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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1906)
SECTION TWO PORTLAND, OREGON. SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 14, 1906. H-NOtoBt Store ' 35c Mb package Whiting's French Dimity Writing Paper Special ,...4 15c fine smooth finish Ruled Ink Writing Rpr Tablets Special 94 5c cake Turkish Bath or Oat meal Toilet Soap Special.. 3e 25c ox. Imported French Per fumes Special 19c box Japanese Twilled Linen Writing Paper Specia) . . . 12 10c roll fine Tisane Toilet Pa per Special Ts) 25c box Japanese Gold Paint Special 1.154 35c jar Willow Cold Cream and Skin Food Special Me Biggesf UMBRELLA Bargains in Town There is no good arguing with the in evitable. The only argument avail able with an east wind is to put on your overcoat. JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL, We'll apply Lowell's soliloquy to the present climatic season, when Oregon is taking her long annual bath and all na ture feels refreshed. There's no use arguing against the gently falling rain and we're glad of it, as la every -sturdy, healthy Oregonian. The country is all the better for having its face washed. Don'tfargue; bay an umbrella. Pricea are little enough here at Portland's beat umbrella store. Read: Ladies' Piece-dyed Taffeta Umbrella. with tape edge borders, steel rod and paragon frame; natural wood handles 'of box wood in the popular- Princess and Opera crook styles. Included in the lot arc umbrellas with fancy handles, trimmed with gold, silver. - horn, gun metal, etc . Special value, at fl.60 Umbrellas for Men and Women of plain silk and cotton mixed, with tape edge borders, steel .rod and Paragon frame: with Princess and Opera crook handles. Special value, at f 1.S5 Ladies' Umbrellas of black corola looks like silk and wears better 26-inch size; fancy metal handles. Special value, at. S1.O0 Ladies' Piece-dyed Taffeta Umbrellas, with Paragon frame, steel rod and Opera or Princess handles of waxed wood; also some with gun mestl and pearl trimmed hsndles. Price fl.TS Ladies' Silk Serge Umbrellas, with tape edge border and pearl post handles trimmed with gold and silver. Pries Fine Assortment of Ladles' Piece-dyed Taffeta Umbrellas, with can of horn, gun metal, gold or silver. Prices 2.5 and S8.00 ; A Splendid Showing of Ladies' Taffeta Umbrellas, with fancy and plain natural wood handles: aome of boxwood, born and ailver " trimmed; raoired gold handles; Flemished wood handles trimmed with gold; also handsome long silver hsndles with fancy carving, leather covered, lams with handles of a new vegetable ivory, ailver trimmed; also some very swell amber handles trimmed with gold. Pries and M.OO Ladies' $5.00 Umbrellas for Ladies' colored Silk Umbrellas with pretty borders green, blue, red and brown in the showing have natural wood and cherry handles. Our 95.00 value Special Sale Price f.6 $4.50 Umbrella for 8.95 Men's and Women's Umbrellas in black silk with fancy pearl post handles, gold or silver trimmed. Our $4.50 value Special Sale Price 53.25 Extra Good Line of Umbrellas for Men snd Women; with good strong frame, faat black; plain or fancy trimmed handles. An Autumn Fashion Exposition THATS AN ACTUAL REVELATION I "We point with pride" to the new stocks My, how they hold up their heads for inspection! Monday!! be a day of unusual interest in every one of the Store's Busy Specialty Shops m llAnn WITH M Fhl How" many men of you who read this know by the demonstra n WWUIxU WW I 1 If JfflCII tipn of personal investigation that the largest stock of men's furnishing goods in Portland is here in the 'annex haberdashery? How many of you men have learned what your mothers, and your sisters, your wives and your sweethearts learned long ago? that goods you wear are sold for less here than you pay elsewhere for 'em?. Isn't it sbout time you come and see snd be convinced, and suited? A man can't help but ask himself: "Is it worth while to pay more for thinga at some other store when the same or better can be bought at Olds, Wortman & King's for less?" S3sl Men's $2 Kid Gloves 95cSplendid Shades Man's $1.50 Underwear, f 1.05- A line of Men's1 Extra fine silver gray double thread worsted Underwear fall weight best $1.50 values Special, per gar ment S1.05 Men'a 25c Hosing, 19e-.-Good weight cotton Hose in tan, gray, black and wine, with silk clocking, extra good 25c value Special, pair 19s Men's $2.00 Kid Gloves. 95 -A amsll line of Men's Kid Gloves in sizes 7 to 8 only regular value $2.00 Spe cial, pair 95e Boys' 75c Golf Shirts. 39 A line of Boys' madras Golf hirts in fancy and plain blue Oxford cloth regular value 75c Special Grand Salont Second Floor Price .1.5 Umbrellas for Msa snd Women Pure silk covered, with Princess snd Opera crook, natural wood handles, ateel rod and Paragon frame, 26-inch size. Pricea $. and $.5 Children's Umbrellas Good quality, with plain or crook handles. Prices plain or 6eS 75. 51.00. 1.25. S.OO Good News tor DRESS GOODS Buyers Annex Fifth Street First Floor. Special values for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday in Colored Suitings and Black Stuffs 8,500 yards of Fashion's Newest Fall Dress Fabrics, in checks, plaids, overplaids, stripes and the wanted mixtures sll the wsnted shsdes of grays in the lot $1.00 grade for V Tf4 $1.25 grade for ? $1.50 grade for fJ'J $175 grade for .fl.S New Tourist Cloakings in all the latest coloring and styles the only line Of these stylish fabrics shown in the city 36 inches wide at. per yard SS.wO. ga.RO. S.OO. S8.50 and 5 New Plaid Dress Goods arriving daily all the new colorings i and combinations. Priced from, per yard fl.OO to 5 . BLACK DRESS GOODS. High Novelty Silk and Wool Imported Dress Goods every yard fast Deailtirni DISC ana me niwm wwm Regular $2.50 grade reduced to, yard Bnrar t-tfln tirade reduced to. vard . n.miUr W BraAr reduced to. vard . ... 52-5 "--- ----- ------- - . i . . .. 1.64 52. OO Regular $4.00 grade reduced to, yard . . The Home of HANDSOME MILLINERY RICH IN APPEARANCE. FULL OF VERVE, MODEST IN PRICE: Bijou Millinery Salons Second Floor Annas. afl SvSbKSLW BJrSm The Millinery salons are ablaze M smRuLv with the r,ch nd forgeoua beauty of WPV WPvtm exquisite autumn colorings and that SVL I ' n ,arrn4jrfitl rnirm whirl) only Millinery that reflects the new est touches of fashion can breathe. The October showings here are an ever-changing, ' kaleidoscopic pano rama of peerless beauty and style composite. Monday we shall open for view pf store visitors a collection of the newest, most chic and stylish creations Hats bearing that air of distinguished elegance sought by all taaty dressers shown this season by anv house in America. Hats from the most famous of the world's leading millinery creators and concep tions from the hands of our own expert trimmers and designers, who have a creative genius of their own equaled by that of bo other or ganisation on the coast. A remarkable scope is covered by the price range Hata as low in price as $1.00 Hats so elegant they reach in value $100.00. EXTRA SPECIAL MONDAY MILLINERY EVENT. 500 very handsome and stylish new SILK VELVET SHAPES of ex tra tine quality, all untnmmed 10 distinct Styles in the choosing, all in latest snd most popular models worn br smartly dressed esstern in the selection Special Monday only, . Portland's Largest and Leading Clothing Store For Women Presents This Morning a Chat on Coats for Smart Dressers With Side Relish of Special Values for Monday on Raincoats, Coats, Suits There's complete winter readiness in the Garment salons: "No stone is left unturned" to have the showing complete and fine. It is sensibly helpful. The garments are ultra-fashionable and "snappy" ip their distinguished elegance and positive smartness. Every garment was carefully se lected with an eye and a thought for service, and to. cap all the prices in every instance are abso lutely FAIR. Whether it be a trim and jaunty TAILORED SUIT at $12.5 or the aristocrats at 9 225.00 or any of the scores of in-between grades : A STUNNING COAT at f 6.50 to U25.00, AN EXQUISITE EVENING GOWN at anywhere along the price avenue from 960 to $450. or A SWELL FUR PIECE in neckscarf, boa, muff or set, the Rxice in every instance will be the lowest possible for the quality shown. Last week's talk being devoted mainly to tailored dresses and gowns, and as "Old Prob" has reminded us somewhat sharply that cooler days are next on the program, we believe the Coat Chat of today will prove both timely and interesting. Coats of Today of Plaids, Checks and "Mingles" The demand is for coats of "effects" rather than plain colors. Plaids, checks or mingled colorings black and white as basic tones with introduction often of some brilliant color. You may count on the permanency of the fashion when you see the preparation alone these lines in the salons of dress of this great style store." Careful dressers depend on the dictafes of our garment salons as being absolute. Well, there's the happiest command that correctly garbed and groomed women have had to heed ready for inspection tomorrow. The coats are strikingly becoming, and in spite of the blend in colorings there's no garish ness or hint of same. Coats are three-quarter length or more. A glance through gives the lookea her impression of "swagger" effects without departure from good taste. New coats as low in price as 96.50, OTHER COATS UP TO 9125.00. all on a oar with the lowest quotations of any reputable house in this union of states. Have a look through the lines tomorrow. Courteous guide will accompany you and you'll not be asked to buy against your desire. TWO BIG BARGAINS IN COATS-S12.50 Raincoats $9.65 A Lot of Tailored STREET COATS, to Close HALF PRICE! Get the Raincoat Monday Extra Special! For one day only, pay ua 19.65 for the $12.50 Raincoats , An indispensable garment to every woman's wardrobe. Absolutely l necessarv .under the climatic conditions of Oregon's healthful zone ; and here's your chance madam or ma'mselle to select your raincoat at a a a 1 1 . f as saying. Handsomely tailored garments, Duilt from neat ana aressy cravenetted materials of light and dark tan and olives. Backs plaited, belt at waist; some with back and front yoke effects, collar trimmed in six rows of braid, others in fancy collars of velvet inserted and pret tily set off with braid. Leg o mutton sleeves gathered at cuff in plaited effect and turned over. Best regular $12.50 values in America Special, Monday only, at 99.65. A Rack of Coats at Half, Price Here's a veritable "snao" for the woman with an eye to positive, gen uine worth-while bargains. We've gathered the ends of several lots of handsome coats, some are last season's make but you wouldn't know it if we weren't frank and told it a number of beauties patricians among 'em. For instance, a charming gray, exquisitely tailored and trimmed in leather to match material, splendidly adapted for auto or driv ing wear, or shopping, a coat that was cheap at $85, goes Monday to some fortunate buyer for $12.50. And "there are others," numerous others in similar values. The convention is too varied to admit of detail in de scription. Plain and mixed goods in three-quarter length, loose or fitted backs and a few empire models, beautifully tailored and trimmed in broadcloths of contrasting colorings, rich velvets, pretty braids and but tons. Some are lined throughout, others only at the voke. Best regular values ranging up from $12.50 to $48.50, all Monday at HALF PRICE. A Rousing Suit Sale StJr.T. $22.TS 800 of the smartest tailored creations ever sold in Portland outside this store at $35. A line we bought to sell at $28.50. Built on "swagger" "Pfince Chap" models, coats 38 inches long and trimmed throughout with rich taffeta silk (most stores think a cheap satki good enough for this grade suit). Mannish mixed, plaided, checked -and "mingled" effects in black and white and gray basic colors, with indeterminate plaids predominating. Skirts are eleven gored and with effective plaited trimming effects. As above stated the best regular $28.50 value in a suit offered by any Portland store Special here, Monday only, at 922.75. The Head of fhe Family VS?J2?Jrm The FEET OF THE FAMILY How sbout the family Footwear? If you're the head of the house father or mother you owe it to your family, to those dependent upon you for their needs, to attend to the very important matter of Shoes. Don't wait for the rain that falls on the walks to find those thin solea. An ounce of good shoe prevention is worth s pound on your door by the doctor; 'tis outfitting season in "Shoedoaa." Last week we talked incessantly to men end thev heeded. Will vou women take a "tip"? A" shoe tip? Here ate several Read : Women'a Pine Smooth Kid Lace Shoes. Tuxedo Blocher cut, welt soles, neat toe and straight last; has patent tip and dull kid top. The best fitting Blucher cut shoe yoa can find. Price, the pair B4.00 Women's Fine Kid Lacs Shoes, made on a last that is the seme of style; the arch in high and the heel a 1H inch Cuban; patent tip and straight vamp veivhigh clsss shoes Price, the pair 94-Q9 Women's Gloria Patent Kid Shoes. Blucher lace style, medium heavy soles, dull calf tops, auto last a new shape that is very comfortable and has individuality- no better snoe lor tne money can oe maoe. Price, th pair SS.SO Women'a Patent Coh Blucher Lace Shoes, made on the new dip toe last s shoe made dnly by high class shoe makers has dull calf tops and Cuban hssL Extra Special value at the price, the pair.: Women'a Finest Grade Patent Colt Ten-Button Boots, of selected stock from sole to trimmings made with dul mat kid top, on a high arch straight last, with short vamp and high Cuban heel has a distinct style only to be obtained in high art shoemaking. Price, - the pair Same Style Shoes ha Fine Kid Stock Price, the pair . The Children's Department is replete with all that is desirable in Shoes for small folk. ' $1.50 3-qt. Red Seamless Rub ber Fountain Syringe Spe cial i. 85c Bath Towels, extra large, 29x60 inches each Special Monday, at 50c pair Women'a Nickel Plat ed Scissors Special .... .. . 99 15c Needle and Toilet Pin Cases Special lO 35c pair Whits Silk Dress Shields Special ! Ironing Wax Special, 3 sticks for $y 5c best White Basting Cotton Special, 3 spools 104 10c Patent Stocking Darners with Spring Ring Special. .T4 Portland's LEADING CORSET STORE Annex Second Floor. "Busier than ever" was the word passed to the store reporter by the manager of the "Royal Worcester" Corset salons as he passed there in search of items for Corset chat. "Yet, not too busy to talk corsets," con tinued he. "Well, what's new?" we asked. "Everything new," came the reply. So we chatted on and here's the gist of what we talked about: "Royal Worcesters" best American made corset, best for American women Complete lines of new models sre in. The new "lengthening waist" with high bust effect is s favorite. A new model for stout figures is No. 861 very strong material, hips adjustable; "Triscot" bust gores add to the wearer's comfort above the waist line. For wearers of the Princess gons we recommend the front lacing models, which assure the smart dresser the correct and stylish ef fect desired. "Bon Tons" in sll new and wanted models and every size; also the "Sapphire," which combines in its lines style, health and comfort. We offer this week these worth-while CORSET SPECIALS: $6.50 "Bon Ton" Corsets 4.4T $4.50 "Bon Ton" Corsets S3.2B Bon Ton model with extreme Princess hip effect is particularly adapted to the matronly figure. Re-enforced by duplex boning in front section. This corset is practically unbreakable. Sizes from 20 to 30 regular price $6.50 Special, pair 4.4T Bon Ton model in lengthing waist effect with Princess hips s very stylish garment of handsome figured batistej shaping and support ing the figure in accordance with the requirement of the latest fsshion. Sizes from 18 to 26 regular price $4.50 Specisl, st psir 93.29 SILK NEWS-Surprise for Silk Buyers In the Specisl Pricings for the Next Three Dsys Monday, Tuesday snd Wednesdsy. Fifth Street Annex First Floor. $1.25 Plsid Silks, at 99 ysrd -2,500 yards of the newest Plaid Silks in sll color eombinstions, both in dsrk and light grounds; also the new pompadour plaids are included in this sensational sale Our $1.25 Regular Grades for Three Days, 99e per yard. 85c Regular Value Silks at M This grade is the best value ever offered at the regular price, and comes in a large assortment of color combinations regulac, 85c value bpecial. Black Taffetaa An unexpected and somewhat delayed second ship ment of thess rich, beautiful, dependable Black Taffetas enables us to continue these special offerings for three more days Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday only 30 pieces 19-inch Black Taffeta, regular 75c grade Special for 3 days, yard ) 26 pieces 23-inch Blsck Taffeta, regular $1.10 grade Specisl for 3 days, yard TfdJ 16 pieces 27 inch Blsck Tsffeta, regular $1.25 grade Special for 3 days, yard 28 pieces 36-inch Black Taffeta, regular $1.50 grade Special for 3 days, yard fl.lS Every yard of above Taffeta la of that dependable sort which alone finds place here. KNIT UNDERWEAR Bargains First Floor. Women's $2.50 Linen Mesh Underwear, 1.T5 Dr. Deirael'a Linen Mesh Un derwear for women s broken lute of vests snd psnts, vests with long sleeves snd psnts with French band. Our $2,50 value Special Sals Price, the garment l.TK Linen Mesh Union Suits, with long sleeves and apkle length our $5.00 value Special Sale Price, the nit Women's $1.00 Merino Underwear, T5 Women's white and silver gray merino vests snd psnts good winter weight our $1.00 value Special Sale Price, the garment TeVe Women's $100 Cotton Union Suits, 74 Women's bleached whits fleece-lined Cotton Union Suits, medium weight our best $1 00 value Special Sale Price, the suit TsS Women's 50c Cotton Tights 9M4 Women's white heavy weight fine ribbed Cotton Tights, closed w 30c value Special Am Price, the pair S Children's Knit Underwaists. well made and of good material onr 20c value Special Sals Price, each Children's f 1.00 Union Suits. 4s Children's "Merode" Union Suits of white cotton, medium and heavy weight our $1.00 vs! , -rial Sals Pries, the suit 4s Important ART NEEDLEWORK NEWS Annex Second Floor. Cushions. lTsjU-Pretty C d in Dutch or rose design - 40c and 50c Couch back, tops stamped 60c and 75c Linen Censor Ptoses, - conventions! designs, i