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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1906)
rlf J jgiJS' THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MQRNINO, OCTOBER 14. 1908. COMPLETE ARE THE STOCKS IN OUR NEW STORE Larger and better than ever are the lines which now comprise the immense displays on the many floors of our new store fathered from the world's leading manufacturers representing the very latest and best ideas of the foremost designers and skilled workmen. All grades all woods all finishes an endless variety of designs in the many pieces for the parlor, the library, the living room, the dining room, the bedroom, the hall and the den, reproductions of the famous period and other designs Louis XV, Louis VI, Empire, Sheraton, Hepplewhite and the popular "arts and crafts." Such is the character of this handsome display that makes selection most easy and satisfactory. For many months we have been active in selecting and bringing together this great stock, and our facilities for displaying same are unequaled in this country. We invite your inspection of this most complete and handsome stock. IsfesV. IN THE CARPET DEPARTMENT SIXTH FLOOR --'.' lfiig( 4 Every weave and quality is represented irt our immense gathering of Carpets and Rugs, including the most select patterns of the fall season of this year. The many qualities of Wiltons, Axminsters, Velvets, Body Brussels, Tapestry Brussels and Ingrains these in the most re liable weaves and colorings. Our display of Rugs in all sizes embraces a beautiful assortment of pleasing patterns and color combinations. Es pecially do we call attention to the popular Hodge's Carpets and Rugs the original Fiber Carpets. In both the inlaid and printed Linoleums our new stock includes the very best designs in all grades, and we men tion particularly the tile, parquetry woods, carpet and granite mottled effects. Our prices on all floor coverings will bear comparison, and our large and perfectly lighted and well arranged carpet department alone is worthy of a visit to our new store. SALE OF 27x34 in. VELVET RUGS TOMORROW IN THE CARPET DEPT. For the first sale in our carpet department we have selected the above size velvet rugs these in several Oriental patterns and colorings. The regular selling value of these are $2.25 each. Commencing tomor row morning we will place them on sale at the special price of 81.25 each. 1 Our FALL IMPORTATION PERSIAN RUGS NOW BEING EXHIBITED ON THE SfXTH FLOOR To those who appreciate the lasting qualities, the exclusive beauty and weave and the richness of coloring of these rugs, should avail themselves of at least seeing this new consignment, which consists of fine old antique pieces in carpet sizes, hall and stair runners and small antique Ivans and Kirmans. In the carpet sixes we show a beautiful variety of Meshed Muskkabad Kirminsriali Scrapki Tabirez Sbiraz Ispaban Faraghan Algban The hall runners and stair strips range in length from IB feet to 30 feet. Antique Persian Rugs in all sizes, consisting of ANATOLIAN, IRANS, MOUS MOUL, SHIRAZ, SERABEND. Silk Persians in the smaller sizes. We extend a cordial invitation to all to call and inspect this collection. SALJ CRANITE, IRONWARE CROCKERY DEPT. BASEMENT The above two utensils represent the offerings from our large and well-stocked crockery and hardware de partment, commencing tomorrow. 50c DISHPANS, SALE PRICE 25 EACH 30c SAUCEPANS, SALE PRICE 15 EACH DRAPERY DECORATIVE Pept' SIXTH FLOOR Radiant with the splendor of the very latest and best creations in door, window and wall hangings; gathered from the art centers of the world our new department being splendidly lighted and arranged for the display of same, and we invite the inspection of those who are in terested in interior decoration. WALL PAPERS AND WALL TAPESTRIES Exclusive ef fectsartistic and novel foreign productions suitable for sleeping room, hall, library, living room, parlor and drawing rooms. Imported leathers and Japanese hammered metal effects for wainscoting in hall and din ing room upper third coverings. WALL TINTS AND FRESCOES of every description, executed by artists who are capable of executing the most exacting demands. LACE CURTAINS in every style and color a variety of new pat ternsan .immense stock to select from. McDOUGALL KITCHEN CABINETS We are now showing the many different styles of these most pop ular kitchen pieces. It would be difficult to mention the numerous ad vantages of this modern piece of kitchen furniture, but where one of these cabinets is in use the labor connected with the kitchen is actually reduced one half. The woman who appreciates "home system" will rec ognize the merits of the McDougalL f iTOwsTcuorr)' I MSOOD 0MPLETEH0U5EFUR11I5I1ER5 f MANE TOUR j Morrison and Seventh ULrLr fir.GIBB OMPLETE-HOUSE-FURfflSHER H SJMtS IWR II Jfemrnnl BUYS LARGE TRACT III PORT TOWNSEND fMra. Augusta Dolph Invests Profitably in Property in Washington Town. Mot s few Portlands have found It In Investment In Port Townsend tjr. Am on them la Mrs. Dolph. who purchased a large In the Bracken addition and who thoroughly satisfied with conditions the north. In a latter from Port aha aaya: y here la composed of fine This la true not only of those lire here all the time bet of these t .W tract J. ft f "SOCi ftefU Irhs Springs, flea Sulohur Tea, writes, July it. 10I: "I have ttW la mr family Ballard's Snow Liniment and Ho re hound Hyrup, and HtM proved certainly satisfactory fK Bphnent la the beat we have ever Weed for headache and pains. The syrup has been our do. -..r for KTWtataara.'' Sold by Wood who hold government positions and are located at the forts. 4 "Two railroads have recently secured franchises to enter the city. The sur veys have proven that Port Townaend la no further away than Seattle, the mileage being the same; as Port Town send is 40 miles nearer the sea, it would be the natural seaport for Port land. Her harbor ia famous for Its an chorage, and la large enough to hold the navies of the world. I find that Port Townaend is also on the Willam ette meridian on a line due north of rortuum. "The Sisters of St. Joseph have a large and complete hospital which com- lendidpoiu 'he same view of the Olympics. AnjKaacades, Mount Baker and the twin nsimer-iaoema, as aoea ine sani tarium. "The town can justly boast of Its custom-house and poetofflce. Its Ma rine hospital Is the headquarters for the worm raciitc. it in protested by a triangle of fortifications, situated on the two sides of the straits (named Flagler. Casey and Word en, with head quarter at Wordenr; the largest and best In the United States. "The water, noted for its purity, la brought by the gravity system from the peak of the snow-clad Olympics, and la sufficient to supply any large city. Though numbering lean than 7,00 Inhabitants, it la an up-to-date, hust ling little city, having a Woman'a Civic 01 ud or ever zoo members who have been instrumental In securing Hastings sea ta beautifying- the city., sjio carrying on all Improvements In Ghetse- moka park, which a charming summer resort. Another feature Is ths Commercial club, whoss members work aa ons to further Its Interest and wel fare." a. CLARENCE C. EATON TO LECTURE AT HEILIG The semi-annual complimentary lee tuns on "Christian Science." to be given under the auspices of the two denomi national churchea of thia city next Thursday evening by- Clarence C. Eaton, C. S. B., member of the board of lec tureship of the First Church of Christ, Scientist, of Boston, win be another op portunity for those interested tea gain authentic Information upon thla sub ject. The lecture will be given by the Hel llg theatre. Reserved seats may be ob tained without charge at the box office next Wednesday. These reservations, however, must be claimed before 7:46 on ths evening of the lecture, aa all aeeta.wlll be made public after that time, and the doors of the theatre will be closed at I o'clock, when the lecture begins. Professor Eaton Danoing School Class for ladles and gents Monday and Thursday evening at Arion hall. Fhoua Salt IHfc EATS ENOUGH TO FEED TEN MEN Wong Sue, Chinee Leper, 'Has Excellent Appetite, Says Poor Farm Superintendent. Ham, fish, pork and beef, and annle and cherry pie. all at once In quantity to rooo m normal men was the order DimcourageD? because your hair keeps falling out, breaks off, feels harsh, turns gray, makes you LOOK OLD 7 Hay's Hair Health 3 given yesterday for' his midday meal bv Wong Sue, the Chinese leper, at the poor rami. Superintendent D. D. Jackson aaya he doesn't believe It can be possible that Wong Sue has any friends whom be Is reeding at the expense of ths county, but neither can he understand how one man can oonaume aa muoh food aa la carried dally to tba China man. The order given yesterday Is but a fair sample of the amount of food Wong Sue demands every day, says j season. For the past six weeks the leper haa seen apparently contented In his iso lated cottage at the poor farm, but has recently become dissatisfied. He telle the inmate who carries food to him that he wants to talk to his countrymen dnd Is planning to come to the city to pay tnem a visit. ROBERT E. SPEER WILL SPEAK AT WHITE TEMPLE Large numbers of men will be drawn to hear Robert B. Spear this afternoon on '"The Value of a Clean Record." This meeting Is for men only and on account of the smallness of ths T. M. C. A auditorium, will be held In the Whits Temple, Twelfth snd Tsylor streets, at o'clock Mr. Sneer Is one of the strongest speakers who has svsr visited Portlands He la a graduate of Princeton university, where be was aa athlete and, bono, bum. Fur many years LILY DENTAL CO. TXX PAIFLBM DgaUlPlB. The One-Prtoed Ossoe. Located at or THitffl orr msoirtAB raioz we aSs oolr flret class materials, da the w e r k eonseiaatieaaly sas ansa it annus Br reach. Kxaatlaa aod estuaateafree. MM Oela Orewa W gat1 Ufa) w rk, Mir UB!iew7' as ...sse est Bssssr AH Went Sssaaeliea far M Team. he has been s recognised lssdsr in the young people's movement and In the work for college man. Ths doors of ths White Temple will not open until I o'clock, at which time the T. M. C. A. orchestra will glvs s 20-mlnute concert. The masting Is free to all men. Milwaukle Country Club. Eastern snd California races. Team Sellwood and Oregon City cars at FUst Great Auction Sale Of Japanese and Chinese curios, consisting of old Bronze, Sil ver, Cloisonne, new Brass, Sat suma, fine decorated Tea Sets, Lacquered Ware, Ebony Carved Furniture, Embroidered Screens, Oriental Rugs, etc. Owing to the overcrowded con dition of our small store, we are compelled to dispose of our great stock at auction. The public is. cordially invited to at tend this sale. Unprecedented bargains are certain to be had. BALE AT 2:30 AND 7:30 P. M. DAILY. Andrew Kan & Co. 27 MORRISON ST.