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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1906)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, PC 1906. WOMEN'S CLUBS AND WORK Edited by Mrs, A Little Rom With a Great Sermon. Gathering up tha aunbeama, and mak- " Inn; Ufa beautiful from .the little bless ings that descend upon ue every day ie ' e theme that la preached from every pulpit, la taught by every phlloeopher and practiced by a very few. It la a guod phlloeophy and Ufa might be made 1 one clad none, with but here and there minor note. It It waa adopted aa the j universal rule. But thla la a glva-and-take world and while many are quite willing to take the little things, haa It ever occurred te you how few think of giving the little things that make life' whole beautiful for eome one else? Thla doea not oome from want of generoalty. Quite the contrary. We are an extrava gantly generoua nation and we heap burdensome gifts galore upon every occasion. Even our Cbrlat giving the . glfta that are to commemorate tha gold franklncenaa and myrrh ef the wlaa men have been bo multiplied and Increased that much Af the joy haa gone out of the Chrlatmea aeaaon by reason of the bur den It brings But that la another atory I and we were talking ef the little things that are Ufa's aunbeama for ua to scat tar lold away among my "old lace and lavender" la a faded and dried rose, at tached te it le a tiny card bearing thla meeaege: "Compllmente of the Michi gan Central. The Niagara Falla Route. " It aounda like an advertisement, and It la, but tola le ita atory: Traveling poet baste between Chicago and Detroit, we had Juat returned from the dlnlng-car and aettled ouraelvee for a long day's ride It waa Sunday morning and we had nothing to keep ua company but the voiumlnoua Sunday papers the boy had deposited In our aeat. The day prom- leed te be hot. dusty and lonesome, but as we drew Into the elation of Tpsllantl tha magnificence ef the depot yard with lta tiers and tiara of gorgeous flowers. almoat tropical In their profusion, die polled every other thought The land scape gardener had certainly exhausted hla aktll and our eyes wars fastened to the apot till the train drew out end we caught tha last brilliant flash of rosea. asters aalvta and verbenlaa. Turning with aomethlng very like a algh. there beside aa lay a beautiful acarlet roes. fresh and fragrant with' the early morn ing dew upon It. It waa the little mer aage that brightened the whole day, for It brought to ua the perfume of our Oregon home. The worry and turmoil or business vanished and the happy thlnsrs of life came troonlns Into view We were quit willing to wear tha little adverttaement card all day. for the per fume of the rose whenever wa turned te It. It. we verily believe, had converted us to the belief we were traveling over the greateet acenlc route In. America, when wa knew It was the stump-ettclrcled fields of Ontario, for aomethlng had -changed our entire vlalon. and we were enjoying the day that had started so li.auapw ioualy. The rose rested la a glass of water that night at Niagara rails and eras al most too wilted to take with ua, but lust aa we turned next morning to leavs ft the thought came. -No, here le a little sermon for ua to carry back te Oregon." And the preachment and the moral la thla: Michigan le not the land of roses or even of flowers, and yet . every stranger who trsvela through ear . lies with them the Impression that It la gifted of the god ta thte respect. Never have they sees) aueb a Is visit dls- sTp-sy. sad If even tlm deasM jmrds grew t flower, like these, what must the homes and lawna her In, short, thla railroad baa put Michigan's beet foot . foremost, and Instead of the eld sheds and dumping grounds that usually adorn the railroad surroundings end are excused because "railroads always run through the worst- part ef a town." they have discovered the dec rat of first Impressions and put It te practical use. Thta was the first lessen the Utile rose taught us. The escead ems the kindly ! thought that would send a little girl throaigh the train te drop a sweet flower Into the lap of every weary traveler. Of course. It eras an advertisement, but . It had a loving thou sift back ef It. and who cared the leas for the flower that It and near the card af a rejfieass esssv psnyT Certainly no one oared the leas for the company because It employed such a messenger We were told that the essay any main tained anei mass greenhouses lit several places ts supply these depot yards with flowers, that blooaalng flew era were kept la them all the time, sad aa fast aa one .lot had faded later esses were eeat to Vf place them, and even In win ter, when this section of the country Is ecveree wlttv snow, ere en ret tha blooming plants thousands ef dollars are expended yearly he mslntstntag these depot yards, and the entire management of the enor- aaeus week Is under the supervision of And new for the moral! Dees) any stranger coming Into or going out of Oregon ever learn from any outward anpaareaas af the ra Bread euaitundliase that they hnvs been In the land of ' rosea, the very paradise of flowers? Have they ever carried acres the eeev tlaent a rose that was the free gift of a railroad company T BttlroaSa are not charitable Inetltn ttsas and it bj re as asm My certain that ta eetns way the Michigan Central makes tta depot gardens and Ita gift rases pay If they pay la that cold, tn hospltablo climate where flowers have te be changed and moved and a cheese ream weM withstand, the winters, why would they not pay ha Oregon whore earn per cent ef the care et money If It were aiaeHi to get down to iitataal causes, we would ne doubt fhsd that the Idea of then ospot gardens roes gifts originated In ths mind of re If te tula stats est beautifying the te a year there has any ! a thing pays and tboe wili enter heart oast asset teen it. first ftad east from these roads how they make It pay; get their testimony that It antes pay. and them begin te Tie ansa it away nt your earn rsasV Help them with suggestions, demand nothing, but ask for everything. Get Into touch with tha-etoto ctvte uniformity li It a bnataeae preposition, and the ths with There's grave danger from the ptnsrue of Coughs anal Coses that are ee preva lent, unlsss you inks Dr. K loafs Now Discovery for Consumption. Coughs and Colds. Mrs. Cteo. Walls of rarest city. Me., wrltss: "It's a Godsend te pa agio living In climates where coughs and roW prevail. I nart It quickly e thsnt. it La weak 1 'olds. Sooruutoed by Bast Cross tie a the naeteeal the wins am ta would take up i sens rhvT fever, and mskes i rwmimDllon. Canasta SSBt Colds. tots sod 1 1 00. Ousrsnti Pharmacy. Trial bet Sarah A. Evans thoas things which are among the little blessings but which garner the sun shine for the use ef man. t at Illinois Study Club Holda Special Meeting. for the purpose of setting the club properly sisrtsd on Its winter's work. the preeldent. Mrs. Worrell, came up from aouthern Oregon, where aha haa v., Tu.sdTv Tt the epeelal meeting last Tuesday at ins name, or ears. . v-. -r "'A." I way There waa a full attendance, and every one expressed preeeed pleasure at navrag the preeldent with them ana in renew ing the club relatione that had been suapended during the summer. It had been the Intention of the olub st Us closing meeting In the spring to open in the fall as a deportment club, and not confine its membership to for mer realdenta of Illinois, aa it wlU be remembered that ths club was originally ths auxiliary to ths Illinois State so ciety, and at the eloss of ths Lewie sad Clark fair became a permanent club, affiliating with both state and city federations. At the meeting Tuesday it waa de cided that in view ox roe proiougeu ao- aence of ths president, which win con tinue well Into the winter, the deport ment work would not be token up st thla tlms, but bold, In abeyance until another winter, and in the meantime department work will be mads s study and ths club will feel Itself that much better equipped to take It up a year hence. During Mra. WorrsU'a absence Mrs Nina Lot-owe will preside. The next meeting of the olub, which la a regular one, wlU be held with Mrs. Charles Qrltsmacher. SS6 Taylor street. Thursday, October It. A Pendleton Cmb Issues Handsome Book. One of ths most chaste and delicately beautiful yearbooks to arrive this aea aon cornea from the Current Literature elub. The cover la of heeVy cream linen wth the elub name and dates worked In In violet, thue carrying Into the design the club colors. The first page msksa the simple an nouncement, "V. 8. History, Literature, Mualc, Art." The club meets alternate f rldaye. at the homea of the members, with an annual Club evening or reception. Jan uary 15. The conatltutlon. which le bound In the yearbook. Is a moat excellent one. being not overburdened with rulea, jot enfflclent to govern sny body of women. The program for the year la a most admirable one. showing breadth of view end s desire for more than the euporfl cial atudy that characterises many clubs The club was orgsnlsed ta 1W7 joined the General federation In ltt. snd became o member of the Stats fed eration In 19. being one of the charter members of the state organisation. The club haa a limited membership of to, which le elwaya full, with a long waiting Hot. The officers for the ensu ing year ore: President. Mrs. Margaret Clark; vice-president. Mrs. Martha Johnson: soorotary. Mrs. Alice Itert man: treasurer, Mrs. Maud Shoemaker. t) "Art Wa Laggard Nation?" Asks Mrs. Catt. Writing front Copenhagen. Denmark. Mra. Chapman Catt, president of the In ternational Woman Suffrage as socio- Oregon, which recently declared sgolnat woman suffrage st s popular election. wi. -hi-. n.a lust onfran- 1 .kl It. oars: "The noDulo- tlon of Oregon was. ta ItSe. 41I.4M persons: snd certainly aomethlng leas than tee, see ore women and girts, who must now. because of the recent vote, remain disfranchised. The population of Finland ta lOt was 1.11 .!, and 1.420.131 women, and girls who will bo women, have been given full . suffrage. Including eligibility te sll offices, snd that, toe, with belt one dissenting vote la four houses of parliament. We may truthfully soy that ths woman suffrage campaigns for IPOS have resulted la. universal suffrage for nearly 1, i 00.000 women. and the tem porary defeat of suffrage for stole lessee women. In n broad it noon not matter whore political lib erty taenia first; it must come to all. the world over, before our work ta com pleted. Finland offers proof that the cause te moving on. "Wo are forced, however, to oak ewr aolvea two questions: L Do anprie slon and dental of rights asake men more HWrai. breed minded and gener ous te their opinions? Apparently they do. oo witness the attitude of Finnish end Russia a men toward woman euf frago. S. Do personal liberty end full political rights make men more narrow, set fish and unjust te then? eosntonst Agnsrintly they. do. aa nltnooe the ac tion of aeon of Oregon. These are esnv dittoes worthy of St St Hoods Its Second The meeting Inst Tuesday ushered ta the first real buetncee of the club. Sod the Bsombere neohag that from new en It would be work end little ploy. The Tuesday Aft erne en club te etart- insr upon Ita third year of tory and literature, and no tory beginning took for the subject of the aftornoeessonnl Bto apian hMkts eg i east paper on the "Pence of West phalia. ' by Mrs StalUngs. In the Sanaa W. B Bht took Mra. Pugh. Sweden, Bant Mrs. Germany. The papers Sol showed deep thought and were hoth Iswlieitlvs east Interesting At the etone ef the mooting light re freshments were served. The club i be y by atsoi wearns Beet Ankeny street. st si I The Club After a three months vi Wsaaan'e club took up Its week with renewed life and vigor. ing Ita Brat meeting October t, at the bantl fin now soma or am to. a. of tho olub at nunsbsra 16, wltr Itted which will ha membership next meeting. The club has arrives at the Of a JialBUh. Which will bo ready for nnnnnnnnnhho. In f most Am vt I club wUl devote the greater postiooj with of the year to the atudy of English novelists, beginning with tha old favor ite George Eliot'a "Mill on ths flosa." Several meetings will be devoted to domostic science and forestry, besides ths dub Is slways alert to ths work for which It wag organised civic Improve ment. The club wUl send Its full delega tion to ths state convention, and It Is believed that a large number of the mcanhere will attend who ere not dele gates, as the greatest enthusiasm eras expreeead at the meeting over Mrs, Decker's coming. Whom the Gods Destroy They Pint Make Angry. An anti-woman suffrage meeting haa Juat been held In Bngiand, The LoriBon Chronicle saya there were eight people John Brom- who called the meeting association to be celled "Ths Society for Keeping Woman f But If Tees ner- .,..MI the mectlne lnatesd of eight, they would have been equally powerless to compress the modern wo men back Into ths groove occupied by her grandmother, or to keep her out of any place that abe wonts to reach. SOCIETY (Continued from Pegs Eighteen.) W. Grout, Mrs. Chris Bchubel, Ui M. McOeehnn. Mrs. re. Ed L. Story. Mrs. J. L. Bwofford and Mlaa Maggie RelUy of Oregon City. Mr. and Mra. . George Thompson of It Union avenue North gave a birth day party the evening of October 7, in honor of W. O. White of Woodlawn. The house waa beautifully decorated with ferns, rosea and autumn km van. The reception hail ahowed autumn leavea, the front and back parlors roeee and the dining room ferna and chrys anthemums. The evening was assent with cord a and music. Henry Lettow sang several selections. Whtet wss the game played. The first prlsee were won by Mrs Harry Adama and frank White, and the consolation prises by Mrs. Prank Mobery and Leon Cowlea. Supper wss served in the dining room at 11 o'clock. The hostess waa assisted In entertaining by Mrs. W. O. White snd Mrs R. H. Oliver. Mrs. J. P. Ken nedy and Mrs. F. M. Gray, assisted in serving. A theatre party waa given et the per forma nee of "The Maid and the Mum my." Thursday evening by e number of the frienda of ths loading lady, Mlaa Genevieve olbeon. The members of the party were Mr. and Mra. J. 1, Wright, Mr. and Mrs. A- D. GJebiocb. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Gove. Mr. end Mra. P. L. hompaon. Mr. and Mra. E P. Preble. Mr. and Mra. W. H McCltntock. Mr. and Mrs R. P. Joplln. E. C. Gilbert, Mrs. P. Joplln. the Mlaaea Minna Uhl man. Alice Brady. Ruby Klckert, Mar guerite Thompson. LI da McCltntock and Maud McAllister and Wallace Joplin. Mr. fowler. Mr. Hall and Homer Mo Daniel. There wae a supper given after ward, with. Mien Gibson as the honor guest. The members of the Rebekah lodge at CorveUla wore "at home" to to In vited gueota at their hall one evening last week. There eras a program which Included a vocal solo snd encore by Mlas Edna Anon: reel tattoo end enoore by Mlas Mary Donnemon. end cornet solo and encore by Harold Wi l kins. Pro gi anal i a whist was the entertainment, prine betas token by Mlas Lara Klaor snd Mlas Carrie Da lineman la the gomes Mrs. J. A. Henry took first prise, and Mra. Emery Allen the booby. Dainty refreshments concluded thla very enjoyable affair, which waa one ef the p lesson test "at homes" of ths fk-d fawlng riuh, W . B. G. .mot with Mrh Nellie Ctepp! n Kara Perk. The work sccompUshod was satisfactory. and at I o'clock the guests enjoyed luncheon pi apart d by the hsettss Mrs Thursday afternoon the Llneoln-Oor- Penwell of George Wright corps snd tb Drt0osBnaldo. Harry Gaylord and Mra. Bo wen of Sumner corpe served. Kerry Stephenson were the ashore, end The mooting before was hold with Mra. Nsa Barrett attended the bridegroom. Mary Downey at St. Johns, snd tha The bride waa charming in n Paris work was mapped out for the winter. mnmnn of whits trimmed with English applique lace ft em her mother' a wedding The AUmxehra elub gave Its opening j gown, gate wore a veil and carried Bride party of the season last Thursday even- roses on sheerer. Her father. H. M. Do tes; at the Auditorium nan. and a very Prance, brought her In end gave her ta pmeeant evening was spent. There waa marriage. Miss O'Connor wore pink silk dancing te popular music, furnished , mull snd carried pink rasas, and the two by Parson's orchestra. Delicious punch bridesmaids were gowned alike is white was served throughout the evening The silk with pink girdles, snd carried pink poU dpi aai a were Mrs. W. T. flnnlgan. rasas. AH throe of the an andante wore Mrs. W. N. Bublneoa, Mrs. William ! wreaths of pink rosebuds ta their hair. Brendan, htm. George COvacb, Mrs. W. ar-d Mrs. William Kerrigan I 7 WEDDINGS. of Mtos Ethel C. Reed and Otto & Free! took pleas Tuesday evening st the asanas ef Mrs. George V James and was an unusually pretty one. The bride has atnne her home for the post two years with Mrs. James. Bev. Henry Mareotte of Weartssineter Preehy-J tartea church ornctetea and mere wore fully 100 guests there to vtaw the biaa- Thm main Awontlom In the worn of autumn leaves, but the music ' reeen where the ceremony was per- riimit woo rtaeasreimiii into a oeiignt-, rhl mtetetnre ibagtt Palms ta ths with wide white ribbon, forming amiss, nrrcraury of the aaorrtago of the bride aakt the flare to the chancel rail. The . gram parents, who were united te gnosis were held bnek by the ribbons tM, , quarter eSa century ago r -ne r....n. - of plants was the boy strati w.j where the party a canopy Of tUll. m- Ton Are Bore. Love." by Nov in, and" the bridal party tho stair Mrs. Frederics tho matron of honor, snd de chine snd csrrtsd a soon Tho little flower girl was Jons OBeilry. who wore fluffy white iranadtai and carried a basket ef phak oast white flowers. The bride en tered wtth nor father. Jameo Rood of and abe woo gowned In white at Ik net over silk trimmed with loee. veil and image blossoms and emerald brooch, the Her at WlldeCe orchestra march y there wss s recep- Jneasn, In black silk, helping Ithe guests. In ths dining woo n Borne table, where the bridal rty sat It was beautiful with grape wec rToon-!l ana white noonn ano rune in us rt about tha Mrs. Prset Ban On a wedding Springs, and will be at at the 9uill!atune after Novem ber Is. Lucls Angela 7tllepl who has so reach entertained the past few j Ethel Shoe anno, "Wha frost woo sr.' 'the brutonroetn' ployed the weddang frtn to Bsnff Bplscopo! church to Dr. Joseph A. Ap plewhite Dr. George B. Van Watara officiated. Mra. Warren B, Thomaa played the wedding march and preced ing the oeremony the Boyer quartet Mfee Bulah Bennett, Mian Jessie Mo Connell. W. H. Boyer and Melrose Bal ing an appropriate gong. The church was decorated with au tumn leaves end palms. The bride's slater, Mrs. C. R. Watson, was ths ma tron or Honor, and Mlas J eases Hsrklna and Miss ArvUle MoGulre were the brideamalda. Little I. nolo Gillespie Watson, the bride's niece, was the flower girl. The wedding was a pink oaa and the effect waa charming. The bride wore white chiffon over silk, with a duchesss berths snd veil held with orange- blossoms. She carried a white prayerbook. Mra. Watson wore pearl gray silk with e ploture hat and car ried pink rosea. The bridesmaids wore lovely In pink prlnceaa gowns with pink hats and carrying pink roses. Ths little flower girl was In white with s bouquet Of whUo rosebuds. Dr. Samuel Slocum was the beat man, and the ushers were Thomas Kerr, Stuart McOuIre, Dr. Irwin and Dr. Hanson. After the ceremony a reception was held at tha home of the bride's parents, Dr. and Mra. R. L. Gillespie. The deo oratlona were of autumn leaves and bridal wreath and only the bridal party and family were there. Dr. and Mra. Applewhite are at home In their new bouse on Esst Twenty third and Belmont streets. A pretty home wedding woe cele brated Thursday evening at the resi dence of Mr. and-. Mra. O. P. Graham, lit East Eighteenth street, when their daughter, f lorenee J., was united In marriage to Robert H. Hawkins. Promptly st 6: SO o'clock, to Mendels sohn's wadding march, played by Miss Cordelia Nealand, tha bridal party de scended the stairs. The ceremony was performed by Rev. William Seymour Short of Astoria. The bride was given In marriage by her father, and was charmingly gowned In -white silk mull, trimmed In ahadow embroidery and lace. Her long Veil waa caught in place with orange blossoms. Hsr sister. Miss Ger trude Graham, acted aa maid of honor, and wore a gown of cream liberty silk and carried Sofrono roeee. Mlas Mabel Strahan waa bridesmaid, and waa at tired' In pink crepe de chene. She car ried pink carnations Henry W. God knee ht attended the groom. Ths houee was prettily decorated with autumn leaves snd pink rosea. Only relatives and Intimate friends were present. Ths bride'e bouquet waa caught by Mlas Strahan. Mra. Hawkins ems ths recipient ef many beautiful presents, among which was a handsome out class bowl, pre eentd by the "W." girls, of which club she la a. member. Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins left the eome evening" for California. They will be at home to their frienda after November 1, st at! BBaworth street. No cards The marriage of Mies Rebecca Catlln and Walter A. Goes took pises at o'clock Tuesday afternoon at the First Presbyterian church. Dr. J. R. Wilson read the oeremony. The aai ilea was simple and there were no cords, but s largo number of their friends attended. The bride was sttended by Mlas Alice Strong and the bridegroom by bis brother, Albert S. Goee. four friends of Mr. Goes, who have been Identified with him in tennis contests, were the ushers Harry Bladen, Arnold Roth well. Don Bellinger snd Irving Bohr. E. E. Coarsen was at ths organ. Ths bride wore a delicate embroidered chif fon tat white with a lace veil and car ried Bride en ga g Miss Strong wore pale blue touched up with white lace and carried white chrysanthemums. f ami lies wore on torts ks ad by the bride's 'mother, Mra. John Catlln. at dinner. Mr. end Mrs. Goon left on the evening train on a trip east to weeks The bride la a of the Basses! families of Portland and Mr. Goes Is a prominent business Jnpm and" leads ta Irvlngton social circles. Mien Lillian Atanee Defrance and Brockwell Statter were married Wednes day evening nt Trinity church by Dr. A. A. Morrison. There were no cords, but a large number of frienda attended the ceremony. Mine Madam O'Connor was . V. , , . i .4 k ,i n . mnA VIm Cm II.. X-Jrtl hfc mnA wt -' art. ft. .... An Informal reception followed at ths to which only the bridal party invited. Mr. snd Mra, Statter went to Seaside en their wooding trip, end will bo nt home alter -November 1 st 70S Overton street. a w The marriage of Mlas Era Sandy to w. Verne St ruble took place en Wed r.eeda y evening st the rgasllnii of the i brtdegroom s parents. Mr. and Mra. ; George R St ruble, 440 Benton afreet. Bev. Henry Msreotto, pastor so? West- minster PtaahjInilBB church, offlcfat- hag. Ths re ramosy eras witnessed by about 50 Intimate frienda and relatives, end ths renptton which foBowod the attended by over 100 young people. followed by n h tidal h . Rv jhn K Al-tOn. Wr nrA W rm W. V. Skrable win street after M isosoonn nt OPS ,v,,k-, ?n .a. w A pretty home wedding took plare aster et high nun, at tho hi hirst CosvalllB. when Mlaa Rnsa Hurl wss united In marriage to Ivan hv M. Walts of IS relatives and Intimate friends fhe eorwosimj. The brhte nty costume at whits stlk The rooens were artistically decorated with fir boughs, white asters and) efo-; marts, and the bridal pair steea) under a large white boa eospendai from an arch of green. A wedding dinner was Ths following evsukeg a ro wan hah at Use nemo ef tho parents, Mr. anal Mrs. Arthur present ntenlij wtu Pawhte te jy- u,, otreet. the eoeooton o Joyous one Hawtey Qortlon ana sura, mnaian sv inmne. both an su nn gs; nsi igs Ml III I Id snsa. laaanjannnsj naWnuBBB ar. Port land Tl,- -r-mony rook lfnunssV BPy iBsH BBl 30.ll I "Jsj-oT lnnFaU il OsnnnnssnHLV WMME. enwswh. etfi Taylor atreet. They ax- Wk ZJKR pmrt to roeree m Portland. Bsiaset J TQLA Loot week Mlaa Almsdu 1 McCoB of , B H-jdswnE Otber weddinge celebrated by Dr. House were of- Mrs. Clare Doe Fargo Brock of Los Angeles and. J W. Dickson of Chi cago; I Mlas flora K Myers and H. E Alburt, and Mlas Ena Mlohael ana frank T. Sutherland. ' Mlas Anna Loulae Hecker of Benton' county, the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hecker of Wells., snd Leo Pennero-of Portland were married In Salem Wednesday st 19:10 o'clock They wlU reside In Salem The bride le a charming young woman of Benton county, end the groom cornea of a well-to-do Portland family. At m College street, Thursdsy after noon. Everett D. Adam son and Miss Edna O. Kyler of Portland wars mar rned by Bev. Henry A. Borden. There were present at the wedding the groom's mother, Mra. T. D. Adnmaon of Port land, end the bride'e sisters, Mies Fern Kyler and Leo Cannon of Oregon City. Thursday evening at the home of, the bride's alater, Mrs, L. M. Bchwarts. 612 Esst Ankeny, W. E. Ledgerwood mar ried Miss Beryl S. Geretel. Rev. Henry A. Borden officiated. Miss Nsll Psttlson and WllHem B. Cariln ware married by Dr. E. L. House last week. They will reside In their new home at 41S Lorrabee street. The first monthly tea of the at the Patton Home will be held next Tuesday. The following excellent pro gram has been arranged by Mrs. F. M. Branch, commencing at 1:16: Violin nolo Selected Miss Lenore Gregory. Solo "She Walts by the Deep Blue Sea" Moore Mrs. J. C. Bryant, Duett 'Toot Night" KJerulf Mrs. Hamilton and Mra. Ham p son. Bonding Selected Mrs. George P. Henderson. Solo "Shadows" ,Carrie Bond Mra. Emily Hampton. Solo "There's Ever a Song Some where" Aehton Mrs. J. S. Hamilton, Trio (s) "Absence" Metcslf (b) "Highland Lad" Scotch Air Mesdsmes Branch, Hamilton and Hamp- Tenor solo The flag Without n Stain" Whits Ira Routledge. Oregon council. No. lilt. Royal Ar canum, has Issued Invitations for a smoker at Auditorium hall. Tuesday evening. This is ths first of a series of social evenings to be given by the council. Tuesday. November 10, there will be a whtet social for men and women. The committee consists of .J. E. Werleln, J. 8. Hutchinson. J. F. Bom ford. W. J. Hall. E. W. Jones and W. H. Smith. Corinthian chapter No. M. O. B. B, le olonnlna to aive s "domino" or masque rade social Wednesday evening. The members snd their friends are requested as far as possible to wear a domino of some color, or represent some cnoractor. The evenlns- Is to be spent In cords. gomes appropriate to the occasion, and refreshments wtu bo serves. Montrose M. Rlngler and Ml enmsyer hove sent out Invitations for their opening party Tuesday at Ring ler-a ball. 0t Alder street. The pat ronesses ere Mra. T. W. Masters, kirn. M. M. Rlngler snd Mrs. C E. BID. Per sons orchestra wll play. w w Invitations are out for the marriage of Mies Esther Robinson snd Albert Bote next Wednesday overling at 7 o'clock at the bride'e home. They will be at home from 1 to I o'clock next Sunday afternoon at tzt Columbia street 1 ENGAGEMENTS. Mrs. R B. McLood has gent out tort ta ttoos for the marriage of her daughter, Alberta Jeanne to Dr. Orel B Fowler, at her home In Baker City, Wednesday i antes. October t4. at o'clock Mr. and Mra. William Went a nil Quotes the engagement of their daughter, So phie Luo. to W. A. Martin of Portland. The wedding will take place Tbursany, October it. w Mr. and Mrs. Joaooo A. Mott of Beo vorton, Oregon, snnownre the engage ment of their daughter, Isabella, to Nel son A. Walker ef this city. Mrs. A. Newby announces the en gngainint of her daughter, Virginia, to Ray C Mend. The wadding will take place Monday. October If. w The nmrrfoge of Mlaa Margaret M. Josses. to Rowland B Lloyd will take place Wednesday nt the First Ft oobpta rtan church. No cares. 1 PERSONAL. Mew Wronk M. Cohn and her daughter hfjas WThnka F. Cohn hnvs letetnod from a short Ttett to Forest Grove, where they were the gueota of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. H. D. B&aaodell has returned after a month' a vlott In Idaho, eastern Washington and tho sound i lltee Mrs. Alice C. Walker te visiting in Portland, em her way to California, Mr. snd Mrs. Sam B Stay and chil dren left last Monday for Alameda. Cal ifornia, whore they will remain through tho winter. Mrs Sherman Brown started east Thursday to Join Mr. Br owe la Now Teak. She may SocMs to remain there for tho winter to pursue her violin studies. Harold V. MlUtsan spent ths week nt Newport, end wtu return Tueaday. BBSs Attn Broughton will substitute for him no organist Of Calvary Presbyterian church COMING EVENTS, i r J hTlatjft tuTjMae'w'n JTslled nhw li. meter, ehleh h east la ceeerete ta eae seen ewery moons within hts power to leoltu i wese. lmately gain "tm,J ARE LIGHT A store or place of business which is net lighted by Electricity has "let down the bars' to the inroads of its competitors. No matter how complete and fine your stock is, the improper lighting and worse ven tilation of your store will turn away many probable purchasers A GREAT MANY. MORE THAN YOU IMAGINE OR AD MIT! The fall trade in the majority of cases la that part of the yearly business which is great eat in amount and profit. There is ample time between now and the first of November to wire for ELECTRIC LIGHT or to erect an ELECTRIC SIGN. An electrically-lighted interior and exterior are juat aa necessary for successful store trade aa the rigbt line of goods and clever sales people. Our reduced ratea for current on motor basis put the use of Electricity within the each of every storekeeper. Our representa tive with facta and figures is at your service. Phone Main 6688. PORTLAND GENERAL LECTRIC FIRST AND All LONG LEGAL BATTLE BEFORE "PARSIFAL" WAS PRODUCED Frau Wagner and Conried Went to Law, but the New York Manager Won. Apropos of ths forthcoming pressnta- hwn In this city of Wsgnei-s celebrated tsele of -Paratral." it stay not ne xsvern that tno many Amen lovers of- the sMeeteel end chaste hi drams were very nearly deprived of the pleasure of witnessing this bsaatlfo! production at aB, or. If determined to do so, would he eaanspsOsd to take a trtp the ocean to tho little town ox th. sitae fad In Bavaria, tn order to gratify their desire. When tho Immortal Wagner died. It was found that he did nnt wlah this wonderful production to be given oot alde of tho famous Festive! theatre In that country city This theatre Wag ner hnd butlt expressly for the purpose of presenting "Parsifal" In conjunction wtth e few other of his creatlona rrsn Coalma Wagner, the masters second wife and pi asset widow, was determined to carry oof hla wfll to the fetter. Bnl renth waa tho only piece In the world that alliisasig -Parsifal" till It was seen In America In Its. It was o rig- nail y produced In BelreaCn, berore Wagner died. In 12. Wagner died In lit! Parts. St. Petersburg. Berlin. htndVht, and those In ear tunwtij of Bow Tort. Benton. Chicago oast nam Francisco, ap plied to rrnu Wagner for tho privilege ef pieowslag -Paralfnl." Xelther an treatise, threats or men's y could Induce the loval widow to grant nor consent to a violation of what she considered s seared trust. It remained for Bear lech Courted, who had keen rev cently eupntnteil to the management eg ths Metropolitan theatre of New Tsrfc City, to break the deadlock. It la truth fully sold that thin gontleenem YOU - WISE COMPANY nor to sUow hies to tn Bow Tor. It in even sold that ho fabuMNM asm. of $1.000, too for liege. Thte vast sum was i out Msnttsnsj by th waa not until every ether tried that Mr. Courted egianOnsa of a legal prod nee tho spec taste tn without Pros wags era spectacle hnd ranrheS the Cntteat although it ha tlon of the paSUeheie he thla should be tho esse In fact. effort was pert forth by Proa Wannii to obtain a a quartan of aB that nsat reached ths peahtte tahmussh the SSOBt Og others than herself. Mr. Cow nod" a 1 the posalhl destruction of any tlon of the copyright Mr trsst tan Wsamsr's only anfaajnard. Tho eminent of lawyers, wmel fee right law. A hitter tho This famous senWaiaiaj anal fight among the legal giants af Germany sent the Crated States aasSsd ha senxtstete ts tery for Mr. Omelet, stash to tho ehatnrtn and uitrfhssUen of Pvsu Wso m J ney. fc The result woe the production -r Wagner' much pstsail creation ffl New Torh flty with the are aim rsotptlnn end success ever acmrded a stmllsr work In the history of the Metropolitan It that la refreshing to relate, however, atnee then, and on account of tho meant. nweSBwr that Mr. Courted presents tha spectacle, Prsu Wagner hOo again lose onto friends with her great Mew Tor rival There are fewer sheep ht LaaW i than at any time ht many years loo.ons have sewn sold end en prto- I so i pes of tho w vW uV 9taajah0t)m wfy WlAaw uPawnWete fwtswuwMv