The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 14, 1906, Page 15, Image 15

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AmMM JUtamlZi It '
Mr. and Mn. Bavid J. Horseman.
I The fortieth anniversary of the wed
ding of Mr. and Mrs. David J. Hi
men was oelebrated at their hoaaa
at. Johna, Friday evening. Mr. and Mra.
ssorseman were mrnpa ai eianey,
Iowa. October II, ll. They moved to
Oregon seven rears ago and aettled at
4t. Johna.
, David J. Horseman waa born at Cler
mont. Iowa, In 1141. He served
lucoughout the civil war ana waa wttn
n on his famous msren to me
sea. Mra. Horseman waa oorn in n-
er City, Iowa, In HO. They have two
Children living, Mrs. B. A. Allen and
frank Horseman, both residents of St.
Johna. Mr. Horseman Is a well-to-do
and popular resident of the penlnaula
D'l.'rbano's band of IS pleeea closes Its
Second season at the Oaks today. The
guccesa attained by the band, and tta
great popularity with the Portland peo
ple are Indicated by the crowds that
Have gone to the Oak a dally during the
geaaon . to hear popular and classical
music Interpreted by the band under the
direction of Its magnetic young leader.
The band will leave In about a week
lor Seattle, where they have been en
gaged to play during the winter at the
Coliseum. While no definite arrange
ii i i .
menta have been made. It la believed
that D'Urbano will return with his band
in tha aprtng to play at the Oaks next
The band wag organised In Portland
three yea re ago by D'Urbano and tha
manager, Sign or I Runt. Both are
natlvaa of Italy, but have become nat
uralised cltisena of the United States.
D'Urbano la 16 years of age, and was
born near Naplea, Italy. He haa mem
orised all tha mualc hla band playa. and
he never hag a score before him when
directing. ,
I As a part of Its campaign against tha
ruthless destruction of .birds the Ore
gon State Audubon society last even
ing laid plana for bringing the alma of
(fie organisation before tha school chil
dren snd teacher and the far mere aa
fell. )""
The only Jarring note In the meeting
waa the fact that by actual count Just
4B per cant of the woman in attendance
won birds' winga on their hata.
J. Wily are tha ways of the milliner,
dnd akilirul are the ftngera of the art.
fts .who work wonder with ordinary
a there, but these wings and breasts
yoked the real thing and not ohicken
feathers with a college education.
' rWe ntuat teach the farmers that the
Bird are hla friends and not his ene-J
alee," waa the chorus. The white
plumes and the brown wings nodded aa
gent. The native birds of Oregon were
Charcoal Kills
Bad Breath
I Odor of Indigestion, Smoking,
Drinking or Eating Can Bo
Instantly Stopped.
Other people notice your bad breath
Where you would not notice It at alt
It la nauaeaUag to other people to
stand before them end while you are
talking, give them a whiff or two of
your bad breath. It usually cornea from
food fermenting on your stomach.
Sometime you have it In the morning,
that awful sour, bilious, bad breath.
You can atop that at once by swallow
ing one or two Stuart Charcoal Loten
gea, the moat powerful gaa and odor
abaorbera ever Iprepe red.
' Sometimes your meala will reveal
themselves in your breath to those who
talk with you. "You've had on lone," or
you've been eating cabbage," and ail
of a audden you belch la the faea of
your friend. Charooal la a wonderful
. absorber of odors, aa every one knowa.
That la why Stuart's Charcoal I.osengea
are ao quick to stop all gaaeg and odors
at odorous food a, or gas from Indiges
tion I Don't use breath perfumes They
never conceal the" odor. and. never ab
sorb the gaa that causes the odor. Be
sides, the very fact of using them re
veals lbs reaaon for their use. Stuart's
CharcoaJ Loasngag In the grot place
stop for good an sour brash and belch
ing of gaa, and nuke your breath pure,
fresh and tweet, juat after you've
eaten. Then no one will turn hla face
away from you when you breathe or
talk; your breath will be pure and freeh.
gM leal gss your food will taate so
much better to you at your neat meal.
Juat try It
Charcoal dose other wonderful things,
toe. It rarrlea away from your stomach
and intestines, all the tmpurttlea there
roaaaed together and which causea the
bad breath. Charcoal la a purifier aa
well aa an abeorber.
Charcoal la aow by far the beet, moat
easy and mild laxative known. A whole
boxful wUl do no harm: In fact, the
more you take the better. Stuart'a Char
coal Lssiagrse are mads of pure willow
charcoal and mixed with Just a falat
flavor of honey to make them palatable
far you. but not too sweet. Ten Just
chew them like candy. They are abso
lutely harmless.
Oet a pew. sure, aweet breath, freeh
en soar sIsSiioBt far your wast meat
and keep the Inteatlnea In goad work
ing order. These two things are the
aasrat of good health and long Ufa
Ton can get aft the charcoal necessary
to do these wonderful bat simple things
oy gening si wan a unarceei
We want you to test these little
a Stasis yourself bef or you buy thesn.
So send us your full nam sad sddrees
for a free aample of Stuart'a Charcoal
aUtaasagea Then after you have triad the
eaaaple. and been convinced, go to your
druggtet and get a tie boa) of them.
You'll feel batter all over,
able, and -cleaner- Inside,
awad aa your ansae ai
day and era will at ones send you by
mall a cample package, free, Andraee
W A. StTsSI-t , Co, t gtuart Bldg..
being protected and it didn't matter
much about the natlvaa of eomewhere
els which were bo unfortunate aa
to be given valuable plumage by aa all
wtse providence.
It la planned to bring the work of the
society before the State Teachers' asso
ciation which meete In November.
Teachera. tha members said, were gen
erally willing to teach children the
love of birds If the question was prop
erly, put before them, and they wets
given something which they could learn
before they triad to tesoh them. i
new est of leaflets on birds waa aug
Dr. Dm ma J. Welty no, there weren't
any winga oa her hat aald there waa
too much aentlment end too little defi
nite fact in the leefleta aent out by
the national Audubon ooeiety.
"That why we gat so much aonsenss
In the essays submitted to us." said
ahe. "About ail the leaflets teach Is.
See the poor little robin, see him
die. put him In a box. put him la the
ground, cover hie head with dirt, cover
bja tail with dirt; isn't it a shame to
see tha poor little birdie die?' What's
the good of ouch nonsense"
The -other member agreed.
Tha grange In the vicinity of Port
land will if possible bo used in the cam
paign of tha society. It waa sug
gested that atereoptlcon views of birds
entertain the grange members.- w. T.
Finley, who with William Borlmah haa
taken some of the moat remarkable
bird photographs In existence, told of a
number of new pictures Juat obtained.
Mr. Finley, who la president of the
local aocletj-. waa ejected delegate to
the national convention of the organisa
tion. Ho leaves for New York next
rtVertal Dwaaies The Jral
' 811 vert on. Or., Oct. It. Excitement
ran high in SUverlon for a ahort time
yesterday afternoon when City Marshal
A. O. McMUlcn rtn down Water street
shooting attack Yates, a somewhat no
torious crcSk In Marlon county. Bul
lets were flying In aU directions, mak
ing it considerably dangeroua to be upon
the street. One bullet lodged in Mra
Russell's millinery store and the last
one fired took effect In the prisoner s
right foot. He continued to run, liow
vr. for about 10 blocks, when hs waa
overtaken by C. N. Matlock, a local sa
loon keeper, and turned over to tha
Yatee came to the city on the noon
train considerably Intoxicated and com
menced making a disturbance upon the
treats. He was arrested and lodged In
Jail. Later tha marshal arrested John
Ludovetaks far drunk sad disorderly
conduct and aa he waa being lodged in
the city hostile Yatee knocked the offi
cer down and attempted to make hla es
cape. He Is now at the Cottage hotel
suffsrl'ig from a severe wound In the
right root A local physician extracted
the bullet ehortly after hla arrest.
(Special Dtspsteh t The Tosiasl )
Klamath Fella. Or., Oct II The Kla
math Lake Navigation company's
steamer Klamath mat with an accident
to her propeller recently which was)
os used by backing into a ledge of rock
about three miles from town. The pro
cess of putting in a new propsUar was
unique aa there waa ao dry do here
far aaek emergencies. Many teas of
cement were piled upon the bow of the
i naal farcing It into the water with
the stern la tha star., A raft wag then
pushed underneath frags which the
workmen proceeded to adjust the new
Baker City, Or, On. U A gull haa
filed In the circuit court by the
Huntington Lumber company vs. J. at
Vaa Camp et at for 11.711. a bale nee
claimed by the lumber company, far
good furnished Iks defendants The
plaintiff allege that under a contract
for lumber the defendant furnished
MM.SM ft of lumber, amounting to
MII K under Us contract
Men's Diseases
Cured to Stay Cured
. Different doctor have different idea In re
gard to cures. Some cell a suppression of
symptoms a oure. They dose for drug effects
and claim that nothing more can be done. But
the real ailment remains, and wUl bring the real
symptoms back again, perhaps the same aa be
fore, but very likely leave the patient In a much
worae condition. I claim that nothing leea.than
complete eradication of disease can be a real
cure, f treat to remove the disease, and not
.merely the ymptpma. I search out every root
and fiber or an ailment, and I oure to stay
I not only cure "weakne" promptly,' but I
employ the "only treatment that can possibly
cure this disorder permanently. It la a system
of local treatment entirely original With me,
and la employed by no physician other Ulan
myself. This may seem a broad assertion, but
It ig Juat as substantial as It la broad. So
called "weakneaa" la but a symptom Of local
Inflammation or congestion, and a radical euro
ie merely a matter of restoring normal condi
tions throughout the organic system, and this
I aeeompllth thoroughly and ; with absolute
My Fee $10.00
X will treat any single osoo
aliment for glO for tha fee.
Mr treatment for stricture Is entirely Independent of surgery. A 001
plete . eure is accomplished without cutting or dilating. All growths and
obstructions in Uie passage are dissolved, the membranes cleansed and all
Irritation or congeatlon removed.
I cure this leprous disease completely The system is thoroughly
cleansed and avery poisonous taint removed. The last symptom vanishes
to appear no more, and all la accomplished by the uae of harmless blood-
cleans Ing remedies. Do not submit to the dangerous mineral ooamg com
monly indulged In. Such treatment merely obscures the symptoms;
Varicocele Cored Without Cutting
The time wee when, every man afflicted with varicocele had no choice
other than to allow the disease to go on undermining his power and nsaith
or submit to a surgical operation. Now he can choose a thorough cure
by painless treatment I cure varicocele In one week, and 1, is seldom
necessary, that the patient is detained from his business even a single day.
My method la original with myself and la the only oafs and successful
treatment for varicocele aver devised.
Come snd have a private talk with ma concerning your ailment Bven
If you era not prepared to undergo treatment at thla time, I can always
glv helpful suggestion to men who are diseased or weak. If you cannot
come to Portland, write for particular of my system of home treatment
Interesting literature and colored charts free If you will oall.
My office are open all day from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m., and on Sundays
from It a, m. to 1 p. as.
the DR. TAYLOR co.
Corner Second and Morrison Sts., Portland, Or.
Michigan Lumber Company
Move to Oregon With Its
Men and Paraphernalia.
Heads of Concern Move to Portland
With Their Families to Make This
City Their Home Highly Pleased
With Oregon.
With the removal of a Michigan lum
bering concern to Oregon, Judge W. T.
Stlne and F. 8. Belcher, official hesda
of the company, will make Portland
their home. They arrived here yester
day, bringing their families, and are
quartered at the Nortonla. Both ' hata
already bought property on Portland
Helght'e, and in the coming aprtng will
build homed, ,
Their Inltlel lumbering enterprise in
Oregon le at Falls City, where they
hate purchased the mill properties and
timber of the Falla City Lumber com
pany and the Bryan-Lucas Lumber com
pany, and effected a consolidation. They
have also acquired extensive holdings
at Taqulna bay, fJt future development.
The Falls City plants will be gresfy
Improved end modern lsed, end a large
force of men trill be employed. The
fins la bringing mill hands from their
mille In Michigan, where. tha 'etandlng
timber 1 nearly sawed out, the lumber
manufacturing plant have but a abort
time longer to ran. Ths first party of
SO employe have arrived at Folia Mty.
accompanied by their own architect and
builder, who la erecting horns for the
fomlllea of the. workman. .
At the Commercial club yesterday.
Judge Stlne said
"My attention waa first attracted to
Oregon's business opportunities through
a visit to the Lewie and Clark expoet
tlon. A friend her Induced me to com
and aae the expos t yon. and I same again
and again. I bought elx round trip
ticket, and made aa many trip, each
time becoming more interested. Tha
sevsnth Urns I Bought a railroad ticket
one way weetward but It was trans
portation far my family, ens) we are
here to etay
Cherfee w Shetman, Pacific north-
Widely Knowa
and Successful
Root and
Herb Doctor
HI Ium rssssdta. the Isgrsdsmts t
whisk w assort Street toss ths Orssat is
Urge sessUtlee ssd prepsre sad pet Sp tjt
ass at sfi eg to dtto Islotsty. we sssrsss.
Situs or eras of sr ktod seat. Purely
WSJ to MS.
The Doctor treats eorcoeoferty tod gssassteeo
to est sll stewset trestles, mtarri. slrtws.
loot throat, rteswstlsss. asrveasssas. Sheas,
trtdsey sod Vwt nait.
rxjLAU TmotrsLgg amd six mitats
He false or uieooiaa- ststssasats to tto
Martsd. A oofs os4 Issflag sure ai tfce sates
est possible Mas sag St tie West east sss.
Mnie ror nt
If yes ssi
sad streaker.
Tnrtnoe 4 eoots In stsaros.
Insists St.
sen. writ
tree Wo I
St.. Cor.
rises a
ehnyKoyal 'pills
west agent for tha Penn Mutual, who
has known the newcomers Intimately for
year, aald:
"It la another notable case of
who, with every baaineea snd social
reaaon lor sticking to the east, find the
Pacific northwest attraction ao strong
that they break away at middle life and
come hare to stay the remainder of their
years. Judgs Stlne was probata judge
of his county, and practically turned
down the Republican nomination fog
congreee to leave that country and
come te Oregon. He had interest in
three Of the banks of his town, and waa
president of the Business Men's asso
ciation, president of the Eaton Loan and
Realty company, member of the college
boars or regents, sou other civic organ
isations Mr. Belcher waa equally prom
inent in Identification with Michigan
affaire, being vlcs-preelSent of the First
National bonk, president ad the Belcher
Stino Lumber company, with mills at
Toledo, Ohio, and In northern Michigan,
and Interested also in other business enterprises.
-',,,, gatU.arst.oaj. 4
re. a estrssbtag iSii use sal sss ssB
TASJuurrs isr
rrojegtt-attr, swdAost Imt tUtaSTCS, M Sadssa SL. Hsw Tare
You Are Invited
to Call
Bvery young, old or mlddls-egsd
rno ass Dean guilty or vio
tc. To men wit
laws, exposure.
1th Feeble Thought,
fall Ins Memory. Varicocele. Run
ture. Piles, week Back, Poor
Wo Charge for Vrivut
Our first thought Is to ascer
tain the real cause of your ail
ment; our second thought ie to
ascertain if a euro la possible;
our third thought is to produce
speedy and lasting reeults. Our
next thought Is the quickest
method by which this can be
done and then to figure the low-''
eat pries for, the treatment of
your case.
wS&9 ss4g3s
Over 50 Per Cent of Our Patients Have Been
Cured for $10.00 and Many Only $5.00 .
Beat Treatment at the Lowest Prices
We are olwny willing to arrange tarma to suit. You oan pay by the
visit, by th week, or by thd month, and we gfv liberal discount for
cash. Remember, our charge are th lowest and most reasonable in the
city, end you get the very best treatment. Call and find out about your
oaae at onca; it will bo the happiest day of your life. Consultation free.
You Need Not Pay UnUI You Are Cured
Should yon desire you may dspoait tha fee with any bask or buainaaa
house in Portland, to be paid to us after you. hare been restored to
aCBUBT Toung and middle-aged man who have injured themes lv in
body and mind, with weak back, falling strength, sunken chsska, hollow
eyes, bad habits, dissipation, poor m emory. We oure secretly and cheaply.
TAJBXOOU VBUIS Wormy veins, varicocele, reduced ond oured with
out cutting. No pain. Rupture, Hydrocele and Pllee cured. Consult us
free and find out how we cure without knife. Our prieo for m eure la the
cheapest In the NorthweaL
OarnoaTXO AVS SXXjT SUmaJras Ecsema, ulcere, sores, piles, consti
pation, itching, heart, kidneys, liver, stomach catarrh, rheumatism pains.
ouT-or-TOwT kanr lWUUMw rmrn am.
Consult us at once upon arrival and maybe you can be oured before re
turning home. Many eaaea oan be cured in one or two or more visits.
Consultation and advice free.
Write People whosUve In outside towns and In ths country, who can
not call ehould writs for consultation and advice free. Many cases
have been cured by home treatment.
Office Hours a. m. to I p. m.; Sundays and holidays, 10 a. m. to 11 m.
Dr. W. Norton Davis & Co.
Office In Van Noy Hotel, SStt Third st, Comer Pine, Portland, Or. .
3 ax lesTiTUTn nr
Where MCA $12.
Consultation Free
This wall known and reliable curative institu
tion, the St. Louis Medical and Surgical Dispen
sary. Is a permanent fixture of Portland. It haa
atoesl the teat of time and will continue to stand as
a Meoea of hope for afflicted men hereabouts.
Prom tlma to time It haa been remodeled In all
lta departments, which are thoroughly equipped
with every scientific Instrument, apparatus and
device essential to our modern methods of
specialty practice. Its financial responsibility is
aa solid as gold, whileSthe treatment it admin
isters, as legions of lta cured patients know,
le skilful, scientific and successful. We tnv
all afflicted man wha really desire a oure to V
poet our offices, and to honestly Invastlga.e
us. A private consultation, a careful personal
examination, together with a acientlflo and hon-
.,.. aat opinion of your case, will cost you nothing:
Mailable and a perfsct cure, if you decide to take It. will
Snsclallate not be more than you will be willing to pay for
the benefit conferred.
Our Pee Need Not Be Paid Unless Cured
We cure oTervoua Debility. Kidney. I
sis. to stay oared. A sure ears for
shortest possible time. Our trestment for
and sTsrvcas TftsmhloeT
I Poison.
sad teens
Ul Ann DiilCAN There is no case of Blood Poison we can not
w-uvw rviuvu sflt with our SPECIFIC TREATMENT.
Blotches and eruptlone are removed, running sores healed up, poisons
r.ff'sredthwv?mB,,M sSaSssttS a'M -
reals to us the hidden secrets of CYSTITIS, SCROFULA. PROSTA
TITIS and all diseases of ths Kidneys. Bladder and Urinary Tract.
What others guess at we sea and know, and It often happens that we
discover disease in th Kidney in patients who have been th
round of doctors, and who have undergone treatment for every con
ceivable ailment except for th real cause of their trouble. Our DIS
SOLVENT EUMINATINO METHOD rsstores ths health and
strength of these organs, and all complications rapidly d I sapper.
the most Important branch of medical science. OVB SEETnTOD
ask our -pauania.
treat sad care Debility, Look of Tttalltj
taptu and all associate dlssassa of
Vitas If you seaaot eaU. All ssrrssposdansa is i
Sf. Louis
HOURS 9 a m. to 6 p
ns. Evening T to l:tt p. as, Sundays, to 11.
Trains to the East Daily-J
. 'ttssusjs rallasaa staooar sod
Lesee, Artie.
Byeets fs
tasross. ely. s sOasi t:Wss
os oast sonj.
t'eJo Deoo -rliUssai
tons., i
the gut eta Bnotksrtna. y. t
ffehs5S :
tis HoattagVW. dear S:ler T:ISasg
-Wfxs local, for an
nOT.DVrBi a utvub mviatAW
W Aatorla and waj points. cvaa-WM
"? .wanr; Bsrsrasy. io p. er. j
o v sassst ssssaj.
rAanrxLL sivtim totrrs.
IT k. at., or opo orrtT.1 Trsla
Me. 4. dally exeset Sstnrdor Arrteo 4 a sv
dslle sxeent rridsy.
Tletet Office. Third snd Wtsklagtea sts. kfsfci Til.
0. W. STtNOKB. Otty Tlskst tsssl
Wa. MoMUKBAT, Oenorsl Pssssoger Agsat.
Every Day but Sunday Prom
Leaving Taylor Street Dock st 7. A. If.
And Every Night But Sunday Night Prom
t Leaving Astoria 'at 7 P. M.
Steamer Lurline
The Old and Reliable Diamond K Line.
Passengers and Freight for All Landings on the River at
Lowest Rates.
tab to Th Jsarasl.)
Or.. Oot. II. The ffaas
Klamath Tails. 0
new bank building of taw American
Bank and Truet company la about ooan
Btsted. and the bank mil open for bual
nesw next Monday morning at o'clock.
Klamath Folia aow haa three banking
The promoter of th new bank are
Major C. K Worusn. W. T. Shiva and
Fred and Qua Melhase, with Ca
J. W. Siemens. "SStSln, gad B. M.
assistant cashier. The capital
the beak Is IHO.tOg. which wUl
'"ck of
Fook Sang: & Co.
1231 Aldtr St., Portlaod Otti Stract Lyacli, Fssx leawS 1
ggjBggBggB ortpTrT!naa te srf jjyggV Jfm? t!
I JBeltf,,J lssmts 'to??
Cataa Beg it
yeorjsas axprsss xrsias
Loses. Arrtea,
gaa raoilssa
Urn Aseoloa. Bl I
Mew OrCsso sad too eesT S.'glSSS T'.UIssS
pernsf ma oeaassw si
sour exsset
saday wltt h-sln far
Meant Ansel. Sllesrtaa.
BrownsetlU gprtosflold.
S"st WsedSsra wS
t Angsl ssd gUvertaa
OsrvstUs sussssir
porsst Orev
rersst Orovs
Dairy, noenr
S 00 im 1M pe
ogrlgpsj 'lerSS OS)
7 on im 1:1m
ror Dallas sad iatermedlst setsts dsOw- TSM
rorussa is: is
s. n. sad 4.18 p. ok Airtvs
S. IB. SB O . SO p. m,
rsr Uses sad eorg of Osnsgs
soply at City Ticket Office, or
Ttaketo to Baotorn aetata ai
Jinan (Mm. Bonotnla sag A astro Ho.
City Ticket Office corner Third sad Wot
tngtea streets, raess Mots Til.
Olty Ticket Agsat.
Leo re. Arrtea,
8t'n"ul8perA? 'tatahslSw
Ziottta. sdsasjt Si sss.
hs,,g:snssi,Clty. St.' Lasts
sad Sosrassst. Sally t:Ssss 4:tSpst
fjOTtsOojurt Umrted. otacrrta
SFpss. s2d"tks staeffihr': tSSsos T 18 am
ClareMat. Ckehslls. Osa
trelta. Tscetso sag Seattle
xwai fffSmm'K-iSim:
ssT"aosttsssT SSlff""1 11:4S mm W.
4 to sa mm
bbBbbBbI MAssSsm
aw isavs
St. PseL
DBiata oaa on ytstas
Best tta Seattle I St sss TSSi
Te sag frees St. PssL
Bnsasssiga. Dstart
snd atl setsts Bsst
els Ssokss SrtSam SSSi
Oroat Mutt ess BssssssaSg O
gsllls frees Sss tits Bar J.p.a
B. g. BMssssssSo. Bill! is fA
SostrJs obsat Oitst w M tor
tad ratsss parts. rrytsg gasi
rw rfatsls. ' ratss. sorts.
UlS. ess.. S oa OS star ess
BU MCUOsT. O. B. T A..
at.. Veraatad. I
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Ca
aUSBjgsjasil 'osuwftAfl
IsbBbb, grmwarWswHsWsW PlslVwl,
stefflfffs. J
... ... gstosi U.-fg asg
' tt-m. S.S. 1
C. A. ST
S. S. F. A. Kilburn
rtg Oass Sag. Senas sa
Nest samsg tress mrttasd Brtsa. Ossst
uBsg doss ass rrssswra, issia..
CBAA A grgBLg all TB.
tn three