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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1906)
Silks and Dress Goods SES Domestic and Linen Bargai Go clear through to the Second Street Store, and look a article. Set for yourself that (hey are bargains teat y..u want. DANISH CLOTH, in cream bloe, nvy. black, brown; fgu- 2 J,, lar 30c grade i OTTV BROADCLOTH, in the new red ahade that all women want now, at well as other correct colors, at yard LaVrY FANCY SILK one huff lot of it. Silks for every purpose; yery special price for ' Monday, - JA. yard - OTC MIXED " FANCY SUITING. 36 inches wide, and a regular 50c grade; selling Monday for Ar the yard OirC INVISIBLE PLAIDS gray grounds, regular 39c grade, BLACK TAFFETA, warranted not to crack, 36 inches width, reg ular "SI. 50 kind; for Mod- QC day, yard , "OC FLANNELETTES, 200 piece of LINEN TOWELS, site 18.40 inches, with colored borders, superb 20c value Ill WHITE BED SPREADS, regu lar $1 50 grade, selling here AO. Monday at, each 'Ov TABLE LINEN, white satin da mask; regularly 95c the Cflv. yard, for OOv regular 12 Vic goods, sell- O tng Monday at, yard, only .... OC UNBLEACHED MU8LIN, J inches wide, regular 12$cC grade, Monday Ufl BLEACHED SHEBAS. tire 81x 90 inches; extra special, each , 44c WHITE CORNER SALE ENDS EV SIX DAYS Come now, ye bargain seekers! Let nothing keep you away from the last days of this great sale we will close this greatest of all sales in a blaze of bargain glory, and the daily offerings will be such astounding values that it will be actual extravagance for any one to miss this last week. 'Twill be a week crowded and crammed with glorious bargains. -But the most vivid values that well have are the small lots that we don't advertise. Come in and see these for yourself Brilliant bargains greet you on all sides. AND GOLD MERCHANDISE COUPONS WITH EACH FIVE CENTS YOU SPEND Children? Turkish THE VERY NEWEST thing in smart headgear for little folk. We have them in red, white or blue, so vou have a splendid choice. They - swsr a a. Vs are regular (Oc ana i.uu Eades, the price onday will be only 69 and. . . . nu ai .ww 59c THE WHITE CORNER STOCK MIST GO SO HERE IN THE SECOND STREET STORE WE HAVE MADE THESE EXTRA REDUCTIONS, AND IN ADDITION TO THESE MENTIONED HERE, WE HAVE HUNDREDS OF ARTICLES IN LOTS TOO SMALL TO ADVERTISE THAT OO AT ANY PRICE WOMEN'S COATS, the last of an immense assortment, over 300 of them for sale Monday. Nearly all sizes, and they are worth from $8.00 to f1 Cfi $20.00. choice ldV Come for Them Monday. MEN'S SWEATERS, all wool, regular $3.00 'JfJ vals. Sale price 1 east) BOYS' SUITS, for youngsters of $ to 10 years of age. Blouse or coat styles, worth 1 fA from $3.50 to $8. at. . M.dU WOMEN'S HAND BAGS and Purses, regularly 1A. worth to $1, at IUC CORSETS of all kinds, regular values $1 to $8, small sizes, 18 and 20 only, choice J OC BOYB SWEATERS, cotton, regular 75c ones. Sale f, price .3yC MEN'S WHITE SHIRTS, in some well known makes, $1.60 values, but slightly a A soiled, at 4yC BOYS' WAISTS of navy blue flannel, 75c-$l values, MISSES' MUSLIN GOWNS, nicely trimmed and made of a good quality of muslin, WomewV Kid They are in odd sizes, bus there are nearly all colors to be found among them Of course you couldn't buy them for this price if they were regular stock. They are sl.ou values, though. Monday, the pair 4k. ucy 59c Extraordinary Golden Eagle Specials SS SALE MONDAY AND NOW VIEW IN THE WINDOWS For $7.00 For $6.00 I For $5.00 I For $4.00 I For $3.00 I For $2.00 You take your choice of any Coat You take your choice of any You take your choice of any You take your choice of any Silk You take your choice of Women's You take your choice of any Pair of in Window No. 1; Coats worth to Women's Tailored Suit in Window Women's Hat in Window No. 8; Skirt in Window No. 4; worth to Waists in Window No. 8; worth to Shoes in Window No. 8; worth to $80.00 in the lot. No. 8; worth to $25.00 each. worth to $15.00. $10.00 $10.00. $8.00. ON SALE IN 2D ST. ANNEX ON SALE IN 8D 6T. ANNEX ON 8ALE IN ID ST. ANNEX ON SALE IN 8D 8T. ANNEX ON SALE IN 2D ST. ANNEX ON 8ALE IN 8RD 8T. STORE For 5c For 10c For 20c For 30c For 40c For 50c Youtrabu,'.UMn J STSV-W ZZIMZ Ww-jFuss, Any of th fin, fancy Silk, displayed $SZ3rLJZ Collars, any slse or style. dow No. 7. $1.00 the yard. No. 9; worth to $1.00 each. in Window No. 10; worth $1.50 yd. Cnly. ON SALE IN 8D ST. STORE ON SALE IN 3RD ST. STORE ON SALE IN 9D ST. STORE ON SALE IN 8RD ST. STORE ON SALE IN 8RD ST. STORE ON SALE IN 9D ST. STORE These Articles Are on Sale Monday OnlyOur Windows Are All Numbered See Them Shoes in the Third Street Store 4 BOYS' SHOES made of a prime satin calf, just the thing for school wear this sort of weather, strong, sturdy soles and well sewed ; worth $2.00 the pair. Monday price, Sale of Shoelaces Shoe Laces of genuine mohair, come one dozen in the bunch and we have thousands of bunches of them. A tremendous sale for Monday only, dozen LEATHER LACES, that sell regularly for 10c the pair. On sale Monday at, pair, 'J only .wC 5c BUY YOUR GROCERIES HERE MONDAY! We will be ready for you with a full line of Staple Groceries of all sorts. The department will be in the Second Street Store, right by the Yamhill street entrance. The motto of this department will be, "Best Groceries at Lower Prices." Not LOWEST prices, mind you, for that is the claim of many others. We mean LOW ER than those of any of our competitors in this line. READ OP THESE TWO SPECIALS WE GIVE TO ATTRACT YOU TO THE NEW DEPARTMENT MONDAY: Granulated Sugar, 20 Pounds $1.00 A special that all may share in, and surely one that all will want their share of. No more than twenty pounds to one A A person. Special Monday only 80 LBS. eJMeUU Golden Eagle Coffee, 25c Pound A very high grade of Mocha and Java Coffee, that we shall sell regularly at 38c the pound. . One pound only to a cus- 'J g tomer, and they get a regular 35c grade for LtJK Fire Sale of Wadhams & Kerr Stock Hurry, before these goods are all gone, for this bargain is one that can never be repeated. Canned and bottled goods of all sorts, such as Ketchup, Jams, Soups, Pepper Sauce, Worcestershire Sauce and dozens of other goods, not damaged in the least by the fire or water labels spoiled by the soaking they got, that's all. LESS THAN HALF PRICE FOR WHAT REMAINS BUY YOUR SHARE TODAY. Bargains in the Basement 35c SHOE BRUSHES, for Monday only, each. LUNCH BOXES, that were sold in the White Corner for 80c. Selling Monday at, each .' Very special JA 9c CRUMB TRAYS, fancy decorated em- r bossed metal, Japanese ware. Monday. i C DECORATED CRACKER TARS in all col ors and latest designs; worth from $1.00 to $2.25. On sale Monday only at TABLE MATS, of Japanese Palm, 3 styles to choose from, four in a set. Special at 69c styles 19c Send Mall Orders for Anything In This Ad. Pictorial Review Patterns for IQc and 10c j CITY WlU SPEND MORE MONEY Portland Will Have Mors Funds to Dispose) of During the Coming Year. LOTS OF PLACES FOR THE MONEY TO GO Police and Fir Departments Need Additional Appropriation. While Mew Crematory WU1 Bet Up Sur phis in Short Order. With over I1M,M0 more neat, rear thai In 10 at Ita disposal. It la ex pected that the city will mahe several Important - improvements, the need of which ha been aadljr felt for a num ber ef. year. . While all estimate ef the las levy of 1T are tersely guesswork. It le the belief of the cltr official that at leeat fire mllla will be the levy eonaldered aeeeaeary t run the mantel saMy a eat on a, valuation or, rive will tarn Into 6f the annual mayor's budget will eom menoe. By the middle of December the way and tneane committee of the council will begin a number of aeaelone at which the estimates ef the verloue departmental fire, police, health, treet cleaning, etc. will be gone over in de tail. One of the things held absolutely necessary next year la the construction of a new garbage crematory. It la also possible 'that a reduction plant will be put In on the east elde, as weU as a new plant at Gulld'a- lake to take the piece Of the present works. This will mean the expenditure of probably tfO, 000. , It Is probable that before the end of the rear a start will be made towards the second aqueduct from Bull Run This will mean (pending some more money. The fire department must be In creased by the purchase of apparatus. Two and probably more engine houses must be built, afore men will be neo Additional men are needed on the po lice force. The necessity of an emer gency hospital has never been que, tloned. though the money has not been forthcoming. Such an establishment would not require the expenditure of s large sum. As It Is now, a person accidentally injured on the street Is conveyed to the police station by the police patrol wagon, and the delay in getting medical attention of any kind Columbia Discs or Cylinders Outfits $1.00 Down $1.00 Per Week Columbia Phonograph Co. Columbia Building 1 Wuklsftos St ALWAYS RELIA BLE A ettK (rife Within a few weeks the preparation 1 17 L . iiaxaaasxsxe. a I sateaaasassj BBB9BBI KBBBB BBBWBB BBBBBBI la not In harmony with Portlands standing otherwise as a modern city. This year the city received M80.000 from a levy for municipal purposes Of .l rcllls All this will be expended before January 1. SPANISH BARITONE TO SING TOMORROW NIGHT The Sep of the one-part actor and the one-song artist la over, and all-round Intelligence and versatility are now de manded by the cultivated audiences that gather to sit at me feet or a master er hat. In Emllio de Oogorse, who opena the season musically tomorrow night at the Hellig theatre, will be found a rare voice combined with most unusual mus ical intelligence. 'He probably comes a ear swing the Ideal baritone ea any body alive. declared the Boston Globe music man. "rare richness, warmth, sympathy and power, with facility to re spond to every artistic demand, that I what his wonderful singing reveals to me." To cross the continent and quote from a San Freneieeo erttlc who wrote this of When he sang there with "De Oogoraa'a vole is one of the best, all-round hwasrttful be rl tones ever heard la this city. His singing Is sympathetic artiatie to the most Insig nificant not, and he la all Umperement He captured the audience at the outlet with a wonderfully human Interprets Uon of tha prolog-up and received the results from chronlo constipation, which Is quickly cured by Dr. King's New Ufe Pills. They rem ova alt poi sonous germs from the system and in fuse new life and vigor: cure sour stomach, nausea, headache, dlssineea and voile, without griping or die. om- fort Sac. Guaranteed by Bed C Pharmacy. blggeat ovation that ever awakened echoes In the Alhambra." The concert tomorrow night at the Hellig theatre Is under the direction of Lola ateere-wynn Coman, and win begin promptly at 1:10 o'clock. NAUGHTY GIANT POWDER MUSTN'T THROW STONES Br decision rendered by Judge Osn tenbetn to tha circuit court yesterday, the Willamette Stone company Is en Joined -from operating a qusrry In Mar qusm gulch to such a manner a to throw atone on the premises of Wil liam Martsloff. who live about II feet from the quarry, or la any Way render ing his houae unsafe to lire In. MarUloff brought the suit to secure a permanent Injunction to reatraln the company from operating the quarry at all. He alleged that stones weighing from one to two pounds were thrown on hie house by the blasts In the quarry, and that the showers of stones had caused his wife to have nervous prostra- The engineer operating the quarry declared In court that It was possible to operate the quarry and keep the blasts from throwing rock outside the qusrry Itself, and on this showing the Judge rfued to restrain permanently the operation of the quarry. He SoarS the quarry waa a legitimate business as long ea It did not Interfere with Marts loffs home. From the Houston Pest 'Finished your honeymoon yetl" "I don't know. I have never shle to determine the exact meaning; the word hrmoymoow. ell. the), has t do the retr HEAR GOGORZA At the Heilig Monday Night then hear him on the Victor Talking Machine It will be difficult to distin cuish between the original and the reproduction. We have all his records, in cluding his duets with Emms Eames. Sherman Clay & Co. SUCCESSORS TO Allen a (iltletrt-faauatr Ce. PIANOS Morrison sKSxl ,3f.. ifjgjiggAgj - I .... - I Confer Siath and LBXolwell WHOLESALE AND If TAIL CMCEt Big Star of Uttl Pries rOIXOWWO niOXM WILL SATS OS XTZBTBOLXAB. VAl t TOP amiT Lisas h mm get TO" M JBaVXTXXB 1 I0.4toJI a OAjrg sms m as. rta aaox Mei ZEST. ,T.f".,f!sui I pass atsgsstls rises ssrrssls ........Age I Mas ssw Sstesa see estsiss S cress a aaacsweirs snrs on. ss astuas. . 1 Is ss ra a aewawr asaV .4 11 ess laser isMs srrss . ?t'yu.-::::::::.ii (reselsr sset ym a.... w fees, as ass erse:::::::;::: irfat Oms. sat rieste Bias (laser ser m nvataee. l.Da aa SSSM tlesssedsr Tm Pl7-' allsr Ira waller stars n ssm n I BUr'sas!s7 bSTbsi sa' '....'.:.'..;...JsaxsBxl saxaBXeal i I BBBJBS B BVll Vl 'Bl ar . p - r SB V eno mm srae, iea. s - . .BBSs I aVMaMHsM