regarding the collection of statistical data concerning the different Industries of the state, an element of doubt existed in my mind aa to my duties in thl matter and In order that It be effectually eliminated, the queetron was aubnfltted to the attorney-general," say Commis sioner O. P. Hoff of th Stat Bureau of Labor and Statistics, in his report to be presented to the state legislature. "After receipt of the opinion I made a trip into the Bourne mining district. Baker county, In response to a call to Investlgste the cause of the death of E. Leake, in th Mormon Boy THIRD MRS. DAME GETS DIVORCE Obtains Lsgal Separation From f M an Now Serving Time for Bigamy. SECOND WIFE ALSO SEEKING FOR DIVORCE Should She Be Successful. Dame Will Be Free, Upon Emerginj From Prison, to Again Try Experiment of Married Life. Judge Sears In th circuit court yea terday afternoon granted a decree an nulling th marriage of Myrtle Boeton Kelso Dam and Lorenso Joseph Dame, ihe convicted bigamist who Is now serv ing a sentence of 15 montbe In the pent NUd, b7o... whT.T'p .'enV': J X J . "gXfJK C buldingn1-wX ' thl Industry, for. whll. there JO Mack the csrwt msli Thl ,r n5 ce"Uy equipped mlnea. taile for the aaVsTsn ItA ' carelessness and Ignorance of the work .TaorannounlTd. 1LJ2SES? ArNLJ Torio Lenses a b Mounting This in eye glass perfection in the highest sense SCIENTIFIC AND MODERN DIAMOND LEADERS OF THE NORTHWEST inufacturing Jewelers Cor. Third snd Washington Sts. proper aurvsy been mine and otner safeguard provides In the Mormon Boy mine by a practical engineer, I be lieve the accident, the water breakmg thrnuah the bottom of winse from upper j tunnel whll expecting to be a safe distance from the game would have been averted and the Ufa .pared. "Aside from the need of a code af rules and regulations an Inspector should Be appointed, who, until such time as th state may see fit to estab lish a mining bureau, may be attached to this office The interests of these people should be looked after, for, under the most favorabU olrcumstsnces they are In constant danger. DRIVER FINED FOR CAUSING RUNAWAY Pendleton, Or.. Oct. It. Ward Meek er, driver of a bua In thl. city, wa. fined 140, having bg.n arrested upon a warrant made oat In the recorder's court Several witnesses testified that he wa. the cause of a big runaway on Main street yesterday -.entlary. By th decree Dam' third wife was separated from him. Divorce proceed Inge wen begun by hia second wife, Maria Reset ta Sktollffe Dame, la th circuit court laat week. Hla flrsUwife whoa name I. unknown, obtained a divorce from him several year ago, and The Kidneys When they art weak, tor pH, or sUgrumL, the whole ystem suffers. Don't nag t- am L , A e - A M -,. a , s frfarw uieni 4sx i ii r r , " , fjiix heed the warning of the aching hock, the Moated face, the alio the urinary begin, Hoods Sarsaparilla afeat aawtAv utbttamcm. For ttmcmiais of remaHtakl carat w ook on KMiMYft. No. ft. biHeocctk, haa remalrrled and la now living in Seattle. Very little testimony was taken at the hearing before Judge Sears yesterday It was shown that Dam had, married Maria Rosette Sutcllffe in April. 1144. While bound by this tls, he married Myrtle Boston-Kelso June St of this year. The court record ware lntroduoed to show that Dame pleaded guilty in July to the charge of polygamy and waa sentenced by Judge Oantenbeln to serve It months In the penitentiary. The marriage wa annulled by Judge Sears, and Mrs. "Dame No. 1 was allowed to resume her maiden name, Myrtle Boston-Kelso. Dam' second wife aaka a divorce from him on th grounds of cruelty. She also sets up as a ground for divorce the fact that he contracted a polyga 1 1 ii m mous marriage with Miss Boston-Kelso whll he had a wife living. Mrs. Dame No. t aaka th restoration of her maiden name, Maria Roeetta Sutcllffe. A son of Dame's by his first wife had lived -with him and hla second wife In Portland. When they aeparated the boy waa aent to board with a family at Nowberg. Dame making weekly remit tances for the boy's board. When Dame waa arrested on the charge of polygamy, the remittances stopped, and the boy was aent back to Portland by the people with whom he waa staying. He was cared for her a short time by hla step mother's father, H. Sutcllffe. Later he was turned over to the Juvenile court and committed temporarily to the Boys' and . Olrla' Aid society, from where he was sent to Seattle to his mother. Dame's divorced first wife. Dam admitted that hla had secured a divorce from I asserted that aha had died." from his uncle at Walla Wa district attorney gave the that ahe waa still living married. Should Dame's as successful in getting a t him. he will be free from mi when releaaed from the penlt at liberty to experiment fur terrolne whether marriage Measure of From tb SomervUl Jou Polly Did you hav a DollyT Dolly Did I hav a sjaed I should say i aid. i got ai enteen tlmea, and one of thl manent. . Eir.UT CtB CinfkD CPJ-JC m niifrn in ii iii-tiaii ml m viwrn i fv f i Jivi i 1 1 fv mm E Hers Piano House Endeavors to Oust Portland Business lege from Present HomeHistory of Picturesque Struggl la being asad by the liars Piano House at being isstoelaid from oeoupying the ieag floor of The answer to Hi In junction writ sued by the Portland college, tne present teueuv fllaa. The struggle Of th Kllere Piano House for a retail location In Portland has been replete with stirring Incident At one time laat eprlng the eltuatlon wa so desperate that In dlaguat the tiers company throw up their hands and determined to abandon the big re tall business which they had established by years Of endeavor. Beat Balsed 800 Pea Cent. Two three-year leases covered the six ysars of Ellers' occupancy of th quarter block at park and Wa.hingt n atreeta. Time and again before the last leas expired the question of re newal Wis discussed with Thomas Scott Brook, with every prospect of an equitable deal being made. Jus' a row day before UtS leas terminated the rent wa increased shout ISO per cent over what It had been originally. Th Ellers House objected strenuoualy and were told to gat oat at onoa Hur ried effort war mad to obtain Other quartr. Th Portland down town district waa gone over block by block. Attempt were made to hiiv out other establishments, bat absolutely no desirable location. No new building under construction would be available until fail or later. Hence, the Bllers company In disgust and desperation de cided to quite th retail business, and so advertised their Intetnt. posted a Pegfats. All their pianoa were not out of the building by June 1. and the owner compelled the Bller House to deposit a check for 11,000 to be forfeited should the premises not be vacated by June 18 An attempt waa mad to transfer the collection office for circulation library and Oregonlan premium talking ma chine subscribers to the wholessl warehouse at Thirteenth and NOrthrup streets, but the subscribers objected. Finally through the Intervention of sev eral Washington etreet business msn and the effective work of Mr. Jennings, the real estate man, a new lease was ne gotiated for th two corner store room, th entire basement and the entire upper floor. The Portland Mualness College not having a leaae and being about to move into tta own new quar ters, consented to vacate the possession by October 1. Aa a bonus to secure the premise by that time the Eller com pany agreed to make moat of the alter ations and also pay an extra rents) I Plan were made for actively re entering the retail business, -and aa conditions looked favorabS) for a heavy other quarters could be obtained In a I demand for .pianoa thla fall, carload pertains to great music neadq upon carload of piano war These are now on th track. Portland, with th firm oraotl Several studios were planned able to do any retail bualneae not having possession of the upstairs and arrangements w to rent them to organisations an era who consequently organised wltn the expectation or being occupy the atudloa October 1. ments were made for the u recital hall soon after Ootoi Xetaa will He 'We find oureelves today Hy Ellers. "In possession of m loads or pianoa we have ordei the expectation of doing a rat neaa In Portland thla fall; 1 rarurementa made with music atudlo quarter nl also for r our proposed Eollan Hall and Immense amount of altaratlo which could have been undertA cunptiuq long a.o, ir we cot obtained acceea to the prenafj waa promised to us. we will lose hundreds Of thousands ofl VI inim imik iraa, will incon our frtsnda and tenants aad tied up in our present predict goodness knows- now long. T thing that we are sure of is win continue in tne retail husi Portland at the present leeal will nuiB ui new quarters, w ontsin incm, wun everytning